HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-09-07, Page 4— _;_ - , ", � . . _ ; ". , , . - - , , , , - .... . .. . ., "" , , , - .. 11 �_,._ _­­.- I ­.___. , _,_ , , . ,., � ... � , � - 7 . , I � I � I � ". l� I—— � �, , � � , .. '. " P.....F...__ __ , , " , , , __ - '_ _.. � �_ . � . .. ........ , , ., " ,. , , I I I I — — — 7-- - _., 'T I . I . . I . . . I . 1, . I �., . I I � . I . . - . I . . ., . . I. . I �.. . . I . I I I � I . I . I I I I - ..... __ . — I- . - -70 . �. I'. I . M � - I . . I 1. . I I 1. I I � —4 .----.- I.. . I I I I I � I 11 DOINGS OF THE WEEK ___ Wesons Austin and Bob Arnistrong, two escaped coilvIcts, were killed WILL , I - I pi-oclaniations announcing that tile , — ,�, WILL KRUOUR AND STFT.'; FLEE? ,. � , i I NOT ______ ' ild ' po"c": 1 r ' -1, RU _v ' ,p 11 jtX4j',j1ent9 Am'$ eli�cant.lphi e tth"t tile ne -iORIU ANNEX ATION, WITHDRAW ____-­� Aug. 14, which says: and & thira Nvourded by tile warden , , " ,� I t.j rki of t1ae, (:(,)r, L.,-i�oadlug 111OZIL11. last " dence, It, I., races, on Thursday, I Aug. 28, but it N,,,O,s known th,atthis � of . I ations will not succeed. They 1 . got, , %., . - :S.%:, r. � eight had beet' either suffocuted or date had been affixed by the allied j I of tile SIate P.,j oil twar ch�ittanooaa � ' Uceelved by Opposition lit Silence. think the citY ought to be complete- 1 , ,I,ilo det..c"llielit of Kati.;as Cit,N' 1 hurned to doal 11, includirg Ace, commanders for ki, formal promenade. I atil,is of Co.-!sqcks front the north jzi� I ' i Cape Town, Sept, 3—The com- Tei -n., oil ThurstlaN I . ' — I ly destroyed, that Na. Tung and . I TEMS OF, INTERE$T FROM AROUND Airs, Ryersoll, Wife of the late Gov. I Powers Not PrePared to Adopt ChIjag 1.1 ,should be beheaded, since they formed part' of the cabal which Lo rd Roberts Proclaims the I I TH_-: WORLD leorge 11,yerl,on, of Lower California, been found guilty of lualislaugh- I the Russian Proposals, cau.9ed tile inurder of Baron Von Xet" � Transvaal British, — pralatid, Fulmmated and 11re glarved 1), .4as ter and Is now serving her sentence ada Wexico) Jail. She I I 'tile Ensen, ' � � t, ,en,, l,.;s � 1% further thr,,at of trouble f114 1 I'l NOWU wl".11 _100 jl� ,. , � pay of 0:111cials, from the Viceroy toler, and attenipted to massacre all forviptiers, and that no lonieney � ­_ I lfthy 11aragraphs for the Pertisaki ot in � was cliarged with hanging a boy in U. S. ANSWER PLEASES BRITISH, , shc)lljcl be shown, or %he next genera- I Chinfunen will repeat the ! THE'BOERS INVEST LADYBRAND. I ructical lleopiv - Per.ott"t, 1-0111;iets, her employ. . ... I— . %I!" itiors ary leaving fully laden with tion of crinie. ' I I owilill',InY � 8tandard telographs that lie learris � 011L- 41f tilt! new nl('t:411� With bar. � a nisumi,ti,,ii. off wor' , I fold 111-011mblo. THE FIRLE RECORD- , Currie's bricle block Ili 1\7eepawa, Chung III Now a PrIsolaor-Charged Wltli ,rilli 'Aritish forces met, rive miles to tj-Le westward of Pekin, 800 Box- British Garrison Reported to Bo 'Hard , U.XCl,.&s51VLIlI). I man., was gutted I)y fire etirlv Wed- CODIP110itY In Aticelkil; 'Disturbances- er% .,tnd 2,000 regular Cliffiese troops, 1 Preqsed - Gen. -Ruiltor liltstelling tO T)I*'tx 8uj;rcjne, 1.od�:,e, X.Jglits of nesda.v morning. Loss $1.0,000. 1 Wits PIR4304 Under Arrest by the 11, Tho latter Ped, without a Oint, and the Boxers follo,,ved, after losing 70 Their Itallef - Daring Striti,egic rythirts, hus chots,l) l:MIL Er"Ll'isto A fire Ili the harr',-are store of i Austrjau Ropresentative--Rits- Pil ViS, SL'."t. 4.--Frniicv has not yet t1l,"k0d (,Pn� Grobolor, near Warin Movernent by Gen. Baden-Pow- �as �lle place tif t, L next bie.iI.IaI tj tjlL� OrIlLy' i Alex. Jarvo, Vornw�tll, caused a loss , t by -water and smoke amounting to , sla's Ruthless Ad- . men. ell -Chances of tile Flgbt of , gntjLVriUg A gro-.1, of .� .eri'all linallCler 11 au- � , about $8,000, 1 V061100. I RUSSIXIS DOUBLE GAME. ­�,jo,k:� Vo,, -rt i.itiio-ml ,aw frt-iit tile (If ILeXt Welt-%, Ov�jnv. to �j s%orwgo in tjl�tj Russia way havo inad,, seeret cor�lDjg to a L:es, uLe", fruill )Io,cow it) T -v Dit ly E%.. re "s, 11 .6 "e'llgired i The Exhibition Building on the t Fair Grounds tit Belltiville was de- j London, Sept. 4.—(4.10 ii,.m.) — The latest reliable Pekin date is row . X.ouring Thousands of Cossacks From the I North Into Afanebaria. Lonclon, Sept, 3.—Under date of Belfast, Sept. 1, Lord Robarts re - tile )lu..,cow-Arclitoigel lalilwo*-. I—_ - -1.11 �.. - .:­..", ".., ,..:.I,.,] ,,� I loss : stroyed by fire Wednesday. The i 1 .-- �1.­� QQ nflf) _ _� fortnight old. An undated �e!4�1�, I_ ­__ - -.--- , I ­ ! I)orLIand. Orezon. Sevt. B.—The I ports: "I have to -day issued, under � I -.- -1 - .- _­ ___ - __ - I -1 ­­ . I t hiding Cum Oliver aud hig turas �:",= �,.= 9009. � ��.. �s 2,00 Boors were following be;, �;�:, ,,, i ad, Ili fairly closi, order the 0010)3- �,,il� ilo then begaix hard volley , tiringi ,;,�-, , ,,, ith the result that they, killed six . lloors and frightened off the others I. ' , " , , 'I , , , , , , , " I, , , I'. I I. I %.ho had no idea of the autual num- �l , I . ,, �),r in the donga. . . 1. .1 . "oer P'Two-yo Ili U'rutiqla. "I. St, Petei-sburg, 1Vcdnc-,da.y, Aug, !" l I ,- %;j.-Jrho visil, of tile .Boer envoys , " ��, t4 , litts been a coniplete, fias.-Li. �'�:, , , � 1, I'lic ' l' Nve,-e illiorvied by Lila 0 0%,Qrn- .. l, ent that neither the Oz,ttr no$, the '�i 'i . inister for Vorclig-ii. Atlairs could .--lee I . 0111, and the 1)ZOL, gave 1hpill to I ,�:Aerxtand Illat Uie� II'LUSL, cuL,811ort . A i ;. oil, stay in tilt- CLI,1311.8,1, ".] So they jouvile.\,ed to Xoscow, � "', . %,Illtlicr the Government sent an or- ��;�� ,,� ;-,�� ,I r forbidding both the public and ` �7,7, klie press to give them. EL reception. I "� 'Whatever happens the Transvaal ,,,� . - I .annot count on, Russian help, I Tor,,nto during tilt' L11011th Of AllgllsL i Before all tile horses could be tak- �i - __ . ! ------, reporLing that�, the allied troops lateiluisliq) snonin oil Lnsn ire, iroin 34o- 1 kolutina, brinias The Xob_ , I - I pi-oclaniations announcing that tile , — ,�, WILL KRUOUR AND STFT.'; FLEE? ,. � , i I -\.,L,,, :35.-,, or _18 wo �- thun the re- en out of the stables at the Provi- marched through the Imperial palace z ____-­� Aug. 14, which says: Trarisvaal will henceforth form a, , , " ,� I t.j rki of t1ae, (:(,)r, L.,-i�oadlug 111OZIL11. last " dence, It, I., races, on Thursday, I Aug. 28, but it N,,,O,s known th,atthis � of . part of fler lklaj(�sty's dominions." i A Ixey Have 'Clone to Barberton, and Are , -, :S.%:, r. � eight had beet' either suffocuted or date had been affixed by the allied j I ­jlussia is pouring tens of thous- Uceelved by Opposition lit Silence. Prepuring For klight. 1�l . I , ,I,ilo det..c"llielit of Kati.;as Cit,N' 1 hurned to doal 11, includirg Ace, commanders for ki, formal promenade. I atil,is of Co.-!sqcks front the north jzi� I ' i Cape Town, Sept, 3—The com- ,,� Pre'torla, Sept. 2. -Mr, Xruger and �,',�,' firelloll, t'll tji,l�jr ',Vu� IlEitule irt.)LIA. the 1,fark A. I iind Aginon Jim, all ti'inied Thore I,, no other news of any hind. I I'Lit. I., 1,:.xpo�i. I, n, vlsi�ol Iv'ilLd-0r, by H. Slition, of Ontario, Canada. The Hung Xong correspondent to �Iztacburia, and reports say no , nin-nivation to -day to tile Assnuibly of huwan soul is being npared, anrl a 1 :,'r, Steyn have gone to Baruerwil . I, 1 .�, . * of , , T.-1,4julul, oil Tllur"i.41� rikinlilla and I The 17)aily 2NTail Says that the Call- � I "'V i(le, open tract is being made ais 1 Lord liciberts' - proclarnation, an- -t Is believocl. that they are prepar- ��, TRV LARon wonLD. 7jjti,(;I; 4 10nr lit Lilt, tasite. I . ton officials have been ordered to , nouncing the annexai ion of the South III(,. troopq press forward. They are, : .gr for Itight. 11he gencral opimun �� The LT. �_,. AriiL,, triti.sport La'%N-ton Two ewiducti-vrs ary s-:v.p�-ndvrl on i transinit 411 possible revenue to the . 4 -'frican Repiihlic, which will here- iiievortlitlh-q.Q, nicMilir solre opposi- . 'wa,; ,i; tlLat -the Nvar is now very near Ili* * 0 arl1,,c.-(j tit ,._eaktiv Wv_t,k,s,.a% nblIt tile ('- 11 , R, at Wililliveg, and there 1 ' north for v,ar e.Npi�nses, and that all tion oil route, as the entire Chinilse I alte- lie kno-wri, as the Transviial, " * , ,iid, but ,Should the Boers construct , ' � � t, ,en,, l,.;s � 1% further thr,,at of trouble f114 1 I'l NOWU wl".11 _100 jl� ,. , � pay of 0:111cials, from the Viceroy greeted by tho Opposition 'witi) si- 11, poll' "il"I's coll"' clut agaill"It them, -,ironl-bolds in the bush, on the vuidt "I ,l i _ . i tv"',­ 111r,"s of NNIlow It. -e ,Ik,.�_',llte A 1!lotitig of the qfri:,ers: of Car- , downwards: has been stopped during � . ' 'I. t Wove and by thv.]�Ilnl[Steriulists with " J,Ujlj.-��.Ij�.14 colitillut. it) floe , () I t,r elsewhere, ELud Wgin a syatum of , - -iiied - returned at tile. oq,ol.�Q of tht- diff on "'hilr%luy confli the ac l I hostilitivs. prolonged clicers. Yl,ttl!N osi r,ch frow tile illbli,,, and rodds, the briLigh would require fur- o l. 1,li;,,�r, t if ­1 of ihI I:- k"1111t.litt V Ill ti,�V'N'illg to � : 6", erl'I"LlIt. . I ,riie Vielina correspondent of Tile lie . ... I— . %I!" itiors ary leaving fully laden with L.wr large supplies of horseti. ,,, I owilill',InY � 8tandard telographs that lie learris � 011L- 41f tilt! new nl('t:411� With bar. � a nisumi,ti,,ii. off wor' , I ; UADEN-POWELL'S RUSH ilit"U." � Gel), Buller 'tioved :14 wiles north- i�, il � , ,he (; L Ill"', .1,jkl,j I0 IIIV t:al.,kLI7,,i4S v.lio re- , il �,. . !!�g lloe(.A­A:l to ,he d ,,l%inlls t -f the , jrolo a t_ I .,o(Id source that t ,I'll,, -ozmi.ine work ' �1._ : ---,-.-..- . For tlic `Urliclft rIllUcting 'Hca"T Istwar(l, along .1ibi N\ e tile Lytit W9 � � 1*vll.jz"�s llito �t)i!,,­, niell v.El , wan.4, Akwli iiu,vd L;ie iin-at,it," of * - - -ians and Italians will re- � , Of & Fmi.XCE lIA7, NOT YET RIPPIAMD . road, and crossed Crocodilt, lij%er to . . . g,lj . . AboW .10" .(_ . I � ntllv on Nfolida, ill ,,,�,- 1-ol.wil'.1i ill ,�,C.6, %%,i�, A.-LA"i .tt I I . 111AIL11 in. P0111n. after the Russians Blow on Vle Eitions"r. ' j�adlonitlin. lit- found Ole Utiorsi con- I . 1, ol"itli's weill 1.0 work Th'irsaw ,�Ul`s­ ­ � ill 1-0111WIX, Ell�,'­ ('It , 'WiLlidra1W. � To Russia's Note R4-7�ardlug tile With. Pretoria, Ajlg� 20. - Gen. Baden- ­ntrating ill the Crocodile Al utal L� � 7 U�_:,i�71.1 .L � l llW11ll;ll,L;. . 811-azighal and I -long Kong de- ;!��.'­ au�'. tm)'d &-r � -'I.. drairal of ,,i-tTroops, . llowell t1li-ek, ,,,, forr days ego at- I a ills. I THE nCsl,.%ESs, woni.1% . , 111 i e I)U!,%! of .'-1u!.,.'W1.;Lkr was tin � sliatelies; express tile utmost astollish- Pil ViS, SL'."t. 4.--Frniicv has not yet t1l,"k0d (,Pn� Grobolor, near Warin A force of llo-rs under Coniiiiand- ,1 'I'llortni %�,. �11,-�, L".� ad�lll.ik�"Led a 11 at;-Frul't. All tilt,- rA.-fiteri,,s, con,`zl` d I 1Y I hO l int-rit at -the ide.t of evziLcuuting Pe- _. rt,14 , -1 to Ittissia's note reguraing Ittlills. and thf-n prej'arotl to biN.ouu(- -it brot o throuith tile I�rit- 1� it ". �-11 ollillg ,�is r,­��'kal lit irt__. , .1 ll.Is Attw,-irart 14tu . �I .,ar I4­!.iw, Vo-: poll,N 1,; k i. .ill, ,Lri,htintwal (if troops front 1'e- for the ii;:�Iit. As sooll us It, -,vttv, i.,h Iiije.s and calltiw�i4l tand burnt a �:l . . _1 - .,. 'Kv iit�t'l,wiI, to ti.k, 1',"t'll�;_ . NNJI Aost� f.roal !'rida� n1l.1 Til's";?y The Paily 'Xews auggesis editoriull.- , 4irk Int d el 1-1 I o w 0 I 's whole force 1_1�. 11. lsol;-.,.,,;.e, Alirli,,ter ,oi 1 -or- , �111)111.v traill at 'Qill Ri%'ex' stution, ,, , ­�,jo,k:� Vo,, -rt i.itiio-ml ,aw frt-iit tile (If ILeXt Welt-%, Ov�jnv. to �j s%orwgo in tjl�tj Russia way havo inad,, seeret von Aft.,im, and Ow ItusMan Awbus- lkwdi� a. detour, and at daNvii, was 16 t.tking 85 prisoners. braballi"s ,� . , "_pt� vt, it.lt;;X14 I,il'.�,;,4f. I r.t,.,. ztwt,�Hal. t�-ruls wit h China, Witind the backs Vif ,,i -1.,r, Prineer I mroussil-t%. went to uiflo-� lit Grobelor's rear. Badon- 111(insill jjrove�.dv(l thither alld re(op- �' 'J'�.p ';,.r,,*.,,(, .,,r foi.uk! INit .!olm Thk� Am--vican l'od tind %;ill Alillu: . tim- pa-ri-rs. IL,1,�,uill,-t :les-�t- day to confer up- I'li.*l(`ll t�lli`li"d the lio�,,r telo�rap!� tared all tile prj.­�iwrs. and drove ! I'lie .�0,11.k-.'. Vli�, ,L,i_� fou --d jv:.,�k! ��.'.,.ia -!ov,n LA Aii!.lrson, httl. 'rho Qt.. tulard 0xPrk"es glettiffiv-11- ,,it I%r �jd-nt Loullot tile decoration, 4 line tr.t )'I-- v �ht.rg, and sent ail tit- tho Bliers hilo tilt, hills. � .1%11.11it. � I �ill' L thl* d ._9j �%' �.jS �,J'Q� L. � &�A I �A ­� 1,*Zkr` N, hiirt'�r�%! a -d I, ly wela -re tio. at ,ill, i�.xpII,,natjojj t littl t ' I-eit i-eque!.1 for rti of ,iw R�4,siwk Ortler of Nt. Andrew, I inforeentents. Till, Col. Pluiner dispin-sed a sinall. ot. in- , �Ill 1 -.x al,i:, is');.s­j,1­'a I'll, U. v...�r,- V r,�,., it otit of ekn;+%�tkik� 1. It is I wl�- I ­'t;;tt-, Governuv�nt does not r,.,. _.' lloor cw�ktt-ktlldant lvin-d that a trolin .1t w-vorded 111111 b.y the Czar, Ill -Ando lunder 0l �tnkapdozit Ilrelor- . I e, ., i�',,. Ltb _14.,--, - r .,r ,.- I,�4,, !,- ,q w-! ,h,.t the vlv� re will I -e It r- tippri)ve ­.ussia's proceedings. . woltld leave illinwdi-tiely, i,%tu-rt,ttptlat (�t thc - all'i so plos,-.�t to `ll. Loill, I au vis. ow,t of Ili;� tav s River. rapi uring ..-. � I - . �!,� Ili- S 'i-,v�-ill,�?tr0q.. fnar,f.t Th. 1)�-.& Exprti4s nts'lliAlts anin It len-PtticvAl prqlart-d to wzv'la� t,,, " - pll le,tvr ttvvtjnql�;�..,kiiig the , "" LO Boors. a linukt-r- of wagons nod a � ; t, -.11.11 ..in! .."I � .eot i,,,L., 4.1 Toru'll- , - u.z-� ww ,vith a Xew iorl, "hinanian. 4 , ill,, troin. But tilt, lit)kws li-arned oi tit ,�rafi(ijt. It Is belit,vvd, that till. tioantity of entlit- 4nd ritit-s. .1 ., vr I'A.l.r 444 . T�,-qv It .�ll w� Md � 111, i1nall 110'" stzl%'1119 14 I-011-1011- , , FINAL DAY'S , ' . III,-, pr�­-nce. Badell-Ilowell thf-ri ,,,,,'I givv ol-orti'vity for .,tit ex- -'�iKDOTING. I: 8, -o -0 . 21 ,�.'­4­i Nis' W IL Nvl.o i4la.06 1-i Iturin Olian.-s dupliti- % � I ­v-!tnoncId Groboler"s foreo to sur - ,.j. !.,.,. ,If ,,jle%�,; 'a-hirli will have 1�, an x3 HILLFT), *10 IN-WRED. N, tij� 7ill, of It. r�s , ro . �� ut The Rot-1.111re R;iLngvb .1%it,w 'AlLuAc (tood ,cores ly olul rooled .�ntagonVtn to we',tern rt-,*, -r. TIIP ne-oliations werl- pro- eg,, � I llltf),) tjj�. ,%I:uis1k-ri.tI ineeting " t:il,eE:jnA� -tviiell tit' British - jl� � i ,�o.k n rr� ,�oi t- %�,4tL(- an lkh%li- but 1hinks that the allies havo '34% w, '. tt nill ',iv held 'wre iii,morrow. , . 4� e0linflailder Excursion TrnIn .,-niashed Into a Milk 1 ,.� ., , o * .#little- On Fsrlda.� - . - 1*olp� Scares no Awi­e 'ut to nezottate with libil �Z, 4t Us e,t t' .1, InO S . . . Ave% last heard from. Vr,in.,,e regard.k t,eilee ns tile first I Train on suntlay itlorning. ,,, Tv ,;,r��,7,.A w 4. .va of ii -.1-1-- � mia,,,- In r,etall. or It,) ­elire frow Chinix alfogether. rt-"?'­�Ip of tile .qttt.tioll. but it is' B don-Po*vell Going 11ome. I'lill.tdolplim, '.4,1it. 4, --Thirteen I - c v f I at t, ,,,� A 0 I, 1W 1110 Iflowitz, the Parls corr(- I m, F r,.,l - r "..s. Otlau", 'Wel't. 2. Itt-,l��,Wru Raw, I ti,t tht, %vi 11 i Iln,,turhj, sept. S.-OlInk-kil Bads'll- ,,ft ,,��jtrlq:v et.rIa-ir t - persons hilwtt �tnd n%vir Sit titlivrb lit- � sp -­ihn- t of The Tipw*s. iksq,,�rtq that ;� I ,A' j�,A- 1�0�t3 'm,i -,c�, it, i%­t,,tf- —i - 2..*-�, t Ni.,_%%,f %:,,%,�4f,:4l,,,� %��41t�tj , , tiv. , %t - I - trvo-�s froin I't-4in ' � llo-well staried for Caps- Town Satin- i of tho is jitred is tilt- aI-.l...ihnv revorti ox sit. , I the 4trigai fit Wissia*s tie, Ision it) , I , , , .11. oh , rs , l - �, � r � '. .,,.v uavov.n, NV it t'hw. i:,,t i �'.t­ -k� V, �, 4, 14 thh. �-,nr,­f aud tjmkrst ins-1hod to ' "ItY, rk-ur-ond volliswit' in-twi-t-ii nit exrur- ,% � , : I -rt.,.. , *6 �. t-%"-:- .to Velklu wus her tle 'ire 141 A, - I,',,- 1. . , a It %%"-I- �%�, :b. ­,o %%im qn.,Ii.k-d fibr tail- tu,o-ull .Ar.bills tlk,t rutt, I I titin imin and it initit Intin viii ujo 1. � , ;,T, 'B"I's. fi--ral- 0,e zcl,ewt- of Linpi-ror I � . .!,� rv' V . at i­�, III ,1- rq. �, , I. I I$ , "' 1 ll" 4""I'll""" 6"r"' ":!fiaiat aild to corrvvt thp Wilin!.- Wall N1111t try Governor. f vioruns.ii-a-c Disun.An-immm). I�whlt+t-ni hratit-h of tilt- I 10-newl- .l �0- Vril.i-�,.&t­. .1, If. I' �iw.. 11,1�rr­ 41""Z41 Wbg,I�n ­rivg. 111t. L*11 well itjL�A lfrosiorred It.- III#, IZ4&i,,kr','ts Spr-4'ell, to I lmrn Itnt. St -pt 4. — An %tr4trian 1411.1 & Itt-ildlill! 10�11%16&1.% ZN4191 '&A.N C,V.*� %It�, !.lt", , a. j", . lt,,-x� T."V�11 o 4%,ji'V4 Ut q, tuf.j htl 6W 10!1. -'Z- ji§lklk4L�S * wtvilHoirp, tit Vi,tirror Xiv;iolw, the 31lithn Could Not 4.et the Boer% to N41alft, w",, I lIt'sis'.0 vl� ,�ziays 11 wnrl� III. Witt) ; *,tand. 1.1j)rning at 11.1inpis), j%.. -,-. 411111.4 tho �r�t ,,k",na. ,','I� �t '41 ��t 7:cti. CASt.,1.1.211L.S. lk � i jiLj1Lzo.j%ejij thiI4sI%pkiinIttzt1oA otHt-ld 34 Lnqt %�,, ,rr-�vtli lj�- th,� W-trqjkti ropirk" : plirlh of thi�,4 61�- �100. '.-P-W-., v ,,­,­� 'A a,,.: to . 4j..'sp 1!1�0. Vo%%Iot Kit 'h�. 104vi4 lt%).�_Il , " T4 I "I"rsit-'. t'tl-1,;l vint-walgIvrrok, to tiw 8", !. tt, I at 11404ill. %vi,t.� ,-tj%�%%r� gtwv- VlafJontoirs. Aug. 3I.—Rel,ortft r4:1 "olillit At #1..'i��j lilk- rnit� Irkiiia drim ill) ot 1�.l - . ,,, I k e 1i 'o. .114,111, zlol­ ,I �-, � 0,". tl&' tit ­.og�vt,., �­% , V Q, ,4i! it l'o 49 Oil. # Ut t', . " sngtliliafs'�, S4 t1so. �uIt"4114...W14%nal lroop,�z. fir,� r -I lle�mt. and aillul; that t Iti, , itelivott Itivro sliow (Ito llo,,rn n ' r.. I'to tullk plogritrill ot lll��llohll. 'alki �.4 . s�,4 �_ .%.��w,. l, 1".. _ _tI ,�j %1,_-,�,"&i. Till, wtir�:g ��j,- �vr� ht,h m Pow Tia� d0willt�' thl ewnlutuilip"till"'iI ,� '4I t L 1 A ." � 11641ij,�,r:: it VmWhq�ont p, � th-strartent-d k# I Botha. beVoi'. �11 lb-��.q 111holl luo 111111won tie- S'l, i. 1 . ; L, . - F,l ,'�V'A %IF41i J� '�hl -' tr ',N t i-' WA all . . . %%isql qtp- W11i,h N11.0j'att'r at l'okin - i! -lit. irt I.. w, v,,. -4 ;it Vhtwg 14',r lutgavtt� At- ' �. - #ht, -plil, I. to tht, him.ohL. . Ilt., " I 10"torsotitt tram. rutosillIPA Ot list- 10V � , , , 40' . " ',,�I'�4 a : � (a ll�zt.,4­1� "P. �,t ,.,. Ia— -L -4 �, I W-40 I "l 9'. Uhts ­, - - 11 ." . A4�'.Vp 1"�"t;- 1�?#i,Ui,ll1F,.1"iVM ,.vt tin% %imve, -o th, ,rr -1! hit* %vas ittrued o%er to ' hlittthi1A1,1 *(1311 Of !Iteir Incttm to 3, , Qll 111WIV. t , 110 , f ' "� 1111111'� -1-0� 'd 410to ti -0 : '�, � , 4 I V 4l`11114Z 11, Ii. - . . .1A � " ,k: . "4 tri t � iv a, t. %% a, 'ti,t -0- , �,:# � , )ij I T,, is ",14"'101. of the 02 A Q1, 104nP.2,141. Mlit ill ViL. ."I'd .�. ti�-, .?.1i .lD.*­,, ,. in.0.1. a IW'l Stal�tj Ut NI­'%01VI0VI"--j'L' v -a r tit list, will.- ir, lit. . I - �- hA it- . , r. ',I: �-. , J�l,, ,­, , '11'. uuqlLnil�� qav4 C'�l,,Tf. of 11. ,�",)...�tg� 1phll I.Wk to 11, .1 a- �,t 4. ,� io-jr. ro 0,400a. tho tw,.- - . , L — , lult thtiv 'Vot0d um* flivill iagutill, Ilun- t-Wilite phi -wild throtlif-14 1440 Mil . A � ��, r ll., 9��V.11`i V% i'L" I, o%.P, K,v 4� W to- lw�t #1;,4,,Ao'Ph1 0-ity. � �nl­ D"Ill"g to colp'llait � laing away "tit of ,.ilwille. tonvhot, ard V�rw_htd ths-it, us It tl�#lv � I , A. It ll� I �, ", a"'' �; �,�.. t�li-MVU ­�,�,likl t .1 '_'!q,. tl�t flo:.fif uh" it 1'r",h! ,Iv:I'0. lr';:�41 It, to a 4vIl"PItti, devtogin ATLIN ALI*.A%T WtIOrt) 01'T. 11 ic -�.-.tro ,-ce sholils, Tit- tla%14 var lilt - . : I.,�, I V f ,� . 1, ­ " t to. ­ �q 11 t"A �0,,A 1� � " 5 0, t% 4 1 ,-& ': 0)(4 T,;,,t­ 14k.. 14,; -wa ,I - �- D...,'Pit . ., '-I- (�1fj,.ja.ja*j ,11all ,tja,�(, , � '11��l,,,,.-Itilj. --- 7 T4i:n of 194 Itfut i1�11--al:111gif (;*110=11.4tsis Is , _1AVE a *,%Ig,W%-I.% w tront %%.It* lzi,-ts lls,tily , W, ", 1: - .� �`,, I I - . I T, vu,)AQ�r 14 qlAIkiT,a1LA Ag. fill �, r. . . 11 - I '' . I '! � T tji qwccl' olo "t th 0 1,1�tl 101t Nvull.ar. is GEIS. oz. 11i urowhed. pvtIr 1,11r. -U-11,4. iwdf ey , . �.t ,�� N Hn V ��#, "3 _.� ;, Vj l"n t�_�UL4 ql�J�7j. I'll,, , "o. .�- "t4� . q � _ � 4�D_ l,� A�7U tj" � 1'0 A ,,talb V, ,-a A ILO - 0 41 4 Jal)'LAM, �10101140911 A It or -,.40,9,09. " ­ct v , .. Ilorold N�wllnd, his gin 'llatki Manste 1 % 0 � � ., 1� ,, � ,j' % - I . , .�­ ,, 0 ,; , .10 lemo, illp - - iin I i _ _ l j-. ,,gl jql��l� L�,.`� 1, � ."�jl� I' �j P -ztl,:V Lo, 4 4?0 At 4al llIl,;S�'. tll1w n. I4, in to nv, a - a an to Ulu Per - %, , orak It t' . . .:,f, 4. — 'rho firitish '"t. tsia. J,o fail ig aj�sij %&4Io:,t!u 10.4r4lown, on 'Ut. I - , I I ,,, t j _ 41 - . . .-N ,;N.,%, ll�, , . . I I I .1 %j llv3 ,or, I �%�t ­rj � v . j ­,,t v a F. Iona t :; " ": 4 *VI` ko,t,o 4-41 kiloMov 41pI&F,-r0j1,tj% -akwal t% fivrvalioutol. ' o;o !- or, Asuse re., , i 0 l,.51 0 *�Is- btl!41- thp wta,Qwwor eor siv fb%- ittill', trkiiii. l, 1, ., " . %I , ,,'i 1. .,� , � a I ,W, '0 ,,, - �. '.. - t� o - t 4,1 0�, w­nt, , b,1,#,T,q-1V.41_ �0%k,i,.T-,s"6e 14) V14� ggrdll,;nse� � 41 I w ­u 4 11 1 "u 11%.%4 lltfj� 4 W41 llieawil�. .114 -I'll 1,-1.0 aq Ilk-wul, .. ,� , "'Irre U11 --f lo'l, auol-, � r 111 I L.- , , , W�, , 1 4 u�� � vC ,,li"it; ,6l. C, � -4 'Ai. ;�, `4'1�- ," *,�jl,, f I p ulf- Tt' � �;; '�V ' ". . gf Oh, Tiv�L�il�,, N". VVI .'41 ,'�t,'id ft,,.`) j" .1 W."t. a-!1*..l ­wdaY. Tell of 4"o -e 1!t .1, a'U'lovil till it 16 '11 , !,'06 4, iil�,10-­*-I� f, vw t1s.o.. fw, D'a'. f'w_,-3;0 �, �;� . ttI4 Il'I'.", �!,­,, "-Ou l3V,1jAj1,#j fl] ll - lI. pl�,,, n 11 11f rj '14��lj till't [.04,6# : ,l4, . . I - %, . L�� 1,11-'-4, � - � , 0 (,q ') �1 llja"�l, ,,%�Ftj�'jj oijj�40_ %, 61j.!V*#,l,*j, 490D 1A1lMV0V,q,,l N 4-4 #L jo�,%l�4 :1'4jgj�. - . . Y,�. . to I I � � ,,�- �!,­ �-�,#:As pf,;, ,,,+,,,�� -0,3�,!,)n .- "It" I %I ? "hZZp ,�, d .06I. ozl� 1.'Vwm� lli,�7 !qq- . . .1 . rV &A�, ,4 ut,�gu rif tt,� v . " lij� + l3q ' Ut'!L- th%'_ ."''$'I, I L-��S. -.6-1 liv--w hig .�- It IQ '014. P,ll-awdu 11 V%w Tho em,wt-wil fr�tw wan it ptctiwd , . �, . . _ j� , 0�� * L 1. . ��. , , -1 tt, ,, , -, , ''; L, . 1. _ , I �t, '.­�.;�, ,�'�Ig, 't��. ". W,, , : � ,11 '8,1 - %. ` 1 1+1 1'�4'� fjj*l; g(** v I g.,­A3'%"V:, tho as- o f, 9.444.0" '. L.�Ie, if all!'. 1111�tlr- 40V 11 4 U"Eq, lll� It" J440441 1,0 111al- q I 4 lloullal,�'Vriiu '414t. h"'tIrt'i" To q, arl 4� , 11 I ,. ,! :� " , q "l -11� � '4 ,­ -,v P � g. ao (l ,,,, j4p, 1,"; �qj I a I , EV 0" j, ,,, , 11l I , '. h ,,�. u lirs­'oll - Il'.. *W4 ; .l 0 Q,-qljpea,�.44114 . - . iti. ­ j*IVN rll'111�411 1= U0.91 ger, A� o4ll., r li g"110tive uss 4% ma'..,q or V;.ID*, aul'i � P) �1- ? V, 0;� " ,­_ o L .12 %tQ �n z,- I ,I j 1 Lr,l ", I .,::I a , P,v q j."', .6,v '44- " . ,. _0 P, , , ',� 'Iff ,,, Ia Nq V tt_ ry yct fkj'.­104� � I Ad% vor, 6� �,,#'t,4 44 tR,V 'M We tert. 04 ill va'_4671i, #-_­� u-�o _tub'u' iiink'll,0101 , oa-441'a to lr­t. 09"A q,411"ll.t �-pjd qjjf, hud- , . �, ,, U . �D.. 1"PD, '. L !l -'i , "')�,A�1, a''A "', V;.q-q , ,I 1, rl"'i I- n0jul i'� Au�. tf�, lit `,4_�*, , r-cial ��lvwl� Q64- � ': I_ 41 , I F. 0- �,,­' IT :_ 11 y ... 11 "t" ,49 8`0,1011 4 ,�Ulo at tj�il,il Ili- locl.. Uell li­�. ��­ ­j'r, - Ia C. , UV�6`461 . 'IV -, .. V� 1,,.-I, U44i "'Ov.-D,W, - bs of ip 0 � ll* I .1j. � , , ,` 'l�.,.il_ J��z -1 - 11- "r - � ,�� - a ,h ", -vl�g,,, '4- ul ',-'-. 1.,Ircl �Nall- , ­ ,; .�, 1 � I � 0 jet'i 17"'. - . �. L Lef 11 - I , - � !4gvj I: a ia� to '. L �31' a'A �1, eqw:- 1!�, , ,­ tL5 a t!".'11'99't ABOU'At ,�4,0, fa.,j��ja ff�j -0-01 I " %i4 P"C!'i) � r kll�.' nlyq 11, im 11., - ,,;� v�, 07 .4�, 1 7, -. .�: 1_,tv, �s ll'c dka� ll."wM �, n !, , .if- 1, -, ,I ,.I ,�,� ''. ,., I I l ., r-� 1;,�d .1q1" 'A �le Io`�.LS'2 " � Gen� 1"ut:,rch lu,,�! e-tv"104"d a 19114i rUldflile, �-P�4 got I,V,e 14, eats 'Wetrit 441!11 - l�l , - ! . . ". ., j, ", � _ ., !�', , - o Q � "" , " , r'. , *--t, ­'],,,,'�� 91:� � ' Il'!: -­ '1'b," I (" '! �, L'ill!cn,� ,�f I ,,, " lf;, Ia. tl;a,ot,�k* � . . N:I, I . of th", I 'I 00 , ,4­f,vt,� on", I ft -� i'l% 1U U -W 1011:i4 U. -A haM § , a_n! o"t, g ulk"i C o Ula.41,54 41f .&T,s4*,Pf_,v *9 he 61.&t tar a , � .� uli-11 ,,!, W", - , . :'il 4 -.' I - 1 , , tL 7L- il; I *,l- �,., '6, ,;,"'. . a­,-Il,b*�,jwl� ' t ,� th , "" , - Rt,,,�.�,�. in * , I,, � �," ;j �, I- ." L,��, IV AnCur - et_e ,at V"'oi".��vk. "Ve-2,10049L.01te Alsopo-1-%dl- a . tp pla 1'%.�.�,J'a jqvfqk�tf till 4,t.vq W jttp t5tj-.'vr 1 .-- 4 .,, I �, A I-'! , ��* `!'�.V�,Jqfll,krc� , _ ,Ir ,j, _ ". . � . - � I � � l� _ : �! ,�L 11, .. I t,m'&'! . �0: ,i,.:, I .10 'j, - . . " ; 11 "4 ,� .. . . a !_Cv� 1: �; -1, . I e .1 �lll oil , 0 � tv Q� Q* *- W I vy, �lls� � . . of f iw nre -.al p9j., o.,O., -ioul� I "t'"tvc vad 11fnr otdo-4 1i b'�,,, % f. 4 .%oft,cm itl I . J" � � 1l"j,l- lP , 1 , . 0 ,,, f", I'.. I �- :`l# U ., a - .-,i at- ii - tl!.,. ,j "�,. . . h".oq,j,� ct,.,e_qP A �, �, ,,,, a,; .,.,. 11 IN � � , , ��;,l,n ;11�!,)rd 111outi'll- TV t�,,,Zr ,T -q OT 11��,��t4 Qutoi gote.uil;hanl 1(oV1,11 fl�Oj .... ii�j.-I,�jk' fR,,­­V,l1D-IlWA. ___ 4, ' %. !� 3- ll'. '.!�., - "", : '. , ,."� ", L. 'll��!, ',­­ " S`7 � , , t4 1'. t t',�'. L, ', . N� 44��!U - _11, t':a - - ,­ ,,�_ �a,, Q,L�,� 5- .- .� qm_ tL,A'�t,-�� kjL_ � . . � . . . . Ll l..� . _ jtaS,4" .�o ,�- R ell- LI!A %, , '� _�J�ff,(,j S �I%jj ate � t, t.�,� lisa t .� , : ,,A I � 12t � ,#,. _ * I, , , " 11 * - 1--� _*itno jl�?j­_olto,p4 %% o,r#, tiffl, -,13 *b O.P f t - ". 'j, � 1 , . 1. .�, � . o ,,,,�. ��­ V 0 - Q I � � . . ...... , , �'j -d l! - .� �, t. , tau tc-�44�,i� ;,!,ku ta-all t tp)-�,�q��,.��j 0;,l'A_ _­ , � -5 il�ol � ,fqUvil I ii, 9-- !, N -z , al.. Ilk" "i . Aukdva­ kXl_!'t. Ha:�._jr 1�% L"lj­�tt",�ai)V, jj��'�I�,�E-tta� - , , � ttvn tral,8 kgrd trm, otl-ra it, zhu�o �11 - � " " -!",� -., :�!21' a,jfn1�,Z.:,, .� *fi ­ P"_',.., 11116q-,`#�- - ., . .�. I - " 11 ­ - 1, ;,- �! 13�-,�! . , Blt q;,. - I -1, 4--b a, L � . , a � ;, L"'. ,it 6 B.. ,,0�1' 1404,� NT"M­ , -al 'i.l� n" Illits Gl­_ V-(,,!�VA,, IgUIA 14.V'11t:-"­,,4r�1l "r., 110 r. -I - I C­atr-kolq tvote ?�J,�41�- M11tahmad, I � il � �: V, __­� -. tZ, "!l, ;; -i . I,- �-.,. 4 ­ t- . t 1.--� t D""', itl 11M "tiit� ,zl,t � .1 j I , ­ � . L� � , ,L � � t , . I � - � t�- " 41 tg�e V ."! , � ,. 1, 4 " t'. � Ok" t - _,,; am, !4-ot""qr ...... � illv* Llrftn, 0 2.110 v� lik P :��u 1�1" � � - �, -, 11 - .� . � . , ., j,l, A , .' .,. "I � - 'i., � - lit," , Ai"r �., 6 i �', , !� i l , t : � I - I A q,: ­ �. .. !�t - ii!',', , ,4" , - '"' " -A il- '�%l, � .%t . ,,,,, . I , tft L'V.' !�'tl " '-�'"`-.' '�['�- C41 I - I ", 1i �­jA, t,vj , - ror - - ,, " 0, � , - -fl- ii TWO 14111114V Will.11t, RILIA1*9. .. r . I � 1" , " I!, �, it' _! ..t�,zl - tr� ,,.,l , �,, , " . ,,,'It�.­� a." lij : ­ -i. - I - �_ . I ­ It i)q- teti, . 11i""r ­ �'_3, ".l'.: � UW4 'l4a'V�Q,% %% , 10 oto tuo- D!Qvo Ld -, 1 V, . .-' � � #h hn atvil t 1" S12 42 """I "'�T 11)l." &,.�.�- - it I . �,�,�l *� '� ,, " , , . '?, - � . _ �, ��I, l!"'... d t,' ... , , n ,.--!..Iv I � - _ .. i:� __v_ - !, ��, t, ,':'�, � V e 1_� , , 1� U61, , ` , , 40 - jvllt?�IuL IV, t.."v- i:.,,1v,,zU,,1.,0%�fi0I,. Nu,,V000 , .� - ,� 1'��Arrtlll D!mliaillo to'-tillo-gota Olt flip cot- , I . 11 : , ,�7 7::"? t. - ,,,- :,�. ,., ­". I '. , :.��I,l� 1! " r� ':1 ,,-, zf- 11�­e ��t , - , ­,� "., " I .' - ; " t . �. I ,., T , r I % �,,r'., � , If. ;� ` ., �, . _lle . , ', - � . � � . -1 . At' ii !A !, !19 k'��o Al"hu ll_j� & "n trnr, h, �U',J­­ �-q ot� " C,al,-J.4 U'. P � �; ;'A:�_,, , OT,- - 001pa lunp at .sh-towwo.j. .. '.�'*,' . "'i .l. � 0 ," '� % I '��­ � : � 'j' I ' , L II �t l,r") ll�� �� ,�� , ,.� ri Ia q t, , . V, 4,0 ' , 0 -,� I . 'L t'L " � C Q C t. � ­ - - . I �1_ _* �!� _ j - , . - P 4 � �, li,�, ll v � N� -, !.: Tu & l,i,. - - a_1l0'11',`tl- -, -,ZV'�e kQ � ,I *11i , ojk4 �U I 4 � 11 [Le taft �- I - t �,j 4ZIIV � 1, , - .1 I - � I" , , , , -, ^ - 4 \,Vol �-., " - r��.­ ,�,.' ., I , Q ,1� 7 ­ �,:"_ - , l'�� " .- � ot,� ,9?.�z V9'�, : " I , -n . , _ ll,l.,4 I-, ,4% - t �.� ll� .�-, r.",0", . 11 It '.. r4 t"ll, � 16 , -.4"l � f �� *L�J��rntotlz, llilal., El,',tpt� 4.—A q0r-,v.d- -, � - � I . � . I I it' �� _�Z_,_ * :, - ,�_ i_.`� �� i '.-,,,_.10u., lit 53 ti -v , ,,-�-- ,, - n,l_ �_: , - � " - ',' ,-. � , " �0, . ,�, � L,,,, to 1,` D, "'7,," 11. r�i p,�tro4lf�� V�f :-w�.C-­ . 1474 atl+"(.�,l m.e1Qrt,-,,-4 ll,T-`­; -4 V.,,-,,,�Wg Ia , " -e ., I;J, MQ, , r , . MT , �ll4.i�qv 'a. -4 . 4rZIlarl-, .1 , . .." .. K � - .�, -o,,,ll,i�,v uo -�:% i - - I . , I . .., T T,- ". Lt. , - p� _,A,)Az :e il�;,Jro`�Vq��q I�N::­JfJV�'�J_ 20 jjjj�!Vf' # Q ` e - L, .4 , .,­� 11 _!�. Dn�q. s t, ­!­, aud v_ I 'PeAl "'alv ell& I V-' _40, - L_X-11-," , ut U� . _ ' 9 � - - .1', ­%*o,� ­­� " ; - I I _. . 11 . -JIV. I L . .. � - e", 4 ____ - �_.. N�i 14 - - �'Azd�(?q-N U.� al, 11 -�, �­ .rv� 044", and %j,_,-ai stc_�, n'h4,19 ,:, � 5'.5 j.. Dul l), -,,g -r. A I ']*%t fy raven. Ira P, !Te 44 M�u'qyre und . . . - . � _ l . �- q - , � I 1 - -� ." , '�T� , - , - -, --- 9 �, -,�,:1',19, 4��_2; V,tl � : � - . . I - ­ U 1'. � - .. . V��,; . - , N .. n ,­! . ,��- V, - ARREST C F C 4 U �W_l L 1. - , -#, -1. 'I : 1 S4. .e - I" " - Igi,:%�N:ll n'!z- _. - -_ . � I 1Ir 1l0.vnPs,0iv, of 111,�Irtvvn. uvrolt ffirt�,.Aiirtr If It— a',0il hoio�q in Lu% ,* � , : I , . . � . . � . ---- I I , j� .. !, I ,'�,_� �, &_- I.. I., _ -, � .�, I ;. 'Will 'tll,#r ve , . . __ I . '1, L, � � . 19 "ZJ,L- J.11�­-,_-, Terra. I !:l, �-,­ l� Dro'.- "--,.I nit To"mfo. 4 Uum 30 rAtiftlit. � �Mjnf,. and ,Cverd, �Pu:f7n,z ev-slq Ion tlie . � , .* L ... - �Z�z .. � Vftiltd the-AcsMaLtu Uv-1L,ilv:cwafhear.,fI ,, ,!,. � ,, _­ - , � "t. S fl,�. - .. . . V '114 '1%."-" ,! ! , i gT I— " �. j_��.,.,10., U 1 �134 GID P' ­ . . , I 1'!,nOor `4" I, - :I'-- ". Z'& V_ -v Tev". � ,,,, 13;05:* 0* grelf. of d, Ilrorc-reo, S4jvt. 4� - Lav,irf-wv Rq�­ . a '� le ,­- , _ .. r , w '. . . "� �­ P 'i . - � . - , - ,�. - 21,,­�,' I - 4 . . N, _'.. . �.r_ - 1, r 1. - .11,rr.0!,Tt. l;'s t, k- , ,,,, , , I 'Al r Ava-* lchelittg<-d Wgah .4 ompik ial In 't 'I ILE' 44 s - I o, n 14 _V)d I � 4t !,t .,'��Oiitl t^fVot 4+.;!e. P - , - '_ r Ili -, %,-,n of V4 ;".i�,"Va 1134,170- gre,er. % '�T��, , o ." - A . I � VID llro,U ,V.*f-1(, I ­ I - . I ,,-. ,­� - r- , . -, 'n ").".1 &7­11'�e 1� I - ". .1 I - . �� - , - 7- id ,�.4 'u,'... 1, Ilk" 47z Atftf4%s'02_a IA'"IE01141%. . il;,iard �;,n fel,­_�rit;- l; ji 'Killk!d tinr 6 , I- Ivy t his Ill -v "llr, ""! r .,I� iia""11,111, , , IDS lll;al v I re, I weli'll".. -1 � 11�r �-"E'.'t. ... l.o .. _ . .. . I I �, , , ..! ` I V " - 1. ��',-., � ,��',t__�,!g� 1Aj . � I I ,.,�.,.�,� t,,il�* - 2 P.%..' �i�-�,. _­... , ,%,,';N_.:_­zC, lle�tln, 1�1. I , I F b'(-' ,qVi I- 4 av4l i­,� It mot 4 -'en 11'r trhe qrfiz�k � I'l 609n �,�, 1, ,r,l II..)!iv-TI�, e �, 4 Wq'ev,iT -4--', A - he 1) � S*Pvr 1riall. &�� jV4 - - 0. _�. 1-,-�, g T'i, lik'E,­_ fj�` 1, , l` �, - �,V;, ­ � ....... Iltli q �� z , " we #a go 1 g -lrl,� iftlo,if�% waitfig -it t� -1 .. �et�,,% fir J.".0.,-- lf'j,j�V , lr�lv jv,fr;�r A, f In at , , �, I � lya�._-:. !'I -J_ - I*F- _4 .J.- t .,;D", -de'.,V"'+4 " R,; --r o! a ��e 11tor, f . 9's:,z-g TZrA I ,�Illt-h 'akl�� jire- " . . _jrV jj.,! of l.jq1L%,_ .4i , 1 ; 'IV 'k.: !;; ;Bs ;."�I.V.1,14, , 11, I%ij4!Pk o-io, Se pt, 4. — Ortlor.1; Ljj�a ;jjj(j Ijal V, jj " 0;Tajl;fj Ira- '.. '41, . 1: vli:�.Ilu_ A :*�' ;,__ .7"u M A .. ........ 4otl , T 9'4,4� e. ,tI- Z,;�6 I, I Ic ",;, 0 ,�',� .�t',!S',! .,Iju� . * I �!Cr �_,r an,� F% S-:�,�- g- t, Wd..&. 4!r, �,� , . - 1-"Q�.',-� t1old .491t 't R. 'Mi7IT'!l'At'P, V( ­'D ; rll�­U' 'ff'r tlg�- 6 �- e­,lvq n 4.1 r;,0T%-a­ .� h.- e two, 4 , . 0 14"-.!,�Vf irqw.v F'1. 110,41-rl­ I. .. . I., - . . . . _.. _ -, O;A.. t.A,�'A , - . 1V � .0. 4�-, � 4r,j Nei 'l-he.aza i�v tf�-�­." , - .A V.,kt 4 jj_ - � __ 4" �. jq­.!r-�-tq of I I '. If ,irfvp� -,, (,,I -!,w" 0 �h. i aiand te�,,­-r.�I� HT.,,�i. al 0: ;_�4- fit_i: . . I bl;7-g by thI, Hmq;5-izin novell fr�T­fnrq 17 ' '. . - L .3 .0 - ......... , ... � . , : � � %2' �JL :'.". ' "I $1 �'- �'a , ..-- l- 13, Z*a- 'co"o -,,,,,it�. , " at. � , , :'. , ..., � _, _ _� j�:..%__t,� 1'1�. . . _ 3�' ­ 11 T, - i�_ V_rt. i��c�, - ,�' I � . : i � ­� � -3. iMiz - _� U - do, -ea", A";; ;�, C '9' � l,ers to on --f-t%t;k1tiA 11 tiwtr f, al Vraljor�4 sl-r`p� gjrgj- wl�joju -v il r4%,- jh,r-�� 011a ,A; - I . , .1 I . A!,n�­. �:e. I � . -:. - i � =.,- ­ ­!,, *.-�-... _ _.. 403 *�rj t�,,_ .C.;�at--_b. - v4hxe I y si�.il; or fn��v,-f�;;. 11 al,r,j"tyt-. .�nllr--. 'we -.14 1,�j,�- bi- ' % �.i-­Mtqte a lio't.. t!ial bp tke croviser - , , �� . .� I . , I " 7' " � _� ; , . . 4,: � ?!�­ �vlc 7 i'l �*E .­ ,� ;,: t-, Is A .- Rf,_. 7�41,- 102. ligt ,,-I,- .1"o".A. li_-­t. *­ 15;. E. 7 ' I � - 14'. 9�.� .,g 'Vt' _Cr -�,,,;-,4. , - tor z,' U 14 �. , ,�fo I .. � 'iLi.ae a;4!' ,., P; 1, JIV jlt� 3 .l, Al . AtDce 'IE'll" *W01't_,`!9 r -.'l`1 t in 'WhIch *' 1;re-`-, � Varl)��g hf,�e-re b-ir Tr,lrmll acrell', ltDirv,o _L n' -f" a �. t, F, �St,­C�2. - I � , I - I I b ;1 I .. �, ;_ _*�, - - ��. . � ,l . , l , - ­ lh-,­ Vg;ta,a_�e ltl..5-4- L��' ��L,r�-ann�� f �__ . 7':-. .. -'.-;.I: ."I_t � "T o?- .j y. 5,tr MO."Ji, QJ; _,; " .-7' ;L n CY �,lt-�a­�'n -.1h,n , Qjl1'�;1i,.,ArS Dt"r, , t.,t #7,0, J,�.'S��;i""� t;or�-#.,rgat�.C.n�. 'I'J25 - fi.q I _1� it i5 I. �j�c� I ,�I�i T-c -re, s:-"h ­,g, iv.i,t ,,*vvve In- .1. I ., . �� : - ." ls C � . ft� L, n- *-c, %­Z� �&r "" 0" , . g . -.. 4-0"�_; 1:',��'*' Q, III - tl,,�_S. '�!�eyr rf��4 , - : � -w ,��,_"-.4_- ,bf L,L�� Q- � , , 'rt_,�Vj� , .l .1 -we"e thrvr,�-!M ft. " tli-.e ,wa- I .e de" - a'! "! it,le� - 1!6-?. C41 ttv�,�_ r*-­4�1-lq jr, - o'-,-qp, i,%ro irj,e 4o,,T­iro,,w ,wgzileh I­,,,pnienod , - - . 11 �, - - - t�C'!��4�rly J�' . , Q ia_d L,as ". . _,� � :. .V. , A ".. � ,#. t - 1-1. A;, 4 e - �Tw �.v - H�,�� ,,:,a,R,1 ,�.- i] I ".e � `__- -S . tt-T. .% q5th il.�, ,,- 0� e't v ,.Czod IV- ant. . e, 1. 4 , Xtiricon v:.zter,.�; &-aft.-4! t; ". r ll,.�!� ; 4:�r�y, � gap 14 q t! -t,,,1, -t1V1gl,r_jj t�,.�? El-t:�d . . 3' �'.�l . � T � ' 't'­1'rQ 44-';_. �7 I-. `�'F-4;�'. J4L V& I �,'��,� .-I 4,-1'-'. 4z,��.#�.�t.� '. ,�" ­ � � : . ...'I * " - . i� . - , - . 1* - ,,,.. T., : 3,,_0.' 1, 214! VA _r � . --,,va�,,?- fbfall5ly 0- . ti -n C%"ll all Z.*­1L11.q4 I '1v ��.ur*:S, 1:� - of 1�2ill�, JVX ii C e , , _ � Ano,f'L ad d- z, I - - vio; I - ei- sz � - � . -�- -w-p-ore e�-Hniq?is l, I I V_ �_ t)d _ I . 1_ ­ 6' 1 I ��,�. Ile.,�,�. T%ez4l�y' A'. - 29._j,[rli_. . �2 ... �,­-- UJ , 1 Z '.`��, fvw� lr4- W-1.1. 4-o%l: - 't L, � " b.-�, tv N . 012 -r, -d 1',n�A,ia� af�,.rnrm-j _'I'lls ft,-J1.r-2n-gaWV %-.III IV4. dirq,q,r�z� il ex I. - wn- cr.-!,?"�0a! N-41 '4ilf? ToDr ItE­ rat,tv ... ..; , " .1 L _ " -] ­-, ". : 1, A. j- . . t - . - . , � � � ­. ,, " �. . , ­ Vr, �..�'�_­_'L .7 � D.- j D. .j,n - tt, t,; 7!�l 1Uld;0_­ , I - I ..i __ is ,E­.-.,.l,�,f,:i ,�E , ' I .11%a�A SLACr. 0 :�CV,:",*��' 11111'41!1. 01:.n.15�- , %,t ,,-,.;i. 17 cirgril L4q #wt�-,Im di­ileed UpAr. A savq� - - -. - 1111� �X V *Z, � � r- .t '_-,,i . ­ ��!,_'.i.� S_a�,,,.f"l! 4 -, �­ l, , %,4 �-�, - ,,� �, .-%� . -17-. F t�'%C,2�� t�,�.. t.,�,_- ��,I��s. - C�j t,., J05lia 3KIt;e-:-. br;?t,.-.jl,�r� llo:�11 hlls� 1,z2P4dwz- aeorfcfr-� ,qn�,, V-�at thip tr.,r- �,: 1,ama�o,d <,Vf,t-sj of "_'��', knols fnr Ill hours q,-, , . . .__ q�z-_ 4;�% $�.7­0­ A diu�?_'�I:�2, .Q. . . ap-v.jk Yu 'Lls�au_ Gali,�Ymf'j' ,cff ,i:;"�,.,xr,g"�,.".-., JU g_ D.'-�� .71 r 1,*�'_", 1�,, It, ^ ' I . xe. sla,er, �Wkli� Wanifl.-r Got-lall. : ii,orntl; v. -hie -,g. -,;`sz'1j-d tn.at. pl.,oe or 17-e' �-� r,r-q,7q!*,q N- thf, C0411nact. Ts�e ve�- ; I �:77; - . - :- _�� ,, ;9, . �]", zn,, t`,_ .� V� ,� �' t! _,.,1:4��__i 4,7:- . 07-ap, 1-1 q r,'�'_%'. 7�-­. 4,Z-, a�u, tv Ir k._�S SInt a _=`&-"Of�L�'� ii�l *I"'-- t.'.."�:,�,� - ' elrerft.g of A�;g. 29 ol�d gm-alf-r dk:r--4s'te1 e�:qe&et,d this ly�- 1.6 knots fnrsix 'r;",Jom..�s 1N4,.-4nT,,,:7F and Sram%el Jar- , - - I : , I . � . ­­ ,­,� �`I­* ,�-:_'.,r '. �,�.-: ,0� 11 , �.. 4�!r-1 -5:479. S-Se*g: C a. vto)- 0, 14" g�_q,Jng for a r-_­1:"Uj :07 I'a'Ang �_ I � . , . vi;,.:4. -�t_:,jl :s­.,j::,,:;,.;��g ,h,, t3i, P4.n. T,',,.e � o4e, ti -an was at firpt r,,,,jor4,l,j1.. T, e � esq�s:r-cr,itive hours, wium the ao* , I - � ideot - 11 . . I t _74, I . 1, . ; _; . 1� ,z�, "! t_�, " . J, �J',�j Ox . . -. n"Vz]l 52 fort-i�,ne:s ra..01E.r his P.-Gj,e,,_ , I , -, - Str-,, e�,,-11-11-l.-N-: 11 M ,ij-511LI. 4r�l;V,fi. 4�;4. � - " � , - la�t­ia hzz I b . f n the vrailf I r. , v,,jeI,4llr oT I&I%ple I -d is _ ! t're ..I, -& -r - -ir -5110 -,-,fire nij- " '31eeurml. " " * *­ . - ,?..-.' - -A w' , I. n'-- 'j". ­ -1 � , ­ IS .�_;6,� - - .'.'- -!. 1*2f .�, %. � A,Aal Ecr b-' #L9 a'�c-TW4­�.,i ka),I- fr- � -4:1 JX s,�E ��. .�. 4�4, 1,4r,_ ., ,I "na . 0 Slla"Vr ,V;Q,,; Y'rnins 1,1�ar '6�e ftst *stinuale. 'I ,at, , & ,:m _. t, � , %E;--ra - -, te 11 ! If . 11 . � - . � Att.a,-. 1. 4;�t%`.,. M,-L�J': 1`.,� - !4, I W 11 �A &-:� Gd, tE_L.t. s, i ,r.d v-11, h ere". ; s and vank - I -q vr#�Opg U? dt-ru'g-rt a terril-1, expl-ri- ; <:h.,anysion Wrost1ler Hililild, - - . 7.l� lt.7-: " '. � ' '-: ij-_Z,4, !%,A,*j In L..-,Z.a::.& S_:�. 5.1dV 1.-�,Zl;4 4%."'t 0 F, lu,.vf'�L�'S.,,3, 4zrd. In I.La Pir&vDs`o.. J, Goi�vru,�.ej­ es- 'it' : ' ,c-,jjgjya-A,,n-, faNed tf,,4 restme hha and ea,,ec.. ii Ct;rravraP, 0zA.. 'Fept. 4. - W. H. I I I 1 '.: '2- " 4%. V.',--'1 J �1 T',�-',:';, 11b. 41%, 4,41, 4' " I 'r ,; .L -- � "' . , I - . -.,�: , ��, !,91* ;I C, d ]Lt... ea..% m,�iww ifty 1- 6 was dro "t, 'd. I � - " - . 1 I. - 3, _4 % ,0�ujsrs, ,jhr� ichalrupion collar ttnd al - t4 ,�,, -, ". . . le, cla E , 11, ziqt%h rllarmtoyl 11hV4..A+a. , , !l1'_.P"­_.;_ V`.,r�s 4,-02- Vsz IS ­:Zz Ilr,� �,I- ."I'l �­.;,l 9 - - I!. '. � - rll� �'. � ., , 1w _. a --. e, I .".j..:SL!. a a S�' 140- 0_7 t�Ie ci,,y a��_ . 4 t­,l-,[:arl Nvrpstl,�r ., Li.rT,f. :��-�,- "R.'�. i.-,.!;'3I,C. W 111:­I�!%. Isl VW � . 6 W � b,)w and catc-K-as­ea � I . , .asr-.ra. nl:.,S­�Icland, Sept. .3. - - � ".: 'c_ : ,,,, -___:.. �.­ ,.r 11ye, -,I- �ts i� . . Z,I�rra Iltz, U" 1"%t1,.',r 1Aj'i 914; 451; Co z to lorm .��. a S ,'� I.',' 4i ..dir. .6a. . L ': . I" , (, �'l , , - j �- .-.-.L,Z L% -07_,� 4.-,1k; 01;­,:,org'; Al j As in 1,T,e ee:l;,.­o,(-j-, frvra Mr. :ltalhl:�f,t 'wants 1* lisesild. I � of 1,4�jmtdzt. Is repi%rt,�.d liffis-d Vear I -a I Vc.minarsdo- iingie - Fonril, it' .rof�f,T,,�ntm, � � - _-_z-_,no_n-,�ed ,-�� 1",- ,_;:­ , _., , _:� - tj� 0 . Vones--tion, Qnp., by a. rvrnawav at- �,� -1 I�f;.. 3!;�,:­,��_,. ;;,b P.�_'A. 44:p. I"e:.ftn, d.;t,ed Au;� 22. Ch-,tri�z 1,J j,a,,; �,atv;ajn, ont., $f -:t. 4.-4fti-r an � r.j e­-Ifsr and flasfwo�,W'-, togc,tht-r Irlih � * I �r . , ei'lept QWnn jornterl.,: ra n' the � I Tj1Irte,t.ntT2 Won the CizaWsUlf. extenrlm_g are - -1 I 11; I.,. V- P -:(, -r ,d l,;�e Xort;�- lt�t,n arr,o_tc-fl. asd it fq 6:11k�t' p;,.S�sjt,j� Vlne'15 .- o,,er u.,any vve,,-Zis. 2c(V of 7�s-rlrin's st-outs, rn% or v ina , f *- -Ii -to -n I'lotel here, and let, for La 'into . - I , . . I I . t-,., . : 1.� , ., - ,�._­ a-_ . . % I"-. .Z1 G,�O,,,.�!­i gt"d nrit:s"h .-h,�J I wat,rl�, It. way Le V�e "I"n!"e V��iz..,­ r4� � I -4 , ­ � I . I,oyl_-_-t (111am, le�eal AIj �:' . ir-fn- the Prit;S1, garrisen at I.ad--hrand. Que, tl'e 1'(inr(Iptinn, 1 to go I , I I � . ­ %t a* rK:"-,_,l%"1.�n Of fa" nepry. I;as i'd aw, Y yW'e,r,'a,c Tt Lq r,r-,,,ort.-e t1vat t! -.e t '­,�� � " - - f A F . . - I F roops have '. 4 I -t$ olp-�,n ti,I tec-'..-S of S�x W-Vil, 1;�O*­Corlls- fe.-red to 1:r� tll,e Pe'eI.n d -,s; 4-tth t� (Iti I - 11.­ftt�'erirg linsins-5;s wtth his brothet- I �,,l� , 'o'. �r, ,� 1. 1, v: �, �, "i -_e i�.. . - ,,l. . I (,-. rL�.�-i alla fl.. Aug. 2: , a-, eliel -.V.V4-ir:T,g to % lln -,-I,,,- . I 11-�1111," at an on"Ir ho" �r. 0'- kjI 'Rnd' tWz-10-43 tit.- t- stoirop..Q. arld it js i -- 11 I V.... - - w. I , ' � fr-larr, a �,Tr. Lard, and thr�v were bt-st feared - . : .. be � POLI I it s-_V_41%A"IjLN. iG,.,.;�a5 C -a- Zza 50,:�& lr,tu Zatt., Irse., Ao,iat6,0� s -w I f 11 I, -,e aY&�;, tt,nzz,r�, rt".01 C40. , T�ara wa,q one of tl.e cftiZens of that tl ,�­ v�fll cozaPzQac.d to 1 ,�arrrfrg! or an evvInsive business at . � .-f V'. T. Gztas., I .e -t T� 4, l','_ il , i, ��s#�-; % �a � � e.;* have * ' t"lem is a Prince (!-Irg. f�.V.er of Ti_.' . � 4:;-11. 643. ,C.."tz _�IIV and X411A ConnI.Y. Born i., wirre.nder. Ger'.orvl Hunier is hasten- � .� the tiane of hf,, death. , _ I-, k . ; � . , �. . - I' .11 1. � 't (I � r 1. l,' v, I, �,. - 5 n. s Jv. 71.5, W - *1 0, n-,j�, iwjk, r42: $2,, -5� $23, 6-tb 1.e.r­aj;p.,-re,A, I o. -d .aL�tc-rlejr. cf, ik-e, F,-,., ar.0, in 1��-23. v.-I&n Ing to t1heir relir.f. ,I Lankish "I 1� - � - .-- _ ,.-,. � . ­:- e , - � S I �:,:.­r ,r,,.p .42 I h'- rl;. 4�1-: $'N-9 4'�,�;- 'C11- f".0 couit� anej r�-Cf-n '�.,� CG ­L2 . 11 " - ue, r,j ill a I)o*- he ,tat - ., .rge tv, Canada with . I -l'i'lorlLin V -Ated. X)r Ir.. 0111y"' , - � ­� IU4 I, . I . I ". t 4;;& tl .,1%'-% �'-� .e, ,��,13 1�1.:, 4'ltvrio; az ki!;.�L U,;,:.,.n,�,e .1;i;`e'3,, =� Of VILT" Pe:Jrl fe.d fori.e. IP Ati,r O'- - I* is f,,,,r-�cr, -V,-,e latew ,rol. W H#>W OLlvn'.R WAS C1APTVR'FD. I Iler V:Pxiest��It Diirhv4yn, Sept. 4. - Ye,t-rdft�l at . " , , '1�.�, I 4- "'.. o_ �'r-.,,.a� . � 'i , ,& 21*144.�. lr,,ra An�aree. � z - 4�41)aatll � N, -.r - . L -I �,n I � 11.1". X.T.S.1w. of __ I the 11!�,eral 4Ci it�,d in Tortin- rit'ht rolo.t" .1dr. (*Itught 28 Boerrs as lxhty -inve,,itioll here A.Ir. �4. : 47 -he R,e,�:L,!ient, who d I � '&IcKei � ,,�E.rs�,w -li-nie, who 23 3:ears ago nfilni- , 11 to i " I ;" im,��,7 , soxk1c ye."rs al"o. Isee(.e"etl X'­ftaL ras,wil in Single File, .9 '.� ,f] I ..Q i -,--,q1 *� convolliz;on stock-.1'Uh", ��'�_i� t. - 1. - Captain ,Taxi'_SvG TO SATF. 131PEWAL PAL&OR. hatilid l3r. T-a'siderldr, e:,prossod the I Cant0a 1CbII,,,gv i , I ; ! ! V*- "� 't�,tj �-ir Ti'� i, 24 d ("-rl- Grenwt;A telvg�"phsl the lolicylvfi'�` . . . � 'Nor- edu,qed at rp-per . , ! T.ondon, �;ept. 4.-A Queenqtnwri I ,4.,iw�nro *witl, 'whiph lip again itorai- or j� , I - .,- V ert-frow, was sh "' ". .i 6at - fq zlpxt u,,Et__A.6e heze from, ;S�,erv,ue, , :�,� t, �6 �w� or tlia hisimbers of Tsuug Lt Vallum Negotualu'. �, X el"d gralillat,r� to the bar. ; &iipatch, ,dated k*rida.y, descriljp�.; the I rigtferl the desetor 1�0�o, in a short ad- :'-o- :,-fr i_,,to,req !.z�,E:e a. long ,,%40 ; I - . ,' Witu Allit'sY Gelmmls ly aftl�r ejollf.16 I draniatic capture of Gen. 0 livier dur- !,Jresq, confined a,1t0,,!7e to purely � . .tl!er l$� ­� . r:", z "�i-,,,� fl,v b�n-�-r of no I,Ai.dri,e*s butty 2No. 4 lists been ruald . i � 11:1 tbe Boer attack on Willbur.9, lloml matters, acc-eipted the nornina- , 1. lit P�:� I -olitaltis the 6.1o,trioz- Pelin, 26� via 'Shanghai, Suit- I _,, : .. 1.j ! 4- . .lug. .jf,�A�'. fr4rtT::j t;jP jlm.naor. r'. ' l3iiTy 11. 14) P.W., Orov;­ic�11-0ur vo.rAge 6,,-, .cjjos.� 8whi, .Na "I'll VIC11M. . rig and Chung . ,r,969 Deatlis From MOIOM ' Light Queenstown volunlem,rs sortled 'l tion. I ' . . AND CEL-11MINALLS. ,'ww %relf s,i far. Are ru"V .k. an RILA12 de . . f: .,.;, P pept. 4,-Ofllc��il returns front the town and toolt uli a posi- 1, LT, r.uwtbcrs of ti�e Tsu.ig Li Vaiijen, I Bombay, . 0Mz-ii .Ixlr�q.,�. ty 1'.evro � reacher, of 21.1y Wi(,-tr4,;. OxWnA d:reetioll. ll,,.,b I . 1''. f,lrapaxs ur,d­viafl.;�: � tLie, trying to ne.�.,'otlutt� with tl.e gell- ! sho,�%-. there- -*I c -re 7,qryD deaths from tion in a dongtt. t!,rough which the , rolIn IN Ill Hepty Out emne8e. ROV--rint. ,01 a i_ll;;!-� 'Of SLX 1'er- Uo degrooes. eas i lition. I.J[ina, Xleru, 4. -Tile Veru- %-grees. British -ed behind the - , L;tt(-r. w,rth 4Z (-n4f. et,riq,abst v.n- er.tis of tac allif,ti fwtcs, through .15--ept. cljolera ilk tile native and road pas, and pos I ��,�!. %V.:,.t� 14.1:.gf�d eet ,j,-viud,,n, Fosir earrfer p3k,,uns despateiml. .csb6it Ilam, I)irettor of lulperial As the Boars returned Vhrougl , Vian genate has under corsicleration . llaiei6h, N, C., Sir R states durfrgl the week, ending Augf " , � 1, .%, turrm ;jv. 1�. y Lrc- flylr,g west. ,*Ae�z)­, ii -os, ovel the . _-�Tanv4h- 'j,acroix, lc--. w,4 -b is vitry ruggv& NV*nt;-.A,j- spVp'n. cu;zto.uls, In oruler to prev(:nt tl.e t4t- i -03, donga, single Iller, they Were strnuk up ..4 P'ropo-ekrtl fnr preventing Vililliese lip- bi ;m-,g-ation. � , . - .s %,,hn Villed a . u,;tiun of the haAerwout, palace of The number -of r0lef W,orlirs are de- one "by one, and put under ,charge of in vfevv of A lin-odble ex- � . i" dt" t1w wh4le time. Tu exeNfew w4ri,ii. str " �D,dnsr �' ard an old nian ilk IxonWoell 0 , Az;,:z­-. Strad4ers (Scrinxiterort. Pra�nk4- tLe. forbidden cit,.. te lit, ,.eiying a. ,souple of nten, out of sight until from, China, as a result of t, � Ito 1 creg.sir,.­ and 1, 1, .Mbers ro- � � ,, , - t IV(,.Ik. ',as been coukinitted fov '. A..,tsyt. tbf, O'C'u-1s; flav; 7,Z OrptaivivIi with tLe "me ob�ect Ill View, the gr4.4j_iouj r-elid are increasing. tho colonials h4d cap�ured 28" In- tresent. djstur44ijce*,, ,� I . �1 _;.�-ZLax..Qt�p_>> 0I.,,, T XslealL tiatq."! I . ] t.1 H_