HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-09-28, Page 3T!17.- 1- 111,- .... ... b ,. . � 11 . 11.1 1_1 � - ; :_ 11 , I - I
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I comes the abode ot contentinent. The Lord's ministry iyn eartti was re- 11AV%AP"0W(D'*,�1&* I ,
plilliow Of the ma,lefactor, Soaked An SUMAY SCHOOL stricted, principally, to the Jews, - - . ~%~%�,� ... ,----,%,--,^ �
THE THREE CROS�ES OF CALVARY blood, becomes like the crimson -UP- . . In order to leave them without ex. "m RTS ;.
, . . . holstery of a king's couch. When the ..." . Ouse, salvation Was offered to them MARKET WO ,
I � I body became stilil And the surgeons INWERNAIVIONAh JX890r4 NO. XIV fl,-Vt. Occasionally He reached out Or- ;
feeltilig the pulse Said one to another, $MPTErRUE1130, 1900. beyond, in order, gradually, to
"He Is dead," the ZaSit mark Of break up the Old exclusiveness, .and
Rev. Dr. Talmage Invites the World to ,Pain had gone from his face. Peace to show that His gospel. was for the I �The-Week
had smoD I thed big forehead. Peace ROVIOW.-Illatt. 16; 21-2G; John 10; 7.11. whole earth. 2, A woman*s request. . 9,
- closed his eyes. peace closed his I It was an humble, earnest, direct, .� I
, Stimmary-Lesson, 1. Tiople: Prayer I I ..-~ 11111 ��� "I'll , � I&
comprehensive request, made in great � I "WO ,. , llv* I
Look to the- Central One and Ups, Now you see why there were altd faLtIf, Place: On tile ses, of Gall- falth and with a spirit Of persever- � I
I � � . . two, transverse pleces on the cross, lee. The IIN,e thouga,rid had just, been ance. It was for another, and thus .Loading Wheat Markets.
; . -adder Into the red; Jesus Ren.t the disciples
Find Salvation. . . for it has become a I V thl) sea towards Caperna a0ros ,8 it brought twp to Christ) Instead Following are tolase closing quotati6aso
I Skies. That dying head is e" um; sient of one. � . . � at Important wbeat centres tO-daY;
. . . whio'h hao under it the pro -1181, the multitude away; went, alone W IV. The Great Confession! "Thou cash. DeQ.
'4 � 1. � 11 . "This day thou shalt be wilth me Pray; between. three and six o'clock -art the Christ." We are to confess New York ... ... ... $000 $0855-8,
Washl 14, In 'the morning he came to tho dis-. Christ before men an "the ground of Milwaukee ... ... ... 081 000
. . ngton RAport.-The jamoo,tog pillow my head upon Its consolations In paxadise." right hand CIP10-3 walking I n thia sea; Peter walks
paintings In th � e picture, galleries of -Jesus the God. I have shofwn you the 0 Salvation, and as the evidence of Sal. St. Louie ...... ... ... 000 0795-8
Munich seem to have suggested the Here from the right hand cross I go cross and the left hand cross; now Olt th'a water; beginEr to sink; calls vation." "Our confession of Him here Toledo ... ... ... ..... 082 0845-8
came to the middle cross. We sitood rot' 11101); Jesus caught Min; rebukes means Identification with Him In Detroit, red ... ...... 0 80 34 0 83 34:
topolo at this discourse, 5v' :cb, Dr. to -the let ' t hand cross. Pass clear to at the one and found it yielded poison; Illim for doubtlug,it Chrls,t Is'-worshippell.. humility and suffering. The Sure Detroit, white ... 0 78 3-J, .
Talmage sends train ,the quainit Bava- the other side. That victim also twists we I atood lift the other and f"nid 11. Topic: The ta-ue broad. Place: Foundation Wriat Is the foun,aation Duluth, No. I
ri-an town, but the theine which In- himself upon the nails to look at the Caplernaum. The millti,tudosr Seek TOT 2 7Z
Spired the painters awakens in the It yielded bitter aloes. Cdme now any of His church. Upon "this Rock" we Northern ... ... ... 0885-8 0 8
center cross, yet not to scoff. It Is to to the 'Iddle cross and Shake down JePus; h* agal.n. heals their Sick; in call ground our falth, fle is able to Duluth, No., I
great prea�cher -thoughts of ,the re- worship. He, too, 'would like to get 49 follow Rim for the "loaves and flshes;"
dempittoin of the human race, which hill hand loose, not to smite, but to apples of love. ,'Uncover your head- 11-0 should labor for ineat, which en- make His promises good and to do- . hard ... ... ... ... ... 0 Sri 5-8
You never saw so tenaer a scene ell duretill. I feat the powers of death and hell. Mitioneapoilh), No. I
w,as -the supreme desIgn ,Of that deliver the sufferer of the middle Cross. 'thds. You have seen faither or V. Christ Praying. Beclusion is Northern ... ... ... 0811-8 0801-8
scene Ot Suffering and death. The He cries to the railer cursing on the 111. Topic: Ca.qting out an unclean needed for true devotion. Jesus and Minneapolis, No. I .
text is Luke xxiii., 33: "There they mother or toonipan-lon.. or child die, slitrit. Place: The borders of Phoe-
other side: "Silence! Between us Is but never, so aff6uting a Scene as nicift. SOrmons on bread of life, and His disciples went into the mount- hard ... ... ... ... 0831-8 !
crucified Mini and tne rn(mlofactOrs, Innocence in agony. We suffer for this. The raftirrg thief looked from Pollution, Just delivered; the people ain to pray. Communion with God Toronto JLvarxriers, Market.
on h the other our crimes. Silence!" Gather round P!ot agalusit him; Jesus nd His dis- will imprint a glory on tile very
on the lett." this left hand cross, 0 Ye people! Be one vmv and Saw only the right side it countenance. Christ Transf ured. Wheat -600 bushels of whfi�e fall
Jus . it outside of Jeru*lem Is a swell of , Christ's face; the penitent thief CWOS go to tln� borders of PhoenIcia; "The veil, that is to Say, lils ig c to 70c;
of ground, toward -%N,b,ldh a crowd are not atrald. Bitter herbs are somo- looked from the other way and saW 11, GOlitile woman beseeches Him to flesill, wheat sold Yle higher at 69
times a tonic for the body, ai�d the the laft side of Ohrist's face. But cast thrr devIl out or lwr daughter; became partly transparent for a two loads of spring %.0 to 1%c high"
ascending, for It is the day of execu- bitter aloes that grow on, this tree bo -day, in the full blaze of gospel IT('611S Zo�p-:JeS tilli,t it is not proper moment, and revealed a gleam of er at GSY,c to 69%c, and two loads
tion. What a ,mighty assel.rp1blage! Shall give strength and life to thy soul. light, you see 01irlsIt's full fa)ce. It to give tile childrea's breaol to dogs; Deity, like a sunbeam through a of goose steady tit 67c. d a t K.
Some for curiosity to hear what the Sllk'? asks for tli�! crumbs; "for th1q, say. rift izu & clouded sky. So could He al, Barley -2,500 bushels so]
ritalefactors will say and to gee how This left hand cross Is a repenting was a suffering cross; If the wes,P- . 19" the olovIl was cast out -her re- ways have walked among men ; and higher at 44%c to 47c.
they will act. The three persons to cross. Ire Says- "I am a. guilty wretch. Ons of torture had go�e only t1hroligh "
I deserve this. There Is no need of my the Patty portions of the body, th, quest grant2d. this brief flash shows, us His contlin- Oatim-1,200 bushels sold unchanged
be executed are already there. 'L IV. '1'(.)I.L,: The Christ. Place: Caesa.- ual, voluntary liumillatilon. at 29%w to 30c for new.
Three crosses W, a roiw---aa up- cursing. That will not stop the pain. torture would not have been SO r0a, PhUlippl. Jesus asked His discl- VI. Christ's Kingdom. Illustrated Rye -300 bushels sold steady at,
right piece and ,two transverse pieces, There Is no need of blaspheming great, but they wenit thrOulgh ,the Pl`�4; wit;) in g sak.1 lie. was; Some said by a little child in the midst. 'The 5Z��- to 53%c.
ch t,he Christ, for he has done me iio 'wrong. hands and feet -and temples, the most 1101111 tll:� Baptist, and others Elijah, entrance is by conversion -a thor- Hay arid Straw-Fiftnen loads Of
one on the top, on whi the And yet I cannot die so, The tortures sen-slitive portions. it wa's not only n l ou It and radical change of heart Ilay toold steady at .1413 to $11, and
hands are nailed, and one sit Side, WW)la olo yull H. pornplietis. .9 .
in Bat. of my body are undone by the tortures dhe 4pear tha,t went Into his ay I a in') Plutar answers, and ldfe. Promotion i1ppends Upon the init, load of straw at $11,
iniddle, on which the v4cd thousand Tlw Christ, Jesus blessea Peter; mail
Thi-ee tree$ Jusit planted. yet hearing of my soul. The past fs x scene of but the sins of the rae&--a humility or the subpe.t. V-1irlst's eare Wheat -900 bn4hels F.,old as fOl-
fruit-the one at the right bearing mlsdoing, the present a crucifixion, spears -plunge axfter pitinge, deeper had not rev�mled kt, but the pather for His IlLtlp orbis. Angeli who dwell lorrw: Whip%. 500 bu,;hels at 70 1,2'c;
poison, and the one at 1,he left bitter the future am everlasting undoing. and deeper, until the * allence and had the foundation rock; gates of in the Inialedlate presence of ontl re�'.. 1-100 busliek ,it 70v to 70 I-200,;
alOes, -the one In the middle apples Come back, thou biding midday Sun! composure thoit before cil,jLractetilsed iia(l.,H H11,01 not lor:�vlill against It.-, tile guard them. Tilt, one who causm goo -we, 200 buOielH tit 60e.
of love. Norway pine and tropical Kiss my cheek 'with one bright ray of him gave way to 9. groan, through k(lyN of tit- khtgdom of heaven given; them to Stumble allall. be sev4.r(-1,v Barley -2,500 buthels ould at 46C
orange and Lebanon ,cediar would not comfort. What. no help from above- which rumbled the sorrowts of time Cl�risVs de-ith; 114 -ter rebuk" him; punished. Christ ilpinandt; separatitsti toi 48 I -23v.
make so strange a grove as this no help from beneath? Then I must and the woes of eternity. Human gft li��.4ilnd in(%; saving and losing tile from cherished b -ins. The hand, foot, 0.1tF,700 talsh(,Js sold at 29c to
hate had done its wors lift'. % eye, refer to tilt,, p!ea.,q,*.ng s',ll, the 21) I -22e.
orchard of <!alvary. Stand and give turn to my companion in sorrow, the ,t, and 'hell V. Top*c: Chrlit revealing Ills; glory. idol we love. It must bo rpia-lulleed. Ilyi200 bu-114-14 .904I at 531-12c.
had burled its .9barpewt jairelin, and 1) 0
a look at the three crosses. One on the middle cross. I have lav(-. -NIount llornion. Peter, -James VII. Peter's quetition. Tlw rabW.s llay_13 10,01-4 s�.31tt at $11 to $13
Just �Iook at the cross on the rlgrnt- heard that He knows how to help a devl,ls -had vented their hottest rage
when, with every nerve Of (his alid John P) with J VsU4 into tit" mount taught the PeOV'4- i..�y4er to forglvp lv�r ton.
Xts victim dies scoMn.-. 'More 0-wful, man when he Is In trouble. T have torture and evel I to pray 'ill app, mr>re than tlirtq- t' iki. Poter was ! t Is-. rho'e. p,!r ewt. $1 81 to 45 OG
"a ,-y fibre Of . . .ks Jk�ous prays M� Is trails. L ek:llarket.
than his p'hyslml angiAsh Is his scorn heard that He can cure the Wounded. I dy In I 1`19111-od: Ilo-e-4 ,in I 10J, -ar; coll- a littIv nearer th gt^pol illf'a whell ,
,his heart dn excruciation, he cried " , "
and haitred of him an the mtddle I have heard that He can pardon the ; %t,nii, regartElig IIN delvirt,um from lie asked If iii� oi4m:d fifsrg.-v,� until Ittle, liti'.4�, perctvt. , 4 1-15 to 1 W
Nly God, my God, why 11"et thou , th,, worlil. tit - dlcllilf�q, though islevpy. seven t1m,ps. Nirit;t'is numvk,r. Tim- ".v"r, , 4 12,1, to 4 Z
turns halt out, ". 1--r-.1 ` iII,.4e.tiv. per v%yt.:
cross. This wretched man sinner. Surely in all His wanderings v.,1.11.nt 161; tic. ligid. per eNvt .... 3 I -IJ to 333
tile forsaken me"" It was a vicarilous In- now fully awaliu,; th!-y see Jesui,; %-ruetli,,�d)irlt of the g,o,p�4 it; titth-Itly Ltvid, al; 1A lofahlwr�; awl
around on the spikes to hills at up and down the earth He never saw suffered ,%,, tll-. two,�ia�41 Ill tll,.Il. �lo , ,k
one in the middle. it the scoffer one more In need of T-Ils -forgiveness. cross. The light hand cross I & ry . ( I T&T intro: when .14.4ill,.; SaYs. "I'lit . I 4.P;,*raer-. annI .. ... ... 4.15 to a X-4 i
could got one hand loose and be were Blessed. One, I turn to Thee. NVIlt, for Itself, The left nand cross for It- . in to a vloud -. li,ar a. ,, olt-o � J t�_*-,ui vom- seventy tlmi-s ss-ven." Thi -re �s t4o Ise llljlelit'r� . Mill'. 11.�1.4'4 ... ... 4 a5 to I 7"
within reach, he would smite tile self, but ,tile middle cross for you. InpIttIpAl'. alont. w*t.lt je.%us. wo, lhuA to our forgiiing. Our Phif., llulelavr-�'cwtiv, it-lod-, -T ... 131 to -150
Thou turn for the moment mway from '"Then a king was dying a Young VI. ToWe: Iluallility. I'lavo: Cap -r- Illivitrated. We liav,� th - parahle of ligit,��lit-r.,'iti-,IB;i*.tt.t,�ini-�I 3 'Nt � to 410
middle sufferer In the face. He hates . I Iiifv,-hvr- voinown. ps�r e%vl.... 3 127 to 3 W
thy own pangs to pity me! Lord. It - i
him with a, perfect ,hatred. I think mian -erled, "Pour my blood into his lilluni. Th,� tilwilole.4 lisk a q%iPst,iq?n; t1w kinjust sparvalit. I lhvelp-r,s, Ive"Wi."o . .
be wishes he were down on the Is not to have my hands relieved or veins Thwt he -ale not." The veins .14 ql.s iizj-pi it rhIld in thi-Ir niiiist -. on- VIII. A ll:�1.41 11-:111. lkd6-_,;:'aoi. wabi t F"I'der'. -h"r*-%v;v . I... 1. I 11 31.5 to 413
mY feet taken from the torture -1 can or the young man were taPlit'd and txalleo %to th- Itingiloal Is lky votiver- Mimi %vith �Itunu. Tit— wt--ifl a,* full I I i"" '-t"-tD,l'r- ........... .... 3 ZI) to 335
ground that be might spa,ar litia. 1.10 4 Siiqr,4er- I " "'. 4 Z3 to 310
envies the medh-anies who with their can, stand all this -but, ob, ray SIAS. tbe blood transferred, sq ',*lilit the l4on ', tit - Itunthl, st is tho greatt,it. to thom- iswrall.� Ufinl. They havo o.ves. 31100:�4.4w..t.a,.It.'."".".'��. ... 35 ni to w tiol
my s.Ins, my sins! They Pierce rue I- man died. rtwi,iw t-hrist;t; littlo- olles Is to rpilelvik but tho) iwi- wist. IL d twu4��n. Tiat, D ufdv4. 1wr liv,A , - - � _ - ., � 3 kl$) to 14 OJ
nalls have nailed h -lin fast. Amid king ][veil, but tile your. * .01 to 3 75
-in through and through. They tell me 0hrist 1mv the raee perishing. lie inn,. tit. l -it., ctr vansing ono. or nis kywijivs h-4.111 to, lo. 'tit ,1*.1r;.�,,�ll,:h,.,.I -144"t�.0i:44Vt 4-1.VVw,Jt,T0%Vt S
11 "
tj l t I
the settling darkness and louder tb* Uttlo. 401t6-4 to totunlide. I titi. ls!,1141114-wi lr�lllg � ri. 11,00fl.,U. _ .111. 1-11.1. . .3 to 30
1 must die forever. They will push cried, *-Pour my blood In W� their I I i, I A` -id '' I rl 2 ".1. to 3.*
poor me Oil V11. Ti.14t- . (31T 4111w 0) to 350
the crash of the rocks hmr allill per oth, -re. hmm, itartwi0sir sa.. I �*,il,,�,,,'t",:,,""",,-Lk-,r-'. I'a. lg� ., . . .. 'I .'v I
11 "a
Out lohrise word.%: "Ah, YOU t Into tilt, darkness unless Thou vpIns th,,It they dle not." 'MY hand phwi-: (suporna; ,Ill. llotpr nhk,,s If has 1%. 1. Tho purall'o, ,,;trL,M1.% �It�-a!z- llotjg.�� Is gwii.. 2,01r WLVF� � 111. 6. to OW
mpos. will help niP. I confess it all. Hpar is free now because C.,Ihrlst*s was� .: 0 V.11- 5�o 14) 6 0)
wretch! I kne,%V You ,were Ali I 111rdt ftorgri%e t,i-ven zinwN. �1 Ivirallh-, Ing thl.s ii. it-ol it liartilo!*-. hPit in vri- I It' ct--ltt'"" t,4'- "" :
,tended to be a 90d. the cry of the dying thief: 'Lordw vl- crushed; imy brow 12 p*.1tnlQt3 nov., be- I lt.,;�. 5visr" V4,V Q Wt � , 1 3 11� I to to Vo
-iiins with 14�6 wr%ants. one prtflwrl,� a it a llt-;�.w.y. 1-1. T)w et.,t4t r.,,% 110.�,wrcofvd . '... � 1 'D .:rj to 0 to
itorl You pre % lviig rowl. � :
a d yet you let tht..Se legis,kno mast(�.r member me when Thou corriest Into m1use (.71krlseB �vus torn, My -soul fowill t n tholl-und Vkh-lite): rtmi, 0ir, wtmn.%. Tha- fa.'N* Injohotft an -i � 1-;� 4% .1 �, � . _1 , 4 '�'o t4) 0 tw.)
-11 Thy st was bound; lititnti Q tio I *- m)ltj . Ish-ads for uu� - rorruill, , , -1,1,1, � , I I , ;I fo� ta 41 V,6
,vou!,, It was: in some sach. hate IcIngdom.1 11 eseapes beetatt 0hrist's for ine rev : Islailerii wor,,- i-tranj:vr,N ;� � - I .
that 'Voltalre In Ills dMth bl)Ur. be- Likewise must we repent. You say, I gain beaven because 011rist N fooriti%on ; thN wmant, will not for- htri-hitgs who wero r ldwv�t 1.11 � Iwo- t! ,roroutos Frult INTarkot.
e2usek be thought be s36w Vhrlst In 4*1 have stolen. nothlng�" I reply, "We endured the horrars of hell. j;rl,- lai-� filltow-,wrvatkt.. lit dislivereil to lj!i, anot nl1v*w*n tho w oil t-1 oatrh �:'
. .
got up ,on his plb' aW have all been guilty of the intghtlest TO ,this middle cross lookl thait 0111. JqJrntj.nt0rSL IVp tulist, fevrr Ilwill. :-.. 4.Oor��% t�.§. " .D., 6' Of .
Ills badrooill, ,ive friml atul iwatter W,� k10 rrt�q .%, t Ito nvirtiolt. Fs -
I .* %N'�*, t,jl ilool. 1. �� 1, ,304,te� . Aqn.j .�-, ..I.t .Ar vt�,, t,�!&a%, wkkri*
. .
an;1 �vrlea out, 110rush that wretPb 4 * fillony of the universo. for we have rob- your souls MaY 11vt* I showed YOU oil - itra Vt. 10,;vyr. ('hnst i�z th
vitat had tho miadloi, en)ss deone to bed God -robbed Him of our time, rob- the rigbt hand er,"s In order t1hat VIll. ll1i,olo!e: Plo-aing lalinNI e.ve-4 ChruA tilt- 060"ol ',."..',-t%,)F��.Pol� 110. tv�,_%%-ft, , tark:-r .PoA 4t 0.� 4�d I 6.or. Tlo-ro wilv;
arjuso uu tills right hand eviss'? bell Him of our talents, robbed min or you nlight sep wha,t an a%vful thing Placs-,-, Jorimllplll. Jusus Saw a hfind vikll'4. h-ad.4. 4. krv% T�or, r,.%,,,,_, la E4 Iqr .. � � 4 �, ,4',.z, *�T.,u, t�§- �41 016"T'L4.1. hat
lip enmitv Of the na- our servires." Suppose you send a mail it is to be linbAleVing. 1', sli,-)wcd titan - Jo-siw Ps th a light, tot tilt, WOrld; tior IC4 ,Awrib. I' -t-I 4.1 V., r'. falrlq, wolis Q.10�;ar+,,41 447A..
Nothing. 011. t als1y#cut,4w '1144tv, 11c,ir-l'.
11hako'N vlav tot L'Islule. nutollit's Ilm X, i. Thv .- %I *0 �, % '. ,. The 81'4k� U. V, . �0��, %%'& 4',
tural heart alvitlint. lt'llli%tw Tiv, out as an agent of your Ilral. and every You. tile! Wit hatod ii,rons that YOU . if
wor;d likea a siontImental lrh�st ar a hionth you pity lilln Ills salary, and at miglit see whttt It Is 0 repont. Now I I-111114 "Y(kit Vollintilietto tit- nrin tso 1gi %4-%-li%v uor�- ilo`r�.,�N 1-,V-,rVl1!Ao,,r�.ii lif:, t * ��411-1 1. 7 10�t,!-,�'.s t. ol�jrr,�' .-'I act
(1hrlvt. We. a Cbrlsl. the ond of ten Years Volt find out that I sn&W you the ailddle cross that YOU t" 891tNtIn 41111 ivm�,h; h- olvvs'. v4olnisi .ht, ils ivoit� maU, u- 'A If t.,Aol 446.45-t it, �, ,-,_ - ;'%*n.tt�, '. 1�u: �01 �!'t�� J� r U.18-
, I *� I 41010�t, 4. 1-4 t 0 -_ 14, 144-r Af,��;wl *.
Iihilanthropit he has beou s_�rvthg anothisr firm, but lillght Isee What 0%r�dt has daloe t4o,.4*�I. hl�jqillg.. atighb,ors uri- stirrif4,. I r,*.,o + on .1 wn, -, "a4s,L-4*,4DtR1'*.% I* 0�,4�4., � I - I
�k 11111 still t' -duns � io Pz1%l,?4 alto its, Tito or voinorvA ,,,a uiwa� *9141.% iaovp 4 , 1 �+�Z' � �, q D, - a, ." ;, -.- ll,ar.�� 1. �,',� � � ti, 0 $11;
Willi romes to �sltateh men away from �, � i4 - ,
illmr lgills-z,way with blus! Or hIS taking your Salary, would You not at savo your taul. Poets Ila" "Ung, Rd '3- .. r,� �o - t�,*. -,. " '.,� 7, tq?. 01",D.N � ;vI.
14411fittill ll'o hoahogtt� N Calton tit tO.I.-�i*4,*%�jirt!t Bo,.,tq, it_'In h'l' 1.1�4- &A"t'i V-,, A - I
I - I . . _�,.A P,
rightlicknilt'rolpto-ddy I se"Ityptifled onee coniflanall him as dishonest? God pr,alsp. s,�Utplors wive A'Al"Ilfi4ed to ' of I,xv.qk. �] rlllv�v.h th., Lor -in -1 V41 zla f4!*iq4*oo4 ot, _-
llhartsflv'.�� Jcaiavi ,�- ns,qol%sA 1V �� : ,,-,". ., "o ,��y ""'ia ,'I O";v W�,.,s S.
n"I i! �0) I ,e
Iten say: sont us Into this world to serve Him. * ng tio Kkillbacb. �1 0 1 4 warn 11f,wo wovo t� J t -0 thu-'M �� - IV '*'A
the unb0lef of the world. . _-somillelianrate ;t In ntarb'o, naar'lFf-3 it 1.11� Pq , 1,) - r, 0 L, '.* 1 *. . illn,
- , - , 'O -
4 0 I I I- �,f, � t ,� 8 �,,� 09", %,i� 1".., .*'Alfto�4.
� , ".., �,� - C " ,
- -
*11):1ek with Ili= from tho licard I tit, hat; glvq;n uq %vag(-s lilt the time h.�.tve clutag lij it an, the .11re. ,Ad ' IX, ToOs'.t- Tho - t - .110 I tlou* NIf" 11 thOr 'LV -C 4C` -3 Tii'i�ll* JT� N"*1 f6t`Wt- ' . . n'� ii I _-* V, Lv*
.il Olvir liedN 1� .94, 11v)� IqC.,l i";aq, , " �, �_ -
will not W", thim take :11Y SIM 11 he Ylot how inany of us have been serv- vimmians .U!ng tiulquy a k%1l!roiW**I. Pille'.,-. Jrt'��,,A tal, 114e%t li � . L f�.? �,O,i, ".,-d 4�� 41"�� , A ��. 0 01 .1 .i't'. -
* *. lut him Me f0r hlmQ#lf- ll�d 1114 atiiotll:�r Illaster! N"'hon a niall havo It,a.utid ,,thelr hoafla a9di-1114t It. . -.#z ,, ., ji�,V"4`. ,,, .1 1. , T t,4 01 q . ,,, �,,Ifalv! ;
*M,a die tho llt*)r nall thv I.., Y t S!noJ$Jfli�J",J 11.� I %t.(��,. O"WtrP.% s.fl� A,,,.Jii�t:f!� n ;jc.,j�!p " r" � , ".. I t , " I - ,.�e, I t-
.9 AY �111 yt3w, Lh. "s t4ti. - . . � � �, L I' -
_ 1'�, _�'lf) :"s L'J� 4 - "I . _"�I"'l I j
Tbero zllalrvtl� tho Nievio � tO,� % hu,�,� � I . I �_ A � -. 0,_v *% v -o'. lliou U�1;4 �4 -
Am me." haq always lopeft a Is convieled of tronson, h�% Is brought TM hour Ill 1, �,ft q !,,`� " 4to, ,O 4- � - -
. , i. .. �,';', -1, -, 0 1 - ., w� C, At t a .�-, p o�v ?!� a ,,, `�,�l 1 ; �, 1h, "�#_ 514nl"4.
sell this right hand eMs out, a regiment surrolftodS him, and bruce It %vith an 0#491%9Y Of ��11,9--�*IIPL to%V Wool, its%- fr,ffloo �:"",,.Iwr�,� tkl:�.Iy o XLTILI tv,d� - -1 � V 1,.� � . -. I., 4'. "-,"i
,. , ,, . 4,
"4, � if�. if 6, r,'a�t 1� 't.,nl� �,�,�, 1i if'�.�,' " " .2 4 , ,
wftr bititult , � 11, -I � �_' _ L- * _� ,
.4 !s"'ilp", O"011 .�, ja'-�Jj �,*)4Y Y 6�,.*", � - , 'c' % � ,,, ," J�. 1.� - , '8*
stlita the Iniddle ern", IM, VeAtere-ver th(t o�vinlmand is given: "i'mention. Com- 1.41Y hald of that �:lwtsl. ltv Y'haag kl00%v lq*4. It hp via",. , Nit Nt r�il . L -
. . -� " �*% � ._"a&�T % - 1.")1, � U:- - . - Y -
tbe", ig an unb#litvinq h4�art therc, pany* Take aloul Piro" And the c,14e Witt fall you. NyMa"aii a s�,Z�1009 Gli't..? 0,10 to t1jf. Nh j us ii� �! U11'49.,' all.11 P,0). 1!-!_ if;40 t ,4* 41 o";V* to, � I I I � . -
the fight 911" ,old. Oh, tf when 1AM man falls with a hundred bulltbts grip "to tha" ,*ou I -esh. PZA %ar gaft. for ttCt. 1402pqo' 1� V,J)'jt,�. ��" U 1. _..7� llov,s. �).,�%-_.o!, 'p � ,: ". ,��',
'1.�_ 'Jr� , ;,1',J,, 1'��:,,aLtor' e - , t - X� 17;, V, - , " , L " 'T, dl'�.
. U . - JU .7 .
't-.0"". V, ,aT. � i f,,'v'tJO*,)W � 1* tl,,� , k,-ijo- �1 � "9 - ,. ;i ,�.. ,.
ffillefaet-lor '06thquieI the fag'h- thr6ugh hhg heart. There eonits a time hand on tbat and Yon, av V'41fe XL Tolole : Uh r .V, * I � a �.. t ".., " 'a ,o 9 a -te, C4� 0010�,-� A ,, ; � ri� , ,�L_ , , - � � '� .�4
dying - 1, -, , T1. twr� �� ��T. 1"'Iniz, I-, ��na t,* "" ,� , �, . L4 q, '7, 9,� o.-, �09�
J VtWsbot. tb��ft On a uiau'ig hUsitory tvh,�H thq L."l,rd t'alls 4 1�._ �r �,�, 4 " -, _,14 k'* -
loggnowvk of MIA" IM4 oh, that I might enmavo E'., your laftw MI 114. king 1�*D�n� I gro v. 9 M, , am. 11, �';., .-v i; N , , ,� ! , - Y
� , L ,,t .-,'� 1114,-7' t4 4 �1- �14 ,��i. 1�,,*-Ltlt�
.4 IVA4 1 -
vtm trte whi'RI Y9,11 �gon would up tile tmos of His Iniquities. and at nou0s IniMac eabty the thtc u, �, 1�1-`3 , 1h I 4'r AD � "� lo. %pu 0� pt. "I , J 1� 4�- ii i'UO-P, to,o* tu� - IYII�st; � 44,�,�i,d�-,;:�'",? i�jT ,U -
m, , � � " , ,, .', I , , .
h!&Ve Ojifakil,igod and bloasoMed Wttlll Uf6 Ged's vanionand they pour lnm lam a so that If In Ycar Walking to- 11Mt-, I I I-, 41�1 11! 11, .! wnt fsVft1],v !,tt."', .0164 tv,wl. 1: goo t1, og.- 2, T!'L MV, 4 T �`"11 11'�"'� ��7)1`11
fbt flAl t'h,- Woortd! eviiw-vtte�A Volley of tortut4s. you U-121 not hv@a. thton in ,yotuii, 11, anois 'Whithop tt � lli=�a of tv"C�'M 1V:,nU'- � Ci's if (50 trr,V,I rrO441%,.s,;, 'A';i L,,�411'Ii U.�dw 11- 'L, ] 17q!5tC-;Uin tkras7�jf ("t..'04,0q.
' " Ilarvc�,I& To" .*,nto�iw�lq :, r 9T.Ut, �4LX 01111,5z-�,!-, '%'o � rvnCtsf M�tit Llw& You C'" -� � L.-_, ,,�,�:__, ,,,- E t- V", L� V��,,Iv,�,t Y'r,"In,
1,66k up ltotq tbW, dlt,' .Utft,'F1 e6un- -fou tay, -I don't fet], rdy&--If to lls�_ at night You MaY S;�-e 0H thw, ILI. �,��i�r4 , .0 . .. -L, � ,1� � 'M 1".'L.:�A - -
bmir ralta see wha, a, vinnee.11 That thtly bz�, Walk a'ovitig of Jer"Siatem, theb th"-"� SfD1,t,,4a- _--',he _. I I - - -
to_ftftnt4L' olf tht 14aftL to P�-doir for Oaturtow z t t!��,�-1, I!,- ,� X 01- .% untwt,�� .14,� �, .- v�,�ifa�;; .a�n L"s.11 , .
, 4,,i, ,U!4 1 t .., [� , 'il � B,;#. . , .. f" ,nl VhA
.� ii�.!_L? " i�t ,� 11'�"�Q,, _W.;�
_ I ,-"* LIJ "I", � -
tL grawft nong it N bil "Ie -,,t C"54�, by tEe CB99-d. Sold you tit'a Sunlight and right hand eltopg ghottong urab- 1� dy- 1ft&,,n,rX AVq4%0,-T; kn�N "D , ask ttuakt p � "' " ,-,'1o,�e!qV,rFr1 #�,4. 9-n t '1'-V. 7, % " Y � , . N�'L,t�,'� "�7��"", JL�j .J_ t
.3 . .... .. �,V,Y 10.1�v - . _�- � �,,q 1 � ,
. th,etd 9ft -that SmAral r;ae�-, lift t1hat flowettg at the inouth Of 'k�,i f"ave. but Ing without eatit"; the left stat N -t volrZ Itti: - havtm-Z ho,ah ar7�if 1 rt-.-JrnVVV �WL-I,Ktez It'. � �,;,7111. t'��* tv"..��t` . it, Ml L", �" 0 �, � - � � L) %,, �� 1, i- , 1; E ,,, k �4 "I Q,., I
s tnv f,tls - -Z,11% '� Rt�Lii. tl;rotio ,,t tly,4 V�, !�:, !! � An �,;�I",. I J- , , _ " It *'f Los
'�� �_ twftgeog z th" r(A .n wbtua , . M'a'lv�' " . . 7 V U _ L� t L�'� !' -'.-t ' t . �_ i *�"')'!!!" 'if
\,� �Iflze q .� �� � � 4- , , -jg �
eral 1�qok� lift I take ot tvwth niftil go In. and batfore You Ing what it ft � 111!12,� , _
V ill,%, unbloimisgt4 dtllth to &,� patalon- ` hoaloltn :, Vo.,!1. P[r wpr 41.,_.,1PL� ", , %, "kl, ,!,�_ . ,jt,10,11, 1�1 A� V- 'r 1,� E, � t'v � wcoj
, � s�',M, 1�', ldl '*-, '' - - � - .- . , L"e. �rj-
1haur, the or the siftntit-14 de- lta,ve ione Tar you -tee 1hp flashtng eye thO ekMtN111 CrOl!tg 105UT� ull,"Ift V *,�,,04,zl�jp,�,Vl " , '��, *, ,�J.,..L,�-4 �!, . N6 N"�*� �,., �, '. t,,v - 6, " V � I-] �, ,if . � V 1 -it K'�%,,,ttLj r- ,-"z.
atingg , XI. Totive - %Vul,�vs Is I'Ay 11 . i ,� r,w,.-4 _� 1 �, � �,,_ _ , -
3& -.Un. Whit a Pluto Into dark- ,of ll wIg,,1 beast Or bc-oftr thts higg jf a the gunburft of hsaven A9 It 8_1,_v� - EW VJ,J,r,,t.. I " . . - N U al 1. "J" � 1 - -1: all,v o' 'V, ato I'. * .,* �!, . , -
0 .4 - n 1a,Qft-.,x. A L!L4,.Vj1 ,r quif_11. �; - I � 'I �q -.,-- U �� f"- N_�, ", q, -,tzatnt��, 1,1,,,-,��L.0_
, _ , 1� - , g"4,- , :
fift8l staxaIrm wh Uvok tho t" ,qet'rtnt. so the litatt 1�toffls In theauh� aug these, woundg I Ivl,�ad fOr IhY ' 371- Jil,�vjl�q; u-L1q,, isq!nDU I Al, tvv ,U!!�I# ��14;�u,i,-.;�i4f�l-t't'�Z,4",.,�-�1�,,,,�v.t,--��it . , Pq "
' ' ' . . . - -1 :_4- _ 41Q, ,tQ '� J Z. 1�,,.,J,n� ,�� , I s:
bu the too Of the ht"I. sol nat a"I th,� light Or %V1jrIJllftej�.. nut as I -.vav(- . Lrl, _ ' _6�',
� tho I have loved the,* -&��91 An ew,�,*'Izl�`IYT 0. r .,,: 15fl.,�v .T,,�, "rot V; 1� 11 .. -1 .
, 'tag At.;. � I - _�t �'J'� � L., -J `_,.'�' !__�',""Y.:q %1�'�'!�_- at T ' '
�u ,g Od"on -t,,, ��L't.,' : ".� - "." 4-�t'o.�2. - � _. � - c .
- ,q, . 1�'.J, �."t �Ifj,Z'* It, _
� - .
wdrt,a hbay Io5k dt MM. 1110 VAYA' t6rch of 0041a wilth and gri, &,%rn ifitt, love. Itivers qr.a-nnol trjwmeh ot� I' "I-,4 VOV's, t1fir! ilmoll thy lr,.4-�iamos�r. .In�_4*.-on 1 _____.____ ,, "
I ,,�._ �� �, �.',>�.v,��, Lldl*��,.iarL
wfl,ere I goo oat 61.1 A mftet,abte Ute, Into the d,!,rt) roLvertl of thr, 11batt, alM3, for Cannot drown fl.- And wlifle, �� -'', �,o% 1p(itilts Iti'm -� Wory L4 I* o.g zq.OUP*Vr - limnr- � , - if,.,� -r�,�,,. ,��, s; !A.�,.§ p,-* 1'. - vi f4
' I
& *r0telock! elel,fl ., . I rade ,., :i.- of nble; l"An arn'l,mg th',0k4. a, gin -t -A I ,f if lv� .. :.,� ai�f-tiw � .* of!* --6Ai1'Z'9."�-'.4
tho -; a !4-IVn_-V t- talo if " V , tit 11 N, 901 ;010IN ` , ,,,�, - n, �
ny" one, Two, the b;,4§J!ft:j horro" alid the ILAttVing the righL haftil 1�'r 41§ * I
left!414 of f,au - lgh ,*. I .Itif: 11 ?�l Ass HIS I U I - I 11I . CL sv�-
Thtdel L-gsdefflo to the _g.,! llw.f�- YOU ever taotict�d the % �, fthd ttgeft the left wol to - ..:,-iit', an'l a TA--. - pacri ls�, � . li)-L-�,_�-.�. .as v,_n1'Tn1-): `:tst Z,V4�r*j
tU_ , ,,r, - *OuV,i,o,6Q.%o,;*1:-gf.JI%Vzr if ____ �,. -,,t..,, -i,- -, _�7��1�3 �,, ,,4 �. 'j%-`;, EL�;;t
,e_ __ .A- eille,4 for th glo'la . W _4. l-, etc ,* . . -
_&% It, 1,,a Age§! ga 11olibe§. dS5U9 ,�Vmztx of 41aft passage of serip � . aild nothing %VJIl lt"�tnajn bat a!,,
� yemrs 5n t 1�1 I --: Z� Z. 1 .�- -�-!�
tot, he had 11) to lo!ftli? Tile S-Aniiafibwrl� ?;4v, --a::-' 6v` -_ 1 yx,�'-T,�, rw� 1.7�,j -
*1 ttible" 0 '11he heatt Is dt"ee-Itfull.11 That ,,sesims dle crost, and ewqv that lit -y,�"Uar ".1, ,-!,.,A - - ,� " , . .S;Z, "aa
. - - 1-;T,-yj-
for 01 �'A!d: ' likie-tv's". .- w � an's Firs' I .".!.�d""I. *I 4_' T' f�"V ". :`_` bt 'L" ai;"A
WL-smte .C,rnity. W e:, t e I , 00%rh. nut the pa8v�q�! gocia on and will br-glti to ellang,- uht5u I,,,-. b", ,,-,,ea � Man led Brak ,m Aid
asitet, of all the V"Wria, I woum � , ,� T q �, 1� , Xll. Triole- ('ove',,wzs1vP- iT'- I' zt .. JIJJU`Vi�� % _.-4. �',' ��
m 0 SILY'.1, -The ho.art 99 4ecekful above ail a throfte. Aud 'the woorn rwn 0, .2., av 14 -1. ' .
live one day 1')4bg-�f'- n't-MI. op., 14 % - eoo',Qpalv:� n'�k�- I -L---.n; , "r
9+9%re It all W th9ug'e", Will you not &,ty t1fi1t it w1ul bv�voftle radiant With gDady.-, X� �!!iid I . �:, ---,.,-,-�q:'�r lx,vu, ..�,! ln:.."i 1L"v,-VV%,%f, \1 Es
- . . � I Knowledge UsefuL lt� -a Nfl ,L,4%0,!O,�
over mob, at !1he � ,� .-,f ,� �v,l� 7,��,,r,�l A q,,` "s
121r rtane,g ,Newpoft, hovoirlfig V,ftough? Hut t"le vasseg-1 goes Oft fut- itgteld Of Ih,- mad" to 4livM0 fhlu�rvt;W!4,;-� .9k, r: L4 retc�- �� - `� -11 -
.� 4 .- - 1�1 - - � . '. � - ".- W�n ,�- _Y,,�!,'�. 1V �� 11 tiq 9:_,r#.&,.Ar,1�-
, -
the, br�fik, tyllea out, "Wi1@1011i tk0. I ther alod za�a. -The hPart is deceillul tho e-rogsivvill lli�! A %V0,91i5elut mu*� - -1 Is" irat,ro" tIV-11V apa"U��', eo--�o -%,r-m.,.ZrS I - 1" �" �
q w:,Jq: P..,:.- �i I . . I
- EVL4,.e it jaaralv",e: .,.v rev, . s SOUND UP SEVERED LEG, . � �� ,V 4 ;LQ`,J �. F t.,:4 *5. -v� '"litzZ ,�i-a.T'4 r�-vap
, � .',�3 , .
wit. i7lo!"'McNe S111all. I 5y fi�6ffi 01-- abave all thmgg nfftd degpl�tately wlek- kw -i -lin , And you and I witil 14', �-� -., -. � vt� 9 is 141ilw hafs,mt -. !_-ts at -.- lvarn-1 rn.lo D �. , � . 0.2, , � ,� ,� ,1 �t iJu FV 1,
V ..( %. Y. h'. ;..'� t. __�".), J;r 1'� ; I I ,',�; -i.
It b&,olffte Of rnial*, V -d * IV T�e 00"M S -e the true cohillitioll t h C. to!. burit; all addrp,-; t,v ,",�? s"-, k 11.):�t JarvB�� . � 1.I-.*,rp"(0l Apple Marh,ef.
b�ftw,j What W1 L, V400 . , ,
I were to lie ava , Y - in s f, -
()b. tl1a4, te d aFthe unpaitd,ine4 bafare God. tvilat ]But, no; tviat wIll flat wait f'lr �p 1�1'� a vi�wtko - W. ff�'JM - �V�.%t:L�,I_Akl., l0lu-&-, #.4.�.I,,Z-�' ""-`�� . I ,, -,�'!, . �_� %%-�% 7:,e - 9',") . f',* 1.`NiT'A5sf'.01.
. . T114r.1 rqwi . ��irvl tar V , -0 &
tl:A-, nevet- Is olumlebel 4 thlusa" wringing fst the hands there lvotild b0! dteard. In this out most avms-�g �-,-�,oa Ma -0-b- wo-111VA : .no otna" -at; W-4 m�--,!,; -: kme;ii'�'elg�� oT wr'...0 .'s* T. �- - ,�a_,- uO -_ , � � _ , .
. . � Z7� ,�. , - 'I
43.16111 - ��'! , . ,�. L"; �-?� ,* ..., lra-
Ive'tt§ to purzftse tile favor or What a tbousatiod vokittl .slfflek of sni*_ we throw down at the roat oT itc-a- n-ald- 1,� , , 'J tgv"":�, k_- �. � .,.w �v
. - &*'� anxtkrisi a7t�r#10, t-�n'.iparaD fim-r,r�o- :; ,,.--4i�je �3 rk�:;O.I�T_�tjg RL t .t� ,
&ftA to be rclzoncltell tO btrn AgILInt plic-atioft Afid deApalr! flut YOU are a Itt-cro�gg,-41n,si)ttot,r,lgte.d-a',It--,,�cy-11 v " A.�,fe��. WL'Ol.ain't L. �.q�.�,, u rl�I'k -,,,7__ 01,,-F-._1 �.. r.--.,- � rz :.'t. �_7t_1,V,FL:_,�'1U-1n_,z,*
"r.. U , ,.: 4�u
[IQ 01" � 11 , - - Lo-�aabln�z ol. ,f , 4!a iEe N -.&w Y4*,-�L -r,:� :�t.�,_,l ): t�. l, ,-, ;! .-"4 6 . ti, 1 , �
t5b. e�,erray! oh. etr-tuny! W Sinner, a sinner. 1 Speak not to the Ming- We are slavf-.�;, ('hri� --iV :Is-- VT i t. vo"','tle . TBq Q � ; *"' .. ,i U1. _T: ,I � ,,, � " n.- - - I ,.,! B ft ? %,qvv:�C.� & V0.1
4*,s�,,4ver Me easrais Of etornttv? Whe ip,-�Aon who sita nomt --yott, but to rou, llvczaace loo th-� calottve- V:- ,N*e Pla,!,e - in Illeftzt. 1-4 !qi%'L'.1 V%' '__'�_'�'J_'. ' la..'r.,T'�,q " p:#'�'!'orj'�' .�4 - :-. I � - ... �O� `,-� -1 11,1,�% F�4 ,,T� 72 ,��T
J&3*_1 pa-tiphira-se Lltete Wards, ,Yor, you ar,, a Siftiner. All the ttans�tte��tionv 015rstr. 01A5t is the tiver sil �*�_1,1 _,L�!,4a u VA 1: Alt t "I 11 -at r"- U CC - -to , ".-I 0 1 y - a tin O 11 #:a��, C.:R. -n L) � it J -of - .; � � 1 ` '�, 1 t "SY" _ e - "", tz. � J.. 1-1 . I,- 1 � 'D ; .:4�t�j. I
" , 11. ��,74.Z�J_,,',,,!",�,-t4�,� 'ff " -. 1 1'.,4Uv,-,,.ot�
e of a lifetllw- kavo benn igather,ea lip 111to to 3lake ioul� Ihlftt� - :q"-? ,;,� Vi'l,r*4 W4 ! qls�,)"v:.te I 0. Z, 0. 1�� �-. ��J_ t__ - 01%4 I �vajn � � _ r.. A. a��. I
vpt. iatal forevt,rll 11 wo I,, nrIn'XITY". lmpaitlruj� for tivs, 9--!a , t, - 1, 1. _. . -,'� 1, ,p, , ,�" ..I...",-
, .. , wid It ft ..L,�. -%-Ll' lf�,z "., . �41't' ! R- ,e, V,.--�, - :�z,-,),,4.T.o :' ,-_1., �,� � ,�4,�'J 1, �`� - .�, It,
Wrlotft r1gli. h�nnqd ctot1#1t, 171th 11Z 10�14 in avWmLnch@. At any mom,�fit It Inty 1esus; 9AYS, "I a!" the bri�aol aT :T�. eii.tvantq , ,r 'r � - I V, �11 r - .'i .� ! ,:_1 �' n '. .,� T,�l 4 a-,-�*
� � � -4p "" -" I . - Q �t "is
_1* -V ri�, . -,. .! 1 *, - - , . _� ., _. - '.. �, _'_'�, :', 1�,� S, a. 4
l Sign fraw the eliffs onna ertish you for- We am f,otld,r,ffi5,A to dEe: ('b,-" ��:-izivl fwmtet fltow the V,,t-t�7.,;:�. 512r.." 7v�'U_ ".,P%lip tz:: 1 var. �� . I �-.! %s:. � -.1, �,-, ,; - t _�
b�gvin. overshadows P-11 1 -he eA ., - - - ; - �7 j.�. - ., I 1.-.". --n.3 t, --4 1.7. E�V,1,_* , -1, " -� J,4z.o, *,;�S.
- t" IP V.'d ;oi J_, - d' OZ�'.,�4�'!�."_*5 . ' _ - ,-J �
Ig prantc-d 5n trie heart off the tQc*e. ev�,'n .May ,,Ilip 'L;vrd Almithts" by hisf " ."Save drat mart frow go3n_ d;�V��r,_, -ri' t'Ue l'oltle tj�j ,% tI4es*'rr. .�7'1"'�11�-_41.L- V."�.en . _1
i:i"It ..:, . ,, 'I, ' t"�,!5 t7,4 "Z!, _-_., . � --, � -'- , .'!I , '- ., �� � . � z�, Z:�7,rpj,ts, ztzp�-
. - 4 , V i:pa .., tovin'. w q , .,�`'. ,'�' *� ,; � , ,,'. VIJ ��
%Vheq *he time co .6 ' . IPM. pvlv 't Etihtil. - . J�'� ,kl.74�'
_ . nill . we wher; ^.105 grace, help us to f6flehi of Our zins *11V ,; l0t; I arm kl-.-- rawmana:' We Arl, " -cs�d k," I ,W, I 'V�l -'. 'i .. , .,� - - - I - .- at , 'I , ,_ _e "., X. � :7� �,, �s �'�� ,L,,,-.. li,�,j'� - _` 11'm":s
. . ,W.,Irj .I.q ,,p_,�t,,t�l I I 4r, �r ',--I vp,q�-','_� 4,�! .J;., � ,.:- , �� -
. I v, ... - 1- - ,,,, �,-_-J -
. wMi RA I r4 sn;i 4 , - -:,- - : L, ,,, :� ,; " ,Zl� � � .W:..,z , -�,nd
*PUT -Bt of Gol shall. VX- h,w rep�-ntalwe is pr'sSible. . on tb!� sea of troub!e; Jil,Lvs e, nnj-i; Ov* " ;,;.�-- ,ii- ;� Y .;� � .
'� .. V'Ve I on,; nota drnak%ni �*.rv4lnt J,,zs'.� zj%l�w- tj.,- .zn'_-;'%. � "t ,�6
down t1lat e-ght hand ct6sS until I*. Tigs left hanil e-.osaa wa! a believ- 91,Ikaying. "It 19 1; be nat. afamt, 4 , '.': �v,- f,L rv�._,Sal�,
. - � i,y . '_-�Z; zll..". ;
� q st ltilve;4. i I1.,P4I1:_,1 toz ol� q-p��,�kk,v�. 11*_',,r - 1. � . . '
@11_1*,�J fall $Lt the foot of that raltiXe inginresz. Tht�ri-�� Vvaz no gueaswotk in W,e in datkiaegs. �Tea;L,g asotsz. -"I �e-,�*, tr'u ;1 PI1._1CTW.M,; '-l"'VFY-ft � ,,--�_e.l� -,.Ut:1 'Lft 11-� ov? , . B;�"-q� _ii. ,� ��' Iit -1. "'�' I'l .Jr�f'.�, , �': 'n!ii1;r
- -1 � 11 I _�_. I i ,,
,lit tAM - wage- " - al-` �z�,!k; I ,� , - Ty, .�-, , . , - -,.:!;, L
let A. � ,,, , sa�rl,z, I
Itra,", and unbeli n. tilal. Vtayet, no "Irl ift that suppika- bright and nnerning sl.Mr. We . '. q,N_1V,*d1 :1 n- -
factor Q'f Y*fte worM. -hall peeNh ftorn tjon.Th,f lq1t Ihalhd "Os." .'lung ltsc-lf at Jesus: is the I bilial Of (AVI"livul." ,�V�- 'An, � 1�,gR)11 I.. .y4,�-,,:,;s`f�u:1--, -�..YJU�.�al tTft- . ,.`,�;,_�l llk�' 4�! fw,-,-��-. -_�., - 4 , ,i-. - � -,
. , , . ,.!R t;j;.Vl 1 `,m...n �!& tr-%. It.lik � �4 - i,.'�!:X, k, -:t -f 4" �� 14�- -,'_-_-.'1 -�-._! %,---, -tt,,�� z�.,,� �% q,,�..11
cong-, werp 64,:n,g . Q - n." - �0", -
Away ftoirn lr!�, tholl the foot o��, the midilIfy cross, expecting dead; hear tht� sbrouds r,n . " .� .. m:-', --� TEg�n too ar-
I our heartz? n I i-4-,, 71'ae I b7t, rhev � , , , tl;,.,�', I ,i,j
ar ijjj� 1*- i,�if�ae an � ni4k Min a ktmr. 14.7-1'_,�;44�r fnim #V I. � tr� - '!.,'.,, * " � 1. . - -
- �
; -&I 1 hal,- 1.hee! W101 merey. Vaith Is only just Opening the grave Mllock.5 heave as hi, e2l�s, *1 �Ina - , 1� . _%* �:'"-Vj 4 In" ' � "-!Z' T.'�.-.yl �"� 4 �� -
I g,m r i t of unbelie I Th -2 &:��+&-z; sf",-��,-plv lf-,S�tel. It W-vus 11 `f-:,� 1�v,. !�.,; * "n I— T� ,"�,.- , , �_ � , _*' .-. �_�-y W�", T.v wAta
. . U. r . � , 's*t� "t:,p " V,
75 sword of God I thrust thee 'baek hand to ,Wke what Christ orfers us. The tla�, reamrection. ard tb,- life; h-- ttlmt �� - th, eatst ; ih;lt -wI:"ig4.-; 17" - L��V� lom. __��?Q.�. . "', �,, , Z
th. I ' .q,t1,r_:)t t1rFir w;::�Iw.s t 1, 1�v�' - ,' " - - lo, .,"�v .1" szan_ , 1,ravIsfeeel's on I'rade.
�, � -'-'td - a g , wtiir,�s t'111,61"r1- , ,,�'UJW- '. ti., Wlk,: 7
ee through. Down to wn,-k ig all done. the bridge is built belfL�vp_th �n rae, thout4v N- V1,,%r, �-', -.�J��t ttyofl to i. -tart to I I - iv: X�,
'An(I thrust th � 110
. wonster oo� strong enough for lug all to tvalk over. yet ishAll �e live.- Nve .,,-,�lnt 5%;St."lea- ; .1 , ww!� 1.'no. t
bell. down, niOS1 accursed , num zx..d lealve .14k. -m- lVAt:,L,1, Ix . a
at t!,#,T-. L, Vit",*, The rr.4�re sip,IF >nolt,'i� ant.ml.,n 1,- , .
tion, "HeIng Jz;stifled ty fit_n - - tl-+ ir broaaht ;n, nnru,,nvas ,Z�Vrttng
-he earth. and talk to those thou hast Tap not at the door of God's mercy � , ,ri- 11.1tvp .Vastek ('Oninizinst-1 attill thily 01Y,Pye,J� I In i;_,; wv*k,�-* W.a.1 11 iar�::: rod lmu,!- :
L , .�#.I� 11
with the ,.IV of your fingers, but As a peace with Ciod through Gur Lonl Jestis I oaliv to ni-t a hentl wr,'l � 1,ois. 1 14�,, r� 1, i, 1, -
" . .. �z _A0 btflP4 was -
gaready damned! Talk no longer to � - aud ;I - ,�.r.4 to t"', Xantrz�.t� w I -.L o'. 11 7�a i 0
� � 1,r1k 4�!" .1 2.!1 ru". nt, an ? h - 1(�-,��,, I
these heirs of, Warr ed - t t�-�O.s ii,�iiii. i-hri,Vs, itnnM-64.0-11 for ' t"o W4 - "L (' . __ � t ",+� t�its weok. Thtp� gr,oz,ery ttadln
these Sons cf God, I ior with garuntlete fists beats at Christ.— We wan* -to j,xv:,,�;%e 'Itg . ,2.1 , .� - ,;." , . rat,
nr, %Vjt� _, 'y � . � ti, � a. � k
Lt � *
lj�l'to _tr4y,)l �
_ � VO,
thecastle gate. So with all the Arous- farth. 1133t-lieve in the, Lnr,l P5118 thera.-Je.int; wats toialll . �t.,.L,�� . I is a lftt'r ra�lrp nvt�v�,. lfnrk�vv�D"
heaven. T., 11 It -,7 ,.,t-jjt�2 tlj,�� WO -11 t4 1 t.; , � � "o N, tw_Rt�-' th�, h-vn,��_-,�, nn't4 A .
:f thou be, the _<,Oil of ,(:O&" ,Wdg ed enet-gies 'of Our Vm!s lat us Pound Christ, and thou shen 17r- sav I uyg riatlu,r, wtv � 1 '(4 .
-C - yq qi,a --t. !%Iory pn�7a&t�� �revp r-MIJ
iltere any "If" about it? Tell me� at the gate of heaven. That gate is at , I
,,,I jq n � a z - �Ing m I 4. 41 m - go '.. :Iat tbw th., til�f"Z'Ta . . .... DN�
want to get from under C - .,, .on, � tho day -. but 11f: 1�faw 111"�-" `ItruZ2�" - ' '" � hl�xh .-nd Imm.
. � , 'e,
thou 5,,ar, that in robe of light Old locked. You go to It with a bunch at "There is now, therefore, no e)n,- �_nnft_ I tume!"T,E:3, and lie left Ills ll!ae-of"�roaN - t".t."k.4. I - V..,,,; b,,J,N,w zj.q, � Thfro waci 'ec� nir.tivlr-,�v En wh.�.
" Irr 0 - _ . -ItUt � trmla etr�,'We.i ;n -,Nir�vnitqv tzolo
keys. You try P�Ilosophy� 'That will tion to them who are In Christ �..Qu,:: " nd Won,. to the"r .1--�..,zt,tuee. 4--, As tbF 1h`T=
I M, . .' t ' 611f,
'Part,4 4) ,
i.un ta pain, out his birtli place. Tell not open It. A large door ,generally has The rrost, He carried ft. Th,F-: fia --.5 Of il Tlie;r revereir,e for Chrlet-Thc6n gill 4 : ` loa-It tt f IT',`, a to i t!4: _-1 P-- I wf+k. Tb,� .,-")rt�"
Ine, thou sea, tIlAt didst Put thy ha'ng :mpre�k4w". , fi.a- thi* rzxt fa%A.1v!.1.-1 vram. Th*.,� . g zca,'t. �u�-, lu�oll
a ponderous key. 1 take the cross And Hell; H -n Th,� sha-lke;,, the bolt were wo &Ppl- , . . 'A_ , .1 ivviniz is,nmtiu lunpronement. Ik,v�
over thy 1! when he tmde thee be still. . e surrered -.hp, . ��.Z- liu,t Tre.-ot No'. si, P.." S:C.: ... IM.' � I , "
1p x- .1 � I
place the foot of It in the lock. a.nd by He endurod it. The c wn- Ili, it, - -with tbi, manffe.A.-Itit ,...4 <;e Ills divr I- � � .;� � a�.t��Vllzy ti expz-etel 'atc-r. '..11 tile
ro - ',V -In, I -v blaz".n.x sti--kS ltf� �Jt�r.jv',Nl tlh�,* -
I � . .;� ��v A�-
'Tell me, Ye dead w1lo got UP' tai'See him the *.vVbF arms Of the crost I turn the Heights of heavera Sang, It.' an� war:,19 94 ity %bat tll,!�Y f011 -1t III` f*"t -"4 wi l�
,Ale. Tell me, thou sun in .,midheaven, Gnible vroksll'pperi�, Ft1,tIn*1 -Of a ,lt,'.s,nClX* of V. 14. Dtir�pptt, t.1, _ -Tj.-,Iq � rvirrith. Vnkios co,nt�Taw firtn.
.. ,
, or light to worldg of ll�qjl, � . ,. , of 'I
, all r,)lnld the 1 .
who for him -didst pull ,down over thy ,,,,t us go -' oil." I Dlmye'z sjl��&, to thc, f nx - req�i;y large lots d1nontze
10,0k, and the door Opens. . r1p Orivr-r, . ,,4,il ir;ii
_ tl,util th()ji art ths� I -On Of 1i �
This; left hant', t1ross w" a pardon- heavens try: "Olotyy Glory!" Mi rattl to "t $t,np. f 411N. beinp: foree'i o'll tile ii-n-IT11-elts
, ji� ,"itz - Alfth 1 wh4l, bl`01110lt ' I - t
face thy veil of darkness. 'Tell me, ye ed cross. The crosses were only two forth and gather the t-tophiea for � .,ig tit,, mt,at that perl. I I I'loney ls'sts�tl,iy. -
,lepers who were cleansed, ye -dead Nyho If -The -neolge were fs�110wlll_' ciir-,Nt I Mvlo:n Was plat-ol 1�a tih, cab�._oiz-, I -1 I -
he the ;86n Ot God? or three yards apart. It did hot Jesus, I Who tike'lit'K.ill tholil�;Ave..4 tile forill'; ! %vto-t- Cn.,Zsuly, tit�, ftn.1lit,tar, mti&�, . PM;111PR; 4'4`t I-L'bl"'M thiP P -1.,4t woel
were ra'.Sed. is take long for Christ to hear. 'Christ ; tl*,P*., n�,,,elvP1 Tllo4o � 11111, -q COMfOrt-111110 as VM',�'.J)lf� lint!! l� ha -,4 lic-en Iftir. T'.le-pp h, uiort� in
li rot. tilp lwna,flt� I ' ip
, 111ni'se'. i Oi�r III, "
Aye aye, responds the universe. The might have turned away and Said: 1 Plitt Known to 0.6 C ;1r te��- I t�.'e tritin r�aeliel llat-,,rsoa, where his l� quirte.s frnm tit*, rpta" ris in tb�
ffl r 4 ornt wit -IT it View to tilt g w.,m anipe,atol. H,:, may live. I eolultry. Joblipr-4 are buq,v fillin- or
o,Wers breathe it; the stars chime it; -'How darest thou Speak to me? I '0 L, ),tt,rment ra tiler tll'tn. out of I le
celebrate It, the angels . One of tit-- greatest ClimeRe -1hz00v`- .� i0l dors, �ftn,l tll(- ouzkxA, lor, faii I
iffie redeemed am the Lord of heaven and earth. I I eff�,s was a, kind of iron ty,-,- whicl; love to chr-L-A. ali�] H14 truth -11,0 Stilliv � I . b .. Is, I
tiss on their thrones to announce it. have seen your violence. When you magnet. Then degradbav tile sT.4ritlial life f4yr spifiAl I Preparing for Forietgenetes. ! nv-sz- 1q brialit. I
. It in is 0 d - &ttracto iton-the 1,0 . rade at'N'Vinnlp�,g, linq bnen quit-
_knd ye on that m' erable, malefactuez, struck down that an I tb , ark and,�. ,gn�jl rieryons hav,P W') VK18011 ' I -Very well,- concluded thin Indy of� T
.,If,, how many shall be wrecked for ness, -I saw YOU. -ran ,ate getting a they found that a bar of M11911:410 ;he'eonfliltmive Of ,_-ood People. th, llousii:�, "I will ,engage you." , this wceu -, tho Jobbe-Sf filla tl,4. i!(
Iton selt free alwayrs points to ther extwet I � , -,
ItYl "If" 'Die J'AtIlpr ILI Itws, by 11's yva, nittlaw", said, A, �;p.�iy cha--n- 1 mand for apnkvral g�,x�ols very ,%:"-)J
All, eterm ' That little hat just ieward. . In,darkness-die for- nerl� com- ,'�lj wJ101n tile r, . � ;I �
enough venom in its sting to cause the ever." But Jesus said n at nottb. That Lq ti�o marl goirit (v. 44) are given to Cllfu4t, - 1,a,rmaid, "and I think I'd better tell I Tile milliniery 011milli'" itt wjn�,11 I
I . .
*_ I pass, without which trilfvel at Wa 1 -R.1 ��t�ll, ina'am, that I've g It sotett - Pat SuCe -. The iavO
'TO "if" about it. I rather "This day thou shalt be with , �
death Of the Soul. ,xg lvarklris*d thent, And I ,ot . . dyi, were a _r PSI
y would bs? almos�b impossible. Th,,,.v w,1ref for 110 11, . ,
, I s -,
know It. Ecce Deus! I feel it thorough- rAo, in 'ViartidiSe " at much as to, say: 11.1 tllf� ft.tst pgop - and [ling eoullilittetl to 11im, I)e"111 t1lat I'm vory fond of." lilt -11 11;'01*
, le to, tig canals so wilil Map 'not I t lit vtttth� is largii'. _4 -,'-,,,'
(Ittv hp-onilng searep. Large 111111111prs I
ly-throUgh every Muscle Of tlae body,j e 'Worry. I Will fird, & theapat way -of carrvft goocla but At the 1�)Ot . ' will -rtiisie thorn Oh, tb.IVS all right." I
I not only bear my cross, but help you I thall. evell. out, tallwayff. in building xij� to irlitibit 111,A_n.41f_,*ft!§ wJAC-11 lie " Y,\q, raalapi. 9), if YOU tlat(m your, boXs are it�iw -us.�,,l In *.%Ianjt,0b,,t b
I all hims-elf bnq prepared. - i
And through 6v�kY ft'culty Of my Iniftd, tryin' too ki-io mii, you'll know'g packers. Paynip,lts am ,,�.o%v _zn
111:119band. � ,
and through every ,energy of in'y soul. with yours.." they asicove,tl�d the greatest ,Of .�-PhlladApbla Press� credit:i -ire being closfmy !jerwe,flIz
L h it; ( be- � III. 1. In heethen bordets. 'Out it ain't MY doln's. � I .0,
, i'ving'. I Will Preac lylilff, 1 will Vorthwith the left 'h4tid ,cross imvevbions-tbt� arch. t . I
. � �
._.-1-_--___._ ......
... 11.-.1..-__ .... � ..... - .... ___. ... �..." ... 111.1 .... I., .... I ...... � ........... I . .-I-1--l. .... .. . ........ .... ......... ... - I ... .. _._ ....... ��,-,..,.-..,."��"..--"�,,�",Z.��,,� .......... .... I ..... .�_ . . ....... ---.".11 "I 11.11-_', ___... ____ . . .. . ....... � ...... � . ......... ___ - _ . e 1i