The Herald, 1900-08-31, Page 3,�,
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. �
Very Hard For a Man to Keep His Heart
Right and Get to
Heaven ---City No ,
� . Worse Than
the Country. I
1 WaslAngton. 'report says: Prom St.
, .
In this world never exchaitgea One
Petersburg, the Russian capital,
word will rise up and call you blessed;
where he was cordially received by the
and there will be, a thousand fingers
emperor and empress andthe erapress
pointed at you in heaven, saying,
,, That is the man, -that is the woman
id-owager, Mr. Talmage sends thisdis-
coursO, In which ,he shows the mighty
who helped me when I was hungry
;good .that may be done by the cities'
and also the vast evil they may do by
dnd sick and wandering and lost and
heartbroken. That Is the man, that Is
',their allurements to the unsuspeating
the woman;" and the blessing will
come down upon you as Christ shall
slid -the unguarded. The -text is Zach�
karlah I., 17: 111%fy cl-ties ibrough pros-
say- "I 7as hungry a nd ye fed me, I
'perbty sliall yet be spread abroad."
was naked and ye clothed me, I was
Sick and In prison and ye visited me;
I The city Is no w6rse than the coun-
try. The ,vices of the metropolis are
inasmuch as ye did It to those poor
more evident than the vIces of the
walfs of the street ye ddd it unto me."
Again, In all ettles I am Impm--sed
�rural districts because there are more
'to be bad if they wish to be. ' The
with the fact that all classes and con-
qnerchant is as good as the farmer.
ditions of society, must commingle.
We sometimes cultivate a vvicked ex -
;There to no more cheating In town
than out of town-po worse cbeat-
clusiveness. intellect despises Ignor-
Ing; It Is only on a larger scale.
ance. Refinement will have nothiijg
-The countfyinan sometimes prevari-I
to do with boorishness. Gloves bate
rates about the age of the horse that
� - � _ , �
the sunburned hand, and the high fore -
I .,. ,n.& i it .,,,,f +h.
1,..,i ,4..,; ... *i
-, . -_ 11.__-_.,__ --- ---
Is in the. ra."t tivat I'la-zly pV()fr+1`sCd
.0bristtan men ,%re .1,)t stlual,e. In thtlIr
bargains, Sueh men �jre 11, Daptist and
Alethodist anaCongregatiol3al cbureh�u
and oar own denomirallor, Is as largely
represented as any or them. Our 'OOd
inerebants are foremost in Christian
enterprises; they are patroniseri Of
art philanthropic and Patriotic, Goo
will attend to tbern In the day Of
his corUnation, I am not SPe,aking
Of them, but of those in cOmMer0lal
life wba are setting a ruinous eX-
ample to our young onerchan's, Go
through all the stores and OffIces
In our citles and tell rrie In hOW` many
of those stores and o1riceS are the
principles of Christ's religion donlin-
ant. In . three-fourthli Of them',) 'No
In half of them? No. In one-tentb
of them? No. Decide for yourself.
The Impression ji abroad somehow
that charity can consecrate iniclultOlIF
. gains and that if a man give to
God a portion. of an unrighteous bar-
gain then the Lord will forgive him the
rest. The secretary of a benevolent so-
clety came to we and said, "Mr. SO -
and -So has given a large amount of
riionpv to the missionary cause," men-
tioning the sum, ,,I said, ,,I can't be-
lieve it." lie said, "It is 6O." VVell, I
went home, staggered and confounded.
I never knew the man to give any-
thing. But after awhile I found out
that he had been engaged in the most
infamous kind of a swindle, ana then
he promised to compromise the Tne,tter
with the Lord, saying: ,,Now, here is
fico much for thee, Lord, please let me
I want to tell you that the church Of
God Is not a shop for receiving
-1-1 -- ---- � -A .i� if ,nii have
-1 ------ ________. ____-1__W;1_
. t", T
. .
. jSF,j�Tj1,3lj3j4,jl,2, t000.
. .
I10 som-litY "pilt, I�oj.1,.h,__T,tjjt0 to: 1.11; 1"._'o,
00alwell'ary - Coni-xctlng Links.
Tber-e ui gre!l C 0.1' rurell� of opialull. as
to the thne of tilb 8',�a,,Jing.of tile �S'VV-
entY, T110 I-A.r'Y fi-43& VULt Etlr.� beSt alL-
thorfi.�*.-t nr-:� ;i bout ,evvilly cl�ided be-
tWOA, ,',Ovviyjb-�r, A. 1). 29, z�nd Janu-
ary, A. 1). 3% ['1101vii th;tl; w-L,j etta'.1ot
know, (,crill j-,ely, We haye hold V.> tile
foruler (ltt,�D jjc=jis,� it eeLms to un the
Mom', natural. ��evartd autborit'rs,
tiniorl" tbeni (kiklo and Lang�, think
the eVent occurrml ,is early as Outo-
lx,r, hodore th-:� Fwwst of Tabernacles.
1 - 'fhe,d appo, n.,�drws a piil -,t-
In-VIl' was tenilli.oary, and not purina-
neat lllc.,,- the appl)"Iltillant of tile
VWGIT� upostles. Keventy othprs (11. V.1
-The tw0vo apo,,;I.14�s had been coni-
111�ss'.oni,,I and w,,.nt ont about a, year,
b0f01T tiils. Two ,in- I two -The amm��
I1VlII.,X?r ill wh'Ch lv� sont out tlr� aljoig-
,.I. To to. tc li t) I., in
I IP4,;. TbiR was dolvi, �
th-�� n-,hL,vk,,.,4ty Of concoril ltinong tho
in:n , K'.Prs of right eousao4s. 2. Tli.:It Ili
the Ir�fIlItIl Of tWO IVItI,
,&S'Le (werything
alighl 1, be rstablishi,41. 3. That thRy
lilight comfort awl support eavii otlier
in t�;� - r qUfficult lallor."-Clnrk!�. Pie -
I '�vc-Thoy were to )`.sit thos-
for;, H . 1; li� ,
cit'(Is 1111,1 jilat*N that Ili, 1-it-lidod Fool)
to, Thilt. It was an. Important wi,Nion.
Christ was alnut, to make oiv� final
effort lo r w h llr� vorninoa ly op'e. .
". Therr-for(- salil II � un'o illeni-Tlic,
in-4truAmms gl�ea th. Ili wori� 6:141net
fr,ini mi -I ,yet snilliar to tl,..,.x l"istrue-
I .. . � . .1
_ __
ir&.;jjen,ja.bIj condition of success, But
le� i.ot tho wesepengar think t1lat
h10 gr.xVti1lg wi:I always meat with
a he'arty -r�celytiocoa.
'IlAr wo.,*k� They were endusd with
tlm� 1�:Ow`e.' Of m!,r4L4,7.U'Oa9 110A1111g, ILlId
wert, chargol t<) deUver it rousin.-
wo.,j..-age. We nity not all be able to
heal the slek I.ut we call. di�nourage
'I whic
a �li hurts tile bodily health of
mma. Thelln, %va-s a memsa,go of peace.
�VcA aj-(� to brilig lie,ioe into liontea by
bring;ing jxx-tce into he.trts. .
The fe-.irful reopon.UhIll ties Incur.
red by thaie Who rejected their Ines -
Sage. The oo'enin cornmand to INive
the� iela,,ting vity ,,vith. a, last repeat-
.e,'I te.,;tbliony cG Oj the cllaTgo. W -1p.
I ag off tIle du it of the city wa,q m0tillt
to nymbo;lze the runtinre of all con-
noeVon with it; but evea after that
the ines%age was to be repeated, It,
perehance some all-ght hear at that
1xvit, mom-nt. How the ye, I rming of the
(Ityine, love "ikg Ijrj that command,
Unbelief ainkerq ro difIference to the
fact. The k1sirdom will conte all the
eame, but the aspect of It,; coming
chan-ee,i. To hear the govpel preached
L9 botli a gracloiI4 privilege and it
tremenflout; reiporuilbUity. Thpy who
doqpia Vie Nithful m1nistem of
C.1irlit, who, thou -1i th-ey do not open-
ly hatr?� and pro, ute, th-m. yet treat
thent ineanly alid fors-alco the'r rnl.niR-
try, will ror,,u:-e,Ily be, reekoned wltb
at;) deq,Azers of God and C'hrist.-A.
Camden Chiist'lan Scientists,
C% Is- PIR.- .r%- i
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Le4ding Wheat 1011, ' rkl-ts,
Followin I g are the 010,81ag quota-.
tj Otis at Important wheat coutre8 to- -
� day - I �
Clhio�go ... ... ... ... ll- $0738-4
New YorJr ... ..... -- 0781-2 ,
Milwaukee ...... ... 0751-2 -- �
St. Lo tile ...... ...... 0091.-s 0693-4
Tolado, ... ... ... ... 0 76 14 0 76 3-8
Detroit, red ... _ -0763-4 0771-4
Detroit, white .., 0 75 1-4 -- -
Duluth, No. I .
Northern ... ... ". 0761-8 0757-8 1
Duluth, No. X
.hard ... ... ... ... 0 78 5-a -- - :
Minneapolis, No. I .
Northern ... ... ... 0 74 :t-8 0738-8
Minneapolis, No. 1. �
hard ... ... ... ...... 0761-8 . - �L
Torotnuo Farmers, 11arlicet.
Recelpts of Olt the street
market here to!d'aa7i"1400 bushols, .
Wheat -One Irtmilred bushels each
of red and white fall 'wheat sold to-
dav at 70c to 71o.
6ats-Two hundred bushels of old
oats sold 3-2c to 1c; higher at 32 1-20
to '43 1-2c. . I I
Ilay and Straw -Twenty-five loads
of hay sold at $W4 tof $13.75 a ton.'
No Ldraw offered. . I
Practically no trade on the gen-
eral inarket. Prices are quoted mom-
inally unchanged. . I
rain. twelvf, had grent-r authority to work
,;T1tW*,��l`ch_--h,e m'easu_reS_t,h_e,_ _g trim hedgerow will have nothing to taken tanythIng from your fellOwI5 I—— 11.1- -1, 1-111. .�A ... %Ji,tj 11V IWILA13%. 1AWS 1 Dradstreets2 on Trade.
about the peaches at the bottom of do with the wild copsewood, and Ath- you Ila(] bEtter return it to the men - ' Traile lit Montreal Is only fair.
, ens hates Nazareth, This ought not to whom It belongs. In b. drug store. inlravIns., an I t!r,T were to re�-eivp jv�r- Trade Ili dry guOils IS (JA brisk OW
the basket as being as large as those S��Iltlljna which av, not incittloaM
at the top, about the quarter of beef so to be. I like this democratic prin- In Philadelphia a, young man was with rer,rm-fl if> thp ,4.volity. Tile WILL APPEAL TO MRS. EDDY% usua I for jilitj tim-1 of t1le year.
as being terider when it, is tough. "Iple of the gospel of Jesus Christ, told that be must sell blacking on harx(�;t truly N gr-.x-t---TI,a ltarvi,;t lK I a good deal of complaint
I, tile cjtj_ ,*vliic,h recognises the fact that we the Lord's day. He said to the head I'll' latlApIlla 'r4p:irt.., The hri-a-li i Th,re I"
,and to so bad an extent a jn'-r-n - oils, Ih,, gr-dri is rip'A and F -p-11- Ill tIlc flo�k of C'1111,1,.El (,IIrjFtj,a), gihtiui� p;Iyajants. A good many fail
zen, the merchant, provaricates about stand before God on one and the same of the firm: -11 can't possiblY do that. in- nn I mast 1) - ipt ru r d 'mat ilia gil.v ,,,, ; mvo 4ilready been Shipped.
I ,jt,IpIlti$t.q, wililill hall IIS illci-litito-1 go(btli' It.
platform. Do not take dii. any airs. I am wilil.-Ig to sell medicines on the or It A-111 bf� lt��4. Tl.-- labtiror.-; art. V -IV In tjlf� Ii.giLl i Ilutt-r is vasler. Ubee.le 14 s�eady.
calicoes or Silks or hardware. ' vq , prt,weetlings rmN�utlY luk- . th-.,(�.so export,3 are heay.Y.
And as to villages, I -think that In Whatever position �you have gained In Lord's day, for I think that is right -Trnp worl,pr-: have alwa. - Io-' 4,11 (in by .Nlio.,; Knti. .N10,1111'K.1k, one (if i
some respects tlwy are worse than soviety, you, are nothing but a man. and necessary, but I can't sell thIs barIl too, fill 1. Th -P. 1-4 tali% frr,.kto.4t. eall- tlp� fo,jd, to rilmovor L;oalP $1,0-vo., lwshu-ss eirchis ,it Toronto have
Me cities, because they copy the vices burn of the q,ame part-nt, regenerated Itatent blaoking." He was discharged lax in 11.4- worl4l. awl .,.ot ihi-r,iarp R� 'willell. shl. nl1(-,r,-,; was wrollgruily � lwmj iut)-.1prately aetive this Week
ot the cities In the meariest shaj,t�, by the same Spirit, cleansed .'n the front the lilaei�, A Christi man hear- few who ,kv, roa-ly To inak- tho small. ,1,talacq frount, Iwr by Dr. Totiikin,,�, � fi4l- the holidays. Orders front travel-
. lave bafla lip to
s employ, and touil Ilo- m4rittial ,tail httKini-�4-4 Ilead tof ,
,and as to --ill lWavell Is U Same blood, to lie down In the same in,-; cf It tock him 11110 hi an ror.iry i't-!k,t1;nI tLat is iij-!-e,.,ary t i lv,s alLd 'll�V 1IIIII I
go, Its tj ave -n V. A goml doal of dry"
(lust, to get up In the sanier resurree- be went o,l from one success to an- In 4'r""Pr to P. .. Pznt-si In (1:1+41i'm Ic ,.I.1;.,f.*,�iatioII, IvIt-tr.c. I;i-Allg I.N t".- . .. -
,cwantry village. Ever -101011Y knOWS work. Pray yo tIr-ri.f4rTh*-.v wnA I gim,is pnt�..r iwituri-I Milt, week.
everybody's business botter, than lll,� tlon- It Is high time that ive all ae- other until lie was known all over the pholts were re.,(-ut!y flit, t;UhXvt 0. ' �
I knows it himself, Th(, gri. -e - fatherhood of lard for his faith In God and It set, felt AVIVI tir:I.Nvr, .in I havc. a Ill (�jj � _1SAp, 1.1 widl-Iting and di'l-pt-Ilaig. � valw4 for all tpaapxstle and im-
� 'wery stoi Unowledged not only the is good I I g(, - � I
*Ills worldly success. lion-vit f4ir lorre'tow s'tVII-i.-I1#-Ilr-**'* f Tlwrt- wzw a st-ruty s*61w.- Alit VP1- ,pt i, v -t I ilry grits are firm afid 5a
or the blacksinith shioti bY day .and God, but the brcith�-rhood of man. works as for 64twl forth-Trno 44110ifrortt niu,4 r- We prIces
might is the grand dopot for masculine Agairs, In all cities I am Impremed -%,Vht�lj .1 nian has ,sacrificed any ten't- 11PA190. lli;tllt ill. TA.VUlt' lilt[[, .Nlur� . 4oticur th-partinotim td tr. I
Wivi, tf4t-;r ef-linp, 1�-I In frtmi (*,I) 1. Lail. 11 ke-t, btret-1. whi-re th- invi-ting,i tes 1, 491'.. Um -ping stviAl.r.
tittle trittle. and thpri, are always In with the fact that It Is a. very hard poral. finan6al good for the MILO Of Ills orpro;_I-,�,Il lv..rtllre�. I'llsinesti :it Ilalailton Illit, week
tile vjjl.,Lg�- a balf Alkw::�,n vvoiat"-n w1wo �, thing for a man to keep Ills beart spiritual lnwreqts the Lord Is on. his 3. '. LA thp congregatitsu art- filild. for. I Ilas liven of a (;Lir averagt, for this
, -ios i.11111., apubw- withi-s-Th jI,oIjj4,ijjr, anot Ilk faitWtil a-litforl-tit 4 '
have tliolr sunbrimili is banging ill-ar, ; right and to get to heaven, Infinite sidc, and ,ln,, with GtA Is a malOrItY- w,j;z a htrtPoV,-,. xv,w Is t -t* 4-twintraac, to tils- unialwr #*,fill- wo-ro- fllofir.,it `nwon. A go; ill Illy WPM lilt ?It%
us froal '; " 11411idaying.
so that at the first hem of ilk4row9atorlY 1 tomptallons Ffiring upon But ir you haw, bef,n mueh aniOng tievonly jw:p ,)1(4 'St,trtlfIj,* out too to rint�-It ItIl.. vl�bllli alod Ilwy at 1 threugh tit- etit, �ry arn
news they can fly out and caeldo It ail. , 14aft's of publie ooneourse. "kmid so the vitles you have als�) notief-d tha,t preasli, 1 -at 111"'y Il..QI rMIll -.11101 Rnew . ttak-p lire tet -t-, tt*� I t * Intr the duor: Coonsith-raltli- si0joint-lits art, Wills
,over the town. (Iountry,nu-n IntIqt Wit Inuell affluence. holir 1111101 it-ropta- they art, till) nt templationg of a PO- that wIIW' ( hK,t N',Ilt til"Ill thusy were ,� uia�'.- &IN, rbljw,,4, Tat- out'Niok Tor
f t-haraetur. It *jS 11.)t F tilt' tfisafrl.�-14.'l Ilarty, 1% 1�4.11 , � js� jo�vj. 11c%yujitilts have
be too hard In thAr efitielsm of 010 i tion to vovPt4iusI*.Qs ,tail to be dis Ijtl,:QI .0 niore r,art. oxelt ,I?h,�'nl: %4-ir i-twinit,a4. against lit V. 1.,ttt,r till 1 Iml4kitf-S .
't tho P)AV r1in tt)�) contenled with our hulnliih� III _� the QUIts. .1. Varry l,%,,JI-1r Pill"A., 4-u-.-Tru,4t 1111111114-rii "b"ilt two' ;� �� %t,ry (mr.
eltIzen, nor Inur I* In one elty than In all jIv*jv,p%j.j-, it wns Ilm-tojoil toi thrts
Aralk.1 vo autuy ololtilrtunitit,s f�)r I I at tho tioato
abarply against tho v.1TdStI1M- I Ifttndrekls ill inl,n g,,tillgdovo� In our V1,0 lor vt�tzr m -pp -rt. S tint- liti, anall I ato i-wrivi, t air td� I cities fins beeft
" V .i� Iii-turlwil �-Plinmvhat .
tlatu was the foundcr of thol firSt vlt%,. overreaching, what ternpiation to t -X- I ,,;&%;tt.r N..I.ilatwn,,; ar- c1nirisr.ate "Ill"' th" t'lltr"'Lt"'. I"It' by ilie titrike
, vjtj,,j ii,vej,y yt,il,r through the pres. - r was thl,, tloni. th'in In marvilt,41 ttw� 'Ill Via- flsht-ry indw,try. Thitre Ili W
� and I supretre It twilt aft0l hill' in tortikIn! Anild s,,j mueh dNtivla��. sur, of politivs. Once in & NVIIIIQ IL all" ' o'rt"**k�f% I wllt4e j4trty Ott 111,11vowts-agre- i . -
Inoralp. it taut's a city a lkmg whiler tt-w 'What telilptation it) vallItY.1 Anlid Inan 3. lllvik-!�,. Is- w tIll.; Illiuw-l"t-at-it, S"'wh"lling o"M In InA',',yW:g tqscraticns
. I will eorno out lit a sort of Ulls- aniour 11ti- 111#+rk-wa4 haol a %ery VVI Dr. Tionthins was; Ast, gaa I 19 golt . Z Vanvtou%�-r. Thi- tctl trado-isvery.
� mail*,., r;xlP%oan of w�.onN, driulc, z; tM%!-I%-" %4',MUM, it k0litlirl-10301i'd -111L" tit" ut-tAl.. Tlik-ry it; ct'tslo Tuartled ac-
: C�2*.�apLl frorn tile rharaett�r of It f-oundl-r. 134 .je�aaj,y spirit and tzay: "I ain going 412ki-Ijugg hyngn wilml Ili, was
; *** arp el,ila. what allurk-nients to di,sipation! III � � halpf...1 .1 ur4t,ttni llosm4trftl or rel� .
I Nhere tbe foundors of a C92, h�* wavIstroms and bell gau�s Of %bt Ilatq jiuhtjt�a now tot reforin them, 114,.K�,Mft-"p- F-phlroal .iloul t4,1130 tral. ti%itv In *ht, lunilit-I, illlfmi.ry, Tit"
� anti 7 arn g4ng to rf-F,orftk 11110 bZ1110t #,*� if tit. "tL.j fIf joo�jjt�g'_*':� .
Inal c,xtles. Olp filth. tlDo vIoo). t1w ifirls- t ,ay Irnh � t11U$-'It 1"? hts V4'NI90d*ttIgoII- zl'" 1141'411'r� dr.v ur,ather hvw 4,14-114t.'ll tilt, Tarm-
ions, are the uhadows of tUltsf. loundol's qo" im.. how Aiany nralw flulvix Quit I bov, and I am golng to reforril all L . I 8 V. juatw ppo'll progre,4�-,, witig 4910
� ..It, , I%Itrf j.* '4%'(0rtjjy 4#f tiWil a " I'varitag t%%PHA.V Agnlonroq, 11115k, stts..-
it will tult,t vL,nturIvn Vtr .N*%.w yto%,j; oterizall shipwre0d it man.of-war , 1c,on'; num . , . V.
ill I r ID41-W 1 come in e4niaet with." I t,.,** juvrely g�.tnvv4 at Iiiii- ill-enup-tat. I
' "" ' l*Ikz,,,q .,,� 'j 0 ho tillne, 14404 harveit. _tS
a tattle rand IS I- In IAVIOZAVO the jWtQ'PO4 , f0V VLO
to get over the goAd InAuMet, 'If tilt- ('01"(4 baek flimil That wan In tho f"ar ana love ,t T. V� tlw- vaiv. 114whrio rentahl--viltvir'. tholl laid it nuct
I y I. we go mpl htpNtty. and lorm
ploust founders of thM cW; -thel fot'Wl- t4vvtA IlatO the nav 'a I'd - I Cv* t4 pa -i -o Int -i yt-lhlt�s wPh the ldt',A liu�� wat; ut N- t4onrt Tio-v wero wot � t"'1DI41.4,iQ5,V . title 4440 1kVmtk.e arsh vo-r.i� Itright.
erq whg�s�I, prayers tvvnt ilit in t1tt, do�svn jo loolz at the splmterea sjr,aoi � ind neldret vvellud with the m-r,iw..N,
gtrclV%t; IvIlielv now h ,q and count tile bullet holen and hpolz � and w9th t1o, r, sttlutlon that lie WEI up , !iiv,�.,o- 011. lot"t . jolativs 41 � Tli�, 41itto,ils ao1%vr.Nara, 411 t�,st W91- Netmdvro ory to oa%VA %voth tillo unt-
, ant.- dls.-ount land � vulne out Um:V*j1aInsIlau_,J and 0 Ith- onotir, Mid AV41rit 1249t, W 141PAIII t5lal' �r, Ills,, tis t, . th Lit W4,wz!iv 0W p ,,�� .,I 0�10, tur 11�,�.,w 4. Ars,r t �s. f"ItI, . vrinva I
brokers bargain and cornpanica dvelarp m,ith alairlmle. a4ralratlwn on the P nwod V9 wlwn he utrot in. rAtt gL%n. uj#41;�� irfoul hisir,40 tx# 111ow. 01 I'varth I � aff. �ao�tu m � tn��I�t 4.01 44�q4v 111A,i)
I _`^ 4. P,.,4-1*,7 ,,
. ' ,
,dIvIdejjd,j alld vjnugj;DPrq iw, flag that floatied In viet,eiy front, thl� 1% WgWthte �' " 'It- lt'"4 t�'"t to I4- % to"t;' "% " INvIlwo1v III,., Us 'i
I4Vj0.th4rjAd. 14UI thj1% 11IM11 jfj * I Ally tho, �_Liflv In lOwn a ilia" sle.j�k ;ol� inittor avi,tinntimowlnttlo'W� 1 .� I LLI 11 -94 h,Lv�,!.)� tstq_
'4 I ', � . z. - _ Lt. _..
bcu,*k� Iles. vad atave the% I . jjjjj$rtV J$� Into lotl2itit-v niany of tho ne%V",-pap� t -q lof 11;_n llirc��1`4'k ma. wlw roaUy h4imo�4 doh'4'4! th 10 .vA"t*Z"d, - I -1 - , it Trzi�v �% a� '.W� - 14 it IMILI, tau n t, -
. jl��') &'Ij#jo,Vrt,J, a�llt it-* .�Ip,.'Z, 0014 i,4.4 it - %''gi 1144 AtL�,-D,� t', ,�". " � tv .,41ae
iNt ttv� auction- a vlurw9fly Akho has gi-m-tv throuk,11 " li� - . . , I , w.
. 'Whoels %%4 tho iimrL I try to ut-wAlvil lt-'N 01AI'At"tr anol t1l, Is jV4#rtlLV 14 11141ap , . th.- vlo�o 1.1 OI� wv�h,o v4", Wit Win
ttios muria ateends thp aotripthan. yearr; tot the 1,barpphq?oA1.Ing qrr bung- 11 drulatt wq?f not, v1*0,jt tho uo-�rk,uw ; Ildlolivu wit. pa�-%t %IAVV�J%- %,4-4011L"�. %% r . . I I
d,,4nt4,r?t all j&4 1,�m.,_t hils,tory. aWl. U.Itt--l' ;a� luqx 3I*,a,t9c5%%4 lvdw Iti-vu 19-aving
- Ilp-sig jjf#_i and &IIIn vin. Aqq,�qr ever the to ft".Il Viern %ur%l tawnm 14 ftent. it vollmoitt .o t14 M44*m. . "A'Id Luu-pv qo%,� ullf to the l, -
'111"Fe wolship flice, " thod 1z"glPtst doo � 11 a ntue tvhm� ta-, bag gime b,y la!*,aal ' Z#o3_I1ro44'14NV 1� lonlud 04,.it for. orougumov lwd 9�14-qd , (1a H I lauto
tel"Ptala"110 of the stn'm (01. how 8. Ao lit"O W�t 1;441TP `� "A403. - JU 'll ., 01,141.1t 1;44�.dttr,tll�,Jjj� r, 09'9U EIMI)SM.11419
far,.- � V4 k,on,ntoh�lftng himr-,Of gin lb6no;4ab5e tra4Z A ('rJEL4'r'�11 g-% 11d' -114'"�#`U�Nt 4`0 Ur" "o'
Vnlaq aro not WIVIi nort'i rparilv. 0,;, Many 112MVP gelne &%%n ulb,�Ier th�,, cititert he Is loa in contc-nol,lau-n V1IrIr;t 1-1.4, llvfv"A t4# 0"'q, N'4t 01ifit"t Ila'Al- fif-it,lIC411it-f�U t1l �IV.�,-4 .%jFC*j0YjfWft . ur vattuv arl, hvunn In't �,w,
rgtjco�j� Th,vy hive boen pri-squre, le,�vjnr " .
g rint vi much as 91 il!r,d �n 'em tilliont t1o'll, m . � L -V. r1li,; CIZ11111S 010 ONTAR,I().
avjjlg.��,a, , of tljo 41 , �,p ,
atnics have n �,",�rl CC the, ra"et zt%B��,,. I rat b * hjl4- T.".Ot 01,ffor* �,
. 'i %Wwo Q,4,trenwly .Orit!A. Iml.` a o�l.h *'�, . . , �_
. In thvftl jilat"It of, Canvas to I'm where titer � 'i� kelot out 4 �,I;:�- , Intlat To'
this bIrdiplaTe of 0VI1'V'1U01fl 4 ,q -e If he has so 'itni; Ad lirtrolly 1w wt I, �4v,�-', tto rpa � 145'. T#e.nok�l,s �-a.%,.% h. %V011 0. hv;t pvt , Pstfunlepq rtil, WOO firoln .%fill.ear.
r�vrqj,ar jillt,r.j. -a H, -�,,a�:- 1110 wso�IaU 44- v,,* th
. y hov. jift0j,,, .ot% vto�� 19erhibc I . P -4uq .4 . ,
, MA Vhnft B0 MCID Peo-M, - In �'C -I, lout tb?re JVal' f*tjn(,' 4:��Tj'�tV4�' VLJI:�.'.T�!, ' IV't'
'%Vjtnj,,Sg (4*m0ne,_1 Qt-��j IN117a tlfrul VIE -11110'? Aglagn. On, all vltica I ata iflupre.,i9c"I r I . 1,�-:Q, wt% K A,#.- hs, 4dutl.00nty t"t P.0-1. ,0, , anves oil Aug. 4 Last.
;rjr,zt v.,gh thr. fcjw-I, that. there., Is a great 11 gal"I tO Sr.4"171 -T thute tt�MpUt �OW4 I h I
- - nlay r,3t mmatwn thvnt� �� % t al th- &I(, U-2rhu-Ir nk,h�- h In. ,IA1 V,;: -%t10- *V -.,A -r Vo qEv, tehu,,t '-"'.,J�V. f#,';:,%��.Ijt: #lrt.,
Aftcr the I11--tth otif At`tQN4*;r thr2 t I %m %Vh�,,.- vl:` V JL4 ., � al� � im; 1!&�,,l.- MoLf-v Vi,t,ly, . I U�!4� erup ve-U.
AL11,�,3nt . teri'Im.t? 9611 V.r VlurLotlan chaNtY Th0e a?@ � (;",,I �u I&A 9We flr,,�,m chAtilev 1,�� 1: twofui,,I. 1. IrIl �%- %0-tre t#.� c. -r-, V;�, �� lir-A-r! 2aefo fl'-�r? ay.#tpl. a �--Agg#;d fv, ia
�; DON raj�vin -wvfte, foun"I u% F - .:e�(t-he'j- L ". "I 3 - I L 4 "t - 4 �A-i INI"thi" 111"J"rr" "L� �!�� �r,�,�Lar.41LZ_, i C4 "
Plats o)f c1l't-11, _q,�,)nte &.9 bu baift DID R'a- Witmer a.l.-A aufl-�I-mg gou'l mt ,� chaj11�:r thun,1�fle"I his delnun-'at'ID.-�1 -� attegutl.drm got ilt - jwv�,jl"�- loy 0.;,:d�v , r 4 ,� " tqa �%U�_ lcl_ 1rhe aere.
AsIft. Tho novo In llr�� convary. lb�ut thf;,�IFV r,vng ,� K,tv nnto* tkn:'fq__2_ 't"� 14T, -%#x,_ ag � 't,�L,U,41 ,�nv,. Ch"t 4,4.- qu!4, .
ri't"p, s,�ff2e to &? ballt oft i - s. - . � : - jut,!- m", .19ma- b"It t,"ito A�,Lq",L,IS Qex.
-, - �; ,t,,,, -!IS* thet�f? kEr-TIMES PNIPIC� 0;'L',�! 11 th-`5r UxId' 'N' - - o' op� �[,�Dqt ,.q %, J!J�11I.14V��OT r�Dar,45V�Ll. tl ' �
%tIltefly ii,--�m.4?��60dtc- Itt pn- t %IT 1. �, 3g3t . - I ,;Ut
f-jt1C-,e in Lttlrdjb�? '"Were to t"? "ecupai"I i,!T I P pu2j-41, an'.1 the printfog p,24-1* t-,)'� '4�t aa U,'..o V%jtiv ul' 111�,u.) �V�,Ij Ile re4
, vcte to bn (na evety S�teet C -rime prowls and i', I * - 1� linjwTu-tant riort 94 jja�,Sr U'v,pk vrl,l. t 11!i�,Q*l �Iovl� ,,-a,4_r1U ro-_a��wk tpL, M V4 -T .��b . , � t- .
Ae,at9q9. the ClUc-a In As',!,% ',t'�I"artp. by drnnt;ewiz�q swegf-to rm a *It�lnt vn Me sal.d�elt. ana, s - grAo-,tjlA 14 t1p lillr�*��Plj`.,.'� I , - -� � 1?k"lln, Vic�=� 1�.Sftaug vesm"to
Lurtt?a. 94�6411%M U0 I". ,ftlom I te. L tax 5� PT('a, h th"r q ,j -x, IL 1�,,a:, tv y:-1 D4,zi` ,f Af Uunl ap P V*An,bL'% :� `V,k, '6veng"',.r.
e �! I? -9 -, � I 10. jte�'_A%V �Vtivzi taot-Va V�#4, rc�, � Ag" I 1.�, : a� I -1 - .
�Vtob.avlaon as r,:,m�V)D are Dmptar,-f ar��', . 'T"Ll. t'� , � , z_.rtW,nI` q,V-1n.N13, VI.�- .1. 11
jrtllt,'I)t";�Attv. GrA ,ga tu-tlro *honod tu,-�? a w"Intas and railp-erisua r,hrzasta C�)ut III,-* j, you khapHr, anvil aoc-p-pt ro.,]r =9-1��fl;.4 h. LA - w4eat UrPul � 11"Cr6g -
�1 *
-ant r'- � Me'Tr twit'Atout 0.2 this Meme. -111,4E -v $�4','�.t D,.jt, E' 11"'I ,I ,. _"� tj��L�.�'J� V . _
� �,�tt*'�"'.a ,15� lij�%* �t,tq,? "., �,j . "
I . i _ L' I ,aq-j,f�, �1:40r%'0�4101,1� tj�"C'C, Ir
C"Lmantrgolng aw, a fralunfty an"I a &'and avvk6nt: for aDrus. HeTe tt � . . Paul, ti;, "Awf-bi-Th"', . , �t,]PU�J'Z�!,
* I Ue 0 t - QW U, on" -y k;--, 11 ;' Z -I. �Vtr,l th- to argra.q- el alEv t- "90. bas �tq�
-1 ru'3 't &,taz, It& dt= - 1�� -, . D�Ale :�L1,1sw",_ � 'hm 'er
_"Idnitss and a go,�,A ualL 11;etween the rulost Squalid a-ld ThIanges, 99 Mw st , ,,�. I 10L, we , �'.L..' ,� �_ �,_,_ �,t�_qttd-l.,� Vu It '41w N lut �g'a, , Ir nit .
r 01,0"g do r."q#. vva-t th;:�Ir 5CT"uj":ht&I8 ,-_.,,,j' , , - .. vv,z- I 'It- 1'.?J�410*-_ Ire Big 1, ,
I i; � 4 P4 , .
te"1111M.1-111ts and th,�lltvf_elru Me M110P. .1-'j lezian.. 4, ehri*_,�,mn man goln 1- 21. 'Wt., fity wIllve o7l azetz.,st, �.jj th*
-,A V01 turn kmo destrucu'!a a"�L 1E., 1i "Tho Sie%vo ro%l�&tr-r47 'i , _ �
. 1� �.' � Lp � -4".
M -re 911WAYA ought to te. ?Dw vttrang- a Attz-el In New York �Avi A ItO;Ar 1, ill 4 I!, li�ltv4A,k�, o" - , " 'e. � 're"Ino 11.04%61M 41,e vp, 4%-ils 1-10
a� UrXIX . �; . j.,j:IAq 1A-J,VS*T NVANr ADS. L . �. . shels per
'nsion an, and 110 Siblerdj'',,rg inl� surro 'a,
ern thIrm in VAY 1r-,,,e is th. I. ICA, and he Ru.,)jq,--,Cd and, S� 'I":'- ! Mod With tiv, dws" Of hlatEon I- . -4 .,,--'a 4rouhp.s. or 13's b,
there i4toulvj br, boeUeth'.-CS Altd rival- bay. do ran know hTov to r,M .orid I mg,tati in 4. � avar 71�e riverage anurn�t.' ,41eid for
.� , tat;e dpp.ent thst WhIch ke IM�" trie'a'.. 41nd t2le fiction J,Lprg. 3 �#,'1_41 � - �
fit -g atilong eur Amp.rlcan 01-LE6R. lNew ,wratel Tile boy made to an,�%volr. ,,,sDnIRen. MA w1l w4t et(Nlse V-jn nv�,�t I isigglifli'd that 1hV_,L,e jewo "Vert, B.4 -7T 'k , , 11� � f-ar. was I's' -1320,140 baAie�' or
- - - Man U P20 Advertised for E'inployees IL40
,york must btop cai italurang Philade�- The man askeg the quesuo, fly array and L,:�rau- no longer ; it %vas� In ft&Aty. qn4al'- - L'1,'�� 1,�-r aere. I
. �j t%.1c.e. 1� Dy b,,eause ft hascos . Avre-ded Itt New York.
. , C,D"�:e`� itig them 0-a a. Ivr-tiel -.VABD !Lf. 1�0,�X,�- - ,� j�e . w2wat has an arp.n. 101t 371k.
pb,;d, and phjj&dc_�j9hja most stop plek- and MrIce, "Can you read and vVNIf ", f l5ful tapi.stry and Palatial rest'l . �sg
� I � "'O. �% .,�,Y-v llzays aL*o tail NfW yt;V1, ji�',."v C�vrr.-Z. lle:d4jig 61�'�MV buNh�*
III & jany more ft." wgtl excwut. lba, i� en. Ue ye sure -The mo4s1,a,_--, IT;- � . U
. g at iVetv yorli, gua vertainly the oarl- and then the buy answeted, m -11h han he .
tjoent it Iatge eniugh for St. 'Paul and tear folashang, 0. I ag.On to be rf,10tf`d� DF. ll&tw?erl,,,0�4-� D-: 1 C" v',M_�toll a ilgan wh_� qtvA-e.q,N4 J�r 27,114 P.Zlsho:o; IN'r acre. in Isor tho
, Ine baek or b a hand. � whjz�h eraw's a Motth of ocirea thromg',� % . I
, nl& 1he �Z414 ;Z-,, 4, -L.40� ;v,4 -;ohn B. AIAP,-Ts, ,;5 ��,;an� , .,�u : t-.�aq 7041,:117 bushels tr(;;JA,-
o, 95r; I ean,t � the 2owest ee"2�ir� gver anA M,or�, 1-1valc Imi-911t lWar , - , ' � �
tj�nneapojjq. What is gan,a for onfi rity 149 _�-atd in dellanee- "N , : ment,-Ifitrlaren. Vo;.", u1w, w-0-or"fine; t4o a 11144,t"-ILP,�..l . #:!#; aere.,- or 171 hashf?:a tvr
;s go,d for all the tities. Here is the r4�.,a nor write nelt*her. God �gr ; through s,w*ne lavrsuft. there flashes ut- - ' '14 �Us w�", si,I)OI, b., . 'Vi'l.. Z,q.
, � . A , . valt"r lovaA -, ,r. .. ,"Da
Fonina pro,gpet- don7t want ine V,y iead and write ., on the people of our groat cftit8 w%at,l 17. Wltb by-Tha,v ?;-4 W,Tvo"1:--. ' I- , r, - ITL -v, avetog�e of IS ,%leavi is It.4
gtea�l higilway of Our nat" � lievus are Qvlw-t-Ah.vir JVT'��J� - � Evaid-ent col th'. 1`v-d� �L,u luma
�B.':�'_� L'T " ' _11*4.1rias �I,,,�R�V� Q.
ItI7, on that Iggimmy of national pros- tyidn't he take away my father 's; �( Ss transpirhng In #,�Ieiningly resvr-OaMe-, , 1 --w Yol . V,Ir,r,,--T9ie vrea in 1901) is "M,-
ptrity tymDk Che CM-ev. j 73iig ago I never remember to hav� i4, e�rek-F- Von �[-an ean it -wgh we" .1,': Z� dId Ynot rp.wh th�s Ear' !L(T tt:4� l I- ,,� %j -R ;�-,42 Ntr_,;I-�itg� Th� v!,F--
- - "0�4C 4 gi P
I meteg�y votnillanded to 11�.-.' C4o. � ,6 t--t�..'F,ii t4VIil 3hanstv.atf' " .%IU trtl it S�10 ;"Vj"Z� Witin till 4`1_t;jUat ;.1 yj��'.'d
_ . , I I
.v -h . qV,* j6.:.11,Lj..,'�:! J�u� -1 " .j Ver
" . . J.p q. (jr all
. .
j;ui while, there are diffeteMes seen him' Ard haven", I held to ga - car. 4-jil It *12st livBng." YOU �r.Lan ra:L L 'jont,�' -galljIlIg ('4V�jjtj'LjqT,(_-' e; 2-,oy , Vk,v- L.4 ILI# S, eone't'r1l. .. . ag6
" - . ,
"it, some rte,pe,tt I have to tell luou atong the streets to C'At 8.3mething In � it ppoopie's Pecentrtelty." Arld wYj", I For "Vn:�- Cuip T.,,A.4t. wa-firihn; tct Itf, -_�,�X Nu-hels ppr avrc. Xxtst year
. � ;vpat tortill. 110p%- a...q,! evranrr7lt'o� � - -
. . I I
S. alk the Do,w` � I . . �
. t1' - t!
th4t, all cities impr,Fss upaft the and � fetch home to eat for the fdtks? And �, We kick off the �ge%v �et%- '.�I,fL._, _%teqjl�QA�V6 to�!e dt a I all avera,_-o goo �13.21 Iiu'hfh:R produced
I the 410VU0 and towv -- tq� ,,�' � ;. 4, . - "� � , ,
dug,at to Impres,.!A upon you th-a I'm as I coulgi (-arry a t lvl*,11�41 I'V110-A has 110t the mesirlig to gar- Tit V L., , 'L -,,.I- uu, ,-I�*� Q")r =44ri, a eruz,it ".� 14.4-IMS91 j-.-I-4&A. Tize
Pr � didn't I as s; 0. rou�-,h Va. naltv-la� , %-- � aq t ,,, � - . - 14,�'.I%it,y t#v _dvik,rtv . . I
- . a 6.1 � � elm I -,-, a.0,;u�sg4,,-jj%-.--1 fc-r .0 : �4ranv"a: JV(,,r-.$$:(. fzij�s IV ,t
r � 'O's th. lnl�n_;q .en 16.1--LIA3 9
fbut, very Important tessens N , ba'ske, have to go elut and pk-k tin � ats'a Ti,tis InIquity, thete 1�)rdz. and ta-IF S. , S�-ret of d4eir lijvwf 7 .Cz �;�rl,�,-�.; L ' , �Dj� j
, . V� - , -4 "kVV �w r tv�, takf� � b�ashP-s. t,,,F '14-0 lbush�-N '�vvr aer,.
jhVem agretifig in the --mme thing. '1' einders and never have no seha,Dplln,g�:_ 4 wrapp�d in purple and Ira llnen. lq,,,, Is. I tvllchl ��A.,J-11 ... '!!c,:--, ttu�., .;,72v�_�Zt,q W_,� kz;, . . - :
, , , . 11 .. k �halgl,*_*IL �,�','-'V.*,. ra�.� - %1-1.,Sr�os-rhiv,3 ; VatQ j15�,�4 ,"�SA05.1(0 13'�!aMsr rtom
does not nudke ar,y dfflerenee m -what sAr? uod don t Want me to lead, sl�. 'I unwhg�',J. of puwle Ati, 11-4,;� , R,Tlef spee.Aa Ifte sn' 1,1, t 1i-,*1'v.X' to-. 'N' -w . V, � ,r�_ Vili - I .I
. - , I - - � , Wt4(.
t�1.1� A.- �-,-a!� li'LIZ, . :2_4�01a.S'14 ng,res. this av*,r;ag,, Mng
part of �! V,�Ik inie I I" f-an't read nor wratiV, np I most dreadful pirt of t%e w%o4e thOr:,- �� ,r.01ttliet %-�-'P'��`,.'.% I- -:, :�` a 't , � , " l�:.-o ii :'J'.10; ."Isho'-s per Ij(-T#�. ,Tjg�,
tile caunbly ,,-i , Ither.-O I t �7 , , , ", 4il �
a ��, . . is
L� i tt* �itl. Dr. '. ,�� �zut -46.:t4 11� �q � , mall
at vaty I'llere Is, on�� I Oh. tb6ve poor wanderets: They 'Its that fluere are r;c,r5Fm-R abriliad wh 'Se 11 tDa.v jogvw,pt ,NT p" -U. , , . P . - I I " all-
#,reelm of a 91,e , . aa I irq,qu 1591.4. btat V2(�,
- I .1c I . %, .��, : - 'I A. � -1111"11. A�Inrt, 11 4, �. t L, S D.i Evj,4 -116- 1��Jrj a til, -L,
& -tson I tbank willeta ought to str2c'� have no ehar.,Ee. flntn In d4�grada, I whe%e busin�ss It IS In, despodl 1:1, 19. I give u,"A'.0 4�;; P, � ,
se , , , I .Vh�-.,Udsert]�I-,�m..1.1 t,4flir,'.,�t V�- 't- N',-J,�[, z7a-.,�,.rzoae 07 v� �r,.-ar-.4 W�JS 6t_
#-,�ery Intelligent Chz*pvan Man, an"I � Uor. as they gm' up fro2n JhE-jr hands "' yf"Ung� Ry - 0-:ftv. It. T. _% .1 - , - I �, Q I'lur * f" , t � I% I-, wid-a�4601-LV #,. � . 0.3k.; ; 'A
V - �� - What an ete�= sue'a 2. "Win i� %'�, I -.:�. I 11..� *1 .. . .. , - , - , , , ,j VLI�24 Z,-a4'1,-v*,_14. or 34.,-4 tspr ,acwre.
, . ' ---_11 �, -
a sc-ero ,r�f * an,l knecz to vwaw[k - t*heir will have! As ths dear ,me,�mm N3 V,�- , tak-Ing V`Ue W44l,NtS `�!� -1 _ ;,-,;�-, in-.jpb -ni %Oaj V..q,a,i- V� i,v ll�:4`12' Nv,�-%u aer#,age ,0 n;L1,1_1!3 ytte,�'da
t��at SS tl-zat tlee wee.d is , . thf�v lake "s �
". � �,� , , " ,,", � I -
In :1 .� ,-- - , i�L.. '.D.7 T,..,I,, I'T �4_A ;�� 31 �
struggle, Here I f wT� ,d :� 1,
*�Ojj an. -I aid tbere j ZTS+l StOP 0-1 the MaJ tO &Spa" � celve Man thmmqay.,as L�! V,,, -1'!e$ wall cry, :ao. *�%,n.tam ale , .z W�k :!.�i,1.37*3 lol"sbe.s, ,or vo.7 b-m;'.,,,ej8
�; I - �
vr,g Irma a nnam ;n flne vtr�_-et whn has 1 Let us go forth in the na-ke 3f the �'Out. "See here, v.hat have you d'one"', , !W -e an anFthping uinx�a 1,- - M"v z1a, T4-_.V^1,A0-j�. 1 t�-P�1%1-22to,a Airtuu.,4r. ppr acre
. . -ue Igem. hn, .1 le , 13. 1,0-,� t1., ',Ll.,-- . �' 4.,-- "U 417--:1vs, f-k�,*Itzwo and t1it--d. '.
1-a 15 to, aecilmy1w I! ' is
, arms �,,oldeij and who seerrs V) 1 lit,ord Jesus Chr;st to re&. t and the wrptch w!211 wrap M -elf with , " '�__.�', -�._,' � , Pi-J."SZ-11" Qte,', V,9,'Jiw� fllU OAM ATA
's i � =d ;0 01-1.sjp,�7K;1�� . 1.�l 1111., . - , -
have no par,.jLr-n',,-2r ermnd, but It YOn I,et Us mII2-,9!eI'0 r, A be afraid of so;l. ,, flemer flame a --.d leap, znta dCc:P,-r ." 1. . -,-V --I f .14, i% -4v til, hawjjz.; IoT th" I,F,- :
I 11 7,q ow - , � - go --I b:,',gVi%- Uw av,rvagi.-, of 11;�_ .Vl'arsl.
V,j� S,at;d at ,C -e c-_-orner of thL. ss.�reet . Ing our Wack clothes whil.le ure go 'I darkn,r.qs. and t!je lj-ju�tft rje he bas 1'elti!ce kailler tbat Foll ilri� 1`1- -1 t; 1,��--., j.-.4 .A q71-_ioy �4,' ,�7 VVASN'6'�It J;Z. 1�'14.'�J`l tl�j,-rw, -,vC.2-P " - I,
3 � " , ' -u 4 '. tt , %f.%:� Y,,rk. : . C, jj..,A,i2 a rcA
gri -wat(L.h tt;7, 1_,�untenateils; cit theita ; dowil on that mission, While vVe are i desi,,"v,�a win 3,ursae �;M ana, burl " ,Gnd I ;,-��-_ tk.a v. rvmv V, . jsr4Am-btg 14.:�P,Q,,167
q "", ". _t�. j; -' , - b,lj4Vj�,"v. ol.
tqba go by ycol -=19 see Ili most In- tying an elaborale kr�it In var f,-ravat J` T;�,vr4dr,,r,s--r1'1if- L-oril V.M, , . .. 10'�� - *,'4-(.._ � .rk of �,O,�- Urt-ffman f1mm. . :�-I.:o bwsh IQ Ti'r acre. 1:1 ISM the ;
am him Vie 1 -mg, bntc-r. reliF,ritless, ev- .rss,hie t'), , 0,47. T11, ,�- -, J,fv ae Q ,
,g -t 1, , r whil we are In tile study r,)und- # -'r, S- I e -,very pfrort io , 1 R., ..
_c_,a.�qep, , -re. is an lt,zitr,atlon a 10 .L' .. - %,- a - j.ttii,.- frona Patqisolal, N. -T., � are.z wa,4 7 4 -3, I . r--. aud. in 18,;8 I
� - Ou:a Of - sb - - .. , . I il- - 1 41, f - -
_4 VL14, ;a, Ur� f thesr Own angus W&Si.X111, 11,- � . -
. au errand wh'ch must be ; Ing Olt some PeVIO11 rhetor I "All has bepra trietl ti"�:ot . % :,:t1,:,:i 4'y An'z.,W.'a u. ll.Y ot._a ,` tes li4l.,. it wag ,Sev5,X-,1 avr:,�q. Th,� annuat av-
they are on lealpy we I I.' there be one cup of eternal darkness wtvUlt, ; , )<.r �jt e
e'seelitc-d at tile earll.�.,,,. moment pnq- might be saving a ---iul from death more bitter than another, M�y lvi'�;j finite, and liaimffles-q O�Ve. ,- : ai-v ,'L'1111,11Z.,� w�-h u suite o13 -N-1.4,1 orag, Ls 19.0 bvishtMs I , r .
. I 'I
I , together, roulil t1wv;.;r-.1 ll;l^,*�L I 13"al-.16 �",Low an 111,-ri?ltsed area, the
vible, SO You Virf� JoStled hither and ; and h1ding a raultitude of sins. oh, have to drink it to the drr-gs. If In ;R�411 � w; h7- dc.,i!;,'�� Nu,dyi��,X Ll 0ii- - I
1�41'11 -' 1,sr . VA
In �. �k�nv� Vu,,�. lie arriv( -it *,?I"! 41,05-'i ac-r:�.s gi%1tg an C,4��t",jn;it,L�,i�j.rj �
F la" elI, 90 out Oil this the oc�ean of the L-�st world .,bat cilmes y ;19I1--Wv1M:.1 �,f ,�Ii7.K�= li�41mzs-- or ML4 basi,r!ls I
th-tk,e,r by busluoss men, up this lad- i Chrastian . 111PIMITIVAIL . ZVET- "n"
11 .Ir,� . --, f Iloffluari llvu,� ;. . aft, --r n s I
. L" fr.lvo - - . li, o 1,:� 0
elcV, out of this! work. If YOn are not will1rig to go i bll:aiwing up there be one waVe more, i Tlivir ,o)itfit. Tlv�v I wm-4 "IT, w;'. a szut�.-� VL;� r(7,,us till th I r acr,�-. Tile annani averickg, -;3
'folth yourself, then ' - t
igglng a i give of your �. � � ..
bank wjth a rY3 o.' Wils, d ' g ' , fleme than anotber, it will dash ove- - Aglit, and trrtst. Till.; pro-ts'.00 W445; ,R4141c:,�, lo�,;,V. 11-4 w,_Nt nV,,%P was '41, 1.7 -3 br".�!:,.:,;:�, .
- . � �� , ftal%* a -d elov+-r s'-.o"r, .*t 'pil ilt, I-a-
ceia:" shirmling a n1of, Nnffing a , means, and if you are too lazy tot 90 �, them. But there is bope P)r all wha expr*5_41y 414,�,.Iar*�.l by vitrLs,& V), allp, �' �4 ,� " ;1,niz, a IVW�.h tit-ift, , * 9
, * I
and if you are too -s-ingy to he]p, then rvfll turri. PlY only to th., pr�-Ilx qj, ,, If -3 in are". bul tit- .Vivld is N .0
J.,,,I_-�Vc, mer -ding a watnh. work, 'With ; I P , C-a�* -h"zlo. � I*- -*-` 1IL` I '
- "' . i jvpri- .0%vitt f"Ity "Attd-1-s -z,4,iVaI,A-q-, -
i ._."e,r::� - � . . . 'r. It""'; 4t.ri�4�s 14. 1 .' Ir,
� Way. Toting men, while Y'LIZI hove tlrni'� , iq. �,:-Ift- ,U� h:.4 lre_�w. 11;,- b�4;-MW w -k14 ,, t[., ,zvf r;zgii. Th,� yield tz ,-,,ytjao_t4�e'j
it.$ thousand, eyes and thousana feet get out af the � XXII. 35): buz tiv. prim.fp"-e tin � . . '. , - "
znj thnuvznd arms, goes on singing In Aliz cities. eatt, west, north, I to reffect upon thr-se tMngs iand b�,_ � 1119 it f.9 of jv,,rp-; validVY- T"!c'y �jatV,T1?tI I v 11.� (.vt�eth,'�S %Vl.-)?,' a-6 '.�,13-1015 tv'.,ry or 1.24 tons 1�r
ffir vit. lit* -
. � - to fore the duties of -,%�e 0 ' ,nd , 11 I� I - VAti:4r ' iv,crf% whi!e the annual aver.!,ge 18
its sang� wOric, IvOrk, lvoork: whjl�, South. I not�t-e great temptations il .� C tl,,e who, would do, Chrls4ys woric IM
_e 1111pu,jumbeved, iqjj�,j rg,,Ould be frm- 1, %vi.rf, i7.� vv;ditinx, .:iA 11
Of tile mill neot it and the c4l,`1n1erc!aI fritud. Here Is 9� 1112n Store ;art] the sh,,.op, come upon �'Or- I f , V.- :eZzt.-S, W4 -lit V), Ml- 1.34'.) t�wts
. *r, ays, 111; from .1ur.kt-tv. Th-ge nj0-QSmiLVi'?sX,.,04- � V �, �L,Ssi m 1). I � _ 7
41��-W."' q'MIrt,_`1- 0a !� . V ,0-Ji:,r (!rwjv�-Th,, '-'0'IOw1,g avreapos
sf agair., lo,"Mc over this Whole _oubjeel. ,;�� '� , w1n,' -) �1 loav, b-1,
,eam w,,,- .les fil,,e it. in the carpeted who, starts in business. lie S I (1) 1xi, hav:I . 1.0 r'. " (10 weritil'u- tj,4,jr jl '4-ig th-,ut It( ,
, the ,.ores�, in the Woods "I'm going to be homst," but an the -� I I
lileles 01, � ) and after the day has passecl aild YtYu I owal fin.rgonal saftv . o2) no ;iN*%i0tY � ��Ilqv,.,I tftv,,zg-j- 0� rp,n � . .-N' t, I -1 ea det,,rrain ,, for eroll�4 ff)r
�i.-om which the eternal tha&W is same stret-t, on the same bl,ic*k, fn hc,ar in the nightfall tile voi�es A:nd _jj 17 r"'. i la �'Wdqvf of li'l (.X,fqi,i .-It te"T ffet �,��. � AVID101 no t.�'talw-IV'd ,vield ,can Ilya
. with, regard to I In:iV,rial - I
, , iow. flem whiAl 1, , wa-4 r,�%ntnvcd -ulv rt,*', at pr,p�%ealt. forn for lnj,�kiljg,
r I , dyinr � rVin- � *I
.4ever Iliz,:4, on the shore ot the s�a the same businesq are Shylockq. foatster's of the elt�, . froat Your I ces'sitits. (3'i tbe groulA of Ih-Ar !,.I ov 3
- Those men to .-et the Patronage 6� I I, wb,l llant,;,d h" ('r � -.0,772; c0r,l for izi'O, 170,7;13 . bm-k-
over whe'se, iron Coast to.Qsi!S the tail , I ear, And It gets ", silent ,a,' , ill 111111 txi;% I
, i r t,: -Ir inv4 *11 . ,
I ,
.1hat you t - *tile w 11.tvA-1'111!;. ,- � 'jottrn"G, Inalty j wlj�,.tt-, 102.570 . V14L)tato.-,S. *163,7.34 ;
gler, fogra, sprinkling the crackea anyone ,will break, all understaiii,lings hear distinctly -your watch under your I VVIII), had 's-tnit th:--1171 fol't 11, ..IV J'a t0 I t., roat"ill '11,1110', ivang,; '1-�, 54,543 : t--arrots. , I 0,3210 - t ur-
.1 open 1 Ix, Nvh:(.Il w.�re sal I .1
,eliff, wj,jj a baptism of whirlwind with other merchants and will si?l Pillow going "tick, tick," tbpn t1drd verw� is enilyliatio. �
tempest, Is the best place to at ruinous t!ost. putting their rielgh- your ,y,s at-lil look out upon the darlc- Tli,Ar eonduct by tit- way. Ew-o - i wt,re zurnell qvwr tfi th', Poc,t0fil!V (211- i u*.j-v:, V�6558_3; r�,Iv�, i;5,711; flat,
ak; then � -
and but in the rushing, bors at great disadvantage, expect- i one i tril. Salutations Vlv,�re 01mborat, ,nd tj,Vritics. Th�- l%rl.,ol,-M* m * I ,f,7�-Oz hs,p�;. 1,0'�O, tol)ac-o. 2,.',77;
, ,
iltudy God, I ness and see two pillars of light, 1XVIT(.(� j-,.",'d', anti or(-Iiard mid garilen, 381,v,4 1 11 -vige_
owitrming raving ,street is the best Ing to make up the deficit In Some- 1101`12(intal, the otbpr perpend-leular, but v0r,v eareitionions. Barder says. -4�eel- 1 tlik '51a t4o tli-� to ibe cipilti* strgl�'It I yard, 19.0-k7. ;
., I - Vently
I hing else. If an honest principle I ous and taciturn -is lh�, nativeg of sul)SM , �
t � changing, their direction ��tfl tbeV - grow talk. tt'viluieal rharg" to! Ap,,41,%4 give. an eKVim-tted ,
,place to- study man- , eourt. w1111*41 it . ..vield ot
could creep, Into that man's soul it � c'o,, tbe,� atl,�I (kit t=tTlitit, Ililu.- 11 7. 4 5, 3, - 45
� Going down to your place of busi- me"tagether, and your 0,r,ptured th'V 1'�'19t 11-`11"lly Or,-, . l,jr(.,,.,,Iy Nv;ts ni. .4 .! busli-Osq. or 2.3' bus;1jils,
� aming home again I rharge, would dia of sheer loneliness The I ative Nvh-�n tfic.v IlI;,,-t all acquaint- ,
,,ess and c v* lon beholds it -the cross. allw- and lzalliti Iffin. .1 111ti'l rh, (.4j.111.111".rcial, T*11tval. per tr,,* of T*.arin age.
signs of man twists about, trying to ;$",ape is ern trav - . - 9
�"U 1061; abOlit; see these I hitationg 'o�k oil blkad-Horsys, (;11,,'
and di-Spiv�-s I aning rnills. Inclinding '1� 't
the law elc"r relatw t1l, rec-1pro.nd $a I ' I
overty,, of wretchedness, of hanger, the penalty of Thirt.v P7 M�11,e,-litt.e, 2,421V,810; zbeep, le
. Be0ause Ok)rge 11,loy winkp(I -it .k. with tbo,se who return III the eftka- s � I 'io , n, , Zti�,�,J,,�,, , '611 ; poulf _t,
f oin, af bere;�ement, and all -You God, while he Is Just I little 9L'n\!Ous I p-ractieallyr .Ill t1le sa- h I r i I ) ., ,I IlOgg, 1,171 "I
0 tbrough the streets a -ad come, back abaut the sheriff. The honest man I S. BrOowlekt W11`0 Brown pujj*�(j ,I re- valls. b1frid ccnji�rn, Ili Chicago, will pass . _4 �. 4
looks �Lbout him aril ,says: "Well, VolVer oil IVIO!y yesterday while, wAlk- Their loaggingg ama enterudriment. Into a conihination this ,�repk, with I - ' 'l- I I
brough the streets gather up In the 51)9 On Main lStreet, Winnipeg. `M,P� Cbris,Vs arabassalor is not, to Pick T he CAIV Of wool was 51805119:1111
... . ' a ,capital of $4.000400. polln,&. -
. .1ps I an] oking house It, the"vil-
eason, will not inoy thaii allp- I , I
, z of your Prayer all t"he Sorrow, this rivalry is awful, Perh Vil-tc)l fulled to go off, and trown Was Out, VILI h�st 10 - haSO of 'new fi- 'I'll" llllnlb.�r Of fOloni08; of bcx�s m
the losses, all the sufferings, all more scrupulous than I need be, This &rrestic,d. The trouble aross over al- lage, but Uk,�,. the first ho ,(XoMi`8 .%joney for th& pury StIMILtes, Of 11011d livas 1217o42,5I,
berleavements of those whom you little bargain I am abutit to enter is a leged f1fttationg b,V Riley with Brown'S to. A t'Ourtftu.q gr-FetjjIg Is in Ilps, provided in tile e !
little doubtful, but then I shall only wife.. Thq couple were'out. yesterday, placa theM ,qnd prePAres -tile way last 1; " - ,
and present them In Prayer 'cle- I I $1 Of The lailltift- NNO IW- [ Htit- -"T- 11',tr'.101 TAT-t4th arrlvet.l itt Rj,'
An all sympathetic God. lit the do its the rest." whtol t1le Suspicions busland caught for 1119 messag2. Alt evident des Illy ie nF`0dS
. d ( tot ftlr-- W,Ifltre .t tboS0 to Whom ' Icy will, therefore, be willowiced as I inolitik! 4ju Ze I
t ,:day of eternity there will be .11 On# -of the mightiest temptations in Riley winking &9 tll-,,y Passed lftx, an 101, is an I to supplying rifle clubs� 10r. _- S -IMS111P XAker Sup;��
-Srmda I of persons with Whom YOU commere'.11 lire. In ...... 411 00.�'j � V jitung4 ,of BalviNt , � 11 11 . I . i
, - -palpted shootbig followed. 'carr. th3 _. �
- I , - I .. ;�k �9�� tfk�� att , . , .
- . I � �.1.11,�l,,.�..,...�l,"�'iiiiiiiiiii6iii��-,.,."..��,�-,..'�,""� ... �,.11.11111� ...... . ; _ I I I ---1.111 I ........ .1