HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1900-09-07, Page 3r,....... .„......,,,,..............,,,,,,,,,e '''&..!! 4,7,,,,,,,,,,,.........7,-,...7, v7... .............e...,,,,,,,,,,,-..... . A Lea the 3Frk BY LADY HARDY. ' .,„.......,.....,.,,,....„„_,,,,,,,,,.........,.......„,„..,,..,,,....J L • . CHAPTER VI. . woolen that I am a medical man. My name • is Anstruther, Richard, When Grove Manor opened its evee . Anstruther." The mention Of Ills the next morning, and took a look name threw the old lady Into a etate upon its teighbore, it was surprised to of nervous agitation. She mada find the Woollaston Villa with the feeble attempt to draw her hand blinds down and the shutters uP, " away, and looked into his face with though they ia-evar meant to be opened angry indignation painted on her again. Mute wondermaut wandered from house to house. Soule of the lave ''''''"' "Your name is unpleasantly ['arm- ored guests of the previous evening inar to me," she said, "I've heart' who had been present on the mutual of you-" aceonimodation system, flocked down "And I doe't suppose you have to the house to know if their spoons, heard anything to My advantage," candlasticks, etc., were safe. Thev he said, Interrupting her with his were received by Mr. Woollaston in usual sans suited air, retaining, how- hiusual meat, mousy way; he rubbed , ever, possession of her hand, and his hands, smiled, simanu pered, looking on her face with frank, kind - Wormed them that Mrs.Wool- ly eyes, that had a sort of mesmeric laston had bean suddensem- ly power in them, and were calculated moiled on a long journey, but es to still all thoughts of evil. The red she never came back, and in the como., of a fsw. weeks the 110055 w'.',o," sunset was lighting up the room when he entered it, but the twilight labelled "To Let," they soon got au deepened, and the shadows of even - inkling of the truth, though the hair° fact woe never stated to them in ing were failing fast when he left it, having gethered"from Miss Mackenzie words. Mr. Anstruther, whoso respect a brief epitome of the family history, for his old college. chum, Cha•rlie, had past. and present. by no meant; deepened, peeked his Kathleen had gone on same house- portman eau awl had serious thoughts meld business into the town same of fearing, not only Grove 'Manor, but three milee off, and when Anstrue its neigeborbood forever; but some- thin left her home he turned his. how, lie could not make up Ids mind, e . seps ie the direction she wonlil come he waverel and wavered, and at laBu• in the hope. of meeting her. UP depoeited himself enii his luggage at a walked on tau he came to a cros's small hotel aleaut a mile and a half distant r , . road, a.nd there stood irresolute,. not knowing which, she would choose on In the cool of tiie katinnlor erealag'1 he unmixed Folounly up and down the her homeward route. She might come either ; so lie paced up and down kite grassy turf in front of the hotehetuoke &space which overlooked both roads, ing his e,gar. Ile was. endeavoring to ;oil waited till Ale came in eight ; Vialk taut some eatisfaetorY plan or then he walked briskly ti.awn the lane motion. "Life is not, sixth a bail thing to ueeat her. Ifli* held out Won 'WAWA after all," wae mentally saying, :uvula 0 felt w ktiowe, what to do 11" 4."""' 'volt taf surprise overspread. her %tee with It ; 11 -w hero I have be.oa to arty eightean days in th:s it astly Loh, and es site ploteel her tescn therein. I've n ver wren- 41 nlyrair out 04 it; but q ubeen waittng fer you ex - I °P1 11? my contentment is slightly 1P1::"' 1.4'" s'":d* owing to that L'Ir.1"74, MU° witele they have eleenel ten hours." Kathie n" Ilter fate*, with it Co met- "11-'w dlal :eel; knew where 1 had ti, :nee varyng graeoe rose tap in '41"1,11' rsee a.stello tie taln eye- and led lam Ilk a a ew. Ili 11Melva 14ir ledge trent eon o' tea* wipe)" qtto n very slaugh of per- "131,1!, pholty, where Id thought -4 wan lered" , ".-"4 ee'uaLnloo Iva oesil, great. relat ki.awing hew to Ito. t101114.11..o)*1 " '1003 $1 Wt. Itioan to tereetiag atudy and. quite original,' anewered .Ainstruther, "though, as a rulte, *heal Haney You ammo' Pear- son by making Coll; of othir people. It's a sad thing, but I'm. arrui are a thoroughpaced Kathleen.' " Yoe are only going to nay retie, naideafiant thinge mr?., WO better shake hands and say good-bye at once," sh.f answered, hair rising as though elle meant what she said. "Shake hands liy all means," he answered, adopting the suggestioo, and drawing her closer to him, "but not 7good-bye'-indee1, Pre not Sure it will be 'good-bye' at all." "That's nonsense," she answered, trying to keep her voice Steady. " We mnst say good-bye some day; it's a disagreeable word, so it Is best to say it at' once. When have nauseous physic to take, I take it at a single draught andhavo done with it." "But I dare say you take some- thing sweet after it," he rejoined; "bet when we have onee parted there will be no sweet meetings of. ter that -no more rambles throu.gh the eornfiehis-no more organOoft reunions -no more Bach - no more Oleic Anstruthers." "No," she said, or rather sighed, Softly ; and her voice broke down, she could not get out another word. "But I'm an obstinate, selfish fel- low, Kathleen, dear -I don't eare what the world says. I've found here the sweetest, freshest bit of human nature the world asontaIns. want it all to myself, and I. don't mean to go away vvithout it." Ile gathered her in his strong arms ae he was speeking, and 'held leer In a tolose embrace, and for the first tittle kissiod her eheek, lips, and brow. "With vou for Inv own, WPO Thou he se one) to nrria le ata tenate *old- '41,;% !0.4011. %store; islet .1 ihn reedott'en. 11,4 flung the cigar trout laps, star:mot over the nate, "1:4'.1, tt,wit "1; ttnil r‘k- ;;.n a :aloe: the mesa. brill:aged env. ;1t. interview ; *home till le* tonme to Kathie. lee tete. !roots.* den't an; e.0 rai.4.'• ht. ovtAli. tege Arriv th. to • he wattle il too the "1"zat faint with Litigate; therein laVar./ert path neat lteeelt‘d nt t1,0 deer a ;afoot under three lasyhes - 1 0.4 t: then li1i weoar:Mg' •• 44'44 t,tework3t,1ll.fLf1.eeteeeer,iz ei1ltt-e--,et17t'yee1lll ,4hr1es,-'o.i,;'.2-L.•.'. t'.k:1e1a-4.,vtae'4t:i,4lE0e't4et0,"a--ebt',etea".1,:4 teh"g-ee avt.e:.S"w▪ eet.eaae4t0l2a,f ta.t0• ire4e" eAerve,fCo,?i,ee?a1'tot 1o'1f-te eee e0 ve4ot. r,LhMant&o.t:el) 1d5o4ioe)tntIare/l4al,laaA7eitEte4it d- lftt- s o ' 4 41 1 / 4 " 4 3 sne"aaaeg.ee's.5ot,f7feeeemteee:te yrvte:etel.-i,amse2, oaet etie le bs-rebetetrinln eiae.t,utenavahte t.l beave1 ta hng- ."of ter -net title ie m, waruLetnay weul-1 Enewl awe l -hut ete galT herenor there, in lafnetth tidng, ie leKethtut lets Etas etpett her de1- 'l'aet• Iel let3-a14, x,1ea 4 •.-1 oTreeelseleieil.o 11 tessa l.t .11Z-.1foe iix nouen.t Cete tar -4t noette letta ltekeed. ee1srcingthe4a:1 t utene, and t olol piseen tatiely at. Binr.t"r:4OWthra Fe fielid H OMAN, oi a i , s:a. s- I ,. Work ofa Devoted Priest ‘mong Fire Victims. CONSOLATION FOR THE DYNG, Oneof the mot impressive and pa thtie ightof the dredful °etas trophe at HobokenN. Y., where so manpershed by fire, was the heroc: aetioa of Rey. Jola 13114*nun, of the Mieson of Our Lady of the Rosary, Father Bronsn was 'done the Battery whn he the fire. sullenthe saw the fire Loot New walkng heard of .tiltqr! 4510 n▪ stela le .' Or g7 e: o "e 4,e l1, f_. I e :i .a ather. is is have c O al, . ioi oils a o.l ;:.; 0.o,ai)s Yorker Leming into hepler. On her :re dark turni. in an intaut i4rtacogi11t14.ytete: t10 iijrthitxl11711 u110usei)1 asI001 i1rneo(;181(d'olllalr!retlted- t11,0iiltI;01itgieatiiiast. switag to the eissoa for the 11012. nViitieuni, Father Brosnan windeisterol toaditouel alolutonte oil boel. `Arthere others?" he asked of a n. 1ttler, theris woro), if you the nerve to fae them. Thera armelburnng to death before one' ept0.1 thtateamer, but thsight awful to bear. You better not la, F 71mto1 math" laid Father Bros mot, "f men aruffering an I dying th.•re tie. pote. for Clriets more Kathlren, I don't think shall evereo PP;WA tho vonylat:)1 of 131re find myslf in a word of boredom 1L 1 again." 4;tucap "Oh 1" exelaimed Kathleen, grow. et"h Tic1.1 tie)* teehat Neto:LI. Ing as red as 0 peony, as silnas l 5141411'1 441 toed tilt he eauld free her:slf from bis tone ttoit evar lennumulpaw brave, "but I tient think iwould V1Si or right for us to marry.' 4 -110• bean the astoundd . he frshe Auetrather, tarain**d 3 l"h1"1"7 4 eerkeiel t ins pretek inNW p 14011 then i.orretnghimself, ' "xlY. taot you4 444"i " on earth 10•0 ? Why wouidn't it eo ar right r 8L415,'8L415,'!''4 wath eeel - Mao 4410 41 444111'" pewe idea, te reeta 4.4 Walk 4 '.112 not- :am f 4610a.i7'T" 11 .4 1 2104'fl 41 *rt4a*-; '"4':47;th emin "lwooloi 4 $ t*..;6t. larkFon lotta . gente ey, we were iptit" Vaug.1. t..n4rutVh.; ootahdt1 1 01FIt„eo 441 4. 4:.'.t co NielIlo it", IIfh.•o-.1tn. S DORET RUMOR. ,C - ,• , r' ",• - • t, , - . or " ,b ' 'etlea ,t e 'o , r-. e e , r 1".0tv, a,1 :.e "e . Air.t°0a[t.- e•s g..e.."; l ' x't, a - t epletee e .l; ea tOk great, 'I:er v •- " ' ng h .7 s l ee " ,,,..m i o fise • s soi s eysi' i { t a..tee l When Itenging Was a Popular Entertainment. Cornwall Vagazinc.) A wdOwer lit eomewhat prominent la life had inpribed upon his latevre'slonb,"TheIIgltof 14n° iagoaerrolnme.,Taking111to hbustl0 SQCOILd wife with remarkaie Promptitude, a Dorset yokel scrawled as heommeat upon the text set fottltupone tablet,"But he soon suuekaliotgraateb., A. kind-hearteci and wealthy man Whhad fromsmall beglaninga built up a largo fortune, eed to allow the publc to freely traverse two of his etates. He had put up a ntie, ask- ing for good conduct from hivistors, and stating that "the two etates is the property of So-nud-so, Esq." Sume humorous par-ty struck out the word "ie and wrote over it " am." The owner of tile property, seeing the alteration, turned to a friend who was with him, and in all innoencaeel, Which is light ?": companion gently miggested that it might be even better if the word "are" was substi• tutd. 3irFrancs Fane, whefiree Batt for Dorrttster 1790, was desperately fond of practical uking, and travel- ling one day to London imide he coachthe beavly-ladea poitet in the coat -tall of she Durcintter barber, who was outside, hung down tmptingly near ti. open window. Mr. Fane could ntresit, tit opportunity of slitting thLarbTs px-ket and extrcti c444atents, whichproved to iv 0. largo packetof Lank notes. whit+ had been entrusted to the barber to de- liver safely in London. When the lar discoered his loss his dismay was and after he had 1 vim red:ir (1 11 Ant- 4)1 desperathei, Mr. Fate produted the paetef notese and ly Way 441 0111flitgi propis.11 th larber a dinner at, th• White Horse Cellar in Loaeten. Thdinner toe; oa thfterneem fixed for the brber's retaten PAri t44r. 1 watx4 40- Mowor," 1 'pew, M. Fatea hint Welt asneii co eietr aef.ard 11T „ 't'' tX ew I itar ' yule11) 11' f 4,1: rt oo ato.eatdh, h • ie.epmart, h -h Wt hti40. fit th:1AV.V. ttc.nr 1')' a l VD 14I'" of i* i'4114$,1t11!1V wit rth"4ettoe. a;* O. :woe Meta Iakr,• c4 4.4no4V V• Iu..ti'‘$)rt4 fo;lea 44, ft e) .1 4444,4' Pr ' kt v.1,T-11 . . 4 „ 46t,"4 ,t° v . e r .t6 ; ', 44) 11elwith t Ie41 ft44'a-'n a k„1 L44,4egl e**1 111F L 4 'yoY4 1 4,, 1it. usoverealMrtay4e .4444t 440%4A 40.ttrloon,t : ea. 4 fitted 1421111 It twed lena freeole atn4 Prt 44 r melCiv y1y01Ck"'n'41$1.nom4114" P 0 i' at. 3 4 4 t 1. k4 ,".t: ‘ .04 tnrt . t 1 , i0. f t Ee tt 11"1 o if t 0 a,.l*' e '"' . o o , •!-,e - eeerna "'1•ind net n ht 114* 114112it 40 14.4. 14e5 14 at 1 1144 1 14 it 4W pox 1 itel1' IL r11.14%:4.144,4leeeworo.u0oloi,It1rroiti%,4 i..-A0e 1ttg-a "' In t413.:.ttonog,D4 •rrd 14 tvit m4/4, 4041, tboB1, ,. ' f, ; '-,4l10 i 0 t41" " t 1,1'1 4 4 1 1,;V'8 4 t f t 4 V '11 44'4 1"0,4 t LtM‘1191= .‘tt. .1e , .eav- lrrt t , l . o g r e ;: n . 1. 11.-4;4404INA ""Pt 1'"1" a* tr,411prtargethn'4.45 a e'at„, navvy they seneitt14.1 t4144'411,' 414 0414:4 - f g ' tr * * 1 ? e a t e n t . 0 0 0 ' tlee 44” To..„ L 4e , "v.,-., .E1 .0a: , -i'ra0 a 4l.0. r t ,e -;,t"tfo1e a t e •1t et e 2'r -. te aee.v0•ierO,4 o e, aL 4" 10 t*teint: Wit ftt 111 11 44Y,11$1Wtat c4rald +elelietal 1mfor oia? We7optll OutAi, .gAP 1 eeartai, wtto it; teen land iven lini eate ali:mann: *.0ntA. knew t L** t4 efferenere1 lt tutomato Certert, anl hao: fete a•..ekLot pr, %% AV at, 1 11- VA. Votvtour4 atelly ttet fe n ieb, tee bo4 ftttle1rtatfiltL of te* thtenata di t id' tor fif 1o1 ben ttanteof ttt et t04±lveeta 4VVIY-;+14 l:t .03t 744f/ ttwo 1. 14 4n01: 11glw1 Itr tttf? 4n.40 for trm 444441i. Aretlat hr tuatal ened Ele ne A11 Met \t'w b etetng pa t ot:41, 11410I4Ark4 ,A11 tli wis o aver 21111 411 Ctte a1 a kg t12elle; 11&en tepit ✓ tt4 S3,? yt.L14 ailral Ee J Itealtbe, tifeergiell O ': las t,m.1as he inrattAoil ite ft Lotlm tatta ed. N, 1ehertali- ;t"s etn.„&,t4.l ."" " i1 l,A -I 4.[,"g4 "1 *4aae21..45 P,_e4"1314441ion 5 1444e114 eeee rivettal ler "Ka ttieeti." tesil;at Iitet 3414 1444141 t4.'4 111 *tn;Iwhat}nr 044811 1 lotto Daecn 1411lixt 44A1t W.Q*IA ,.14444 11-91 tell Wl Wei want eae knew.' Vibe 4414.41414'4-04'4,1 "ea f1 . why geoti 1 tn eon 1141t449$ Witat 400y1 P3''"1!D%e tabitte teey **ens erie moo" feslaulle ; "a 2v- 14044Ile,taret1ecata. gta1 440rt oan Wit 4ee4e448e; e,ta wietelTittle 111114:11 1114-1 Wan attla4tatells a ail 41,29 pntebea etto ten see tete. Eve a tztte.at itnAl tat 454 14 .tctter 43marrow: t xitna 144 ixIttaughil0e- 4aI, , '4-- :4 4411444 4444.4 '404444" 21 ti "-Pei t,,* Tit et"e .r Th e e m1t e t re v " , t e , ,. , , ft tt4r4114 ems O ▪ A te t1-1141)41 lke to lk Mies ek0140e tetnthe eet 4!) 1,1 -eyeet" ilegethey bre the eatILet4 es3to 41'1:4410:1ht eolt13 tentHes tberS 444!411,11 t..:ghg ,Kit.OtnAg204;1 ty vOeoat on," ,4Dee,emese: ) t .' „• , : , 4 on tAA ts0,tt CiiAn.41154114 104 ;JI,,vn114 qa.4 144'N t4118? klt 44), teat 9$115 44 Welty ee, 4.04"14t 11aleveI - latot, 4411 t')4 viat _4414, t• 144,4,04i.ttit 141 t49 4ty t -t 4104 taar,ra vt",„A 12 14 .... e:,, , i N o . .-. e •"e0, ",pI *7' '.' s.• ., o .,I.. fl"P-0e"3 .."_,'1 ,,:''i"' ,,o • tn .. -','- • .•• 4.:0 • e_e . ,. w. 4 t:$W 41 1"$4 ,n1UsrA u Ir4 ate1II ee ialite 1*1i tyif! l1314et N 4141'F'Ur14Y. :-134414.a14. ':,axe 4-e4.. 4 esa-rv,tI 1 wilt] e!A,4 3,7 4444441414 4,44e,•I, :1111. 4: aill,a -!! .1, Letllee II 4-4-1114- t; tt.44- Is a,,„.,4,tt• Iq 'L11 ,M171tiatif.t;et1341c444 T :1 44 V tra444 *r DwpVtra4 44:01L4•44 ouooe ,14114i4 l‘ 1 et a.sril.e1 eeett-1Le, lot,.e" te 4 14 44 11)E e1" rE-esn es"eu',4. 124 1114 LV14 4.1 711' 1444'44412_:l!e ' ",n44554444 ''B44.444:4 "\111Iitul t11ftt' ,I-"•,4ta. I9r;4rIt,t0 4414 _.- „ s 1 "r:„. ' . ItIV 414)11.1 e,1EteeeoeU11'44rait 44 6 11.1Fteet r ' - 0 ,e e e t'f o o t e t . h o0.ef.orier'ifI•ti'aelelstate'1t1.ef-f' 5typi r a. , iteeteete iattifeea, ate"etEly '51114 *445 14411 t -As 4121. Wt4.411 Meet 10 ant 1 tid walk In the 14144.14 eenlety, an -1 atb 51. m-244, 12441cf,nt2;,,"ars 4, %nnftrfit A MOW.: rel 1.01 ft tt Of I'det .ant ,02"t r;ort 111whet e 14 hrD4E4111 this leflenee ittes ooto1 41111"5140 10144'i' 11 her hi% lethe 4- aten- .C' 244(11 0111" :14414 441 44:411 148 - .1toisl nf. 4nll,44114ll 49rc.E1[49V1 4 41 41144.'1' 44444)11140114 P:44''-. *s ,,,44,,9 tottio rt9nariVe-41'? eel I 4m, 4. .t , w o r ti a l o r aore934„ nen a'1,t4" retree tree ii4seoee, -11-etant 4147-0 a44419444443, thie- sayt that [et. . 143e fesllaaeo Oatiltat* t 8u4:& t1145-'-1» 1 Ma4ir07 ? FerStittofz ,c•h,...v.;.:"...e e rt 4," oth see,tsea • 14:sl ona3 •Theteute res tee to t ', - trA '07 re;;414 Katta4 -1: :7 40441Pat:ees 4,41 t to 1 r. 144113- 11$1,1..1 0111 -II v t. ik ,11. 4.;,,,-- v.„ „ ..-.'.., ',-- I •-eirsi 8-4.tee; — -1, of for,ee.1; ualute3 4, 11 t"el..111 ,4 ,..?:2- le 04 "' ::,,,,,.'''''41t,' 1.0 t -.. ,,,e, 5 ;Lot toe... • V el till 1 iaDt tt•ta: 4.4„4 1 .1*11.o1 tt tt....11. -t4 4.••••74- ttl 4-4,,„ - ila,o i•feit „;ttl., .--•I't "1 ..., ' t.12:4'41- !tall I.'"4'-'11 1.14' ''''"11.1:t.'I.. te It.e'7.'''`'`'''''''".. IL''' tr'-::''' .'• 7. '. LI V2.11-el'.2.'”' tt!'"Zi,2„ ,L lit clk 'gret'lt. On: fn r*il!..V..-1-11t. 1'-'20-:::,%-. ',.n. I ..Fli.07.! 7, D,....i.ri,;LA 3ii;...t z;). ...t. ,-, 0 .. _...t..,L,,,:! ,. n...,.....i , ._ 4.x ..., ,tyt to ewe e."*.seei"utt :1"n 7 move*, a- 1, • -•r" " , r„,e,- • gbe,• uesete; eeee 414le.x.s41445 ma 97a , • Deolj 14444.* - • - zee, see onee.ereO, reeret-tt 17.- 4e, 3 ..se e-., `••,,.... eain intorreetel ue atetee;°4t : .11 RTS ,„-F, OR T H E.' H U H s Instructions for Carving 1 . USEFUL HOUSEKEEPNG H r ,e I A saddle ormton 11440031d be t s r e c ed in long slice, 141011 lom, hall A ct should be made down the length parallel with the baok and slicee cut diagonally from centre of he back to the nd oi ribs. A leg of mutton should be with the fork so that the inner is towrd the carver; the knife be inserted near the thieleet 1 tut mut not cut hrough to the 11 The sneershould not be too thin -"e . '.o1 e . F MSe.' !".;vti r - •l Ie tI-1 ' i , rather wedge shaped, the first not being removed thl two or t ineertionhave been made. Nei is more gintinous than the 0 is coneequently regarded 05" ma a 4411ay. Whet thece..the meat is imuffifietttlY toOked.4D 1; 1 the gust, the knuck40 eada will 113 10441141 in muchmore sOitabe *Delon. In co.rvng a loin a (-hop bgive to each person. A shoulder of mutton is as ea matrx u:ate, once he right sde to betie'idel uon. Thi ema cosily l eertaineil bytrying where the goes furough onthe forepart, meat letag then cut la rather I let(K10:4The under or inside shou earvoi in thinner slice; Itengthwa3 A eiroia of beef, having two q requires different treatment noopart btegcut lengthways Woo thalder cut beings moro. Some very denotte ft w rowel at the eel of the tndem1441 orVon of which shoud ae (4 (4414 heiping. A it144of veal slon1-, 11 ete: a .t..zga the Ixtets part in • 4tin Ia email peesof the ki fatseetet seett tat the LN‘" fillet. 14 Crt1 1141 t.47";03*t111:, tri' roar -1 o 1ihTorteg14ta 1titrir01.1i4"41'44't p11012. 14:7. z,2 283U.4' t 't4 1144 4) * Iitosr.**>4 toeteem. or% n 14444 Et -41.! he wtfrom :14:4 1444 414'4441447i00:,144 Te-ee I% teen1.te41On 944,4 4*' 444'l th04%1, e•-eei1 , te. infthe Meal' t4 tt-o!ee,t5-* 1Z4.2444,2441 0* IA 4 144"°J' 74 te'e z1, a 04*Arat. 4I1"t ttr14$ $4 teaea 111' ' ' • .,.,....-Ov',.'t,,..t,e'l,i,•)t'.'e,! ,4..,:,..i'4.,l,i,, .ii'1!,"-.',1,f,.r-,,, t ! ...'. ,, ,0 4.?'.:,, -...•.,7,', I , ' 2'•'' . 3.,... „i. E(• ,-,.. .. . •a':‘ 4 4 , ' a' ,r , t 4424 V, 171 ,jta1tr,,, 12.4 0 44414iyErt 444148,1 I54"4 "e'63'4124q 4 4:14. 8 8 '--,,. 'ttee* e‘itreel a barta*101tcl 4'4”nr1/0444 i 0141 l ,„ „.,i,,, ydi P*, 4 rU4iErIeE 2141 o 4 Gt„4 t V6o,1t,0 vt) 4 1 4' ,,4eOftI*.el1. U .ta11.0 , %V ' :* t' 3t4'' ' ''40''1 t%tCVFp 11 1 4 ' ' 4,' ,• . , 4,l)444: 4l1't,• . .t.,t .'. .. It , + :.-xe- ton, Beefand Fow.: ,1]1':' t t 4 1 t t ,1, 4 t 3 44 11t 4 I4 1) ) 1.f's'la 44»:-5' 4.:411 f;14 '47-,. . e•teee"11.EA 11y. rA- - 4144 •r • • :•441.'' ,so.4."T• :.,. ", t ..1., uu tt fti4 -. • 1: ) 11 4 lat;(144 teetoe s s3eat1,otva - 4114 34 teee.4"4 e' .-loaEetetT's ft eTo•e-tali.c Te e. -7 II7. 1'at 6,, ne 444441 water ree. b bttete 441- 1:1 - -d nese' i 4- 448-41al tte 4' fit, J:;it! te; t zee e1 tit r vo11'-1i1:53-fke 3,718 s N • tdt , 7Ft, 4' 7 :4rJ4" .„414 411 172▪ .„ ..4.•-•'r1:.e l_&t_1!:1• f-;:gtt.n;'e16„t7t"-'2. irect o e.to 4 --.▪ 1„4 13,!et 4414 *414 tase . tOl egetwr.eed3_4 II' , '111.17.',!,•L* are • eto no- ZiElAWere! r1-11211•111:1 .for 441:11 tr'f4f "11 r ;.1:! r). 1. 4, ' (4t=r.- D * • 1).-,(•12: toaeld lot gis't E,•e. taro: ,ce ty, • 1-4.44441:"', 2471.1 • te, 4:11 - 17, • iit'.;1".t7."1"1":',,t, t*, :141 eeee---oeo".• e ieelo - 14, , . 4114 -- peer e'1ter. eeie '▪ Moe'to 14e7-4 43 „ -ft.:: xt's wirmit II 4,,a4on, we- '''efrinfIer' sItte - -44 11-0111144 'e'''s ' 7 4ol....t,” 1'0e 1.- to noa , fie It te. -le - io.--. --• -'•• retie .... lit,...,.; - ; ‘ -, 4 Katirftett? 114014, I L.01)Fir ''.v.,',..V.-4 Tit s'elr.g '.011 to saY ft ole t ee th.,F Rat. rh--ex4.g orat ti. r. ' llEves, tee, eel eq.:one-1i," repilet Ilea- ole'l zee "Isei!,...rese" 14ISL"410°1:13 ilt" , "VerY krtn.i 'fIn't at 4011''.4er'1? 41: `o* o' c:4:6tr1e:r-sat:IetItr.-4.s-'tiVgaetdeLincttht. tliilbt'iZ:,aifhutatll.u.t.r'..4 - .14,--1:.1l- . .,a 14" ^q, 4,44144e4111142ier anxletit)r.s.ero! .4.:t.eeL. 1801t. ------------------- - :XEv-,t ft tuntitles; i-xke tAe-rtx- l°aLin1 'Itt:tCht,aO e- not'r' 12 heo.o.'s en eine ' 1' t. sup; anise It ntratter3 1', 6t.tatte.ns = . Vey bowel. to tree other.Itut nen•It to you witetireto I go or stay," 1 . 714'*''' 41"4`6"" 8.41, 4‘1"*.4t:.1: II".t.,;':''',11441:14:1'S 'I -..t"S 7.".J23. eel taestress 4. 41 taauxietts 411 1411 10e. re...I:elite% with rather WI 1:1111.4.1., I air, , k'll 1„1:11,ir-1•72- 713' 14,er':•"1"l""g" 2"--t' '" "in''-etxt 41 f,-.:- -..t•litta them Miss' 1100its-t.tert4 ' "y0.:4 *0 44. env?. an 1 yet. I theal 1 Ike ' 7`e:67:1'slo lora.:1'. eelebrate: whh 'at 44"4,". ototoese* she. wee earliest be. to think yott ratt-.spi to* a littie, Katio 1°1. III '"-'4 44'1411'4114l441f'llt l'''''' ''‘..:"'f.lt Izetteeally cdrzreeterite IttfD ,i' ,' eensi. M.A. ' vvitit grief an'l anger?' . loon, :test a little." darker...tel. -111iss "la "Of referee I emelt soles you very '',.11!".."ri." v°, /,' 40 .4.4 .'"7.f"..'"1" '"' 1.1"41'`',7 'id i - • -- t'''-r's brote . , ... ..,, _. . .. . ,,,. ,. 0 -13.-toeserat's re S2).;.*t'init*,*". 't'-', Ti'taT*11-; 1"4 tie 'WI:04 11151114A. 7.. le 10 „. . , ; ' te ti. toiti•1 to i ke. ee ;at, *note wierts tate.; they had .°11-: will rise very icreily here when you '',"2,7'"A''-", .1.1!,r,. '.:" C'F';'''' ,„ . 'r, ,,,,, liter. tg: tIte elan.lers they hfi./ are gone; this was. alvvoys at attanald ,!.:?'''....‘""ci.1-'''' *'="7","'s I'`":".a* -.1-1"-.1.',L) ":'.. t"'-'.". Ewe.: elieu atitig ei:oet Kathleen anti liles.7.-", 'hut 4112 14411 lea wonisee thee ever ' Itieirg? I I.,.•::-.1,44.1. ifft trnite ;tome 14!44t4i401*, answer 1:004-." Ilex- volee tremble.1 :101 :site ' .f.11-:, Iliele to 11, '4 and fa..*.ik...ed to te R1.0w0 44.,:,111,1 half ittellned to cry : her iio to tee lase .1.1';" 10 144 In 440* thea Inns . quiver:et Er ke ra. korowful tolell•II `s. "n) ? 13')Irt ar. a 1141rItioin4 4. feund hinx .et in Kathleen's , 144' 14 Forry you'le going away', 111'4444414 1 Wiliam Cr" ig, -r, of Nerttirtile.Mit'll.. , Lor...-: tat•ri"' 44",:t Kathleen's piano in of c•ourse I knew you conil not stray has tei ids• right tiefj%:•:e en wart which i a .or,-..tt.r., Kathleen's pictures otx the I144r for t"1:41'. Fin ottly surprised that ' 4.41 11. es liaroulAiT for tile eritixIt I wee, litVileen's I4-0:7411fork 011 4110 40 %S' 141114011 2.0 loitg." nfighborkeod, aril in -ilk.- %natter or f,etot .o', ne51 KathIeen's aunt-, '0) " Alla yea ?" he exclainted, stooping aecuracy le declared to. 'he far atheed . olio-ere:tee, *5 140114 elitionof Islatio so A..3 to gee. a goo 1 Vt.:or of h.4r 4111 0' of the woatixer boot 11 141 1'L14441 tiry -lopci, 9241, .texPel in a low armallaii; awl Ine wits giatil to find it had a weatiter it is :soma arel villier dry. :...,o. 4, 4', u•a in hie face, mottle '041101- raitserahl.e., 4440 tearful Took; "fuel don't • Wheat a astornt 45 44081134441 i% 80,1 heirs' fa)rt, tt-t ri„Fe trl to greet 111111, ftS ST1Ff :4 WI know wire- I've sta:,e.el? Come, mortice is giv:.;,n Mr. C. by this war* ' ' " ' - ti lee it- - . elore •" • ' ' - ' ' • °1- no nal lee— i" noin the late ocee, eor, at thin white hand towards Kathleen, can t :sem guess? :swelling to two or the e n s t hoo, lis took. It, drew a -0118310 e Oee I m MID- 1 et011t know vtItt :too e rn ,6 ....... I r, t.- 8.--r elite end Bat down; tut he staye.l," the miswearel, "except, that 41 )t Mr. (,1003 1' 01 42. tin, 01.4.,f•1. or ,Itil Lot ctION.:-.:* V.) 44 0411 10 her in yoa thought 1 wets going to make ft 1110Cit promin-nce, fiSi et4"17101y 144 +441, colors even for a mome.nt, and, fool of myself, nn --I 1e14't1 like to watch cat to krow 1414111 11 rain would come In :IF 1411.4' began to catalogue her serep- the mete -res." Sit a gIancol att him with ' order to set's* their cora :and poin- t tone; ;le said kindiy. , a smile nixie her lips and a lugniarious toss. The day before the rain did 4 ,..01 ccures I shalt be very glad twinkle in her eyes -no 'Very ghost of t comae tit, war44 beg 111 oi,rowing Iarg...r I listen and to o sympathize with her Oil couetteeeping therefrom. 1and Cringer WSare tNa t arca114 qp eetsloh4tooaenrrr:eeeIcldnoIteere sill.argc(NA at • Nt.•. „ e. .4411244444--- i.4411244444--- i3,441144 44)4' ties 44,4444 4.t14'4'6'1 -- 1121 the of eei110, s - tea; a 1; .1-4 Ifor h ,r• the one;44"5'4'4"111 14 00-4 • with : .or sar-thart. 144 is the wen:4Th:1'4,:-r'.1a *1 by St. (1083411:111. tenet ee lo thensta. downweilee ate• to 115.44 4184,4-".: 8' 1U1..'.11'1'actingrethe fontiOnti-a fur te 814,7144". ee eteehil tit* wriert etraret 1 -ant by ;tee1 the prieet, wigeh wee meiteiie some 11e1024e the con - you, Vat aquerore(oot on Pritsh sob. .1444141414the other 1144101400441114e raritiee 111 churehes whih Vrkshire 111 ,8394,2. may he mentioned the S83).4'1411 fre,cors on the raiIR of the aisle in the parish churh t Plekering. eai wasdon t lher nder t IM. "lare sayit WolII veto-wouldbroa The C04141e1414 are almost never mer- chants, although i -Ley alone main- tain nearly 01,030 fighting men and ottil master 128,003 in an ernergeney, there are but 440 of' their own peo- ple engaged in business. It is nraeh easler (0b' critical than to be corleet.-Disraell, '.: 44445- 1 „ , "4'4:24414:- 144:1444 :t 44T4-.,, t 4--;sirPy .•4Q4 4 ..tZf t N,.. 4811- lioee 7 tr, 144 ..'3e41".- i , - 11•' ' •7;'• -. • i • -.:4 7._4) '.'...7 C:.:-.) '8810:4 ..:IL - :ilij 471 .. ' 11:1•''•., -I • 1.44 •:::'"-- 1-• .1;4 Cr,..4••-':;7.1 011, '4']'21w,'7 ,. 4' n ii- ":,J4 'la . 4:J 12•-1' 1,1.-H- 11-Irt *44't • 44:4424,11 4,44 ' C.it•• U.2n5.4U."-• . t .r ,r;.24Uk,,...11.1",i%:i? 07 .... t -"a4 when hn.thalittag 4-4144lthtu-st. 14))44143 .30•E renegetieta 44 t.4-1, 14 ' St .;:c? ;' ted bir Summer Heat, Become,toer eIef sPronpt and Cure Certain, When se's Ointment is Used. reeee f,443.,34 44 soetzooro ' - - 418 4-8 rils:ry Tr „ f"7:11- , t i e-r•e _ sfeeoet,e-e. ..e.tne en„ e:. 41 Sy ;ereira, w411• weerg Ote431811'? free eeeloto ...s 44 „‚41414 0413.44,3, - , ▪ 4144 hives. 44.4 1.el44"' tr& 114r, 4-41%St 2C1* ateritihsit.s: a •• n rie.rtx.,-0:•- treated' t• ietete.tlei. sat:$':r t I4"'e 41. e,.w4' i.y 2412410,'4830444 14041,121,els 41114t:1444 rehef nd e;esahaly ieet ver,.. e teat e• or fa)t. Dr. ('!»4443aes Lee, COMP 1,'.s x4 the standad itrep-ivatam for deaes- atel has by faz;11n- . eatie of any el41a1l•40188110.43,'.1 TrIt when tofeet are the10.1 etewitii walking. Try l the tln chafed, inalarael, and ir- ; ensOz.Try it fezpimep'l es. 1)1118314.heads. hives, eezema, silt rheum, and every form of itehing skin die ('1111411204 fail yn. JolutBrederiek, Newmarket, ▪ wr-as :44.0 44144:ttz4$` yi,rs s_alt 011:04.:44441 was 02.44., 54111111,1144414 „-apetet atthat ttree.111411 I 118 etare 01:-. The 41414-419rs 40,1i cure for ra% 11k • 4-, t171114 o 4114 X.ht hi 14,zs-e441.. "My4-4,...,1. I'M) 1:13' a trial :etiolate lartx of ilr. le; .1., a.. . 1 fiaattl great relief, itre 7 th t firs- right's rest- in s it s'a.itpt-,1 the itnittig inunatille OM" • e11240.1 Pubileia et 424 ▪ ritill9•1111.4y." 41110. 2.8 A. BrO...cfrilte, : -1 shift:Tel roam,- years chafing, learning ond it-el:lug, 04 5,14143. 44)41,1 41014 440 found tiny:thing oo, geeel, or. even give tee relle tl; 11 eseet Ter. C4ase7e Ciattmen" nol adv. -Ise ail sufferers, au ; Idoyele riders, to al 1 have it on hand." late CiteTee's Olittment has 14e.441 11,N4411 known to fail to cure VI ; ts the only remedy guar:irate ettre- piles of every form.. 60t ea."' I boy, at all dealers, or Etbn Bates -,1?c, Co., Toronto,