HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-09-21, Page 1Subscribe for "The 1beratb"
$I per Year.'•
The Official Organ of Zurich and I3ay Township.
anteb ,agents
To'solicit for "Paid 7p" Subs
To "the * begat )"
year paid strietly,iu advance. When the
paper is not ordered to be discontinued
t will be sent until such order is given
and arrearages paid. $1.50 to be charged
when not paid in advanee.
advertisements, 5 eeuts per Iirevier line
or first insertion and 3 cents per line for
each subsequ• nt insertion. Small Advs.
uch as"Lost" "Estray" or "Stolen" will
e charged 60 cents first insertion and 25
emits for each subsequent insertion.
Copy for change of advertisement must
ee handed in not later than Tuesday night
of each week to insure change in follow -
ng issue.
Local notices in ordinary reading type
cents per line. Notices for Church en-
:ertainmeuts or other benevolent institu-
tion at special rates.
Contracts for column, half-eolumn and
muter -column rates for specified periods
will be cheerfully given. Address all
ontuunieations to
The Herald,
QT. BONIi•ACr, Catholic.
Order of service for Sundays and
ioly Days: -high mass sal 10 a.m., V'es-
ers and Benedietion of the most Blessed
iaertnnent at 7 p. m. Week Days: -
lass every morning at 7:30. Saturday
veniaogs from i to '3, one hour's visit to
ur Lord in the Messed Sacrament.
Rev. loather \' nleattine, Parish Priest
Yi1NGELIC'i11., German and English
Rev:. 0. IL Finkbeiner, Pastor.
v. Lut rifdle St. pears Getneittebe
i ottef bienft: Sotttttag allergens
alb elf, :.CE'enbs, Sieben 1Ittr
Sottntag 5 dnde, allergens Venn
Elr. t ebrer f anttnlun j, altitt•
earl 2ibeub_"e utti .t)alb Ztebt.
• Sdjlali'e, .Parlor.
he Cammercia1
FOSTER, e» Prorletor
Every beet nttuOdatia n for tlw
travelling public. Altta:vs stop
lnl Lltr'te°lt.
1 imt.elaas sample too ttra?t for
refute -Gael Meth
)CIS re:,T11t, zisme"tilt
Clerk lOth Dlv. Catitt.Btaraft
Ceamyaa^ssionet !i'ot taking Affidavits,
envel:ewer etc. Valuator or the 11nn.
n and Erie Loan-attel Savitai;.a
t - Cat.
(M - lice Mee , rutieh nett.
(Late with Outtt►wd't Ptoadto'otl Barris
, Solicitor, Notary Public.
lleiisall, Ontario
flirt F s. S latnteoet , Notaries Public
t, err, CU. Sultnae and limn!!! Street,
Gederhi, Ontario
t3tttntewtlitOOT rt. C. HAYS'
Isols-n dna i4;i except Sundays from
. ma until 9 1,tv. tn., The inalls acre
istrirr iti d a1 foll of v :
I..II„unbILNSALt,closeaat`G ►.stun.
.. .. 44 2::5pan.
•• S?.Josaril, 44 11 1Oaa.na.
.4 L. l . crE: B., 44 6:55aa.rn.
& B., " 2:55 a.m.
Feo of HENSALL, arr. 11:00 s..iin.
•• " 7 :30p. ra.
Sar.:Ie seers, 4' 10:1:r a.nn.
L. H. & B., a4 11:90a.m.
°. L. H. c'; B., 44 7 :30 a.m.
LttT::;tis Fie REoVrEtAitteN. mast
posted half en hour previous to
he time for els ing the mails.
FAUST, Postmaster
AY BRt'4e'1T. zealot, Sept. 10-20.
ia1nstrial. Toronto, Aug. 27-Sep.8.
esterr. Lender!, ;Sept. 6-15.
otthern, Brantford, Sept. 15-20,
. Huron, Exeter, Sept 17-18.
orthern, Wallierten, Sept. 1e-19.
. Western, Goderieh, Sept. 18-19.
°. Wallace, Pahrer:;ton. Sep 25-2G
t?. Williams, panxkhill, Sept 25-29.
crest, Forest, Sept. 25-26.
ullerton and Logan Mitchell, Sept
26-27, Sept. 1
linton Township. 1 ' tit'
western.Winghan, Sept 27-25
Enron, BruSSelal 'Oct, 4-5
l , flT15..c?ZR•lr Otte, 16°4
tit G. STANBURY, B. A.
8 Successor to COLLINS & STAN13UTzy
Conveyancer, Money to Loan on Village
and Farm Property at lowest rates of In-
terest. Documents in original German
read and advised upon.
Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter.
°. ura1 udget,
NEw Ans.
D.S.Faust, New fall goods.
J. Preeter, New fall dressgoods etc.
C. Hartleib, 60 days sale.
D. Steinbach, Fresh arrivals.
T &M. Johnson, New fall goods.
P. Bender & Co. 30 days sale.
It will interest you to read C.
Fritz's end. this issue.
Fred Kibler carie home Monday
evening from Brampton.
Found ; A black felt hat, owner
please call for same at our office.
Born ; on the nth int. to the
wife of J. Zettel, a daughter.
Glias. Fitz is moving into the
dwelling recently vacated by L.
Mrs. Kibler has been quite ill of
late, but latest reports say she is
improving slowly.
We are sorry to report that, °seeker•; to the already large number
Victor, son of E. Appel is laid up • 6
with a badly swollen arm. going there.
Owing to the illness of Rev. E. Albert Gieesof the deaf and dumbijehuelke, there were no services in institute* Belleville, has !fins:=lat*al his
the Lutheran church Sunday.
James \Ving of }Merlin was in
town attending the fitment of his
uncle the lato William Wing,
Born on the 20th inst. to the wife
of Jacob Howald a daughter. •
Mr. W, Zenter, of Niagara Falls
visited at H. Wells, last week.
A very heavy rain storm visited
this vicinity Thursday night.
MaatanD. At the Fvangelieal
parsonage Zurich by the Rev.
Finkbeiner on the loth inst. Mr.
Jacob Ortwein Jr. to Miss '11aary
:[crena of Ellis. We extend good
Organizer G. W. Allen is in town
booming the A.O.U.W. He has al-
ready succeeded in securing several
new members and before his de-
partaue, the A.O.U.W. membership
will no doubt show a substantial
increase. The membership of this
order here is about 90 at present.
THE }Imam) acknowledges a
pleasant call from Jas. Weekes, of
Weekes Bros. marble works, J.G.
Stanbury, barrister, and A.Q. Bob-
ier, the pioneer cream separator
man, all of Exeter. Jim acted as
judge in fine arts ; J.G. was shaking
]stands with old. clients and friends
and A.Q., sold several separators.
Harry Bossenberry hotel keeper
at Grancl Bend was in town on Fri-
day. The citizens of the Bentl. feel
the necessity of better travelling
futilities, and Harry. says they have
sent a petition to the Government
asking a grant for a harbor. The within fifteen feet and the wind
Bend is becoming u well known I►owine tonurde three new ewteilfal.r'
summer resort and no doubt, better and 3t is 1•t•naarl!:alN • ti t 1
The concert in the Town hall on
Fair night was a financial success.
The moving pictures were interest-
ing and Bills- McLeod is a whole
"show" in himself.
A death which was very sad and
distressing and which care as a
shock to immediate, friends and rel-
atives of the deceased, took place
at the residence of the late 4Vm.
Wing, on Tuesday morning. last.
Mrs. Swc'itzer of i+ebringville had
corse home to attend her father's
(Mr. Wing's) funeral. when she
suddenly took sick and died. It
was a terrible sh'' k to the already
bereaved family and mueh sym-
pathy goes out to then in their
double afflietion. Mrs. Switzer,
arrived. at her old home in appar-
ent good health, but before the re-
mains of her father were taken
from the house she had passed a-
way to her long home.
ANOTIlnna FIRE. Henry Dietz's
fine brick house on. his farm on the
Bronson line narrowly escaped dos.
truotion by fire on Slonclay revealing
It appears that they were drying
apples in the old hods e and by some
means fire start °tl and before it
could be gotten under aoslta°o! the
old plaaee was as nnu'•s of flames. By
the aaln o't superhuman teiTerts on
the part of the neiuritleo :, the new
house was -saved aaitla,awl the
eerniee and mirk' Isere repeatedly
ablaze. The aid leg heeay. seats
transport would make that pIac°ee builaIns sr;, spnt'.I site, n• tie('r"
but p.iite 'ef water. there Iteinvs
other oleins of lietee •r tics lire.
Ligktnine struck the Mearns be.. . •+ ►�
hinging to will. Be% l,otlrlten road
` , is emit of Ileal :ai,i. Thee buildingshulielays and on \$'e allla oda•, lett yye nae I,et,tll,�' ,I6eeato•r►,,-reel.
fur Belleville to rt'Sanne •tuclie.,
there. filbert isa very progressive we aro a al.ny Twined tici c week, 1
seeltalur and some of his recent esti- lett reuse; e ,,r We aro at, least a
amination papers would do ersetlit. I week clues4 n(i clil ether i►,►laersa t•ir.
boom, and add hundreds of pleasure p•
New Dress Goods 1
New Mantles 1
New Millinery ! •
New Tweeds 1
Each season brings its new wants and new supplies are Provided
Stoeks are fast filling up and we are ready to tail all larders. Oar mill-
iner will be here nest week with a fine line of new ideas.
Our dress goods department is complete. 'Vee are showing; a fine
range of home -spun and suitings nt very low prunes.
We are in it with our tweeds„hatialfr letaut ht wry largely thins
season we area ready to show you a lino ranee •-f Meek and wr r: tea,
merges, 1ieoteh and Canadian tweeds at very l.0;v l rit es.
Clive ue a eull before beforepare•basing elsewhere. No trtaub:e t¢3s
bow plods !
to boys of Itis; age who care net vairennet in trate v fel nit •. by virtue
Our s 1. r `a ,
c t I� x a lion nIl ,
1 h Iunnahcalltilx tl as he is. Albert . i' the Met tPeet we I►ni1►?Iaala 'the fall
Hardly a day passes without Ladd- wants the Herald s c'ott'a; lniut rebus i fair 3rhe. ,lot in ceder that our Idle
frog front two to hull a dozen names. hilly as he says he wants tet get all met e'tp' �4°tnita° 'i w , ► � e .n
r. 41a.i„iv •Y r Ilse. ri
The', absentee tlf tele'c•trie lights
ithe Wane lord
iia tier the andce►r n the f eft of r m a►tati>acal a eeelnilaitieon. >t
snake our town look rather dark 1 1 tet thing. I i. our elm t, o give the news up to
time'before they Will be started vaned a few clays: , Ana aut',,roat'al "s1 "i' [i•�-ti"i` '�"e►tl, r ttnaon°t. he.
ana!aaiu. Use tltatt ltt+. Ineks'4 as h'rr ensl crc►la,el neiliPrtawt lta'h° to ia'',arng►t'nnting�,
raspberries tilt swine nit +Motet ba.astae, App :e at Pita !Ann st tulle a'.
and we terttlt•rs•taand it will lie's.ome. John. Prang of the Bronson lino! date.
Main Street
Zum t Got
hx Produce taken in a elnin' gs' fur •sra,al
Y� • 1* We do as we stem
'Very few of our eeitiztene had
time to attend the Exeter t'axir eongtrrntntne all aIns itrnt: '11"'11"
Tn 1xy as faft ty k is 1
e'44 i i t't° always
Boot & Shoe
Store !.�
iw•rrat ee
%%een, a 10041 e'siwee atoll 4, in taiel°. II Ito aansWeer to a! letter elf arra titre • , . .
S ai rlealatt hates las" to inat't wa►aaat• r..ol f€tr4 t4 °Il't:ti�t ltfl.ac° l etnrtw ltandnnfle l alit ":*tUt Ie3 t e'ttiit'4 a►111: f1 8t ve°k in order fro lipgd `e3
busy one taming nit.rt~Inztst+;axnel 1 1 l p t t° 1tn'otalel raoliare" O►a 18• Iiaatis°@u u't 1°tattttt for tilt' Qi10110.'n1 i arrival znI'tuew foil
others. ees witiquise''e totes al IMO Cant 10114' 0
en lois farm, but .echo says they tali' vrya,�h@i• lea°t o$ mow .,i" 16''"1111w P1- 15i A-. r
Weore pleased to report that eur rdly entronz• and feels iet`6Ms- a the Otate nuA`ltoreeY4wo..' Q•tld`' •!F'18''0''Vd>i it a► a ;titTee.-ei„i
friend R. RilIltanteentiIlxer wise fer the trouble the boys bad to QCIts Wei fon t,t =ivD OP c llos fog(tie .raee xrergtjw : 19114D%, ‘41
114D4 bets°tt lapel al, vu trio ityp t. 4iel 1't•y ser 19 ffIIIIi out ! Most Ile some °°cothitse'•
tti'"ee' sial. letia Q:;P'1
fee neatly is tttv;tttlt is progressing Ill a esttt° war Jat4°'rt : :'!fat+!nt' '°IIt nett"" a',;tnue° tice-n s+ lhluow slams 11 ir, .
favorably • 1 t•$4a^°n=e= w ! ZtQs=Sa'flh. i,;aalt4 aut9 fl!alp., S. a .,,
i Vie editor of the 1ti tlx avnile t1 p vstr ectr fl„flrt groin t;av, Ify
J49wels¶ Dellicenhtyau1Der.'ladeevent ht4ar fl)t1ts It this Way: I1 55 re_'tih!°/i911dln- llotimit11,,etl'e°
tend ti
natt tee of to it°a v °
s+rmee terms eseently vesting. gni „milliner f Yt ile ar rt fua°.tn. t . eta fln te. Il' tsd�a t.a �. �Eg.n,=rife
"rank at marine city. ,Mue"lit. He bins newly titat-a°ne°al Indies Lits ire Pe nnnYlViinS ria) „Lrfl tate laer:1
ttetterneal at fete elaayw<arri atnei tad a I bre°aad with 194''1 glee ° i on. The a Itsfit a t:rhhtii°'elat• Gait"1:
Very enjoyable trip. incidentrelevy llaee ss.r➢nutetrllaatlti'a=eeuitrni°. Ye.,,g „'n aloe teinveeisi}p 11911t, 1\1. toluauto
'a1s. a• a AAA,. fn .2ill,. ai*� ,a�ry rose ;I tlel mining:Te°a.
1 brit them are « tl8 Tin t
A neennttcr e°f t;,rnttitg women 6tn; Hale gra 1. it 1 ti i !1'
p',eer llt't`w. w t"4eltt wnth tis '. le,:' itt:al, ,y. UnnIIta ttiio° a0)M
Exeter have or 2ilin eels all anti Lose shoes nn. and Due trellis lis it With Me tidal"+ vet ) anflub' i°r.1 ra=_=s�s a at!
iti d>4eie�tt . Tlaaevsuce who have i pants cyte unit unless ~sA tlne d eliintq uteeitrt t'a'- :,� use ltiaa�,tuelt the aadelis
the members; s-: that snitch a pre- reaalrrs s f tints old rang of fr etteottn. -:�➢� t*trions. est t4iiee *> t09 a►r 1togi'vdll rve ' "eaSMI
LJ1e�t8 s e1144)1gg4�a s'ietn}t°r'A end
{, Itaetna gtyi 74'..,) to) aB acct
Y oIY_i., fr `'%'NtUtiLL idltie.t.'�1'�oiraw `ii.. t41)uu 41. tOL,'e,itaa taiv e (Oita 114t1ttl tt
tV et4° "d'+ to 2u.n roto 0o
1 (r n':
°° a i;' ads 'td's St
u•)'11,Tel;nn 114 , A ;gid.. to?
"P.rtia t sta._'. 2"rya J JV3,1!fl •�j �,�
WP ktlti,51' 1011'U t't' ItLACE°a'1 P8'.1 to
Loki wesr a ire sle e; i et➢ toeetn
‘Vm,.. to e•, u f laniM.4 tell eh
reit reset- celneslu c,ce ec n 1 = !11
cuL➢_e� tle.e c test iv. nt 41 w; to 4 v d
es, 1nap,a➢114'u flee`"t; 4°.tlt'c'_
matfett was not tle`t.ees.'arR . pay tilt' before long, he will need' s e e _ of 'these is ivtetieliii➢cul in that
It. Drysdale was ittt town on bread without a !Panned thing on. it feeais r►B. the eggs of gr asglnangvlxct's
Wednesday' int ee~tnrrie°r'ticri with the t
tiff iLCI�I Crazy i7 itrLi'I '���'�^�'�y' xa :e:•�^.s:1 271 ,�P.if�er44IIsi1! E':.'��r� lit the
as➢u E Ea:trt�tw. n mit* lseeetlev lays
Mir. Alir. D. .<s teen c►rrey of the me. Isaac poster, Erie view t 'n.tsti, from which 11tatsiii -eery
judges here for Yeaire mkt as Imre Noriolk ;Co., Ontario, writes: '.1 sae t.c-4e. 14olstg leeegav1 Larvae or r;rnebs
cert.. cif tiff i nit d able itiati& would was troubled with itching piles for tleutfi run about in eraurce of fenvtl
Ire hard to find. about two years and could itvtit.s lt,,u.fli, 1..- .tang; of the e•r" :."'i Of nt,rat.St9.
ant D. Metni inieekltiitx�el➢,►wed. theat iittsiut4- In fat I was half a Il.azy ,na 1! e,.k s:7rtnne :. istaxr!- bees. T?ac. e
e u «1 uu4�t c 1a.-4 u ul.:c-L` m,i ,a
Folla Beset.
abet Inutile elle �eelebi'ated titsiih st of., pitta peae�La,
GranbyRubbers. Butter and E .'_gfs inulin i nil trri €�.
WE WILL NOT 8C utlibEritoLD ii . ...,r
fat erg g)r°erltcgr•ty at the south end frolai the terrible itching. Reading'a, t::e lactase n lylisi+er-lt;a�tetttesluaa e
for = ltlfsa. Tptis is a vcry desirable, about I)r'. Chase's (ni it nient 1 pan-- fr +"s.I:la�talin nt '•,owsand large
dwelling and the Purchase pr'ieei.� chased a hoe. After the eeceital P and are known as °°triteni,,4i-
quitee teasel -table. efts. et Cerrtiaiiek,aplptilicatiet 1 experienced relief anis ^, •- These rhsa➢a y appear its
wilt' take pro se+ssiorn orn m%ttcilay or one boe retied one' tinc�JreJ➢iglnely and 3 •:;annerner'. ata4 nntul!o ibt'e'iL - do
Tcltestlay. liverttroafnentliy and that was tw.. °. _u to lessen the 1ilE100a=n'z of
years ego." Dr. Chase's Oiritlnerat. E .its. With regard rev r etnelli nal
'rue dep artatient of Agriculture i t,0 cents a batt, all dealers. t tnaneait for the black :adult bel-
lies decided to issue a tlir4 etor' of•eerie greens with 1898.89. is mee co n-
C<aiiid*aii Clive" stock l►teeriieei:. The l3 '!:net➢, 'C�r.??Nab. The re!"!"atPE:n v- ...... Ee'�E, 3>?Ya ➢t➢.u➢i +ll e4= 8' t=y are net
department is else sending, out the ,1 the e:ng. le men as been es cep�,t.. ell t , e :1. -au ` it r'40re time. tp_ere
annual list of agricultural! societiesa nal the lnle vvnI1 Ere ,'iulrice-4 e 9 t� 4- ➢u ,u a, -res cn ray;ell, tui; as
Mon($aa y -"-tb inst. at a vv"e•pcca •,q - c,t p ,s a _ 4 e•n < anima l u➢ c. 1 s"
in the province. giving the number
got,: members in each society.
Owing to pressure of job work
and Pair we are obliged to leave'
the second instalment of fir.
r"Iar fin. S letter for next issue. Tees
is a very interesting chapter, treat-, Deiiehert. Geo. Hess. Eli. Sipple. ; It '�'-`' green xax one l:-:noreel pi►:zr 1s
iffy prineipaah1y of the sights of out i D. Bennett..,. Sehuetfler. F. Rick- .o: .:,t'" or y' -al ter ..f e,nri'
London and it is sure to interest heti. Norman Kibler. This 1s fad 4 ser; frequently Cie blister -beetles
our many readers. -Ed- litre•"y 'l•e ax nnx:.t exciting' 'baseball di appear as Y•apitl r °r ties a •ala>e.
,,game .and everybody should attend. atnti4 the rl.asr 8 e is done leefore zTi_ee
J. J. Merner's pacing mare Admission free. Is t, i ' green rl5• had time to htke
Marguerite, took first mene r in the t4➢ t Elistex 2t f ccs are more
2.2:r ela ss at Exeter in. straight This week it is our sad duty to n z:;,°_t rests out wit than here with
heats. Best time made 2.31. This ehr oniele the death of one of Hay aa� in the east. One Spee•°c was
mare had no training this season township's pioneer settler: in the the old faashir-ned e1p�atitato-eetye•,
having; been: driven on the read an I person. of William Wing. at his ; before the arrival of the Colorado
summer winch. makes the perform- .residence on the 'Goshen line, fin species.
ante all the more creditable. !Saturday 15th: inst., at the etre t»' oars flatly
year; . The eaeeeaaseei grief net W. Lcoe`hheaad.
J.a. Nserner sold his driver in !been in good health. for the hast two
E.. titer on Tuesday, for $200. This years and a stroke of pan:z:1'- is was
iia horse Merrier bought from John ' the immediate muse of death. As
Geiger tabour three weeks ago. He a man he was honorable, a good
took first prize in the carriage and kind neighbor, charitable to
class at Exeter among 9' or 10 coria- all and his death is mourned by a
petitors, and as mentioned in our large 'circle of relatives and friends.
former issue is a Splendid animal. He leaves a widow- four sons.
George and Abram in Michigan.
Barry Deiehert and wife ref New Henry of Shipka. and Louis at home ...
Haven Mich. spent a few day' with end three daughters , lame. Sweitzer r $ %'1`BfS of pIt'S'
of Sebe: in ;vine, Mrs. D. Levegotxl
of Langdon Dark. and Mrs. A. D. wanted for which
Schlaachte of Pigeon Midi., -anis the highest market, ke1 prices
W1. P. Bender, who predecea ed w
'The following,nlfl conliprcie a the two 0,4'; -'is v'i'a' -e18 Cdy Ild=' y ::take',➢ice '�
teams. Mart:eai1 nacre; W. 1-1aei�;1nan ��: Wali : at .ei'-i:t li'seae= t.• make
O. hrit7. Feng. Hens, ''t- , Hess. E. 1 ;'' �E*t-ti 8i ee xe~ t r t .ee s cit ser
Zeller„ J.IJw. Mettler, J. P`reetea•. p. ` prefer. t,8 ei.'a• tt:ee green
Zettel, W.O'Brien. Single linen = an at W f' ri:�➢. in 'which ea e. fit -
S. FM1;4. N. B4.8CLaiiaii, John We el 1 he well t : finis eta, Ai:►,888d of
the former's parents here. They
left for home on Monday morning.
Before coining here they also visit-
ed at Berlin, Hamburg and. other
places iu that vicinity- Harry is her father some years ago. The ¢ will be paid.
an old Zurich bow and is always family have fltierheartfelt sympathy
vtggomoci by i ,encs. iii their'' ;�1'. cement, . ,,Richard on Zu:
New iii
Mantles I