The Herald, 1904-12-16, Page 8The Zurich 'Herald.
Meat Market
am in the market to buy all kinds
for which I will pay the highest
market price.
A supply of
Fresh and Salt Nteats,
Bolognas and Sausages,
always on hand.
Terms Cash.
Harry Yungblut,
Zurich = - Ontario.
Horse Shoer and
Verity Plow Rapairs a1=
ways on hand.
All work promptly attended to.
Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs-
day and Friday evenings of each
week, at six o'clock sharp.
Planing and Saw MiH
—All kinds of woodwork and saw-
ing done to order. Estimates
given for all kinds of buildings.
A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar
Shingles, All kinds of lumber al-
ways on hand.
Field Gates, Water -
Tanks for Wind mills
and Water Troughs.
Mills 14th Con., Lot 25.
(Locals continued from page 1•)
Are you going tp the school con-
cert on December 22nd? Why of
course I am.
An entirely new stock of Dolls,
from 5 cents up. The prettiest yet
shown by us. D. Steinbach.
Don't fail to be present and see
the pupils perform at their annual
school concert on Dec 22nd, 8 p. in.
Any old stove will burn oil, but
the line we carry is superior to
most makes at A. Charlesworth &
The Zurich Public School Con-
cert will be held on Thursday, Dec.
22nd, commencing at 8 o'clock, P.
in. Don't miss it.
The sale which is. advertised for
to -morrow afternoon is going to be
a good one. You will miss some
big snaps if you don't attend.
Rev. M. C. MoLennan,the Liberal
candidate, was in the village on
Wednesday and held an organiza-
tion meeting. The minister is in
the field to stay and by reports is
meeting with ranch encouragement.
Mr, D. Geromette met with a
serious accident in Kalbfleisch's
flax mill, on the 14th, on Wednes-
day of last week. He was working
at the brake and accidently got his
hand caught in the rollers of the
machine smashing one linger and
the tip of another one of the right
hand. The injury was a painful
one and will lay Mr. Geromette off
for some weeks.
Mr. Phil. Duchnrme and brother,
of the Sauble line, left Wednesday
for the lumber camps, north of
Wiarton. They will be employed
by the Goderich Lumber Co., who
have purchased a 2000 -acre timber
limit in that district. The Com-
pany is erecting a large saw mill
there and have secured the services
of Mr. Fred. Belanger as overseer.
Now that the holiday season is
at hand and the average person
will have some shopping to do, it
may not be out of place to remind
them to shop early. Do not wait
until the last moment. You are
always sure of having a better
selection to choose from and the
merchant has more time to show
his goods. Be wise and shop early.
Our band is making good pro-
gress. A quantity of new music
has been purchased and the boys
are diligently practicing it, Prac-
tice is held every Tuesday and
Friday evening. Any one wishing
ing to join the band could find no
better time than the present, as it
will giN.e them an equal chance
with the rest. Abuot three or four
members are needed to complete
the band.
3. C. Kalbfleisch
Zurich P. O.
Rings Galore.
October is the month to buy
Gold Rings.
I now show a first class line,
Ladle's and Gents',
= .w`1411101.01.1011
and right prices. — Make your
choice now
A Full Stock in all Lines;.
Fine Watch and Clock Repairing
my Specialty.
F. W. R, j ESS,
Special to Tars HERALD.
Winter has made its appearance
again, seemingly to stay.
Quite a number of changes of
property have taken place, of late.
R. G. Nibhol, our genial merchant,
has disposed of his place of busi-
ness to Mr. Robt. Douglas, who has
also sold his farm to a Mr. T1c-
Kenzie from the north. We are
sorry to lose Mr, Nichol for he was
a most obliging resident of the
village, but welcome Mr. Douglas
and wish him unbounded success
in his new employtnent.
Mr. Robt. Douglas Sr. is
able to sit lip. We hope to
hear of his entire recovery.
On account of the increased cost
of raw material and that higher
wages are being paid to workmen,
the blacksmiths of the following
towns and villages have raised the
price .'f new horse shoes from 25
:,tints to 30 cents and resetting an
old shoe from 10 cents to 12X cents,
The blacksmiths of these places
have agreed to the new scale :—
Zurich, Hensall, Dashwood, Varna,
Exeter, Bayfield, Corbett, Grand
Bend, Kippen, Drysdale, Blake,
Hillsgreen, Greenway and Farqu-
SEASON 1904=05.
ARE now ready and can be
seen in our show rooms.
They are made of the very best
material obtainable a.nd con-
structed on principles to with-
stand the most rigid wear and
They have that
Special to THE HERALD.
Mr. Jas. Clark has purchased
handsome Newcombe piano.
Quite a number of our citizens
attended the Fein -Kraft nuptials
near Dashwood last week. Mr. and
Mrs. Wein will reside in our vil-
Nearly all of the patients, who
were ill with scarlet fever, have
reco'rered. Several new cases are
reported and the families have
been isolated.
The Literary Society met at the
home of Mrs. Bluett on Monday
evening. The subject was "Ger-
many", an agreeable evening was
spent by those present.
Fred. Kerr attended the shooting
match at St. Thomas the other day
and succeeded in carrying off a
good share of the prize money.
Joseph Haist's sale was . well
attended. The proceeds amounted
to $1900.00.
People aro starting to talk elec-
tion again. Quite a number from
here intend to go to Hensall next
Tuesday to attend the Conservative
Special to THE HERALD.
The trustees of our public school
have engaged Mr. Sherwood as
principal and Miss Clara Koehler
as assistant for next Year.
Mr. H. Reynolds. has returned
from the West.
The Evangelical church will hold
their Xmas festival on Friday
evening, Dec. 23rd. Everybody is
invited to attend.
lir Smith, 'of. Sarnia, is visiting
friends in the village this week.
Mr. George Kellerman was in
Goderich, Monday, on business.
A number of our young people
attended the school concert on
Friday eight. •
Mr. Ezra Bender is looking more
Pleasant than usual these days.
Its a girl.
The present Township Council of
Hay held their last sitting of the
present year in the Town Hall yes-
terday. There will likely be a chan-
ge in the personell of next year's
Council, as Mr. Alex. Thompson,
one of the members, moved to the
village of Hensall during the past
year and is no longer a resident of
the Municipality of Hay in a muni-
cipal sense. We hear that there
are a number of names mentioned
of farmers who should make good
Councillors. and who will likely be
candidates for that office,
A. Charlesworth & 5on.
"--.001115/02.-- Hardware Merchants!,-.44118ass--''
ARE now carrying a large and up-to-date
Stock of llarclware,fully assorted in all lines
,We buy for cash, and it will be our endeavor to
do the best we can for all our customers. To
deal fair. We want your trade, we want your
confidence, and above all we want to give you
good honest goods at a fair margin. Colne and
inspect Stock and get acquainted. Our. MR.
KELLY was in London last week and picked
up some 29..&.MG..43..IINTS_ •
Be sure to call and see our Xmas Goods, get
our prices on Silver Table Ware and other suit-
able goods for Xmas gifts.
The highest cash price paid for Hides and Raw
Furs of all kinds.
A. Charlesworth & Son,
Special to THE HERALD.
Mr. Alf. Scruton has opened a
flour and feed store in George In -
gram's block.
Another successful Assembly was
helm in the Opera House last Mon-
day evening.
Mr. Duncan Robertsoaa an old
and respected resident of this vil-
lage, passed away last Friday. He
was well up in the eighties and was
a resident of Hensall for many
Mr. H. J. Cooke is attending
Court at Goderich this ,week.
Mr. W. J. Miller's name is men-
tioned as a likely aspirant for
County Council honors in division
Trim BEST ALWAvs. It iS said
that the Family Herald and Weekly
Star of Montreal has more readers
than any other five weekly papers
in Canada combined. That it goes
on increasing year after is no won-
der, for its marvellous circulation
enables the publishers to spend
more and more money each suc-
ceeding year to keep the Family
Herald ahead of competitors. This
year we are told their premium
picture which is given to all who
subscribe cost more money than
any two former premiums. "The
Princess at Work" is the title of
this year's picture, and is a perfect
beauty, One dollar seems a small
amount to purchase such a picture
and a year's sub,±l•iption to that
big weekly. W ,earn that the
FamilyHeraldis ha ing a pheno-
menal increase In t , e number of
new readers thi.;t year.:,.....
CdO i hanks.
We •tak his opportunity to
hearts t k our friends and
STYLISH APPEARANCE neigglices for the kindness and
assi tan
tj:t i`s ins elacl gratifying to know
P+l it the services rendered were
heartily and unselfishly given in
the hour of need. Signed on behalf
.of the fancily.
E. Zeller.
which is so much. admired.
Call and see them before
buying elsewhere.
F. Hess Sons Y,
10aZurioh, Dec. 15th, 1904,
eendered during the ill-
+, d with sand burial of our be-
A FI '- E LOT!
We have a fine lot of...........
Winter Shoes
" r UR FELTS are warm and
good wearers. We also
handle the King Stub- roof and
Armor Proof Ru-bbers : the best
Rubbers ever sold in town.. -
Eggs taken in exchange for Goods.
Miss Rose Yungblut, who has
been ill with the typhoid fever in a
hospital in Pittsburg, Pen., is re;;
The skating rink has been put
into shape and good skating has
been enjoyed by the young people.
Children under 12 years of ago
are strictly prohibited from hang-
ing onto sleighs and cutters within
the village of Hensall. The council
has instructed the constable to act
in the matter.
J. & C. McDonnell have pur-
chased a large safe from a party
in Zurich.
Christmas shopping is now the
order of the day. Make your se-
lections early.
Zr+ LLaR,—In Zurich, • on Monday,
Dec. 12th, Clarissa Liebler, relict
of the late Michael Zeller, at the
age of 69 years, 8 months and
20 days.
WEIN--KRAFT—At the residence of
the bride's parents, near Dash-
wood, on Tuesday, Dec. Gth, by
Rev. M. Clemens, Miss Annie,
;;econcl daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Kraft, to Mr. John Wein,
of Crediton.
TAyeoR—Lovn—At' the residence
of the bride's Mother on Nov. 24,
by Rev. S. A. Carriere, Mr. Robt.
Taylor, to Miss Maggie, youngest
daughter of .Mrs. Love, all of
Grand Bend.,
This cut represents the
Pandora Range
That People talk
so much about.
TIIE Steve where the lire circulates twice around the oven
ll before it strikessthe pipe, no other Stove has this improve-
ment.• No other Strive is just as good. It also has an indicator
on the oven to register the heat, no guess work in baking and
a dozen other improvements over other Stoves. Call and see
this great Stove.
A big stock of
Harness, Robes, Blankets, Fur Coats
cheap at
C. HART LEI B, The People's Hardware
and Harness House
itourOleer920121W.11,0100119•11012113 1•110:031191•3112167
The happiest event of the season. Are you
prepared for its We are with an entirely new
stock. For the children we have a good se,lec -
tion of.
Poeltry Picture Books, 5 cts. up.
DOLLS, see that large size at 25
KAN-U-KATCH,a new 25c. game.
- - Xf1AS CARDS ±
We have other beautiful lines such as Dress-
ing Cases, Travelling Cases, Manicure Setts,
Shaving Sets, Fancy. Ink -stands, Etc., Etc.
Call and see for yourself. Don't forget.
0. ST I N BAC s[, _ Zurich.