The Herald, 1900-08-31, Page 1ia n••• Leh er D. las A.DVERTIS1NG RATES. -Tran sient advertisements, 5 cents per Brovier line in- for first insertion and 3 cents per line for al- each subsequent insertion. Small Advs, such as"Lost" "Estray" or "Stolen" will lot be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. ,Ciapy.for change of advertisement must be handed in not later than Tuesday night be of eaeh week to insure change in follow- ing issue. Loeal notices in ordinary reading type 5 cents per line. Notices for Church en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for column, half -column and quarter-coluenn rates for specified periods will be cheerfully given. Address all communications to Subscribe for "The beratb" per Year, THE The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. -41111MMIRM Wartteb Agents To solicit for "Paid Up" SubTo "Che lberatb"P... FIRST YEAR, VOL. I •••••••••••••1•••••10,•••e ZURICH, ONT. FRIDAY., AUG. 31, 1900. R. wig L.E, Is PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING BY D. DYER. TERMS 017 SUBSCRIPTION :-$1.00 per lyear paid strictly in advanee. When the paper is not ordered to be discontinued it will be sent until such order is given and arrearages paid. $1.50 to be charged when not paid in advanee. nal las ire the ep- villi .1 E411 tee] ,ray, not.. ...ea- rred im- ler..ir aW31. WI: - VIP*, ir- 4).t St. ra;t- Von was ear- ittot4tti la tit that t • Sht .1Mtr •;111 Sh* tc,•:' tt 'J t • I IV 1,,ru teth 4v, CI_ '11P 11:14 t.19:t t 'fAcyt near- er:err the tt9P•;tS !IOW ;red P Ile - The Mis=cald., D. DYER, EDITOR, ZURICH, P.O. CHURCwES. ST. BONIFACE, Catholic. Order of service for Sundays and Holy Days: -High mass at 10 a.m., Ves- pers and Benediction of the most Blessed `inerament at 7 p. xn. Week Days: - \lass every morning at 7:30. Saturday venings from 7 to 8. one hour's visit to his Lord in the Blessed Saerament. Rey. Father Valentine, Parish Priest VANGELICAL, German and English Rev. C. H. Pinkleeiner. Pastor. On. Cut4erildle Et. Petri Oemeinbe Ootterbienit: Ssetintui3 illeritens alb tI .tL'nb, onmki ditk, Ileraens nean hr. Eel= Verfairmilint4, 2Ibents,u.rn 1ILb (cht, part° . he Commercial Hotel, FOSTER, Prorietor Davy aceounuoilation for the travelling public. Always stop at THE COMMERCIAL when hi Zurich. Fir4-class. sang& riionis for Miss Andrews of Varna,is stay- ing with. Mrs. E. Zeller at present. A larger .number than usual in- tend visiting the. Western Fair at London this year. If you have no Ad. in THE HERALD, come in and get our rates. "It pays to advertise" Miss Grace Torrance, is in attend- ance at the second term of the London Normal school. Mrs. John Fuss has been ill for a few days, but we are pleased to learn that she has recovered. Several of our advertising pat- rons have told us, that their ads, have already borne good fruit, Fred. Siegner of Crediton and Chas. Waldron, representing Clare Bros. & Co. of Preston were in town. on Friday last. Miss. Marshall returned to her home at Merlin on Sattu•day, after spending a month wit]i her sister Mrs. Zeller. Mrs. (Dr.) Buchanan left last Thursday, to visit friends at Grand Rapids and Caledonia. She will remain about ten days. THANK YOU, WILL! Wm. Lamont, Councillor of Stan- ley Tp., says that Tara HERALD is the best local paper in the district. Misses Clara and Rose Wettlaufer who had been visiting friends in this vicinity for a few weeks, left on Saturday for their home at Blyth. J. Zuelle and family and (4. F. Youngblut and family all of Hen- sall were guests at th( Methodist S. School picnic at Grand. Bend on Tuesday. Ftubseriptions are Naming in at the rate of fifty itweek that is the, number we added to oto list last week. THE HERALD is eertainly •filling it haw felt want" • L4n bk ettrefully reVer the advert is.. mews in the HERALD. Yon may save it years subscription on as itnrehaste Mention this pi 114a• when purchasing from your dr.:tiers We regret to bear of the evriena illness of Wm Miller. briekanaker of StaToseph. Ilt• is down with an attaelc ',f typhoid fever and we understand ts 'in a Nely damsel ous condition. Tun HERALD Will be Sent to your address t') tlu• laid of the year for 23 t•ts. Sena 1n your quarter for it triai aubseription. Ve will give yon all the lijinl vs and plenty anf paid reading matter. tr Brien is laid want pr"-.= ent. W. (4. Hees thinks the eheet- bre wasen is the eavase and wattild recommend as a eareatnail on Mast. or it rabbit pet -pie. How woDhltit tri a ter the pinery lo? B. Holtzman. whn has been visit- ing his parents for a few weeks. re- turned tot:Ma-en Mich., on Saturday tiecempanied 1t his cousin. Mise Clara Strerus, who intends remain- ing with Ben. for a few months. FIrottY OR NO SPORTs, Labor day OD behalf. of the married men, T herbr ehallenge to a friendly game of base' -ball ot Monday afternoon. Losers to nay for iee-cream and cigars. C. Fritz. Lightning struck the dwelling of 11. Linthardt on Sunday evening about 8 o'clock. The North chim- ney was wrecked, and a eonsider- able portion of the roof damaged. Feertunately none of the occupants were injured. Counterfeit quartersare in circu- lation in Western Ontario. They are described as exaet reproductions of the genuine coin but are lighter in weight. whiter M color. awl the lettering is not so prominent. They hear the date of 1i4V. We are sorry to learnt that F. Kibler has decided to leave town. Fred's departure will be a distinct loss to our to' n. We hear that he is going to Brampton. engage in the wholesale shoe business. We hope for his continued prosperity. Several gangs of Gipslee are camping, in the neighborhood. They have a lot of horses and no doubt are Oren for deals. Several of our horse -traders have teen keeping company- with them, and likely before we go to press some .oluniercial A 'orb; r( wirEtt. - ZURICH ELLER Clerk IOth Dlv.. COurt,Huran rosieneissiener for takIng, Affidavits, eaveya•seer ete. Valuator for the Hu- n and Lena rand Savings Co. Office- Zeller Block, Zurich Ont. n y ^ ^ n •j. D. COOKE, (Late with (iarrew & Proadfoet) l3arrist Solicitort, "Notary Hensall, Ontario. O. STANBURY, 13.A. e,TANntnv 11ISTE11, I•X)LICITOR. NOTARY, avv3:aneer, Moriey to Loan on Village 1 Palm Property at lowest rates of In- lerKanents "n original 13ermarr id and advised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENIAID ?raid tint rteen ant, 1' ere 1., ough, hay fro th re fo b es over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter. ZURICH P. 0 e open daily exc pt Sundays from 1..entil p. me The mails are tributea as follows: LpoRHENsALL.elosext 6 :55a.m. •• -• 2:55 p.m. SI...Jostens, " 11 :10 tom. a L. H. & B., " 6 :55 flan. " L. H. &11., • Fi-'9.31 HENSALL, arr. 11 :00 a an. •", 7 ;.:lre para. *- " 10:45 a.m. •• L. F. & B., " 11 :00 a.m. L. H. & 13.. " 7 :3Com. ETTERS FOR REGISTRATAYS, Must wttd h1t an hour previous to thee for closing the mails. lh.S.FA UST, Postinaster. (Our ,Toeti -tie 4 t atch our North window! P. Bender & Co. las Kling of Seaforth, was in a on 'Wednesday. Zeller is moving his office to slier Bloek this week. s. Richardson took et- business to 'Exeter on Saturday last. our will et "soaked. The Metnedist S. S. Pienie en Tneeday was largely attended and everybody reports a good time. It was an ideal day for an tatting and we are sure that afl were benefitted spending a day at the. shores of Lake Huron, Grand Bend eeems fo be the popular place for picnics. Our fax mill men have finished threshing and the yield turned out well. Working up the fihre wili soon begin. We understand that prices for seed and tow are more satisfactory than they have been for some years. We hope that the mill will be kept going every year, As it is a great help to our town. Mrs. D. Steinbach is reported very ill this week. Mr. Alf Schmidt and his sister Clara of Sebringville were visiting their sister Mrs. C. • 'Hartlieb. ante telephone girl remarks in a low tone, that a ring on the finger is worth two on the phon.e," Mrs. McLean, of Windsor, is the guest of her husband Architect McLean, this week, at the °emitter - In Zurich., lifer= Co., erscheint seit einiger zeit sin Englisches Wochenblatt, der Herald, -Berliner Jotu•nal. The days are shortening and the nights are getting long ; the electric lights are turned on considerably match earlier. Miss Minnie and Mina Doan left Saturday of last week, for Lucan, where they visited with friends until. Wednesday. 'Monday is Labor day. The Canadian coal dealera have formed an association to fight the American jobbers. Fred. Kibler left for Brampton Wednesday morning. His family will remain here for a few weeks. A meeting of the South Huron Reform Association will be held on Sept. 4th, for the election of officers and other business. The Glass family gave. a concert in the Town hall on Wednesday evening, The attendance was not. very large, The young ladies sing and play fairly well for ama- teurs. J. (4. Stanlyary B. A. the popular young barrister of Exeter, again distinguished himself at the Divis- ion Court sitting on Monday. His many friends here are gratified to note his success. T. B. Carling, a well-kownn and nopulur citizen of Exeter, was in Jim. McAlear and sister Minnie London hat Friday, and happened from Birr, and Miss Laura Braith- t') fall 1)1 with a munber of Liberals waite of Lucan, returned TiOnie wile were gooa-humoredly roasting last week after spending a few him politically -he being well days with Miss Mina Doan. known as a prononneed Coneerva- 0. Eilber has traded horses with tive. Said Mr. Carling-eIll tell Chas. Cook of Goderich township, you something whhia is unusual. Claris has something swifter than I inarrilld into a COnservittive ever and stir; he intends to make tfiallalsgrits:iensisgti7=Tioiti)ti: the eland fly about fall fair time. $mtlea when told. he must be lone- some in such company. -Clinton New Fru. 'Ot, 'otter, hittest seemed to be about the state of the weather as (*a eb day was experienced until the reaetion by a rain storm. This was given over the phone the other day by one of the subseribers to itne ming with varieue mixteres hyl FIVINll or- eve 1,41:01 tlitty hi.. Ill.StrOY the root, ef the Canada thistles whieli grow in alnilidanee111 that PTA t iry The town elerlt has eorresponded with 118111y pone ars & al the eubjell and in it letter reveived from C. E. Straw, of W:.ti•rt, men Wie., be nee nivel) ;1 euaes,..414 gn 1,^‘ prf AWL valuable. 'lr. Shaw, who lite -math, many invest/Latta ns en the eulajoet aril be f& anal a sointina of equal •rte eulphmee oriel 811,1 thrum - The lutest fashionable color now- pro, 11,c 14-4 com to tt 11: a days is VileatiOn brown :the reldeelisse the rep its of this \s -4•0d. thing is acquired. at the lake ent, asamien ia it dangerous one lint semething "just as gma f ix ant should be prenarea only the druggists of town are itecustom- ;, by an expert taaluiet," said M. ed to say. ean obtaint'd 011 anYIStraW. "The solution hits not her o B farm In this leenlity and t, m.kinhiv tested es yet, but it is OOT & SHOE • Where lots Of ourand Pity t • an 10.? emeht rr•ive ill lie 1114111, , ' folks get it. p ath / veti.e.a,! titt,ritnItri,e4r;vplztrullefle eitttthg it It is no denlat very grirtifying to do, n as of grows uttim..`. Prineipal Hagan of &oar publie seltool tale° to the parents of the olitlg ,• ladies who so euceeesfulle paesed eAXADIAN THIsTLES. The thistle et nennts:.italt."4 ''1' Clem). are e'q**'ri- 0 ./IMSgrealt7gaZatt-• e are offering the remainder of our summer dress goods at prices that will suit everybody. The fol- lowing list contains only a few of the bargains we offer Were we to itemize every article "The Herald" would n't have any room left for news. .• • 87 yds Scotch gingham the newest, designs and shades regular 12,4 cent goods now clearing at - 184 yds Zephyr blousing in cream, blue and pink shade,: regular 15 vents per yard elearing at - - 93 yds American percales !regular 10 cents per yar dnow clearing at - - - - 7X .101 22314 yds Seersneker in fine !shades. regular 10 and 1•S,X rent per yard. clearing at 139 yds Fine dress muslins ins• different patterns and .12 shades, now red -aced to 12:4 ome and see the goods and he convinced that suck bargains were never (demi before in Zurich. Produce taken in exchange for goods. We do as we say! %. ifatit Main Street Zuridib ert ..ouroasomiffloommsdoionom. 16ener & Co. Succersors to F. KIBLE reeent eVanlination-z. The :young ladies ref%,rrf il. to afro :Miss Jennie Hardly. Miss al:seta. Mealy. (new cempoeitor on the IllieraM)) Nin.s Flossie Kibtor. Miss Diana iind !lit.'s "Jima Thran, ttge latter hatiing tah.,r3D. woinid lit( tkivo 1-evla thy Nays" mauve among the sIter('ssfUll ite.. bluit We hot& thuir Mihaly tli time win mit '0 -0-e 111 , their alubilioll-Kintts taxi VA '2- 41ertts have mule fuiltiM., it) Civ-ir and why nor yen': Try it ;Again la4ys and 'rah for litarrati • and tinivEN OCT OP THE lioTEL ' Two men who gave their name: - as W. A. Sexton and jolin II. ladd- er of Vitale/mein were uncernla-V- ionsly bundled. out of a down -town hotel last night- Their oecupatien is that of pieture-franters4and they • registered at the hotel in the way. They went to sleep datring the afternoon and -when they weke up said they had lest $30 in cash. They accused one of the la'll-hr' ef having stolen it. The matter was reported to the pollee and De- tective Blaek investigated the ea -v. After diligent setareh he found the znociey in one of Sex:toes exten and Pedder were tate n their reevehing orders by the hotel prda. prieter. They left for 5011tkitl1tpOE last evening. -Toronto Globe. Division Court on Monday was largely attended. The esee fo.r wages. Shmeth-r vsSehrmicr was the Centre 4-f attraetion. It beim: a ease from near Deshweed. abort :seven-egiithst population" front that village wale in town that day. Geo. Sahreedler had enteredan action against P. Sehree- ' der Jr. for his eon's wages. The boy was hired to P. Schroeder for one year for f120 and about the • 16th day of Judy-, after putting in eight and ene third 11105. the boy took siek and was discharged. His Honor Judge Doyle found for the Plaintiff for th. and costs. J. G. &animae for Pht. L. H. Dickson for Deft. Garnishee. D. Hartleib P. C. R. W. Davis P. D. and Ramie and Heyroek Garnishees was settled. out of comas Garnishee A. Edigholfer P. 0. H. Parker P. D. and John Thomson, Garnishee Judgment against P. D. for fsaCO and eosts. also Judgmen,:t against Garnishee for &mit. duel' Debtor. H.J.D. Cooke for P. Credi- tor. Three Judgment Semmonses against N. M. Cantin were also on the docket but the deft. not appear- ing they were adjourned to next court, Nov. 6-th. t'O'CNCIL MEETINI4. DEALERS AND IZEPAIREti.8! reiall BA1' ;SO 113r Couneil was held • aa tattraAity. 25tIr inst.. for the perpeee aeppeintingi it Tlf,na.m.rer in Idle of Mr. Mlaeirs, who haat resigned. Ti' tiro t Vent all lamella. Mr. TilvIlln!..! .1t(rohnsoll of Zurieh„ V -APs allitottifq4 ; Treasnrer tat a salary- of elena per anratm. The folio etv•nes :Sre, &at 11,41 'Watch this space next week by the (*omit '31ove11 by W. B. Battler eeeended by P. Lament. Onat te- VS`Itereas. Mr. Pred. Kahlene vt-he has (wet:pied ete of Treasurer of the Township of Hay since Jan- uary asfai. Until this day. through eirelthistanees over which there is no control. has Seen fit to resiati the tare of Treasurer. And whereas Mr. Kibler has seen f fit to dispose of his property and sever his eoritted•tion with the Mu- • nieilialitaa and mterras to move with his fimiily. to tbe town of teampton Ontario. ' The -members the Munieipal Couneil of the Torn -hip of Hay cannot but expre'.' their rearet at losing so valuable Ma Officer. as well as eitizen. He has preven tt , be as man of sterling . efficient. ebligins: a/1,1 1-nittstaking ' ofiieer atul will be evreafiy 111i5.04" l.,y all who mine 1111 ertaot with him. The ConneH if Hay wieb.. front the bottom of their Sae that. E. "from whean tall Itleesinae • ffraw" may guide the futme doings, of Mr. Kibler and natty 'bestow all" HIS blessings and prosperity upon him and his esteemed family in their future home. In eonelnsicat. we may assm-e the eitizens of Brampton. that. what will be our loss, will be their gain. The Clerk is hereby instructed to transmit a copy of this resolution to Mr. Xibler and his family. The ecraneil adjourned to call of the reeve.Faan. Hass SR. Clerk. FALL FAIRS 4. HAY BRAXCII. ZURICH, Sept. 19-20. • Industrial. Toronto, Aug. 27 -Sep.& Western, London. Sept. 6-15. Sotthern, Brantford. Sept. 15-20, S. Huron, Exeter, Sept. 17-18. • Northern, Walkerten. Sept. 1a-19. • N. Western, C4oderich, Sept. 18-10. N. 'Wallace, Palmerston, Sep. 25-26 • W. Williams, Parkhill, Sept. 25-29. •Forest, Forest, Sept. 25-26. • Fullerton and Logan Mitehell, Sept 26-27 Clinton Township. Sept. 20-21 N. western, Winghaan, Sept.27-28 ess E. liireetr, Owen Sound, Oct. 10-18 1 tteon, Brussels , Oct, 4-5 e - P Bender & Co., Malta Street, Zurich, eater°. NEz PR!QI HOUSE Great Slaughter of ail Summer Goods! Ha-tleib's Block TWO SPECIALS ! 15 -cent muslin for 10 cents. Straw hats at cost. Zuric