HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-09-21, Page 6THE BEST OF ADVICE
,To Those Who Feel Sick, Weak oi
� "
. � Depresseds
� :�10
,�'. I
I 11
Steibler Shot Himself and Hi
Wife Took Poison,
. Xiss Belle Colloon, of White Book �
Mills, N. S., Tolls How She Re- CAUSED BY :DISSIPATION
gained Health and Advises Others New York report, Married oal,
to ipollow Her Example. 48 hours, F"Auell Stoibler stiot himsel
jr, roul. the Acadian, Wollville, N. S,) Yesterday through the head, causltl�
. At WbIte Rook WIls, within Sound instant death, and his 'bride, Maric
of the Way swish of the"Gaspereau with her arms around bar husband'
(river, fig a pretty little cottage, , Ineck, was fowid almost at death'
Tn tIfis cottage there Idwells with door from morphi-ne polsoning, 11
her parents Was Belle 06III a very their home at No. So Weat :184tj
street. Mrs. Steible.r is now In thi
br5ght aiul a,ttracti've young lady Harlem Hospital In a precarious con
who takes a lively i(aterest In till the d1tion.
church and Society -work of the IlIttle Steibler wias 27 years old, and wa
village. Jk short time agia gin Acadian the soil of a wealthy lawyer wit
xepresentative called upon Mrs, Co -
boon foir the puepose of ascertaining fives tn German.y. He was a studen
lber oly'.nlou a DT'. Williams' Pink of art I-,, Uunich and Bre,41au, all
IP1116-whi,ch remedy he has been Ili- came to this country about two year�
Xorm-ed she ago. He took up the professlon 0
had been uslog. He was portrait painting, but his orders wer
very cordially receelved and found
both Miss 00hoon and her. inother few and. far betweexi, It was whil
most enthusiastic and airdeatfriends Stelbler was 1xiinting that he firs
of �Iila great Canadian remedur w met Marle Conneill, an artist's model
hich That was six months ago. 31111-1
Isnow He uni'versally used through- "ave the Young gtrtl;�,t several sittings
out tile world. We g1hre belo I I.,
"'V In e8- She Was it pretty girl, of about tit
sentially her own words MWS 00 -
.boon's Story: artist's own age..
As Steibler sat.Pefore his easel wItb
L "Three -years ago thes spring m,V palette and bru�;h in hand, cop,ring
, ealth W41S Very much run down. I Marielt; figure, Ills heart flpiv out to
had not been feeling well for Some his Subject. Finally he told fits love
thue and when spi-lug opened upand and the artl�t and his, nioJel ivere be.
tit() weather became warmer my cm- trothed. Their engagement wag an
dition became worse. The least Qx-
ertioll, exhausted me and was follow- r-011114c'ed six weeks ago. The wedding
ed by an aw day w,as last Monday. Punell and Ma.
rul feet!ng or weakliess rte went to tile City Hall, 'where'an
and a rap!d palpitation of tile lipart.
uld a wife.
I seemed to lose my autbithail , kiderman pronounced then, man and
feeling,,of lan,gor ,Intl h4uggislinei;s
too a place. 34V appetite A L-Illp(l The Down Grade.
me and my sleep at ll�gllt was dis- There was no bridal tour, but the
turbed and restliess. In Fact I was ,11 young couple left the V1 y Hall llild
' �t
this way for sonie tilue. Then I lip- hurm-Ptl back to the little flat. Marle
gan tile We of Dr. WIFIllams' pink w4st tah-oli !11 with rheunlatitmi after
Pill$ and they soalt L7eg"I'a tu work .I her wedding .Intl took to ber )):lit
Tlwu tile husband hovered at thu
Change for the better. .Nl,v Atrength lx,Q.,!,,g,, injul - wife. Ilut
and 13p:rlts Impiltyve(I wonderfully.anil t oteritig to fits
the Old feeLng �uf tirethtes's Wig.tll � It q1lIt*IV I,Ck',qlllVl r"rillent that be
tO leitve 1111?�- AVY 11.1tpot.,te returned was; drEllicing to, " fretq.%-. .
btndt1mv 'wf,!V*Alt litereatiol stp.pljy. Walti-tr V. Th;'pmitb. of N',r. SIR) I--
. W I had uset) li:�se th:tr., la . .11f ll,.Vw*,rt; strpI,-t. Jprsp.. (*.*;t.A*. :1 frlpilt�
v J�.t,.'l I of tilt- RtP^'.IoIPrR. visited them Thurs.
a dcZen IY,3XP8 I folt strc,ngp�r than
,I had doi.,e for yparti. 'S,-itep th.tt t�ln,, � 'MY Illight -till] Was aisLiQ tio rpula�r
wheniover I A,ol th,;,, lt.�ll�j e'r a rat �41,- J', dill".1114 thP Il.'ght. Steibit,r Z-hkowml 116
C� a prompt ui;e of pr. �vjlllglms, u Winial i-.mip me.-.1ohinp talil,,tg t1mi
Mk Pills has alivays J�I,Ielgllt Inc. lip had ttppra talc'�lgg fiw I:[-, ti,qrvos
. anol thAr guest
a' St(,JdPr ginel ll;s I)rbl,,.
,I)Pi,dy rel'of. ,tnj 1;1 ILIZ11p4, 1Tl,;j.lI .lij-
WX I' shail nevor tisv .ill.; t 11'.liq ,,,,It wi,n, �u thilr'rotlin-i at famr o'vlk,el;
I them- 11'3q. an9l strw:wly aol�.- r#-2or&iv aftt-r,itio, it wll,,,,g ..
ert, tco iI41 �Iv 111V ex.1111-plo, ' " �'� "t"' �11-trgo, 4-.r ft'ruv,1ver War. h1p,ttrIltl' (I.LR
Pal- Wi,Walvl*�' lv0: loill,it erpato rt Iry Thmun,4 ll'-�:1,0�,,rn. thi- jolil3nr, wat
130!4. 113.14 up tho nvris�4, .tvt.l tjlil,� r4arol'it"r oqj tho s4tinvaNc. at thc
drNe ahse.,v,i7, Irt,ttl tigsk p.tNtpill. Ili t�,w,. lit., lisarki tik,, rvp�wt �4 tile re-
. hdit.11roDs of e,I!-s%,q jlltu� it A,, o-urtA voover arof ran lilt-, tho, jl�-Ilggp. ,�s hi,
aftor gill otlaor rw4Al.T�*; It I%*, 14'4t,#,0a, b"Io'd tlao .1.41#,,34pr's rnoni, hc* Fair
tht's f"t-tathPS11 , 4,1,1 tio. 0ailDI 0 -at v 4,� Mr,�. 11-tvl.hlor t.kL,,ng a olAnk frow ,I
ark, a nvtrv6,J ,anlI.-tg- tj�kl tr,qliq�g8p. g -f �-111,1:1 Ofts?Z.
inltrra ram,tlal wiviaet,. ,r,.,;*. 4%.rmaiw " "Will"I"t- thO Mittor 2" Ilt,'HIP�rll 41n,
lklaL 11.1t.. killh, 10,414 k'a.11V �r: �;, %v4;, ilpfro 61.
INKIrkrIA tl:P fPl;g trjqjk'.� ll6'6r1j "lir. .. .. -S1,416129."' 'Vr.4. SU4141or rqtIlg4l.
W.Ai"41nag" 11it1% nll.q fl.: 11.51, o JP,_I,,l.,... Pli".4SP P,4* .11r.qW.10
Prtkto(lt .%n,-w.',,A4r flr.*�'10 '111,11 4J."U 1.1% � 41 Let ' Me 01* *1 she paltI.
n4ns,ry all.v'roAl tkht &,44",�4 11'It lq;q� I 114:Al,�,rn turrud gavvnzv� 11"tit 0vIt
`tht%� rv,Z�,44,i���'l tr.4'. C. WIA
,6, luqrz: av�*Ulal vto.� thI� apurtntelat I;Jtf1r. all"I "lv,�
Ithe ton. Ifr�-. t -to, 1,5�r t4atting at it InNo wilat-
�lla Pei p Nt.al pul*aIl4. _%g*41til t 14,,. 3 1:jato,r
TUR C111N.I.,sp, (;()V1., v moir. .1slo-4 ,,1 th"M WAS, coli'v Ulq*1414o� amt
'40 1 W41'. 44;��349 t"Jol t,) g'.) rt%%1�5Y� lisQ1forn
V(Ilestlal Rule R4 _"irPqVIoV:y C0111141. C14191ol .4 VnVecgnail� wal w4h hall, cn-
eated 31air'lliftilry. to,r#A ttlw Wit.
T`w Zm,lo� al,q, �c. ,4 � _.,�&*, � t,i;, a Vat,I- Iri� "llu.'No'.. W-410 Moil U01nd 1.�Iw
I 2110t, 41 V1',J1j1.i-0J'4-.,!` ��:tJko�. ,41?3# ,-d% big t1da, NA wall hor argm, toui;�'Wia
beiru&� T.,.ivee �,!-� i� , 1,,,gl.oa,,p jq#4JQJq,J. 4M'-"4oA Javal, dvaol M20�.11,,qg,p, gg,,A4,
i but Vltlr,I, laPp �', N il��,av_vvj'
I 1" :,4� wfi, `V-Uns,110 �40,wl hAuk4,9,*, 11IT'".4. 1-tqljt�71olu�
- -Atq2 0#,t%v*cq;n "I'J11 ,. . 0 'Uw pnz* V� rl�, � - �1 ? It "
- 'I to: �,&,+".11 * o'st W.4', 11�;�. I UWA too ,v
-:'-p. A—— wAh h',m'..
Id-XIN'lito t,;'V.t�,q�,.". T ,., 1"'.),i, - i4" I
t � v 1% I I "' t - a 'n q I' T. a v. L , ,,,, - � Z " t t, 'I 0!� t � ") . 4 I If '! RVP, ',�'0-;00 �3a,A 1,:1-.' VVI'l-0 01
,, vt,. %5
eeta�o�,, Tl.�, c�^i�,dc.',,v 1� %-�-f 00 an ad P.�O"., , .�#? Tt "4;.�' . te
- .Fr�,4 atv o4b:c" , _111v .
I'). ITAE,qg t It , CIO- = III, %�.
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uffo,,�.�,,� �.-�,Vl f .* ti.l,Iuj ato illa.rul";J,�� 11 11,01.t�'.'l in tho 1IxvB',1l �!,rs, ,SfiVa04Lp!,r -�V,jjv
cr rr(,-,�,�C_,,r&� T_p �., Ir"t, - - o,f �t . a t" I, In L�, V� too 113r, 01 �,J�AL�,U. al -.A tv�#r tv,14�,r
W 0,4�,�t;.q "A " ff� t .... ... �' , �_, :�IL '14V, I tv.o,, 11 tenrl�, .1" �,�...
-a U "'n , lar,41:t,c Ul'o r V,Ia-� t!" ,
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I..,. r, , , , e 9 I L Say
Cqq�� f��7��-C� v�!,_ L, LI'l_', '_� T:�,� , -.,-_,� S He Lost a Xe�000
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Wfzk, iz,,�, T,t-,,' .�, ,,.,,',�� il';2PQ�e. 7;r, -, `t: �� , m I
1. - . I—% , ,;. u- i,,,�, Le!ler of Credft at Niam ra I
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T�r�,Ijtr, 1 ,� T t " & 'L,� ., .�
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114 C'�:t_,�, . 'n , I .--.� I , � �,in Wtawa 1� a "i � .. ,:? . , _ I
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Ls4l]'-f-'s tv#_�,,k' .. . � - !!S lz� , -�:Tr.-I%.�X I �oa,',rjm ,q',�--, '�t'.Zry 1!L -1-`,.Z_ J1
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ii ,-,:-,, .i�Ilrn�. W,a th�._.- f ".? "a.A ,A�..wge ,!�X
STBLL rl_�Z-; CA�Nl�r,r,_,,k.. N !!.,&-t to deyl�cm 2. ,
- - Ji -6�,.;�- 11,-A,0�1 -,�,TVDI,CA ru,rp "n C%,arc�% I
_,74P r�":J
I; 4 1 - ll'v-t�- ,, . � Z L
Zr-2e Pmerftle 911m�rllmaf lon of Franec.. _t, --�',.�2 -;.t C�VJ7:�rL,
- - 0, r,14 -- _� ` Do " ". ��-, I
"N".1"q Con-;qi S%gnzer. � MILO &1*�"A"- t,','� .1,ht in tl.�;� v -,D_, -,ToqyA
'r�r- 'n, .n..__�-1 -,,--,--,,,- �- " .19,F 11 1�1'-�T,g n,Z1._p:-1L,t-,`J .1�0,:�D _� '."!.*�_rng. WPI -IJ i
, ,nt ;T1 A
'I . _,, o , ,,, t5,p I
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i ati;l . - n has t1r, A -, p -r-:, 4), rcot gu'llty. �,Ir. 111,11.-VAr"
r�'Ot -,-,��% d-z-tT'T).1t,r1 - _ c1rown AttT�rl !L-IrTip!ln't-�t0v rji� ,
' . I t:_ -4h ��qwr;!p _�f`y. . .. uadv
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- "., It, r-- � .
In nrin�v 'FL;"r tr� ,-, _V�T,r; -F-r�r-a!%-,_'�' pr*";,Q-,�,
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,U , The, -PrEnc-e,," in h,,,,.) r;�Ijjy�,q sp,51._e
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eomtr�,. th'. f-au"a C., n , .3 Of V�,,r� �, e, Xq*N'P-at Lnmlanh,. W. S� � --., fb,�l Ems �-a.; �
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aL.S. On a ir-r,rc-r ' * it. .1
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J,V .--XuZtyzi��d with �,v-,,�-, t- - --r,. - ," I cT*P7;t �'Or f:.%6iD3 'Lt'%r'F-",'!2; zt-R-1 A'13- 11
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L, - �p - 11 .
40 Tat,: ,r,f t;l. �ur �"`,VrA�11,5 �11 Ever.% 1 N!,
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93A :3 to,.� .- - fil'i'"2 .,��P_I)Ift �
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'Mit" a7.�'� :_ r2�a�",V C,t".;��,, "T�k,p 111"n sp�'� _ Dis"ritented Ralveller. i
. � r. 1.aes
elEctric.ev j.; 1:,-�#t t.� lh- O -z-, A ,r,,rt_�!r1 I)r(y,q1rr4rw, ranelter near I
6*1 pr_�Ce` .1 -.-, -: r: c �,z r _'� ' 't�,e,�Vf-A .it �,Z,gzn Jrkra is note,I fo-,, a f".
. _,,1:f",' tho 4;'] "amp �s,-(�rgt4lntkd 0
X, '. I -
� Vvxt. _rk J!"jp- ,'a-Zq,y. CV.4-,16.4tzon. N�) I lt��r !.vow adnairta-1
n - N ar�_-, rjt�,,Il:�y ' 1,
IlIe,w2i, ". 4? V-�,e of <-C-rZn1 9.*w- 'l-
, , J -,Jr bly J�;s .�ff�-jjr.q pr,rg-r,i.4i 1,�111 l0way
VV p.e .s
- (3c'c'-JR-S (A Tnanul`j1f.tu_�*,g .',`CCA,� kmp fin(Lq <-mv*. for ef�inplliint. Return- �
' 'V
94��- Dt-v:,�NR fbr th,In, q,r.�'tIu1,t,'nn cr Ing trom Vie. City le(",mitly, 'Ifter J
thIl gas J�_W'n fx :SM1121 Seale tr'sr'nsp d1ap"itsing of 1244 produ.�e at good
in lamp,j .Ire for figureg. hn sald to 111t; wife . "I am
'A larp, jjumt� s3l� ew.rywher�.. � I
_ar of cafes .
'Intl .r .�
t A,,tltlz , , "
" _ abr),,It tir,r, oil ! co .
. . a t, TV vv,; lit t barn?
t-vr--i; Elf that charglocter hava pr--"- "yf-.S, answered the har(I-isworkting
Va , "10, - ,
,v te ac:,t,;Iere ,r,,,, 111,Ints an' -d ille wit , 9
" . .. � e- ".4 Ancle. ,Is t* licssea Un- 'I
arr&-rgements f6r blarmIng thl,.; g.q a; Wtrlloss�ed and fe(IT, "yr -R." "Fawl- ,
� . Wlr�,r;d Clwppef I
-VA bf,All so pprfeeted tgat �ts ut�e 10"'.1'ed l2pl?", "'Vi's." -
� , A ,,'i .1
Ives 15'atisr"tion. for mornin'?" 41T,es - -rt ,,,,l' � _v_ 4
I -1
I 'et Rid, of Flies.
To '3
� MIX 0110 teaspoonInI of Nat* pep�
te,r,,. g,,G
Ill �easpoonfuls of n)o1st _ _
lk'� su
Into a paste wllp�h Somn
wo�iw I
. 4 1
PIw-.k+'f7 .�Tid dresszeil for market ?11
"V'r.o." "%'V�lgon witeel Imn-TI-1 , and
mady V atg�rvl I, t, nio,ria'i�T-, lly"es"
*'Oh!, then," lic,&.11(i IvItli .1, pigh, ,�141
n10 bftve My Supper and turn irt.
FATmin' Is Iwglnn!ng to- tell on me,,,
-`4an r
, rancUcco wave.
And lc-�b bim to Sure to legve othet
man the!x turv,sr to 4oe&L-._D�jeoll,
I Desperate Encounter Betwoon Two
Reptiles In Texas. ,
The tarantula ruld the horned toad
; live In, the same*climate, They are no.
ually On good term, but once in a
while trouble comes between them
and thel4 there Is a duel to the death.
I . A witAOSS to a recent fight between
r these rare anhnals describes the un.
r usual sight vividly, thus -,
"In the early summer, while herdin
� a bunch of cattle,bil tile no 9
rthern pan.
: handle of Texap, I was sitting Oil my
3 pony about as Indolent a.Fj Could be
4 when a strong scent of formic acid
was whiffed on the wind to me. A few
L feet awa,T was a large bed of ants,
' In which a horned toad sat busily
I engaged at a imeal of tile ant People
I Tile toad Tlaid but little ri.ttar4o-, Z_'
1VW a �
� is 9
. �
of Dodd's Kidney Pills are
legion. The box is imitated,
the outside coating and shape of the
Pills are imitated and the name-Dodd's
Kidney Pills is imitated. Imitations are
dangerous, The original is safe. Dodd's
Kidney Pills have a reputation. rinita-
tors have none or they wouldn*t imitate.
So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There
Is only one DODD'S. Dodd's is the
* inal.
orig Dodd's is thename to be care-
ful about -
S ---- ------- -1- -14M, UELU aZO
away as though lie had been, with Dr. 'v
0 Tanner on It fortT-day fast and had V Jg
t Just arrived at Delmonlco'ai. "', O -D -D-9 S
0 "Presently a large brown taran, &IF
tula came ieaping toward the ant bed
I wq though fright6aed. He lialted a mo. "'IDNEY
a ment by the toad. D ach looked at the
e other as though some apology should N
t be made. The toad was the first to
. take offence and demand a reckon.
9 Ing. He ran at the tarantula -,Vltll I-V '43
. open moutb. The great spider leap- " I L L!"' -
e ed Imto the air about a foot and de. 7:-- . __
scended upon the toad's head, hittug IS ASPHALT LIQUID OR. SOLID?
him over the head. A strange little -_
cry of paki eame front the horny duel- Upon the Issue it Trial Ili a Trinidad
ist. The battle waa oil in earnest. Court Hinged.
"The bite made the toad slvk, and
for an lwstamt lie halted .,Is if lie were Down ill Trinidad, where most of
- dazed. A little distance from tile aut the ,t.,plialt used in paving tile
bed a small tongue vactus was strpets is procured, opinion is div -
growing. Tile toad ran to it and be. Itled ,18 tO whether the substance
gan 811Vk1119 tile JuIpP from' a wound ma.v N, elastind its it liquid or a soil(].
made !n tile thick ]car. Then Ile re, 171),11i th'-s Issue a recent trial In
� turned to the conflict with renewed Trinldnd turned. The stratum or
energy. The tarantula lo3t a limb in P!tC!l In thttt ISiall'i is usuall.v from
the onw,t. four to L -even feet below the surface,
11A third timo wa.% the duel renewed. anti, wilion eut through, the pitch
The tarantula lost another Vill.b. mpAl, Alill sz, out. 'it, it it mail dug
Beittly drops of ,I 1-114�411 liquM stood down wwar hk w4ghb-ir's lot, lie
On tile UPS Of tile totid'.4 horns. The walliA 111� -111%� to Vollect pUell com-
IMPA "'Into tile air wpre not rppp:ite,I Ing frizin int I.r%r hl,-; TwIghbor'a land
by tile tarantu!a, but whether It ,waR T�w p .4 at wa �z tkmerlbg�d 1) y olle k�F t ll�
till givemi:It of tile lo.4.1 of guollog or the wit,'41�-M.., w, �,th ,
to 1):.w ailopted whell
po-b--on-tippetl horm Of the t0nd eall Xt,n' W."Et t, -A 414C Your lielghbor's
never lip knol,vil. rat -11 attiol rgic!ggm fo.t,-��. it, ,qA61,,_�(.1.; out."' Ile eqiPaIll-
tile other ,�:,Qgnf- Pr,eond,�as thongli spkZ pil, %,'A .�*M t-'Ulvi- it off or -ell niorn-
Ing .all aftntlittige. During titib jlrm�$. jlp_�. 1,,3 ksigft Irgin bglougat hy tine
tive thp ants wt al,out ininilvnit; -at out!l"C"I iig"At or who -f. loltph halt)
rpor wound..? oil tile flat stonriph of Vill- lt.a Nll.lvel tiff ill adj4DII00-
thi, taritritula and tile toad. NAlthpil :nw�. T� 4. qh.rvBDl,0 wit,; that ago ui,,:
wlpmeA to Pare row for VIP letpq of dprl�.rrd .%tratuin tar pitell vras
tit;' .,tilt';, bolt 01 -PIT ('301 other with :jtt, ,-- lalwil xvatvr. not IIM103 pro -
. f'ereput,�-; wor; tilall )IIalaitil. lit an Iwr*,t ap�tlj &l)pt,*qprItltA.e�I. L,ut tDle
linguavloil IlloilloiRt tho tllrantvila V4001 ,., -1 Mail% to U -It wa,, a tulw-ral.
jealwJ forivard .111.1 1llfll"tp1 It IvOlittil '-11'11 t .'�t .';-hll N'tat :�lt aohri, r t t
) Isch to
Upon t1w 1171,C)f tile te -IIII, alo-lr,Wt 't fl-olls a x6-ig-tilskr by tile
"Thot Rtruggjp t,,oIlt1puf-o1 lint - f Of 00"." 1 ;9 141",V 641�,h� J"Jl4tll �%Ml .*N�t)jl�'Wl 1DgIVtA
0 lons wil;; I -lit from tll� I (Of I I �,
th I
tho tnmatnla. k0k% 00 tioit4 - .� --lk sit of Won or *1:v4m.
Tho 1�oor Pripp"o geem. - - = ,-_ - - -
"I 4)A- I'llt AIR10110W lip pb),�wl tn 011 M 111-Ve, oi0jo. PoWsIvrs rurp.
tho to�ail :11141 f;t1rel It'.4 ullollr lip line) —
val"C.41 111-n.11 A,horliKing Ili London, 11,0071.
—.-- F9 V I &-4110- P,54-Z�A tlmotigla towid,,ob.
I Ulq I,o a � , 101an'y of 1144-ir 141.4 M1.4
%J*`oL J` �J_' tog 111"' t1:tJr�t't#:,'.. too #�,$fl,"It
d ��14�4,��--V_04101 nlo.;�i to , .,41"o-al'I tivul t�oglllo s"? r�,vep.
Thb a4malare iq ca tv,,, r.� bjy, of IhL% ge whl.�_.,%�� ,,;(;1h,, U01t 41tho"r the tr.a4v
atkural #19CA-")�,j �al tlavy core toit d'k,84all, th"It
Laxative BramozQtfirdne Tzpukta oql�3t �;.� �, , % 0,ii,-tat 0-14 1;40'1� 1;q IV i A411.
*hv X*rm,0 0.1 A C pt'-�:*, ft --of ,! 1-k tat* ant VD.0, �v . ,,��.0 I ;,03H #�Uqlt,911,1 kiftera'amV Cq,t
�____� thIM". ,,, i�)rwl 1Vq#"l;Pqn;dr"4 004rik,got noot
I Allillpt Jla throhla. &,Ud" 11 ' ',Ih � btWVUc4VhPn!4 *'Th,� �Zaar.
WiNtA, lltw In siwnto, jnartn #4 rmstd!l %#,%Y�tv�- 14"ghgamo.",
tALwI4 tilt* 1*4 �v 44 wha,wt ZW Ma llr� � V
" _I f,� L
tl� h, of &tan0v r000pt NIOUot v.mt lo, , W,fu- t5ol h!k%hiIv2 Ill'- t4l*-4t **I liAtlu.
gn#1val cola (.'Oil i,1l#M%#3r.0� Us "tolo P _%O -'t; V4V31i)J"0Jn, �� Inw-, 14:14 njull 9L
_ , __
rriloov;�a but It viltauko 1, �e'4 tllw 0- SWI#41 1017-441111 V115f[I `�Vtljlgol[4
I fok,�Z tol e4o&1 Vvm Is":4 *,,* Iv,;'o'. �Ip, � 1!4. 1
av*,Alrp� agglogno Ims"le. e"'118 �,,�� rpj'�_ *n.e 41121aller ,."', Cmra-fr� thut %1144
. , i ..
let &$�PA all I'llwkf4ol �v !a* 01,01"I �3p, 1) SwittIck �41144 " ��'Noll'1110Y'- ITOIR &1'30, 14t' I
bu-'4I44. balt ha ls!!44, A. Van t,jtq , '!,, to ty,ot. . 1q -t �!-� t�*450L,,.,atql"l �at rah,ml �
110'.�&J.U39 hn'Our�vq. dm -U ,,- gtqmmmj�7� 'o I #
1. , 'L. _.'141111#X9M T:4� rAo-NL,L4o nl!A�qrltat '�, I
milre or gc"�q at U'Li ur,;,2ut. - vvvne,��. sax'�Ilt ,Uyv 4 :-_)��?h t),NK�lt 4, j� 113�'
- 44, wt,*Ka F-1.t,z4 tnjo tu, *,.,,,,,�.v,AJ#&(I'1q
I _ I - - _ __ 5 ,,,.,,, .
atratnts f(,.r iMirth th"al f U.'r-nirl.1114 L� iL�,s�r-.,�It, ttjrq�3 q,*0i,!Lq. etc,
Howare"'d Of I -.--
Coulain 6krCury. ! I - _ - __ I
,F!qtJ"�-ff,e0fy t411 I�rn,4v I:", '!,� -�' - �:.�,f " 7 ,� mg;a,,.�. IMUIFA Spo4q.
�,.txllrml vfnmi'w,c:�k"r, ��,,,,� t ", - ,!, 2. �,1�4 F
. . " - ,'. , , t V 't " ,
� , . , , __:: -., - N. " , � N. T_ lv_-,*VZ1004�4 .�,,trLg?
1I(=*LT111)0`1�f1I!141 0 "' V""' -�.' J" t, I ,, �, _� . - r�lr I - _a�-�O)� -
. �� , o'. -- 'i ---- ,
_ - - I'll all f,'BA. �, P�-�!!�,-qto*�; fee"."; Vtt
ffa,i,,,��, 5,_,L,rJatfq1'947,k,U� �b" ,, � . � , " -T "' �_ 1� . �I �- 1� -�, 4L �� �
V. Ll'". en T , �!�--�.'..u'c. ',"E,'�I'Ve,-�(' , , , " 1"', , " " i._ - , . � , Lq[K-!:"r_,i tt,u t ;��_ v;, E114, 4a 1� of, tva a � il,p*
;-,,� tte ,Ilaa, ,-6 t r. - '- *' . '�, ,,',J� - " - ,
X. r,� v,- L, �, ,0 , "c � �, .,
, , __ 1, �� 't I. 4 b % 0,- - vn awl
11 '' r�'. 11,1 V-' Ir %T;- I �11�L',D� - M V�I t:! s1l, 0 v.,B �, to!!-
l��c�".;,l&,-,Je,:t,UD"s�4j�i:,L,t�,(��,�,�-c-�lt!'. , "_- 7' 1, 4 F', a.
- .
it;,,s,��,10,ot('131,. �,,-j,�,611,','�l,,t.��l,',�"'ii,-.'I ... _ . pin a ll*at ,,,, - Z, o� ,I' 1�_ to �at I'di nmi 11 ar.-r-A
- . I� �
. � I I
'" , i" "I , I 1 � , I%1D,.#tZr #Er, 9", �,,,,� ,,,��i I.,* ri� 4---0 t1ki, Qvq�,
szc�rn -&�v-,,,�-',gj�. i:..��,,._�. I , U, �,,. T, " ,. , I - , I
KirwEtt q,�n ,,,-V,��. L�"I.t-,," ,!�, " ", , - ."", "' , � - 1�.
, * __, ---- -- �. ''ZI. ,.� �_ , T, rov"I Vfp f.,J,. ,-1;J 6"l;t"!, V�_,nls�-� 43t, 0 L Zq
t��,",Jttl��",L"7�.r.".,,Ia�.,41T.Z,*I,r. _V'.� U .4', �.
-1 . t'j I.:,�,I� "I' T.W�'r] JJ,Qftd�,!, �f,,r�, 't r L ,_,�;!. li�!Jj
_,'. ,:aex-z4 tr,.�r-
I I �: UQ
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H:il,�'-uf,�,4,41;101t;t�-jq,�21c,�t , �, .I, � - I', ,,�-,; ��.' , " J� ,n'r tta�-� %t^_k,-4ff ho�k ��(,� , -1.1 V,�;�-- llw!��"Av�
io qv. 04, 9-0 ftken �n , , T. �,,�-,., �, "-'. : . I., �,,�- .
- _ �
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',�4=vjy V1, 1.� ;J�.t ��, , , �.
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Made go& Movie Awa0qv0nc-114,. 1i .,,,,�-- eor -31ij, duwi�.
A cv,t WoT .�I,v L�vn�wq '-"M'. ,Lc,va,"�; Tn- Il"", , Iftex ---
.n� A .
. --'1]i"$,__ �
h-32 ' 4-A, I UrAh J�;oq it 11b _tT'.yt,wti,� L '. , An eus'able 0ititissfe". I
Ff��14 'a .Vca-t "? -two _,,�.,11 J:�,fo_:,)" Ads--Tcf- 141P *N'-1rN40d hl�'Iin 11cr,
- " I" 4,h- n5gt-A. llynt bnn-v, 'V�,!f Vi�e en-
491%5nlq�-as <41�' . t!-!;, V., - il
.Valf"L':O� .�".t 1. rrj:'5 , "
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rq�, th- ggv�n,,Vy qr,�r,Z1."ZF lie
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pEzea�- En ffint trfZ,,,Z;1T F�,i,:-4�- q�Z 11-'v, �! , - -
h�sto�-Eal rtAI;. "'A- Lu%f--_-�'. U, -_,�: .� r ."�ppavc;g. V,t:,�,, _',N[I'r,e�i ek'�B.,,Rv I-mawl Iron I
'U."', .
-,----.-- . �S. . IlMs dIA 1&
1"Eh-r'm arr- ;1��my f, r .7, .. 4_; , . 1. , . - . 1.
. _t1_4 , ,
IlKiii-r's W-wnua Pf,v�.�-, �n-4 if"r " � il
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rry_! , D -tr
tt,l. lr;-�Ul,lw tkan from �:�nv 4��M.� - , q,rU.,W,V oT I -
, - __tmllt ro T'Nift, Eng".",�nd
_��r@,�. I*,"4F, V,jl�,e E,,o Z,4�L','�;J Q��.,�,.r ' if M
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� .. .�
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- � � I .� - .. .. -
The lik'st CUT(-. 1! --7---- --,--
Trat- T,�-.�t calre -�Z-, �,,,*_,, 11 I�Z- r-_1 �,t �, -- V P101 -SON Ills
gtr, 4-I't aml] Alr.,34:i- cd "A , P-�-�Z. T - , , - -
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M3-8 wid inl-urp t, * I * - THE 'Ont-A'r
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qln� ;�,Wst� nrp roqu; Cw- p" ", �
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_ " � 11!3,;r f,T ,
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filod� Of "M snsllv d!,-_;4zi1-,,-- rt.,vnl";
5hould ZA C -at -on IMOV, and 1-1-1-�r, �_ ,
11 M � w1tort-Int !Urav- A ,-:5�s, (4 n'_U
F hmilzi F�:- tak--lo �rnmk%.A,ml N Iva t�,vvijt. 1 -1 10 MMMEDA"TE =MF OF
Ing nnotllr-r nt br,vt,kfa&t 'Ind nt ,:,w�,;, t �
11 :,. . I � 1. ( 11 . I I �.
. nd agalya git. th� (.',t,at1,-_ M47,0 .,n'a 1; 9 9 T
I- - - " 1A
A r.t.rht. -T43,-,., C.T1CK� % k_J
th.? rgn,t. tItfn- � NEUP"AL '
and W"W6S -ire for"Adden. �: I I I
, 0 � . I
ni RE n - I - HE' ,
A, I Uation Resented. k T100THAC,
, 11
': - 11" W.A.WA a P2'r1`0r.t:-,V, r-% 'r I
.-r�'!Ilolx MEIL �
skd NVIS11- DO, v, .;lftfq- ;
rair gi;0"' q.. - I .1 "Im 5UMATISM.,
. 'L I I t It ins nrvr'�v to onr- cf! M rl
he 'at OS Ift
trr,e -1,�gvllng 'Cifizents Of Crimson Glilf-ll 1 AND A3�� P,All;�
"What (10 � a mean *.11 gisk,�-(l Thr;6. ;
fingerc-d .Xam. o IXTP,RNAI� 'OR IMT%RgAlf. I
Wity, didn't he stat'k thr, vardq or I
ring in a col'i de��k or soweathln_q 1IT-4 , ijsEtir EX7F,JNX!L'?, NERViUNE eures Tootfiacfm,
tbat, ?" Rhea matirml. Chi Wains, gitimof lnsect,t, C" Ids,
"Welly If tbltt tdn't f9oti-Sm! Yon � Spairns, Neuralgia, Diphtherial, sort Tfiorcat,
don't suppose he7d go to .Zji that ,,,rou_ lorost i3itesl crampsolke.
ble -for ,you, do .You T'�--Wgishlngtont V&E,o 1,V7'EftjVAL4Y, it curea Coldt, Nozkdaoh%
Star. I . : Cholarx. Warrlic-, DVOPepsla, Dysenttrv,
The Automobile Coutraaked. 1nfJu6n7V"atorAath, Digordero;,Sce6
First IrormW0, thank goodneaq. N. 0. POISUK& COL '
, Second Ilorse-ThaltIc goodness for .y,K11HG810N CRT. I
ov.hitf. ? r
First Ilbrse-Wjien we get sick wer AT ALL 0990018TS,� F910B 2$o.
W1, In M doctot; we, ffon't have to bia I �
UnkerOd w1th a, monkey wrench. FUMMIS 009 EXTRACTOR QRU OWL I
VS -SUE NO .38. 1900.
MUch Of the G um in the Sti
. Fronk tile Everglades.
P101144 is In a fail- way to become
. .—
thei XivAl In camphor productlon. of
011ingi, JaPall and Forrilf-Nsa.
fore tile 'world haa derived Its Supplies
Or that gilin from the coun tries named,
We live by our blood, and on
Of U10 vpst camphor forests that
1012ce 0XIsted in t4ie.se regious but .1
It, We thrive or starve, as
Mnall Porti(m remains. Tiji,j 18 the di-
reCt result ofthe wa,utou 'nate ill tile
our blood is rich Or poor,
P-1*0cess pr,actle
.ed for obtaining the
911M Lroill tile tree, Q,amphor IS
There is nothing else to live
obt-Aimeod by boiling the chips of tile
on or by.
wOOCI Ilmd -MOU and bark lit great
kettles with ,iv,ateIr and condensing the
When strength is full and
Ov D"atillzed gum QV rushes Suspended
el' tile kettles
Spirits high, we are being re-
In' this PZO--e -0 entire tree is cut
Z tit
freshed, bone muscle and '5rain,
Idn"i%A1.111141 even the rooti3 dug up, but
in body and mind, with con -
was found that, the gum
Could be commercially produced from
tinual flow of rich blood.
the leaves and twigs, seventy-sevell
Pounds of W111011 yield
This is health.
one Pound of
gull'. He-nce the bearing tree need not
When weak, in low spirits,
be disturbed tior injured It, any way,
us the foliage it bears 19
no cheer, no spring, when rest
verY dense
and may be Thinned down one-hait
is not rest and sleep is not
ivitbOtlt SC,axcely being noticed. Ti
tree, besides, be le
ars a very
sleep, we are starved; our blood
great am-
Dilatt of pruning Ivithout injury, It is
IS poor; there is little nutrli-
21,11 evergreen and makes three growths
a year-jill April, June and ()clobpr,
ment in it. .
Tile tree reinoves nothing from the
soil, tile
Back of the blood, is food,
gum ba!ng formed entirely
I rom, 4110 gaises of the atmospilere, and
to keep the blood rich. When
ilen2e the leave,;, AvIien deprived of
their C-tmrolla� and returned
it fails, take Scott's Emulsion
TO the
soil, constantly enrleli the soil, whlCb
of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the
In time requires no fortl3zation what-
ever. Aslile, from
whole bodygoing again—man
Its mmi
the Camphor tree is (>Wk or the most
-woman and child.
O11nRmQII*al ever cultly-ItRI, Its begin.
t1ful Shape ba!ng equallod by tile
V yo- haw ... ), wed it, ,,end for frcr ittimple,
its agrecable taste will surpriSe
arborvitae only.
.118 lower lormw-.hes lie on tIr- ground,
SCOTT & 110111XV, Chemists
wlllle tll.!' top f0rM4 a Qone-. Tlw flow-
em are small, but pNCPNII-nl1lY prptt-,
5= end $t.00; all drug4gist;ii,
wil"le thO leaves are of "if *1b.'a-Iii1fill,
—I--- � , , - , -_ " ,--",-,*--
Pale, 9108V green (*lor.
Painful Cramp,
� A Short Lesson ;a—the Mealling ofa
Familiar Allord.
mmedlately Relieved and
Dhvai!�Q -is tile Oppaidto of ila%�. 11*(?',�
OtOr (41i.u0s d"or-a.,le 1,laek
Permanently Cured by
as of pn._;,.,
twtkaslikw..,,� lroubla-, ,leat.oll, *lI-;JIU*4bt,"
It W -1 rt-201tilou thle to .,oiuz doratigi-
few drops of Pol,,;on's
ment of,the fohyo�iv-kl org...1111.4in. A vast
iva�orlty of the f roul W111,11
Pffoitai' suffOr IN du - to Intpurp )oil o,I.
btst-.110 of *.It's hill I is engli4l b�I, ntoidl$
lf�o;l sufrerfraill (lr,JDuIp-, 1),11-1 Ira tho stgonl-
$alto;apnr�,Va. whwh pul-Iflo-t. crirl0tra
gm -i vitain:#t; t1r. Uo),J. llet(Al'..4 .4.41,4,x-
ach, lum-'a. YOU Will find � ell druji, of Volgion%
Nervifille In it gr�j !moru; of wwera run't elfi-
parlila eure,q si�rsifiiln, Nalt 1,11-111n, 11:111-
life.4; ergiloVo;.,;�
ea4liollt, riline ,I- oluief,cr fictuany linn%voI
raina dy for til -1%310, I413404 of (ill 1�;Jj
, '� It. -14, it.
.111.1 .111 it, t.qlews ,I,c,
t w.11 .
1� "I". an I pr4%t0-; .1 gisol-I aloltotiti..
$Wld ti vr.k %-.loere.
CINI it rthe,; ,0gior antil vit,alft.y to, tl,,4*
. —
Gtruwtll of 11tinlitl, 111V11*.
It I:tolf' 1t*I,l-V- It WIPIW�-; MIP voildlVon
of %h'wg. P�%lng hj,�.tltll. I'soniftirt alld
Aut-Itorltifis tl'rJi%r.t,z tf� tIIoN r.Itp (q
"eat"it ", Ili Vall,e of "ths -.mok."
growth tot t1to llutn I it 11-1111. CIDA it �N
Zo,64 t -to 191- lery tllii�,,1111!lir ill differput
AV1011 11111#111011 Iarp ll,,,ilo. ji�tp%I-ligtatl
ri�stbt,80 Rt, 1111911t thoy requinw
HPhVk.'Q,a2i--, TlI'to utt)llt, illotqluy glpy,ppt�
#ael t�l .
'Jttttl�%t�oll g�% It,; P.I\ and ono'll " bit
tt tit"
Or t4ro of .N1a,lle*r*6 lVoirlia 1,j#tvtt#,r0.
ho-hiki it,-!-:Iwaulu� A 111UN hair. all.
,Omtl tt� rXIVW to Its 4,\tr,P;glp lolDgtil,
- 1-_
ro Avoid t1ke Ittisil.
F��4n;%%i pxvch�"14 tivol%lb 11DA10-4 or fo,ur
�l, Rthfkq. Arldpe that tot 44
Wh -it a dr,y p,,*q)J,3 o,torih. moi%ort1w,s
that ralftljona,di tto-notorroiw will 6,tk,1t gl�
t%,, 10 grow Ili raro it -V401044 too) 70k
irf IM! or 73 helco;. thioug*tj
ro-:A, 1,.qi at .varol 1,11,tij t1u.v 1,4kit t4jql.ly.
41110 th I- 11141,1411VOW'Ir 914 tt�%6 to nuorro)w
avvr'sp, #10*1%Q 11,64. pw��##J ta7I,gAt,V-fl.-v
WAl hll� 401�0 lip Carh.'.-A%,,TM4,ioll tojjog�m
uwl",�k-tI to lfdrty hv-h_�,�
. ____
ht,jli,-%ni,;-i:to-iii-�t--�,�4-(,�r-O r_1*,t01_aaIwr-
Mua,nft Lk,,I=mt� cartij oarget In
Ne-wo bl" reavhr'l Valg,ary or the
Tile quv�4iio of tile Ijolstlutls.
o!p,atft of Itaval (*rotv,
trlk* of Ill-11-amv. 0 vk�,i4t tot ihl-D�449, I
Vxt (It�41t."m 14"I! thol 11*h%jkln.4 ,�*Z RoA
I ,
�!*4- it Iq ,to w.al"It hat apwq a
� I __ L, . I ..
I I I ,
.. .. I.. __ ___ 1. i I 11 - 11110 .
� :t40,11' qof 6104--aviN. W�:Oogf at --,X1 &h4b
'A Ig'W��C�,t4tkltft'�.% t#1 1�14"II," J�a.gIC'o,q 'att&a "
� , _ � elita"a
I 'i I ,
"-,-- � -'_-__'..-r --- '1111m,
Gf1h ftl UUMM151% BE, GURED?
tq,l i�,, I, 1, va�'Rla, 44-sooroln�T IoA,1.�,efr that
trojo- 1-�,,Ir�,�19 tare wo,"'o eallo"I for� It wan
yf,ta cadt tell "Iltont tnficg
N146K."," ("UJU4 I'A IIPV Xij-?�.4.4"S VIT-
' fk",.,454, V",laal or,'nr4 th�,ro nrco, I;II,�
Tte Nok, cl,el-Atal ftn5tt'nH. u g,lAmdbt�r
�"a-14*"tt` VD`a"'-'t` .'Jr �la VIAP C�U'VPN, ANUit
1r,f,I,1q8 �.lv-r T,nnn-nAq unt.,in,04 'In (,Uzannll�
Orcohe in tmitg t1bo"jitatitru Nowiltoy,
ilo,aal�.r�a. Kiln lntrnr Vazk tta �Z-�'.�',9r.A�l.qnl.,�3�tu-'s,b,
V41_41,,3tvnlrv-s�� �Ueta, IM-41"�i.,%V.,si tm0fs -,mo
- . '. J%�J.L!�JtX.ftj� 1�t,�,:4 �_, rM%.
litt.,'o, bi,EL��rp. 1",_1t*,y gat& lMi!1i7F.bLi�-ii!4.,
t.- t", ". 4111c, Lii,L�)T-t kqlftvp,�v aft'll a9vi-Men.
11 - - - 11
___..... .
bl. F. F BY. U_,ERIL-1� ft" )_,'V�ft?, lftb
illiwo - — __ 11-10NNIL"I" "101mim"
- __
TAII-013"o, tiv:1111%4� 1,4111100t'-�
IQ,'rttr(r-�1., ,n,-%,UN�,�p deii,tting t-!,Ot�.ga i�;a
J4r'tP.T,* <f";q','q !1`.L'�"a P'Al,qt .�tvit MY t"Vio'.t.-o
. _%La� I
J'.:11 �i,!�,U TIII,' I
,U, ,�Utf'!
__ , _ .= --
T4r_"Wu7!1!1; arv, .at V,p 1'. - llul,'t,,44T
- - . -rd"31 at�,.l 1"L'IN.,
r U -W-7 � ��a-Z%112111v*.`4 119%,1110NINT IM4�� 4111a
PLII�U4� III' , - t a t,,a 4'.1 5L-i;�, ttn,,T'5�� UL1-'W;29 Vag �Tf`-BU
;i 'W
Q9 _Zk-r.
,� I. Vj� A, ll)*,4AtCU=i1-,;.
An 4mvtovt,1n1�Ii1.
� ,!v _ig-,,�
11VE'nt u%v�r tl,.e ra avou ...
I . .-afute
. -,;-,-.m,.- 4��-;�k,�J q9aa W-,,�,.�.o�;L
vi��t� " , � �nf,
U�,��vt&vl. .at `V,w h;V-,ar1*1"1,sz1L tab� . � P.
11 vl.,;�--,,'t ku,�,,, I
. , . , , tt','!Cr-.1 trrap vro�,-_q-
V.Vf.-,_.0 1U,,*Qtd-r, 9vat Z was nat sa
MIS,,ln C�113 it ltqq h_�eai,"
1kv tllu�`r .1,-c.on ,rn nol, St0%ivnu.r%
It .d,;: � --.- n U., -1 D 4, � w, D * 1 5 0,
qzr � .B..'r,".4 U`o_,-..rL1 1�10V.-.
,T -n4 lozv'-"at az2lj sn,.h t7wun"Zar n�
iQ . - vne4
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vl�%` *r;!aI;,1,1tr-. 6 ".Lt,�J!�C-;. I!-"mV.--PVr-.�,
"`,t,zyUv o"4�"Ljli-riF,%,�n,. *-tt-.. nci�7,- to t',I�Me-
VO4-al i;-_____1�iq I41--nol. i
D,� ,L,GZ] IrA�rk, rz,r!e.,4� I., -
_r. �JE.j ,Z
tnm�ll_, "My nm, 1.1 �,�I�. vo,-q_11 11111"at I 1�,Q,m
*W*- 47,�o .�7".TV2*,q.,_- rv,"Wl .
.1 J , mv vc-`-elll
V� WCOL" vr_-'s ttn ,r-n-,-t`_,j,4 11,01$-. 4-I't
""y eongnl'�a :n renady VIF L_Mt-t trittl an
�-_,'_- OT 1tre:_.1n:,7V,ij-,4,
11:narg's LL -.,i=_ --,ii'. ture3 9'11�7Aherl,.a,
I ___
it-ill�llellet,t�L�1--i'Aft-ot�1-1--- ISSIN-1:9 &(,,Z� Iron
IL- n �,; -,..,� �_Tk- ,9, ,
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tr��,Jt,��Iw_ .L,�_f �1 �.��'!CLt-jz W`2,4, rtr U� 1".2�-_.-, �1� oV,�'!�,
��.I��.'11 ' $ - " Z 1_.IV:1.1;� t�1__n!, ,b`� 921 ��-1-7.,� S.�K'Z%
9 L ..... . �.,jac,.
M".,jk"�t,�,,�.,t,j�%"_,.� _�'�_r.,!,�,"t
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.Vt.'�t�.r!,I� �1,__'_"'j"j"g ft���' I'., .'L',I,_'�.",-,
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%$",LS;o�,� a�_,),J,"
_ '. 471 Q�T �, ;; tt 1. P.5, .9,
..�",*,,L'�� 5 [�U� r !:)j Y. .;_"
� ,
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I -�,.C-�. C.,.Cjo�,aqkf,q�%, ,Ud.r, - t ,4q E. 1
.14 I 1 ft "r- ry V� �_
- Rg:.Jgg;II4�pra;�&_ '.VJA.FIIPS'��- I , , � I
_, - '13 = U316 las
1� ri:,.,ttD41'4Q o7im5t'. _Aq,�Ldt,It.q
a-ela:-z . � WL �
00IN-AWLIV Canpr"Ntrr,%
1��Jy' B,r.t 4 �111 %'Lr4,anal Q,'If_
M_, �r_rei�"
,:��Ift-g %t'!f,,_._4 CT 14,�
I ". C I __rl
WIN ,0.,�6, %N) b,;,J,v--A LF, v" wrfy
glcatf.-4�1 rat.�- 1,r'DaTt�r"-G-�1:, 'Pc-�,."!��,*7ml,�.
U�;.-.- fnf-Irki4�, L-j�.)=' 11 tn mr_,,Aqz j,,� �"z, vl�i-
" �. "'A *& r ,� ��%-. 'q-e,,*,�. A., W. -4 � . ____
- 'i 1*"4� ,
#4�-"i�ii '-�1�4-4�7, ..I
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STAISP$. WMI-��L-dVir,6-VI,t% C,6'�JrC-�'-!?�-jjtr,j-
U " 6t'� 4!1r- �,� ,xftl, C,n,.,� i! [ �) �r,,'.J, nj�,��,mmgd
lo caro�,-, ;�=,l vv�,I. R 0. R.3.,� E2.. ff,j�-.',!,'�C,Z.(�_,_-t,.
1AIRA17ONG Tk.r%1_Ir,V1.J"f=q_sJ. cnz J,�nt tot
, E-, v2"'a ,E65n,�: 6z,v-2ve to c=t, �;!-�- cf
�v_;IF-7. G LT. Lmv. lza-ro:�L"�.. & iFl
C. -I'%
AGEN�S FUND TnAT orn t-,A1Pq;r,
b4-XUt0-,!-2!,v <L"zTal',Iz,s-i�'hAf,-a.,a�rr.�,','--'�e
or_7�1=_V4 ��,T V�1- 4,��_, kz.;�,�;�- �, _*!�; __-
:�ik_�,bj.��Z_ =._ r1Q4,!_2*
, , : 'St. JC n f _
�`,**.4",g f_-:�j!��. Tc_ . _ iC.7 t.V6
66za- - ��v a go,w n, ,,� 5:, -�rkt, =,:�,--g. e. -Z, -0�1214
"I �. ,!. , 'd
V _, , If _V.j ,�_..
Tre" �t,�,E=, -1. E-1 .;�;
- ...... . .
FUS I 1- . PFF.12111 -INLIN-MI, CVP.VD B_r I)%
. I ! rtt�_�16_.Ioat Neve Hek6tet. No
E�ts 1=1 telvv=�ne,7g aT&r ffTa"' i_�
t�M V�=& to Gr, AmIl -.4t,-4 �-
, -M� Ph.2ti.
5,%!��a,pm t,&��tv�,t-*,,-�,-c��a�-,i�e--,*2,4, ,&�&S
Fi�4 s,'��,� bs, 1� Jt. R&Tte, 17_;UNb1T1D,0a=es5+,re*!b
&-*Vzitealla Q__#1
___ mro. W'k_-�,4S,W,_Q _14�,thlll�% Skrup sho-ard *I.
T'e Vh!rf'�� �
.1 z, Wlnl,�A-nr at wa,-12:-g- 7,-a��F�11*T`$*aIvreftVdiren Actilhing. 11twasthaig
_ fteelZ� aln- ,e gmtrm ttltteg *irdwaL
ne,gof . " gte" s t�, 4
ton hw,- ��-n sma�ovvere3 to Z_ I ft�d Is t:Le Tyestremedy for Diartkate. T*-etty.
ZA-ft rdvece-.tgabatae. It
----411 .... .. I ,_ "_,, � _ ""L-- ' L ... � .... L, " ..... . � . . ..... ' ij&*
_!T!__ T�T�""_ " �! I 6� � t��'_� - __ ` _— :�_ L---- __
Golclen, Yello-vvs
- Bear Tihis Stamp and are
Irr the Market.
As good as n3any tran&
of Gtanulated Sold now -a -,days.