HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-09-28, Page 2/44.444.44...".• GREAT REPUTATION las Been Achieved By Dr, WiI Dams' Pink Pills. 10••••••11./..4 /AY) ot Only In Canada, But in Every Civ- ilized Country Throughout the 'World -Merit Alone Has Clive/aerials Medicine Its Great Prominence Over Competitors Everywhere. The reputatioa achieved by Dr. Pilleams' Pink Pills, not ooly in Can - ea, "Out throughout the world, rests ;poll a very wad basis, which may e summed up io two weeds -sterling tterit. The Enterprise has had owe, doe to investigate a, nenaber of cux-es efected by this medicine, and knows ,hat Le oome Instances at lealet t,hese lures were wrought after other meill- enes had failed even to give relief. lecently another euro came under ear eotice that cannot 1e.11 to in- mease the popularity of Dr. Williams' ?ink Pills in the locality in which t occurred, and as we can vouch or the facts it may well bring hope o sufferers elsewhere. Mr. Walter H. Sohnsee. is one of :he best knoivn. residents of the gorthera section of Queen's county. Fie re.eides La the town of Caledonia, where he keeps a hotel, and also rune a eiage that carries passengers 5.nd mail betvreeu, that town and Lie- grpool, dist/wee of some 30 miles. Johneon, was in Bridgewater re- cently, on which occasion he gave s. xeporter of title paper the follow- ing facts: About three years ago lie livas taken very 111. He heel the best of medical atthndance, but made very little progress toward recovery, and the doctor tolde lean there was very little hope that he would be able to return to les former work. The trou- ble appeared to have located itself in his kideevs and for eight weeks or more he was corifineil to bed. fle enef- fered greatly from constant Pains In the baek, hs appetite became im- patee. and hie corietitutiou generally appeared to be sbattered. At ties lenctietee he decided to try Dr. We - Barra° Pink Pale and get a half dozen 1/07:.0% In the COMM of a erende Weelte he noeleeci an imereeenuerat his eondition. aerl he ;cantina:el tie; too ofthe peel until he had taiont tome ten or twelve boree, when he eat Only feet that leo Pure was Com. te. but alsa felt that to, all rie 49- les tetietb WaF better than it been for yeere. -etre tint tint* balf bet/it Mint...n=193 driving; tee evil between Colterteree nee! lever - and hare net had tee ergitteet ern elf the trentle, noenerheatee g that he lege to Nee- at tenet vere nolement weather. thlt mien? w4 •"qt1 on a return tLe tr-,a140. hav/ his nvctent hecti, r4 otr.-zofrly for. Jfl&lanalimit It thro,!4,1,% the rim gar WIltlatr.44 Pitt% Path trte. Weedt1 pnre ae4,4,1 whq-kleAserze eancot vent. 'tette rennet whe Pr, Weleetne° Peet r..ht• ,//14;414 ft 411y forms of tt:at tt‘r (.4"Eltsotly trtort 1,444 Ite,.`a 1K '1, t V4/4i14 `11:3<il 14-1Z1tr91111 4.t: tt'tt ntb!e4 fttItor 444 not ontr t1141 t.-.Fir.apteno; f tto trmatol.i. that 1,•,-,4ttr441,:te.4 11,44! tro.11100 NUM'S DEFENDERS, At One Time Mistaken for Workhouse Boys, THE VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT. The army of act insular people must inevitebly consist of two parts, the one destined to fight the elation's bet- ties Abroad and the other charged with the defence of the homeland. By far the harder task fells to the lot of those who must stay behind. It is coin- pasatively easy in the btorm of battle, with the blood, heated by lust of slaughter, coursing like liquid fire through the veins, to perform deeds of derring-do. It Is herd to sit at home. Year after year toiling through the earns drudgery of drills, the same rout- ine of "regimental camps" and "marching columns," and with but a very remote prospect of ever being ac- tually called out to fight. The volun- teers can point to no bullet-reldied standards, nor Is a Waterloo or an Inkerma,n blazoned in their records. It has not been their part to storm a seemingly impregn.able position occu- pied by the enemy, and by gallant con- duct in the field to etern for them- 3elleS undying fame, at least not in England, But men who can doggedle pursue the even tenor of their Ivey, though at one tine?, little appreciated, have already given proof of a pluck and determination far in advance of anything they will be called upon to 1;xhibit on the battlefield. After the eranevaal war, and the splendid ser- vice renlered during that campaign by the 1 axiom; volunteer regiments, we ghee probably hear less of elie ineont- petenee and inefficiency of our citizen eediers• Moet experts ccuseler that In the voluneeers we have the finest, fighting material in the world. it wily requiree proper train•ng. The eevere tests whielt 3 mart 15 iron. requirel to under- eo eueeessfully b•fore b -inn- passed as **Alleles at,- w it h 1 he Intr. e bietem of MG* Ervr i1e1t4'iat. for ereat- ate a tilento reeerie, will do mewl. to; Ineeoeve the ratite of the volunteer./ 40; 4Ir Veal ene of , Tit», filet gr at vollue 4.1" 111,11)Ve- : 1't t 11 ltP1W...11 17111. ;Mt! leen. N.:Irreeh.l",. at tipa time ^a -as • ito e-rir Leaf Faroe vote aflame it; 'etre ;the, and tie» bare men- ' •11 ea et ..je.w.-;r" wasaffii•nt toter- , ;etre 're e tit r Peewits: etaild incehe eteet sieenceeien. liLro. r t fr Brittin Itri. toreet ;ea e. ei to arm/. 4 letpled vile ID Vic • / '44 ,r0t14 41, Geese; te-eittlriNailkepte . iett. et. tee 1 WI it, ;t r lettee fm= 1 tate hoe heel, 0, • 01.1.- 1111 4fl4lgti4, allanneiltr.ttor. 91 41r111111114,, nate. , from 4.7.:,04 01.1,4311004 it0 Tito N4tr • 444 *town t,•*, rho 1111041= t of 44 • watal st %111.igo,;4. pro= 4. 4* 11111: 1 ii/4/4 tort% 10.4, A.L.raghtf..ring. PAtaq?0-.a. V11'11 14 1,44134 14,4 eitmar fall Mt*/ ,„4 4.0, • 4,3 ti- 4144400*. 14,41 414 ail • Et 4,4, liga taa 11141114 14,II.14 Itipt, t'•A. 4tii,„.• tea imai.1441. Itt4, oer &IV"' ' 11 1l•a.4144.4 41t .e, 4 et. 14i.tee 4.1111,01141,4,, .01 1 tllo, .01 0 "."artim, F.• 141 di 1" It A:PC ,trmr.172 4 ,,40 eee 441 I -fee t: tf.i.S4 1100 r- 1r1r. 1Nr.t.z4NtrIt 0 1140..c.11. 11,44014 Pwrit v41' eV* 14 nt,* tirm, =rent 4,•411r 1,1 frolite•V VeGtor h.114'Sl rht nrrAtP44-In. 44-111tet4.444.4- an. t, tt44J ot,(4R4 ta,th 41o1ito111%., fee; tirM11 A-44•1•13 rat tie iz t,/;;. • ta .011 ,tro -.. „If 4,, Doi •09•" 001 ete'ol'fil"•wre.,4440 lt,44ty 4 ti‘4,/414Ac:.4!ii 14,i44114.4 lump. tor. .Wr't:1110%+' 1k111/i, teeieete,1 111.4- efeeteit 1.1%14 te p&toV1'1 ro:t erne; Lk....et,feella 4,1 IL. le•tbA, olverc brat. .004, 11 14;131 _ 0•..! u 1'04, .1 o , • •1. COLL fix VINO 4,51:NAtige e-eneeeele • .%'d Ai 51' "ttio,.• ..• Et*? ,A,•••1'.6 .1 1 trty Dangerous t Ovvorcitlutl 11,-,:".",`:34 ,1111.,gto.,t4 t .4•4,4• 411PA.,•41•4: 1414 ,• +Quirts. Stead54 11. -and. W.44 1,444.,14•4.". I 1,a t1141t:.44 4:44 44.2-44.• •41,-4,i1.1 1,4 ,4 '',:4•44 14 44'44'44 1444444c.-4it-i.1 otm1f49 .4)"414411 01.44 44 a 3;,g sq- L; t" WILAIIDEDISON'S FOOLSON -nN14•44 L' tv_t47.2.4.r.4 .44.1 ,..444,4-44421,4f, fig wee; e.. .• z..stPL.1.*.• .ata.r.1 70111,•,!'13.,..4--12, " , a!•. g trw, P -Vo ...ZL 61,1 ••:„-1,•..) 11',1•Tc!e•'..i '244• 0, 1 ,.-th•-:•,,...11.6.•P IT Lee, -6:p.„v1,:,. Icy rYt-- t 114.1 Cr,r11" fo.5z. rt.e4. to,• 4...44.: 7. 7:4-44 11:1$ U1. -41t-' 7w. r Has Run Through a Fortune With a Chorus Girl, NOW HE CAN'T, BE FOUND. New York Reppirt. -.Thomas A. mega jun., to be given. 19, to referee. ele whie took unto W.0 one flaxen halcred Marie Tuehey from the coy chores of the Casetue, :spent wpm her hes patrimouy awl the pro- ceeds of the sate of his =Me and his father's, and was Melly left by her BD 1venatiless in Lake Gourge he W1LS compelled to walk ;hack to New York, being sought by Us father, wieo wishes- elm to accehe pt trole of the returned poodigal. There es one obstacle the waif. Young Edison cannot be found. For RIX weeks old haunts have not known him, far full tnat long he has negotiated no loans upon the even - ere of the Rialto. tee proceeds of whieli to be wed ea pepping; a cork and cutting a bled, The brother of the mieseng youte does not think he has gone covey wirth Marie Tuoliey. lie is frank euough to say Themes, jun., would probably do sa ehe would have him. However, he certaio she woluld not, money and hie preepects of af- flume beleg apparently gone. He tlenks lee brother is scene - where in the porlieuti or eleethattan, thoroughly aehamed of himself atel afraid to ehow 'face. "But 111 Tom wIfil only came to me at the Hotel Relanee en east Flirty - ninth. street, or at 482 Central Park weet, we'll fet. eta he can. hold up lee head again " de/eared he, yester- day. "1 tli:ttik. wet, if he hears of father's plum eeau bse hle e absolutee per.neees and must be leading a p re en re ete exitit telt*e. "leather has never loet faith in deeelte his erratic; eareet, and non waute to give 111111 the teeiortte tete braee no 11101 be; a man. If Ids dissipation and his reeent pri- vateet Aare Impaireil hie mind di' ins L4../a3cit. he Wel wend him to a Rani - :arena buiel him up. After that father will start him in any levelness will Lenrene, either here or In the Weet." Thentne eitterte" otmoeed tile ant rreiete 1I'4403 to Marie 'enoliee. Moe the deed, he tatutovineed for *Its- etienitatee. and N411''4to ree(lee hl ,itangliteretelaw. Young Eilleon ne. l'4a1•4441 41 101141. At that •tilele tie g41174, 1141"OleN0 Of being au eleetrteal ozer,:w 1)111 father. had patent. 4•..ev14.ra trAen.14,1 aleol.les. for title PM" t1"411 tlw Nab; 1*' ethereal power, 8114 111141 Irrovoi rewari ettoteelt therefteen *4 make him Peet 1,11, initrene; eyee ott tirx ear4satal par,e. lie had RSA Odd 4,1 the hank ;le reeteltitel from theete bet Neon the etenter fneentor wee 4•*114 lita pat404;4104, titentselyoi for a tel;t10 %aline to meet lee treeilate eepereeettree fcr wine aorl $,Avilq, When all r"1it,i In 1141 hreeoti 444'44-.•; 11441.-' 1144)8the•74," VPINEV.:1,11 14. IVp4 41";t1:,' 11701,!!:41%,. Thelt, 144 met wee; Vito 110 ArtiO1 10 Clio let,to,t 14141114.r. Par•1441...,44r4.4; 1'4 -1*' aimed Wei offertel tot e tette Of tePort, it wee woetit. 1%44 :40tatt3 tvaq tete) eveleed Ole) .441 Vlor fmatenta null tomato he 4•°tIt11t 71,40 1.44,44 sit Ilea 11, 't te.tie toncr,44.40•••li4- lter 14141,2 Mit Unre hArt 114 141, 4434:4 ¶lrt 111114 4t4 a il...:48,etto frotioil 44,1 7,R 4!,.,e4,44. ;", 4.4•••.Erfot, „ • 5 E.:....,' i e_a 1.,...-.,-,9 .....0 •i .s. •-.,t,5•:'45 LI.,.'"r.1,o.t.,. ''.:t.'ot'••1!''E:1:••••5 t.t.,•••••44 41. • 44, t.,`.;;;L!tiet'---,ii. '. It ''.' 1.:_"`tr- ''...la'3“-1.1 ..-3,,,; irs .'ar,Lr-t-,,JL. 14 i. .:..a ' "I'. - Q':.:Tc• tt , ,111-...'..,..t . ., !!'it" l'21.4 VZ‘,..'„,.•.-. ,t11...'!.. '..:.1,.-.:'..,:. i.:,..t.....it.T....g.• trr,tt- 1fiz../ 41•;g. ..rit.43 Fe' '',E:.! '2 14 4!4 .*?: ro-ralt 1T, J -1..J.•:.:, :•:1,4 1.,. ,•..4,1447-.) o41. I '.'....,.. t4:,44 1I'4 -";",,...w .4.-r_-: t ,....", 1',.'...;..1..,h444, _',! .t,••• .,..o,..'„7. s•:-.!:.:, " t7.2 r..1."!oir., trj‘a..e .'4'Irq-••11•.14.4.",-•• I Att: ...!:"241 e11.1 4441- 1I1t.e:iPts-.'an:2 7refvtr?,a a4, 5t‘o -on- 1,... ....7t., ;I ,', :0'.1511"ritt'A 1iCr1r." Ir ,' 1:4 .' 4,-,n'"1174-0,.•:4z•At..1;.aova. t.1t - n 1i,1,, nt..n-...!tVi - var, lfro= '7- : 1t !„gLt1.1r ttu '4'114.'11I'.-3 341 tI.s, thr. '21:311, 11';I11 a tWO:11"43 teeee tris:.rt 1.1.5n o.„7 a-fratd gl.ass „, 4143 1114- t`..2,t 114-4 12. 44 tr-z41- 1f-'' 41141 „-, ." 14^••, 7.1c, - f",•11 t•-•••.••,, 44142.4- "nt crgta:rt t,....- fi 11 t t ., 1. t` 1...1,1) t•D"tt:n1:2,--! ".2 r•Jt \- .•1.0 31?.7 t. le re e•eiet tliP _5 8g, 5 rt. w5*.o./ t. 41I7 41;3'24' 411) -.4:- te...0--,. :!3, t Z,!tt " 1114 9'1.' 5111,`41 1:11:' ,.1,1 7 .9 Z.! nr.. titte 2 4all:C...1i • r.• .ta C,144'11 e:=ZIStt:,::: iLc• C., 12 1.1„,-n Ear, • atk4 • 411 • to o:r:ive t':. o a:15- 1141.:1 1",! ZZIt tr.g7:149''ll p7..14,./-• tvj e'zat_ne '7-21.---:;4.19'r. 0. e. 1ti4,=84. . „ rein- t44^ oteenetef' 1. 444-V4»4," 11P" lietargeneet, Npprei'finfr 14%31111f-11' 4...9'9'J..16 1,r 14'otintiv,;417.:4.1 Ircfra PERS c11.14,r1 111 4449 11 tr:4_4 st,"il1 t-'44:.".A3.111142,'"'U14 4,7 1,131 n13:11-11111.• • The Siletd Partner. -• Wral4111. le ,3;404:71t4!•124 -1a 01.! $1r1, ' vir.fa.?" 44 (4 4, T2:•4J•c.is an 111.4, itflar,411, 1449' 424., 1.;.•`,E•,w• 14,v.4..ts 1U7'-En.hr51 112415)114.414wt.4144.. Et, Ls Es4...444 oman's eakness A woman's reproductive organs are in the most in- tense and continuous sym- pathy with her kidneys. Theslightest disorder in the kidneys brings about a corresponding disease in the reproductive organs. Dodd's Kidney Pills, by re- storing the kidneys to their perfect condition, prevent and cure those fearful dis- orders peculiar to women. Pale young girls, worn-out mothers, suffering wives and women entering upon the Change of Life, your 'best friend is Dodd's Kid ey Pills 110••••••1010 4.6.4 01.1.1 ^ VALUE Ge` Articles of Food That portant. MeV fruits contain fatty and albite in•nous matter in large queutities, and are, therefore,. very valuable as foods, A. Frenolinnta, M. Balltind, has just publeshed tie* resulte of his invistige- ova; el tie/ feed. He investigated wee. grapee, ortengee, nuts, figs, ban- anas, ;eine., dates, apricots, almonds; clierre s, tin rote, strawberries, rasp- hecre-e, eters, apples and prunes. Ail the fruit; neetloued, when ewe, U('1141,.3 from 72 to 02 pee- omit. of water. In th dried fruit,/ Of connueree thee proportnn fall./ to 80 and /some - tine.; as Pew as 10 per eent., tie.; lat- ter I; -.1112; in almotels neel 114111*1. • „:1141. 4lib11111 n matter, cif which 10-,r 4- is uni;i44 0.25 per eente 40. tie; o nee et the 14a4'3 4441, mei levee 1n.:A.:3) per ;ant. iv almonds; and niece in the ittetetiental frees. as welt as Wet th, re are Reuel tette 1440.'- 1415 en I reelesite s1 esta4lie00 wheel net e. !rem lee tit 1' 4' vent. eene; are 4'" 111 hu- *t (man- • etritab 'vele,/ anti gooeeberre s r I ne 114'111 :item !ant In palm fru', /444 41; as Ilan inns. dates atel Ogee e ie"q^,ftitttiti;. VkrittCitelt,,, lazAilro-car- bul; 44444111111 11114 .10/10144,11eal as far fin 14'e• plate* et lieveritg,its. ;to, rot /1/10.1„ 1,1.'0. 111 /,',r 111 14'i4•41.4 co!. lett. 4.1o4"4e nt the r,..or'-.r.o! 'Lino* atc.• I dralk. item art4,4! tit Ointments for Catarrh tha.t 4,1)ntaiii1 Alcriatry, 1"': !it:rely tif-PaP• 14) ' 4111 1,,tittge 14,4,. 00,15, 11r tt.vi:.••una rt,4. • 4,,, *44'.43' co- • .• thoo,,,941 54 to rho. o1-.1.41 et Cr 111' • 414.10, evolta ,,,a+ tY,X.% USIA 411h1/1".1 1,1 ILD • „paz.40, 44qADD ti 1'!. 0 . 11. 3. 41.14,4t9, tt. 0,1 4,34 i•lity Ile ea or, 6 41/11 . 0(04 *hut, 14' h...n *104/ 9'. ,..9' , , 1.1,,01,1j4144'411,^31•04P. al • : .11)Uvo1i 1. ere t,Y• ;Dell •14' 17, V- 4' L*I''''At14 telt tre:t.P.Y LIZA 1 y4p e. t Over T. tete eetelefet 9'2. 1 Zotallo.t. 1?41318* Pelt tie;4 ▪ te FRUIT. are Very lin- lite Ant ate; the tir4%444fa14#41t4er. -111, .,4.1;•• *p 4.• martil••. 44- •14.1. er2•4114 "*"'1401444 ,t,y0 :4*, 4111.44; a11 x.s1.11441 veln 88 tV-'1%. 41/11V eteget Hale tee eat. tale &tie " f911 I • tit 11.P*1 414)9'-41.10/17Valfe4 v•• ,!)x'1)14'( 511. edeneteilee Lut,14.thr.rat ttitess tee tteettiree. Timntain traltrie, 11-a1. 4141)-1,44, • •at tri.g444:4' 94444.rt. git,; 111 111 *De -v.? 0111E r 14 Et toy 14E4' 4514,4.,Tt44t4titi,No , 1.144 Betty 401 1'4"74 tEgt.E4., by) tot:- tat. 1.o1411.4'- ,511, nroKio- - ..eetletite 1 eeeteteet ttit, he 11841 114 :'',itigoi.14-Uati-nathl a4.1 6'1411- N'ec.ts. O'Leary. hAs 44) 449' a )3".4!,31•3',11'.."4,- -4. 3; (144)14.t355.!5H gar 344,4-,-,744U 8-144, 2 .j• '1 EDITCA.TION.GIF A pielNelle.. The King of Italy Was Brought Up by lelargherita. • From a child iletor Emmanuel III. hes beeij accustomed to ebmit to eel the state ceremonial and all the ex- :eerie:el formalities , which bedge round elte .publie appear/emcee of royalty. While King Humbert usu- ally left tire quirinal by a, private way and drove off in a small carriage accompanied by his valet, trumpets announced the state carriage of the Queerl and the youug wince. The pielade gates were thrown open, sol- diers presented /wins and he little prince was taught by les mother to acknowledge the huzzas of his future subjects. A king, she, eild, obould celantbayhtm.ntityesebis people And be s Queen Margeerita, had entire charge of her Seies education until be was 12 years old. Wee gave bim A love of literature and the fine arts which he has continued to cultivate through all the years of his military career. He is all. accomplished linguist, speak- ing English, French and Unman with great fluency. He is an enthusiastic collector of cents and medals. - In any estimate of the new king's character, the diverse influences whieh guided hie edueation must be taken. into account. Queen Marglierita bisistod that a King of Rome living within sight of the ruing nf the forum .and reigning over the country of Raphael, Alleatel Angelo and Dante should be au archaeolottiete an artist and a litterateur. Kling Humbert put before all Mee the military education of his son, and considered as first ee- sential that a King of Rome should follow the warlike; traditioas of the house of eavoy. The marriage of the Prince of Na- ples to Helene, a Prineese of Montene- gro, was looked upo41 with muell sym- pathy and approval by tire Italinn people. It was known to be alto- gether 0. in:min.:go of inclination, the priece haeing fa.len violeutly 411 With t1111 beautifui Helene. The Queen Is wine illellt;?S taller than her hus- band ana her face is fun of ineellirell.'e and eower. elle very meekly leernee to feel at home among her Inobentes penile, end is always holm 1 114) 41 ng "41,111t 1111 Itnikal,." Th re are :144 .44'4 no elehiren of the inarri•ige, the 14. 1.4" to Go throtie at pees.,nt ing the Duke d'Aosta. r's Vorh:o .Pro -ow -.5•115 Fran.: .Icesee Bate Many •Fieles. alli rz42.T.r.-„r _ 1.111'14 _14r.nit,..^,-/1,:c:u 1!/.-.14;p••-gt.1.102•11'.,7,,,)ff ij4!l 4.- ..-rrIt44i4rIA rank. 11:-.4 4!.4, 11;4114vF-r4.4,,aE krt.:own 441) 4w,..4ys 11"..44.z.0„, 14r,0"i1 • •;'4 411' L' 4.11:1- 1)5 4411'.• •, 1:151'34'.1.7.,4111.A 91:1111)'4' t1.41I419 114 3s r'011:a:1 ,z...."..-., tva.s 4I...• -4.4-A 7.;72..c..44.4..4.4s1 cyn .7 411,..4-7,17e. 1 .1 Tt'..-P1 ',:'.'a•,...i. ,a1 k1,.,,,.';"t:ro.1. ..',....,,.,...'-. .,::, 1;;.:..., :'3',14.-,-,,-,,:,:g``:'''"r•Y-...1..1r. a..ral-lt,Stt-.41'.:Z.V'.2 "'t-3o1`1i.g,P oo,teti.f-eryo-.grotns.. a u-ze:ogeo.. -eS- og oasStt,e7ILT t4Y 111, at7614.04411.12 a,Lflky :,r:v-j 1 .-ain ISt.to,t Sm ,a4 ctrr11 rg_.t1940 by a ,49rrgc:!t vt,/.:t7il ;,:fe4140 1,,1i.1terk:ih1s11prozr,4ixt 1„e e w 111) -t (11' y 54.9't,l .;) ; di 4! 449' an5 SVtfr41111 14.7 'fth11"11‘7,7,..71=.1..9 147.-51ttY)-a- 1111118 the I -3:71g NV4448 Iteitt;- ,l7e11?:41.: er:` , 4•fs W••I:2 t .r. oG rnn U\'0, 7-.4 va]] 14'-? 1:o e g Iris Rve - 4)4.i4'1)-4.;4'4' Elt 100.412 wita 4,i': (1119'1 1e? ooh Co$ 06.11:11=r1.'L,11 IV:41o! 1lAt oltt,•-::7ge-Relt it snerzs o.lhirft.. 4131.1151 ven'tna was extrae74,42, - Letrap si4-P-Now tllen:-.1s !P11114 141.3 '-411.anyway ? ,.•4•414,:y wc...7..a:.• Stan 17.4o8-4)r.5.-518re to-Jut:P Meiriinty-Nry. ha 1 'eess hita: 1-w 11.."a•h•-z:.--•t*.*(e. * wrltet" •ghi,'..7 reed d fit'S Lae. 0: vie ixg. 1!. "(1 4141314 11o14 te;s:nntienncv; 3ntrige-Wh,7 deo wish t.Eat..t 'AS 'V!...74.11..."L.C., for 1151444' 04114..411.5- r, 3,fet.1,4n.y-Ileg6rr31. tlein 01 ece.tee -„C,1,0110t,'"! 74)4r- 12'`,.4516rtrit. F %vas /t -f hottzg. str,-...o.) the 5e-541).744.4_1'4179'.5114 141)12' An Accident.•.•-e•d cetraor..411:14,:a4.42 rnt4z,F.-4;(11:ore.11 1) 41Wir.4:1r?, nra-Ir trlsIzillti that an 413 Starting 'Under the Ban. 51 -St r.,-.=7,1norter-Volint: The Ottod- r.tnr.r.:an w*Ean 1.111"44141)1"therm tarsi': eat learteT to n er5:11t4' 4.3i, ,r'114 march e4't.'•1 13 astor.rshmr-nt, *rho r,n,sys!•,, s1184':1114 14(1*1 .4411342 1:34, t 4.44.tr.,1 who ire 1,4212 e.er tr:o0 satrap 'ban. 111slt,..:1,t, 11.:112 442 4- 1-4,,ortAr-SIe was reafting 111: evcIarld 7A,Tra t Gant pyrann t--01111,Ptat77,,,pt, Vilf" 17,,%.4';i•31.1 y Drytv racpr,-k of pas= answer. 'Why, ti74:--y 114,e %.-orlsrasi row. Tee nextrtne et of' eeteleaelere eeelimIre. reetetee-Oneaease ger. ooze re' eatireee" nut 4.14511411110811 I has 1.711110.1 5olve.1 thk.t, if 14140:4. own get -no was .• inwortat:on 4.14 starHr,g, 34341 f; rtnt rt thee: aelety, elate ef teeir Melling its traristerenee Trona 7.1.14514&- 4111r4tt43t* Liniment Carel' DIste1144P:14 Laratirner/ oxelte the ndroira- r: to- State within the ,Con of a14. befnolders. ,t0 n14. teehwebe on Telegraph Wireteireee was desktne,14 for the 4.11 4-3 114114' 4 Not Just What She Meant. - • Small sp:ders pla-y havoc, •y--ith th' e 4, so . geirgPrrI19 and hr111144tnt in its col- "It is my aim in life." he V;i4.t, It as Mei Sn41-1"•triTIP NATURE HAS PROVIDED A. remedy ter every eel:emit pita mid seie-ze through eral.ele-s and ingierithesit r011,1;1111)t Po4h1g. ,141..ce11'ets 111.1v else oven. A eve and wonder/el derevery he» reeently been node Ire• mem-, of eight tens of thou, ;gale unite' feed from patn. Nerviline or uevro pain envy, rPtire ovate very 444.neontr, t- d new the tune tee tt tele reaming elite Ni1111iel•11fetoW11 r,o`ivz!, 4., And 7.11'4411410 50 ^-344'. *4)41 0l4e4,t01141 01 eel -tame- ogee. vett; rautele in origin. Pole/tee Netwiline is the :ewe pelmet, ...Teen, and eiceettit rein n /mile tii the wield. Sold In 11.1 tun: IS rent les tlee be N. te Pelee: 4.: ea, ICI:eaten. One, awl eh dealer,. thPillr • Wanted Something Itelletfous. An eteeller at. the trent - ite eon or 11 %Map) teerge man in West Ketit-in 41 Better to ills fath- er, mutes the following big:of/mut reward 1 "Pietro. het11,1 one a boX of eigarettee, het laltel pareel '1e- linion7•7 traets.• awl then I eitall lie 444-1/18144 rettehe Cana. 1 Ifini't know whether von lung' already fora -aril - tel atty. I Intveret re,a11%ed them. If yon pltrel, the hoe 88 aheve it will &wails tue all right." MIt.are.'s Lictintent, Cure.g qargert, /to 1 (Intve. In tee teeter3 etoote tree nottnal 41.114••••antgot!,.v.1 44.i* attont ; tete toele oelt. t• . -t raanti. va4.:n"fercetetin vei entc dilattoeurann3 • Ohltbeeto ,- - dr,4Y o -a1-1• 1" i oor76.nt ment_ Physe7,now alarm rIltonly LI- 'rstittsattS -r cAng ritUng eft- ohamilii ear-;:rerarra4litzigy Thi , whaCATA1111/trr- - ZfeONgeEt,s. hn0t:zee a11:1-2 pi es vterete ana It t1/grat„8.,tsant trfl of- ,I4.i 4 1A,,vseteeafbnaa/••- oattui4atnr,i..eto 1 st, z le/1r ltEher !n,r..eoAe.rr.'44'.A419'11114- 3.1 t11.1214116. 'fLohsiwA. itht1411411',. 11(41319' Ite'€9'f4-'t.emeroe.mtr.e. rznteeacoy4l'xrs tesi OATARRIOZONE Is aComnorSense Treatment, 11! 114- wherever air '44.411 e. it eestryia a tcokhl,e gerss, Lel; tbe ,mre spotsnthe io%41 bronhl- , !leteetaletettiy558e4. rneelieft -emfgeseen and therefo re .e7r;;7lrsiTtir:1;' ; Ne.;t wi:(g1COAtyen ten cente to try _,e1..ene Iranny addrees Canda and Uetates 25c trial size; 444' oen suffielent lo The reg- 1;heoearr outftcontanngxweeks' treatment and mbrinlelerwigeest youefel.Wetetdpostpaid,urceeiptofpke,or 1 yu con get itfrom any dealer in ineteeene..? ;. vil AV FEVER. STHMA 'CATARRH used feerGettems. Tete Is the lee* ester; of Scienee. Now More Easily Cured Than Toothache. t regraph wl.res In, the Argentine °/Ing said, " trs et RePzil'x!. "Me long cahwebs settle onw117 be enlflYfa r!)17};(''T.' IVY 8011thiLg. 4.14-lry day that w-.11. k mike e.o " the wires and as soon as dew or rain Whe3 011 . lineree mem re. nsees. . u• C. 4 • g "Ab 'sive en; tairacd. ttith great 11 falls they are rendered to some e3E- If the child is restiese at nghte Iirte; entimeiesen, -that ninst why yon tent a eandaetor :In"! the 0:10e1. eoate4 tonguN sallow complexton't keeP.Ro sechilleci."-aleago T 11245 praz.t.:calky .o slopthe ttperatiou •sorae .4.,41 the lines. The governmen 'ens deternened to cane:let Beene, res -and itesarie by an untie*, Mind cable 14430 tulles lorig to -0-4- thLs diflienety. • doer. of Meier's' 11:0r11-1 1 owders is . ewe.. lees. Preeperety is tet without melee Address what is required; plea/lent, hatm- 1, fears ars1 leetristes atul adversity is let ?OLSON & efanitobe, has e--eperlenced the first I not without conif.ort and hopes. "v frost of the season. Frauces Bae. Menufsetming Chemist, Riegston, Oht, Cele eo Care (told in One Day etTlxe LLINCIMI. 11177q940 qwstfte Tablets. All gigisTa faitie the trieney If it falls to core . Vie Greece/tea/Ow le on erldl hos. sitreartieta f•olksuittotion. 1,7a t zir;, 4)l ,rt 1' talr,ttlitg Ea4'.*1151** 11.T1^...ti.si4 491 aim 444110.1! 44 1441)4- F1441)4 nt Hark ,,sru 41 tv,i1;, 41! RCS. .11/1 ntat-nal nernoircr v1414'41-.4.4 414 g444 crew 48i1.34 ;anal/00e _e Lim Du.o. 1;flee ..re /gel elereet. 11514443 444' r; euteatete Ca fiteelle 41) teeettee 4;11; eteenli 4415100.11i1u ,/k t1-41 ate; r • ti'je tete 41145'r*' tte.rit 434)14 It wee feteell tlett 4teeart- tte nt,ill were litereele owe. (7.41,441 (14'ii- 1.ele,1,-11.4 leitetilher t,44e--13141.411. ru 4.„1104.,11 41 -Ln tio 10 414 41- nutrip,1 Bkr, 134)14**444.. wo44`,'; ijunq! eel -.140 1C,1 atclueres *ere - !role:, tette'. /me we.., Dine tee umue,,,tt e- 3134 941411'12* witti.s•a- I:4va to (r144-..1101•At1r4 _ titurtrAti!,."414%the pferzo.. 4,41 gar!: v'):' thug eirtreeltee ceeleee oe eneelle _ -------------------- • ••••••••tmwom. •••••roomtmagrammodamego./.1•11 1ESUE NO 39. 1900. CIMS11111pii0111 is, by no means, the dreadful disease it is thought to be - in the beginning. It can always be stopped - in the beginning. The trouble is: you don't know you've gat it"; you don't believe it; you won't believe it- till you are forced to. Then it is danger- ous. Don't be afraid; but attend to it quick- you can do it your- self and at home. Take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, and live care- fully every way. This is sound doctrine, whatever you may think or be told; and, if heeded, will .save life. if you have not tried It. send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise mou. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. Toronto. 60c. and $1.00; all druggists. Negro Chaeges Color, A Macon despatch says: Hoary Har- vard is a negro in. Bibb -8 jail, claimed with illicit distilling. He wae brought in Saturday and ovely ad.- ' mits his guilt. ne served a sentence for the same offense about 20 years ago. Then he was a very Week ne- gro. Now he is as white as anybody. He hat; Completely changed color, his dark skin all having peeled off, leav- ing Wm with a ;oft white ski11 that the vainest white men woule be prowl -of. But hie hair and whiskers are still as kinky as they were In les darker clays. He says be cares too little about how he looke to vend money buying thoee things whieh are eometemes reed to negroes to take the khaki out of their hair. At a short dletanee Henry books elinetly like a white man. Mignances Unite:wee Cum lotoiNttforga. Speed, of Steamees .1444 coeani steer:tee thLT. Thee tease. going ;at fait epteel. ean not lie eievreett ti eratieetile In lee; thee, thee., minutes. lin tee neetethne well traverse a d1st4449.2e of about half a ratte. Mts. 11, itnnte. Oita, gees: 11 WA Woret Poweers 4.11. &NI nr,411-Ale. 11 Quicker Than eeink. Ilene. weer -Ito of light is tr-t..,EAVI ndloo t”.1. 141 ENIITA 4114 thlat 177t;',10,1 etirl V'tiaa:-,-; 10 4E9, earth fin /e14.1011 4I49'E0411.1'..5.. Revell sem? et tee fixed etees 01 tilte tvolfte tnagnttuoie k tare/ 4.00.e e -tots dot tee 'eget to erleie '4fere Temples have tilsteripenral, res C041)341158:„11 Iron INITs did It. 41.1112rever yon find nat!enee, 11414440', kIndness, truth, there you find ....pectalIC,Iity, however •Olisearit and 7c.n041y meta may W. Ileettier. The Hour of Need I...at hence -for with aching corm/ a prone/end* and pollee.% nttiedy 41 required. Putnam's Believe. t ern Extractor exactly lilis the hill. ewe, befe mid I/Melee. League of Beggars. A beggars' league in St. Peters- burg mutilates ehildren and cripples them to artmee I/empathy front the benevolent when they are tient to beg in Inflate phteee. The chief of Gee gang. who Is a wealthy man and 1138 !weed su n phentt•thropist. reeeleset 75 per emit. of the urrstey beggtel by the unfortunates. - - ry p•rson suffering from gest. oral 4.1 eltould take efillor's Compointel Iron Pine. .heabpla' A11%ardor, who bind. Night, watvhmais le laree dor; att 1 wounded tit. onn r, wee fitted nearie e200 Ilt Witt/leo;041 arkius eletrges connect- ed uitlt tho all11.1111111111110110111 NOTICE TO HORSE OWNERS. it Is, 0. oll.kumb •fact thftt 1100V14414 troubled with Ittzirte. if placed on Platele ;suture. are &eon cored et the heavm PRAIRIE WEED Have Powder 9 etittMtkil et the Prairie Weed "which he* 19E129 tweate elliettite eutleg ileavee" emeletteel (1144411 01.1.4'4' erelenteerelliedial /Keefe see teen ewe *A elfeetted remedy fee Mate§ ate teuerce in awe; and Cattle. 26 tette ate tteekittb Vit tI tlitekeitta4 tit nee ett Ise, M. F8 I3Y,, Cheriiit. Pert Wein, One • Wile' et/T14'0 trittns elato FOn liereee teak; eteees itew repereeteete; (44414 nee test eyeeetto wile Mt tesetiimetere 44744441e".44 tintlilitg; Sam% 120 Let 151*11110 etre* l'reicago, FRUIT FARM _FOR SALE, °One of the fleett in the Nianete Pereesule. ;41 enema. le ndlice from 14331al/.0:4 on tWo rad- ?, 41v8y44. riere-/, /eel VA.134,-;1 itt 1trdi.4, ice:991k 4'e117l4e44 10.00 1.4.tktt.of 144.1.14,34144,144144eeeee, in sight 4).1*54.'4503. Win be cold lit lot* to sine teetelerehe This le a hateata. Aceirese 4 SOKAILIAN Bet tea Winene, Ont. 55 I N g.•=.ee IgliiVnitror::;"°106W4?!. aelt gteatt lave ekermet out. Perketilt 4,411e4,4.51. 144vet eke. resteaelee for Zee 441on .A., Nee Fetgusoa* Lonniit, Man, toTASIPS., Paso/oh:wing 0141 eelleetieteee 1:3 ede eleaties will feel 41 441 noir adventegir to ertireteeteil with P.O. Bee el, ifteesetee.„Ont. Flis• PRitillANEVItet CURED BY DM Ranee ;Great Nave .Reeetee. ets tetteusnk ttlitet •Fut‘t, use. 'Seed to fel Ateb stteet, 4103p44140, P42. fot tem/lee end feee trite batiitf FOTsalebr Theta Noteo Dame geese eteetteeetexe. Xftv,„ Wirigtme.51 &tithing Sytee *heel& at - ways be used Tot Chil&ree, Teething, letoothei theehild8 softens the gums, eueee teheleelie ig the beet tweedy tot Diarthcea. Viten*. nrecentsabottIe. YOU ALL LIKE Is KARAT GOLD -urn- Goicleh Yellows Heat This Stamp and are__„,:iiikee THE BEST add PUREST In the Market. As good as many 1r -ands of Gtanulated sold now -a -days.