HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-09-21, Page 3(1k, THEODORE TRIO\ RETU NS Something About the Man Made Famous by the Great Tilton -Beecher Trial. New York. report; AfteT wolf- inaPoeed exile of nearly twenty years, Theodore Tilton. may return to this country. before the beginning of an- other year. It Ls not expected that he will come to spend the few remain- ing years of an eventful life le his native land, for Paris is his adopt- ed home. is expected that he will make o, move or lees extended tour of this country and deliver a series of lectures on some of the topics Which his brilliaat mind can discuss so well. It has fallen to the lot of few men to suffer as he has, and nom has ever borne the pain of it all so heroically as he. Although 61 years of ago and his pure white hair. falling about his shoulders, his intellect is as keen as ever. Physically, he towers above most men, for he is 6 leet .4 inches in height. His face. smooth and clear-cut as a cameo, re- flects the health he enjoys as well as this rarost of iutellects. There is in it an ineradicable expression of sorrow, but it sesms increase the attractiveness of his nobility of char- acter. Theodore Tilton was born in New 'York (eV on Oet. 2nd, 1.830., Rh graduated from tile New York col- lege in 1856, when the anti -slavery agitation was at its 'Wight. The pre- dominance; of this thought of the peo- ple of the north seems to have had melt to do with shaping tire life ntaCh emphasis that he Wished to tes- tify his .respeet for the old man's splendid courage, "As to My view of the raid, thongh the attempt was madness, and the im- mediate result was a fliteco, yet there was a secondary consequenoe. which now constitatee one of the most vivid chapters in the world's hlstorY. For, mark you, the attack on Harper's Ferry was like the attack on the Bas - tile. Tlaese two events are twins, for enell of thom, though of xi° military magnitude at the moment, neverthe-; less had for Its sitoft and awful woucki a nattonal revolutton." Flag Raising at Fort Sionter. Mr, Tilton was at Fort Sumter when the Stars and stripes was hoisted at the close of the rebellion. This cere- mony was in 1865. "My companeoa 8.1 the flag raisteig," said Mr. Tilton, af- ter relating the John Brown incieleid, "was Colonel Anderson, the brother of the famous Major Robert Anderson, who hail conamanled the fortrosi when the rebels attacked it in 186). Colonel Anderson and I stood skie by s'de with our hands upon tbe rope that lerested the old banner to its old place, I re- member a pretty incident that hap- pened the next day. You know the IU(W 1i wos April, the seasen. of rocs. Well, a grea.t meeting of the Charles- ton negroee was announeed to be held to Zion's eburele and men, women and children /Welted to it, all carreing rose: in their hazels. When it mina my turn to speak I ealei •Llst.:an, young awl old. Tell ma two things. First, as many of you as were born free hold up your rigPt hatelse Witereupou, here an I literal, I could Roe a few hands liebt tap tllal S‘Vai T. 'Now, nexo. sale L *as many of you as iverY bora s1avrs but: are now frce hold up both your 1111.1115 ' WherenpYi. a siallicn 'tu- mult of Ity, the whole astembly :prong to Its foot as if 11 loot to...-. but ono man L nal throw up: 1 Immo not how many thousawl hands. ova ry ate eie.imel to ne• from the pito Foram hat'ing eleeter of rtoes, toll over all the (Melte' 11"a011 them :ipraleot up. I ullght tsty. wiatt!e moo:Foal roe petre. n the ale. Om 11 nowt, forgot tht• contra:Ater seone." critENt011tE 211'0,643 tloat 11ost lo Pr. 40111 'It eit. V1la/1J elf tete earetiz mean. 1.1. 14111.-41 tototkielf 11tLt1 tit, .t3o arm. 1 4 q, %Iv, re vow, e111e0-411 9111.115 elatart fatteatliel, and alit 2 1891.41 11,19 t.aLtatig 3181 tt-tiitang to trift'vt; tre 88 008 tut9 elpirXion telf the LP,* rAituott !Rem) ,I,to.er,y. it the 4:141 41a.',.1r,1983t3e ail la natil 0,4 Oa:. tit osi fleeted 1144AI 1-o.t, 1' larl 54 48111* P. 1114r- 4:Lit.oy. rift Eur - 11:44 W811, 81,0 Le- er tit Shaft. Attlee:eh tame; eeet eo Ved1 floe' if:Lineage teliettateettn. of a 1114.1011t, P.MT tilLano. Rue weie wee ? of ttlie ?toe 8100 Es 51017 318: 491 118 '14 111Z4 1411 ,D,D4Inti",4108. 04*'$18'2 814*1 e.,s-aiit• 116;-3 430:41i1e Iriblr. late 11 Nis e vele-gee 414.1, t1i1 apt 44:111.4 ry •:831i842, 9119191. eft Ca.. vr.410 auglil Qs, 1144 4.v,L4trup.-i.t.tiou 1.10orty„„to- ttli. 190 9,L19419.-1111 51-81 rtliM.1,- 4.1 111:41,14jj,, ;411.-trIt.Z14 081914u91u0-015110119 446' *te.elit* Itvotivrti. 11 ta V-,,k-fqlit Lu1t3t1w 113j ."1 to.katie L43010.it0 it1,4.tuug3 0031- 03 111:10000.4411. Die Illieet- te•feets4.41 to lee eieeploitiotteeee Itli:vvivt, the 1.11840,0 111,11*-nv-e,i. Wervy-, 01110 o/IIEvE: 1 mitircr:Ilika ir11411u for tiLety 2.18P.G antring 16iS Oast le10yplg.rtinfo!kg, frotta the sealf- ford to tle grove. 1:a other words, 11 41114141.1.8P8L1O741.4 tt1114 141 InDra 114,411t14,111,11titt tr, 4etv• leek. %he -1194 eepeituteet Iliariper's Ferry wag rtiolay, Itlrealanclutle 1D14 g;ty3 N.Ti4s18az, Or trvirrni taoLnae ..12.4teriolkao4ts 391 okl 14)1:1: tor tokke o last ',,:oave *1r.o.r ffia3to.od in lids Itut tolore ilato 91 tio-sre her IU11-.1.181 1941-1,7.1 Iteog.7/2g her n.....ot t-otto.... 11 Wa-S Qt, troy louse Lora Brool'ii,yeu Con. !OA' tvotemn a19e.011. 11 Eaer :our- ant3 tarriel for a 80t411. '11080a -301e 1 .1,.0:o..at 3oi.18*1e6•1,1in'af. witla 381-119-- 1n07 of 1190 entericon eintleetleetery Fostleetee 1 lieeeti ellaaree.e. of :Jolla Browe'S leoly olectr 18D,DIC1cP;D: EL te ".`C,r4W. Wo Dat•i•"?. n ee seem of a, eorteestee 9110 11811501-119*8.- ep were enfoagell 191tretts..okortin..,,, • oetrlt,...t.e. Ilostkoktof Ink'sx.; roa4. tko 1)h74.0040:pl1ea re- tr.etttrti tinet penztlace by seeretly em- barking on a sioaditcrat. Our strata. gent woks 5,.t •kt•.!••:ssItttl. N19l:oo7y but our. seivee suspected tile trelelat leeeter. reef. One fe.11-41.-zzi 14 NOW York was near the BIttery 4)8 terio,lat, Dee,. 3til. 'I'lze darkness was a god- ' send. 'We loft the totly bolxbol 11-19 081 the boat arol 1:u0011e,1 81110.95 the East Itive.r to D1'o01111:.-43, where I met...Tohn Hof..wr, ne.dertaker, whom I per 194)114I1390 ktos-cc, anti who had intriell one of niy eitlidrav..n. "Can 39091 go at onee to the inii-ooy boat ?" 1asiked, "and take elarge of an •old rkunrs ?" As lie knew that Mrs. 711rOvvi'd. TIM!, been zstoyhrg at my house lie Ins,tantly tts'ked 1111P: "'Ts it :loran Drown's?" o•Yes," 1 reiored, "it is ha a rude 1)1ne broz. It must bo trans- ferred, to a -a salt:tide eoffitt worthy of its otter:mutt, and tills must be done ciancleoatittely to -night, without giving the press or the pultile a 'hint of the affair." -"It shall be kione," Ino said, givinir me a grasp, of the Imaki as a pledge. He. used great tr.s....retion, taking the body not to his establisit- meat in Prookiyn, but to a private room In the Ilowery, New York. "F.arlyon Suralay morning, in corn - Pony Johnson, and 'no ono eigotr:.• 1 Mot Hooper at room, witere be showed me tits brave old man arranged On- bneal in a eratroly eoffi a, simple but olegout. I sliall nr:v•er forget tin Inee• th, sleeper, for he (314 not seom dead. Ileopor then geo7ror.sly gave roe, for the familv, reeeipted bill for nit the expettses, re- fit:zing to aeeept a penny, saying with Soalittor of the lotitoptottolooni• l'tottinitang his reminiseentoes. Mr. T.Itodi .V*1 Itvw hati hotti etiLtor .#.1 the inglopernlent New WTI.; for 1.keen .".4481's. aftt..rwarti stanookeding owatrol L. WM/MMtlford. wino NV.ipz ter tt..a4kpa 31 m.40411104 rootoott spa u11)1- tti1le0,ea Ile war kola, oat, as oittor 111 at Brooklyn refant. a dad, paper 111. lo,otott totatsoolitia 16 wk:1 k niatditer. alto! 1.4 n ov an ,avn tie 111. SI ra.otti ?NO- INI4cpu. 11 tp. etilIl 1)uat T.61441 olL*PW trr**141 tenth these pule 13111 et:el- !lie lee ittetalete•ta :tea the 4'ies<1".. 111.4,•J 13119,11 •-.1' lo', 11411/ 1,4 Olt pail! an teltier., See BOO 11 180. 114" WAN 411..1,07 "f title ha tio.r for 14 8 teen a Z4,44:4r. r..10,04 044- ff+118,14^,r1 the Ago. T2II1 it twoothaeteol foo. two .1.411100 anti tiaeta nold tlent..tntaig' In the reeffillItetil"041 cot 44,, Mr. TIGton ealtul to" 1381 1'.o",r1d15 cretat trationor. 01 Hat, fort,;to Evo tittittoot ul tOM ntt3t10 130 13,14 eleite• • 10•3'1,.• 103411 .14511e1811t 4, oh 1 1 hay 1,14111.11v.,Tj*8" I _er to id, "att ir-8 utter dal? Ile a ipt•-r;:kk‘ol111 l'oette tuN• -a tuna total el' 4011441311 to.1100Y0 o'r 13:9- 1t'Q TSAI 3.4 11133 141114.014,3 1/10 1".1.441:, eeeli •:,,,,,,4344.4111,L4 "Alt tot, py..,,r tru1,0317.e. 9114,Y.1 ti1 teveles_ nue eveeeedEelliee tett 3,8e11e lee-oillutilaietell. ettetee, tr11,0, 6ell 103 Ils'ettt*1 trwas tbi.• *,?4,A4'213-o.):,s!),EN- Lt,,,,',41 !tilt the Mee- tte 18l1 1Vtlp11%tbtINI111,T, eft fee i• lee4fee and 5,llJ11hnl 1111,tq4 011,:1J- •194 13 114.,!.qtio 11128 119 u-8-38114 Ili Lite, 8 l.8Le:-tp 4,* WIlIlti 9111 torett, witt,,tif:u. 1 141.9sI/11,----.N.V .t4.1ai11DDI2. 1.17rIoutat. leen tee, fieeef liteeet lreated teeeee. pee wizs an '.3neelltiy. thriP4 a P4'M.V leideter Eale aUtafit. 11 Ind ac: enterage- went to INTE't privat, tee 1'tol1C 411 th.,1 yitortunteg. I tow.= tleTe telt neotestes before the Come, tarsi what elayn t1x11:2.% It fa Tina Fre el ,*1 Praetisietee eolith -Ales - 4.eirlete9ee tainteellf 1119 and trewn from the llentel ,.a.T the diver by lele eremite ed fl.1:8143 tti els 1111:8 • 1119 a -hie. life wen thee altneee oetegenettlene "i 01"4-9'./17,:n1 1.;D:1-'0..:ZU tv, only in the W51440 House_ hit it' fe0re tee witts no,nialatO 1. oe even t111.:9..n.:It- )7 for 1""Ime P11.i8.y Ilispec.-;,,euittl- lity was tlieticaLLeitoZ: les strWliug wr,t. 'gra:illy, yea- mainei:eg. Entielleetetnlite 810 l8't 41 138r1'; t1 11*- blesetretalters. Abeetelote Lim -e'en Ea4,1 tq-e? 18 latter-ft.fan amazes. oriA 1E44 waits -tetrizt, W.9.SliVongt,PIL Aunty,' he reulled, ''you know that, according to the good 'book, nothing entereth there that 'deflleth. Now, how do pine expect to get to heaven with. your Oreath defiled with to- bacco?' Lawkes, honey, When 1 go to heaven,' she., said,'1 'speet to leave my breff behind um,'" Tilton ate ail Author, Mr, Tilton is the author of many in- teresting volumes. The.se include two 1-100ke of verse, "Hearts' Ease," pub- leebed in 1804, and "Book of Lyrives and Bodlads, Founded on the Hopes and the Illusions of Mankind," published in the following- year. Other works are "Sanctum Sasectorum, or Proof -Sheets for an rEdttor's Table" ; "Tempest Toesed, a Romance" ; " The Sexton's Tale, and Otha• :Poems," "Tbou and poems, and "Sualean Storms," bal- lads, He has had in hand for some time a work on Norse mythology -in fact, ths work has so far progressed thet it Mee been put in type, but heel not yet been issued. His complete poetical evorke were 'recently issued la one large volume of 800 pages. Mr. Tilton's career as a lecturer was noted and profitable. It was stated to -day by Charles Mumford of Newark„ N. ,T., who was Mr. Til - ton's manager, that the proeeeds of one season alone on the lecture "Pro- blems of Life," amounted to $12,000. The subjects of other of his best- known leetures were: "Master Mo- tives," and "The Use of the Mind," The latter was first delivered as an address at one of the annual com- meneement exercises of Dartmouth College. It was such a master ef- fort that the demand for its repe- tition elsewhere was instantaneous and universal. e t11411,142., E8119-E'544Cli :and *Mini/ *ler. kow Wat!lt. VI'lyltrann 181 10.fiek VS 119*013- iiefore Pee Was ..;-eisern 1 fare. 11l3e wees.4.- fel - leave teweemeet iln ilretaleyn. atrel 30 Lad many a telietnigiat tramp with Lira tineergelt the steeets. Wo ellen fieeenetatEy met on lonOlon ferry beats. Teeett meetings ereapteetiy ended111 a ramble. Whitman never wanted to go to heal He en;oyed with Olymplan relish an owlish hob- nob over a tong of beer. I have often traveUled, flapped, and heel many 'se (.,Iilentall interviews tritli Emerson also. 11 think itis essays aro the beet a Engliele literature. Ernes:teen was to iteston tereat Fiato was to ettla nee; that is to say, eitett was his own city'.s wisest man. "If never met Loegfeiliow, but I knew Whittler intimately. tie was a deeply rellglotts man, ;tut feet of drol- lery and Tun. it was tine splrituality of iliS writings that made them so great a eomfort, to many eduttated foreigners, etameg whom was the ; P 1 fetes De Bismarck the large- Lite in Paris. Of his personal habits, It is Said that Mr. Tilton lives unostentati- misty and even simply. He occupies bachelor quarters at 72 Avenue Elle - per, Paris, and has litthe or nothing to do with society. He writes c sionally for magazines, but other - 11 -180 his time is devoted to ide books - Ile has resided for short periols itt Stuttgart, Munieli, Dresden, Oeforti, Cambridge and London. He tomes 111 sioptact with the best minds of Europe, and the benefit Is umenal- for there; Witte who cannot profit by vontact w:th his intellectuality. Mr. Tilton looser speaks of the tiara elond which shadowed his career in the earlr 70s, anti whieli east n gloom over tin. whole moral world. The fatuous Tilton-lice'ler trial in 1874 was its culmination. M. tom alone of the three prin-ipals is left. Of his four eldhlron, the oldies% ilaughter. Ansa Plorenee, is a imil4r tie:leiter in Brooklyn. The Oor01101 daughter married .10101 Ourollit. who weitples a rye-gm:mill* letsithat in 0 ridengo anol with her Pato Ily DIV0.4 at Morgan Park, one of OblitongtOtt ltalturbs. She now !Me gr.awn int loldreck her owa, Mr. Taltoa's two otinor children wore boys. :ate r minded wife of the great Chancel- lor." As to 11r. Tilton'e personal hebits enid: "I never irol olive eigar or cigarette, ill IV mouth The most in- vetorate• ,smoker I ever knew Notts th-• old 11Pgre3.4 who was elliel -Sa,journer Truth." One day while on a vidt to nay house the Ver.eraille dame, ill:on al:out 130 years obi, sat by th-0 chino 1ey corner OINwer W. Ima- ge:5', the evell-knewn anther of vamp torment ariti-tohaeco tracts, veiled to see her. ' Aunt .S.e;ourner; he said. X reoere your character, but X deplore your emoking„ for it will keep you forever out. Or heaven." 1.rtwks, honey. how so?' slo.o asked. 'De...souse, wiNSTON'S 13.411316, "Lad the Life by Rule She Tried to Make it Lead. The Winston baby is being brought up according to the newest ideas in. Child study. Mrs. 'Winston le young but firm, and she says that her child le to have all the advantages of this new ecieime. The baby has been bathed, fed a.zul put to sleep on echedulte time. rNo friends have been allowed to kiss or fondle It, e.nti the plan was working itieiiatiftilly until Mts. Wiustoiee father and mother came to visit her, The visit wee pall primarily te see the new grandeleld. As SOoll as they enearet the house :Vie and Mrs. Cud- ieright demanded the baby. Mrs. Win - 1 .ou raised her eyebrows. "-Baby is just hong sat. saidi, "Yost utw‘t, W111 mita 2.::(1." lier lather had beard of her sys- tem, but he laughed and said "Oh, break through the rules for :once and bring her down." '11 you don'. go over the house 'MI 1 [lid her," 1.11-, grandmother said Winstoa ttio that tinily was brought down to sea them, although tilt; Wahl a ellri:et infraction 01 rule id. 11, Is a beautiful 13:11)3-, Sn-1 ite grandparents started toware it w.th 'ries f rapttiv,. "00 little w. -t TotjtSI-W-101l10 to oor grammuvvor," NV II Mrs. tettlbr:eth . " \le attin't oilk baby talk -it is againrile 27,' Mrs. Wies'oe. sal 1."it is irrateinal to exit et it ehild, to learn to epeek corn. •tly e le 11 ;:tm speak gibberish to it." Meanwlige :the graialfatIrT had taken the bale- from the roluetiott. 110111,4 n'........s Wills:Um tarn - ed to lam. "Fatirc, I don't n now ztii.v- body lent the adrs•:, and, yo self to hold babY• Pi:tk' jtit-mons anti it. Is againe4: r,l14 O." She :Wive:Atte-I to tak' tho baby from I:I- Irt 1. hat he resIst-eti. "Oht SPO 101.1^0. let ore. y.our mother nu 1 1 ralsed 0•ILLaireen an! 1 gmoss know 1. w to lat:.1 a haby at my Clue (A f tInek,ri t he lay into the ero•tel, of It's ern eel waik•1 owae singing. li, iu tgi4m Vra.1.1• tio• De." H:s eeeeeter f -Oewel tine 'Fath- er. I :. 4 ,"i• ° w Vttee floor :id' 1. %Ye liteatie ite.Vor (km. .1.. I: etizia r‘11 rte. 7 and sing:no1 . 1- Wha1 Le ° , reginen you e‘t • t: 40u. 1.1a1D°.i." Vet •0•7•0 -rftor„.1. 410111 ^.1 '1„,learti a to' ottr, to Were tit Ver eittet w tqt g- 1,,nw attt I t .1 ea ta et the 'tern alt • 1,`4,4m tOmmtt," eve heteleo retie 11, tt ed r 1te Oleo ‘lre, Met; leo! r te- - • e e; • 1 iii • it e ea- a la ere 1 fore e -A ,1 IA ED!! ttDr,,p, 'ii'eet,,,4 N11 $O MANV MR,11ft DUO Vt'N., _ tioa t t *Hare 19 ritatraed Wit it 31.tti39 ot 1hO Seitride Fititatit los. A gue.t at :coy iiiiiithave et try a Ant waive Broca letteo, elide louthenete, 14581) ,-8008,11 itme. 14,3 OC,411 '8 4t'3: :IM41. 4)1 c!tD4,1ht e313..4 tat ita,pot. 14'40 3to 7.11ciErt4. ege,titletilji tato e* .011:on -111114 1180: 30*3 143918)03 1. 110.8 11I$1,n 31" 41 114,4' 1401 1118.38 0g70-34, 8.4 it were, o k,00t Wavle* iltot 14181404 ti140 Alt.OV 'Ph ' ,9181019195811 438133 110;,1 1/446. fleet 0.05,4: 1,1 0:4*914 tem bore .-4:11 38-198391*1191 1,9 itsv. 394.0e8'3 1:15 .t,tutTy 5411151 t 198301 1' 158 ::U11 k0,14P. g83e1111 102,- ilon43e1115e, 00:24 14149 319; 4)14 1134 3' 14 ulitilqd he 101. 11,1111,21,) - 00-.4. 1.4.)1retAlra. l3g.11^1 IiiKy,,r) 1919191190 1819438 148-0 It 0 9 34803131:28trauma lige 91414 ears'ilo 11413 the 11-1„ 148.11 toll 34.3191998 3311921811 unillosa 19)5 11 :..nthege 91fl191 Illitronfeat 111150 481,11 Acute, a 14:8.-118o4 11133199 0191 ..5 an etal0 11).11, ne tut.it 8 attaq,lit411 1143 til'81010*exe,a-aut tioll wean:let. He drow-e, AIL 1541903 481.1kate, fnititurett toy the ¶ 31, tube vu7m.:ag.1.1 Pa'ir-7••••=ntra ay VAL:, 911.101190 urAku lap iaotten,,n tte szIku,e apoll 1111ultei4388' 1110 TElon 45. taf. th1- 1kiv"ti. 111419 pre,attne remore 138 kid% hieing alttiro,,t eutirely stvong 9089111 01 bone turt 831119.'3119_ .1198 witten thQ Niel: the fan* 1598/39- t1e?: ettelaee, and titte Vva,4,S,- teed toward tie, setieree eeeer; lomat 41311 to sea, 8111-4 et, -. 1.3e 1oe-14, 3. eeeeiteell to the a-tee:lent tee': 11:0:4 Vise Ev-zor*, r•. 4)11, ItS !ie.:lutes ettilct„ r - gaIry itthe ittreetata *tort illo:rtt TiDP w4)f3119. 19-242,9111-1 1119494139 31940199-1111. 994, -48'111'%r 419149 tir. right site (.7 47'; 1.45A39 'UM =IVOR, and thee 00: S95116Miltt7110 ialraR: 44 the 211 1-21 tog wateett neen a vele:eel iiiieeet 77, every battli)teenee sluezell 104n39iet%n: °In case ‘01 ce7ont„ turn :rim t)L. zvo,r,T.." Vistootionted natielitt-r„ 11 ert-rtitiln. priuspereas Itterieher 930 San Jose Ee mated for a disesettentee arspiteition. No mateer how taineree- lily lois affair& 91)ro410e04 luP 3*ew.I4c0 • et$9154' 108* INqllprr.lint.. I:et:ril- ing from the elity recently. afieee dispoeing of; his produee at gaol figures. ile &add to his wife: "I an: abaut tired out! L9 -COWS ill 1" iVflrli?" "Yes," 3)93539'e0e1 the hard-woikintr, wife-"foler„ slYtee." "Ls ' bosses en- narneseed anti fed ?" "Yee.." eleowee lir-lee-a up ?" °Yee." "Wood chopped for ,Inernin'?" "Yes." -Thene eitt?Tite pinetted and dreseed for market ?" "Yes!" "Wagon wheel metteled :Ma ready V start I' t' tecetnin`?' "Iires:• "Oh, then," he said with a sigh, 'let 9)91*9 have my supper and twee let - Fermin' is beginning to tell on ne." Fratteteeo Wave. Cetnotery Menlo, Park/Roo Passit: thron h Brookivn'e tele - CHIPPING 11, S. CITIES. Some Mere Figures From the Latest Census Returns, The U. 8. Government Commission- ers have made public these figures of census just taken: 1900. 1890. Dayton, 0. ... 85,333 61,220 Akron, O. .„ 4,2,728 27,601 Canton, 0. 80,077 26,189 Lancaster, Pa. 41,459 32,011 Albany. N. Y„.. 94,151 91,923 Bayonne, N. e. .32,722 19,033 Birmingham, Ala. 38,415 26,178 Salt Lake, Utah .., 58,581 44,843 :Peoria, 111. 56,100 etalveston, Tex.. e. 87,789 Atlantie City, N. 27,838 .Nashville, Tenn. e0,865 Mobile, Ala. 38,161) Lincoln, Neb. 40,160 -Trenton, N. 3. 78,1107 York, Pa. ... Racine, Wie. 20,102 Seranton, Pa. 102,022 Portland, ... 50,14ea Yoakere, N. V. 47,931 COLD CASH WILLI; BUY A TIT.LBe One May Choeee Between Knight- hood told Dukedom. That You can buy everything and • . anything with money is a tin em. 1. the eye 3 Of all who are versed La the world's doings, and titlee are not, eX- cluled from the comprelveneive re- mark, The only State in which the riade of nobility honors is oyen and legal is etreregely eneugh. a repuhe , .• . , . lice -the tiny Italian re„ melte . of. San Marino, of the existence of which many are unaware. You ean get . a, .• title in San Marino on appecation-e and payment of tho foe, trioch le riot always the same for the iedividual honor -and the proeeele are used far the support of the natlonal Sou/0- '21,1:002844 tlibichign otierykluninow. iyigontihiattereyotilumule.veetielf)0Alea: eVe1.055,..‘ formed an act of charty, tat You. •5:1',01.5740 3er /1.1.0t.mcooluleiTt. f'Snai:nanM;ltr1114ing lo;i5I . will get little more than that. fox' 75,215 , to the effect thqt the ottheeeamciooirlitaiiniyen.eital nearvezisseprteplrms eypetsta. Lottaittnideetitoini• 21,014 , wIiiill te 20,793 1 54,458 ' State and for but little tvithin it. 32,093 ,. other distinction of Italian, Spanish dvertiser ean 36,425 : pro'nee you a dukoloma, DANGERS TIIAT FLY PAST. i oTrheTerilladlin-er°triifeinall'enrotrs aarseljee.nba-1.ufli'el7:611'llmoor: 1 !gee but there it a strong suspicion --- Locomotive Engineers are Unnerved I by Aeeldents They Escape. that in some easei they are genuine Lug his engine for the nigher; run i ectirl(4 p area as large ae Hyde Park and a etty (lerman Stete Netts an they refer to The old engineer had finished groom... enough' ePe318.41Y if b dor: erale time in swapping yarns ; a Cabinet Minieter. The Delia feet its revente eepril to the salary or anti was wheing away the half hour 1 total a eeere „ After puffiug reflectieely land, titles are a purehesable corn - all conetries. ineluding Eng - w1 it his firemen. It was hie turn at t that in on. ii• ;doe for a moue tette or lee°, he : lir (tit:to, :61;t6eistanmatiet?..ne oilenly, but it Rid!, lialf quiteeloiiingly : "I don't be- , ' hen. a pa lleve we've over Tun over anyhodY, i patent of nottllity is granted the 1.1.1, since you Wen in the (nib. > reel/tient has to poty very heavy "Dui:. it iski't runithig over that , enrleh the national exclueluor. ; "regietration feee," eat 1 fees going- to t.f.•,: tii - matt turne tea, te be deaf lliaivls,,,Ilt:?:;rV;41,:::;t:ti!Nt! ti1141;artitliedb". taof:niecantedmeeei SPItr:Mti YOU," It` vontinued. " though ...0 all fired elos.o to it and missing that wif..t.h.....* national exeli • wee on in a bad tha t is bad •! :tough. It's th .• eoming sk:k)o• avilthlellit aNtrr(eilliAriCI'DPItieeril.); tak ,-i tit, luck oat of a man. After .. : *. ..%ou inn! " lit- atnything kilo worst yule i 41,;.1ri.44$11tg,111::Arcl,,:11.-Cytirli_ea"17,.el.g,.01111,‘(.)Inatifil,,lS" 5. Call do IS to lb 011gil rig,ilio Zliollvir, but , matott•Vosto • *woo -LW, k oral a dukedom 3•1: •011 ' e. a "IAD "" th.t'' til".'' tipalii 1119 t 18,1111111,, me ,1 Vt. Tit, fact .1t -al how peer wineell • ant seat elf "e• ler al to 1 in tiro of: I-1 ol orgoink t nt stoktut and put on In brakes nod . . or on* ot or mt1111 thug of tit - hill 4 th wi,ti 1,rit t th m !navy ee. "Xtibw• you can't !vitt striking:him. 1,!. le^ at lithe ,Ittoa wash von t.ore 1ristrati f•e. for tito tenefit of the rraal.0,,,,x I to, 111' afir , not No -nal treats ir,t* 1, to* re rat' I *7,13 ro Mg,* 67,4y11 s44,044 100 11*1I Portngal *I•. "To • ofto.. st, shave 1 over bawas d wrh... I far a, alarm, .t 1• 1 %Vaid1113111.11g an,r1 ,„4, 1).4,0i) thr .1.1 np 141 lbtaff:• • W** w"t:".•' •11 tn. at:.,00 ot 0:417.14n 16'0 O1-4 (4) utak' a r word rota Mt . /ewe 1: tore ....4CoinV,Z aloW4471 to loo4,. 1 Pough40•110‘0" 14* -0.214" 6166'4 th • i"148111*,t ..nattnv 101100 fee'n are 11egot 71„4: hotklor 11:1111 a 1W8,,, .11 uty "Pt 14 u: ay.!: 1441z vd ^ 41 t 1 S11 w a 18 walltiotr t„ par 111 t,11 re to tithe up •tot itewaid ns. :11'08CADD 'tz."*• tt,* +4 1).4• ea? 4,:•••:,-"Prr.',, 4 ?(415 ler tit • 18.11tob %er N.of ,t 16tiS7,-10% intehrt •4 from I, teti'a tine rad., ,skt.8P1 lth h w ...tem,. filo SS' pork, or 1 ostio. Ito ,11.A it re t41 11111* 1t0vc 801 s, t „ fo ¶%U4L Ilirk 1 .141 :AD! go t ikoiL4 4:00 811 ptimn It Whit War- *tom „ 11,0 al4 iteh-.It.e :hi • 'Z.. •t, !iire wit 441 o t111011,,00 1D1 h gh 1, h 4 , the •ak• 80,*1 r Yore Nee 1 1,ektrati eit 0e7 r patortt t'oow at, /or 111 ato, it '14 ' h a • of ;a mar- ; . 118°01 o , 6 5/1. 1.3 •' L ;tit to tat him, 111d Orr 4,,,J.tc. -41 fft atior 23.0143 1 a -O te. es se . gt.., :all ilt ap :ki! MP 6,,,,? 1, i!, , n:. I ft ,t,,, 7,477., . 4 ti .• ,' ' ,':''..e.'4 -S*T4' 0 eat ate. lee fame le ba toe . roar. o 17A 1.•;* d 1). - 00104ni„,11. leat . 49)93)19*th, !PA Bolen talk It!' ,attt• t aft ie 11 so 1 *i Doe, F.!.t,11tv, 1„ teta0.4 9191 : f93419 m: 11- ..a•pue t t"J'itm tvoe,-11 lop* 1801 W'39 Mo1e-3.0 ruelbreetitt. woe a • -4 glee tee1 babe p-peee. t.ta 4.11 two tr000.° 101t• 433'ol) 308 ,1 itigor81- t.;- L1,4, 14 414 - 1+1, 1-int,10. 1,41 firotah tiP18 1 3 1.h,L-1 'ere,311 ,ateior .11. 038133 03111191 %as •- •• ete-h IL • Ville'. ' - thete- Ile -if • e 344, 45 e-te. ileue 31 914A1134, 11191 *kit tlig-a 11 ML -s. "Au* 91'-:- 1 - lton, 11.0,- valy 1104 tent' 01.-- 1:11-111'n891 0 „i1 ti,,P 344.. ,,m,‘11 4 h., 11111'-' 07, ' 81391a1os4. tit trietch 1.93 1111 0-, tr- ,<, ieoeo„ li,-,•. ": e‘l ,..„,.., ,3,4„ .1a,, „..,N. „, th,„., 11,11-19) 313I!,41, WM:11'D 11447-' tii-:.,A,3 19:'); 1111- 0 IR ov:,,, iii,,.9 -414 9 1)4,-,,,,,..: :-. to 1‘39 ,. 1,%,..,11, pjeki, El .a•,.. ,A-tr.n. tAto, ,,,f,t ,..0, 0.14',. DI -0 II ,,, ,f11R,,, , -,,,,,P,14 ' I, .'11'1, h '''' ., (0) 0 13.4, ell ' n,. 1,0;:„t1! 48 soi -0ii,111*- .,'., -91 r r 0 : b-, 0,,i0 1 ..„ tt na i it r: .f VI, i'" ,, . ,._. t'•,, t,,,Z4 1. 14,,,, .,, 0, .,,,t. r Mt,' 4 k V* tit , ti 5:- ,r -Lu, • l•* --t'' / ,,.. -„, ,t .;,•• tit, ,,,-=i”, „,0y •l V !) I o .11 111 '0,•0 VI 05-, -30e3814 k,”0 • li-,4(.1„4,, lioe11!-.- 03 '1) ti,i.4, jm.. 8' t,i4 ., 0.,, ii 9,4! j 19: le''*' 4 li ,,, ing .,,,-,.., v 1 in -,7 11 t ‘.11. ii!„ ,A t,,,1 IJ ,iiing "(1. 1,4091 - ,oa :,kj-, ,,-, l't,,P:' tg','., 1,1 ' a.: ,,, 334 . 4. 0 dee. 1119:91:, 1 ei tee IA 91,"! e ?ifil , 14.4.:,.., „, 0. ,,,.. ,.;,.:0? ,,,,,,. , " 1+0,4.! ..'.: t.-. . 1,4 1019 ,.!. ,3ai, . ! .i.,1L Ai' • to V, .01,',' ' ,,I..,:: :.:„t -,,r4 4 1t3 70 ,.. f:ritt, : '0:-;-..,. !.. 4 4 * I., , I, '''"D with a 891'. 4,1!-.06--1',.. . - *.SL 0' .r„,..ok.„., ,.. , ,, ,,,..,, or.,,„,, ,..„.„.. L.... ,,,,i Id : .0,11i II .4' 81 -it 1I-1,-4 ti- ,-. R. • , .. 4 ,- . ,., •1 ? - :. 1' - 11 ,o• ''•• .,41 0'4 vm 8.19 .1. .' "Pi m11,40^.-.. 11,1•,0,0,-.. *44 tier 4‘.14 '..4)4I4, -*419841 113:411' 21 tow ttot 3-19'' tit t0 • • . 1941711! 19 t'••ter- .t.13 11 0' 1101 I Este ? " •341ki L1411' 4- • 4,4 4' 311'.033. tho 139 91 1911 21 1 i.0 03,J.1 , ": .1 l.:n: ' net,11 11 p,t•te *111ee 21 0,. • ' • 484459'-r'1391 ttir,t11;811Jt '194!91 ," Int 411 11' 11411 t • -,•1 fer3 4. rrip,E5 33111u 11 " 11, 4,4 te - A.I.4., tilt 39-0.r. • t'ttt'• 114931' 19 PA? t.,-1 3n.:i170n, '•81.'y • t:' '., .3i- - t L9' 18' 10: til',. 4.t.lint...44,, '• '..9441,-- •• 10;.!' "Q..,- 9.'. t't n.:.-1 .1.-.11-03t11.ittnii---" '• .1; '„ 11 '331104-' 7 11 1111:4 r 7 19'T ., , -:. 4 7, -...! 11'IL0-• ',." ue ••'• . -, 4 ,,t., •A,•',11 ilit,. .111r. '111 :11 -4,',7': iii0-lii .• .4. -rt, ---4, -----4 .-L -.'. ,t. "411'4,1711 313-4,, ..,11U- nee ---1 '3 ':4 - • ele eii.. nee:ea:MU na telt .4 11 19'94- Li- 19 1l - 9.'19.3 --1:ii n ' "-',i,•: t , li" tilln '1,'' tninlint U 44315311991 445,12113 • 110I2 .;.. ,..- ,,:- ,•1- krt::: . .,p iT.1 1911e.1 15 111' 4,4,-0, gl. 8ie,i:e. - , ...it. 4 ltt e : "::•t• " ''' ., , 1u' 8110 all tturt,,,,tt telt te,- 13 1,-,8 _ ruD "et veele43191 4 11 1, 13194 40* I-, Lt1- -.. A 9:DD tat. 149111 1011 filet' foe 1 91 tO t" 'we're 1 e . 40-19 4 Wr,.* • :Ate 'aJ,m • 13.; • er t_I ti'i,-- 4,10i19"1': ::' .t., v.' 9. 1:94411 geandearente he .0 ... - 3- e-teer, e., 3. . 1. 021158*," ,,"7' 01* ' 031Y9":,t. .;nn 1 .4 13tit'00:.- . M'so. ltr'Ir 4 in l TVP: ,- •09I-..,9 19 ..:,t: 91.1- 13..: i'J N---.': ,•:.L° • .9 t-- . She aksatd that ir a -to ' - • • t 9174...-,. 7 :., t' •.4-,,c •,' . -. ''.'i Irinlil ,-ii• Wo e-5 steete •1 •Eire,-----. l? ., no ree-e133 su yoed th* i•cai-,-• ,:.... : . 4:Viith^,,,,. .,.T.4, -,t,-1 112, it -.•-Ds.': Wioe-stoDD gill*. :, 1: !SW!. • . ,*.: ,'".:vo ...::: 11 .i.:c...,... 11 .:,,11Atmc :•- 07 lie • meet tepee- : ,-,,i t tL.2,f.319112411. 1,940. Ifr. C3130 Voir,. O.o.r. trkt - , •zotkil h"*.k wrkkOo tkoiLok Ittauto 4 ••• . .- 314194j:x',' 11- 4-149"1. -I ;gee-, e, - fee 4.2,.,90 1...ko11348 Low kio, o.k",„ . , ta'att. aand rarepooi- ----".t.", 411' L. ''.-otoz.r.1,"-113u'',••,t4Z:, Nese-- Saytinee of seed. - 1.4'1 t .2 We.), t7r,0 .• 9:19)0401941' 44,191(121:0 74j3 90 11 Mr..'2' 111 ::13 Vele lee 113.91 11s boVII. 1 -'in; 00 191111 tetielee-3:eeent of ireteee, - net •toort toLoo. 1-zro. 11:13es Irronee. In 1. 911 :191 kson..too, 341,:!9s5' 146. • Co !.1;',1A-, tr.t,:' lillenere foe yone vionee.-Peetee,„e"e Veeekiy. Ataotolo.r 0.4-813ey "9 • 9' • T. : 4-Y - tee. bee veee, 'Led ran • aevae feere eeleeel. "'Attie:- 1e:o31321een nr..utry.1,,...-.,:y 33 liidy tr-t 1.81*.- t'L.DL' "I: 191.. attoon La• t 18o8o8-.FL pleestpCe 11890 ,1951 :198.91n1cn I ' 4 2.. SD4-1.13 laeol Veit, 3 011-0 tr7:48 '1:44 111%2 Z..: 1i; 1.4 1. larangint 444 T49 riCq 41V.. teeene : l'ueeteette fee to deten . 1'- :11b19', 0141t, V.D11,1% 319.416 8: 1 ," 1r:try, foe the, trele, _s ;es .e. . , Nri4.11 11;;'t".f‘i'"-s: t":4 The Cause of tndless Suffering and Fatal Disease-Restotl I, the teeneellors tele., -ea- beftillein eleelvet • en,iti, .;:. ; leer ation and Health Come With the Cse Dr. el. Bat' tiley le • :Of e,:. m L. ',, pare ....191n, nnLVII art 17°,9' it It 10 TC/11 1119C14 W110 qzt 32' 7. ut":411:1014:O:(.4 Tee:iltrtttatctr4o. .7; g141-31.4f4111,rt,:c tt,!•.111 ;.1.. 41 (eh en eagle hen eek • .11 naan 11 Egnerant, ntrest. e.ot • ',nee e • te. • a • 13 Nit41:191:_melsre. 11 t frirtelv°4--- 0 1,1, „ 11,• "19 19 ' teminan neg.: can erzi-:It 3.'0'. If heeeet mati le, elite:et 1 esente eiter..hi-s44 1.11,.w. I t no'. ik...; "-esti liAUSTED NER Chase's Nerve Food (Pills). Not a single eley but we axe t, ter was pate, weak, longed and verY retn'...ndeci of the value of keergatg the , trirarEfial.7?1,11:t streel:e.:4ztet:nr:L01:::: 'reedy sepplied with an aburglarx0 of '99(41'4' 13090304010137 mastIlaru:e.gt7shi::: ::: tf.h r,t11, Ilfe-sustainirg. blood. 1 II. -art failure, brain troubles mid • not eleera for more than half an. hole Ilene paralysis eau ordy exist wliZa ' at a Vine without starting up nee Con. the blood is fat a. thin, watery condi- crytInsg *411) 1988 wiknar gr6-ttewmznke;t..tre6ket. 66 " " ronetnnom a and conserve:ton • wenler, I "1"vseetzto atrirritel and got etmeota fled a. beginning In IllaquyalthY 04xx 01 Do, Chai-;'e's Na'orve Food. Oh, ordy,, whIeh Ls supplied with plenty- 01 . used thev treatment for sonie Weeki pure flood to rebuild and recone.tetet amnigafrloranytrotiN7micinteett. wHeer avipettte lii tit", tissues wasted by disease.. To. guard against disease, to prolong came better, Ate gained in weight, th life, to insure health, strength and color returned to her face, and tat v!tror to everv organ yteu cannot pos- gradually became strong and 'welt find a means so effective us Dr. ,; cannot say too retch im favor of till elictse'S Nerve Food, the bioed-builder wonderful treatment, since it he and nerve restorative. . proven such a blesSing to my -dome Dr. 'Chase's Nerve Food is composed ter." of the very elements of nature which To allow the; Idetold to get 'weal go to form new, rich, red Wood, and , Watery •and vitiated is to prepare 0 tilts accounts for its phenomeoral M.- way for pneunnerain, consumption, Id .mis as a system builder. It is as cer. iney -disease or otler dreadfully fat' tain as tho laws of nature, becanse it complications. Dr. Chase's Ne.rve gets, aw.ey down at the, foundation of • pure:7:st Lornoenclineuthrese d isisea ystse nih. y tor disease. and cures by making the blood ing an abundance of rich blood; • pure and rich. IL Mrs. IfeLanghiln, Parllament form. 130 eerkts botx„ at all dea. etrest, •re:tonto, .9.tate: "MY dangb• or EclulAtson, BASOs -t3o., . . g g . , . . not eta a de tory tiLstriet on thy trolley rtia ls, says tin New York t..-Iun, one olls?--nes with antazement parties sea181 in shady spots itt 41,,,oometeries ea."tow.- t..,11,M,...11 J1 ':T A (11:trweesii saI,1 19511 111, prapkr: "r1 (od! olve Thy nal pity to 1110 tv:3oked, for alristly. Thot: Last : 1. lun„.h."08 end eppetentte Peen ,n,`.09.3(141) the meat, thn, stgl 111935 1211' tfieny 41hq.11t9DISI1719 1 1 1 1 1 19 9. 7.1. Fare• - at one of the large centett•rles . to forbid ths entrance of phonik• 31:49.- lo:t.-, as the Place threatened to Ito vome cntirely too popuiatr RP a 111':' 140(18111(0. ground. Butt the un•lantited phe rei-ker00 not dismayed by any 0814111.5' 114)8 (if Me sort and luncheons are eteereted and :carried in in setleooleing bundles or black leather gripe. . _ A cheerful tonntenanee betokens t* were ot• followed. I told Iitm: to good beart.-Itupert, take it for LtWO Iteara? • Instructions Indignitnt Pa trim -Yon advert i to cure consumption. don't yon ? Doctor Quack -Yes, sir. I never fail when my instructions are followed. Indignant Patrcm-My so'n isok your medirlue for a year Land then died. rwtor Quack - M3v instructions