HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-09-07, Page 6A WOMAN'S ME ••••••*“..... •••1:; PUNT laical the Nrudittut of Ear Health, I3eauty Disappears When the Eyes are Dull, the Skin Sallow, and Wrinkles ;Begin to Appear -How One Woman Regained Health and Comeliness. Alnaost every woman at the head of a home xneets daily with inflamer. able little worries in her household affairs. They may be too small to xtotice an hour afterwards, but it is nevertheless these coonstant little worries that Make so many women look prematurely old. Their effect may be :noticed in sick or nervous headaches, fickle appetite, a feeling of constant weariness, pains in the back and loins, or in a sallow Coinplexion, steed the corning of wrinkles, which every woman who desires comeliness dreads. To those thus af- flicted Dr. Williams' Pink Pills offer a epeedy and Certain cure; a restora- tionof color to the cheeks, bright - nese to the eye, a healthy appetite. and a sense of freedom from wean - ROSS. Among the thousands of Canadian women who have fountl new health and new strength through the 1195. of Dr, 'Williams' Pink Bills is larrs. Fran els Poirier, of Valleyfield, Que. Mrs. ;Varier wee a sufferer for upwaree of se.Ven years; she had taken treat- ment from several doeteala anal had used a number of advertised nue:t- rines, but with no good results. Mrs. 17.0"rier sitys: "Only WOMMI who sef- for ale I dld an useleretand the mis- ery I endured for year. As time went GB an.1 the doetore I comet:tote and the wee/el:tee I ueed del not help nu., I eespa;!ret1 Of ever regaining health. There were very few playe tit tt I del net suffer from vetlent laeadet.110.4. fled the hat e'erto vuF1 Mr;hat ne-„•.^ heart paistitate reVeetle. Mv totem, nolo -.peace I oh.toriere 1, aull aim se renothed the fool I forotei any -'f t eat ; mgr.,. Vttry raIt. BY • F 11 t t . • reeve1 that my troirite. wee, IN.. v44444:t1.0,T Ent.* dritrea.c:i hoot atisrost rertlitor,,t pa.n.; ha Igo+ lane% .ItA 1o177.t. It ty...ota while tvas is this NO ro77:111tten that 1 roof ..a 1.i li..osera' • 1 the inane of wo ro aa por o o;,1 were uttpia ef lar Wfrrono." Patth 1°1::',+. 1 toll rat hir,IP1.1%...4, ZArT.111sT11.;°,4,:•,1 ea+ to+ ley; t1eta. iti3.1 tot *AT, it. , it.P.41iiirr. I had Leo./ t ;iota fot let- : LO'Ll 1!'i4 tlier 7,11 a; oft 111,7, it l'o• trt:, orri + L o t4 4.V11,4 t. r,' , r pn .• 0 • .• , ' Learn ; 1.1 D t 11e et. er; D"r t4V t"1";,1 ; Ne• 1 tietee /1.7.0". e,• tV. f44 tod 4 ' •••4' • (-, 72,0.4 ;t1',.•1111' yet- .47:7 .t•'00 efe 4r. !" .t ; 4 . ti .01) 11-1U,11 s!'7,arog1 i!!: FJ,4 T1'41V1 .D,L1 V'eN1 • ,1 ilikrt" .:" , • ,AjT tit ty,,-;a1.1 artoo, or"t's nal). It. o". -4•••7 tre•abors: vie.° *," -vuj 77o.. _ 111)o co. a'14..k•I;t)trrr,7,, ft--••er, .111:11.11teeletele 1-1111e St"lere.N. "StDetriP.S).'qS0t1P-t`e5gti tvitC4F-Dn'Af.' 10114 voti r -• tee 111' La.St.L'A.11^.1Ft .74AI 'ut'u t 1:11 t foe lolattans_..at , .a7. a t1:2 B. eseeteezee. e Tees eeese 1 t.. i s12raa.110 13:, C7P aretat, trorigs °Lir t!jc., Fat* to- ate w'''Ui tare tat) 31.1 a ..eseense, MeCOD al:eto..!tIza t:".9 n."i/ 'tv11' d. 17411s pr.051,1 tepee ere amw w.,ter Utrutc,iii"4t,;:. •stee- (,:r:11..1, kr; t et-1- tee-% Irottitfeat •nootot7 a -a a 1.17-77 an Tzerk.,.; t-,;-, ter....aht wto -at :at t t t' ttie thtt t • 7u::LIT. t7.4, 0 ,•f,,,):"•'7u', Pt, 1"'•*".'" '1" " t • ti -- • "- r rtte ia..rw)1.1 sta ao..r. 3 a s far arn,l eaactr.dzy. .1.* IE 'Clara za7,7-:•ate.71 rii*: .:17' . Ti ta:a `inn, 1 t thn 19. t.••,• Teas _ e rrileSIS t.=. e'..1.;o2ror rtatio.or ratritr,,V41.? 0..1ti.a.a rey rec. 1e trerest eeeetth h. tee es:zit:et-et that, they- rttt.... :0, a I :trod to* a wont% i.34' arra.trs a; *1* Lort their a...nntitatti `4:77ti.Z. 31tiatt .to7,777,tr.1.tr extra, r,a:ntory. aril • grent eff: rt,i are loi,tator mole to mit fe „no ot.: a. o Massn:alanto THEINFAMOUS SLIIIIETHME How the Poor Wretches Were Packed in Tiers. . - INHUMANITIES HARD TO CREDIT. In tblo larger ships the space be - ween title top of the cargo and the under side of the deck was sometimes RS much as five fent. To devote all that space to air was, in the mind of tlto thrifty slaver, sheer waste.,.;o 110 built a shelf or gallery six feet wide all the way around the ship's hold, heteesenthedeek and the slave -floor that was laid Oa top of the cargo. On tide shelf was plated another layer of slaves, thus inereaeing the number carried by nearly fifty per cent. Theerowding lu the big shipe, hav- ing MVO decks regularly, was still worse,. for a slave-deek was built clear across between these two, and the galleries or shelves were built both under anti above theslave- (leek. Tletre were ships where four layers of slaves were placed thus between permanent decks that vere only eight feet apart, and there are records of C-aS,E; where smaller ships -slaps having but three ;feet or so of space between Cargo and deck i -were fitted with galleries, so that the slaves /greeted on. their 1)aek8 t had but a Colt or lose or air-spaee le-tee:en their faces and the deek or tie. next layer above them. 'To inerease the number earrie<1. ; when stretehed out on tieck.or Miele the slaves wore sometime,: plat.ed on ti: ir sie s, breaet to baek-" spoon , faeliiole" as the slavers milled it -and : tele nettle otore for a considerable *11 r• "'nt. extra. However. In tho eighteenth eentiery , the usual teratt'ett wag t them on their bade; awl to allew about twos :g g4 lull( r410t 41 're-tette,* al the faleei tha. ane in the: way ontrormos tot toyer three lemeiree ue.re ea need. isterseete haters how wear:wow it 1- to Fe. ftor any great lotthatio of time; titronr. *wont Ain h+-1. tVini14 tarn titer tehten •; . too 7a toto atioht. But : roe were tile i.e. 1 down naked , °7 • 4+^ 1112.1talin of the ,11...icotatto:1 shelves aro,. (hit wero rootrit jut tea they ) oo,nt front t01,110.I.';4114:,^14' '0 Nkl on Ol8t:14 torn front 4'314. t4, rt the weary 1,.40fly • thr,tro thfir hol41;:••st ..-ittioteotto hootr. at a stretoth, Pteri Ont Wie,Pthit" )411 part: II ord a. tIo. at "ote was_ new tor: t wore tad ao,1 tlx the far4t !IMP .44,4 toter, t14.., Vs ;1114,4 For 1.10+ tt-7,4 rt.!! t 1 It4 yore.toorte tho, ,• ,011, DUO t!VO-it! igI ntLs'oil. 4. -7:77,11 thole h.^ 1 • tar lb tnt tie ir° taaal whon the, ' Lea /or tis ) , ,ratt*al tt ou 4r; aorout97, elooter 1 ,g-plao,1 1 woo te: , •• " r • • !'4 i i 1 wriet. 1,'0a19,;:r 1.11A- , V', 4. ,",01 4 r0 • .fi• t's•qE!, 1.t,o 44 no Zir ,'"gt 4 114, Mitsth*Iil • 11.7 , 7 aa t 5, or 7 lot le'41 ttl a 4211F"qt'V, de daeo. . • , 44, -dilVP/t toarot.'t tc- 7' &Li wtoolo 11! 104t Ile et: •%tee te fli ' A" 1 I'Vrstoigo. stotoos '•:!, ;7.10 7.7 01.a1tt,-*--.4 t ViL0, s','_•,;° 0.1f. V.E.,:74' 1,4 ,411.11 telt. I V.,14t4 .:7-11t"V rui 12i; tru10,-.. Zur.. li L 1fljV n__k e k for T entsolves ntr opal -144y 'e 11.9. _ ' .5; rowur (MIMI IN CANADA. Not ' Much Variation From the Viguros of 1898. The poopular saying that associ- ates wildness with the west gets a sort of official sanetiott in tihe vol- ume of orludnal statistics for 1899, lately issued as a supplentent to the ,report of the Minister of Agricul- ture and statistics. Mlle figures of the total condemnations, under in- dietenelat end by stationary iprocedurce ehown by the different provinees is Eonlewitat remarltab:e. The total condemnations in the iast two years numbered 38,206 in 1898 and 88,710 in 1809, the diviaion being. as follows : 1898.. 1800. Territories ...... 2,074 2,828 British Columbia 2,478 2,862 Ontario ... 10,811 16,784 New Brunswick 2,354 2,261 Quebec 10,026 10,275 Manitoba ... 1,328 . 1,489 Nova Scotia ... 2,680 2,250 Prince Edward Island 460 542 By the figures. of 1809, which only vary slightly on the whole from those of 1808, tle're was la the Ter- ritoriese one convietion for ea,ch 50 inhabitants, British Columbia being next worm with one for each. 77 in- habitante. From these remarkable figures tile record goes down (or up) as follows: Ontario, one in 137 ; NeW Brtinswiodt, one in 142.; Quebec and Manitoba, one in 157 ; Nova 1.4.cotits, one, in :1013. .and New Brunswiek, one in 2411. It is noted, too, that while the number of offences inereased itt the Territoriee (as It also did lit Que- bec. and Manitoba) there was a de- crease. in the other peovinces. .teppar- he ently tconditions thae make for east. rit gotatineei and western wick- tia.ss are becoming more intense. The matter is one thost the philosophers, partteularly tho.ee of tile region \v1reo. good name is Weil pat in jeoparde, eleeed give their attention to. Naeurally the greatest number of offenttes de:tee with are of the non- tiedietelde order, tho,0 disposed of by nuegietrates out of s eisioes touter tee proteling; for summary ectu- steti a7,0. Tit ;i8.710 convietione of a , 're thus till lied h ; at lel ahle, reumnavy es. Wand 16 4;9; \'w... 125 2,1:4 '0'411sere-at- tree) 2,00.1 224 1...165 1.779 8.1110 4,11 t //.•. .o ••• • • 1.1.q 1.1,0.11 2,572 1t4;& to unibla 1170 1,092 ••••rfareraws, ow...•,••• Z.h7let 8211107 Of the 32,997 Summarily diSlitteeti vases. 2s,54111 were atoned for by wheel yesiplee V51,902, op:* per rent: ad' who'll rang! from offend- ers: oar:mast the liquor Ovense laws, tine 10 !ter melt, from Iloosat emoYiet- tal ++1' thioniketatteta thi° rings or seine. it Is tested that on of. leoreta tog;talast Oho person, utarder, titeteseatteettom, nveattlal, etto., tlottre was inertoose 44 17 eonva ietnlrt tanoung tate e•letr 1.110 lettlie it:eel:est 1„itit; lettee. Thirteen jolt. tons. were vont WW1 of murder door - Mot the year. The littereatati too Hato toP la ii° Tonl III gtieboae, 51antittaloa. New illrotnatvatia and the TorIntorars, Mate the other eve slioopV olo,erp000io4.4, "gerelorl'S pog..,p4tolvit ponopOpirIF with vaitaiMe." ha- t hailluff 114'":!4' WW1 torotaianag, 4+1,*7., ohe natalIo*.r 44 erne atetotspo oteereased 1-,a• 144.1, trona 34(7 itt 11••., to 114 tit ''...fttall.-ta agorni14, vtattruillitl; 10i 1., an,a,1 d c6J.? Ilughii25 011' ]; flo-ato nee poretemees. t.e• there as :on ate er,i)-tos). or 11 Ur i»1'. iron 1 , forger onitere.asta 71,alliertots, offa entic;,4 des ei-e:,-se of (71 dna.. the year+. Om to-:o.ord Nebo.; , • 1-7.9).4 to 1:0 41.). 1111 zen,11 clottlion. tagartast t1, 1'O0 the atumatara. 11-42.-°1 tram 10 to 10- an ("13'i, 111e Wag. harreasria 145511'1.,zoida,c,, anti the ta544:-,1r maira-roorast. Erratasta ifolatatlItra. , ..••=t"..r47.24 roUr.e.4.A1:. tUlt '2,•• tr.,, aveA tis 41; !rem t1aVta it.S=tretrAllo t!' va-hrlity torivattestilool.--F,'.0-0tu T - radit ito Annerii.51.7“ly •• .r• 'irp; airs, loa (71(!- &fit:comfit:a. Sarrlia- ..1.0-7'..‘,. Artnv 1,44 ct-ittr,ig, tiultag ttgleit51.1 r. Sift). leo:item le Wter. p 041 144t t'L ill 1411. eryleitt -4 tae rats( ten OZ .e.15111: Ar!...1.0204117Zigrin4: ",:ra 110;1g.t.:e 1I t0 the 1,211q.,..7-06, • ie tee 1:0-.14;-.Ittry O t;x:-.116' rj. Iese tee tiess ...teeetes••1 te•-• settee 11. e-te airs ;..;‘,1.1. L'14l1LI1. t•'.Z1 2.14.11 it .*T.: 7.1:1l5. 'irk.- rate 1 ttc-re 1 151lietia,a-n tor 122:2o:e1, 41 U41 :ertta••;;1' p442211 brit y!it.:.:;-,o ta4,1 tav".r.la vadv?-to arrie 7:e. 1; todt-la !attn. li"ho tagats *lay, 1511 ...";1't7e ta.tty litas 14111:: 45 O1 1.:e4vy :V41-- lL'7 •1r11. valtottzas ;1ra1rroa ft.- atiao:•es _ w 17:1 9.4V 0i' csndngrata:ate 1:.e sintan. who I est. "nat., 47:2 'IC. and se:vlira": rtarors 41a.kon Stat?. w::: 1.:s intitations ; ,be Pre-mt. The pug h51.wever-1 reenos to he s'eaiii'v .o. -art -oe-'7.1-r I anol "Xitely to eipet all traci saoltaza's tateralations. A reign of tr-rror ilas Itemor.: :here. No no ta:ks ofli thing but pZagne ani roarnors are current n! eases in ail directio4$.- liansian Tholes - Ontario Asylums lerowded. Teat the Ontario, Government are act -cars vastly lot proYiAllna,; additional syluan accommodation is shown Ity• ithe mturris which have coma in of ie attendance at the asylums. They ot, ato 1;o:testi:art 4,550 pergola:1,01' Inon :16,3 in exes of host 41ie fairest blossom ••••;...••lt, :.=.11."'„e1 witlx I1r.g i -t. R•• antoine; 1.0 puiS 0.1 tee . peter aterer. p;,,Yrner.t ..ne: h't 51 itay must 1es2 tt.e s and Lis company. if he g itats any 747.547 Lino. Worsen anol Oren, eats and dogs, parrots and 511 3-5115 with the er ehasses of the Ifex.ocar; siroIdiers. Vel.:e-fes of ail s:arts are 4-511l2a1 with pant !er as to lo.00ke the earn!) as as P'- .lfat7 the, roa,inforag, everythraig is pact:- •• ea, a campIng gf.tocei is &qt.:arm:net! ; tapom for the n7ght. then Iteg:aos the a hurry or 5(51)301111 t 2 reach that pnt, pieta up firol ari- 475 on the road. the wo- mart beat.; treasurer ler the ham- ; and but:er too. tly the t:atie the soldiers get into camp that night the tent is Up and; supper ready. I These women are dressed lon a short eitenefie with the sleeves off above t the :elbows., a sort. of turban scarf * wound about, the head. crossed in front. over the -breast and tho ends thrown over the shoulders. The greater number are barefooted. The women w1,:1 follow their husbands throughout their camp lift, caring for them when a:0k or wounded with 1, 35 palt.):,ener. most serene.. They witi carry their bable,s mites noels 1 fetee backs, with enaragh plunder In', the:r arum to 'weight down strong I . ir;:;:):77::,-'71ii:,tr:ca:14*.l.'2,4.11t,':i.;:::ir:ivi;.-„af;i„,),.1-7i.:1:tie:-;:14;.:F.t.c.gell--adt-1: 1 aIL !-•,:: foolutilo a trafi%atli't,72.!" 't'"11:1a.:1ti,7 Iao-•,:,,,,, Fel. IV- This e - terse, tsee eve, 151 0. - -lite ate tat ito the losith of intafiana a:teen! Ll....li! 1:r.c..; 1:3up we tt.n al;:t,o_atialwalet441is-tr;itilto.-.5),z,,,,on,:::.,lterana,:c,:r1:7„-,...nim..t.,.;4_,...,.,.li.g17:11;te1a:74. -,11i2r_54 7.:7f:tiee:=-.1ruu.-11,5\ 'otyle, pu:r.,:i,....1V,,,, fn..,,, , ..1;-..,..* ' , Dit.i.0314ao.,1'. 1,:iley,-....il-n',. "."j3"LI; itt..„,•;i4.-t-z. Utd IglPg is Rheumatism of the face. Uric Acid left in the blood by disordered kidneys lodges along the nerve which branches from the eye over the forehead, and across the cheek to the side of the nose. The cause is the same as in all Rlieumatism- disordered Kidneys. The cure is like- wise the same- Dodd's Kidney Pilis T RN IN G TIIIII TA B ES. Rejected Suitor Sues ills Would-be Bride's Father for Damages, it is by no means unusual for a women to sue a man for breach of o proneee of marriage-, but ram indeed, it is teat the tables are turned and the snout hevomes the plaintiff 111 midi an aetion at law. eueli aa instance has init t•ome to the publie knowledge in , 1 lo.sbarg, where Prank Woleeeehow- eey lets `emu]. Huh, against Joseph Pernatovia8, father of the girl he de - is 10 marry. A eapets was 'este...a for 7i...4' arrest of the 41PIPililatit. The pin lit - 1:11 aeks foe $19,001 ilamagee, a lit-g`a2; , teat after giving leis etnes.xit to t he PeePtesel marriag4 the father :mime- t,eeeties, refusel to allw o:the; wieldiug e . 4 an 1 th. p otit eay s h spent $801) metering for the -5 111. eletove1ouwsky is a rative of falossva. tie is 27 years of age end a ...ell miner by 41. 0 met eye testmeet pee- neueette, (laughter of the defendant. 'u 1 whosO han'l tit' id:slntbtf , . e •. 18 „were of age. Siet lives with len. e: retire. On Monciny, Fele 19t -h. a 11 - fee.% With ifie.lieel for Itt ina.rriage 51 et.tiple. l'ite fa tie"r of the girl was :ewe lit nett1 wive hie couteett. Tito. zeeititiff $41;,‘ the we Wiqg lute not yvt , %then glove, ani retv. 2oth tt; th.- 1' 8111.44101 1.1 3efttes(1 to -peertit tee *.11t' 1*) to- Marry th lehtlatiff. 11:111 Nor the '.f' 11 wile fierel at Mill. tit:.•ware of 0Intinunts for Catarrh that Cotaln Mercury, !at teary ,381"ely- deel•roy• the. .Iratit of tilit4r6.4r4totits tlbtrttCli 453' *151 attaitAheaoult. 4 e a51la.,4 '4;10%14 %Wel 11•13t. to,' *1 (04, t." mterrtooliptiontarmlattlenitatlepl4tizaluipa. , -"he Vittiotarac, olat‘v nal1 dot. ten tofot to the • ; !ton o all r000.aloly ollerly ;gram teem, tootle!. 4 ore a, aniline...torte Ike (lten.e."V , + ot. Tole ;ha: 0... 44a4o11307+ nu nit r.•tury t. 1151 141 t t, dirct 0,4; teit - 1, .taino-,att.,aotro:esof 11,0) )14 tient, 1111P1p)int, --n1..4129q41+ 1ie•oitroo)am tli.e!r1;111 l ..41Eci‘"*'T'Y,,;';01i, by Iv. J. oto al, mt...A4.444:a •)13g.1 ler inaltaleiorai) 4 ',TS!' r 1144 fie, Id elle tem Ate, the? 914. :Vest of the spy System. Foreign vonatries 1. 11 *v.% -ai.•;i0.t.MP 5511114 exe 0111 l'att.-In 11114. 3*ort.o1-. et erytt.-7.:: ' tler,:** .ore very Sew sA.:irets MitriYu 111. 1 11, 15* tit 1,..17a1 172 the ertroo7,1•11L--rat or' oaf sts tlere are one% 55:51 1.54 t? • f.,t,trA",y-ff.0-r reLs 014-,p;;;Itintaa t .=5'.-Or=44 '1011 7 ren -7 11.:1 1.71.+1.4;1.a",)4, 71.14y ateatey ii,fr.1.9.03371 total' .1.;:st.11i2 the same. r a1*e.1 ilte tiref. a:tiny aoa e_roug 1s PilIsth.i. Gladstone in liot Water. In. 1895 on Inalisemet Indy asked 'Mrs. Goiatistone iota* her 14514f1-„5 a wag 11)4 r511( 124 1151 ler attacks alatile on I.1;n. -"I dA, net thhtla p affetttet la.i:•• alarm ' re - ;cc." :qrs. Gliatistone. rr I 11-47 hilr1 every- moraing 577:i2151 111 lea Me 11 ke:tk tru.F17,*° re - ;>1:o.1 the lady. "whirl; snags when foil of I.t..tt water" -a retort , theragio It may not have 'pets? -3 the wife of the preanier, pProb•ob::: *45111 to her efreSe. of iimeer. • =nerd's Liniment Cures bistemper. Malting the -.40St of It. She was a Smith, and ne well- 1 A name- one cannot obo moot with, You'll think. anal yet tht, orrandson of These two is ettlied .Tolon Smith Smith -Smith. Mr daughter has improved se much that; you would 5e43.1:yknnw ,Compound iron Piiis did it. Americans Oreat Coffee Drinkers More coffee is lived in the United • as7totots than in any other country, the annuai consumption being not far , took; 450.000000 r0und4,- for which . American imiatorters payabout or$D0 .1 from the sour.-Dailou. Melt. 000,000 to the groavers, Au 4)141 leashion. 'Why 4.1'• this foo..s tortorant nano cow :orooloog thi ohirt wold, 2 NI,41 heel. 1 45t-1.1ri: tliattt Alter liflot• stenr elteitteree 4:ego51 to weer 'Wirt and tia..• roalvit 1.x 11414:17r 1. aonattloone. 11 th• v,mesoll, Lignite" Orr at in sot sto, !AT:. tint CLIO' Blb4*i7W :4' ayo.7ottl tentoste ttrogaffrot 7101, sI ety-1., Mown tester.. ••11 illa 'fa •,oa -.-11ireolkylitt.9 • 'Werra Iratatrytets entre il Illusanats 11 ellotikarain hike matgiv. 111 ottlidn't Soo the T:45. 1111141B1....171, mins. Quteir! r.,:,121, -U1 Wake vet: 1 ttellitete theee ere Unstglere down Meer& tee ! doWn. and see.- Sguilts otileeplOya• - :%otiosetio91.1 Nattlit !tut a eat. 2ites. $. -Hark : Th ette 1 1 kstow there arc harglars Mr. 8. onervonsly1-17.13-er-if pert foreer lle•y are there tient it' s tau tiLIA. going down te Clod oat. 111-4 ehiat wall.t woeuti eezi ont ge fa541- N141W GAS DISGOVEIREID IN SUN.1 ISSUE •NO 36. 1900 What the Solar Spectrum ilas Re- vealed 8051 ?lay Yet Bring to Light. The announcement was first nuode by Norman Lockyer that certain brigltb lines in the solar spectrum In - dictated the presence in the sun of a hitherto unknown gas which he pro - Dosed to call elsellent." In 1895 Ram - sue isolated the gas. `Tut at the same time," saye Cosmos, abstraetlug front rut :tette() InPrometheus,"Looksser found in the epectrum of the °prone ltt tieenitte 5511 to thje ,P'l'eZ$tlOP 0! another e , to which he gave the name "corm - him." Neither Ramsay nor any other chemist 1MS yet been able to isolate the body. Nevertheless an speetroecopist has discovered the lines of corouiton in the cases terown out front the crater of Ve- sueIne. This 11118 micouraged Muse dans ta search for this pearl of all the gases, present, past and future. But this is mat 15011. At the same time other physicians have had their attention . direeted to other lines of the spectrum announee that there wil! next be discovereil two new metals that exist la the sun. They have given these elements by antici- pation the names of eaurorium" aud "tirebulum." The positioe occupied by these bodiest la the atmospheric lay - ere of the TAM leatIS Ow. seientiets tO Wink that t11: -y are jighter thau hydrogen. For eleeniets this diseov- 'ery 51111 he a veritable revolution. In feet, it wi:1 destroy .Proust' s hypothe- Fie, which states -that all the molecu- lar weight.; of bodies are whole mul- tiples of that of hydrogen. However, ma no trace of tether auroriam nee • Nihon Sae ;vet iletsa fouthi on 1h:t- 0t-trete the exietenee of those tete meet.* is yet far from conelueive de- ntonstration.-Literary Budget. 1'. C. & CO.: Doar Sira.-For somc yearn 7 have hail only partial nee of my arm, eeusee by a onoltlen stealn. I have used every remedy with:eV effeet. tuttlt 1 os a sam bott.:. of MIN. MID'S LINEMENT. The 14-nePit 1 re-eive41 from It raw:1,d mo 10 ooze thine 115 use, awl :cm' 1 am hollw to say tav :tree is eomplet gee. re - storm!. Manila. Ont. R. W. IlAHRNON. Prot ec ting Suez latilcs. Treo anti noitia; 8)4 511g till. Floor. Coital to !trot et it. fro$nitirifteig tenet Itt o I l.as' imoil it?zto..; nitwit ant .11114., '4 11. a to:..• :ILI•h or th • 1511t1al prop -or anal :along too o 1(1449 1,,,o51'1.h tligow...etwitt...ri.'811.ti. re. Ili are ne first pr.ovet:- •tgallst 514 'it an; oho haat. 411 Ill's e5115144 bo11-44•1-g slais lay ter, :Veit* ;w11117t loot the slop,. .41* 1 top 41 loavIN of th. rola! I' ttt Ittoil4 Of shlruldt r.10151154 97' '51 z. ton. A .'5 04) eat of ittrieetent eat. 01 441^.41117/.,r1 fOr .4,1r. %holt r 044tt1i.7g frown the \le i*s 11:s eeettes tVa 51.-11111 "4114 4.4M411 15.13:4 IC I 451 51(15. Th • far 1120r4t. It iv.: %cr.!. prwouliqoa. 14tip feeteEtteet Care,. flow to Core a cold. e. .p To:•-+ systsna . oterrontita 1511 sopeogIl..4 WWI feee :Best be• Fennel levet nete :41 .8.Nw9,0 8 417 11 a traltPA'..11',1 400315 etiet W01.15;-. tr:el**9,575,,4 11 DID311:4- 57 te hull le -et acre. Ile ¶H]. Pf itgt e71'teo7:14 aleav ruse., le match - v.:et:Me 405e4').0 *4141 Fel Ile 4451aal 11.;.; 1"05 514P14 1101. e 7 11311 951. Pali.- 070: 3e1u.,4 45117"-- 11 ("av, ritalt'Othta; soothe... (11;-- 11' 4y -an f• tote rho - or ro nolo :::* ato tete: iNt ano+tots, LI 21 raY, aatorts agne,t ;ta airei L .,er 7*14 151 074740 11:24 her *0 1*410*5 11":m'51' Dom 47.trereatastrose:1 5:t.01143w1 stia.n..,;:o 1t. go01-4;tt.11 51117 VO4.. vtlItti..le20,-"Yotl.;'. or' 1P11". LTD9 11- .10.1*=4,341 Vitt:it:Mt% 550414 ;an 1 4:az4t% "s1ine-!•-'1i Worm P3-wv9-1•6 time fit% in chillrort. 1 is both of these, elegantly and per- manently combined. The Cod -Liver Oil makes the blood richer, and this gives better color to the face. The hypophosphites of lime and soda act as a strong tonic to the nerves. Soon the weight increases, the digestion improves and health returns, et all drugs'; 5-..-. and Shoe SCOTT et Bowel!, (It...list0, Toronto, Youn How easy it is for young girls to go into the "decline." They eat less and less, become paler and paler and can harldy drag thrbugh the day. They are on the steady down- ward course. Iron does them no good; strychnine and bit- ters all fail. They need a food that will nourish them better, and a medicine that will cor- rect their disease. Scoirs Emuision m ,Y, Weight or Whales. liave eou any Hoe of the size of the common flreettlarei witosle? eon, the ed.() seteo„ tedinettes fad- e:tow it a ebna 1 t ) ay rage 1110- ; or 224,001 u Thet le to say, tt wirsie weigh ara 'it as alenit ,"leette; 4.1 ollani. 4 or 101 bears. Of rouses. rents. run 1 triger then thee , Thor • arttstee aneret tee whalers of wl. lees 110 te"tio;!...t 41111 weighing at 'Oast. 150 ;tom 1 ut ore not to VI :441.7t bn the.( 41**,4. A 70.14)13-1 .11.• 1.-.• a hilt. 11741 • .401 11 111757 ghoi. 6,58*. Malt minister., are, oetseeltetelle hileel when we mentent thet a 10.1 of oil Irt•i extracted from tho torpat alone of 0. - Min:Ards Litemene Came tearget 1 [ewe. 'Necessary Silence She. illighboweer-I(ow nteeet, ,y.-ttatt° 311.11:"Reurtiy 77, 010.1•14 ;van. isp1.1:i' 15111 7413751'5151-W0)9,1110 tot to 5,1;-..%- aanyti,:aar. ..,on'iottatas r. her avialt*e) was here. Mil It gn.,;iltfizet, 01511101 ogen Uty eteuten.---11'he 15141151.Smart a3et. A sure=pop, paincul' cu in a few clays. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS orn Extract The suremee -Mines anet Itrings *1111 it aching corns. Putnam's Painiess cora aril Wart P.xtraetor never !nits to release earns promptly, painlessly and with ab:4olute ,er- tainty. It is the •)1,1t and !,est tested earn cure In the market, purely vegetable 117 composition, 48151341 1*0 s,ro spots. doosn't lay a Mali for a week. lute above alt. guaranteed to cure every time or money refunded. Putnam's is a certain remetly and one al - ;WAYS 10 be retied upon. Mere than one hurolrod imitations pro:0.s its value. So don't be induced tn take any 05730*',d , an laltyare of theartiele "just as 100;1, better,". etc., for it 141 1105 your interest tee Sie.aler 1g ..geeldr,g when he offers a substitute for the genuine Pntitam's Extractor. hut the tnereased profits affnrcleit by inferior and dangerous flesh -eating count:Traits. Putnam's Cora Extractlz makes no deep cavities an the flesh. no dangerous and pain- ful ulcers, produces neither pain or dis- comfort, :Ind acts f.uiekly, It is t17* 51113-5 the safest. the only painless rote care. Insist on having only 'Putnam's". gold by MI druggists 511751 dealers. Pluto and Peacti Salad. 2t. Ft:um en! :s a utrol!f-5- , n,!•;s ...o.lom.-tt to a :nra-.:c-oin_ our even for 411 a 1143u141/17714. 11514 ellieVeegg p'enee are Ipst for sa•-t • - • • rsitglus it ,Q thein efeneete (i.:-ra :a a ..;;N:. s oRsi. fit 511111'777 tce setricits,:tee • v0; 5•1;.:4 '11;o0: sa•;.00:171.ai -8. :tee f yr elf au 5414110' you Metz 1 Ile 971 iiiP0 : O 514 11011 11 feeI: ';ett.ve.-Midetes 14:151- looas.,1 loam Pars 11. Art atoll Irtr--=‘,. ;-fr Dr; 1.:n 712 ;-.;;;]:•It 4,75'ea• zni1.-e; ,.,j" 1U, -net 711 iviltnee.s.: ee.411 VLia U44 - t:7,11 y 41..r. tatr- see: 2°414154- 714(1 o-541 141 5*-[..qa-110:,' Ilene e etee..• afire 'A 4.4; • 2 It3aett4..r. 111nitrirs thaimeat Cures DirlitliorItt. ic Musal Fish. :41;ins fir to eau pr4oliioe unts'eal ,toiti le, Tee treeet Pan prothee. home- ' it' 155 it raim,i:11-", 415.'r la'ar11:, alt o 1)4114151). OtO.: u *t5134). tuo Npiyirs 4.143' -Mut, iqn%,41 5145151 l•proria-iirg O atm.. 44.1i.4:-.11init of 111,,i1411410 11 -otto's.u;Kvia win 111•14;* pr.,11,t14, 51 oa,arp rattio. `rho 1'1l1'10*!" ".lrnin- 40014" ;toe lks ti. ewe', s (mit- e! tantlorit.ite Iran 11.0.1r41 11,8114 1V. 31:3, dattrA,IniVn. . wr4mail 1**.avdera ta re a rtoa.. +horrid 1440l°3021711 for anion *11:5of .1 LOC+ ro.11. tatetilaul 'that *'5s'1' 1o* *1 17 11 ttorata fot.. te tie" 00095154t)1151_0.7 til ' A ERFUL CURE FOR SICK HEADACHE 71e oeltalcalfaat e2"ctito iponlaare*4 KIDS LITTLE LIVER PILLS eltaft,,,t Ifiezclat,"..ac„1111.1Ect,,arstat, rote_ Teague, efeeeettseses. litesrs..este, effeettteare. , Lite t ate eittiee liesiteee. !sae eeleeet then Lets 4017 1.5.1N111%; En .u..7,1C ViV,l'it,q EV! 011 etereseete. 1171111111tie 3171. 17-. tele. Pee. retie. feel, wittotts- cutm -ri; stnolm, - 11114 *nee') Peel 1,14-145140. 5253: Sureee etre resteeseteesee .eiee 451)1 tee ,eicient: rtees. (111 11 tone%, Wtitg Estee!, 1190 La leatee st.ret, t , FRUIT FARDI TOII SALE Gee of ti2e1ineo the Nevem. Perilitseia„ Witsena. itt mites fteni Iiretese.on, en tyre tee v.ays. Ir,q,aere;, 45of Which 1s 1133 111 554.41 tea,eiee I:tee leteeete cf ft:tete...Tete in '4%411 11%111-ii7.F0,-ti , vartitagfi's. is' a bat -gain. -sta..-Ute,:s PAIL Wit:m:1, mat. WAKED. g-te731i small fscs.53y. . • 1 15:54- (T0. tv--, A-Mte-.212.511 1115151421:, ,51=7.2.111tatz511tn Vele ANT A 4;0011911178INE;i8551 tool!. ..re tea t. onzecto eAtite 1 yollitt lonstn&‘. 13thatelityliie. Geo. Tr Olt (A) Arni- artat . FTPrItIMANENTLY (74:15E11) 491 a! 1 Effne's 61(511 Nerve 1151.2,,,o,-. . a .41 1.14 rA, teseveaer.,ee ettet trst, 5123 O 115e. i..-;:nr.B. to Stel Atele levee, i-- 01elphin,Peeferteeseiseelte free c2,rial 0S11s o O Fox sede De- J. A. liazie,17Se Notre Boneastme. eloiereall.14e.e. 31:51arti Liniraent. Cure.; Seat-hi:le $s/rep seeeee waver: teee for Chileiren Teat -frog, 1.r», W1Y117.'-51 r:b 4,-' ''x"' than ot‘P-e'Dird cleci-A;(1, ‘-jitens tae 12.7 cern ec1114e5 of ali t12,- 971' man afe ct uecci 5; eed is the has- remedy, for Diarrl,..ma. Twent. gut I theeentsaloittle. eeer)-1 YOU ALL LIKE /8 KARAT GOLD. Golden Yellows •Btar This Stamp and are THE BEST and PUREST In the gadiet. Equal in strength to much Granulated sold to -day. TUE ST LAWRENCE ROAR REFINERY. Pron the gregt come Euro cours he urges religi "Wht gain own I Me: foun4 of Gc Main eon Ing the h are gain. self: is tht think value lent whiel dollat Was 51 -0 o..ot 55 Own; hos a; of th, Gast) a0111.. t.4 51 1)9734 ebo stietti, /harp:a al 1)1411 330 \ 1 31151' 7,17 • ter. i -- 0. 1 7477.7,: TU1:7, .1 -r7:7? • sl 11 51. 7.1. .galats i;;;.7.-- sazmilt 511415 141,3-111 14,0,41 .E01 771111.1. r0,11 %Ian a • Ises: 1 serves sive tt says, right , We rro1 red ert!..•;"1 e 213 00159 h hat e naot first a: hen,