HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-09-07, Page 77— .... - I - . - , - ,7,-:,�
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no more about It, Make UP your mind . I
for yourself, as I shall, before GOO, ence one upon another ; wn caunol be ,,o%%At! ,�� wtzl 14,41, ,
- , t, I M",-
- -
VALUE'OF THE WORLD AND have to make up my mind for myself, SLWDA)(SCHOOL independent ; wo need'each otber's as- ^ ... . ~10, .
tilstance In many ways. With tile, first
about the value of this world, I can- ," breath we draw, weneed tile ald oil a �
frlendl,r neighbor, and as we pasrA out i
I ' not afford to make a, mistake for ,my ixwnnNATI0NA1, LH4,480N NO. XI., MARKET REPORTS :
11 soul, and you cannot afford to make a l4_JXBl4,It 9, IL90(). Ln7o eternity we, wtiout tile Press or it
T"E HUMAN SOUL CONTRASTED mistake for your soul. . . sympathetic hand. , Any of its are liable -OF-
# Now, let us look at the other prop- — to fall among tbleves ant! find oux- I
Relyea unexpectedly in great (149tress,
. erty-the soul. We' cannot make a The Gooji Sarnall,ital),-Luke 10; 26-37, ,'Ind bave nees(I of the kindly offices of I "The Week9 11 I
bargain without seeing the compara- ..
value. The soul! soinegood Samaxitan. The man ileeds J I I I
How shall I Co,milientarY.-25. A certain � I
estimate the value of it? Well, by its �er-A teflclu��r (if tile 1,aw. A llq'w- Immediate and substantial relief
Man's Light Tenure of the Former-i-Exquis- "'e modern t�_,��IS4�ww%,%"" ,
. exquisite Organisation. It is the ,,most t1realoglan. '��tuod up -Jesus The Pripet and tho Lovite, in linssing LiTading Wheat MarXets,
wonderful plece of mechanism ever 111a,ve beell in goal(,, buill-ding, must bI on the otli,ijr stdo, knowinglyt. and Following are the 0018IM9 quota- I
Clentrao L
Ite Organisation of the Latter --A Ques- put together, Machinery is of value 11119 On SO'ne atibjpct that 8 discours- Intentionally Shull their duty. They tlons at Importalit w1hpat , I
in proportion as it Is mighty and silent thlo question ,Asked aggest0d did not ca,re to know anything about to -day: I j
by the lawyer. tll,3 ,,,,,,, . I
at the same time. You look at the en- TemPI Illill-or t . They were, not Inclined to be Ca8b. Dee 11
tion For Bar -gain- Hunters. question wits not oNted Him. The troubled with other m0nis trouble -if all . ... , $--- $0 " * , 1
-, gine and the machinery In the Phila- it 70
delphia mint, and as you see It per- desire to kno1V 116 slaed fro"' only rmple fall a-mong thieves it Ii their ,elcago ... ... ... .
8 own duty, but fo 't" --- O n 8-a. �:
r . w York ... ... ...
the purl) , of te 10o,kout. Tlie,r got into the difficulty;
forming its wonderful work, you will r stlA9 the knowledge let t1lom gat (>lit the beH V11.1,waukee ... ... .... 077 ___ I ,
Prom Berlin, where he Preached in soul for the world, you cannot give me be surprised to find how silently it 0'_ JesuN, Mits't,er-Or teacher, the can. The pris.,st and the t' Way they Toledo ... ... ... .... 0771-4 081 1
at SaI310 as rabbi, N�rlhlat lo, to Levitel repre-
the American church to a great the first Item of title. goes. Machinery that roars id tear., inh,erit slill"ll. I ( sentl a clasa of persons whol St. Lo ols ... ... ... 0713-4 0 71 7 -El I
eternal life,l a`dOPu the Detroit, red ...... 0773-4 ---
gregation, con" I Having examined the title of , -Pro- Soon destroys itself; but silent ma- highly 1111,Hj CI -The question is "let alonell pollicy. This is nob wbat ;
comprising rna,ny of his rtant. ,, ternal life is the Detroit, White ... .. 076
countrymen who are traveling through perty your next question is about in- chinery Is often most effective. Now, true spiritnal life .Tesus taught, We are to Idol good to I ;
sur-�,,`ce. You -would not be silly so it is with the soul of man, with all of the soul -that them, to love them, � Duluth, TND� I , I
wll-icll Is natural. to, it in its highest Northern ... ... ... 0775-8 0777-811
Europe, Dr. Talmage sends this dis- enough to buy a lirge warehouse that its tremendous faculties -it moves In state, arul or ,ill tl1.11bgF1 lit ilils world c, The &-imariff.an. The -Tews liated the
- ",tin Duluth, No. I I 1. �
course, in which, by original methods I could riot possibly be Insured. You silence. Judgment, without any rack- is most 1%-Ortl4v the seekau, ' 11 � arf�ariii and had no'd,ealings witli ,hard ... ... . ... 0795.9 �. , 1 �
- of the law Ile should be able to tell. Northern ... ...... I
any noise, bringing down all Its treas ' " Afinneapoll-A 'N*'o** 3.
lie I et, lifting Its scales; memory, without 26. WhIlt Is writtOT then], n-nd considered them incapab] .
calculates spiritual -values and would not have anything to do with 1kS a teacher of tiny gc,od. They rallied upoa tbeSay-
urges higher appreciation of things such a property. Noi-,,, I -ask you what ures; consclenw, taking its judgment and He waN tftblv, as His al�, !or once, saylngol "Thou art a; f4amar- lifluncapil, 0 75 3-8 0757-9
assurance you can give me that this , �6,1" No. I .
8wer it(In, ,Ind bas;7a, (levil." Thig 11-omar- ',
religious. The text is Alark viii., 36: World Is not going to be burned up? seat Without any excitement; the un- 6111OWS. 1,1017 roadeRt tholi-What we itan is not resentful awl dosl ttot re- bard ... ... ... ...... 0773-8 --- )
"What shall It pr,:,fit a man, if he shall Absolutely none. Geologists tell us derstanding and the will all doing gam from C:- Blb'e depends upon ilow tallat .
gain their work. Velocity, majesty, might, we read it. ,e la salt], Thi -,y Toronto Farmers' Market.
have no dealing with, its; I -will bave Wheat -One load each. of.red av4
the Whole world, and lose his that it Is already on fire: that the heart '17, HE' anz�werltig Said -Ile rely*.led no;1.hImg to do witli View. We nrrl, Foine white so,'d at 70c per baehel. I
Own soul?" of the world is one great living coal; but Silence -silence. You listen at the -
Alen of all Occupations are to be I door of your heart. bY QnOtil4r the groat Killa
, that It Is Just like a ship on fire at Sea, sound You can hear no man*& duty to nia ry of t1nX'SJlls:1PlXdlltd in not reefd%-Ing Oats-Oue load of new oats Sold at!
- the flaines not bursting out because Only' Vi. 5, a.11-1 a Ft:ZtPal,.ut of the
found Ili the assemblies of the house - The soul is all quiet, It is so iwardti (,wd in Dentero sympathy and ald frcian the one,�: Whom 30c per busbel.
of God, but In these days of extensive I the hatches are kept down. And yet delicate an Instrument that no human I law of love front Lovit; -we think ought to glv.,� it. TbK privst Hay -Ten loads sold at 611 to $13
business operations, ,% hand can touch it. You break a bone, Coo,k. wils Xix. 1B.- an,l tile Levite, wore pre-emillpritly rv- per tun.
large propor- You propose to palm off on me, in re- Thon sluut love -The relll,;�on 119](Als, an -1 o,ne would naturally ex- 'A"illeat-Two hm!lred bushers of
tIon are engaged from ATonday morn- turn for my soul, a world for which. and With splinters and bandages the' of the Bible disofo,i ,
comes in- � external apts, 1 'lot coll'41tit Ill go()d pect thein to be, forpmost ini -,v��kr� of white ta'.1 wheat sold steadV to
11 Ul',Q'erki. ,11 Out, Zcal 1()V(,
Ing, give no title, and flamed, the apothecary's wash cools it' � an -1 b.-,nevolf-itee, while tile Sant- weaker at 08 1-2c to 7W, aild 200
Ing to Saturday night In Dargain-mak- in the first place, You . surgeon sets it; the eye be
In many of the families, across In the second place, for Which you can I for Christ, in pr-,-f4q_,1l,
the breakfast table and the tea table give no Insurance. but a soul off the track, unbalanced, of the law (Ir Ili Iltig 010 deeds arltan was not, lexp,locte,-1 to b-1 givon bu.1he.'R of red steady at 70--.
"Oh." you Say, "the no human , IwIll." niatle llalyp.r, to mlell (IC -ds. So Follistim-9 It.1-0-0tiox load. the firist of tile Bea,
over all .power can readjust It. With but its WV1 flr(Il
are oi lissed questions of loss and water of the oceans will wash love t') Oull '11141 111alk- With '*ill surpris(A In findinIr Iv -11) au(I Rymp.ti-I 1;_,in. s�)ld at 53c.
one .sweep of Its wing, it circles the ' thy lipart-Thj.� 1,4 sulomitu- affeetion thy wher,t- we lonst exprlctetl It, Otti..--Three bulialred bushels ,of
gain. �,u are every da� asking Your- the land and Put out the fire." Ob, no. universe. and overvaults the throne of, to Gold. Th(i Ill -art 1-� tilo L -eat or the w w cats s -.4d le firmer at 29 I -'-'a
Relf: "What Is the value of this'., What There are Inflammable elements in the God. Why, in tbo, hour of death the affectioniz, ,1t,F;re?;. nv)tjvt�s aII;I wi.l. vo, W 1-:21c, all(] a lo.td of old oate
is the value of thatIr" You would not water. hydrogen ,and oxygen. Call off soul is so mi,lhty, it throws. aside the , "It's the volltrf� tff a.1 1pilysleal and I Lt- firmer at 34v.
think Of giving something of greater the hydrogen, and then the ACalitle body as though It were a toy. it drives ' ,'�'Plrltua! lift-, tht' VVIlt ra I ftkeug I'min ,
,ser value. and the Pa,!Ific oceans wou:d blaze Uke back medical skill as Impotent. it which 4;I tilt, ra,l.-z vr Ill fTaI 1,,rtx go a.y wl..,l at $11 to $1.') a ton. There
value for that which Ito of leq I """ 't",�'went, '*"' 0,
Yon would not think of Selling that heaps of shavings. Yin Want W take breaks through the circle of loved ones , jorth." Ivith "I'l tilt- k�k".,I_Ile ltkvf.s DON'T BIT, 11 'I'*" ,
which crust you ten dollars for flv*' this wor'.d, for which yc,u can give n.. _ -I- . t, glm-d tl:�inarrl for Straw, bat
liars. it Yon 'had 0. property that w4u) stanti arounA the aving eo&lb. 01111 with it", lt!Ks, 4, 4w ratill,r. with .1 11 ,ne kiffi,re 1.
' P?sslble Insuranee. With ore leap, It springs beyond ,star I all his Ufol-'101 is ri-;;.T.v* Ito girt- illy � 'rorouto Frult 'Market.
S ,Ith ku,en thousaal�l dollais. Astronomers have swf�pt tbL!r t"If'- and moall ancl sun and chasms of Im- � life for If'- ifilk,--t eltInre and stir- I
11 '"'Ould 210. SfIll, It for four thousantl s�,opps thrV thol, sky and li.jvi� rer rat1wr thtt t I ! R,llelt,�Iil-,4 (of frult to -day at Ilia
.,IIgII I g�,, I T'111S HIT �"41
).,lo,aio., aner.Qlvy. It .,s Superior to all material t Aii-hoir ucd. - I
� YOU are intelligent In all founa out that there hive epal JIM—, ^ V* -tri,niiiii-To
to rs of b 1) V.arke. %Vith :0, viliish,;al- witiLalft hore wtor:� 143
'11'gain-tuaking. Are yosta wor. ag things! Xti fire call consume, It*. no � th4o go%
.js. In the , . te',. - � ut."g."t I It'; seahl).1. it I out 16.0 J9 plick-
.ast two ek.ntuni-s. Ilia, ililthdr; van dnhwn Ill; no roeUs ran , , �f IZ,v % al e I totr 11y- I
wgt in the thing,% that p.-rtain to) bave dl-app�,.aro.l. At fir4l. tilk"y la-iiii- I Men: lww.�r� or lh,,i-riiv. With all at:- . Pro �� to are tintit Zoi it: 114oars, _-O to
C;'Milllfors tot U10 va4ullr Christ adaptvd" torush it: alto ua'ls tart llnr,egle It,. I'll th v 111,10--1,1'.. ,10 ,4-1 V,,?..%e� tt� , It.
ed Just Nke Pther w,)r:kl�. "J"I thrly tittle C.�tn ,�%J)allst It. , � If Carrie's Letter Reaches 1`---,;,-t- Iallk t , It,ni:zt(;t-,o, 1!"- '- -
hK li�strlltltlonR :oi the vireunistano-es It wants Ito, t;.i.,,I. T,.�� . niiInvap, .1 OW XVID":4. mail. ,, p� i- �a ;;-i,; enviijillifir,) 11) w I. -W. 1).,r
of till' '�k got def,p:y r,I-tho,y w. -re art fi,.-e. Th:n bridge 64r, wlih-h to cross a t-hasm. It � A Iser' 'R U %�, C'.q. :�. lip" 4;to 1 W�11 lot. i ls, 1a) to ,-10.-. per basket;
". -� to) whoin lg� Fp'blt'o. Wbo�'n 11� tllP,v gu,'-t 2sht-ta, o:br,1V.'rg* thpy W�-r� JA -Z-, no I tnnalnot with whif,oll to) sound .�
W4-1 tit fir-beration, lit, sp.olr.- tot tilt , wiljN v
.V :Cl . t11,;,o6.r% o- RQ% glivilli to ,':tI#y:, Rho, t---. in -all larriI. .1-1 to -'1.7�0;
G: -',F1,-. liet. When Ill- taly,c4 to t�.ti burnf,k]. dirm. Thorg ta"y el!�apr,earP4 a appt1l. A , , . You "by Mistake," ; 1:1 I- `11*111
. Qf'.0 S) Inigb*v. so s%%Irt. tio's night 1,7- h - id t.,F�v i n Ittl Win. I j.,11' -.a 1,4-na, .3 ,�o 7w. Mr ti,ami: la,)ta"
A'a`al,-T`,- HP Said. "A sfoy,er went forth sbow.lng tgat ev6-n t*ac' R<-'eQ wl-re S4 Kv'vr,.t, alawt lie a priioel-'-s .nal. I fit- Wi-I W�fi;L rt-� ;o.q.A .Ioi-,�� lit oil. `1`194-r., i � 14# .. :'It X,t .'.'Al.. Ii, -r ltll-li -1 . Calistailan
tit t-%,..` whim 11r. talrt.A tot thb, Alk.p. Fvattervl. An.1 If th,',l 9,i'aa'rt b, I C-llv1I:1ktf, tho, vlhw tit tho S-oul, 11 wi-I lit" R- i,,-%'%�1 lot t1vi,ti liain worl-I I, ,,P 1�, ,, Li i *v, :P:v. p ir I a�.kot ; vlo n1ce
r'.ght In )i's Koldlo�-y. tlafm our woo,".11. 1 w1i -t is . lit to, 'r."it.. jr-r tw-kpt: 14.117-
ai llell", 11'a"I-p Fwi. f, r .tit airgr �
hflr.l�. Ilo. toilet ,.lit, varalsl(-- o -t the lk,qt , ,�". 11,V Its vnpa�l:v for hapistraps% ,I
1,z to go in tlaf� t;anit� way. An'l V�.t lbow ntwh ji-y It A.-.tn ge,l Jai thin 14 M-tal 'rat I;lb 40th or aill �,� -rr), - li, 1; too, 1-; ill lier ba-&#ot -. plulno.
fli-lo. Anil ant " BUTTON YOUR PEIKET . 111, - 60�. J.u,:,1i njol'I"...1-i, Jib% p.rtm-
I nott al'Slit who,li, , "' M, ll,.;�
, ""' "( "
augla"lleo. It'hwip up I YOU wUt we to Qxidllanr,o� ally v 11: f9y %%,-4r"d. coil: o? frlowlq'*il,14�l. ollt of lift,,IoUs. o- �- P ty- �,- At ,rt Pof the, , .. ,o�
slai,�tgg 10) Uri , *4 , ,.#I. � -
b.trp.,,l:;n-IIj;k1;oq,% 11lat I ,holtlyt,s.q t 41M It. Ali. rl�w: ot 1p a wr;la,,(,I t,j,j1 6l, buyll- ont off 0,,quis. olit tit the a.m. 4nit of . - I � I.- ' a ,A Ill'. at, 1.11 -, It r var,e. vetriliv,
11 . t�-i�ll-Ili�pe�In'�t�"LrI�l,irl4l", M ttl; �; � 1L. — — i : ,,:,. .". pl�, J.'r 1!#n14.,.I: hieldeollerrit-4,
. ,! v,vl r-11
Inn nam 8llppqs,.. V ' i -4. 'rhi, ,,;". ":;,, � .
Tic: , ,,Z1 brj.)aag:l1 0'�l Itc RoAvoll'i. i,-ut of It-% thotis;ind things. rtlt 1ho- � . , �
In 1�, Uplolds oot Itiv tem. -.1,11d Sh"Ot lVg%,. ,,%# Il,'% ,ttvvai lifv. lilt- I she"a a thle,,1, NVIto Worlt" 4% Vvq� ) G 'I, ,# T"o, opor rri-1,�t.stoiiffh�lrll gralcm,
"MA" I sh",ill It 1-r,ollt a Man. If )at suratic%L4 axent v* N41C at ,��,,we 14"A- lltttol .tkl -;.'. Oak- Joy It has hl,rt, dow- ro), , I fe, Iftf It -,4�. ": fo,t,�, 1��L lll yi . - to 473 1, , Canadian
I lfl!" *y f6)r t"Df� fiirt tsf 1w.t. 1, .-%,'o -, Ti. -r vrati,-.
.r% , , lollalpIro5t.,, Of R�Vjf�:R ,%01� &vrl 11,,L i,41,av��Iy. I't-it tarf� In .1 raaor,rt I �_ Kliek Rittlets Mime till Gait-olill"mi-il , , la o,iorqo',#qj�� A ars 61 1 a.- t- k r Z. 1 5 to
sh,3% 0.101 tbo- livIblib w#ffrt'4. mtd Ifft., i, L-'4 I-wrloaR " -, le 6% tit � 65D. got l,'.B.loth 1, ..
, . - I k� I �;,. M. � ; I, -, .ariy. 213 vk 301%.
Xe i, -if,% it q�qnl'. 4 V -41,,y up a g. ,lar,,J wt;,.'�, 11 lat,q_,l t,,oIfooB 4. tio, * uglalloi llbaftttfi. ard yoou hr,�Ir o' 41-411 .41D4��- , -, �1, p -.AV -.,R44% Ili maLf',% A %varnIng That Xlarby N% Ill Oki If
I 1J,�'P", art r.JV a�l Ik-,9r.1tIh.. tk) tos. on frrtint P't Coil bim,v. Ili .1'a"Ullll 166lft�V: t"141- JU!Pa.rUtl�Pn4f4 IfrlI.L41rDrV:tDI.. o.11b7irp pa-altem W It �t L', t" Well to Mort' -:10%v the 'lliellioule i?j � 4o"I l,,Iu.a4q.b,t,, S1.21 tot .�_, ll�r 11141111k,
Titat 1p,glro, .,fi 1,,l,t gi,�oo r,,,,1fV A tall V,gillo 4 chih 1,nblo,al lltranm ah�u r."If.,10" 211.1h,a41,114 -.,,IlWvU1uoTi Vol: V.4 � Rrutl,l,trlollpt*-� till IrMI0.
fintal". und *�,,011llmto, tht, VQA11U,,1 0C t1it I � .
I ;* .
; mr,n1At,:fnt." .V�.Itl om,l not 2�,l ary ','-I= Ptr. #9,' ch� I! w Lava'-, ,I the v,,fo, Th ` -ohl - � g"'I "A i 1, l,' Operatt.d. 1 Tre-.4i. ;it Yk�- tr-,iof tov, Is"16A law. -Ilk
. ttvi) 1-1� -,,Joq�VqJ. ,14, 0 � 9 V 11 ow,p v F VI34 gearabuftl inw. �
1 ri,.E.% I wavo, to r,.ry- timt tDo&� ul-4tiii r,urar tl np)"I It. y(,,t %s a 4,1'�'% ,ob ull Uri ol�ot ','Dqia-wol, in thag,,", p"ll eay. It Is yo -r %%v,. ll.q oi� ,,,. f. ,: ,�, Ito. rQ�%%, tIt �t ktho � I
19 4 lio,Vy ita"cowl lg9r,lIpelly. IlLa fl,o%ttq,- 1114',Q ,;vt,lr',,l w, Vo.,win '. .1 4 " t,b.'#,l.Itle U4,11114.6 I.,06ral
, e tvi ,,, I .
, ,%I W 1*toih u,'�_.To.- It, . V % I. to 11141 -1 : 4�,t, ;l,To
I- .il a !,ao', l".114, P"!UhtT Vq.'liti�v AM Ore ratow-VIk. Atoll nitftt sgo,t .r,,� .,,o' I Ir, 1-%u lit- h tot �,TD-gt : . � 11, . I I
. �,
, 9VW01114, �'.% a% 1% ,,t4-�-Il !, ,it v ,,I .a% gho � v�164ol,vi 01 6"! Cie r'."11 In 047"!' Diff.,4ar, � ;_ I Ill. n � �7 ,*-tt 2, linoll %-arrl.I,� _-11 ��r� , To. ff 9 ,Ww" V. ,, �, Ubll, .0pid %% hav'r gotAs title
arl� ill, XG Iua�!,U041ala fia X-o'lat. it, ,1-.1 ,�, 14 V - � llr�' B9 41rder t4o, , ' 11 " i� 9-.111 ' 'g'vt,,,, v iitl.lota ftw trads, 14
re? Z,g are I'vaig Va"ma4va ha m,igg.". I * 1.6��, in, "'Awn: ", RV"",� 1. t�,I�uIn d,wn, on 'A,-144. 110 oio:,�1,l,.%-nof,nt %,fo,l 0i'lult tn ri at ., r-lil ,ra*, ,N z4 � , - I ON -, A I 1 � 4 I% Butl lit ukth 1, .%vel appare3f.,V.,. 1", abau-t � Li . l'4,!�oV'1A R 4- #-go �Ll Q �� `4 04tv,vt I, IV, I .414, o"ll.
Its d w4l.)ri'l at,� ttwol""a thootogolon 9;i 114,�,.� b:L"0,!guPV �1 L.11 i,.n ah,,. o1W,,,,tI'N.oVA. �!7 1'�".D,v I4#r-,rran%(?,. It b- 11,1412-- N11 xf�% 61,�l %% aa 11a Ile Llowl va,pt . - , , I-, 41- .go, 40, to om Lvatlr-r
%,,pa I . , ,;J I-44t�* Zallla*, 1"p%49%( ' '- 11 ar I , Kim, ,
1W. TMn ,Z4 Ili *Ql.,A`n oho.4- 'a lo.qol valu a0vil"A' .-,091 I I'v %%.%,,4 'a""il"14 tfI)., "n
r.,,, * �, I T --m ww. a,- 4. C)"al vl.� �., tv�)s;! I "ot a I- It ot� fout'i. Ila, firn. - i'�,V' '.4c, i, %V�vll,A otv,own,Ia till tolt. �,- � �1, vl , lqw " ., .4, *,,. *%cabi N tit
, 1,1`1, w - to t%101,C'.1 ov,.�t,,IYI;lt� 0,,%.) U1121, , 4% � " ", n- 11 1-tr, 't ala D 614.1 .111.#4 14 6,4. It k%' z . t, -1 4i .0,1
%Vayt�,ffl5d to"fld. 11101.;,d� lit haq %%J:g4- Irl * t%.a- � ,� .- Mos".1.4 ('41, ttf� 04.8'm; at 'lu pl!Av t1V on. I ; , VolI'M ti"h. I 1 %* ,� 4,,- zw-q�, J_�,.'V,
- . ,_4 V'!-%4*1l&" L1.48RI-.4110'ro, ot�, Mly 1,4,01. � alt '104 - .t, �,lf: �, �.".. l-,-'.'. i�r" o,lt,�,B,flv�
trlleI v"re Unt'lugh Oil!, 104UP'N , Joao, hAQ lat".!D �11 Q9 a r,-ff,1�fVOI: I oimdf Mi -!-, ''
'o �t, ['�,�,AQ lia,j I, V�iiih% NXI t,��k,'"44wv of tlLit V - !� Iq Al 9 t. ull� allt 000lt t r - tr , ut. 4,,� , , J'�"40, ,,, ,m,, 'Xi"I'065 - ., Do ".4 ei�,Qtool
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S�,z:..,s! t,L,��,*," - .e ear, but my ear 9 " , "ik . r. ..�: ` - , .'::�,,. V16%,ftq1 ut 0, , �1�1.
I . ,,-., �77,_&f�,n� I lus,lor*n . I who, %.vin con, I thtl, .�,.,,atlt 41�2."11 4 IN i.,�t,.,, Z, , fr .;., -
.,J; al ., .,. ass of ze and lint --.S -1_ _ . . i� rOL 9�� , ., . * .� Varr� " I . ,
- ti� MR,! 4)'�J ;!,�� pv'� ,,J!", a ,V Vve�47,1' .,.*� a D'�.I;'_. n .
, �, 7 I .1 tt,,�, Z�,,,l , I �..
I M�v , - 11 T - �, 'n I ti,ta: uuanh,,�r 54 wlI,re negr,,P,l, li'". ,' . I , eg. ,:e'u :*
� _4 ��na , , , I -,tO:t 'n ta.e.
I'm' , vatuels dirougla my fasta I ka's VeSZ rl,r, -1C,?,. and M-ke eu� tl "a�,L-- ;:nol si,Z.A�!Q jlrl:,� r;,4- I 4,�l t�,Ep . - � ij;.;'Z Ill �t-..� �'.4'.. t" --k .,I it.
. v � _� , - , ,:: � . - W, -.-. 3 �,t.s . Ave I.Tcml r),rawleast. . I , , , -re .� .
I b� 11,�t m. . 'd-estroved; ali ., 1.1ne, and ae J"-' _a��;; .V,� J _3 wero A�t�, I �qg V ", �� ; �Ztt � al , ates
- - I V, %I.J4%-;;F. ar. 'T �o
L� -may b�� . ,C f,�et rn!-e it- th.-.� . -7, '., 'L tIvIr," -al,,3 ,,,, �� �- ?::!�*- .%? ., . �, , 1-l"l. l, ". I net'(1z.'s,
n ua"_� f,
� ill cul-ti"a a-d of arfl 1nt.J1C_8 cI _'Iray. a Tlt La A.
_ _no c �t ,__ "4 1 ae ft'li�gri,,l i-r'.m�,.�, r.vr w 1:,lh , � - -t -- �.
p.�-� � � . - . t�,Vll _i�. F:J:J1VV �.', - . -%*,ry !!.,:,,t� ! *, I— ,i, .. c all"i.g t-, I ., �i-.,4p,..:.,,,L�r., -I�jj _1,!.�V
!a, �,�,._11� - , fl� Zal wori? *��w.,.�e,l WpIl',R, as fi'I'N: %V,,4: _12-,x- � TIP V-1 WAL - � �V. .`.1, �Z .y.v`�-U`.A.!:QV, -s .".-Itt V,, f 'ente-,"�". . & t
.1 Th_-, Is I'le W Isl der 4-3. c.,rnp�liiit.v 114 ntLl?#L1r 11. u!-- �� 17.0vil Ittv Gi)r al(., . 4 � 'o c . i
11 n --v raind, but I may, leiEe my half jr,e o,,, e -L,.. .1 =-, '. ,;-..��I�:7; i% i"4.- 4,�V-,-�4 o' vi.i�
� fij,�.vCg I., '", � , i � .
I . . . 1, TLP -.4,-;r* 1,1 1'.1 -Tos-s . i� o�'
- 7 Vni; 14* .,,,.�.4 '6 ,. . , .. . "
Wi,illt a -,Ia�l hoia, nien, I iia-ve Prorfc-.Blty. Voh, 'no; I forg,D,; n,�, t so ta, i+1:4 "U, I. -Y, fi,r 2 ". % R-,,- , T,.I,--l;, are ,,-�-Oks� mll C'XhU- tL'I
� V.!n,:2 , uA 17. liqzl rp qlt.jt�4,'23 ,-1. alw, I , ,
. � . .I:1 fi. - 'Irrist is ,� r,',-,,"�;ePn ,-1 , v, ill. We It �,. �Ilr "* , %,d� 3 " 14V ., 1.
, r Own � ralet. prijw�vl 5. r0ilv.,r.%- 5. illik% -Ii.f-:I�, 111 - ii;, n i4 -,%,X tnat I � t, ii.11 "�', 1,NM 2 JW.77 a eoup.�-
, , 1,10ro h as tT- �
r.,v cailtlh'�V POSSE-—- mu- .-at, :�,..�r hi� do� �t�, !.19 a
. UT�6111 Z -s .,',Z . , -,
urtsl! of - �w -- v�,,J W -171t to get even the plac�e i -g vql'2ch 11 " '41"- 0111Y ItAV f4o.� tiuly '�;y kn.,,whig Wm " '& I
Z 'a , !. I I ". I '.Z k.111� .." ,Ir klat,q ;
In C3 el 1�eg in the OffoFflalreS 4. .1'.4iftig erfuna-i's to ,-s'- - Nrt,a - r ,. .6%f- th; '.,ti,V wil, t��Ek 'VI -A < Z11.1 L"I lio M-0.1-4
' mit by JL;;.%.1,%1Tj." (�r 1r.Ztw-;tV4#r,-n. I'llt I C.ti'Eze r;'.:. -l':, .1 all. is:4�.'w ;21,4, e:,,*1 it .r . tiiw, -"%,4, f,+.,t. llhg.�.i� art. ous�?rlq ,:n
o.rf a property, v,5z' trust silrve' ,eemeter.v. Tile 4ot�l ,,*o,,%a flAcorps leallp , . sll�j)(_cl ilM-'A 1. 1T11C,ZrlILNd- Joy It , rew-Iff It ";?;I 4 lff (iol Tlims�f;r .0 I ll:� tv . *
a r.11,14r, , 3 � -.1. r 1; 11 wreq,L, ,,-,,v*,1i;-.-.e. Th - 1,.,. %&�1:vh ;gn ,,r,72 -r -try w. ni-In ,,�(;Jl�d
! , ', a vacate the prem- aw proper -Ly N�o. ..; "; ' It � -L � "i t , V,.;rr,, �,L'1.N' iv,r ,,p :
U ,,,l him a ,xr;t rif eje.-t-liont, -.jv*,-.qg to the e-,ecutore Wid hc-frs. Oh. What ttory langunge 1. n-L'i j,ffpllcp nli--,gv I (,6 S! -Mat. NV4, will Oimn Irove 11,111 e i, -1 . it" 1�' hl'I)A, 17' -4,u4-1-.-. - tita after raid and
mi a cp' _ a pr,�ipc,se ,,,) p�ve r,le jor 1. Italstaken m IlUty 1, hlullv.-;..y : 1lm..1%Q" -,V,c .,.(-,p -.11 T - I
. .fain t".me t V, Wille I .* f 5 a. i,; !lIn,li .a govil titi_,x f4-�- Tnrri, " 4 iti-,; or ni�it've It it - -
I, ' " , . Him tIon; I F", � b.? , . f nf_,r1r:l1
len i5eath conler� to us and nly soul.' 1�- you Sell a bli, cjf - -,as robbery 1. ar4,11 .1;1,1 niur&r 1. ,tlw!F - � .
Ii.ces; but Wb ,04 .r. ',:I , I is IM". -. Tiwongll repeutanet, an " h it A(f, ,.-,4 -'it:
,t,ld -
"t of ejectment, he does not you go Into the counting roam. � . . lkgIlt to) a knowl- , .
serves a wal Th(�re have bfIlpll -_ .�llcllingl,, i,j ; f.ji,11 Nve 'ire - a -
I � , 1�r, ., ,iiz li�-r t-Nrlieth-Fart, antd� t , I _41
give Us or,e s�cand of farewarn!ng- He say to yl'nir partne.: "Do you thftl'�. the 'Unitell States this .;ear, up to �' � gf.)"ngr to hlvoAt kl�r Iran! variil o��!N_ : Anil Vnere are stores NVItere wo.ntpil.
edge of %xl. I I - ,
"Or! t�g-,s p7ace" Tou have ro that Iran 1i good for thIs biln ca, - I date. ,,:�X- io clial ,v- tk,ia tfi gi-t in�irr'Le,' ' lra'a b.- int-4,ure-1 fo,�,r ,z,.; - Aas ae,I ;Etu�s
says, . iwa I ve t* man, The fe:n1l-_, tilat &L';.:�l W ali , er fill -I thr-M J)r,!-
' I . 1 1 8* w:,' lhf-, !!I luxury, it i i . be �ure saie w-li nell,
rlg�:,,� ar:y larger ta tile possessl�m." !.,Ivo propi�r seimrfty? Wva he lnez�t i tll�w'641os ClIrist. 8 rp!. g --tily glool,! thin4- for I iia. '4ut hx%ii Sh�ii`8 when she
We in. . -oil fr(int all Z"u. _ � l:.ug do"Mi ab.,
.1 I Want $250,000 for Sho, *ker. I (Ithers 1.9 illat it, tNivlws urilversai I k."ory I w3i Stop 11,41. '. Is .t�'.w I 11 y
Ight cry out, "I gave you a I url- 'ZhIS PaYmcrtV" 'Xow, when yo,,l �e
- ' Yor t'ne fwirtli tinle In t: 10 f-XV05:11117,11 , - ,w.lnll thmal urf rain da.vs, That
bi-m-awl d,%liars for that prop offered, this world as a pe-asession, I I ne ,,ast I love gtild Joellevc,lence. It makems no i
dred t - . � � Ill,,, from lseiaihil- slidt. swind3prs fig -Ir i t.'.�e wonien i!f t114� sniart set are t,O
.' '
ertv;" thf" P:ea we'u'd, be of no P-Va;l. want you to test the matter. I ,ill not four years. the lln-,.�Pll Autoinativ 1 P"(WWO11 for resentatimil, ill -will or , v, 1.. -,It tll,,-- r�bt-iulkj,
I I nlojlp� _. I at least, � f,tl'-'!1,%v 11P the sw:-.1t game by adopt-
.1- Grain Sbocker Vompany tlliyll,, 11, is i I evell
Lwe lillf"lit S. y, "We havi? a ,warranty want you to go Into this bar.gaiu, l9e. Chr7stiali lic,nevollell.,0 - i 'Pliou. I I
f DI ; have 't-VIL& ,�h not to lie mi.sTed ! ;n- trou�t%rs is 11,)t gt�nera,jy liellc,V�
hat prolierty;" the plea blindly. I want you to ask abo on VIP eve of sellill'o ()lit it, I
!a for I S23; ut the , .4 patf,lltm "Ot 1111hP(I to our particular set J 1�,N- lc.tfA,..g from"Clarrie' to "Harry.' 1 ed iff-re. . 4,
— I
1 $
1 .
do I
u,id be Of no Av , , : q;h, I
() all. We might 1, to a f-Taltiagil -6,1111V'Iny for 8250.000. i Seet or fraivalnitt, lilt,. is iIs �
I title, about the irsuranee, nbr�ut W, . widt, , y-,* wht) licill- front Tarrie' ought , -is t,111C garter 2:1 11 , r
F11 d ;L e- IZ- M �Ilvl!ft- Of Vllleagv. Ot,riflra'. ! .18 the unive w `)� 10tige ba- :i
,.We have .t Ilen on that store -house;" I ther inen have ever ha � uy trouble, ' t rSe. "It begiln; with Our ; to understand Nvh -n thev W�P tll!R that i nf--ocf�-sarv, It Is Said Noting Women
, that WO . a ager. � f ,4t J� they are nierelv beITIL-1* 'Pulled In' by ; W,110 1141�� 'Arg#� and �witly assrort_,
a:d do, us no good. Death 1 -9 tb ltaatut whether rou call xee-p I 11 " yu Iti thp .11il(,�-li,lit'ek Coin- I Own Tkolm"110141, it find.,; witli tile ano.
0 " Xt ,in, -)n the oppasite, side
�, - U 0' ssed a tost! . dist, , Idolater (
,blind. and he cannot sea .a seal ant, I i"t"'I Ab hether you fan get all. or I P:'nY a'.1c. o, witne, f a ItypL,wrlter decoy.' " � Ments (It tv_�-.�),�4" tIl.*..Igs- ll%-i�l V"eitr,
. .
indenture. So that , (It tile Iflach"llc .vesterda,,. and rr,- 1: of the 9101W." It IS not compulsory: f ----- J V -era O,Q li�:tv. The, w1l need i.b- -
" - .
p,innot read an , [the ten thousandth, or cne hundredl turned to Chicago to-atty. Tile ! the orinly olbilgatioll is the bond of ' .'-'outh Perth UWrals noominated1fil, T S11�,"*'llt AjI:11l_,tln 11 .'laid alterttlt:c-a .
- IN . .p t
11rst and last, I want to tell -YOU that Itholizandth part ,of it. I shocker Is sail to Ive worked suc- love I Erb, Vu- pr-cisent memberr for the I Xtild arift ,4.ki-lv ttj pr,1vj,, -
C,ga propose that I give vp my -1 There !a the 1N*or;d now. I shall say' C Sf ,I . ,!;
*ben y es w,F I I I if� 3buSt consider our interdepend- Cbiglmous. i I Lnnab.e, trot - � Ver.v, rr1,,,kh1' I
. .
: ... -11 I. 11-1-.- I".... -11 -11 ... -11-.1 — "D SQY in'tru-tive. ,
_1-1-1 . --1-1.1- .... .... _ ........ . . - -, , I
. 1_.-.-_-. 111.1-1 -111--1.1" ............... _.... I � .. ... .. . ..... � ...... . I.I.......1-1.1.1. . ....... ... .... - . ... ........ I _1 ..... ..... ,.--..�."�.".-�.""�,�,�.�.:2---�.��.,.��-1.1-11�.�"-..-."....-..,-..---.��-I ...... __.. . I