The Herald, 1904-12-16, Page 5l °The Zurich Herald. A local salesman for Zurich, Ont., and surrounding territory to Represent "CANADAS GREATEST NURSERIES" Newest Varieties, and Specialties in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Ornamentals and Roses. A permanent situation, and territory i+eserved for the right, man. Pay weekly, handsome outfit free. Write for particu- lars, and send 25 cents for our pocket microscope, just the thing to use in exam- ining trees and plants for insects. Stone & Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES" OVER 800 ACRES. Toronto, Ont 11pHOTOS.—I will be in Zurich every Monday, all day, and am prepared to take photos at the old stand next to Dr. Campbell's office. GEORGE TRoir. Farm for Sale. 210 acres on the Sauble line, Hay Tp., about 30 acres of good bush, good dwell- ing and large bank barn. Plenty of good tatter. For further particulars apply on the premises, Lot 13, L R. 'West, or to Daniel Smith, St. Joser P. 0. Ont. 50tf onzaimulnizoimmemaiti Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. H. HOFFMAN %1B3111=11111111•11111111111111M111151111111 Will You HeIp it? THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN For it Cares for Every Sick Child in Ontario whose Parents Cannot Afford to Pay For Treatment. y' er sof' The Hospital Sick Children, College street, Toronto, appeals to the fathers and mothers of Ontario for funds to maintain the thousand sick children that it nurses within its walls every year. ' --- The Hospital is not a local institution— but Provincial. The sick child from any 1 place in Ontario who can't afford to pay has the same privi- leges as the child living in Toronto and is treated free. The Hospital had last year in its beds and cots 761 patients, 267 of these were from 196 places out- side of Toronto. The cost is 98 cents per patient per day, and there were 129 sick little ones a day GOOD Dar, DOCTOR.' in the Hospital. Since its founda- tion. the Hospital 1 has treated 10,371 ohildren —about it 7,500 of these were unable to pay and """ were treated free. Every dollar may be the translator of your kind thoughts into the Hospital kind deeds. Everybody's dol- lar may be th e Friend in Need to 'Somebody's child. Let the money of the strong be mercy to the weak. The Hospital pays out divi- dends of health and happiness to suffer- ing childhood on every dollar that is paid by the friends of little children. If you know of any sick child in your .neighborhood who is sick or crip- pled or has club feet send the par- ent's name to the Hospital. "SEIE'S KNITTING" See the example of what can bo done for club -foot children. "There were 14 like cases last year and hun- 'cireds in 28 years. MASSAGE. inmate AFTRR Please send contributions to ,T, Pjcow; 'Robertson, Chairman, or to Douglas David- son, Sec.-Treas., of The Hospital for Sidi ,Children, College Street, Toronto. 5 I•;DAR POSTS FOR SALE:—We have a large number of First Class Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will be sold at reasonable prices. For particu- lars apply to 48•tf Minn do )3 - r I,R, Zurich. W. C. T. U, Prevention. A great point to be trialed at in this form is prevention—to build tip a barrier between the nnpol- liltecl lips of boys and drink. Once the drink appetite formed, it is a miracle almost the man is saved. Mr. Gough once told the writer that while the guest of a gentle- man in New Hampshire, and ad- miring the perfect appointment of the house, his host said : "Mr. Gough, I was one of the most de- based and degraded of drunkards, I will tell you how I reformed. Some ladies noticed a little girl passing by their house daily with a tin pail in her hand. One day they accosted her. 'Little girl, what have you got in your pail?' 'Whiskey, ma'am.' 'Where do you live.' 'Down in the hollow.' The lady accompanied .her home, and said to the mother ; 'Is this your child, madam?' 'Yes.' 'Does she go to school?"No, we have no clothes for her.' Send her to our hc.use, and we will furnish. her with clothes.' 'Yes,' responded the poor woman, 'and he will steal them for drink.' Does your child go to Sun- day -school?' inquired the lady. 'No,' replied the mother. 't pro- pose a plan,' said the lady ; let your little girl come to our house in the morning. and we will give her clothes, so that she can go to Sun- day -school, and she can rdturn and put the old ones on before return- ing home.' That was agreed upon and the little girl was so teachable, and learned to read so soon, that she was presented with a little Testament, which was the first thing she ever owned. She loved it so much that she took it to bed with her, and held it in her hand till she went to sleep. One day the child was ill, so sick that the doc- tor said she must die. (Concluded next week.) A Good Christmas. A "Made in Canada" Christmas number is that of Canadian Good Housekeeping, which in neatness of appearance and variety of con- tents yields to none of the im ported publications. Besides the usual features by which this maga- zine is now so well known, the December has a striking Christmas story ;aa timely article on "The Canadian Girl at Cristmas Time ;" A Christmas Message to Canadian Women ; an article on "What Win- ter Means in the rlountry," freely illustrated ; a' talk with the "Marys" ; an interesting paper on "The Servant Problem hi India," by Sarah Jeannette Duncan, the Canadian authoress ; and several pages of useful hints for Christmas celebrations. The illustrations throughout aro excellent, and the cover is an especially attractive one. Canadian Good Housekeeping (Toronto) is remarkakle dollar - value for housekeepers and all interested in home -making in Can- ada. Ha.vo you renewed your subscrip- tion to Tran HERALD? We are offer- ing some exceptional clubbing rates at the present time. County Council EIh'ction County of ibtiron. U13LIC NOTICE IS I:IEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the electors of County Division No. 3, coniposecl of the Municipalities of Hay and: Stanley Town- ships and the Villages of Bayfield and Hensall will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, December the 19th, 1904, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of nominating candidates to represent thein in the Council of the Coun- ty of Huron for the years 1905 and 1906, and that in case a poll is demanded, polls will be opened on the 2nd day of January, 1905, in each polling subdivision at the time and place fixed by' by-law of the municipalities of said county division. Pato. HEss SR., Nominating Officer for County Council Division No. 3. Dated at Zurich this 4th day of Decem- ber, 1904. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a skotch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion tree whether an invention is probably patentable. Communion, Rens strictly eontdontial. Ilfnndbook on Patents. sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive epcctattnotice, without charge, in the Seitnaht fintericano A handsomely iihistrated weekly. Largest erp culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, $1. SoldbyuD newsdealers. MUNN & C J 3618roadway, New York. Branch Office. r',"..7.7 Washington. D. C. Th Toronto Star A DAILY PAPER has ceased to be a luxury and is classed to -day as a necessity by most people. There are special reasons, however, why the Toronlo Daily Star has become so exceptionally popular. The wide range of news it gives, the thoroughness of its reports and the catchy style in which they are dealt with account for its popularity.' Its political news is reported and discussed in an independent spirit.1 It gives all market and stock reports up to the close of the markets on the very day of publication. It publishes the events of the world on the day they occur.) It iia in fact the brightest and newsiest paper in Canada. It will be sent to groan, to 'ether with than paper In which this advertiseanent is printed, for i 1.75 et rear. S[JBSCR!BE TO -DAY HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO RENT. — A 0 -roomed, one and a-�- half storey dwelling, kitchen attached, with good stable, good orchard and good well on premises. Lot contains 1 acre and is situated 2?r miles north of Zurich and 1 east of Blake. For particulars apply to owner, Chas. Schoeinacher, part lot 20, N. -B., Hay Tp.; Blake P. 0. The er&lci y 111 Ger [eId AND. Ttit, We have made arrangements with The Tornlrl Publishing Company, of Montreal, vl•e:euy We are enabled to give The MINTIER ERA The "Magazine -Newspaper," 49 e m Susscriborc to Th:o Paper who pay their subscriptions in advance for one sear. t. • 11 sou u re in arrears, send in the amount cow due, with $1,00 to pay a year's subsorip- ion in advance, and we will scud you abso- iu"aly tree mu Weekly Montreal herald fo. one s ear. it your subscription has not expired, yen may remit $1,00, and we will extend your +ubscriptlen one year, and sand you Thu t,eeltly Montreal Herald for ono year. If you axe not•now a subscriber, send In $1.00 now, and this paper and The Weekly Montreal Herald, two dollar newspapers, wIL he sent for $1,00. This is I -HE GREATEST DOLLAR VALUE Ever offered by any Canadian newspaper The Weekly Montreal Herald, the "Mnga- Ti nu-Newapnper," is without a rival in Can. Ida. Convenient in form, timely, interesting and instructive as to contents, it is the "ideal newspaper." Combining the best features of the popular magazines, The Weekly Montreal Nereid is a weekly magazine and newspapot combined, at the price of the ordinary news- paper. ffAEAZIf1E FEATURES HOUSEHOLD' DEPT. FARM DEPARTMENT SUNDAY FEATURES MARKET PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS AND QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS HUMOR WOMAN'S PAGE AND TIMELY NEWS urate The Weekly Montreal Herald a "maga- title-newspaper" that appeals to readers of every class. Never a dull number throughout 11e year. SEND $1.00 FOR YOUR RENEWAL NOW and got The Weekly Montreal Herald free, or subscribe now if you are not already a sub- scriber, and get this paper and 'rho Weekly 'Montreal ilerald for $1.00. Address: Y is Herald, Zurich Subscribe for THE I-11IRALD, If so, how are you going to sell it? IRST you must make public S l the fact that it is for sale. If yon are old-fashioned in your methods (or in other words, behind the 'times] you will prob- ably tell your friends about it, or put a board up on the property with the words "For Sale" on it. After you have waited. a long time you finally come to the conclusion that Real Estate is not in demand, although at that very time there are hundreds of people in different parts of the country who would be glad to buy your property at a fair price if they only knew about it. UR method of doing business has caused a complete revolution in the Real Estate business, FIRST, because it is entirely differ- ent from the methods heretofore existing. SECONDLY, because it is reasonable, thoroughly practicable and up-to-date. And THIRD- LY, because it is wonderfully successful. By our method of advertis- ing full particulars of your property can be brought to the attention of more than half a million people. The 'Western Real Estate Exchanze9 Limited. E. ZELLER, Geller ;,I Agent Zurich, Ontario air Fc Ils "I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor to stop my hair from falling. One- half a bottle cured me." J. C. Baxter, Braidwood, Ili. Ayer's Hair Vigor is certainly the most eco- nomical preparation of its Kind on the market. A little of it goes a lopg way. It doesn't take much of it to stop falling of the hair, make the hair grow, and restore color to gray hair. $1.00 a bottle. -MI druggists. togrourehamansametrWanometenctemogammowesomactowranmenunamote If your dragrist cannot supply you, sehd ne ono dollar and we will express you a bottle.Bo sure andggive the name of your nearest eAPrIceCO:aiLe.wAd, cMes, The widespread popularityiof STEVENS RIFLES, jISTULS and SHOTGUNS emphasizes the degree of perfection embodied In our sterling make. You will find armsbrandcd "STEVENS" atall ItlrX S Iteseas and w•hererer ll,ace ]s I luntiag. "ITS A STE.VENS" is equivalent to saying GUARANTEED POR QUAL• iiy and famous for all essential firearm properties. Our Line _ Panes, from $3.00 to $150 Pistols, from 2.50 to 50 Shotguns, from 7.50 to, 35 Ask your dealer, and insist DOV'T FAIL to send for on our goods. If you can. notobtain there fetus know and wilt ship dlreet,cspress prcpnid, upon receipt of price. postage. HIT nut MARK with our RII+LTi PUZZLE 1 This clever novelty will be mailed FRIEZE upon request. J. STEVENS ARMS es TOOL CO. P.C. BOX 40131 oHicOPEE FALLS, MASS., U.S. Ar • illustrated catalog. Itis a book of ready reference, and appeals to all lovers interested in the grand sport of shooting. Mailed for 4 carts in stamps to pay