HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-09-07, Page 4— _;_ - , ", � . . _ ; ". , , . - - , , , , - .... . .. . ., "" , , , - ..
11 �_,._ _.- I .___. , _,_ , , . ,., � ... � , � - 7 .
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-70 . �. I'. I . M � - I . . I 1. . I
I 1. I I � —4 .----.- I..
. I I I I I � I 11
Wesons Austin and Bob Arnistrong,
two escaped coilvIcts, were killed
, I -
I pi-oclaniations announcing that tile
— ,�,
' ild ' po"c": 1 r ' -1,
RU _v ' ,p 11
jtX4j',j1ent9 Am'$ eli�cant.lphi e tth"t tile ne -iORIU ANNEX ATION,
Aug. 14, which says:
and & thira Nvourded by tile warden
, "
t.j rki of t1ae, (:(,)r, L.,-i�oadlug 111OZIL11. last " dence, It, I., races, on Thursday,
I Aug. 28, but it N,,,O,s known th,atthis �
of .
I ations will not succeed. They 1
. got,
, %., . -
:S.%:, r. � eight had beet' either suffocuted or date had been affixed by the allied j
of tile SIate P.,j oil twar ch�ittanooaa �
Uceelved by Opposition lit Silence.
think the citY ought to be complete- 1
,I,ilo det..c"llielit of Kati.;as Cit,N' 1 hurned to doal 11, includirg Ace, commanders for ki, formal promenade.
atil,is of Co.-!sqcks front the north jzi� I
' i Cape Town, Sept, 3—The com-
Tei -n., oil ThurstlaN
. ' —
ly destroyed, that Na. Tung and
. I
Airs, Ryersoll, Wife of the late Gov. I
Powers Not PrePared to Adopt
ChIjag 1.1 ,should be beheaded, since
they formed part' of the cabal which
Lo rd Roberts Proclaims the
leorge 11,yerl,on, of Lower California,
been found guilty of lualislaugh- I
the Russian Proposals,
cau.9ed tile inurder of Baron Von Xet"
Transvaal British,
pralatid, Fulmmated and 11re glarved 1),
ter and Is now serving her sentence
ada Wexico) Jail. She I
I 'tile Ensen,
' �
� t, ,en,, l,.;s � 1% further thr,,at of trouble
f114 1 I'l NOWU wl".11 _100 jl� ,. , � pay of 0:111cials, from the Viceroy
toler, and attenipted to massacre all
forviptiers, and that no lonieney
_ I
lfthy 11aragraphs for the Pertisaki ot
� was cliarged with hanging a boy in
shc)lljcl be shown, or %he next genera- I
Chinfunen will repeat the !
I ructical lleopiv - Per.ott"t, 1-0111;iets,
her employ.
. ... I— .
%I!" itiors ary leaving fully laden with
tion of
crinie. '
I owilill',InY � 8tandard telographs that lie learris �
011L- 41f tilt! new nl('t:411� With bar. � a nisumi,ti,,ii. off wor' , I
fold 111-011mblo.
, Currie's bricle block Ili 1\7eepawa,
Chung III Now a PrIsolaor-Charged Wltli
,rilli 'Aritish forces met, rive miles
to tj-Le westward of Pekin, 800 Box-
British Garrison Reported to Bo 'Hard
, U.XCl,.&s51VLIlI).
I man., was gutted I)y fire etirlv Wed-
CODIP110itY In Aticelkil; 'Disturbances-
er% .,tnd 2,000 regular Cliffiese troops,
Preqsed - Gen. -Ruiltor liltstelling tO
T)I*'tx 8uj;rcjne, 1.od�:,e, X.Jglits of
nesda.v morning. Loss $1.0,000. 1
Wits PIR4304 Under Arrest by the
Tho latter Ped, without a Oint, and
the Boxers follo,,ved, after losing 70
Their Itallef - Daring Striti,egic
rythirts, hus chots,l) l:MIL Er"Ll'isto
A fire Ili the harr',-are store of i
Austrjau Ropresentative--Rits-
Pil ViS, SL'."t. 4.--Frniicv has not yet t1l,"k0d (,Pn� Grobolor, near Warin
Movernent by Gen. Baden-Pow-
�as �lle place tif t, L next bie.iI.IaI
tj tjlL� OrIlLy'
i Alex. Jarvo, Vornw�tll, caused a loss ,
t by -water and smoke amounting to ,
sla's Ruthless Ad-
ell -Chances of tile Flgbt of
A gro-.1, of .� .eri'all linallCler 11 au-
, about $8,000,
�,jo,k:� Vo,, -rt i.itiio-ml ,aw frt-iit tile (If ILeXt Welt-%, Ov�jnv. to �j s%orwgo in tjl�tj Russia way havo inad,, seeret
cor�lDjg to a L:es, uLe", fruill )Io,cow
it) T -v Dit ly E%.. re "s, 11 .6 "e'llgired
i The Exhibition Building on the t
Fair Grounds tit Belltiville was de- j
London, Sept. 4.—(4.10 ii,.m.) —
The latest reliable Pekin date is row
. X.ouring Thousands of Cossacks From the
I North Into Afanebaria.
Lonclon, Sept, 3.—Under date of
Belfast, Sept. 1, Lord Robarts re -
tile )lu..,cow-Arclitoigel lalilwo*-.
I—_ - -1.11 �.. - .:..", ".., ,..:.I,.,] ,,�
I loss
: stroyed by fire Wednesday. The i
1 .-- �1.� QQ nflf)
_ _� fortnight old. An undated
�e!4�1�, I_ __ - -.--- , I
! I)orLIand. Orezon. Sevt. B.—The I
ports: "I have to -day issued, under
� I -.- -1 - .- _ ___ - __ - I -1 . I
t hiding Cum Oliver aud hig turas �:",=
9009. � ��..
�s 2,00 Boors were following be;, �;�:,
i ad, Ili fairly closi, order the 0010)3- �,,il�
ilo then begaix hard volley , tiringi ,;,�-,
,,, ith the result that they, killed six .
lloors and frightened off the others I.
' , "
%.ho had no idea of the autual num- �l ,
I . ,,
�),r in the donga. . . 1.
"oer P'Two-yo Ili U'rutiqla. "I.
St, Petei-sburg, 1Vcdnc-,da.y, Aug, !"
%;j.-Jrho visil, of tile .Boer envoys , " ��, t4
litts been a coniplete, fias.-Li. �'�:,
I'lic ' l' Nve,-e illiorvied by Lila 0 0%,Qrn- .. l,
ent that neither the Oz,ttr no$, the '�i 'i
. inister for Vorclig-ii. Atlairs could .--lee I
. 0111, and the 1)ZOL, gave 1hpill to I
,�:Aerxtand Illat Uie� II'LUSL, cuL,811ort . A i
;. oil, stay in tilt- CLI,1311.8,1, ".]
So they jouvile.\,ed to Xoscow, � "', .
%,Illtlicr the Government sent an or- ��;��
,I r forbidding both the public and ` �7,7,
klie press to give them. EL reception. I "�
'Whatever happens the Transvaal ,,,�
- I
.annot count on, Russian help, I
Tor,,nto during tilt' L11011th Of AllgllsL i Before all tile horses could be tak-
- __ .
! ------,
reporLing that�, the allied troops
lateiluisliq) snonin oil Lnsn ire, iroin 34o-
1 kolutina, brinias The Xob_
, I -
I pi-oclaniations announcing that tile
— ,�,
-\.,L,,, :35.-,, or _18 wo �- thun the re- en out of the stables at the Provi-
marched through the Imperial palace z
Aug. 14, which says:
Trarisvaal will henceforth form a,
, "
t.j rki of t1ae, (:(,)r, L.,-i�oadlug 111OZIL11. last " dence, It, I., races, on Thursday,
I Aug. 28, but it N,,,O,s known th,atthis �
of .
part of fler lklaj(�sty's dominions."
A Ixey Have 'Clone to Barberton, and Are , -,
:S.%:, r. � eight had beet' either suffocuted or date had been affixed by the allied j
jlussia is pouring tens of thous-
Uceelved by Opposition lit Silence.
Prepuring For klight. 1�l
. I
,I,ilo det..c"llielit of Kati.;as Cit,N' 1 hurned to doal 11, includirg Ace, commanders for ki, formal promenade.
atil,is of Co.-!sqcks front the north jzi� I
' i Cape Town, Sept, 3—The com-
Pre'torla, Sept. 2. -Mr, Xruger and �,',�,'
firelloll, t'll tji,l�jr ',Vu� IlEitule irt.)LIA. the 1,fark A. I iind Aginon Jim, all ti'inied Thore I,, no other news of any hind.
I'Lit. I., 1,:.xpo�i. I, n, vlsi�ol Iv'ilLd-0r, by H. Slition, of Ontario, Canada. The Hung Xong correspondent
to �Iztacburia, and reports say no , nin-nivation to -day to tile Assnuibly of
huwan soul is being npared, anrl a 1
:,'r, Steyn have gone to Baruerwil . I,
1 .�,
. * of
, ,
T.-1,4julul, oil Tllur"i.41� rikinlilla and I The 17)aily 2NTail Says that the Call- �
"'V i(le, open tract is being made ais 1 Lord liciberts' - proclarnation, an-
-t Is believocl. that they are prepar- ��,
TRV LARon wonLD.
7jjti,(;I; 4 10nr lit Lilt, tasite. I . ton officials have been ordered to ,
nouncing the annexai ion of the South
III(,. troopq press forward. They are, :
.gr for Itight. 11he gencral opimun ��
The LT. �_,. AriiL,, triti.sport La'%N-ton Two ewiducti-vrs ary s-:v.p�-ndvrl on
i transinit 411 possible revenue to the
. 4 -'frican Repiihlic, which will here-
iiievortlitlh-q.Q, nicMilir solre opposi- .
,i; tlLat -the Nvar is now very near Ili* *
arl1,,c.-(j tit ,._eaktiv Wv_t,k,s,.a% nblIt tile ('- 11 , R, at Wililliveg, and there 1
' north for v,ar e.Npi�nses, and that all
tion oil route, as the entire Chinilse I alte- lie kno-wri, as the Transviial,
* ,
,iid, but ,Should the Boers construct ,
' �
� t, ,en,, l,.;s � 1% further thr,,at of trouble
f114 1 I'l NOWU wl".11 _100 jl� ,. , � pay of 0:111cials, from the Viceroy
greeted by tho Opposition 'witi) si-
poll' "il"I's coll"' clut agaill"It them,
-,ironl-bolds in the bush, on the vuidt "I
_ . i
tv"', 111r,"s of NNIlow It. -e ,Ik,.�_',llte A 1!lotitig of the qfri:,ers: of Car- , downwards: has been stopped during �
' 'I. t Wove and by thv.]�Ilnl[Steriulists with
" J,Ujlj.-��.Ij�.14 colitillut. it) floe , ()
t,r elsewhere, ELud Wgin a syatum of
, - -iiied -
returned at tile. oq,ol.�Q of tht- diff on "'hilr%luy confli the ac l
I hostilitivs.
prolonged clicers.
Yl,ttl!N osi r,ch frow tile illbli,,, and
rodds, the briLigh would require fur- o
t if 1 of ihI I:- k"1111t.litt V Ill ti,�V'N'illg to � :
6", erl'I"LlIt. . I ,riie Vielina correspondent of Tile
. ... I— .
%I!" itiors ary leaving fully laden with
L.wr large supplies of horseti. ,,,
I owilill',InY � 8tandard telographs that lie learris �
011L- 41f tilt! new nl('t:411� With bar. � a nisumi,ti,,ii. off wor' , I
ilit"U." �
Gel), Buller 'tioved :14 wiles north- i�,
� , ,he (; L
Ill"', .1,jkl,j I0 IIIV t:al.,kLI7,,i4S v.lio re- , il �,. . !!�g lloe(.AA:l to ,he d ,,l%inlls t -f the , jrolo a t_
I .,o(Id source that t
,I'll,, -ozmi.ine work ' �1._ :
---,-.-..- .
For tlic `Urliclft rIllUcting 'Hca"T
Istwar(l, along .1ibi
N\ e tile Lytit W9 �
1*vll.jz"�s llito �t)i!,,, niell v.El
, wan.4, Akwli
iiu,vd L;ie iin-at,it," of * - - -ians and Italians will re- �
, Of &
road, and crossed Crocodilt, lij%er to
. . g,lj . . AboW .10" .(_ . I
� ntllv on Nfolida, ill
,,,�,- 1-ol.wil'.1i ill ,�,C.6, %%,i�, A.-LA"i .tt I I . 111AIL11 in. P0111n. after the Russians
Blow on Vle Eitions"r.
j�adlonitlin. lit- found Ole Utiorsi con- I
. 1, ol"itli's weill 1.0 work Th'irsaw
,�Ul`s �
ill 1-0111WIX, Ell�,' ('It , 'WiLlidra1W. �
To Russia's Note R4-7�ardlug tile With. Pretoria, Ajlg� 20. - Gen. Baden-
ntrating ill the Crocodile Al utal L� � 7
U�_:,i�71.1 .L � l
llW11ll;ll,L;. . 811-azighal and I -long Kong de-
;!��.' au�'. tm)'d &-r � -'I..
drairal of ,,i-tTroops, . llowell t1li-ek, ,,,, forr days ego at-
a ills.
THE nCsl,.%ESs, woni.1% .
, 111 i e I)U!,%! of .'-1u!.,.'W1.;Lkr was tin � sliatelies; express tile utmost astollish-
Pil ViS, SL'."t. 4.--Frniicv has not yet t1l,"k0d (,Pn� Grobolor, near Warin
A force of llo-rs under Coniiiiand- ,1
%�,. �11,-�, L".� ad�lll.ik�"Led a 11 at;-Frul't. All tilt,- rA.-fiteri,,s, con,`zl` d I 1Y I hO l int-rit at -the ide.t of evziLcuuting Pe-
rt,14 , -1 to Ittissia's note reguraing Ittlills. and thf-n prej'arotl to biN.ouu(-
-it brot o throuith tile I�rit- 1�
it ".
�-11 ollillg ,�is r,��'kal lit irt__. , .1 ll.Is Attw,-irart 14tu .
�I .,ar I4!.iw, Vo-: poll,N 1,; k i. .ill,
,Lri,htintwal (if troops front 1'e- for the ii;:�Iit. As sooll us It, -,vttv,
i.,h Iiije.s and calltiw�i4l tand burnt a �:l
_1 - .,. 'Kv iit�t'l,wiI, to ti.k, 1',"t'll�;_ . NNJI Aost� f.roal !'rida� n1l.1 Til's";?y The Paily 'Xews auggesis editoriull.-
, 4irk Int d el 1-1 I o w 0 I 's whole force
1_1�. 11. lsol;-.,.,,;.e, Alirli,,ter ,oi 1 -or- ,
�111)111.v traill at 'Qill Ri%'ex' stution, ,,
�,jo,k:� Vo,, -rt i.itiio-ml ,aw frt-iit tile (If ILeXt Welt-%, Ov�jnv. to �j s%orwgo in tjl�tj Russia way havo inad,, seeret
von Aft.,im, and Ow ItusMan Awbus- lkwdi� a. detour, and at daNvii, was 16
t.tking 85 prisoners. braballi"s ,�
. , "_pt� vt, it.lt;;X14 I,il'.�,;,4f. I r.t,.,. ztwt,�Hal. t�-ruls wit h China, Witind the backs Vif
,,i -1.,r, Prineer I mroussil-t%. went to uiflo-� lit Grobelor's rear. Badon-
111(insill jjrove�.dv(l thither alld re(op- �'
'J'�.p ';,.r,,*.,,(, .,,r foi.uk! INit .!olm Thk� Am--vican l'od tind %;ill Alillu: . tim- pa-ri-rs.
IL,1,�,uill,-t :les-�t- day to confer up- I'li.*l(`ll t�lli`li"d the lio�,,r telo�rap!�
tared all tile prj.�iwrs. and drove !
I'lie .�0,11.k-.'. Vli�, ,L,i_� fou --d jv:.,�k! ��.'.,.ia -!ov,n LA Aii!.lrson, httl. 'rho Qt.. tulard 0xPrk"es glettiffiv-11-
,,it I%r �jd-nt Loullot tile decoration, 4 line tr.t )'I-- v �ht.rg, and sent ail tit-
tho Bliers hilo tilt, hills. �
� I
�ill' L thl*
d ._9j �%' �.jS �,J'Q� L. � &�A I �A � 1,*Zkr` N, hiirt'�r�%! a -d I, ly wela -re tio. at ,ill, i�.xpII,,natjojj t littl t
I-eit i-eque!.1 for rti
of ,iw R�4,siwk Ortler of Nt. Andrew, I inforeentents. Till,
Col. Pluiner dispin-sed a sinall. ot. in-
, �Ill
1 -.x al,i:, is');.sj,1'a I'll, U. v...�r,- V r,�,., it otit of ekn;+%�tkik� 1. It is I wl�- I 't;;tt-, Governuv�nt does not
r,.,. _.' lloor cw�ktt-ktlldant lvin-d that a trolin
.1t w-vorded 111111 b.y the Czar,
Ill -Ando lunder 0l �tnkapdozit Ilrelor-
I e,
., i�',,. Ltb _14.,--, - r .,r ,.- I,�4,, !,- ,q w-! ,h,.t the vlv� re will I -e It r- tippri)ve .ussia's proceedings.
woltld leave illinwdi-tiely, i,%tu-rt,ttptlat
(�t thc -
all'i so plos,-.�t to `ll. Loill, I au
vis. ow,t of Ili;� tav s River. rapi uring
� I -
. �!,� Ili- S 'i-,v�-ill,�?tr0q.. fnar,f.t Th. 1)�-.& Exprti4s nts'lliAlts anin
It len-PtticvAl prqlart-d to wzv'la�
t,,, " - pll le,tvr ttvvtjnql�;�..,kiiig the , ""
LO Boors. a linukt-r- of wagons nod a
� ; t, -.11.11 ..in! .."I � .eot i,,,L., 4.1 Toru'll- , - u.z-� ww ,vith a Xew iorl, "hinanian.
4 , ill,, troin. But tilt, lit)kws li-arned oi
tit ,�rafi(ijt. It Is belit,vvd, that till.
tioantity of entlit- 4nd ritit-s.
.1 ., vr I'A.l.r 444 . T�,-qv It .�ll w� Md � 111, i1nall 110'" stzl%'1119 14 I-011-1011-
, , FINAL DAY'S , ' .
III,-, pr�-nce. Badell-Ilowell thf-ri
,,,,,'I givv ol-orti'vity for .,tit ex-
I: 8, -o -0 . 21 ,�.'4i Nis' W IL Nvl.o i4la.06 1-i Iturin Olian.-s dupliti-
% �
I v-!tnoncId Groboler"s foreo to sur -
,.j. !.,.,. ,If ,,jle%�,; 'a-hirli will have
1�, an
x3 HILLFT), *10 IN-WRED.
N, tij� 7ill, of It. r�s , ro . �� ut The Rot-1.111re R;iLngvb .1%it,w 'AlLuAc (tood ,cores ly olul rooled .�ntagonVtn to we',tern
rt-,*, -r. TIIP ne-oliations werl- pro-
eg,, � I llltf),) tjj�. ,%I:uis1k-ri.tI ineeting " t:il,eE:jnA� -tviiell tit' British
jl� � i ,�o.k n rr� ,�oi t- %�,4tL(- an lkh%li- but 1hinks that the allies havo
w, '. tt nill ',iv held 'wre iii,morrow. , . 4� e0linflailder
Excursion TrnIn .,-niashed Into a Milk
,.� ., , o * .#little- On Fsrlda.� - . - 1*olp� Scares no Awie 'ut to nezottate with libil
�Z, 4t Us e,t t' .1, InO S . .
Ave% last heard from.
Vr,in.,,e regard.k t,eilee ns tile first I
Train on suntlay itlorning.
Tv ,;,r��,7,.A w 4. .va of ii -.1-1-- � mia,,,- In r,etall. or It,) elire frow Chinix alfogether.
rt-"?'�Ip of tile .qttt.tioll. but it is' B don-Po*vell Going 11ome.
I'lill.tdolplim, '.4,1it. 4, --Thirteen
I - c v f I at t, ,,,� A 0 I, 1W 1110 Iflowitz, the Parls corr(-
I m, F r,.,l - r "..s. Otlau", 'Wel't. 2.
Itt-,l��,Wru Raw,
I ti,t tht, %vi 11 i Iln,,turhj, sept. S.-OlInk-kil Bads'll-
,,ft ,,��jtrlq:v et.rIa-ir t -
persons hilwtt �tnd n%vir Sit titlivrb lit-
� sp -ihn- t of The Tipw*s. iksq,,�rtq that
;� I ,A' j�,A- 1�0�t3 'm,i -,c�, it, i%t,,tf- —i - 2..*-�, t Ni.,_%%,f %:,,%,�4f,:4l,,,� %��41t�tj
, ,
tiv. , %t - I - trvo-�s froin I't-4in ' � llo-well staried for Caps- Town Satin-
i of tho is
jitred is tilt- aI-.l...ihnv revorti ox sit.
, I the 4trigai fit Wissia*s tie, Ision it)
, I , , , .11. oh , rs , l - �, � r � '. .,,.v uavov.n, NV it t'hw. i:,,t
i �'.t -k� V, �, 4, 14
thh. �-,nr,f aud tjmkrst ins-1hod to ' "ItY,
rk-ur-ond volliswit' in-twi-t-ii nit exrur-
,% � ,
: I
-rt.,.. , *6 �. t-%"-:- .to Velklu wus her tle 'ire 141
A, - I,',,- 1. . , a It %%"-I- �%�, :b. ,o %%im qn.,Ii.k-d fibr tail- tu,o-ull
.Ar.bills tlk,t rutt, I I
titin imin and it initit Intin viii ujo
1. � , ;,T, 'B"I's. fi--ral- 0,e zcl,ewt- of Linpi-ror
I � . .!,� rv' V .
at i�, III ,1- rq. �, , I. I I$
, "' 1 ll" 4""I'll""" 6"r"' ":!fiaiat aild to corrvvt thp Wilin!.-
Wall N1111t try Governor. f vioruns.ii-a-c Disun.An-immm).
I�whlt+t-ni hratit-h of tilt- I 10-newl-
.l �0- Vril.i-�,.&t. .1, If. I' �iw.. 11,1�rr 41""Z41 Wbg,I�n rivg. 111t. L*11 well itjL�A lfrosiorred It.- III#, IZ4&i,,kr','ts Spr-4'ell,
lmrn Itnt. St -pt 4. — An %tr4trian
1411.1 & Itt-ildlill! 10�11%16&1.% ZN4191 '&A.N
C,V.*� %It�, !.lt", , a. j", . lt,,-x� T."V�11 o 4%,ji'V4 Ut q, tuf.j htl 6W 10!1. -'Z- ji§lklk4L�S
* wtvilHoirp, tit Vi,tirror Xiv;iolw, the
31lithn Could Not 4.et the Boer% to N41alft,
w",, I lIt'sis'.0 vl� ,�ziays 11 wnrl� III. Witt) ;
1.1j)rning at 11.1inpis), j%.. -,-. 411111.4
tho �r�t ,,k",na. ,','I� �t '41 ��t 7:cti.
CASt.,1.1.211L.S. lk � i jiLj1Lzo.j%ejij thiI4sI%pkiinIttzt1oA otHt-ld
34 Lnqt
%�,, ,rr-�vtli lj�- th,� W-trqjkti ropirk" :
plirlh of thi�,4 61�-
�100. '.-P-W-., v ,,,� 'A a,,.: to . 4j..'sp 1!1�0. Vo%%Iot Kit 'h�. 104vi4 lt%).�_Il ,
" T4 I "I"rsit-'. t'tl-1,;l vint-walgIvrrok, to tiw
8", !. tt, I at 11404ill. %vi,t.� ,-tj%�%%r� gtwv- VlafJontoirs. Aug. 3I.—Rel,ortft r4:1
At #1..'i��j lilk- rnit� Irkiiia drim ill) ot
1�.l -
. ,,, I k e 1i 'o. .114,111, zlol ,I �-, � 0,". tl&' tit .og�vt,., �% , V Q, ,4i! it l'o 49 Oil. # Ut t',
. " sngtliliafs'�, S4 t1so. �uIt"4114...W14%nal lroop,�z.
fir,� r -I lle�mt. and aillul; that t Iti, , itelivott Itivro sliow (Ito llo,,rn n ' r..
I'to tullk plogritrill ot lll��llohll. 'alki
�.4 . s�,4 �_ .%.��w,. l, 1".. _ _tI ,�j %1,_-,�,"&i. Till, wtir�:g ��j,- �vr� ht,h m Pow Tia� d0willt�' thl ewnlutuilip"till"'iI
,� '4I t L
1 A ." � 11641ij,�,r:: it VmWhq�ont p, � th-strartent-d k# I Botha. beVoi'.
�11 lb-��.q 111holl luo 111111won tie- S'l, i. 1
. ; L, . - F,l ,'�V'A %IF41i J� '�hl -' tr ',N t i-' WA all
. . . %%isql qtp- W11i,h N11.0j'att'r at l'okin
- i! -lit. irt I..
w, v,,. -4 ;it Vhtwg 14',r lutgavtt� At- ' �. - #ht, -plil, I. to tht, him.ohL. . Ilt.,
I 10"torsotitt tram. rutosillIPA Ot list- 10V
� ,
, , 40' . " ',,�I'�4 a : � (a ll�zt.,41� "P. �,t ,.,. Ia— -L -4 �, I W-40 I "l 9'. Uhts
, - - 11 ." . A4�'.Vp 1"�"t;- 1�?#i,Ui,ll1F,.1"iVM ,.vt tin% %imve,
th, ,rr -1! hit* %vas ittrued o%er to ' hlittthi1A1,1 *(1311 Of !Iteir Incttm to
3, , Qll 111WIV. t , 110
, f ' "� 1111111'� -1-0� 'd 410to ti -0
: '�, � , 4 I V 4l`11114Z 11, Ii. - . . .1A � " ,k: . "4 tri t � iv a, t. %% a, 'ti,t -0- , �,:# � , )ij I T,, is ",14"'101. of the 02 A Q1, 104nP.2,141. Mlit ill ViL. ."I'd
ti�-, .?.1i .lD.*,, ,. in.0.1. a IW'l Stal�tj Ut NI'%01VI0VI"--j'L'
v -a r tit list, will.- ir, lit. . I - �- hA it-
. ,
r. ',I: �-. , J�l,, ,, , '11'. uuqlLnil�� qav4 C'�l,,Tf. of 11. ,�",)...�tg� 1phll I.Wk to 11, .1 a- �,t 4. ,� io-jr. ro 0,400a. tho tw,.-
- . ,
— , lult thtiv 'Vot0d um* flivill iagutill, Ilun-
t-Wilite phi -wild throtlif-14 1440 Mil
. A � ��, r ll., 9��V.11`i V% i'L" I, o%.P, K,v 4� W to- lw�t #1;,4,,Ao'Ph1 0-ity. � �nl D"Ill"g to colp'llait
� laing away "tit of ,.ilwille.
tonvhot, ard V�rw_htd ths-it, us It tl�#lv
� I , A. It ll�
I �, ", a"'' �; �,�.. t�li-MVU �,�,likl t .1 '_'!q,. tl�t flo:.fif uh" it 1'r",h! ,Iv:I'0. lr';:�41 It, to a 4vIl"PItti, devtogin
ATLIN ALI*.A%T WtIOrt) 01'T. 11
-�.-.tro ,-ce sholils, Tit- tla%14 var lilt -
. : I.,�, I V f ,� . 1, " t to. �q 11 t"A �0,,A 1� � " 5 0, t% 4 1 ,-& ': 0)(4 T,;,,t 14k.. 14,; -wa ,I - �- D...,'Pit
. ., '-I- (�1fj,.ja.ja*j ,11all ,tja,�(,
, �
--- 7
T4i:n of 194 Itfut i1�11--al:111gif (;*110=11.4tsis Is , _1AVE
a *,%Ig,W%-I.% w tront %%.It* lzi,-ts lls,tily
, W, ", 1: - .� �`,, I I - . I T, vu,)AQ�r 14 qlAIkiT,a1LA Ag. fill �, r.
. . 11 - I
'' . I '! � T tji qwccl' olo "t th 0 1,1�tl 101t
Nvull.ar. is GEIS. oz. 11i
urowhed. pvtIr 1,11r. -U-11,4. iwdf ey
. �.t ,�� N Hn V ��#, "3 _.� ;, Vj l"n t�_�UL4 ql�J�7j. I'll,, , "o. .�- "t4� . q
_ � 4�D_ l,� A�7U tj" � 1'0 A ,,talb V, ,-a A ILO - 0 41 4 Jal)'LAM, �10101140911
A It or -,.40,9,09. "
ct v , .. Ilorold
N�wllnd, his gin 'llatki Manste
1 % 0 � � ., 1� ,, � ,j' % - I
. , .� ,, 0 ,; , .10 lemo, illp - - iin
I i _ _ l j-. ,,gl jql��l� L�,.`� 1, � ."�jl� I' �j P -ztl,:V Lo, 4 4?0 At 4al llIl,;S�'. tll1w
n. I4, in to nv, a - a an to Ulu Per -
%, , orak It t' . . .:,f, 4. — 'rho firitish '"t. tsia.
J,o fail ig aj�sij %&4Io:,t!u 10.4r4lown, on
I - , I
I ,,, t j _ 41 - . . .-N ,;N.,%, ll�, , . .
I I I .1 %j llv3 ,or, I �%�t rj � v . j ,,t v a F. Iona t :; " ": 4 *VI` ko,t,o 4-41 kiloMov 41pI&F,-r0j1,tj%
-akwal t% fivrvalioutol.
' o;o !- or, Asuse re., , i 0 l,.51 0 *�Is- btl!41-
thp wta,Qwwor eor siv fb%- ittill', trkiiii.
l, 1, ., " . %I , ,,'i 1. .,�
, � a I ,W, '0 ,,, - �. '.. - t� o - t 4,1 0�, wnt, , b,1,#,T,q-1V.41_ �0%k,i,.T-,s"6e 14) V14� ggrdll,;nse�
� 41 I w u 4 11 1 "u 11%.%4 lltfj� 4 W41 llieawil�. .114 -I'll 1,-1.0 aq Ilk-wul, ..
,� ,
"'Irre U11 --f lo'l, auol-, � r 111 I L.-
, , W�, ,
1 4 u�� � vC ,,li"it; ,6l. C, � -4 'Ai. ;�, `4'1�- ," *,�jl,, f I p ulf- Tt' � �;; '�V ' ". . gf Oh, Tiv�L�il�,, N". VVI .'41 ,'�t,'id ft,,.`)
j" .1 W."t. a-!1*..l wdaY. Tell of 4"o -e 1!t .1, a'U'lovil till it 16 '11 , !,'06 4,
iil�,10-*-I� f, vw t1s.o.. fw, D'a'. f'w_,-3;0
�, �;� . ttI4 Il'I'.", �!,,, "-Ou l3V,1jAj1,#j fl] ll - lI. pl�,,, n 11 11f rj '14��lj till't [.04,6# : ,l4,
. . I - %, .
L�� 1,11-'-4, � -
� , 0 (,q ') �1 llja"�l, ,,%�Ftj�'jj oijj�40_ %, 61j.!V*#,l,*j, 490D 1A1lMV0V,q,,l N 4-4
#L jo�,%l�4 :1'4jgj�.
. . Y,�. . to I I � � ,,�- �!, �-�,#:As pf,;, ,,,+,,,�� -0,3�,!,)n .- "It" I %I ? "hZZp ,�, d .06I. ozl� 1.'Vwm� lli,�7 !qq-
. . .1 . rV &A�, ,4 ut,�gu rif tt,� v
. " lij� + l3q ' Ut'!L- th%'_ ."''$'I, I L-��S. -.6-1 liv--w hig .�- It IQ '014. P,ll-awdu 11 V%w
Tho em,wt-wil fr�tw wan it ptctiwd
. �, . . _ j� , 0�� * L 1. .
��. , , -1 tt, ,, , -, , ''; L, . 1. _ , I �t, '.�.;�, ,�'�Ig, 't��. ". W,, , : � ,11 '8,1 - %. ` 1 1+1 1'�4'� fjj*l; g(** v I g.,A3'%"V:, tho as-
o f, 9.444.0" '. L.�Ie, if all!'. 1111�tlr- 40V 11 4 U"Eq, lll� It" J440441 1,0 111al- q
4 lloullal,�'Vriiu '414t. h"'tIrt'i" To q, arl 4�
11 I ,. ,! :� " , q "l -11� � '4 , -,v P � g. ao (l ,,,, j4p, 1,"; �qj I a
I , EV 0" j, ,,, , 11l I , '. h ,,�. u lirs'oll - Il'.. *W4 ; .l 0 Q,-qljpea,�.44114
. - .
iti. j*IVN rll'111�411 1= U0.91
ger, A� o4ll., r li
g"110tive uss 4% ma'..,q or V;.ID*, aul'i
� P) �1- ? V, 0;� " ,_ o L .12 %tQ �n z,- I ,I j 1 Lr,l ", I .,::I a , P,v q j."', .6,v '44- "
. ,. _0 P, , , ',� 'Iff ,,, Ia Nq V tt_ ry yct fkj'.104�
� I
Ad% vor, 6� �,,#'t,4 44 tR,V 'M We tert. 04 ill va'_4671i, #-_� u-�o _tub'u' iiink'll,0101
oa-441'a to lrt. 09"A q,411"ll.t �-pjd qjjf, hud-
, .
�, ,, U . �D.. 1"PD, '. L !l -'i , "')�,A�1, a''A "', V;.q-q , ,I 1, rl"'i I- n0jul i'� Au�. tf�, lit `,4_�*, , r-cial ��lvwl� Q64-
� ': I_ 41 , I F. 0- �,,'
IT :_ 11 y ... 11 "t" ,49 8`0,1011 4 ,�Ulo at tj�il,il Ili- locl.. Uell li�. �� j'r, -
Ia C. , UV�6`461 . 'IV
-, .. V� 1,,.-I, U44i "'Ov.-D,W, -
bs of ip 0 � ll*
I .1j. � , , ,` 'l�.,.il_ J��z -1 - 11- "r - � ,�� - a ,h ", -vl�g,,, '4- ul ',-'-. 1.,Ircl �Nall-
, ,; .�, 1 � I � 0
jet'i 17"'. - . �. L Lef 11 - I , - � !4gvj I: a ia� to '. L �31' a'A
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fa.,j��ja ff�j -0-01 I
" %i4 P"C!'i) � r kll�.' nlyq 11, im
11., - ,,;� v�, 07 .4�, 1 7, -. .�: 1_,tv, �s ll'c dka� ll."wM �, n !, , .if-
1, -, ,I ,.I ,�,� ''. ,., I I l .,
r-� 1;,�d .1q1" 'A �le Io`�.LS'2 " � Gen� 1"ut:,rch lu,,�! e-tv"104"d a 19114i
rUldflile, �-P�4 got I,V,e 14, eats 'Wetrit 441!11
- l�l , - ! . . ". ., j, ",
� _ ., !�', , -
o Q � "" , " , r'. , *--t, '],,,,'�� 91:� � ' Il'!: - '1'b," I (" '! �, L'ill!cn,� ,�f I ,,, " lf;, Ia. tl;a,ot,�k*
� . . N:I, I . of th", I
'I 00 , ,4f,vt,� on", I ft -� i'l% 1U U -W 1011:i4 U. -A haM
§ , a_n! o"t, g ulk"i C
o Ula.41,54 41f .&T,s4*,Pf_,v *9 he 61.&t tar
a , � .� uli-11 ,,!, W", - , . :'il 4 -.' I - 1 , , tL 7L- il; I *,l- �,., '6, ,;,"'. . a,-Il,b*�,jwl� ' t ,� th , "" , - Rt,,,�.�,�. in
* ,
I,, � �," ;j �, I- ." L,��, IV AnCur - et_e ,at V"'oi".��vk. "Ve-2,10049L.01te Alsopo-1-%dl-
a . tp pla
1'%.�.�,J'a jqvfqk�tf till 4,t.vq W jttp t5tj-.'vr
1 .-- 4 .,, I �, A I-'! , ��* `!'�.V�,Jqfll,krc�
, _ ,Ir ,j, _ ". . � . - � I � � l� _ : �! ,�L 11, .. I t,m'&'! . �0: ,i,.:, I .10
'j, - . . "
; 11 "4 ,� .. . . a !_Cv� 1: �; -1, . I e .1 �lll oil ,
� tv Q� Q* *- W I vy, �lls�
� . . of f iw nre -.al p9j., o.,O.,
-ioul� I "t'"tvc vad 11fnr otdo-4
1i b'�,,, % f. 4 .%oft,cm itl
I . J" � � 1l"j,l- lP , 1 , . 0 ,,, f", I'.. I �- :`l# U ., a - .-,i at- ii - tl!.,. ,j "�,. . . h".oq,j,� ct,.,e_qP
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1(oV1,11 fl�Oj .... ii�j.-I,�jk' fR,,V,l1D-IlWA.
___ 4, '
%. !� 3- ll'. '.!�., - "", : '. , ,."� ", L. 'll��!, ', " S`7 �
, , t4 1'. t t',�'. L, ', . N� 44��!U - _11, t':a - - , ,,�_ �a,, Q,L�,� 5- .- .� qm_ tL,A'�t,-�� kjL_
� . . � . . .
. Ll l..�
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R ell- LI!A %, , '� _�J�ff,(,j S �I%jj ate � t, t.�,� lisa t .� , : ,,A
I �
12t � ,#,. _ * I, , , "
11 * - 1--�
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_ , �
-5 il�ol �
,fqUvil I ii, 9-- !, N -z , al.. Ilk" "i . Aukdva kXl_!'t. Ha:�._jr 1�% L"lj�tt",�ai)V, jj��'�I�,�E-tta�
- , ,
ttvn tral,8 kgrd trm, otl-ra it, zhu�o
- � " " -!",� -., :�!21' a,jfn1�,Z.:,, .� *fi P"_',.., 11116q-,`#�-
- ., . .�. I - " 11 - 1, ;,- �! 13�-,�! . , Blt q;,. - I -1, 4--b a, L �
. , a � ;, L"'. ,it 6 B.. ,,0�1' 1404,� NT"M , -al
'i.l� n" Illits Gl_ V-(,,!�VA,, IgUIA 14.V'11t:-",,4r�1l "r., 110 r. -I -
I Catr-kolq tvote ?�J,�41�- M11tahmad,
I � il � �: V, __� -. tZ, "!l, ;; -i . I,- �-.,. 4 t- . t 1.--� t D""', itl 11M "tiit� ,zl,t � .1
j I , � . L� � , ,L � � t
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� - � t�- " 41 tg�e
V ."! , � ,. 1, 4 " t'. �
Ok" t - _,,; am, !4-ot""qr ......
� illv* Llrftn, 0 2.110 v� lik P :��u 1�1" � � - �, -,
- .� . � . ,
., j,l, A , .' .,. "I �
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-A il- '�%l, � .%t . ,,,,,
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tft L'V.' !�'tl " '-�'"`-.' '�['�- C41 I - I ", 1i �jA, t,vj , - ror - - ,, " 0, � ,
- -fl-
ii TWO 14111114V Will.11t, RILIA1*9.
.. r . I � 1" , " I!, �, it' _! ..t�,zl
- tr� ,,.,l , �,, , " . ,,,'It�.� a." lij : -i. -
I - �_ . I It i)q- teti, . 11i""r �'_3,
".l'.: � UW4 'l4a'V�Q,% %% , 10 oto tuo- D!Qvo Ld -, 1 V, . .-' � � #h
hn atvil t 1" S12 42 """I "'�T 11)l." &,.�.�-
I . �,�,�l *� '� ,, " , ,
. '?, - �
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I � - _ .. i:� __v_ - !, ��, t, ,':'�, � V e 1_� , , 1� U61,
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40 - jvllt?�IuL IV, t.."v- i:.,,1v,,zU,,1.,0%�fi0I,. Nu,,V000
.� -
,� 1'��Arrtlll D!mliaillo to'-tillo-gota Olt flip cot-
, I . 11 : , ,�7 7::"? t. - ,,,- :,�. ,., ". I '. , :.��I,l� 1! " r� ':1 ,,-, zf- 11�e ��t , - , ,� "., "
I .' - ; " t . �. I ,., T , r I % �,,r'., � , If. ;� ` ., �, . _lle
. , ', - � . � � .
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At' ii !A !, !19 k'��o Al"hu ll_j� & "n trnr, h, �U',J �-q ot� " C,al,-J.4 U'. P � �; ;'A:�_,, , OT,- - 001pa lunp at .sh-towwo.j.
.. '.�'*,' . "'i .l. � 0 ," '� % I '�� � : � 'j' I ' , L II �t l,r") ll�� �� ,�� , ,.� ri Ia q t, , . V, 4,0 ' , 0 -,�
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j - , . -
P 4 � �, li,�, ll v � N� -, !.: Tu & l,i,. - - a_1l0'11',`tl- -, -,ZV'�e kQ � ,I *11i , ojk4 �U I 4 � 11 [Le taft �- I
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1, ,
- .1 I - � I" , , , , -, ^ - 4 \,Vol �-., " - r��. ,�,.' .,
I , Q ,1� 7 �,:"_ - , l'�� " .- � ot,� ,9?.�z V9'�, : " I , -n
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ll,l.,4 I-, ,4% - t �.� ll� .�-, r.",0", . 11 It '.. r4 t"ll, � 16 , -.4"l � f �� *L�J��rntotlz, llilal., El,',tpt� 4.—A q0r-,v.d-
-, �
- � I . � .
I I it' �� _�Z_,_ * :, - ,�_ i_.`� �� i '.-,,,_.10u., lit 53 ti -v , ,,-�-- ,, - n,l_ �_: , -
� " - ',' ,-. � , " �0, . ,�, � L,,,, to
1,` D, "'7,," 11. r�i p,�tro4lf�� V�f :-w�.C- . 1474 atl+"(.�,l m.e1Qrt,-,,-4 ll,T-`; -4 V.,,-,,,�Wg
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Dul l), -,,g -r.
I ']*%t fy raven. Ira P, !Te 44 M�u'qyre und
. . . - . � _ l . �- q - ,
� I 1 - -� ." , '�T� , - , - -, --- 9 �, -,�,:1',19, 4��_2; V,tl
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ffirt�,.Aiirtr If It— a',0il hoio�q in Lu%
,* � , :
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� � . 19 "ZJ,L- J.11�-,_-, Terra. I
!:l, �-,
l� Dro'.- "--,.I nit To"mfo. 4 Uum 30 rAtiftlit.
�Mjnf,. and ,Cverd, �Pu:f7n,z ev-slq Ion tlie
� , .* L ... - �Z�z .. � Vftiltd the-AcsMaLtu Uv-1L,ilv:cwafhear.,fI
,, ,!,. � ,, _ - , � "t. S fl,�. -
.. . . V '114 '1%."-" ,! ! , i gT I—
�. j_��.,.,10., U 1 �134 GID P'
. . , I
1'!,nOor `4" I, - :I'-- ". Z'& V_ -v Tev". � ,,,, 13;05:* 0* grelf. of d,
Ilrorc-reo, S4jvt. 4� - Lav,irf-wv Rq� .
a '�
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l;'s t, k- , ,,,, , , I 'Al r Ava-* lchelittg<-d Wgah .4 ompik ial In
't 'I ILE' 44
s - I o, n 14 _V)d I � 4t !,t .,'��Oiitl t^fVot 4+.;!e. P - , - '_
r Ili -, %,-,n of V4 ;".i�,"Va 1134,170- gre,er. % '�T��, , o ." - A . I � VID llro,U ,V.*f-1(,
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. I ,,-. ,� - r- , . -, 'n ").".1 &711'�e
1� I - ". .1 I -
. �� - , - 7- id ,�.4 'u,'... 1, Ilk" 47z Atftf4%s'02_a IA'"IE01141%.
. il;,iard �;,n fel,_�rit;- l; ji 'Killk!d tinr
6 , I- Ivy t his Ill -v "llr, ""! r .,I� iia""11,111, , , IDS lll;al v I re, I weli'll"..
-1 � 11�r �-"E'.'t. ... l.o .. _ . .. . I I
�, , , ..! ` I
V " - 1. ��',-., � ,��',t__�,!g� 1Aj
. � I I ,.,�.,.�,� t,,il�* - 2 P.%..' �i�-�,. _... ,
,%,,';N_.:_zC, lle�tln, 1�1.
, I F b'(-' ,qVi I- 4
av4l i,� It mot 4 -'en 11'r trhe qrfiz�k � I'l 609n �,�, 1, ,r,l II..)!iv-TI�, e �, 4
Wq'ev,iT -4--', A - he 1) � S*Pvr 1riall.
&�� jV4 - - 0. _�. 1-,-�, g T'i, lik'E,_
fj�` 1, ,
l` �, - �,V;, � ....... Iltli
q �� z , "
we #a go 1 g -lrl,� iftlo,if�% waitfig -it
t� -1 ..
�et�,,% fir J.".0.,-- lf'j,j�V , lr�lv jv,fr;�r A, f In at
, , �,
I �
lya�._-:. !'I -J_ - I*F- _4 .J.- t .,;D", -de'.,V"'+4 " R,; --r o! a ��e
11tor, f . 9's:,z-g TZrA I ,�Illt-h 'akl�� jire-
. . _jrV jj.,! of l.jq1L%,_ .4i , 1 ; 'IV 'k.: !;; ;Bs ;."�I.V.1,14, , 11, I%ij4!Pk o-io, Se pt, 4. — Ortlor.1;
Ljj�a ;jjj(j Ijal
jj " 0;Tajl;fj Ira- '.. '41, . 1:
vli:�.Ilu_ A :*�' ;,__ .7"u M A .. ........ 4otl , T 9'4,4� e. ,tI- Z,;�6 I,
I Ic ",;, 0 ,�',� .�t',!S',! .,Iju�
. * I �!Cr �_,r an,� F% S-:�,�- g-
t, Wd..&. 4!r, �,� ,
1-"Q�.',-� t1old .491t 't R. 'Mi7IT'!l'At'P, V( 'D ; rll�U' 'ff'r tlg�- 6 �- e,lvq n 4.1 r;,0T%-a .� h.- e two,
4 , . 0 14"-.!,�Vf irqw.v F'1. 110,41-rl
I. .. . I., - .
. . . _.. _ -, O;A.. t.A,�'A ,
- .
1V � .0. 4�-, � 4r,j Nei 'l-he.aza i�v tf�-�." , - .A V.,kt 4 jj_ -
__ 4"
�. jq.!r-�-tq of I I '. If ,irfvp� -,, (,,I -!,w" 0 �h. i aiand te�,,-r.�I� HT.,,�i. al 0: ;_�4- fit_i: . .
I bl;7-g by thI, Hmq;5-izin novell fr�Tfnrq
17 ' '. . - L .3 .0 - ......... , ... �
. , : � � %2' �JL :'.". ' "I $1 �'- �'a , ..-- l- 13, Z*a- 'co"o -,,,,,it�. , " at. �
, , :'. , ..., � _, _ _� j�:..%__t,� 1'1�. . .
_ 3�' 11 T, - i�_ V_rt. i��c�,
- ,�' I �
: i
� �
� -3. iMiz - _� U - do, -ea", A";; ;�, C '9' � l,ers to on --f-t%t;k1tiA 11 tiwtr f, al Vraljor�4 sl-r`p� gjrgj- wl�joju -v il r4%,-
jh,r-�� 011a ,A; - I . ,
I .
A!,n�. �:e. I
� . -:. - i � =.,- !,, *.-�-... _ _.. 403 *�rj t�,,_ .C.;�at--_b.
- v4hxe I y si�.il; or fn��v,-f�;;.
al,r,j"tyt-. .�nllr--. 'we -.14 1,�j,�- bi- ' % �.i-Mtqte a lio't.. t!ial bp tke croviser
- , ,
�� .
.� I . , I " 7' " � _� ; , . . 4,: � ?!� �vlc 7 i'l �*E . ,� ;,: t-, Is A .- Rf,_. 7�41,- 102. ligt ,,-I,- .1"o".A. li_-t. * 15;. E. 7 '
I � - 14'. 9�.� .,g 'Vt' _Cr -�,,,;-,4. , - tor z,'
U 14 �. ,
,�fo I .. �
'iLi.ae a;4!' ,., P; 1, JIV jlt� 3 .l,
Al . AtDce
'IE'll" *W01't_,`!9 r -.'l`1 t in 'WhIch *' 1;re-`-, � Varl)��g hf,�e-re b-ir Tr,lrmll acrell',
ltDirv,o _L n' -f" a
�. t, F, �St,C�2. - I � ,
I - I I b ;1 I .. �, ;_ _*�, - - ��. . � ,l . , l , -
lh-, Vg;ta,a_�e ltl..5-4- L��' ��L,r�-ann�� f �__
. 7':-. .. -'.-;.I: ."I_t � "T o?- .j y. 5,tr MO."Ji, QJ; _,;
.-7' ;L n CY �,lt-�a�'n -.1h,n , Qjl1'�;1i,.,ArS Dt"r, , t.,t #7,0, J,�.'S��;i""� t;or�-#.,rgat�.C.n�. 'I'J25 - fi.q
I _1� it i5 I.
�j�c� I ,�I�i T-c -re, s:-"h ,g, iv.i,t ,,*vvve In-
I ., . �� : - ." ls C � . ft� L, n- *-c, %Z� �&r "" 0" , . g . -.. 4-0"�_; 1:',��'*' Q, III - tl,,�_S. '�!�eyr rf��4 , -
: � -w ,��,_"-.4_- ,bf L,L�� Q-
� , ,
.l .1 -we"e thrvr,�-!M ft. " tli-.e ,wa- I .e de" -
a'! "! it,le� - 1!6-?. C41 ttv�,�_ r*-4�1-lq jr, - o'-,-qp, i,%ro irj,e 4o,,Tiro,,w ,wgzileh I,,,pnienod
, - -
. 11 �, - -
- t�C'!��4�rly J�' . , Q ia_d L,as
". . _,� � :. .V. , A ".. � ,#. t - 1-1. A;, 4 e - �Tw �.v - H�,�� ,,:,a,R,1
,�.- i] I ".e
� `__- -S .
tt-T. .% q5th il.�, ,,- 0� e't v ,.Czod IV- ant. . e, 1. 4
, Xtiricon v:.zter,.�; &-aft.-4! t; ". r ll,.�!� ; 4:�r�y, � gap 14 q t! -t,,,1, -t1V1gl,r_jj t�,.�? El-t:�d
. . 3' �'.�l . � T � ' 't'1'rQ 44-';_. �7 I-. `�'F-4;�'. J4L V& I �,'��,� .-I 4,-1'-'. 4z,��.#�.�t.�
'. ,�"
� � : . ...'I * " - .
i� . - ,
- . 1* - ,,,.. T.,
: 3,,_0.' 1, 214! VA
_r � .
--,,va�,,?- fbfall5ly 0- . ti -n C%"ll all Z.*1L11.q4 I '1v ��.ur*:S, 1:� - of 1�2ill�, JVX ii C e , , _
� Ano,f'L ad d- z, I - - vio; I
- ei- sz � - � . -�- -w-p-ore e�-Hniq?is
l, I I V_ �_ t)d _
I . 1_ 6' 1 I ��,�. Ile.,�,�. T%ez4l�y' A'. - 29._j,[rli_.
. �2 ... �,-- UJ , 1 Z '.`��, fvw� lr4- W-1.1. 4-o%l: - 't
L, � "
b.-�, tv N .
012 -r, -d 1',n�A,ia� af�,.rnrm-j _'I'lls ft,-J1.r-2n-gaWV %-.III IV4. dirq,q,r�z� il ex I. - wn- cr.-!,?"�0a! N-41 '4ilf? ToDr ItE rat,tv
... ..; , " .1 L _ " -] -, ". : 1, A. j- . .
t - . - . , � � � . ,, " �. . , Vr, �..�'�__'L .7 � D.- j D. .j,n - tt, t,; 7!�l 1Uld;0_
, I - I ..i __ is ,E.-.,.l,�,f,:i ,�E ,
.11%a�A SLACr. 0 :�CV,:",*��' 11111'41!1. 01:.n.15�- , %,t ,,-,.;i. 17 cirgril L4q #wt�-,Im diileed UpAr. A savq�
- - -. - 1111� �X
V *Z,
� � r- .t '_-,,i . ��!,_'.i.� S_a�,,,.f"l! 4 -, � l, , %,4 �-�, - ,,� �, .-%� . -17-. F t�'%C,2�� t�,�.. t.,�,_- ��,I��s.
C�j t,., J05lia 3KIt;e-:-. br;?t,.-.jl,�r� llo:�11 hlls� 1,z2P4dwz- aeorfcfr-� ,qn�,, V-�at thip tr.,r- �,: 1,ama�o,d <,Vf,t-sj of "_'��', knols fnr Ill hours
, . . .__ q�z-_ 4;�% $�.70 A diu�?_'�I:�2,
.Q. . . ap-v.jk Yu 'Lls�au_ Gali,�Ymf'j' ,cff ,i:;"�,.,xr,g"�,.".-.,
JU g_ D.'-�� .71 r 1,*�'_", 1�,, It, ^ '
I .
xe. sla,er, �Wkli� Wanifl.-r Got-lall. : ii,orntl; v. -hie -,g. -,;`sz'1j-d tn.at. pl.,oe or 17-e' �-� r,r-q,7q!*,q N- thf, C0411nact. Ts�e ve�-
I �:77; - .
- :- _�� ,, ;9, . �]", zn,, t`,_ .� V� ,� �' t! _,.,1:4��__i 4,7:- . 07-ap, 1-1 q r,'�'_%'. 7�-. 4,Z-, a�u, tv Ir k._�S SInt a _=`&-"Of�L�'� ii�l *I"'-- t.'.."�:,�,�
- '
elrerft.g of A�;g. 29 ol�d gm-alf-r dk:r--4s'te1 e�:qe&et,d this ly�- 1.6 knots fnrsix
'r;",Jom..�s 1N4,.-4nT,,,:7F and Sram%el Jar- ,
- -
I : , I . � . ,,� �`I* ,�-:_'.,r '. �,�.-: ,0� 11 , �.. 4�!r-1 -5:479. S-Se*g: C a. vto)- 0, 14" g�_q,Jng for a r-_1:"Uj :07 I'a'Ang �_
I � .
vi;,.:4. -�t_:,jl :s.,j::,,:;,.;��g ,h,, t3i, P4.n. T,',,.e � o4e, ti -an was at firpt r,,,,jor4,l,j1.. T, e � esq�s:r-cr,itive hours, wium the ao* ,
I - � ideot
11 . . I t _74,
I . 1, . ; _; . 1� ,z�, "! t_�, " . J, �J',�j Ox . . -. n"Vz]l 52 fort-i�,ne:s ra..01E.r his P.-Gj,e,,_
, I , -, - Str-,, e�,,-11-11-l.-N-: 11 M ,ij-511LI. 4r�l;V,fi. 4�;4. �
- "
� , - la�tia hzz I b . f n the vrailf I r.
, v,,jeI,4llr oT I&I%ple I -d is _ !
t're ..I, -& -r - -ir -5110 -,-,fire nij- " '31eeurml.
" "
* *
- ,?..-.'
- -A w' , I. n'-- 'j". -1
� , IS .�_;6,� - - .'.'- -!. 1*2f .�, %. � A,Aal Ecr b-' #L9 a'�c-TW4�.,i ka),I-
fr- � -4:1 JX s,�E ��. .�. 4�4, 1,4r,_ ., ,I "na .
0 Slla"Vr ,V;Q,,; Y'rnins 1,1�ar '6�e ftst *stinuale. 'I ,at, ,
& ,:m _. t, � , %E;--ra -
-, te 11 ! If
11 . � -
. � Att.a,-. 1. 4;�t%`.,. M,-L�J': 1`.,� - !4, I W 11 �A &-:� Gd, tE_L.t.
s, i ,r.d v-11, h ere". ; s and vank - I -q vr#�Opg U? dt-ru'g-rt a terril-1, expl-ri- ; <:h.,anysion Wrost1ler Hililild,
- -
. 7.l� lt.7-: " '.
� ' '-: ij-_Z,4, !%,A,*j In L..-,Z.a::.& S_:�. 5.1dV 1.-�,Zl;4 4%."'t 0 F, lu,.vf'�L�'S.,,3, 4zrd. In I.La Pir&vDs`o.. J, Goi�vru,�.ej es-
' ,c-,jjgjya-A,,n-, faNed tf,,4 restme hha and ea,,ec.. ii Ct;rravraP, 0zA.. 'Fept. 4. - W. H.
1 '.: '2- " 4%. V.',--'1 J �1 T',�-',:';, 11b. 41%, 4,41, 4'
" I 'r ,; .L -- � "' . , I - . -.,�: , ��, !,91* ;I C, d ]Lt... ea..% m,�iww ifty 1- 6 was dro "t, 'd. I
� - " - . 1 I. - 3, _4 % ,0�ujsrs, ,jhr� ichalrupion collar ttnd al -
t4 ,�,, -, ". . . le, cla E , 11, ziqt%h rllarmtoyl 11hV4..A+a.
, , !l1'_.P"_.;_ V`.,r�s 4,-02- Vsz IS :Zz Ilr,� �,I-
�.;,l 9
- - I!. '. � - rll� �'. � ., , 1w _. a --. e, I .".j..:SL!. a a S�' 140- 0_7 t�Ie ci,,y a��_ . 4 t,l-,[:arl Nvrpstl,�r
., Li.rT,f. :��-�,- "R.'�. i.-,.!;'3I,C. W 111:I�!%. Isl VW � . 6 W � b,)w and catc-K-asea
� I . , .asr-.ra. nl:.,S�Icland, Sept. .3. - -
� ".: 'c_
: ,,,, -___:.. �. ,.r 11ye, -,I- �ts i�
. . Z,I�rra Iltz, U" 1"%t1,.',r 1Aj'i 914; 451; Co z to lorm .��.
a S ,'� I.',' 4i ..dir. .6a.
L ': . I" , (, �'l , ,
- j �- .-.-.L,Z L% -07_,� 4.-,1k; 01;,:,org'; Al j As in 1,T,e ee:l;,.o,(-j-, frvra
Mr. :ltalhl:�f,t 'wants 1* lisesild. I � of 1,4�jmtdzt. Is repi%rt,�.d liffis-d Vear I -a
I Vc.minarsdo- iingie - Fonril, it' .rof�f,T,,�ntm, �
� - _-_z-_,no_n-,�ed
,-�� 1",- ,_;: , _., , _:� - tj� 0 . Vones--tion, Qnp., by a. rvrnawav at-
�,� -1 I�f;.. 3!;�,:,��_,. ;;,b P.�_'A. 44:p. I"e:.ftn, d.;t,ed Au;� 22. Ch-,tri�z 1,J j,a,,; �,atv;ajn, ont., $f -:t. 4.-4fti-r an � r.j e-Ifsr and flasfwo�,W'-, togc,tht-r Irlih �
* I
. , ei'lept QWnn jornterl.,: ra n' the
� I Tj1Irte,t.ntT2 Won the CizaWsUlf. extenrlm_g are - -1
I 11; I.,. V- P -:(, -r ,d l,;�e Xort;�- lt�t,n arr,o_tc-fl. asd it fq 6:11k�t' p;,.S�sjt,j� Vlne'15 .- o,,er u.,any vve,,-Zis. 2c(V of 7�s-rlrin's st-outs, rn% or v ina , f *-
-Ii -to -n I'lotel here, and let, for La
. - I , . .
I I . t-,., . : 1.� , ., - ,�._ a-_ . . % I"-. .Z1 G,�O,,,.�!i gt"d nrit:s"h .-h,�J I wat,rl�, It. way Le V�e "I"n!"e V��iz.., r4�
� I
, � I .
I,oyl_-_-t (111am, le�eal AIj �:' . ir-fn- the Prit;S1, garrisen at I.ad--hrand. Que, tl'e
1'(inr(Iptinn, 1
to go
I ,
I I � . %t a* rK:"-,_,l%"1.�n Of fa" nepry. I;as i'd aw, Y yW'e,r,'a,c Tt Lq r,r-,,,ort.-e t1vat t! -.e t
',�� � " - - f A F . . - I F roops have '.
4 I -t$ olp-�,n ti,I tec-'..-S of S�x W-Vil, 1;�O*Corlls- fe.-red to 1:r� tll,e Pe'eI.n d -,s; 4-tth t� (Iti I - 11.ftt�'erirg linsins-5;s wtth his brothet-
�,,l� , 'o'. �r, ,� 1. 1, v: �, �, "i -_e i�.. .
- ,,l. . I (,-. rL�.�-i alla fl.. Aug. 2: , a-, eliel -.V.V4-ir:T,g to % lln -,-I,,,-
I 11-�1111," at an on"Ir ho" �r. 0'- kjI 'Rnd' tWz-10-43 tit.- t- stoirop..Q. arld it js i -- 11 I
V.... - - w. I , '
� fr-larr, a �,Tr. Lard, and thr�v were
bt-st feared - . : ..
� POLI I it s-_V_41%A"IjLN. iG,.,.;�a5 C -a- Zza 50,:�& lr,tu Zatt., Irse., Ao,iat6,0� s -w I f 11 I, -,e aY&�;, tt,nzz,r�,
rt".01 C40. ,
T�ara wa,q one of tl.e cftiZens of that tl ,� v�fll cozaPzQac.d to
1 ,�arrrfrg! or an evvInsive business at
. � .-f V'. T. Gztas.,
I .e -t T� 4, l','_ il , i, ��s#�-; % �a � � e.;* have * ' t"lem is a Prince (!-Irg. f�.V.er of Ti_.'
. �
4:;-11. 643.
,C.."tz _�IIV and X411A ConnI.Y. Born i., wirre.nder. Ger'.orvl Hunier is hasten-
� .�
the tiane of hf,, death.
, _ I-, k
. ; �
. , �. . - I'
.11 1. � 't (I � r 1. l,' v, I, �,. - 5 n. s Jv. 71.5, W - *1 0,
n-,j�, iwjk, r42: $2,, -5� $23, 6-tb 1.e.raj;p.,-re,A, I o. -d .aL�tc-rlejr. cf,
ik-e, F,-,., ar.0, in 1��-23. v.-I&n Ing to t1heir relir.f. ,I
Lankish "I 1�
- � - .-- _ ,.-,.
� .
:- e , - � S I �:,:.r ,r,,.p .42 I h'- rl;. 4�1-: $'N-9 4'�,�;- 'C11- f".0 couit� anej r�-Cf-n '�.,� CG L2 . 11 "
- ue,
r,j ill a I)o*- he ,tat -
., .rge tv, Canada with . I -l'i'lorlLin V -Ated.
X)r Ir.. 0111y"'
- � � IU4 I, .
I . I ". t 4;;&
tl .,1%'-% �'-� .e, ,��,13 1�1.:, 4'ltvrio; az ki!;.�L U,;,:.,.n,�,e .1;i;`e'3,, =� Of VILT" Pe:Jrl fe.d fori.e.
IP Ati,r O'- - I*
is f,,,,r-�cr, -V,-,e latew ,rol. W H#>W OLlvn'.R WAS C1APTVR'FD. I
Iler V:Pxiest��It Diirhv4yn, Sept. 4. - Ye,t-rdft�l at
. " , , '1�.�, I 4- "'.. o_ �'r-.,,.a� . �
'i , ,& 21*144.�. lr,,ra An�aree. �
z - 4�41)aatll
� N, -.r - . L -I �,n I
� 11.1". X.T.S.1w. of __
I the 11!�,eral 4Ci
it�,d in Tortin- rit'ht rolo.t" .1dr. (*Itught 28 Boerrs as lxhty -inve,,itioll here A.Ir. �4.
: 47 -he R,e,�:L,!ient, who d I
� ,,�E.rs�,w
-li-nie, who 23 3:ears ago nfilni-
, 11 to
" I ;" im,��,7 , soxk1c ye."rs al"o. Isee(.e"etl X'ftaL ras,wil in Single File,
.9 '.� ,f] I ..Q i -,--,q1 *� convolliz;on stock-.1'Uh", ��'�_i� t. - 1. - Captain ,Taxi'_SvG TO SATF. 131PEWAL PAL&OR. hatilid l3r. T-a'siderldr, e:,prossod the
Cant0a 1CbII,,,gv i
I ; ! ! V*- "� 't�,tj �-ir Ti'� i, 24 d ("-rl- Grenwt;A telvg�"phsl the lolicylvfi'�` .
. .
� 'Nor-
edu,qed at rp-per
, ! T.ondon, �;ept. 4.-A Queenqtnwri I ,4.,iw�nro *witl, 'whiph lip again itorai-
or j� , I
- .,- V ert-frow, was sh "'
". .i 6at - fq zlpxt u,,Et__A.6e heze from, ;S�,erv,ue,
, :�,� t, �6 �w� or tlia hisimbers of Tsuug Lt Vallum Negotualu'.
�, X
el"d gralillat,r�
to the bar. ; &iipatch, ,dated k*rida.y, descriljp�.; the I rigtferl the desetor 1�0�o, in a short ad-
:'-o- :,-fr i_,,to,req !.z�,E:e a. long ,,%40 ; I
- . ,' Witu Allit'sY Gelmmls
ly aftl�r ejollf.16
I draniatic capture of Gen. 0 livier dur- !,Jresq, confined a,1t0,,!7e to purely
� . .tl!er
l$� � . r:", z "�i-,,,� fl,v b�n-�-r of no I,Ai.dri,e*s butty 2No. 4 lists been ruald . i � 11:1 tbe Boer attack on Willbur.9, lloml matters, acc-eipted the nornina-
, 1. lit P�:� I -olitaltis the 6.1o,trioz- Pelin, 26� via 'Shanghai, Suit- I _,,
: .. 1.j ! 4- . .lug.
.jf,�A�'. fr4rtT::j t;jP jlm.naor. r'.
' l3iiTy 11. 14) P.W., Orov;ic�11-0ur vo.rAge 6,,-, .cjjos.� 8whi, .Na "I'll
VIC11M. . rig and Chung
. ,r,969 Deatlis From MOIOM
' Light Queenstown volunlem,rs sortled 'l tion.
I ' .
AND CEL-11MINALLS. ,'ww %relf s,i far. Are ru"V .k. an RILA12 de . . f:
.,.;, P pept. 4,-Ofllc��il returns front the town and toolt uli a posi- 1,
LT, r.uwtbcrs of ti�e Tsu.ig Li Vaiijen, I Bombay,
. 0Mz-ii .Ixlr�q.,�. ty 1'.evro � reacher, of 21.1y Wi(,-tr4,;. OxWnA d:reetioll. ll,,.,b I .
1''. f,lrapaxs ur,dviafl.;�: � tLie, trying to ne.�.,'otlutt� with tl.e gell- ! sho,�%-. there- -*I c -re 7,qryD deaths from tion in a dongtt. t!,rough which the , rolIn IN Ill Hepty Out emne8e.
ROV--rint. ,01 a i_ll;;!-� 'Of SLX 1'er- Uo degrooes. eas i lition. I.J[ina, Xleru, 4. -Tile Veru-
%-grees. British -ed behind the
- , L;tt(-r. w,rth 4Z (-n4f. et,riq,abst v.n- er.tis of tac allif,ti fwtcs, through
cljolera ilk tile native and road pas, and pos
��,�!. %V.:,.t� 14.1:.gf�d eet ,j,-viud,,n, Fosir earrfer p3k,,uns despateiml. .csb6it Ilam, I)irettor of lulperial As the Boars returned Vhrougl , Vian genate has under corsicleration
. llaiei6h, N, C., Sir R states durfrgl the week, ending Augf
, �
.%, turrm ;jv. 1�. y Lrc- flylr,g west. ,*Ae�z), ii -os, ovel the .
_-�Tanv4h- 'j,acroix, lc--. w,4 -b is vitry ruggv& NV*nt;-.A,j- spVp'n. cu;zto.uls, In oruler to prev(:nt tl.e t4t- i -03, donga, single Iller, they Were strnuk up ..4 P'ropo-ekrtl fnr preventing Vililliese lip-
bi ;m-,g-ation.
� , . - .s %,,hn Villed a . u,;tiun of the haAerwout, palace of The number -of r0lef W,orlirs are de- one "by one, and put under ,charge of in vfevv of A lin-odble ex-
� . i"
dt" t1w wh4le time. Tu exeNfew w4ri,ii. str "
�' ard an old nian ilk IxonWoell 0
, Az;,:z-. Strad4ers (Scrinxiterort. Pra�nk4- tLe. forbidden cit,..
te lit, ,.eiying a. ,souple of nten, out of sight until from, China, as a result of t, �
1 creg.sir,. and 1, 1, .Mbers ro- � � ,,
- t IV(,.Ik. ',as been coukinitted fov '. A..,tsyt. tbf, O'C'u-1s; flav; 7,Z OrptaivivIi with tLe "me ob�ect Ill View, the gr4.4j_iouj r-elid are increasing. tho colonials h4d cap�ured 28" In- tresent. djstur44ijce*,, ,�
I .
_;.�-ZLax..Qt�p_>> 0I.,,, T XslealL tiatq."! I
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