HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-11-25, Page 8111P, Zurich Herald,
'lam. in the market to buy all kinds
for which I will pay the highest
market price.
A supply of
Fresh and Salt Meats,
Bolognas and Sausages,
always on hand.
Terms Cash.
Harry mig i,ut,
Zurich = o Ontario.
. W1SR
Horse Shoer and
• (Locals continued from page 1•)
THE.HERALD from now to Jan.
1906 for ;1.00.
Mrs. C. Either and Mrs. R. Ha-
maoher visited Dashwood friends
on Tuesday.
Mr Smith, representing the Lon-
don Advertiser; -teas in the village
on "Wednesday.
New Ads,—C. Fritz, A. Chalice. -
worth & (;Son, S. Rannie, Balsam
Fir, E. Zeller.
One of our exchanges asks "Will
a ninle kick?" A sure way to find
out is to tickle his heels.
• The ball anis supper.' given in con-
nection with the Commercial hotel
on Thanksgiving evening was a
splendid success.
If you want an evening's trellnino
!ammsement, come and hear John. R. Daecher, on Sunday.
,('lark, the famous humorist and Messrs. Leo Fortc:r and. Walter
le(t ircl•. .At rrolvn Hall, Zurich, A11oas were on the • sic'k list on
Deo. lith and 9th. -altnrcl.ay and therefore were un -
A saving in heating stoves. The 1' ill(; to fill their places on the feed
Queens rl'op Draft heating strive; board.
are the hest in the world, none Mr, Loins Sehilbe and family,
their superior. • To be had at A. and Mr. Conrad l ehilbe and family,
Charlesworth & Son. visited at /Mr. Henry efeeb's on
Mrs. R. H. Whiteside and son, U nzclay.
left this week for her home in Had- Mr. and Mrs. John Geiger, of -the
son, Quebee, after a visit of two lith, visited at Mr, Joel Bechler's
months 'with her parents. She was on Sunday.
GENRAL ), 1 r K {' P : reco1n11aniecl U;,r her fathc'-r, 111x. J'. Mr. Ezra ibtist anclWife. of Crodi-
.. to �. i +1 �� a ua a c~ . T4riilianlst, as tar as'.Cornnto• ton, visited at Mr. John Docile): s
The Zurich W. C. T. U. have on Sunday.
made arrangements for the appear -
:Vies Flossie Geiger is visiting on
anee of John .R. Clark, the great til; 13;tbylon line tor a few (Hays
American entertainer, in the Town iie�:,r Sala and William Hey
Hall, on Thursday and Friday c;yen-
ing, lith and i)th Dec. Mr. Cark arcs sister visited at J) 1r. Louis
ism a class by himself es a speaker 4\'aper on Sendaay.
and the admission has been pla.ec'd Mr. Sol Martin is away on a trip
so low that everybody inay have for a few days.
privelege of hearing hue, his first
appearance in Zurich. The gener-
al admission Les been !)laced at it)
cent:: for children and 15 centra for
adults. .A. limited number of re.
served. seats will be sok! at 25 cent.
fr;endi, in Toronto at present.
Mr, Geo, Coleman has a gang of
men at work in his swamp Ieaitting
wood and logs.
M. Chas, Stolok ,visited friends
in Berlin last week.
Rev. G. Long of Harrow occupied
the pulpit in the Methodist church,
Sunday evening.
.a L.A 3TOWN
special to THE HERALD.
Mr. William Rannie was in Lon-
don last week on business and re-
11ewed old acquaintances while
Mr. Joseph Foster is home again
from his trip to the Northwest.
Miss I -latae NSreitzel, of near Tavi-
stock, visited her cousin, Mrs, J.
Verity Plower Rapairs ai=
ways on hand.
I work promptly attended to.
Shop closes every Tne-:tluy, Thurs-
day and Fr.day evenings of each
-week, at six o'clock sharp. -
L S.
Planing anti Cures ULili
--All kinds of woodwork'I and saw-
ing(Lone to order. Lstimateb
given for all kinds of buildings.
A full stock of B. C. sed Cedar
Shingles. Ail kinds of lumber al-
ways on hand.
Field Gates, Water -
Tanks for Wind mills
and -Water Troughs.
Mills 14th Con., Lot 25.
Ziir` nph P. 0.
151'+1 f a r° C, ;�✓
.x s.,e _. r..e.-e .,Z. aruny-a-,asves
(i,'tt,'..e 1`• i:(F.e rit'Il;:l to bury
1 0011 si:r.1 a f, -.;t (less gine.
Ladies and 1 tints`,
c.-.~ O U ,tom �f s /-4-11 1
' . tr. . ° .._,
liieviceral of ultr young, people at-
tended a 5urprize party at Mr. J
Hey, Jr., on 'i'aesday evening of
last lveek, and report having hacl a
pleasant time.
Mr. John Boyce has purchased
The work on the new race track 2.dr•. Leo Foster's trotting horse for
has been steadily flushed and the whi.oll he Iikely paid 11 big figure.
to a('k AVM 50'111 Le in sitap . A let lir. Joel 1?c1•iiler has moved Into
of work is needed 10 taking down his house, lrhicll he has had re -
low small bills and filling up the slurred. Mr. Boehler now has one
101 ground
(!rd tJ e r:l:tl ' ' Ll : thet homes on the lino.
.:f filler;
has 7'c011. llred to geed 5(1C:.ntag5
Tr. Either informs us that ho is
now ready to collect the sur»'crip-
tiol'" n and is assn willing to add any:
new 111111:es to the list who iney
. have been overlooked. IIi:r. brill,
Bender started to make ready to
]cove the showltouse but the outfit
he had hired to move it proved
insufficient and as 11 result 11e had
to throw u';) the job, We under-
stand that Mr. Samuel Dietz has
undertaken the contract.
The regular meeting of the W. O.
T. 1T., which 1Ca;t LLCM at the 110010
('f Mrs. 1 v i)1ian15, on Monday after-
noon, Nov. 21st, sus very :largely
11ft1'Il(1ed. The 1'reeident led the
(it'.c+etu11a1 part in Wilioll a Bible
r't'u.,in( rtt. "('insist and Women"
• ,svae tekee 11). Owing to the to' ;ii; -
t'1100 1,r the c`;n1nty 1'i -o 1 dent, Mrs.
(Bev.) \F hIteeide> of Ladson,Qtu ,
gave a talk nn "W'e- enan' Talent
j,+ n'd On fl:(:' 1. aral 4. ej the tolents
in : Matthew 25. Wcon1.11 1)t:)isesnc'
1:1111:yflu ltti .Ln(1 elee 11S;' ( them,
f, t.aley she stands bleb '1 alas:
:rnes. 1:,•1. `re in the teahlioeye. O'.
-... pia efyeaeg 1C.,.:i:i]l, 111
th"- 1::(1-11( :410 (...ilia' JG,:. 0A.,
, 1:7,4 -11'1(-:1 ,.!.,1. ']' 1S0)•,1
AC(' (4.11 10:11');
WiVe!4 ,11r5. 11'1w(1:,i
`feriae:. t..tri.. ',Ie.! 5011''' )1 .:eel
1 15 o "ill` al 10n Avery, 1 ,. i 4 h ..
`tai, laic Coni': e,nr0I0tof (*plea
•l. + a noble exami)1('- of ta-
• reed. -ea/manhood. 111 t'1(' , ( .
v,71 «, illi this 1,.•.' .1 rasa(. ,
and 1•il 11( "r7e-!cA, ...ii,: (, +..:T' ... .-:u 1`�)ie pr1.'-:1•rlt hreei(1(`.'i?t.
(11 r'' 't)7." l • ii ,111 t. .1:11 smell ate ('1;'110
..-_..._,,._..t+(ell \V;'11;a11 eau develop o lot) l hent
11r, 1(']"; and 11(0)0)0 1(1d )1
• 1](e). 1f1. parting lit( ,t;"e 11... tt'+
• 1.t well our ''art, there all the
line 1.J atch and Clock :,' •,A 1'e )i' al The President then
e�lw` ash'" tl 1 ,
,sit phail 1111:1,1 ft 1Y'.
ray Specialty.
A. Fun
u ,•,y
GA n+rti v:S {rco�
xs egie .:u.� 0..11
We make a special
marks !1ti on holy t h2 r) ';`t the ilii a .1('i•
lei ti e ?1+('tl)(rs o1 W. C. T. 'V.,
;1u11' il.t(r, aro 1,.It(t 0.1ted and true
rl t' eel:ono:co revert the ',- . n!zer
ir1111,troe . tit. !lin.; ler it 011e1 talking -
on the ailsie;ia .'t, This 114 1). grOat
leivole:re to jwhat the older ones
11101 in 1:11')r time and therefore
:,1 )0)(1 )tt' apps•r i lte;l. r1'il( 1 1P('t-
!11.., eloso 1 with sin!„insr ( "()nil be
with, yon till wc. ingot again," after
11)1 e1) l reception ('eption 1 •Ls tendered
111 s. A4 httcsfiks, who will not be
present''for another meeting, a
'to11r Bi o c•1 x nootls a new Top, dainty lunch being served, then all
now Cushion 01' perhaps' re -pain,:- i llIddi21g her farewell.
'We guarantee you 1. neat :.1r1 t''^2•-
i3pc Baal to To:: HERALD.
("Poo late for last week)
Mr. J. W. (4rabiel goes to Zurieh
to clerk, f'n' ail' ,T I.'reeter. Mr. 1.1
is fortunate in securing s0 :11)1e 0
Clarence Kellerman, Louie Rader
and Geo. Sehroeder returned home
from the West 'iv c(lnes(l:Ly last.
B. I'. I'(anlin 1va5 clown to London
baying :1 ,11tot snaps in hardware
from (lie ii.;WL1111.21 Hardware 13(0e1 .
'i'llo lir::lt fantastic -was tipped
'inti the .;''' 5)1111' hours last Mon -
da.?' at Ge ), Becker's, Bronson line.
A pl,'nsa time is reported. marred
only b;, a brief f1.4tic encounter.
.1_. eel `1L':; 1',roekts, paid a short
visit til1.ire, Matter. '.11. ,day last,
on 1) 7.';t;-:'0 till from Z',1ri('11 whore
tht.?j' ',1':'1'.. 1stt'.ng _r:,. Brilu:is'
Win aele, +)i t,1•it t ,le.ld, 11'x5 111
t,... 1,11.1. f`.,i.' is fea- (lays this
....feet jc?1......... opeeial to TR E HERALD.
Mr. Geo. Tringle left town last
Mr. "Norman Workman was in
London a few days last week.
Mrio 3, Watson, of Toronto, is
visiting alt the'home of Airs. James
Mr. and Miss Eisler, of Blake,
visited at Mr. John Turner's, Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. B. Makins, of ike-
ter, visited at Mr. 1. Troyer's, Sun-
Mrs. Thos. Farquhar is visiting
We have a number of
left, also two handsome Mikados.
Call and see them.
F. Hess & Son.
Zurich - Ontario.
1l i.e e' • .ri (1 to :t (110 telephone
e _ 1,'e 1 S t l;., ran , , r d fl.'0lli the
,.. :L1; post O,(lie(.
is (over an1 the
to;; o t: ,ver'lmont' lia5 be In ro-
t ear10 .1 1; t .1 10', WC liro right in for
(1'1 is
Mrs, Cernelione 'ty lc r, of the
.. anl)le 1t)(0.1v011t (0 'Visit 11(.r n1et11-
er 1(t: 1.t. 11('11 tell 110111,u ago with
1' ie 1nna ton of returr111g 1n 1(1)0)11
weet-.1 lime. Site was taken sick
and is enable 11 the e-yee 1t: writ-
ing ' , ret ern t(t her 111110.0, We hope
r,,0 her Ree(l1' i (eo e y. fid.
1111'. ,.aril and 1((11) ily Iliovo(1. t';
L erode-) t 1'n05(ee last, w111(1l1 wlL5
501'lsurle-jee to (011 eitieo85 1(s very { '"-"`-""""
1( .a.: 1 ,•.' that tiny seriously con)
sit (ilii l re'io(wi11 i'ro111 file vllla'Tt.
While rt'; (1 1':(ir departure 11( t A' 73
t \tt+1t(. ..i' gocId wishes 11(',9 t:1 them in "
ta(1(1' nt',: 1(01111)'.
C arleswort & Son.
— Y - Hardware Merchants.. -
A RE now carrying a large and up-to-date
Stock of Ilardware,fully assorted in all lines
We buy for cash, and it will be our endeavor to
do the best we can 'for all our customers. To
Ileal fair. We want your trade, we want your
confidence, and above all we want to give you
good honest goods at a fair margin. Come and
inspect Stock and get acquainted. Our. MR.
KELLY was in London last week and picked.
in an $85000 bankrupt stock of hardware, that
was put on the market last week. You will get
the benefit of any good buying.
A. Charlesworth & Son,
al -71,
We are going to sell
our Fall ':roots = rid
Shoes at cost for cash
until Nov. ist. We must
sell to make room for our
P. BELS )t. /, & Go.
O 0 0 0 0 0
• o e s m a
Eggs taken in exchange for Goods.
This cut represents the
-am dory R ge,
,,,i:r.. ,,a -0...,a a...tu.J Lc. -.0..s..,
That I'('c,iile talk
s() 111111.41 iib(.Iilt.
,4we...czrs.ma mue.Krm==m =ta= rwrearrtur=tturar=temerremart
111 `tart' v,'hort t.t)( 'T'(' circulates twice (12',:1:11(1 the oven
1. before It strikes the 1'i',11 no other Stove has this m11(I'ova•-
TIl(`t1t. Nr, other Stove 111 just as go;);l, It also has an in 11)'att
111 the Oven til 1', 1(i';t01' .the !.eat, n' 'rooss work in baking argil,
1l 1„„ cin other I' improvements over other Stoves. over. ( `Slit 1(111 : ('0
this great t ,;•(,
y�. big stock of
harness, Robes, Blankets, Fur Coats
HA 13 ,,. (f'1 4 The People's : Hardware
i:1.,,1.C« Harness House
. 114s) 14 firth(.'). Kellerman aI1:1 Ly-
dia, Haile,rof London, and .Archie
leltiel.Y,', of Exeter, spent Thanks-
�f0in: et their homes here.
Mr. Smith, ith, hardware merchant,
of 1 eb1i)Igville, made. 1L short visit!
to units Ilarticib Friday last.
1\t1 Powell, of the Sovereign
1'..n' pent Thanksgiving at Tiled -
A . fine addition has been made to
the ellerch shed of the Evangelical
1 church by Messrs. Henry and Dan
Trueniuer and Mr, Henry 'raft.
invitations lire out for a wedding
at Mr. ;Jacob Webber, of the :Bron -
i 5lino, Thursday, 24th inst, when
f011 his daughter, Ida, will bo united in
the holy boners of wedlock to Mr.
' Samuel }Beaver,
Rev. M. Clemens is assisting Rev.
Mr. Damn, of Crediton, in special
Mr. John Hall's brother paid him
a flying visit Thanksgiving.
Mr, J. 3, Merrier removed his
furniture to Zurich, .lvhioh had
been stored here since he broke up
house last spring.
For the Month of November we
will offer special. prices on dif-
ferent lines, such as
Dress Goods, Tweeds, Wrapper=
ettes, Fancy Chinaware, Etc.
It will be to your interest to get
Quality ashy is alwa our 11.0ttO
and the above are sure to be ex-
ceptional values. :1: * ,k :s(
tein bach, Z tg: c r iV.