HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-12-23, Page 4The Zurich Herald. XISIEZ IS PUBL18IDID zvi r xliU ZBDA ' EVENING. BY E. ZELLER TZRMS OF SUBSCR1PTION;--$1.00 per year paid st.-,ctly in advance. When the paper is not ordered to be discontinued it will be sent until such order is given and arrearagesPaid?. $1.50 to beehar;ed when not paid in advance. • ADVERTISING RATES.—Tran stent 1vertisemeuts, 10 cents per Brevier line 2)r first insertion and 5 cents per line for a,aeh subsequent insertion. Small Advs. Lteh as"Lost" "Estiav" or "Stolen will be ehfirst argod 50 cents insertion and 25 Bents for oaeh subsequent insertion. Copy for change of -idvertisement must Se handed in not later 11ran Tuesday night of each week to insure Change in follow- ing issue. Local notices in ordinary reading type 5 cents per line. Notices for Church en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for column, half -column and quarter-eolulnn rates for specified periods will be cheerfully given. Address all cominnnications to The m .. e1d , E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZURICH, P.O FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1004. COUNTY COUNCIL, The following is a condensed re- port of the important business transacted at the December session of Huron County Council, which was held at Goderieh. Not a great deal of legislation of importance was transacted. Applications for positions of keeper and matron of the House of Refuge were read from. R. H. De - long and wife, Goderieh ; J. New- comb and wife, Goderich township ; Robert Muteb and wife, Gerrie ;r Mrs. 1Y. H. Simpson, Clinton, and Mr. French, the present keepers. Nine of the council were in favor of retaining the present keepers 3 to six against and they were a.e- cording;ly re-engaged. The council by resolution decidedl I that a steel bridge, on iron pikes, not less than 100 feet long, be built between Huron and Lamb - ton, provided. Middlesex and. Lamb - ton pay two-thirds of the cost, the ratter being left in the hands of± the County Commissioner to enter' into correspondence with these) counties ;at once, conditionally that they two pay two-thirds of the cost , and that in accordance with the 1 Counts Engineer's advice renotn-' mend that the following bridges be constrnetecl the cooling year, tenders to 1)e called for and let at the coming meeting of the council in January, viz. at the Lake shore, near Arberley, in Ashfield, overthe 18 mile river, 95 feet long anal 10 feet wide ; on the boundary be -1 twoen Ashfield and West Wawa- l nosh, over. the 0 mile. river, 00 feet long 1)y 10 feet wide ; two on the boundary between T'nckerenti th and Ribbert, one over the Baiyileht river, 60 feet long b,, 16 wide, the other over Morrison's crook between the townships of Tuekciremith and and Ribbert on the boundary be - tweed Heron and Perth. That these, Bridges be built in conjunotiom '*withthe county of Perth, the latter; paying one-half the met. The County .Property committee found the 1 t. 1ers' report correc and that the were ten personsconfined in the jail, and that the institution was clean and in good order. They also found .Tailor Griflin.•scrinu:ly ill, but hoped for his speedy recovery. Notice of the comnittment of Charles Constable, a boy from Sea- -forth, to the Victoria Industrial School, was received and the pa- pers filed. The Executive reporters in favor of paying the Gerrie Company of volunteers the usual extra 25 cents. per diem. for attending at training camp in the summer and recom- mended a grant of ) 25 to the Huron Poultry and Pet Stock Association, to assist in paying in'17,e . The Education r•nr.awcutte r reve r' mended (1) that the lctta) from Iiarriston High l.•'ehun1, re paymt'aat 1 of pupils, lie left overto l anu ary session and noted ; (2) r 'po teem that i in 1.904 'Vest Iluro) rr oived$11;.. 2; and East Huron :;,.r t 50 for rural I school libraries, and that Pu sic oehool continuation grants were paid by the Legislating) int follows : West Huron $5.45, Exeter taking ,,;300, Wing ham �a:200, Heiman. $25, .and Bayfield $15, the $325 paid to the East Ridinng. g; beidivided a., follows :Brussels r; 200, Blyth $100, -Wroxeter 1t25. • Dr. Shaw's report for the House of Refuge for the year 1904 shows 17 deaths, the largest number in any year since the opening of the institution. • This large number of deaths he attributes, in -part, to the exceedingly cold weather the year through,•whioh considerably affect - •ed the aged inmates. Of the 17, ;one reached, 100 years, one 88, one 7, and one each 86, 85, 83, 81, 80, 70, two 88, two 77, and one each 76, 75, 70- and 67. Two deaths were 'caused by pneumonia and insanity, three by caneer of the stomach, three by old age, two by apolexy, two by consumption, and three by other diseases. In the House of Refuge on Deo. lst, 1904, there were 78 inmates ; males 49, females, 29 ; from McKil- lop 5, Goderieh township 1, Us - borne 2, Ashfield 1, Tuckersmith 2, Wingharn 1, Goderioh 5, Exeter 5, Clintonl, Wroxeter 1. On motion it was decided to with hold the unpaid balance of money voted Godorielh township to assist in cutting Hnlnzesville hill, until such time as the ccmncil was assur- ed the money was: pent as orignal- ly intended. In accordance with the petition of fifteen municipalities, a by-law • was ordered to be prepared mill passed to return to t11 of representation incound il, • ) e old system the county COUNTY NEWS. Mr. T. H. Brownlee, for several years principal of S. S. No. 14, Huy has been engaged. as prmoipal of the Hayfield Public school for the year 1U05, Commencing with the new year alto Mousse of Refuge will have a !nor matron in the person of lures. 11,T. H. Simpson, of (tinton. it has { been the desire of '11 'F. French to ' etire for a time, 1- Principal Strang csnite<nplates I retiring from the Principalship of the Cxuderich Collegiate In;atitutc !in the near fMore. A severe grid painful accident: happened to two little children of 1l'r. and Mrs. Rob)a Doig, of Tnok- ersmith, the other c1111. ;firs. Duig I was boiling some meat and would occasionally skins tho �v iter. On Ipier leaving the room, her little son , of six years, endeavored to imitate his mother in the skimming, with. the result of the pot of boiling water being upset upon Inin, and badly scalding a little baby about the face, who was playing on the floor near by. J. Reilly, the mail -carrier be- tween Farquhar and Dublin, had a runaway in Exeter the other even- ing. His horse became frightened • at the power house and detached itself from all but the harness and shafts, and ran down Main street at a lively gait, kicking the shafts at every jump. hen in front of Dr. Ramsay's ofiice the shafts de- scended over a tie -post, and brought the beast to as sudden standstill. The driver and horse were unhurt. The Cancierieh Model class has been undergoing examinations lust week. Inspector Tom being the• presiding examiner. The following, igen ;ers have seenred schools : Miss Telfer, Walton : Miss Clara Koehler, Dashwood, Miss Winona Howard, 1,Vinchel.;ea ; Miss Mar- garet Kilpatrick, Prosperity ; Miss (lira Kienzle, Crediton ; Miss Char - ria; 11lilli_*grin, Brtt:;:;els ; Mise Dora Dalton, Chatsworth ; Miss Cora White, Leaadbury ; Clayton White, I'ort Albert ; Ernest Sherwood, Dashwood ; Harry Leppard, Drew Station ; Geo. E:aglestnne, White. - church ; IIerbert Campbell, Whi te- ehurch. A special meeting of the Exeter Bo—rd of Trade was held the other evening, the object of the sleeting being to receive a proposition from the St. Marys Board of Trade to toteet with them to discuss railway matters. AX deligation drove to the "Stone Town" where they met about 20 of the prominent business men of that place. A provisional board of directors was appointed to apply for a charter to ineorpor- ate a branch of the 0, P. R. The propoeecl.routc to 1)e aL branch from the main line east of Strittforal. through Stratford, to St. Marys, Kirkton, Exeter, Crediton and thence to Sarnia, the charter to be applied for at the session of Parlia- ment in January next. HILLSSGREEIV, ,;aseial to LIE HERALD. Onrrcguy. It is our sacs duty Bilis ,:eek to report the death of 'a 1a ernes Hagan, of. Hills Green, who Passed assay on Tuesday morning, Dee, 20th, as the clock was striking five. Mr. Hagan was among the oldest residents in the Township of Hay, having reached the ripe old age of 7.4 years. Ife was born in the County of Tyrone., Ireland, where he lived with his parents, two brothels and five sisters, until the age of twenty- four, when he bade farewell to the land of his birth, accompanied by itis brother, John, who still sur- vives him, and set sail for America, landing in New York, then to To- ronto, where he spent two years, then proceeded further west and located on the Parr Line, Huron County, at that time a vast wilder- ness, and hewed out a home upon which he resided until his death Some 43 years ago he harried Ann C. Jordan, daughter of James Jordan, of Gode-,rieh township, who With six sons. and five survive him. On his death bed he macro a request that his six sons carry his body to the last resting place. Tho funeral took place Thursday, Dec. 22nd, at 10 o'clock, from -St. Boniface.Oatholic Church, Zurich. In religion Mr. Hagan was a de- vout Catholic. In politics a staunch Liberal. The family have the deep sym- pathy of the surrounding country in their sad loss of a kind husband and loving father. OF INTEREST TO TEACo1TERS. In accordance with a resolution passed in a union meeting of the Executive Committees of the East and West Huron Teachers' Associa- tions the Secretaries requested tho Ministers of Edlueation to state more explleitly the nature of the entrance paper on written reacting; at the next examination. Tho fol- lowing is the reply : Toronto, Dee. Sth, 1904. Dear Sirs :—I tam directed by the Minister of Education to state in reply to your letter of the 28th inst. that the Entrance paper on Written Reading will consist of a series of sight passages in litera- ture upon which questions will be a.skecl to deternune the power of the candidate to understand, inter- pret. and appreeiate literature as a whole:. These selections) will be within the comprehension of the 1 candidates. As a preparation for ' their work the candidates are assumed to have smelled literature as provided for Part I of the exam- ination. The Written Reading paper will also test the pupil's knowledge of the passages selected for memorize tion. Your obedient servant, JOHN MILLER. Deputy Minister. W. H. Johnston, Sec., W. H. T. A., Kippen, ()nt . J. Hartley, Sec., E. H. T. A., Wroxeter, Ont. Married. RARER—DEcn r1— At the home of the bride's parents, on the Babylon line, Hay, on Wednes- day, Dee. 21st, by Rev. E. Schuel- ke, Miss Lizzie, second daughter of ),Jr. and Mrs. John Deeper, to Mr. Ernest Ruder. G.aunnr..—At the South Boundary, Hay, on Nov. 27th, to Mr. and • Mrs. Paul Gaebel, a daughter. Died H:aaax.—At the Parr line, Town- ship of Ilay. on Tuesday, Dee. 20211, Jaynes Hagan, Sr., at the age of 74 years. RC/MEL—In Zurich, on Thursday, • December 42nd, Ilefurau Hemel, at the age of 03 years. v- t2 Sad Real Es lair& Prasorkai FrEoiert The following property : 50 nere.aPast-are and Timber Land en c_'onceiooin 8, Hay. A new —roe ped Erick house in the'Village. of Zurich. 1 clra.l gat broom Mare in foal to tin leoerted Hors., . 2 suckelog('•.)lt 2 Milch Cows in calf. In11'L`.• :: ? s. --Large Mower, IIoree 1 Rake, ,'witting 13o:, Disc Har- row, ,'.; 'Viissub Grinder, etc. �• EASY ,� TE -RIMS. } S. .1��.. �•�i.:.�g>Nli SG;fq �3.4�1.t )ick . lei"„J- rates. r1,\'o have glade arrange:nents to offer the following low clubbiIhg rates with Tun Ii':1 r) : Daily (Violin . 4.25 Mail sn• Empire 4.25 'Weekly globe . 1.75 „ %latil & Umpire 1.70 :Berliner .1 iresn al (German) 2. i) Family '111(1 d'z Star 1.75 Daily Free Prom 3.25 Weekly Free Press 1.75 Daily d 1 t t rtiser 2.4d Weekly Ad, ertiscr 1.50 Weekly Son ? .75 Farmer's .advocate 2.25 1-47-"wce Sprt i'ially recominendl our readers to subscribe to the Farmer's Advocate and Ilomo Magazine." or h -r --tt;; r' .• '-1lrf,,'V Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat (new) 00 to 1.04 Oats 29 30 Barley 37 38 Peas .. , . 55 62 Flour ......... 2 .50 2 75 Butter .. 15 16 Eggs .... 10 20 Chickens Th " .. 6 7 Dried, Appcls Turkeys ............ Geese Duck 3 12 4 13. til a Potatoes.... 30 35 Hogs 'Iter ewt).$4,35 $4,70 } f P� CHRISTMAS f Furniture Novelties. Our Stock is complete. New designs in Photo Holders, Toys, Games, Pictures, Fancy Rockers. Fine Leather Goods, a suit- able line for Xmas gifts: II ° Ladies Hand Bags Gents Wallets and Bill Folds Suit Cases Trunks, Etc. Fancy Rugs, Robes, Bells, Hd rness, Fur,, ' h Coats, Leather Dressing Cases, House Ca.r riag es, Sleighs. Organs and Pianos. t'e'�+-r-, --- " 5 `i =;= :t~a3'* <; i' -'v-3 v=• -4r .. -•3� s•=en r, .i1 I, ai ice ? E3 a..... -4,c.....,,, 9 Z U11 r I c * �s S The People's Store :°� %Y :1;•4')*,14 Jai^::`*****.:1-:****,;-:1,*;YM y%***.f:•-fi*4'V"ti"'iit«'V•*11.:*e}a-`,.fw N a very short time the feminine mind will be very intent upon what will be .o most fashionable, most serviceable and most o' suitable for aft emb Winter Wear. We have macre it a special point to purchase carefully and what will suit the ladies of this section. Special values given in all lines of %unmet Weal. -No trouble to show goods. FARM PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS WANTED FOR ',NITWIT WE PAY ITIGflI ST PRICES. C«:y:,;:;):;`*c. •:;i;;s: ;;.,.?..****..t..'ty:Vn,+,.n*,;rn.;'Y'*y::?,.`,`..+a.'y::;SI✓:.,.'.:.:"d;t�.i✓wT: T ;�•�9Zurich. * If We J is re n,. rth ra.g .. STC'(. 7_].e C�. 7.Y�. • . . . `D CJ STOCK FOODS and PREPARATIONS — --such as INTER .ATION AL STOCK AND POULTRY FOOD, Dietic Stock Comapound, Gall Cure, Colic Cure, Worm Powders, Healing Oil, Oil Cake and Linseed Meal. Also A choke Inc of Flour and Breakf st ' Foods. NtiTI HIN,a.G YOU n MEE� '. Y XMAS AND r'..75 APPY NEW yF'fw YE? H►. C CFURAG9 Zwllc IPEERING GIANT STEELSECTIONAL CULTIVATOR Is in a class by itself. The ver; best that can be bought. The Deering Disc and Shoe Drills can not be excelled. —THE WILKINSON MANURE -- SPREADER is the best on the market. It has many im- provements which other spreaders have not. THE PLETJ'RY, WILKINSON, PERCIVAL and COCKSHUTT PLOWS' are all well known in this section, Deering Acy UJu