HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-09-21, Page 5kit 14
r the
ens, G Irwin 1st and 2nd. Part
ridge cochins, G Irwin
The Zurich Fair • 1�
Clubbing rate.. P C d1liCks, 0 Irwin, J Becker. ROU A VNIeutulm
vin. Any Henri 14ochefort, editor of L'Intransill- Mrs, Bradley Martin eats her Alanda;lr
wwe h -tngement A Fiue Day and a Good Exhibit en. duck, J Becker a Im glit more than 200 duels. dinners from plates that are valued itir,
ave made arri 0 11'win skilev
S breed ducks 0 S oreasit, has fool
to offer the following low OlAbbing - Greets the Largest and Most G.Clausit-Is. Tur Senator Hear will be 75 when his term �115 apiece.
In the United States senate expires in Mrs. Jefferson Davis I 'rveW,
Geese, G Ix ducks,
a r P a good ty
k4ates, with THE HERALD Satisfied Patronage known for keys, G Irwin. Collection Rabbits 'Or 20 Yoare-A Constant Sufferer Froin 1901. scholar and her favorite reading is aultlug"
t)aily Globe $4.00 Years. J Bookor. Toulouse geese, G C1111"s BlOetling and P'.Ob.uc�ing Pi1oQ_C Lord Rosebery recently said that when the classics of that language, a vo um(N't
W8, i Becker. Guinetl, fowl, 0 Mau by Dr, Chase's Gin, ured wealth reached a certain point it ceased Of whk1 she has alveaYh; At hand -
Mail &� Empire 4,25 Lionent. to give pleasure, Mrs. List, the wife of'R),ohard List, Ua-
-Weekly Globe Dr. Condon, the blind chaplain.of the genbeck's famous animal 11-alner, zollit.-
150 The annual fall fair of the Hay siuS, T Becker. In vain did Mrs, Jas. Brown, of Hin.
Branch Ag . ricultural Society, was QRt,1X & SERDS tonburgh, near Ottawa, search for a United States house of represeptatives, times takes her hushand's place, Shoi, le,
Mail & Empire 1:75 hold on the grounds on Septeinber White fall GRA[11
N Gi6,sl G* cure for plies In E uropo and America shaves himself. He has six razors, perfectly fearless and call cow a fiercer,
Berliner Jonrnal (German) 2,50 10th and 20th, and a-, we predicted Schoellig, Alex M(Xwen. Red f all she trh--d every remedy available, . but Uleliard Mansfield Is abort 42 years lion as successfully as . her husband.
Tautly Herald & Star 1.75 was a huge success, The fir, it dkt;y wheat, Geo, Olausius, Surer -as J It remained for Dr. Chase's Ointment
Patterson. Spring wheatt D Spen- to effect a cure. old, Ile was employed in a .Boston dry Mrs. Ellen Bollman Parkhurst, wife or,"
was cool and cloudy but just com- goods store before he,went onthe stage. the Itev, Charles Parkhurst of, N ow yovk'.
- 'G. Mrs. 131 -own writes,-,, I have been P.
fortable enough for exl�ibitors to cer, 6 -row Baxley, i Roeder constaiDt Sufferer frorn nearly every . Rnpresentative Mercer of Nebraska is 16 a very busy woman, She assists heir
get outwith their articles, ot ox1i ib- Olausfus, W Roeder, 2 -row Barley form of Piles for the iatit twenty years, a devotee 10 euchre and very seldom husband in all his numerous and ranee!
s, and ritivilig that time both here and in m sses playing it game every evening of
t. The hall was not crowded b Lit J Patterson, white oats, R Gip, undertakdogs and thoroughly uncle stand
everything was very ttuiteful J Patterson, D Surerus. Large. the Old Vountry have every branch of the work.
at wen, small peas, W remedy. tried most every his life. Interviovii-
petv4, A M.(,,E The United States consul at Vladivo- Mrs. Hetty Green in a recent I
ranged, On Thursday the weather " I am only doing justice to Dr, said; "The idea that the way to flima-,
was all that co thy seed, E Troyer, c stok, Russia, is Richard T. Greener of
could be desired and
Roeder, Timo Chase's Ointment when I say that I Bial success is 4 hard One is all wrujfg-
fully 1500 people were oil the fair 4 New York city, it negro and a graduate
H L Kraft, R McArthur,-ur,-itlages belJeve it to be the best remedy ob. The road is not rougb., It Is easy to Illirri.,
grounds The quality of exhibit,, AF es, J A williams. tainable for bleeding and Protruding of Harvard.
, Ehn plies. I strongly recommend Dr. I C011greqsman Champ Clark of Missouri and to travel. People look fox- It in ont-'.
in every department was more than HORTIOULTURE Chase's Ointment to mothers, or Indeed Is authority for the antionticenieut that be of the way places and so miss it." .
equal to former years. The direct- Oollection apples, E Gies, Snowe to any person suffering from that will be a candidate for the senate to sue- Tama, the Japanese wife of Sir Edwim
orate may be congratulated on Bros. Fall apples Arnold, is said to look like a Parlsietme-
n the ,E Gies. Winter dread torment-pties. ceed Senator Vest.
TILC The apples, JRooder. King tompkins, Ph)*10vlans and druggists recommend She speaks English fluently, but with ow -
i slight accent. Her letters show that sllotk
s cess of rise fall fair of 1900, Dr, Ointment as the one pre Senator Cockrell is exceedingly fond of,
f ollowing is the list of prize win- Hry Kraft, Abe Geiger. Snow apples and is never so happy as when he
paration that will never fail to herself tow,
apples, M J White B Phfile. piles. It Is guaranteed to Positively I English modes of thought and expression-
ners:_ el cure can secure one of the juicy pippins for has been easily able to adapt bertw
PI which his state is famous.
Northern spies, E Gi s, F Willert, cure IPS, whether Itching,
DRAUGHT HORSES r. Or Protruding. 60 cents a ' bleeding, Harry N. Pillsbury, the chess Cham- Male. Patti possesses a queer fadl
2 -year old zelding, J Patterson. Balchvinq, Abe Geiger, J Habere
Span mares or geldings, E. Gies, H. RIGreenings, P Hartman, 0 Oswald dealers, or Edmanson, Bates and co., pion, says that he learned the game with 1 which she has kept secret for mann"
Toronto. great difficulty, and for some : yoars from the public. It is only a fetor-'
Ohnuda red, H graft, J Roeder. .... �_ time any years since this peculiar fad or hobbr
Roeder. Agricultural, -Br. marc, amount of playing always resulted
great am
J Thompson, W Harvey, J Green Ribson pippin, 0 Oswald, E Gies. 1)(401('17t, J H Nvisillor, in severe headaches. became known. It is the passion she haw.;
Foal, W Harvey, J Thompson, J Golden russett, H Kraft, JDechert set (10 froln. I - weapons. They,-,
for daggers and similar
Green. 2 -yr old gelding, HGuen- Ben davis, A Geiger. Wagners filo� J DMialiort, T H Iviimer, coll. I Congressman Cousins is one of Iowa 8 are very small in size and many of tbenw.
shops, P Bt,-n� most famous fishermen. He spends every
lor & Co., enil ' historical.
ther, E Gies, F Ellerington. 1 -year H Kraft. Mann, H Kruft Maid- F witv AIRL4tvr, I summpr by a inke aboundin- in black
en's blush, J Habeiter, 0 'Walper. A'r, 2 lio, fin. flux, G Cook. bass and goes fishing twice'a day�-at Mrs. Brown Potter, besides being m.
old gelding, R Gies,'G Nicholson I)AMY sunrise and at sunset. clever actress, is a curio hunter. [Ter"
Span mares, J Decker, R McArthur Blenheim pippen, G W Sohoollig, i house Is literally packed with knlckkivwks�,
Gen. Purpose,
0�&-Brood mare, A Get Di Gies. Pewaukee, E Gies. Cell- 511 lb -t blitt, �r, A Geiger, Snowden Senator Vest is -very nearsi but from floor to ceiling. Each has its bis -
ger, R Allen, W Sutith. Foal, W vert, J Roesler, H.Rraft, COMIC- Br()I�, NV Kmitli, ! I],s butter, D frequently forgets to bring his glasses to to, and recalls some memory of thL
the senate -chamber, and consequently In y
Past, Among the Indian collection cher
Smith, J Rooder, R Allen. 2 -year ti,,lu russets, E Gie.;. Fall pear,,, 4rinroriis, G selloellig� writing sits curled around his desk with has 16 watches, which represent, if ist,
old gelding, F Ellerington,W Smith, 11 R Johnston, W B Battler. Will' 11011(win ctvail), J ITaborer, Koine- I his nose almost touching the paper. said, the undying affections of 16 rajahs.
1-:1 Guenther. 1 -yr old gelding, F ter pears, 0 Rarig, Bartlet pear,;, 11111(10 broml, R R Johnston, i i Owing to his multitudinous agencies in
Ellerington, IV Smith, G Clausius It R Johnston, J Dechor, Flemish Smith, lukors' 1g,pil(l, 0 Eill)er, all parts of the world Lord Rothschild In appearance Mrs. Robert Louis Ste-
beaulT_ E, Wes, M J White., Prunes honiivmu(io bun.,;, R R Johnston, knows of the most Important events of- vensou is very attractive. She wears.
Span mares, i Roeder, L Restintier 1-1 WAI, P Rartintm. Crab allples "Xt. 11mler. �T Huberor, Qeo.. ten before any government and ea be- 'her silvering hair in a fashion of her
:91 In G Trueniner. Carriage, -Br. mare own, simply n loose mass of ringlets. Her-
. N 0 1 re(l, H Betioler, H 0 Doan, Cm. 1) Clwis�i brown eyes are singularly bright, With
W Witzel. Foal, Witvel, FO'Brian , ' 'I"- (It. 711ilIfle syrnp, Dan, j fore the most enterprising newspapers.
)-yr n apples v Stirer The Duke of Newcastle, one of Eng- -r
el 3 old gcAlding, C Wolper, A Geiger . ellow, Snowe Bros, A Elini; 11s. G, N,)t.t. the most direct gaze Imaginable. Ut
A■ i A Willians. I -year old geldinge. F �i Grapes, J Haborer, B Plifile. TAMEs, WoRX land's richest peers, owns a London manner is the essence of frankness nnit
'I O'Brien. A Goig'vr- S I 0,11vetion grapes, 0 Oswald, RAF newspaper and writes for it continually. she speaks without the slightest affects-
mares, r I (�Ifflt. (4 Nott. T Hwignior. He is a stanch believer in the pres and tion.
Broki-m-shir, 0 talper. Bngrgy Cri-mel W,ark (' N
Haborer. Collection canned fruit,
JohnstonJ Decher. Miss Y. R. Baumgarten is manager of'
R R , ". Nutt. Tnftot1quVt! in journalistic circles is a great favorite.
Merner Bros., T Bissott, B 1111filo 1V B' RaWer. T Ttilin,;on. :Rnftt-ol Governor Stanley of Kansas is a
I n ex- the Pittsburg office of a Cincinnati flrm
Roa(l4ers,-Brood inure, P Lamont (44#RJMX VEMM&BLES. (Illilt, 11 well. B, Ber., Port penman and does most of his own that deals In rails, scrap iron and railroad
Half bush, carly or late Rose tin W-11 J F ollivk. L L- latter writing. Ile uses elther hand with supplies. G Coleman, J Goiger. Foal, WWit � She Is a young woman andt
- -�r. 1) ol al case, and his signature Is Identical. was for years In tit(- offlee of the com-
Zol G Coloinan. J Goig( 2 -yr (ild ptitatoos. 0. Hehro�Aer, A. U( ger. equ.
Willitawt. A Dunk -in 1.1 - W. Battler. Wht, or roil Eleph. do whether the pen Is held in his left hand pjjo�. in Cincinnati. where she became Fit- -
I - litt. J P,
C,,Tnthc�,� I -Ar old peldint,. NA ' -hroeder, 0 Colosk.v, J Doeher dhek. quillt Sowell oll or his eight. -inch of the bushic-som-
Wit G n iniliar with (-very br.
J 1)"t-hoM ()nt lin!*, Captain Beinkley, the leading author- She was sent to llittsburgwbeu a Yucan--
H- E i VIA, i Goiger,-D Selinell. bl-) Colo. red, Q Schoellig, J Doehor.
an Ill N%r Sinith. 1%fjeh. blue, G.&Itoellig ti'll't. I; X-tt. P Ifirtinim. Ity on all things Japanese, has su�:tafigled ey occurred Ili that offive.
';JI)Peher. Buggy I torso, P H MuiTay, 111IM10 P�1�1�71'00t. P Hartinan. P� a beavy loss through ffie�, The wh"le of
G sehoellig, i Ila gan. J Hulioror, !,inowden Bros. Any! Bonlor. illatlo mat. J wt his library, his of art and unillu-
� VIM. TiLippert. Col 4 var. G St -h- BEE BUZZES.
ClAvri'l.l., � w;,,uior. (4 X •tt. 11 lljttiolt• ritg, i scripts of more than 20 years, collection
ii AliW- cow, J Rileder, 1-1 Xraft. J'' r,teder, H Lipliort, W B Battler. oi .1 Deeker, F w bay#,- been entirely destroyed.
2 -yr old heifer, J Uooder Empire, Or St-hrfieder, G Helivellig The queen bee matures In 10 days, tho-
' �� Ili'-- 14:011till'-' o -11 volvor. w StAft ,James Oliver, who Is probably the worker live Ili 21 clays and the drone bow -
ll H lCraft. Yearlin.- hoifer, J Rovilio-r , W B Battler, Cainnol. W Bleck � .1 11"t-Aill w')A 'work richest man in Indiana, laid the founda- in 1114 slays.
14 E R 1A LID to R""t". woll. F Willort, W B Battler., p j,11111�11n. I tion of his fortune by saving from his
H Kraft. Btill eulf. J Rovilor, W, Ilor!in wool Tilt, contents of ill(, box, hive, voinim.
H Xrnft. Other than thoro, Wht Wans, W B Battler, H Lipp PillOw salary of m) cents it week as a fartuer's lives attel all. mav readilv be transrori-44
ort, 'Bir, anor 0,;Nvitloll, .7 11 W -M. T I-eh,ore Iroy" enotigh to I uy it houNe, and into hives with framt-q it desimd.
Durbttni,�Iilk eowe J Rolli-dor, "r -Ill't Iv. -I-4. M J W.ito H lot !lull
tile int-tallment plan and then 04.111.
A Ult 'I'l". Yel eorn, F Willert W ki -Co,
11 Rovioli-r, V .s. Ilt-ifor ealf. P;D" Alf,niwi lia,,hait. (4 Natt T ing It at u prollL Bees swaruk bovatise, tilt -y bt-4, P
1--lartnian tat and Intl. W Roedor $01trooder. Kw earn, H W, ell, Dani.t I I'th. Wvvilth. NV R4,viler, nuillPrOus and are erlsw4ed for no:11111) ;1*1&
2 - yr oldheifer. 13, (41os Itst antl Surorit 4. red 6aii, �n% W Itulty •" t I bt-caust- they have a Idurality tit quven%.
e V Rari-, , Lgo v-0 do. il Liplyori. V- 012e). wroatIl (10 Nott., BEE BUZZES. All surpins hurts should Lo arranged lRe,
J I'M IT. Yourlim.-I heifer, J (Intin Dittell "SlIts. J X Sillith. P PerIlt.r.. G Xvitt. Otrfl-: that they van tip in-pol-tedl re - Ally mill rp- --
Owm J PflliltT and 3rd. 12 -yr old N,*..tt. IV Tool�tftintbegrt*-attit;tamt)unt4)fhonts, nioved frons the iv
n4 suou a* iv"w, -
-441T.Jl'fitff 1 t21l4tkT1t13rd: Fitt Witt earr*+;, V Walllor.(A Shr.,wiler.
S t hwiw fl N 4t. It', swurnahag mint be watrollud. plelvd.
t -r hil,lift-r. (4, Penbule. J 0anni Red dov. 0 $ohrotwder. W Wlteh-vell.. • %V�mrk. ts' Xs4tt. Hvcn- All danwr of lwoi 0wtanding may be To retteh the gToautst numbroo a C*
MOO& ltere,. Yearling stver. J 1141if 1,6t Rod --atroil ti-r-nilss. Snow&n Drot, $It.' INV% 4 litt d Z,.v thpipi..'j; the qui-en'.4 w1u6-1. 6%V.R6,1u!Z 0hinloollo. ro4ing nmlt la. noon
onl-ty It It Johnston. sweil do. J 't'm N (4, X
aud 22nil, J (Itanfl,pl-s. Fitt J '* -0 R 110A.alolp rt"atill-i In lo"noy prmlpottubu up iluring tho, haervaiq wilvo nasi ;(i :s w,,L,
lace J D1.4.11or. Wilt do, .1 roa-dor. H. , I I t-anioita be obiainvi toy allowing tow unwh beatin gntheri,4L
1--t and 4 %tlf. 1.1 flartatian v-- tit 114-0in Wopil, w
-4. .11mv g"111 litant�,olds. "insm. Tl r.• 41; ts,,thilm gaum-41 ton vittiv ,Me
44io. Y4
'dell RVA. RoViie!4. 10111- rod d#i. 1". llli%i4hulga inny tip omt4mvd satety as by rato!-rtPi:, ta!i it is a d=nge ue,)t "Ift, IM
J;dua Kbopht,rd and R. I'vitht 'p•
Hurtillan. W slali6, 1�oz 4.��Olw I I; aq the ID04:11-F flow la'tv, arall it after• thp v4,,1uouvy iq,lnhvd, bu, nll,-o t--# C,r oont_:.
11 t �ito J White. 44 N -tt, aid intilre lutTvii-_44 is plonmd it uaiy LA tbal it) r#44PaU;:.
wfiq.ere t"04'ano. W Rlutov. .1 Ort. tit 11pneb., '14vit. %�:tvlo;d Its rvvffinw, In bot, 1�rvplrgg the C"'atv'o I'vofilol go t"
in 11 At"'.4trim. 0 M
d4 year
W It,ttw. It L Kraft, Ill �-tln ��.vN411 Mwb viviot- V4 otlolnvd In tv. rivv4 tv�ul lhv 142"Ut"y Iwo' atria. ULA
0 I't w vu.,iiij: f4tmyg2a Vanlow by the tict-* k4f ILIr 'I rA a, 0�v OA�4e�, 1 w ��. Lu,,w
1111V W Palo X I sittivi. 1.,V w.,ing (Gill vhevt4 is 4, .+vwd
Icnat- R�,,,Aor. V
Swe (.•1 *.4,44;o NL44. Tbu !"4'reii.44 ve Ox eoL,�wy d
Ov 4 Vell $4�nrtct.10 k5f the !vlgle.
t, "id Q x -v -
Hand 1' ie 0 Nrhow'10 H t�q,ldts qlat- -41tjrt� 11 TOw &!*zl tbiaz ooiv�#_Jry ntter bmull tilt, anjgfo.=,.: 4 talt a4-1 1�t64 wa 04�
ltwov� ( ele-rv. It P. P11 "I. -
Ad* Nle raill.- -A DmIL-ftl V ctt. Tamaipi.,-. G 'V Rt, Ti Dn Ift btvlauln 01 N4�, itt a framets%V 1�4 1ar 114- Lroie ;r thitvcld thii:7-
a - J'"st 01DO fo-OtILI'S tag 11060 cuiourat ur
q tv I,
t sot A thffllt��n W-4 •omil 'Inul. IP t 14 ttqft'oir. 111-cml lwv't;�� I V'9� t3 # ,e rina a Wu hwhvq ds the v14,1'ev 'Irs-
tan�-P. THE CV1,01C.
q A Met"'well. ra"'t'val TIm W I M r
& H Vv DM,.e011-v.
n -a V. q4 N U1 VAr, v !R ki 0 ch� t#, Vr L'34 -q nr4 lLv�v tIN. CIA
Rho ImAo. A 10 tit' in 1�t iml L Wt �'m in tAh
F.4-8lillor. N-. A
Pa yta, ILLe eh�agj quov-m oro lr�.OdulN� On -1
Ij J Vi�vV4tl f,' N-Iliff B La 0 sli-7111 49D'1'01 LU 'Pt' tit-ILI'
vind N-W"vr, Pw1,r4Th.v4Tu4,,1! Lr:W.L,•-4 tare &qv T&UlDte
ave v�j'ODL4 L.Lu,
A�w�,O,uq* X v.. X V 09 ,L4
A q� �L. Ll 'VIl- TLLL, t'A'Aba of rtmiliv-1 =4 tLe ftrlo J- t"", 4nuM gt') �P�ug' LF"Itt! $0,0 6L,,t:4*
k�]'Lvo: i-1 Me A v�
Ifir�at"4nvo-vV'i. 1 jq It'
40,4 �4�nlvn-. wp 'I"' vn SM"',�:*n,,0flL'nU Tke ""�Eg cem
w.aewroo'k-. rX Ilivdin I'A ba,,l #I, t vat - I � "L
.......... . ........... . .. ........ 11 1 1-1 1 1 111-1.1 � , . " E' J� N -C, tu aLe ro"TZ& tQ"As, t-ap., t W
V. nn� _t
� 7 olj�iit n
J. 11,j
U gull pvar,ill s� rill, �17 ,!"I r"'tMer mao we t-nl z)vel un,
ve- F 34r�s 4k A�&. trq'A'n L"Znn V -G ;;luo rmp V, M
6* Ist aft"I iftA. (i 11"i'll *
IL�,w`u I -A" tlltA 2ft,1. Gdatlunes. 4 M-9
14vsso & V4,"m Ist nM AA
,*=l 11'r- -1 eal v4, lel,etwr. %101. 1 egl , L. W�,bvk
0ntul ettifell,.'ll, U,O..,e 69 n r,"tosana
"6; m Dr.
il -9MADV vap. B pfflN-. !'Le, pme, R.- D. Mni-timom. autb�Dt Ot to v 1.16T 5"�
vetter. V
;t-5ftn 1)'l;% Nihn-4,bill, neu-3111
ra'ith. r'.vVtF.wVvgaV_s.
0 Irwhi ist ana 2na. 1144y m'Agir, par.,t. 11�yc-z. land his name apl&n"A on the lest
Set hor�,e fro'n'l hatntr�er. J �, anaO injif -b- me v -nin ljr,�l 54 th.11 t�,C-y are t. d.,
S,wh �aw-
SAle bis
Envelop el -a
Letter MOWS
Busm"ess c
Our 121 1? A 3J �tiailY
tool leefrtfi:. Thty ly=isls paia wad TyD1,cyhg life. one gives
Vold the *and W1 -P'A-.% S vb� the Pae'k$tg& _A11_d'
act pt 'A:y ma-Iti:utt- WNIA'X-S vc, forS cents, t�fa.*
bthad at try d.,ugstore. '1 etc !qe,nJts :t_,cl ,'r ou
;e,h, san4
testirft"'ni'lls Will be TOWIdd t0asp '1tdc1rt:isfnr five ctncs,
fm*mrded to the Riparia Chemical Co., No. to spriki
Strtet, -New Yolk.
tan VOMID. . V M'5sj, DiP.• iyt
his V.1en ll,-�,uA
unuTdLl ja,44,41, dult• to 5 m n!r fq-um-Q q31-j9v,-_
annt,�aziF stga,ii n a.Uave in n ll�vavl 4't-
9z".5 'go�rvggr t#1 S011SA ty s"'ll-rimg tis qn:;'-f
two 'i"A Ign" IL(,m aw.-Jy in M-gic-AJr..
;tl vlor
6r Jq&ll Ch=4er Harris; on viae' Na
'Wwn a Ln'on 4f I- a 4'. -% w0cl b. ke t%r
-11 'tv�, �1,1; Wiflle. J
vurlunb News-
i4 -s P Fro u Q �IbnL_I� q D -;I;4 I-- M1 C*z354 twcm-
W�flnnn Ptnu llowcX%� 6"er covelil-4.
Thin wgcv- t- Me ti-ts
t`ts. X 4 i• ilite. s nd
dlvl.16 bis o%-5 tVvitibg. H;E' W17� Mlli�
Lp #,,A- V 1.1,5 jolp dba
J Ctwhrane. Painfitig- on
v,,iiii in irte typewrife,v at ffi-sa bar -A. but
rit'i hN mannseript is InavoAffly ir.-,pled Out
Ping it cm tbv
. .... .
'Felt -
a - M4 white. ftintinir avu silk
1,1, one or tbeske, mactaines tvtmv it goft
M *1 white'J Cochrane. Pnintinf_r
to tate rulinqher- Tlle othgnnll menu-
":ft 111astet- paris, i T
setipt Mt. llo%elllt ;wrvs W=sf,1'
"e f"Sidon
TEL- Bette Stepken Critite lwtis nover rL"
W-ty compnoy tssms tofig Of,"
iaialtkaUe for his afto-ntion to textbllais
iota ticilf-ts.
=_,l toetumt at LgTaym.te v�;,Jkrwe. L Omit
I, -.e &m1U0?:A the C*�Uter &4u_lme fit Ens
Ono 1l Dug fav":mb"o, to 0. @
ClAt of Inowers. IR R sooRnstolli
ton was, Mg fdrorille V454. Ile tvl�uai stcad
em�,oMve is tb:jI it okn t2knb b0llig attV
tom Cm-vt a nat ee *t*&M tato=, otiv,�_*
T Johnston. Maple leao. R R 3,tlohn
VU-tre V;: Lanm &Drnp �=J, &NO except Z&t
tozx1l. lit
T zohasfon. P.R
Ile MmI.Ent-, ains sm oking of
36hnstqn. Coll. of givwai=s. T
%11J%0A bass otly 4"ne mp. 8a c
Jl�hnsto:ft. P=sies, R R xlAiinston
5Z lemgth,
winuor sm4pirr-as the toctivity of 'ti-e'alt
Al klllokpliall. E ' zMnd. the = .n
Whefi It" tS to 0,6 ugh
w ienAes, tit doesitiot deettodr their life.
AM1111"rit*9 rsgu'v
at 3 1-3 centt
AN material substances hbv,- weight.
cair.-An-- vissen;rets pew.
The congh that hurts. the corm
Even bydrogen, tLe ligibtest known gars.
.9 1, 0 J sa
tfdre- 00 this bz1-` 2 Sir' 'i%�`g T t hft
that gets tight in the ehe,;t. Is dafly
fins wf ieot.
been rftia by, interest And tAmt's Perd at&
getfin!,* deepel- and deeper into the
Tbe numb -or cil vriives required to pro-
'a V -e-1 t0t-
bIk011difitl tubes and is makim di-
duce the sensdtiou of red as they proal
At grade emssings 10 the Vvestem part:
rettly for the lungt.4, to be -conte
TIP,ni the eye xnust be 39AW in an inch
Of Toromto safety signals are used vrbEf-i•X
pnetMonia, inflajnl�ation of the
and 447_60�.060.1900,00 in a second.
e+=Zvine req) !naive 1- with na2sy gong-_
These are oFerafed 1-y electriefty nfien ft
1111199 or enp,%nnloption. Stich
if the %vhws;e envelope of air were the
saffle in charaeter. it W011M :each only
v�tive within a certaim
CoTir�thsi stent! onty to rite wonflerfill
hout five narts of ave the parth. buL zl�
ate of the eras.,In_�.
e lereney of if. uha�,-ty-s syrup 'if
it 1�,eeonies rarefied -is vve;asceud. it, prab-
Liweed and Turpentine wideh
ably exte-nds to 9 height of N0 or '-J wileg.
loosens the t1_7lift _e.,,; and cures
cough andenIA iogether . 25 cents i
rAvesi is not anDy sentiment; it is ar^
an. bott'e. FaI110 sive 650 vf nts.
The chief differeice between bossism
aenerajns souls are defective it basi.
neizS Mein
Drtekm !slay lie shot from Sept.
and peerlqss leaJersitip is thoit the bos>
chNays Leiongs to the other pariy.-Dc,
The savage has feelings 'Only. Thm
1st to Dec. lath; grewfrom !�'t"Pt,
civilized has tot-l-ligs nu'l lJoea&
loth to Ma..v I.q ; hare,- fron, , St"Pt-
in polities we often find the round Pe-
Nations, like individuals, derive them
1-5th to- Dec. 15th -, partridge froin
crawling out of the ::quare holt while 0."*
r vigor Krona noble sentiments only.
Sept.- 15th to Dec. Vilth, plover front,
square pt's; is left in tilt, hole -simply
A womans errors come almost aiwayft
�elA. 15th to Dec. Lith illiwil from
through boing square.-Dt-trolt Journal.
.trona her belief in good or her confidence!
Oet. lath. it,) Dec. lath ; (ma v not b(,'!
With nine Presidential tiekets in the
in truth.
lboTkght. or ,old before (Wt. 1:qh!
field the average voter om-la to be atilt
The man of superior mind makes sporat
I sni-IiL1 frivril Sel)ft. kith to Dee.'
to pick out sometiting that will harnitv
ulze "711 11 his col monlexiall.-St. Lout
of those who compliment him and some -
times coilipliments these of -whom he ja
Squirr, (�Tu, Mack and grey from i
- D�,riocrnt
tealty making sport in his twaagtl.
k, Pt. loth to Dee, 15th,