The Herald, 1900-09-21, Page 8.Fit well 1
.Look well I
Feel well I
Are results which follow
when you leave your order.
for a suit of clothes with
IOFFMAN, The Tailor,
LAUNDRY in connection
J. H. Wisner
.Repairing all kinds of lnaobi tery
a speciality l
J. it Wispier, - ZllhlCl!
Woollen Mill
`�aadFurni uiCe
Our leew fall .toe•k is now eonm-
le tt' zn tu•ee?e1s. blankets, sheeting
attane•ria-.yarn :and stockings. also a
fail line of maleerwtear :at well but-
t,.:I1.I'�'ae' S.
11 , e ,arry a full line ea£ fumitur e
z tt they llOw°eest I►ritee•s.
To the Officers and Members of
Rickbeil Lodge No. 393, A,O.U.W.
Gentlemen :-
I beg to acknowledge with thanks
not only receipt of cheque for one
thousand ($1000.) dollars, the full
amount of insurance carried by niy
late husband in your order,but also
for the assistance gratuitiously ren-
dered by the members during his
illness and the kind manner in
in which you so ably and willingly
transacted the business, without
either expense or inconvenience to
me after his death. I also wish you
to convey to Grand lodge my deep
appreciation of the prompt and
very satisfactory way in -which
payment has been made.
Wishing the Ancient Order of
United 'Workman everlasting pros-
perity in the good work in which it
is now engaged.
Yours in gratitude,
Magdalena McCormick.
Zurich, Sept. 19th. 1900.
A wry peculiar and sad death
oeeured on Friday last to the young-
est child of Fred Slade, Sth con.
Raleigh. It seems the mother was
busy in the house preparing dinner
for the threshers. The two child-
ren, aged between two and three
years were playing out in the
orchard alone. The little tots were
not missed, but the eldest of the
two ran to the house and told her
mother that her little sister had got
fastened in the swing. The mother
and others rushed out to theplace
when they found that the rope had
twisted art mud the child's neck
and not being able to get loose had
strangled to death before help arm --
ed. 'l.'hee se•ente that fe►Ilowed with
the here.atved parents ean well be
imagined. The inter mother was
, heartbroken. and for a time she
lost all eeontrul of herself, teeing in
snarl. a frenzy, it was some hours
itrfore the eehild could be taken
frettu her aurins. The ehild by someT t& i. J o h 1' S D 11 4 a►ae;anh tell forward and the rope
t w iet+ed around her peek. The fun.
t•1'aa1 tho,ek Piave en Sunday afternoon
.olleneed by as large nom': ter *if
sympathising friends ref the grief- i
' Mien parents. Most eaf the e•re)aval
e *,rt'te athltetete'd. strong :lien
sloe* with et sobs and thte
tear was vihihhte iU litany :a mane's
eye as the little wisher:. tete k a flare=
Carriage Works. i+s �e 69t•3i leek at the lifeless little Atrial
Te l �I, "kwive had lest its Inautadtr :earls
ptetettliarly ettd circutustaative s.
An ream crtea:r yst gaga renteed firer
uta eve vy reeevet. T l e .its
bsggies, t ettteears, sleigh canal talmr -
oehurdes end famine 4evars male to 1,' ,a1 nttlaalet'r front Inert' attteend+.
enler. II Exeter flair Ttttrtdaay.
,iJ ono tt plc, The Cytatitten CD3' tri . past teycw days
n ►
remands nds 4xs that fail as lageoro ae°laatte
li TOR° fidran4e°r'w la,ate $!:t L1a letasy !vat tr-
'tare ea their falla-Iat=at and are aro
ii ya-eaiting fun. rains.
Mr. L. dtaaaralk. irisin geriertial tater,
r ll. ,rat letet 50,1711 toast te Jai 1Drotlaaer
-Ilex'. �te,E v 3azl,e :� it:n, its �,: is•vta �teyu .
' este Mee. lhavt.dl intends stn rt♦ant.e
'atr' ', ' I ryet�•-nte,=e4 fBl SIaliphen. 1%(` wish 9e'i�•
sere -gees less$ ..
Thio w ' :le°+
'F t eiat tP,et11
p1,11er. *Itt;t
aces Right
r. S
No goads
ts<_i be :'iveu
lis' week
atoll Jew-- we are pnlease>ii to hear Mrs. 11.
Bi .s:rtal+e>tt•tr is aaaN. eroweetranag from heti'
e¢°ljntllJ`J11 „ ru, re taeni ilirrl4�s 4,
-, frit tt
The -';rich
Furniture and
Piano & Organ
(tog' .pteli tsw a tre tatitt4 arlvottttuge
tial' tflucr riven season for ellue tie .
squ ia'etEs ecce. Dint are not meeting
with very gofi.d stiegf s. There's a
better day coming bays.
The min/sews Inive riearle- all bid-
den farewweellal tax Grand Bernd for this
Miss Alfie l irvllaar•di left last week
h visit friends and ir!e aa.tivvei in
The present weather seems rath-
tthcr eanfaamr r able tmi Teeaaltka as (pante
Et nianar €'r are roughs
al8d caddis.
S,.°vera11 Medford boys visited':
rone..r et n Stanaeay. I %veondee wby
t all again G eys.
Tie carpenters have finished
weer. en Cie new manse. when'1
e d',te d at .4l a a treat to our.
Rich. H•Qaa;iilton'y new home has,
been C011rng k teol. and will soon be a Miss Peart returned to the vill ;
oeet,u iedd. ' age after a snort aabseenee at her ,
home at Hensel". from 4 different wells for stock t?n,1 house
John Sp>ae lirriman removed to
Exeter this week. Phil Murray attended t{1e+.a e e
The recent rains have laid the
dust so that it is more pleasant
travelling but the accompanying
wind -storms have been rather
disasterous to the corn and apple
During the storm on Sunday
morning last the barn of John
McKinley was struck by lightning,
but we are glad to state the flind
followed the eave-trough and en-
tered the ground without striking
The appearance of the Methoclist
Church has been greatly improved
by giving the windows a coat of
frosting. The work was done by
Wm. Dickson of Bayfield.
Next Sunray will be thanksgiving
Sunday at the ohi.wch of England.
The church will be decorated with
fruits of all kinds and the pastor,
Rev. E. C. Jennings will preach an
appropriate sermon.
Mrs. Geo. Stephenson of Marlette
Mich., who has been visiting here
for the past week has returned
Quite a number of our young
folk took in the "ice cream social"
at Varna this week.
Robt. Robinson has purchased a
new buggy from. F. Hess & Son of
Robt. McLinchey is getting his
buggy re-vatrnished.
We would advise the Stanley
council to put an extra coat of gra-
vel on the ehurch side -road.
The heavy rain on Monday last
late e•hunged the atmosphere in this
village and instead of : hirt sleeves
:tnd simile trees it is heavy e•leaks
.1n invident whie�h might have
!moved very serious happened in
l'ilaenelatt evening when 1.1 Dietz'
woeatlhouse lire in some unknown.
way. «farm :lir. Welder saw the
tire tate whelte inside 4)f the building
was enveloped in names, but num
came in aabundatneee' and worked like
bterectes for nearly tan ]i' a and to
baht when they seemed t,► get it
under control. They managed to
saw the new he►tttle but not Intim('
the eurnaete, window frames and
e aelette were loaned. The 1oe:i was
covered by in�eau aneer. It is a go, al
thing to have n stttraue e, in snti h
Mrt. Win, Yule of Fttllaar't,i►za t•.;
hone visiting pa:trernts and relatives
in caul urenittl Orn' villugt".
Mies Edna Seitz lie visiting mules;
the parented rdo ff . t� a are atll glad i
to :ece Ii Ina Ica 'Aline e well..
,ir►Ian1 ,ltrdatr t' a re.vott ills clad'! stylar
'tat fleeter lair WA are p ert_e having, as
P gooet tunic.
fRxsitolitt et,en cilia wife t•�,,,k in
the asi�lita tat tvmrte>, t 1hi ffaautr.•
Jr9inti i ,r rvlitet"' walls inti eine!
sieek it 'Past week.
I %M Henle Paid B atraanaafl 412 S'1.11t 4'lala II
was 't�.ltiitu`! away a keel l veil• 44,4,4
1)aaticx Ivisa°wta D4 1 la Ili, utu4ur-
and bee.,all to I iia k and d succe dd d in
I smashing, the shafts WW1 Inaatkin,-:a°3
The. horse was net EinJ tered,_ Rennie,
stein -ea the loan of Rob. :Sir -hers
light 'wagonand proecealedd en lais.
way benne.
' 1. B. Manson left ay re 'P'4uE::adan7.
evening for Va. ttr:uli ltey N.�� . T.
r. Maillso►n Will Visit 1'4iu as e- eau
IereJeteldona en his eea y out
111. Beattie was the .;tie+t. oLi as
Ae"ie1aol one :lfoneeaay last.
$1 13SMIBE
1[ "°an".R,t
Noah Sheffer of Toronto car
works spent a few days visiting
friends last week.
Geo. Dick of Hensall called on
friends here recently.
Miss E. Maxwell returned home
from Clinton last Saturday,
G. Hill blacksmith of this place,
has gone to Blackwater to. visit his
father who is ill at present.
Robt. McAllister and family
picnicked at Bayfield Saturday.
Jos. Hudson and friends spent a
pleasant day at Grand Bend last
A large number from this vicinity
visited Zurich fair and report a
good time.
James Parson and sister spent
Sunday at Bayfield.
L. Workman of Hensall spent
Sunday with friends here.
Alexander Forest has purchased
a new horse and buggy. Alex.
likes things about right.
Geo. GreensIade's barn, out-
buildings end crops were destroyed
by fire on Friday evening. The
fire was supposed to have been
caused. by the heating of grain.
John Elliott and wife of Seaforth
are visiting relatives here.
Master George Fisher of Kincard-
inn• tvho has been spending the
-aeratin here returned home last
c'aatnr4bty. .
1i e understand a report has been
t•ira'azlateed that there will be no fall
fair held in Bay#jeld this year. Tins
we emphatically dens. As we stat- ,
tell lest week, this fair is proving1!
eSe•it wear nt.►re successful and the
se .eery was never in a more j►z'Qs-
per•u1s or better weal•king contrition.
Eno :rate eel by pact rntee�esses."they
are endeavoring to make this year's
ltt•tt •t• than ever. The elates are
Taw-, and 'Wed. (let 2nd. and 3rd.
Vale Varna district tcette�haers' l
attic tarsi is to lie held at 'Varna tin;
S;atn.relnyS Sept. 29th. food program.
The death of Mrs. Rutnbel, wife
„sf Mawr r:tunhel of Linden. is re-'
pe'rtn•d. tine will be remembered
n• a env time iuuteh respected eiti-
eon et NAM,
i"ilAbr MAttKR
Co?'Ylltdiri' &C.
Ar�rntte+ r �ltil 1 eDeeire7 to d 4o o0 a:As i1
(Wetly t: tg:win est' t: fl3M1s tree * EYE ' e1ri
hitt1 a.,,! J ,9 ri hr:y ra,.Ca' revs. :tt':nnah4
:7aGi3elie rCr Ye"xL+".,acCie! lint arnY' kt3lnittit
eeV'` Qfe2 ,i,rC x rpgivis t rutoistt{ta8a�ag.
Mint; roit`•ro t aeitaph mutt % co. moire
site sa¢u t.J, cult &tbtetta6, Mi.
La, 1�3 > �. ray @_• shtNiae'.] eFe "Jt. t�et6t _i.
t4et s'ti e S It y er,: ':4t 4r.!*]I1i 4: 1 ? 44'_J. t3 a
fal9C_'-Etl,#l. Ea. 1Eyiailttitieesi€eii.
Nit & [t a'34d�tffa tl�ir. tit -.1v •
rsWt:€%tt5s c:ni 'ara.tititbii:A
etre mill Ise coral et the premises o1
I to its late C espte:ae Hegel, on Sattnadley the ,
a "t d. ry1 e:epet. inst., at 3 'O'eloek p. airt.
all household fenrniuune 1setls bedding
i 7 5
lets. No reserve. Terms; nil acetas of
and utsdler, cash, over that amount •
4 tines credit on 'approved security.
a M
6 +� DAY
2 Stocks in 1 1 We have moved The Appel &
Zeller Stock into our premises
and find ourselves much over stocked, but we bought
cheap and can give you the biggest bargains in hardware
stoves and tinware. you ever had. Note the following:
Square washers regular price $4.50 now $2.50. Elephant mixed
paint, was $1 50 now $1 per gal. Lanterns, regular 50 cts now 35 ets
Wringers, regular $2-50 now $2. A lot of Daisy churns. 50 stoves
to be sold at a bargain. 4 boxes axle grease 25 cts. See the new
lantern -will go out if upset. If you want a good furnace put in
your house, give us a call. Eavetroughing a specialty. The best
apple pacers and threshers' supplies, at
Main Street,
9 Zurich, Ontario.
We also carry Robertsons and the Sherwin-
• • • Williams ready mixed paints,which will be
sold at close prices. Handy harness riveters
regular price $1, our price while the stock lasts 25 cts. We
want you to come in and see us. Our stock is ri ;ht ! Our
prices are right ! ! We are alright ! I ! If you buy from us
you will be alright ! ! ! !
See our 10 -cent counter, -articles worth 15 and 20 cents !
Tobe 3
Slaughtered in
AY -S.
P. Bender Co. `,ant to reduce this big
stock this fall and have
deeided to offer it bargain prices in every tlepatrtment In many
eases we will sell at east and under. We Will save you 10 to ' cents en
each pair, --on regular goods.
20 pains men's finished kip Waite, hand mule. t+Iei in lcee *5.00, bargain
prices $1.,;0
110 pairs common kip hoot, *1.:i0% bargain prices *.00
30 pairs factory beets. split, grain and tong ae' bo•et, old price *'2 to *4
bargain n prie es $1.50 to'*3.25.
E. t1iw euberry, Auctioneer. I
Men's plow :hearts, old plrpcee $.1.2.3 tea $1.7:e l,ar(aiu )rice *1.00 to *1.33
split and grain, aide lace, William's patent, old prise $'2.00 to $2.24
bargain prieeis $I.63
e6 burl;' Inial ter calf daial and congress, ".l.:eev tea V3.58 now *1.2►5 to $?2.09
den' ilia bat or a'nngre°•s. old pria'e `Z1.ev'0B tu4 :;1.00 neiev $1.33 to $`2.25
" 'calf, foodyesteweel1t, tan or szlaek. new t?;e,, $3.0)1 to $1.0.0
bargain price $2.•.!5 to $3.t 5.
on DAYS' ONLY, -I0 pairs n>itt'ttn`" 1s:ads, c�vrtg~r': s, n!:fords , told sizes
little out of sty, told -primps $4.•w., to :b.50, bargain' prieee *I,►i�➢. ;Ill
in anter North witidev," for i e1ay` 4 ulG'.
Woinnetes em;ttr tie slaliit Ilam. and bur. ftr,aau w.` e:ta to
"" glove tinea hal ore btettera, $1.1.' to $J.-9ani atm $i.ita `td *1.23
"° clungala d -tali or button patent top. %' as $1.35 now
„ r" hal or buttori. lett. or dotT-"_��1Ia top i'L1i� tlr..5 *!.50 1targain
pr'Erce *,L.2 to $a2.ti,"�1
onfer411 or elettgola tabun `J.J0t u 4"-! er41, now "a;�) a is to 01.04*
L''Nl 1 airs norma t 5 t4a1° button, taxf'eer li rise°�. tee °yjitvi e n.,• aarncl 6 aDit€° i y, 2's
2r.� *Ma :o;•z, Ota prices s $ to *:3.C�'a. tuna . l;,fia v:i- to $1 .t0 en our bar-
gain rtAinter, this line is suitable f r girls attending selta'ai.
J. D. XING QttALI1 = e hate them �n I,utt"�ii tar 'basis, tinned or
Goodyear welt, new toe and latest :•tTi-1e.
In oar ebilatteru's department we betve a large stock, the best snake from
50 t'ts up to $$1.25. sires 2 to 1034'. Our boys' and girls' school or
best wear cannot be beat, from 7. cts to $1.50. sizes 11 to 5
The above quotations are for cath only!
i1.t EEllS for 'teen we:ianera and children, Ni. B. We have all rt)ratlbo '.
ter children iia heel, sprites heel. sterna arid low c�?at,
Mete edfse to wavy Notrenses. Lot `13 ;' e
i['r,ra. t3 Ilay. [i5slfa,,eile,(sine of Blake] tents and drat made to order and repairing neatly crone.
abut Aug. let. a black ewe u1 out two
years ole$. The Owner may have sau e',
it by proving property and p:ayia7g* evyt,nses.
t . kiaelutcar ta.'t'ntru1'eer, Blake 1'. O. ;I
flue undersigne-d tdters for sale lois
(-Neat 2a?run of 1iS 2;11-4 iseing Lot raj
�-r1La Boundary ticf flay. land all ereo .
"au presah,es is i gnarl frame lut,use
eviltu kitchen and bwooe]sree�l, tette antic 3
rooms downstairs and 2 upstairs: 2 goo l
barns, (one a hank 1-i`.'Jr ny and [alien• out
buildings all in ;mini repair; goorl
l a head. For terms and portieulars apply to
"n4$ tit.derieli last tweak ars a witness., JACOB MEYER, Bake P. 0. 1 2, 2m';in a theft ease.
4x3 - TMi rue?3 l palltteut is ral'wegs
. s Lei: et l b ;e4 i;:3a'tes aYato:d
Q. Varney. 4au ,.l flit ilei• 7tel*S-
tiTaveraing I. s s of all kinds
ritds. dust-
y •,
*zeal: saes et .:ii".5. Everting
bettar£t a;riees.
ab Furniture niture 1)ey,str-erat is full of
used parlor whites lounges,
in all styles. Over_0rliffer-'
rt.* ileitis ref fancy rockers. Spring _
F•-, � ::rel tnattresses of the best kinds
z'see: ,st:6,311E7181Ontablei i the market
vi ^an and Piano Department. -We
re 1rri'.anate in buying . a large .
. ••s: r c,pg•u:.s is -fuse the raise ami
a :Tl =eel thein :et 1414 prices, so • come ;
41:;_ck while ;roar: can get a bargain!
' F dominion Organs and Pianos;
e zee a a rl1-whie rel.ntation, over
,.1 t, a•el ne _m! in • ai-e. 13r:F second-
Idcye;e and one second-
hm.,:d square piano f,r nacre at a l,oar-
::frin_ at ii quick and ret a snap! 11
Well) Zuriehi
ells l wit Calloui hof(4otilee ieii to3�rn�lzigr UCTICSN SALE
lb;:trt�t'aaced wafter ilteu 1rts fan'
I the Parr in for $:34 )•
Igeak, 'i erCOea, and tura 'Dew% would'„
Shake *en ti v+znsns3S-As Terriblal
+Gass-A'R0enarkabla Curer.
Bars. Chas. H. doers, Fierceton, Que.,
writes:--" For yeas I have been a
great sufferet with my heart and
nerves. I would take shaking spells and
a dizzy, swimming feeling would come
over me. Night after night I would
never close my eyes, and my head
would ache as though it would burst.
At last I had to keep to my reed, and
though my doctor attended tee from
fall untit spring, his medicine did not
help me.
"1 have now taken five boxes of
Dr. Chase's bierve Food, and it has
done me more goad than ever believed •
it medicine could do. Words fail to ex- l
press nay grattude for the wonderful
Lure brought about by this treat-
Dr. Chase's Nerve rood makes pale, ;
rt w and
weak, nervous n• women, e chil-
siren strong, healthy. sed happy. In
pill form, 50 cents a b,s, at all dealers,
or 4,1rceareseh; Ea est .: Co., D41Put9't
rated buggy etc. E. Eossemherry has re j
Beatty Ba, at.►rt;is rdalri4135- lion, ebredonyeThunsdayns te st ept. 27th,ell by c II (,1),
nearing completion. It is a lint ' ;at 1 o'clock, the following valuable! pro
Wilding. q peaty, viz: --1 driving mare, I newbuggy el
1 1 culler, 1 light wagen, 1 set single bar- .,
E:�1*,T IR. aess, 3 string bells. I good robe, 1 straw
cutter, hay anti tlnck i, , 1 iron kettle, 1
Sink. , 1 ehnrn, 1 parlor stere n A pil.ess
The fall flux at.Exeter was a mo t t teadsGpictnres,t chat s,f rl,��nchcsd. � sF Miesral bed ±
gratifying sueeess both in attend- i
ante and exhibits. The u eaatlter !wna `forks, rakes, bazrrels and other articles
foo numerous to mention. Terrus:-All Teresday vuµ all that onaltl be ere -sunzsof 5 and zandtr, ,•ash, over that I
sired. Fully 3000 people were ena„nount, 3 months' credit will be given;
the grounds. The horse ring made on approved joint notes. 6 per tent, al
old timers think of years ago when I lowed for cash on Credit amounts. No i
horses were bocnning ind pirie'es. j reserve as the proprietor is leaving town
The exhibit of thernbreds in the F-KIBLER, EJ3OSSENBERB
cattle Class was very conspicuous.Propr. Aust •
The show of roots was simply Xi
immense. Severalof the mer ' • S
chants made display which added':added':much to the appearance of the irtl-
ace. Strayed. onto my premises, Lot 24
Con. 11, one mile north Zurieh, on
It was reported that Hon. Foster' or about the Ilth in't, u. white year
was going to Lpia a meeting here i ling ram. Owner may have same
propertyandpaying s-
tlziµ .i . e
week, but the pian; hart. been', byproving 1 y g
chaanf;ed. and it is not known when penses.
11� 3vl 1 vjse0 Z;sr
Tress Goods,
s and Mantle Cloths
Our Special Lines in
Winer and T - SeS'
The very newest patterns to se-
lect from English, Canadian. Amer
ican and Scotch suitings. Come
in and examine these nobby goods
W e .car3'y a full line of shelf
1'1hardware, table and pocket cut
i' lery,, nails, edge tools, etc, etc.
Zun h