HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-12-23, Page 8The Zurich Herald.
Meat Market
am in the market to buy all kinds
for which I will pay the highest
market price.
A supply of
Fresh and Salt Meats,
Bolognas and Sausages,
always on hand.
Terms Cash.
Harry Yunngblut,
Zurich - - Ontario.
The Gonu.h-
of the sea=
son to all my cus=
(Locals continued from page 1•) •
Rolled oats, Saxon flaked whout
at C. Schrag.
Mr, E. Appellants), of Dakota, is
visiting relatives in this vicinity
at present.
Owing to the non -arrival of our
paper for this; week's issue we are
late this week.
The proceeds of the school con-
cert will be used for purchasing
books, etc., for the school.
New acts,—D. S. Faust, F. W.
Hess. J. H. Wisrner. 0. Schrag. R.
Douglas, Notice to Creditors.
:4Ir. Chas. Fritz has had a furnace
installea in his residence. Mr.
Alex. Taylor, of Hensall, performed
the work.
The 14t11 concession, Hay, Sunday
School will celebrate Christmas by
giving in their school a festival on
Saturday evening, Dee. 24th.
Mr. Hy. Rau, of the Sauble line,
had a brick hauling boo last week.
Mr. Ran intends erecting a fine
brick dwelling next summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eilber, Mr.
J. Eilber and Mr. W. H. 'Wenzel,
of Orediton, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. C. Eilber last Sunday.
Henry Eilber, M. P. P., the present
member for South Huron, was un-
animously nominated by the Con-
servatives at Hensall, on Tuesday,
to again contest this Riding at the
approaching Provincial elections.
Word has been received here of
the death in Manitoba of "Lord
Roberts," a famous trotting stal-
lion, and at one time owned by Mr.
E. Bossenberry. Messrs. Ed. Bos-
senberry, Chris. Either and Chas.
Fritz were negotiating for the pur-
chase of hint, but received word as
abo ve.
Mr. Herman Romel, an aged resi-
dent of this section, passed awiev
on Thursday-, Dec. 22nd, at the rine
old age of Sri years. The deceased
had been in failing health for some
time, and for the last few years
I was somewhat childish. He was tt.
w 13 resident of this section for elan;
f i e lro
flSle -ears, living on the farm just west
of the village. His need partner,
one son and a number of daughters
survive hint.
I The regular meeting of the W.
C. T. T. was held at the home Of
:firs. I?. Bendel', on i:louticty triter -
noon, Dee. l :stir. Mrs, Nagel lett
the I)evotienal part. after which
the E leeational half hour was
taken 111) on "'The Coaling of Christ-
mas." A duet was rendered l>y
Misses:Beatrice Stoinbaeh anti Ly-
dia Rennie. A great Ileal of busi-
ness vete transacted, after which
the meeting wee e]eeetI with sinir-
ing "Clod ie with sag till we Meet
tacit Y i y i` 0MIN \TION.—Tile nenl-
inatien held in the Town Hall here.
on. Me7nday ler No. :i liivi.ietn ref
IS:1,m h. was rather skint.* attended.
there being less than 8() electors
present. .Upturning; ofti,cer Hese
received •'three ihoniinatie:ns, vii, :
join). MeNanghton, of Stanley
‘;"din. TJani;>nt, of Stanley. and 1'r rn.
J. Miller, t,f Hensall. After tilt'
nomination was closed, Mr. Hese
was elected chaunian and ashort
meeting was held whiell was ad.
dressed by the several candidates,
�/ w .r their movers and seconders. The
ll ` three candidates expressed them -
t selves es in the field for election,
but on Priestley evening Mr. Miller
sent in his re=signation. Thus Mr.
Lamont and t1r. bic•Ntanghton are
las again the representatives for Divi-
sion No. 3, in the County Council
for 1905 and 1008.
Planing and Saw k ii
—All kinds of woodwork. anti saw-
ing done to order. Estimates
given for all kinds of buildings.
A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar
Shingles. All kinds of lumber al-
ways ou handl
Field Gates, Water -
Tanks for Winfl-
and Water Troughs:.
Mills 74th Con., Lot 25.
J. M
Zurich P.
.. r
sneoial to THE HERALD.
Bright and
Pic y WEni;i.c, Bi.i.i_s. One of those
pleasant events which Intake two
people nappy for life, took place at
the honkie of Mr. and Mrs. John
.Dc'c•lhe:r, Babylon line,I-Tay, when
their second daatghter. Miss Lizzie,
was united in the holy bonds of
wedlock k to Mr. Ernest Rader. .&tiss
Clara Ruler, sister of the. groom I
supported orted the bride, while the
g-roein eNeis ably supported by itr.
John 1)eeher. Jr , brother of the
bride. Rev. E. Stdinelke tied the
nuptial knot in the preeence of the
immediate relatives of the bride
and groom. The presents were
New Year.
SEASON 11904-05.
A RE now ready and can 110
r't seen in our show rooms.
'They are made of the very best
material obtainable and con-
structed on princi.nles to with-
stand the moat rigid wear and
They have that
which is so much admired. 1
Cali and see them before;
buying e'sewhere,
F. Hess (t& Son.
Zurich Ontario.'
numerous and costly. TRE HERALD
joins in wishing the young couple
0happy and prosperous married
Special to Tin: HERA.LO.
School. Examination and Enter-
tainment, The School examination
in S S. No. 4, South, under the
management c,f Miss .Iessie Ster-
ling, was held in the School room
on t'ri(laay afternoon last, and was
a grand success, parents and child-
ren had gathered to enjoy an in-
tellec tuaal treat;
'J"110 programme was composed of
music, songs and recitations, after
which the inipils presented Miss
Sterling evith as i1.tlldeeme ktiuiioure
All enjoyed a very plea ,ant of ter -
noon, and all expressed, a • deep re-
gret that Miss Sterling, \yes soon
to leave her field of labor, we under-
stand that she intends going west..
.Miss Sterling has taught ' three
years in S.'S. No, 4, 'with marked
snceess. and besides being a quali-
feel teacher, she was held in much
esteem by, all who made her nc-
guraintance, The -section very much.
regret the departure of Miss Ster-
ling,. hut hope she May be sucoess-
fitl in her new field of labor.
Special to Tml HII1tALD.
The Teacher and pupils of S. S.
No. 1, Hay, have reason to con-
gratulate themselves on the grand
eaccess of their entertainment giv-
en in the school hall on Friday
evening, Dec. 16th. The weather
was all thu.t could be wished for,
and as a result a very large and
appreciative aullience was assembl-
ed ; Zurich, Kippen, St. Joseph,
Bayfield and other surrounding
places being well represented. The
Zurich Orchestra opened the con-
cert by rendering an Overture in
masterly style, as is their' custom.
They also charmed the audience
several times during the evening.
The scene presented when the
curtain raised was alone worth the
price of admission. The school
children were grouped on the stage,
the girls wearing white dresses
and the boys black suits. The
"Maple Leaf" was sung in chorus.
Miss Marie Laporte acted as ac-
companist for this, as well as for
the other songs and choruses dur-
ing the evening.
Mr. John Laporte, Secretary of
the School Board, who acted as
chairman, then welcomed the peo-
ple i.n the name of the school. He
congratulated the teacher and the
young ladies who assisted her on
the excellent programme which
they had placed in his hands, and
felt certain that his duties as chair-
man would be very light He ex-
plained in a few words the purpose
of the concert, which was two-
fold ; first, to 5pend a pleasant and
profitable evening as well as to
give a training to the children;
::e'ouel.ly, to raise funds to start
a library for tiro school. This, ho
said was very needful, if they
wished to give their children the
edacattt;u necessary to make thein
ge:etl and loyal citizens in the near
f.tnre. In conclusion he wished
the ouelieare a very pleasant even-
ing and the cemWitnents of the
sea.O51i. \Jb 4-. (' C'atltin next re-
cited e The 'Well of St. Keyne,"
wll e ll vete; listened to with great !
tten t n Th was followed by. a
"C:arisZe Paye," sung by Miss
Mar; Dm; . nv, whose sweet and
dear toned veiee could not fail to
ple.t.e tie. most fa-tidiorts. ,,s an
rn: pre elm sang -If I but knew."
Then i le little maids appeared,
ret it ..e,. in chorus, two selections—
' ed,3 eta (4 )115," end -The Bir, 1:; "
r, . t;; z.E g part were---Valerio!
Ti Tla,stq. haporte, he>t'tine, AliCe, I
Ongenie. h:Ler' at.d E Celina Deno-
-, t.',•1 iS.'rtita and Nellie Da-
e rine.
b; lease Laporte, a sweet little
Miss (•i' even years, next grave a
violin sole Although so young she
played in n t'a inti(3s:i style and was
encored tee the echo.
In the dialogue tie following, Stalest -
lens l.3it i:' s Jn tt the Inaster rind
leavc i)iicharnhe the servant, play
ea their parts admirably as was
r.Cic'tc'1'll`c•e1 by the applause given
them Inane times driving the act.
After this, the children sang in
ch.irtis "Christmas I've," the 5(310
part being taken by Celina Denomy
and Th eseo Laporte.
Miss Marie Laporte delighted the
audience by a declamation "Le prix
:rune bonne oeuvre " The planner
in which she recited showed ]ler
great ability to captivate her list-
The March and Flag Drill follow-
ing which was performed by eight
was ono of the specialties of the
Then cane little Miss Blancline
Laporte, who although only six
years recited "Left alone," a very
long poets. She received ronnds of
applause and as an encore recited
"i1•la.nihna's durling."
Once more the children sang in
chorus ; this time '+Canada forever"
Then These() Laporte gave a selec-
tion in French,"Trois petits Lonps"
which greatly delighted the French
speaking people present.
But the most amusing. number on
the programme was when six little
boys of five and six years, in turn
proclaimed in loud and sonorous
voice, what 'they would do when
they bectune glen.
This was followed by a recitation
given by the tea.cher,MissLacllance.
Iyer elocutionary powers are of a
very high order. and for fifteen
minutes she kept her: audience
spell -bound.
The prizes for the year given by
the Teacher and the Trustees, were
presented to the pupils by the Rev.
Father Lciiselle, who in his usual
()vial manner made appropriate
remarks. Thotio.receiving the prizes
were. Stansilaue3 Brisson, Hector
Laporte, Valerie Laporte and John
Denomy. Then all joined in sing-
ing (•zod Save .the Kin{ .
The proceeds amottuted to 181.55,
A Charlesworth Sona
Hardware Merchants
ARE now carrying a large and up-to-date
Stock of Hardware,fully assorted in all lines
We bay for cash, and it will be our endeavor to
do the best we can for all our customers. To
deal fair. We want your trade, we want your
confidence, and above all we want to give you
good honest goods at a fair margin. Come and
inspect Stock and get acquainted. Our. MR.
KELLY was in London last week and picked
up some
Be sure to call and see our Xmas Goods, get
our prices on Silver Table Ware and other suit-
able goods for Xmas gifts.
The highest cash price paid for Hides and Raw
Furs of all kinds.
A. Charlesworth & Son,
We have a fine lot of...........
Winter i
° ti,rtorS .•
U a': FELTS are warm and
good Wearers. We also
handle the King Stub -proof and
Armor Proof Rubbers: the best
Rubbers ever sold in town.
, • � r-7]• �� r
1"'`, a Vim ., o (JO.
taken in exchange for Goods.
Zug ei°
This cut represents the
Pandora Range
• Z, fl AL2Y ^-L
That People talk
SO much about.
it & ,I t.01 (? where the fire circulates twice around the oven
before it strikes the pipe, no other Stove has this improve-
ment. Nother Stove is just as good. It also has an indicator
on the oven to register the heat, no guess work in baking and
a dozen oilier improvements ever other Sttoves, Call and see
this great Stove.
' . big stock of
arness9 Robes, Blankets, Fur Coats.
cheap a.'c
C. H A R1 LE i B, The People's Hardware
and Harness House
The happiest event of the season. Are you
prepared for i.t? We are -with an entirely new
stock. For the children we have a good selec-
elec-tion of ..
Pretty Picture Books, 5 cts. up.
DOLLS, see that large size at 25
l AN-U'KATCN,a new 25c. game.
to- XI1A5 CARDS _40.-
. L R..9r_ _. _1 ...w, .
We have other beautiful lines such as Dress-
ing Cases, • Travelling Cases, Manicure Setts,
Shaving Sets, .Ji1ancy Ink -stands, Etc., Etc.
Cal! arnds ;e for yourself. Don't forget.
ST ,I AC , = Zurich„