HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-09-21, Page 2-- � . . . . � ;_ - .. ; ;­ . , 1- , . . . . - � . . . . . . - . .1 � - ­,­ . -- � .;. ­;­.. � , . - . , . . . - i, I 0!= - � - . . I - � . 11 . I I . I I I . Ith the third batch of Boor 59 men who wer" PrIsIo rs, were re- [ I . prisoners, has arrived here, . , . teased and folty-VIA 10%0 o"'I'lZ" T ud . . I I ( i ___ jRaj,, � ! � t % other rolling stock were captur . 4110 CENS DIWIT , . , .pillpnee" WKIIP River 4 former will relieve us of irerit dirti- , Prdtorka, Sept. i4,_F;ve 1jultdred pulty, as we bid, to put U'A With a, rejv Bopers,w,ho have lately been hovering tie ,� 9 ;,ty en toes, . � round - the neighborhood of Johannes- - , onell reports that he, has suffl. � RED ILLED burg, entered 11lip River jail, eight clant.oupplbeg folr three weeks for bIs I I 1 miles to the south 6f tile town, and ,force, Amd for a we.ek for Ills. borkre@. . 11"ll"ll"ll"ll"ll"ll weleased and armed the prlsollersl 0116 hundred Boers. with many- jyjansI . Irl A ..4!1+. . I ., mostly foreigners And natives, who ' " "" - 'I"- y 01 11111numl,51(int were Paptlared. There are large qu,qji ' I I Mr. and Mrs. Kruger to Le4ye had -been captured. . —_ I I I ! L ; I I : I � . ; f titloo o, cattle and sheep In thel coun- . try, which la good neLwg. Third Brigade British -Indian � � su pplies Exhausted. 11 French Intercepted large convoys, tofti supporting him. Geri. Pole -Carew I I for Europe, Machadodorp, Sept. '12. -The slip. of the Boers have been ex- showing that Barberton was used as a Troops Go to Wei -Hai -Wei is in, the centre at tile railway, near plies depot of supplies for the Boers in tile Names of Thousands of the Victims Will. Never be Known—War Depart- I hallisted, Tire, troops have not been S00th and 8011theAst. The bulk of Thousand Chinese Thrown Into . ment Rebuilding—Some Business Firms Reopen—Hospitals in I paid, and are clamoring for their French's foree-is still 35 miles behind than in any preyious period. Doubt- I wages in gold..' I . On cavalry, owing to tile difficulty of V . TIGHTING NIAC'S SUCCESS. I ! I I --- � t , i � I Where the Forces Are. . getting the Wagons over, th p. leadhig, to Barberton." . I Is ass . I I BENGALS SAVE U.S. TROOPS nificent success, and has driven the Pretoria, Sept. 14. -The eastward . . ___ ' ' . . ,advance of the British is moving on Real Warfare Soon Over. a '"', I a r I it contempt ted ithdraw I o t le I- . In a ;broad siveell 70 miles 10119, London, 86pt- 16, -The position of I . . . . ttirough broken valleys and mount-' � I,- 10 h affair& Lit South. Africa at present till. were at Warmbath appear to have I . I&I &JUP I I I I upliono ALREADY B ax1juv � � . ­ . I . nl . Numberof Victims of Texas Storm . Now Estimated at 6,5000 I 1�1. PRC#PFRTY I OSS ATA15 000 000 Canadians to Go to London as Guests ains of Lie rransvilai. en, r.- Is at the extreme southern point, dvabteuly Indioams an aPproacbIllg end of auytWng like real warfare. Gen. Two Thousand Two Hundred Chinese 7 7 �, M of the Nation-Fole-Carew After towards Barberton, with Gen. Hut- Lord Roberts' deRP11I show that Committed Suicide When steyn-Big Offer to Kruger as a tofti supporting him. Geri. Pole -Carew the Boer army is tit present thor- ,the Allies Entered Peldn is in, the centre at tile railway, near ought), disintegrated, and that the Names of Thousands of the Victims Will. Never be Known—War Depart- Lecturer-Kruger's Flight a Good Godwin River. Geri. French's advance Boer losses recently have,been heavier Thousand Chinese Thrown Into . ment Rebuilding—Some Business Firms Reopen—Hospitals in I Thing. has been strongly opposed. In the ex- than in any preyious period. Doubt- the River by the Russians. treme north. Gren. Buller has had mag. less a few irreconClIftbles, such as Do Every Ward Filled With Suffeiers—Many Dead Yet Unburied—, I I London, Sept. 15. -The Dailly Tele- nificent success, and has driven the Wet, will ]told out tov tile bitter end, Shanghai,, Sept. 15. -News of the . gaph's correspoad*�ut at Lorenzo Boers over 'fie passes towards Sipltz- ' but with the 1dit'llitluttion of horses, a '"', I a r I it contempt ted ithdraw I o t le I- I Loss of Life at Outside Points—Healtb Officials Have No Fear of alf I I I I Marquez says that President Kruger kop. Geri. lan Hamilton is support- Ing General Buller, The Boers who Supplies, ammuiliffion &lid men, not lips even such commanders as he Will be from Pekin has caused a great Epidemic—Telegraph Service Soon to be Restored. : I t 11 is ostensibly a prisoner at the house . were at Warmbath appear to have able torenuttu long effective. sensation. It is loulted upon here as ' Dall,is, Texas, Sept. 15. -The ,News' I : I Thlb railways, and the town are being ��i of the Governor, to which Ike Waa -In-vited -by the Portuguese Govern- h retiored to the trarthirard. T e system of garx�sonhig towns with President Kruger himself basplayed the British game by fleeing from tile ch-sturbances, a lud-stake, which Is likely to lead to staff in other parts off China r: wrespondent wires as follows: rapidly cleaned of debris. The tele- I . and telephone companies anre , , Iment. though. he preferred to remain field forcei for surrounding districts Is meeting vrith great success. Get,- Transvaal. He had often declared that ha would never abandon his country where tile people are certain to at- . The lilt, iiries a& to the lose of life . and property continue to pour In. grap.h. I raphic � rushing things, and t1r( full teleg � is to be re-establl�qh_ I at the residence of the Consul, of the Tranavaal. The French ()onsul eral Iftthiren is clearbug the country and his countryineu., and beyond a tiI the evacuation to a defeat Tire list will be known. There service expected ee Business ", ed by the first Of tile w k ' �called at the Governor's house to see road to Zeerust. Gener,11 Clements Is between Krugeroduip an us en- question Ills departure ,will have & greatly dislo-triting effect when it is of tile European forces. Eren here, never have been already handled on the on. 'tile floor of the Cottoo Exchange ��, be Ili three weeks, , *Prepldent Kruger� but was not at- ,lowed to do so, Boer officials have rg; while General'Barton is near generally knoNva. It may be argued lirve the Clihiese its a wli-I do n-ot be- Nat the allLles ever reached QuIveston Island and along tire btty will established when tile damaged building will be ' �also unsuccessfully tried to see him. the former pl -tee. General Bradley is at el I Irg. le Brlitish that the protection of ,Dlie aged Presi- deab was a. serious handicap to Geri. Pekin. They thlark the story a fab- shores of tile mainland opposite the . . repaired. : . , The correspondent adds that he learns innitind- e rs hope that within til.p ,text two Botha, but President Steyn, who 19 r1ratlon cuileocted for the purpose of Island about four thousand corpses. Notity Dead Unburied. , that the President was nominally 'Made a prisoner (It the liustance ,of , weeks the Doers' hilail-q'I'irters ill .0 n a 1111poslaig 11pp4l"ently ol- c nll)l te Illy lid, re- upeon the offlelale. Corupet- esons believe that a lesson The long stretch of debris alongthe 'Many dead are reported hourly as ,, ' 'the who protested Britt;h Consul, , the east of tit(. Irranavatil will be ns. -while Both Ma' II himself Is far front well. must be brought home to China, in bN)ch and the western portion of being unburied, especially in tire extreme west part or tlie elty. Tile . against his using Portuguese terri- 'tory surrounded or commandoes disppi-sed. Then tile final quelling of the op- There can be no dDubt that Kru- order to prevent scr�oua outbreaks the island has not yet been heard interment and cremation of jillilialk as a base for eommunicatlug the Boer Exet-utive Council. A p08ltI0`n to tile British iii various dis- ger's last stop has gineatly 11,elpeti in the future. from. Boxers Had Fled, The prairies of the. mainland - bodlea and the varcames of animals iWith -military guard is posteJ at the Gov- 'ernor's tricts will, it is tll,t,llwllt, be , sp,.e.d- lly accompliviled. wa.rn, lid -L a r the Britl�,h- Free a, lilt li I rans- Vaal. lie wauld be a governillental Taku, .�,*ept. 12. --The Doxers,agalust over which the waters rushed liklye, are be!ug vigorout,Ay prosmuted. I Daily 1papers rind Illutitrated papers �] rv,97 Aeer2e. Alb9t of the Trail,waal officials I i weather will 1;0311 make It Impossible for thp Boers to ke-Pj:p their cattli, Ili tire bugh veldt, g a ptowerful la- fl"PlICIP 0TPr till burgliers. Capturt,4 wboul art exiialition of the allies wits w.%t to flv� westward, had left the also their tales to tell. It mao, be said after investigation I aplit; of have beem wild Tor photogr, J tilt, txalv"tou disciater. The town Is who accompartled Pre.Adent Kruger ave returned to I to Lorenzo Marquez It, and tIlPv .IT&-. al,ready drIvIng them lie would have been u. source of the ,il.,!--Ity of Tullu four days 1 Wore tho of Vr� troupr-;. Tlw- (ierniau loss I that a voirjsi�rvative estimate -),f the of life Ill Ualvestoll is 0,500. I lineIteil militab.-Y W.w. allki tile JAIV.ple ara 1 ; I-Comatlypoort. It N reported that , Folith. Sm. rls ( all bar J D e -,s roat"nue to,threaten attaekq oil tire rallway 93`041test embarrassment to 11,18 arrival vaptors, But now, under the prottle- -11111 tlr� . .rielklA 1-g!ttloti guardo; 'lln'l Tilt-- numes of thousands of V letlins Itiot :jIvIlited to brook 1phiptographa. Thri,p photographer.4 who, ventured : Pre.4ilefit Kruger made a 1)�eeli tot the- burghprs Nill4prult. irk whiell I '3011th and enst. The railway IS too V1141 of the Purtuguese Ulovernment havo, returned to tilt, .-,trips. will never Ili* ktiown. Tlitvy have Still- out had their IiL4truiuimts smashed ply ()lit or exist,eam" no .R) of be s�jIji tilat although the Boor peace. 'to ptrongly guardett. IvAIrrever, f6r them achieve any success. at Lorenzo 31hrilnez, tha t; It Is relt he is off the stage, powerless both I A'%Vllltlllg Instructions, pasned and tbemw.lvP.-4 pri-esed Into iservice � many flick,pring cund�ps might Ini ex. . burying dead bodlp.,i l't � delegation bas bppn unsuvellvsrut. 1101 for his friends amd against ilia Pt-kiri, tint., miso,ing, %I -r. Takii. t-ept,. 1111911hilted In tile wirld, - � would go to Euro,p�!, anti vall for tile Interventlon of foreign powers. He - For B. -Ills Force. foi�t;- :tl.-.% I r-1port, tris reavitea Mr. (*oil- In .,,s to tile property tw.,3, It Is bard to mnke� till ("StImate'. ('01. IA)W['$* 134 Outside Points. " added that tire bargliprs must not lose heart. The war was; ju,;t cont- I Ottawn. 011t., .S -pt. 14.-Lilrd Rob- erts Is very anxious that a large -_ After Ste-yu. forov, gvr that tile BooXers are. 111rissIng at, Cho-Chait, th Ir original head- , ` 1)0,000 to $20, M - , Huiviton, Texas. rtelpt. 15.-A re - e.-itimate of $Ij,O, t 0, 000 Is vos�d liut or tit(. dl�ad at AlTentlia. At- � meneiring. number of t1u, ror4am.-tis Itow On .1,Ik)uLb London, Sept. 10,-1 despatch Until � iIu;,rVIrs, -s about forty niflo; south. , or iopitti. ,;,hill i!d further and coneervative. - Vill. 01OV1*14te, Creek, Marvil. Unto - Tiett-PrNidpirt Sehalkburgrtr eante to Lorenzo Nfarquez and sought tO Africa o-liall. wh�jl th,k war Is over, remain tu jOn tit t p.)jjt-t, rore(l which Knjjpseljpbt)o,)p. or yesterday datk,, RIVii that place has been oceupted by� 21011I wt*st . LIJI-It'll hifornia titon W rf;z-(-Iv- WAR Dji;11.VRTAIk.NT AT WORK. � Itang Vrei�u, .Ulgh,tolll. Bwokshle. I tang Creek. Aligh-toll, BrOliksldt-. I w PrpAdprit Kruapr. but wns not I 0 Plieral Ii;A4Ivn.jp,:wg4Ij ,will t)rganize. M -u. Pole -Carew. Prostdout Steyn. I'll . a eoutblg�-Ilt of tilt, alll(�4 will Ile W thein. IlealthAtithurittes1lave - No 'Fear of; 1,0-it,-Mulb Vlt.v, Morgan 1polilt, Patton. j*rmItted. Ire haq rptitraptl to tile , I tl(1I1tl.V, It will not be it Aunt- I�L�l!111129urjorim, with all the &)Pr artUler.y. ten glins, . I retired to litletorsprullt. lit 0"ril'. qtjt�ttjo, , tilllr_l. Ij�'jjtjjjjgI,tlje .1 J�, ('1ulatallo.. Itkox4thki x., Idallst1lottil. , lilt KpIdellile. Or Virg,jula i Isal0j. �4.;% pr" Tranivani. Tho BrIti-Pa warpthilog Vo, r14 P.,Irtrjjgi� have arrivild. ortie ing to inAlee Llr� follow- paragntph ill to�p_jjilylr; 111111tin . __ IrrvAlyt, Air insti-114-00114 frout %aritpu,% 1-k0at, L)f'f.*, � �I Oulvestou, Temks, ,';Pl)t,. 13. - s at. 11c,"Sinly, 1,4wtiolv. and velatwo. ! I loop, .nliki latter tuade . -irk-to, of tile% Inner a 4 orders., Guests of thp Nation. � thm rnni.�nts, Tir, Clilt .se tire gnoluall.,- ri j.ijjrj)jllg Through tb�% Iwi,al rtuprt%7entatIvVtj, 9t6jVV 1% WUO of 172. . � bas on FrMily. "It IN Rotliflod for bits)rm.1tioll thn+. Ltmtiun, ,-,+pt. io.-The War Offieft I � andov% r,ntdy to) Noll pro%biluil-;. of the Fetltvral withtoritit's, it 181. Iteport to tho Govern0r. I:tv#, wou wero arro,,NVA on a lllltll4or1t.*. 11w; lw�n grantPIII tjlj� offi- atinolittees that detat'llillelite ot tit. � leartaml that the War Departlatmt � Austin. Tomw, .I4, pt. I.,' p.-­tjov. Sa** rr elnrjr"� of jolkstti�tIr m IsItsw 11tv tllk% .Iers crpik)ilntjj�ljug t!_r1o..; 0j till, (,nna- rivers and irpou from elivix of the col- I Pulit"ll ttik. Guilty. will vtAjI1PrtW.% ws stsm Art tKotNibilt. task ollight ritniqVC41 th" tollouitAg zkft- . ittvis" or tit - Trattoom it Volk--Iij while 1,114111 Thrve spet,lal ker%1,(, ftlrc,,S it, .%4ojjth '14p fte, tq on!.tV ew-,xi now In �ktitth .kfrlca will 80,41 111P 8011t IVAIlle bY WaY Of ElIg- , -, ant] IL 6, urgottlint t lip� ri),� at famil. titill tot Its )rolmorty tit � tilt- restora I 4 rviNwt frout Nla,00r JOW-S, tot fickL. thb; and the %nriolis rallmidg: V". "Ifftl- Pri-slitimt, Xrutrow wn-� tlalrP. ot -th in w. rol, millsoiluittktIr rplota"ellt. .1fiIIII-1 grant, %I o4,-h-jr r go.j 11011. VOU1111,KRIOne'l offivers and mmt under land ' whpre thoby will, W revEpived, �'Otll �f'*. hlglll.� -14*1, � %I (*It 1Xf'N,I' 11412C)"4440S I U Ik'jt I -111 tit I tioablot �1061111 ,-Plot 1whit, %(W.x,JW. 4IN tip (I0jLdjL'0JW tIL,ftArP4 string Own- loave dett,raini-d to* � wstwi. Tmas. 11-topt. 1.1­11oM JuS411111 Titf, othrr two�, wk,o art, iiktwi, wor.- Irlic-Ir coilinri ft I daelmill; or rinliallillig will risrvIvi, commenivrativo Inj4III11k, I ui,.-p wor, Alssist Up tht, flill ellt4nit of tlwir I It .,�,,,.t�,j)re,,titt%�.rtu)rv-.'ittt,rtht- full - T�,.- IrWa-Muorleall, tort, (Vtainu-l. a - in St.pith Atrit-a, t4nbjt�j-t to till. all- anti will bit thegtxostHof tit, ,,.,tt,,�.,I*,ttt.l*tf,U)t;tiftt,ruitor4-tlutittlot)."l,""O I hiz-11%, rollm%,4.4 thR.M. . wt,v In too'building tilt" eity. nw 4..:#. , Bll!t-�n%*,T�tii,*kLttigil4r-l�.w4,ttl,I g.,till, 1% lant;U9 trAI at Wl"Illat"' pripsal ,of tile i,0111111tin till, -111-vil"er." Tlw fi;rst ront'loigmit. has starti-d folt, il t 9-4 n: Fakwithim. tho, JaPaurs b eto'll- Th'. $ttlt. Ill-aOth Offit'vr Dr. la.JpNloi�t In ti�%,.% littg t#j.%o% ckahj t1irougOt INHWt. *I b,tjjjtq h%v(o Juu,n ,.rarn- — % htIIme in the oompany ef DrIthih ,j-,,,-jjN-r, I Infoorsit,241 (Iin. CluttlVe Illat 14r, .Aint, Ito:blia. e tBoatt thow Is ito &an- %4)n ,Ao. tj�ot ,,%uts.-L1­41t. lovololo, thaa LAO , W .1%A!"A' th-ir ark1I In Lorento . . tlavqn". Limit. Valt Luvi-it tot Charge. London. Qept, 14i-IX-ut. It. It. Vail trtruj)s. - �11'1 brotal ontragv Is wItII0, 110-11AZ t-MAHA14141 %2I.Voub g, -r of till opildetah. frumv tho 4'un- I anela dbias'vr tolts o%ertala"M M".% Vtolu- whultitir, front th- htorlu. Thl-its tho 11b.,44jr.% or _oen� 'j . - ftil jjjt*,r rriek 'Corr, .-jwndont _ I I t at.tijil. . 1.1jilt1n, of %lit (" � ,klt Ifo%IIIIIed Wou"t Itlittlor Kruger. ' ,n Tunx viti(piv. lip toI,I t1to ,L\jjjork-.%a , I#*AAgI0"n�1,(%.r *.14.-tt lif. 11jist ji%pI jult)r- !� ninniU.? Or 64ort"'on m. Board ot Uatth, �kt 4 192--i"tiltp:' ` -4 ot IZ14 s aj�:t301 KI te4p kVnBgtr.%. Tko 9w. -t - - *11 , w Nv 'ill 'Vt- %I, ith gvjt immu,41 \JUPKP� - I - - I%If1kt,.;, torrivorlY a Villv*a"m 11 tlie� 4th -11%:i Lort Itfty,(I � - 0, ,4,jA �_ The ,i % worlw�.,l lawl 4 brim-ol 11VAtoll thAt 111all. a d P U -,.j . Si , � u, V�"t,wmtu)oo, I014 Lug a6o % AIM,$- atcl. . iiag, nuir: e�tu t,,e%IA-r U 4.wemr. A, i0m- � tav,11'VI, vVIvI, Sall th 4�411 0 War worild Orag a"ut og fN*r it volt'i Bvritbl i thile. .11, . tirsars ,.waq lit eloargo Of tilik Ca"a- oqln V.�'ll 14L wOopgAit4i FrI Livorlyw)l Portilgiii-eA, d7iistrfk� Owerliff)r luvt r,1- ceivild tiistritetiort. friton Mi- Room, ,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,, into wells tIr voonormtwel v ib %%I,';- leraftrhL It to ii�kthuavo,,,111 nt .'i.qWr3 to 111n;rg,onel ko.sINt,%O% 112" b"Atln is' %;�ilvfn Tlroor,* tl%e nvot Wain, Ou orilp 1k) r w.j-wa strI inIN0114N 01141 � lor Canavra on the ,st,vaan,41111) poligu- P A , (14 vernno-tit ;it L * It, I 1J.Pt lf 0 11 h rt);� "ilIP14!e' log 4V11j. 4..tm'q "" 1'jsjqi`p6_%'rjj4l -III&I Alto i, r 1), I %111�tri.,. atnot-1,s L jffttojo�lvi, .1 t,lb1jqjj *1 In 4,%k-r.v Av.irl, with a MOO 45,10,wNum that lla,4 rJol. Wmk inlan-41, ' 4411.V 101' A`"'�q 111"r4oSt ktlt" till"' 11tri lon y#srorgloky. an,,vtobstatehm ill 10,-w:* fVres',lolout " tjjtirsn�a. Ot-n. tll!-iffo - t,vl,,l red Ualor toTp,o oT lih.%A 1-to,saUd troi,1141.1 lourto 4. u-I'dite totto,124,11IN havo. Ig -Do dttstro.%vd� U011!ij figigb ft- tilt ilmll. Amolher II . dav ID ,wottlloi U) ehititrrall .tni hipfivall, — , ` Vdil COJIle li;;�mb if Thoy Like. - lCruger. ,who lw� Aleez4go"d to# leny" A"rituguem' turr�t­rjV tht!� iv,wk and ntar tv isroo, 4* -1 0111111 -At At Al"a Ito Tvim , I -Ull, 0113" 4"til I"i"It" 1�41'11M"14 .41"' I 14 .. to pf,; rty DIV4L4 n1sr-tsolfit" .WPUIR111. ' - I - IM A - vvmia &421146r� O's".440V Al"i I too, th'itr Vagloix+:� �jjpj tworo vaill- no j tvtov,j init .aw�a.%-, TO,' "tr' It"tv 111 3 I 01tawn. StIlA., 14'_.j"JJLl 114111artilt.lit I SaLl hii EurAIL.. t1tow our III, rellart. aoxvrs At -tive. 11 . III , ,,jr-,% v�%ty ,,4,r 'Joa urg ,O 'S111#141kWare eAM hudAt gtktt.N toj�an %-�jfj 1p, sars-1,4 -;r,Ato,Io0, t'jl�tvr . 0 % V4 41o4p,dr, 4'�;t inten I to tj�!� tq2r4 Of 111 . -Al,l thh; arteril".0-1 re."Ivotl the ___ 1, ,�,,Ixl .. � t11 -.,4r,1,;, ""I'Aalt",olu, Ulth asn't tharnor -, , tog 14:, wv,% top Mt, 14:�;4914. ,II b".4 rfprro.�ilwwlowity I t.,.,�JL't. T� 11,,gr4�1I)l 10,11in%ing ifespairla frIjin ' Mr. COMM- lotlel-ft. Utolo-Cnl 11I;,vrKsrj% -. Mugt 11vwtive of a TrIek. Vigbon, ��ljst. Doi. -Tho- Goworninent ' � �uj��fl ill GrotrAnIs to -day ,Lt l.� A,4#� - U015 1�".'shjn,i; 61-olitrao 1.51voWtIVII 8"Ov, � Unsift,04N. UP-1UHled. 1potnal"o 0tk*141Q4#-_m 4O&O dr-stitar.e. wfth aa -91"4 unit -or a slrr-�;# bra the - &-ALi,r4h 4 ilrp-4�."P,!!it Rnotivr aq hgAbn 1*11teri-rraig to .%Olr V$%,r�.Jnl, .10th linq tolegirthloluo. I two this 9;4p,*V-�.gqor Ot Ito Iua-r ro"Ielved ontforld-3tiurt that tivub " 'o.- ,Iqt6ro. Owl;o0azi, tlal&-Ir lattl mlann- (��tk-t. or .02 blull"'17-V41 Bravo, r�--41104D-A. 01.110 Ili an,� an I Ntrairl dAimat UV M.19110. We ull- I Aljl�it-"a' blut �hs. %,I#rretkjU)ndV'1ft tot t"o-1 U`L�L"Tj % -%,_�4 w 0134 FION *hnt he is Allanst. till, ff�-I,I turkro4wil e6olumandc-r- N�Iovalublque 4.,-trivUligg Ov*u to it. 'Mr. Xrut,wr -ave for Vurkilp, �'- forre-m v)T llvinrr,4� ime nntutilr2n*� 090 41' 4 the otime M11,39, Wrw nudotvlo ,nvt�%C,I.�. livy'. plat ng Us r­n=c,. V ft -- I jw­ag ift VuLs konr 4 t,,'Jur t.P014A ir'LlOv- ' * _ioq , Ltl%_Ill_ 1�1n.Au-,!r it, NoWit Afrien littv jr-,cmi Ini. low to 114 . , , ,oll." for V,vmhtov - 11� ,1411 P.0- V9 P 'It- 140 U -N, 0,i7=p,1t1oZf ard MA ti I, Vo 1% %ratb 'I � rfjj�,.,j It, �Do,.(Jp I .�#,,V arp ft#." 'tt 0. stru.,Iel to &,spitela front Styath At- ., but 6;1%I14t that the, 69venefor maq. , 't , % r to ling ro"Ona the snoth too stn4ml 4) _: lil".9 sin too VikIo t,v. lin-s'i Do..rt, of tile Cit... tu ftwd& U:R"Lg g,'��-i6 tu,,r,­ v�.--an vver. r1ea allo,Ir"bL,WrS or *ju.ti Ilvvvaq 0"Iflftelfall 11 w�31" hifimlor th�tt he I4 ou,0�4 to vot V 0, Q'oolulnuatmatbras qAT thil III of" : �' VrAlflu,� D. Lwt IVI 1,04 to i�xllrqvl twelud � Eartogw. It" �� C,'[*-�') 1tqtrAA�,t#.t,j tt,p &Lb. 1vtwt,qu Pekin anIl T4 -n TAim Ilt w4rt - I - -..-- � - - I.. L . ­ L . I -_ - - - ­_._ - - I slelly 111.0 0bjPeI1Vk,. got serv[04-, to L-Irr;ii� In ('111-tilzi, lout , I.DN% 1114 gar0tv art -I lol"Ifer tTeatnaellt de"46 0 that tuall 1111la- was suffoehocat- �, litr,eN kvg t fjo AtIA-1. T11 --t Jtiuctilcacg " 005�. jo p'�q�r L' - - t!OnEe'. 14f lot., 14.�A 1 _V)1N--=q) Ifarqw,s qr)ih�'r h4'er thaft I.30 W . Ill tile ev0lt 1111t, It lics ehiblek�o, Dy gelurdml, n_4 the tkRltov %towtol vorlr_ taw thp %40MR0 atrw � itj . M1"i13-1nr1V% �sin,_%- vu - rartAng %IT toroo V-0 vd�naifltl,g. , ,,BBI,- FA�'S tt j� �p.�'�_Jl� top t,t,',p �'QJ07" P. Vult­!,�� VqqiEvu� at Vj,,:l1,, p1m,re ttwo brlt­ of a Intp- uanth�;rt thow AvIll be, ment qi1re:.! to t�Ajtfl.,jLqj.,j Jj,� tra,tas"t Kruger its Negoitlatfe. tai Ill% weoli*p dr,lonite %ovol 44 ajlprv�,n4fl of the &)%ers in, thap to : T�Ef��(�,�ultlL%,Iu,-.4r�ll",:,. an i*1Vr,�;,9�;-=t-*%- ,I. - tol - 4'%rNtQ%N­.'_ 01 hj,�"tU VI1UtL"I_'oV'q IL�61'fs � , %4. : wan 4a 11tralort. lot'v V-4 tto'&C-14 %*�.4 gt�411C',^I, 1.00 ttl� v,!,,±'4a6 01 VIP '-'�Vtlt"' ,4pc- e_1tIQW- 1'P"Zt1�,%l.W.9V1-tA�,' All Vnttlafid TAndon, .,�*tst. In. -A sjwjl,,�,�g Ile. janb��jitnp at nnit, given tppi�,nt. TOuP . . - . . -it �hr a-,Lq,a1ky4t','%r twabIL4144 tht , n ,,I ,t,i,q,r 1 ial P-Al"D %fS&-t4ay IlTi_lmr�,>Ila�t, TLI�e 10A'Arom von %41_elu,b�r ums Pro "I"', 0 . Dor� t4 at 111-- ovt &o, hi: 9, -- a % Cla for I'm'-�jItt Urr:av--t -in �+T.V. b%- "N'604-VOOrt %-*�'Ilt ..%I fia%-aiij %o'" . Thrf; nuatwortalat lue,,sag,v, has teter- , I multeh fronu 'NaprW.-I Ravn .tu 'ja.­,�t Of 1 - t'M- Trayniviuil AttA,F,,v iliat th�- CoMolau =101�v' 111-�Wsqtftl owers for in. lereusmi vbgfl�ne�p V.ea th" Iyart, 0 oT tlao. , . �o%iij',T.L,�4 otrM& rl'u 4UM U tVML irtgt'.?tt�.it I#" 't�U. t' ��" �'L'! � �404�-54 N &'61 W illLtl`�" bMl " _' q t"'* " I ot*vt 'Mr. , �lvtr nd,�I-*11,4 W-��:- A vollo-t%MIMW W — , , vh-_k� to the. questton XvIdeh haq TpI XroAt'lln V'elt to J,�&ar,frjw E, I or . 1 .0 noules. a 'Int S4"mA1Uj,* tllv6 or mr XR- I - " i,%W4 Val tavoi-4 #4 aull Itt flatt vaptilres not-ri. =!,& 91:wn-I in re for a,dii" vveekg. , to jl,-A%)tt-,1t0 a s4toornmit vs-W,a VirolI , The Iteagralih Uliart, hils 111w*U OQV-_q�r'd I'li, #,w, aim 9 P,NA%.10VU%. "T ttte 4'�Jt�t',� fo_r- ul, allll tL? gl,,mvr�i jxn 14��. 5Zept. 14.-Vlai? \Ivar okke fo]lolv�= from I 11. whl It-' TvrduflU7j!rWl th-tt 4110 11,11g, ICA %Olufvo, *Orp eftir :T-4 for Ono rn Britapp. tl%d that h6% h,14 ItAt !IUWer to net tt") that OnA. I agoi""L't lbrv-x. tnv,s.-ap,-�;, brx-vmbs� 01 the 1pnotilliII f4ngI, bustni"If�9. , (' IrOnll V!'�An VV Ti�rd T!&D. ,C-�r'n 'eivalvAne, 1'.�: In 11"41 -Io. Tbo Priv-spa have NWbetil ata "T4*1 Lm4 oew�Tvk-*I tiv� -Ord 1,qjrw,t,iI, tt;aU461 ,81dADsq1:;d4ITjp, Itepti: ffl- .St >01?,, or tol-dararlon Of tllL% war. Tile - __ wwtilr"4 lim%,- to",n given to� ir-Arasp "111 . pn�jl-iblil-vr, thq silftg or mv�ne" or for wintnirling Val- ltus- . - btil. 1,301: C9kUtA1rZ9, TtO'.Ve%*f`, IVPr,�- WUF.eted for A Difteh wat-4blo for 1110aul. Usti TnuA'�,s sulk-Ide. pt,qlairaMoft4 tat*. WCA ingL uriVuhl th , ginTaLs of the Lwiah tftxl�p-1 in th,l 'r,441111tal. Tluo,qv- %41111 ­2-,,n,1E**r flas (W.eurW*aA Splftkolp. 110 , s-dpp,1#_4# ORe .V"r 0I U& Uwe #xpitilig on , vljr,o,,.',ai9, dat�; from Ootwi*r 135th 116 Thp Tlagde. Splyt. 16.-Thf, 0,0vorim- Loild(ki,, 8 qot,. 131-A ED -N4.11 detiont4-h. ,, nNivish conersmian, ,tl- , IV. WRIAt"a'sru to T'cv.a_Tsln. lvr� Alm 6-it-ral Fukw9hInLa, is h0tv* Qtftr-g- 1 ro,mol :aok 90 J"-gnds of pt?jt,��p4,jqjy lyl Iti.c., sagar. Hour and , 111^nt of MI, Netherhinq14 Ing tvie- Oei;vlpc�r 28th, It is Olt kololvft how graphed to toronto Iumqu'.�, "ffpr. fi,on,j Shavigivall, da", I FrIdaY, S�Ipt. , 1401, says that jorior to tlu;- 4-patttirp 'n ..,a -vs tI, -! �w -ellf . �F� offi,�� t upin Pekin ft ,nf %e ;atild taWO: Of th'4 V.V-5�4,oalq ,iv,jjq ; Utg wln1v-r qttatteN for Ikko JaVssttl- Il tw .0 o9Z,--,,, at t .m I-li "_ �;f aniffluti.." ft, '" An FLI�4`rlp; r ipjvnvoy. WVC11 tortv; O�- 90P4 1110 I _.-rial ftfttIjofjtj1- - taly " �, Will re a biftell wariplot-11 to III Mr. glaire fllv, "rf�vvle,s of the ki,ginjoill, It 1"9 * Ithe 0 I t.lw of Ll ffillopt ('11--ing for t1kc- notth metv (.ptman 31inNter, Or. 51nmra V021 0'sc�' be aft nom!*.Irowl lvni-hf, as tIte follesent - aft pInving an "N 11%;nst in th" ,I und-t Th -0 Getmins, � to TEea tolllt-3 hi Vr�-, 114M ffns_�mrg. wvw at- I , er to An-ty Im olo%y foor a. ffnv wpAiv ovW Xtug p1land. . . 8+-.VartAno,tAn, e'velmew..411 ,ii -Its With ve"Xtfor of Im-4ap k8r"S1,1..'Iey;1 are Infe.c-rako tIII and a.110 naVonaRtl�ls at,- sl�N'Mi- la-kel at Vv� Ct"v,oC10 River. The vv-ar, or it way b-- for thrily or totir Jollut,,d bi llii�.q Wire. 6,11MV, th- 0filese stati%livto. The 4PISIT3ttal aliko- to tit-, t*r4Vgn,rR atO Vhinexim 1: 6_JL�.g for hajUdings. Q.4, Bfitislo batzt,fvy rind i�qfll Xav � 1_'figlt�e*.�ta 1jave t4-luttiM, but thore 19 I vs fi�skvn 1*1 J�� T- ­;041t. A.�, tiv� hojpq loati, stmxl the fatig-piesk liQ31110% Sseq-tt.- jv�stf,v. xr�;0111. ae. to ,It 414.,;pittell t,,) M�- pally I ml& t1tat it 19 rol-korted at �611qngllni that 1114 snngt,�'.4V,an Vint 41 ltuslilan __ I 1 -bt!v� h -4, - - : U - 2ave 49tivf Orde"d to Wei -Hal -Wel. I , ­1�,trj &juj'I,s,�,4*e4 fs)ft.e haq ljkc� tht, . plal le o� 114 -,Iv -Cstewl�; ,Wgailm at Witt- ,W- vordilig and jv8r-l!;,hI!#q ouf.th! '(1.11111).11LItills6i F _* Ldnle�DZ,Iy Hat- , ,ipf" jVe_j at I _ U!d, ItaLg at.1 hly. It. 1.44 coo"! lv,-d. Ill otti-4. 11 tiriAdap . ,_ et u1ser VA,ott, 1.1 111ing Chang toot Tnku , Was dropliM owing t,r-v th, lifi,ided oly- ­.. . '_­ P Ito,,g, X11,1g, ,,��,TIL 14.-Otdf,t.q have Hurl kook) Into tile lftvibt. *tr,xatotn',,�t. I'vo-m wl&-Il P;at:*% CAre t1tat itol miny WITI aempt th-ft, dis- , 4 002- - jectiton iff Vioe-Adodral .Spvraottr. Ih- ,�l lw-n tk��lred Ton' tll.� thing brkgad-7 "Of " Nagasak".1, �Fejlt. to.-Dt'. CalIfIv% a L .A GfAwtn ,�o­dav- ThO colannal 1."-ar-h, ' - - _ chargel row. Only thoI who f6f &J� - V 1.0thig Alat-Is" Haul. statem,611t 19 feltetated that lw,; j3e -h-In'lian tKNITts to VI to, ItL I v�orfii,-.ipandLnt 01 the Bku,-_',.eDs Eta3e tta.-n* ahar,,�`Irvn­l Ile;- Tolump. Wnd 'the ,4, . .; 14' L .10,W33 ilip. .1 br7,1gf, W. (,EWI�,Vi- itipstu. or bil'sinc-s" iIe'llgon:4 mustoo"16 - f*g�*ny"will �Irk to be rMjIe'_*jg ftbAn Illoolinionteill, '-'s"Ptot MR.-I;on. Mae, " , 1111t, Yw T"11K. tin F.I11j)4g,o-r`s tiltor. twentlly " - hangmj ll;Mellf. 'WEII-Hal-W01 hnnIC411-Itely. pelge. has attivc-1 floal 13 awvi-ea- - _­. -ftt-L-A. liq kwar1ruvo thip tamin- ol a ,, q ,. . I 11 .%e,l at B,Ahlehf.ul Zrluz,�?.p 5'as airrp , - . Ity Will btfAly, ity(palild on Thuts,liy intf-r.-epte4 S03 Th- Vast WIlLm .1, intdoll ' I' " L __ . *M,, t1drd a A -ad.- "�ns-!-A,q oT the 4th 'I, gZt2sSja n rgj_gS&,jere, ,Dr ( , tm:esp. tl ;v � g _ii, L.�jr, U! - t',**-r�r _--ar lbj�: "Itta'-ko'll a patrol Of rrmil-d I'd otd�.-r th.tt tht�Lv tAJ.3YhX%-0 lUX-rig bilt,wipen Viv, Vc,t 1��h��,r and " : . 11 Outrages by Troops. 1 -inn _�Aj.j luqfaq t;��, �-ilqilu 11vdPtzAxuI In- tILO mf , T�� 0, uqy, U- . a � .93 A J D,Lr the ol�lerq 10lin,2.,in:�y. 7t-, " pv,o�.'s i-ptimat:1 attet I th,_- konor of bAng reviewed by the * 311 wago-18, " 't'"not �. v!, 1�ekjn, S �jlt�. :�,v. 1, a (*h.�w ,,r,!�Vt, fautty. .34ft 30,,nr,,NI l4nntty, 14th of the chtpf tol POILL-e wo'l the Uov- . #1e-,I­,n'�1:tg C'..- ss,,itt-,�nd, t and At Qla-:�an In Enghand. those wh,:y ii(o, tak,6 110, on , , * , , . "",�,r �i �,DL,j. lit .1,2.9.1 talrol , to and Sit &P., _h�� 4tf, ';f�ii � 'D B:qn4ijq 3L_jr Sk OV � led.'t$5� . gjj�t 'e. -mates Chat 3,634 etcm Ile 4V . pottlnl C.=4 t11r(-TAgPn1r,q Z" 6- - thAt disollmfg-�* trill. have to leave '4� a 41311,1�i 0-rothIng. - & r" '� I I Mul U -S �Th�- Ftonclu - � -Inn tt0(vP9 WbO ,- qtny C-Ivalltv. U nattoty R. It. A.. aT, 4`4 ,, lluafnll� ":- Vh:r!7.-:se fTe'dents were ex- 1d:M4!),=-0 j;�'xwkvs. 1-4 q­=�3L,tf,t. TV I I liftiffl-Ifflat'Ly order timl tbesr Way tv's. w1oft. I - It g- rLOW ate g4laty ioT Iticht- are ItIrrivit Tivuo Ltigaltv eoon- , r*Ned ritiorna the town and thtown %149 � g " M"art v4)K,(-n5V-A potehAsti,now on attive jtoia,,� on tite ol-vtx� m.,ntionel tluey saved. I I - jai atr&-jjjL'& -it Tnolgeitow ttv-�r qy,Dt- mand'-d i�v Br2gn , .a" �c_m - qwr-f;�Zi. A�ex. -1. 11 tIle L�j,�t,t I=, ur lipp. tr,,e 9 . DI � ,vUlp til - IM11, t1r, mmirltv".1 men hav ingtro,r_ 141 Vt. Ch_ 40 _ �s _tL ­ V '%1jlWtt�,jjW,,;; a- P� ,h. - taged and sl�tjvgVitp.�rpd wompm tand F`012"N'th P.,pid. C. R., NviB,v �,*tve�i In AT- `-4 raoit of them tog,et'het in bat-_hf�-_q - '"- -- , _2 - oT,­j To,Ttv-6ft�- rnYoq arvl th,:? inrarAtY I Capt oroteh 01-slu'aroj,ni'd. kffled flil"Itell. Gen. Fukuslalma, One C In IIR74-80 fmiAal 'an'll b3" theFr P�gtai`x tjj'TtL'("-fj%��- T,:%I:�P,r VV5tjlj)nt re�t' In 4fprdet -ilt. Does ,-Not Avayst Kruger. cape, Town, -:41ppt. 111­�,;J�.�'! Co Ilc 61' th, Jalpilu-sSo CoMmarideM M,4&- n 1;-=L,t_;A1nVon in 41#�ZP'AA.-s !znll jlru� r 'rapL jolan Nut- _;. , 'TP1.1. .,�:;�r� , to J.'�'. 47_ , , _ jjj!-� irhl:�ago R_v.otil hAdthe 116"low- lynt,ell albj ot,jjcf"3 ho,ml "I ,4,; nipa- Toetsonal cowplalat to th- Itust4bul .'an'l motion ta ma -k0 : 11-12ar.1 ell-l"ALm"! 02t'1200 Suieldes. in _ , �ft& - V. &1#1ft Iso 1� t,,t 4.'e .115V_5)3� nnol at 130�rs roap ,.r:t 01 flw� town into the spI ves,Utdtty �, JI!g � " U112.0 with tho Bopt�4 have ai?,mirent- Artw�ltl'#,. �-"_,-pt. 13 fUmOtsillat __ 1,11Z, ,.M4 Urgad Oea_ cb-11- Froil h genef. 11S�--,4 qml�dal wnol ,r.!l-l�-�P, n1,,kI,VtoL-g In 404- , . Lo. �­ 16.---rI11nf%L* offt I. p,kt.r-h,4 and pro"not:611 to Reatenant- -�don, `ept. - tv'=;; Of th*- nell'15�h, and we're matle --The - prej,�.,,I�lllt Xfuge,. Is ,mming to 1101_ ly abandone,l lv)pe oT tho l�ry"_Tblllty _ of the bur-gluers holiling ii'jt maell tp,:� to 1113 lik('171J�-­ ,; Cavalt Th- Sj%Tib J'nittA �;tite, y ri, I -onfO . 3VtanZs ,expm'litlmv, IF501 elrill ez�tjn),st,-_ tbat 20Iat) J dfg'Orm. te,A *W Velne4a' 's -01(ilets, by the s1nigoo f-spe"R- Tp-liom_r.q. Tlv� alarm wAS 190unded, land cfeat�r the greatest exci-temen". Ion goe. They Ate Aim.v .�qj,�w,.ng it Tim . tt,fql as rat aq Hunting'. Fork, ('0111101 I feualqp and An'-neam lit despatehr�0 ; t of tara!rog their lage3 frOIA" 'Panol,fAg-J, 1:j;I"7 .en eollit.S; rall an.! th- Box-rs endeavorod to e.%,ape 4; %. - Were Sh()t And In a 0 ---- ->m- _tm.5t- gae, ill an I Tj�? jl�j ��J,jjgjm � dlls�osltion to .1-4,4 tile inpee'll Ho�I.L111d,�V1 lie'll de�sllvg I 1. i h- rclad .at 1111tinting, 11(vrth th - 107k Of - Tiorthwil"t -er ' _, ­ I t remmm flebbul in Pekin. OtTler It- t3h:Iii 1I-.lIA,trA hrign& 0 I (,omnlandil � L. i jrtrtlp 4 slisd iM ff�w P��ra;w,l. Tfz> remalnil& tas . joVPr;.mLjft,& of I (.� tharl tling the All Itie�,; In se. 'roubl"t, tILky modn"tal" tb* strle'tsst neattality, is — ;n, anti killittl two Roxerswh-un of Pek, jll%v met. Irley- alzo, destroyed larg" __ � I &,patt-heso t,onfirw tile reltort t1tat fefasp� T'IFLA'on in tl:�,,sp,steh-�La and th� tit adtlitiolt to, Hs�l-Tving, gaartftn of back 'nto town an J. vr�-r,- captiltA. - .. De- evnbarrass,�d by tite efforN of Kra- L I Kirvi&pr as a Leefurer. srtotesr of kl!�:n d­,coraVon of C. B.) �� , 1�1 tho heir apparent, Yu -Lu, VI-PrOV of ,­rnfint.,4 advaneed against Cie ger's pari.t�avtq to mak? this country - IS 'c , - Ch'.11, and wang-yian* Pro.44tleni 01 , lari.�;r's turn �h�rs. w1i rptIred north of L. London, -pt. 17,-.k o!��,;).-j te-11 to tha TI. -:?',d for tile ptopaganda, pty,�, ., ,D Converts Known to be Slain. ,!, - - - go.ver 'Town Burned. tile Impoetial ii-ademi, With 2463. L. m1g,11 87 e�_g. D lari-v admie-61 fOrtY capamItIes." par?d Ipy Dr. L�,ydg. Thee Calpinet will the Dafly -11'.111 frOw Vienna s"Ays take precautions agaln't alm ex- that tilt, manager of thP Orphouin ,Ooq 'yokohama, S"Itlo-k 12. -During tile I ,I- I amilEeg, 06I Tic-tv T.;In, 5-pl­ 12, -The p-anitive , ulomt_r:� ,or offleial & , 'er&d mItted micide when tile ;111�0,81 ME — L Aent :%r1rSrPr $lv� tr',fw,- manife-st-11tows, -01 htntl3ky to Will tit(pr e;:41tege I,q jr - ,t. Of jr,,!� � dlo!j n., nr - ,&,jC N, :fM .ttiv.�! ,eonw 0.rtj­,.&Aj-M TovomanrlynJ I-V Of.-,. Dor- ji,�,k�a. ' 'L neary 13aer )LoAgos. I . � Englawl, f � 030 a weok for six wepks t(; 1pc­�Ajre .. assacm. I In the nOTUIR'3711 Pl`0- vvz-r,� M. vj%e-s. TI -e wornell wetesublazted to -,V.1rd hiq WMploof Till VUYAt 0Pj-.'0- . w! Chbie_,,e rpgularz-: are - TI three <,,olonins, after ,t two � revotted to .to-,r'a, 8,pL 15. -There is to Prp d(re.*.t that tb,,, Bonr losses since the ."a� � . on the war in South .Ifrlea. Prelloviny Sept. 16.-Tlter�r 19 stf-Oftg ultspn.ftk'�Ible barbarities, and in �0.tljojj. I ql.vvs, nvarilt, I'vand tlr� vity had vitr- have relleved tile Roman cathf�!L� -eflifit tile Pto- I _piuon or Prptorvx have, been vely , &,,- n; l m-tson to lb,:,Vleve, that Cren. De -Wetj, 111gli Price-, 4tt Johann,psIptirg-, o e was Tp 0 ft' '-ase4 ti: - - - EUV,6r, I t -'e t -tur - I stwng A of lfw,h,en, In nfl�,rpll to an eff'eer -and Allen .1101 rr" ` Vince ,of C111% W.11161 tile Boxerg had ewxs5&.ratle. 'The numerous snift,11 .Ave 67kyr�;i4b s that, ir-ove taken plitoell, who has, taiwel tiv� gre.r.Sh s:(> InItell Johannesburg, ,s,rpt. 14.-Provis.6114 ` , ttonbv , lo, , was Lifled on ;Sept, ltll "far ate sPiling -it fruninp prices here, 16,-ged tor days. I -k 'Mpanow, will U stUrionm at , 1.1 oT th� Bengal L-inrers, . t,r,wu � be,ell ly,241eghng: wmee June, Of -ii. Dorword ord,-red th'it the I I>f,;,n niorp dLoa.4romq teg tW� Boers , th-a .. su. Two I el.*Nt.toom. WS KAWt sktvant. gar bringing two shillings ana St. Ilia.,- iv,aelv.�I vor,*n-�ging, statts x. ( , llia-,Zolig, cor-M, ti�VI Vlat two J.VTpftuM?andw,ver.0 hundre.-I Chwe,-;e I Elityalti 1�,, lif-oteA and burned. I Crashed by a r1lit. � 'On fliA mareh th, village4 throogIr .' I to us. I JI&V_ JL'r_J�Tt ,-it. f�onlp trouble, to ,nbl- , wll,� timt G ly,o Wet vraff 6140t, tht,011 P011.1,1e ft 1);)ulld, 4nd park the S'lone gh , eift. price, while mattlie, are 907d at one , - - ard CorNtif tcilviriw 111ve WV11 1211'r the Voreall 'frontier by 'Vill- a lqN-;L l)n&:,f4 'I � - -V nint-vear-o!61, which t1ftn' 11 _J� m%le pf�.I'�,-, Toro -Ito, ,--n-pt. 17,-- � � a ma, .-?In were I tov rallINT Fran,A-1 thilfar was Play- 1 llne�,.l wity or th loct. .r,-vId+,nve a.4 to th- numter \)f dt'-nd , the hingg and died a few 11011ta 4tter" shilling pk'.,r box. Other st" - . I Tie atti- P I deted on I I I offet, - and _ - '? llot-dIsturbed. � Ing, t,lg wit1l. Fo.m�! eompaltion-3 at thn I io �,re. actually fountl on th� fleLI ",ince, th- 0:,eupatjon of PretorilL, and I find . cles are ptopottionitely tlear, wbilo ,wards. The British 'CAV -111 -ed 10l't.Y-two' C-11- many neclOssitiL. tire notu obtainable nets,6. -_ I � col,vet ,of ��Iv�rboutne and KIIAgi Tlr:� Do,x,,rs have apparentI dis 9 6I oil it to be -111. , girre; at P,Iatbetto-j� At lJorepplit, how� i Lantlov, Sept. 17.-L! Hung Ch'Ang, board the BrWlsh .-�aturd!I,vl itr,�!_­N about - bandad and th'i ('ountry, is quiet. � Idglit, and he was go, itit-4at on tho, 4 Th,� Boers have now abandoned AJIL atti,trop,ts ta give offlvial returns of ever, tbey ate of no use', as Knaptnut- de ti, fb*� place where the Barberton w1ro, ba(I g-une oa stea.m.er Anping for convoyalicu, to . . K . It a, 111arlia- L Uen_-al Lancers to the Ile"lie. gaml� 10r. . lie fallwl to Zee , I thw ; tliqr Iea.�;uqltlFs, I) -at I flnd that the , road jojn5 tile main rallway, Is, still Foot Struck by Vightning, Tal,u, bag bo�cn detained by bad wea- , ment, street ear wilh-h tilinied I a Sliallgiial, corner f-roin King �,;tt,z-et. Th,e- littlP.'! . lawyers are lwk'-ng forward to a vast -P, in tbo hando of the B,oetg, . Syracti8re, S.�Pt .16.-WhIle Rev. Arat- th er. The Post corrmpon!712nt at It Wa,9 lr11(1eV&t100d that '�� -)I 8*nal officer re- boy wa,; sviniling. b0twrenth, tr- -5� Tlt- M-1 Brid, P, lel ; I Amount, fitigatIm. in connection of I i W'Ah tiv� provinir off titlos to farrnsr. , IL ! . , — thew GnffMNV1 astor of the Presby- . Capture, of Hatbeft0h. ierLem,church at Jordan. was asp, in 81janghal say49 I '�J cs.�.ort tile the RUSSISIX13, 1'.'rol),us, to , tween a pol,ix .I sTiarp engagzment betwicen a ar, ,.vat,�bIng JIN fri-nds w.lipil the I ,e� I ,H:Irt� .are already, over 500 un,xtoount- ed foI In th- Cortungji� Rive !t C'My an(I ,ep. Lobdoll, &pt. 156r-Lo'rd RObefts te- ii passeng.-vewrely of a '\ew york. vcii- e, 0 M r0m New York, III,,-, Itor t1l's War ()ffjc,� underd&C of t � I train coming I st.eamo,-j- ,on its j(mrney, bat on Ad- miral $e,vniouv pro'est*-lig agaill-3t, walPany of th,,� '14th: 1'. �k Intantry . , lox alld 2,000 I xerg at Ilu(Aa Ma�ow), 0 in 'a 9 un -J, I struck him, Via m tot a Win able, to, rpverse 11% mot or. In tim I , . th � Tramwaal, nlij! tb.� relativos in all I Pori e , ' ' t' h e wu "it , -ijachil,doclorp, Sept. 14tb, as follows� co *00 o" th '* �'o"' - � """��_l t1re'r �&;=_ go t1loy d�,Tdcd that theY " Intention. I thr, ,road to PeVin. The A-mericang Thl�r� tod,v roMN-1 beneath tilt- ­11-� 011 crushed by the! et�cli­(1, ,� ,Wy Ilia& a gallant st"d, and a, Id I ,�r ild � as t � r1i tlmsr, ,eaa-s are 'neeking for proof of L rar. the death of the owne I. , .no'll 'b,*.-i1*03%Vdkte.r- le"g, 's' supposed " 0 h4 e I�Inc - be �rr 'st �t��4"-%W�6V-�lipr�,^,-,-Iw'hi,p--II be fA)ok - � A 9 e t day by i7iglit"! , tll�l jrad� any sito-Ii 11 Dt. 'uorrason, tIrf- Tinie.s' corre9porr- . - . .1 ,)! ment of tI Bengal La',lcers near by, , gurirds wh, 61s, tht - ,11 fro'.q, c'f . tj�2 i .1 . . i Priso -a 6 ts. . WRIT -qi' �ftl"itl% . ITO met 011ght t g ax, e cetri.cai r jL',notoL" tbe mountalw. 1 tit On h I � , ,e `b-,'1n9,c0mP10te1Y r �e � Nrn,71 Ideb �t in rekin, tontinlim, to at-MnAtIlMo 01 Ore complif-Ity of the Dow- le-aring the firing, canie to th-Ir i4EW I rigilt foot bvin,g' cut off.. Winn the cue an, Ileftr was stoppal tit,-, la,L1 was lik"LeA d cluirgad the Doxera Ift the er . . , and the , _r Opposition, the- ene-Anv Im, , Wag prolofS , 11 13o ` in Tha Vlii.nese� were, rouW, lea'v- upr &TA ,(,'lid in a few mhlu�eg- " Colourb%. Sept- 1 -Y. -The tranaflort surpru*41. tvmin'j-threi,orricerg and nlihiee± is confirel to Ills home. . age,r-T-Impreas ar:1 litr henchmen mar. . . , __ I