HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-11-25, Page 5eliEnlifgraiiMMIPAISTREMEGIPM1
Laundry .
We use no chemical's
to destroy • or injure
your Clothing. and we
Guarantee our Work.
Zurich 1-1Pra
To my premises, Lot 12, Con. 11, Hay,
on the 17th of October, One dark roan
•year.old steer. Owner can have same by
proving prOperby and paying expenses.
13-3t JACOB BROWN, Zurich, P. 0.
A local saleeMari fOr Zurich, Ont., and
surrounding territory to Represent
Newest Varieties, and Specialties in
Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits,
- Shrubs, Ornamentals and Rases.
A permanent situation, and territory
reserved fax tho right man. Pay weekly,
handsome outtit free. Write for particu-
lars, ;old end 25 cents for our pocket
microscope, just the thing to use in exain.
ining trees and phtnts for insects.
Stone ;2- Wellington,
+Ann SOO ,tenn•;. Toronto, Ont
1 3HOTOS.---I will be in Zurich every
Monday, all day, and am prepared to
take photos at the old stand next to Dr.
Campbell's office.
Guinan: norm
Ho ! Everybody.
Why not get your tires set cold?
It does away with burnt rims and
blistered paint.
We Have The
The Herald
Ve hare made n rra ngem en ts with The
'Apra 1,1 Publishing Company, of Montreal,.
,Etkreby we are enabled to give The
tflri l'Erd(LIT
The "Magazine -Newspaper,'
t•-•79 tr:' To Stagscrltror;cvaJ4 e
r LZ to This Paper
who pay their subscriptions in advance f.or
mitt yo.er.
sou Etre in arrenrs, sena in the amount
dae, with to pay a year's sub.terlp-
i•in in advanee, and ',vi will send you abet, -
nee Thu Vi'eeltly Montreal Herald for
. year.
Ifx ow lb.lcxijtiol, has not expired, you
'ray remit $1,00, and we will extend your
,w,seription elle year, and send' you The
SI Montreal lierald for one year.
I you are not now a subscriber, send
Lao.% and this minor and The Weekly
VoL.resi Herald, 1\60 dollar newspapers, will
eetit itn* $1,00. This is
ti oford by any Canadian newspaper
Tho Weekly Montreal Herald, the "Maga-
Into-Newsini.er," is without a rival in Can -
110. Conveaient in form, timely, interesting
ta.1 last ruetivo as to contents, it le. the "ideal
••,-,..,spoper." Combining the best feature.; ol
I.opelar magazines, The weekly moutr,e
r...11 -.w ie 11 weekly magazine and newspaper
;at per.
tri.bintd, at the price of the ordinary nowo-
;',-`3MAN'S PAGE
Tire Setter nalie The Weekly Montreal Herald a "maga-
which does the work in a few min-
utes time. Ono trial will ebnvince
We do good liorse-shoeing and neat
•ii•e-nowsQapor" that appeals tu readers of
,t ery class. Never a dun number throughout
1. y0111.
and got The Weekly Montreal Herald free, or
subscribe now if you are not already a sub-
beriber, and got this paper and The Weekly
Hontreal Herald for WA. Address:
Herald, Zurich
A.--• a largo number of First Class Posts
at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will
I, e sold nt reasonabk... prices. For partici],
Ii s apply to
48-tt-.M.tttET, & Tlysolltt, Zurich.
FARM FOR SALE . -----fu the Township
of Hay, hoin,2 lot 25. von. 15, 100
ttere4, clear, well ft,netql and is 1good
state of math...that, plenty of water, nt
overflowing well nt the hack end of the
form, there is also a good twin': house /111E1
'KIVU W11.11 14n ESi 11 inicri?eath, it large
.driving shed and other outbuildings, a I
!(,•ourt orchard, al,.0 conwhi,.111. to cliools,
churches and wst, 1liee, 1 1011115 froot Lake
Huron,41 nhi1e, from Zurich. For par-
tieuIhrs apply on the proinhes 1to Blake
I'. 0. Mits. I‘Littx• 7- Im-ptl
Farm for Sale.
210 acres on tile Saulilo line, Hay Tp.,
about. 30 acres of gond bush, good dwell-
ing ami large hank barn. Plenty of good
water. For furthor particulars apply oil
the premises, Lot 13, L 1 West, or to
Daniel Smith, St. !Tomer P. O. Ont. 50tf
Sold by All rcewscleakrs
Furnishes Monthly to all lovers of Song
and Music A vast volume of New, Cbeiett
Copyright Compositions by the most pop-
ular authors. 64 Pages of Piano Music,
half Vocal, half Instrumental -21 Complete
Pieces for Piano—Once a Month for 25
Cents. Yearly Subscription, $2.00. If you
will send us the name and address of Prws
performers on the Piano or Organ, we will send
you a copy of the Magatine Free.
J. W. PEPPER, Publisher,
Eighth LocvistSts., Pfilladeishie. Pa.
Special to THE Hial.AT..b. pOStiti011 in it. f1a mill.
— i
Special to TEN HERALD. 1 '
Mr. Geo. Finkbeiner has left f.ir I
13e11 River. where lie has secured a 1 '
A number of the side streets
have been gravelled and now the
main street is being improved.
Messrs. D. 'Urquhart, D. Burns,
A. Youngblut and. W. Kemp left on
Tuesday ovening to attend the
Liberal Convention in Toronto.
On. Thursday evening delegates
will bo selected to attend. the ;-:4orith
Huron Convention, which will bileld in e
t• pe
Friday afternoon of this week.
Reeve Llitilont and Mr. Stttnbury
of 1{17:eter :Ire mentioned as possible
Mrs. Dr. Sellery reriqved on
Itionday and Tuesday of this week.
Mrs. T. MacArthur, Ring St..
entertained 3 number of friends
last week to moot her visitors.
For soine time past the talk of
the village has been the china wed-
ding of Mr. and 'Mrs. I.ballierd of
this village which was celebrated
on Tuesday. Over 200 invitations
were sent not. Dinner was .served
from 5 t() 8 p, In, tit the residence
at the east part of the town and
then the. gnosts adjourned to Mil-
lers Opera House where 1)11151 (1 an.d.
da 11 cilia, were indulged. in until the
wee Small honrs. Mr, and .)iIrs.
BuIlierd. received 0 range from
Seeforth, and. china dinner and 3.3
china tea set from friends in
rho village), the Bell family gave
them a china cabinet and her rolativo, the Horton's, 0 range. The
people counted on having one of
the best times of their lifo. The
dinner surpassed all eXpeetations.
S. T. Hopper, druggist, reports a
good sale of itis Imperial Stock
Speeitt1, to TIN H)11Lfl
The Drysdale Catholic church
Vas the scene 01 33 happy event 0)1
l'nesday last, when Mr. Louis
I Durand was united in marriage to
Miss "Zfary &dour, daughter of
Simon Badour, Jr. The groom was
stipportod by Messrs. :fos. Bodoni
and Dennis 13adour, and the brido
by 'Misses Emma Durand and Mar-
celline Denomie. The ceremony
took place in the church at precise-
ly 1.1 1110 0'01001; 1.11 the presence of a
great many invited guests, and was
performed by the Rev, Father
Loiselle. After the ceremony the
guests repaired to tho home of the
bride where a sumptuous repast.
had been mepared and to which all
did ample justice. They will reside
on the Bauble lino, Stanley. We
extend congratulations to Mr. and
'Airs. Durand and wish them lunch.
Ito': and happiness.
RON", (lemens, of alshwood,
assisted in the revival meeting'
Mr. James Ltunpwrt has returned
from Manitoba where he visited
Mr. Eilber, "Al. P. P., retrirneri
from his hunting expedition 13 4t
Saturday. He brought t wo fon, j
(1,-,,/..\.vith him. Alr.• Ezra, Ereaner
nt •..;rand Bond, who aceompairiod 4
him on tho trip, also returned with you thiany come to the conclusion
two (leer. that Eeal Estate is not in demandaltlinuA at that 1:01'7 tlp..ro aro
held last week,
ave you
1-4 z-174.111,11
If so, lam are you going to
sell it:
FUST you must make publi11c
the fact that it is for sale.
11 V(,11 are old-fashioncd
your ittthi,i r in ,311111r WoraS,
ti)(1l.'S r0l will
uh1r tell your friends about it, or
pot a board it on the Irc,)perty
•Nrith the wcrels "For Sale- on it.
After yon have waitel a long timo
Mr. B. Brown has repaired. the
damage done to his shop by the
recent fir:
A meeting of Literary Society
was held at the inane Of 'Airs.
Zwicker last Monday ovemug
A SUCcessfnl social was held iti
conneetiCin ivith the Epworth .Len-
gue of the Methodist ehareh on
Wedne:41.ny EtVellintr.
.1 neeple in different parts t)f. the eountr:,.- who would be glad
to buy you,' irr,Iporty at a lair priee it they only laoyw itholit
. _
'method of doing bushiest; lins V411.1S011. 41. 001111)100 revointion in
14 ••,
f74%;1 the Real Estate 1m:di-Loss, Flit'.3T, because It is entirely differ-
ent rrem the methods, herot•oforc existing,. :-.111CONDL'i', hocaup,e
it is r..itsoitable, thoroughly practicable and up-to-(itt.'ie. ,,N.nil
boeauso it is wonderfully successfal. liy oar method <.1 ittivortis,
CO U N TY N EINS ing fun particularti of your property ean be brought to Via; attoition of;
more than half tt, million peoplo,
he 'stern Real k.,,state
• "I1,7.0, W.,
1_412/ R„, hi .4 •t.4.,;:s ,r44,1
W. F. :Wyk and. Jriseph Salkeld,
Goderich township, lia.vo. been ap-
pointed justices of the Peace.
The Huron and Brneo Loan an,1
Investment Company, with head
offiees at (40i11 :h, tuts besn al, -
sorbed by the Standard Loan Co.,
Ti 11)11 to.
'West Hrtron Conservatives will
meet in Auburn on Monday, Nov.
28th, to 501(4: 11. candidate to repre-
sent them in the Provincial House.
Mr. Neeb has disposed of his fine
hundred acre farm in the township
of Stephen, being lot 1 7, con, 12, to
his son, .A.lexundor, for $5200, Mr.
Neob inttnuls retiring from farm
At a 1.41)0cial session of the ,i-luron
District T.,1go of the Ancient Or-
der of United Workman held in
Clinton recently, it Wart decidetl in
nilopt what is (losiglinied as the
"limiter liateA," means a
substantial raise to the present
1 ,
Mr. S. A. Moffatt, of London,
will return to Varna to live, and
will reside on his tine farm 21O1
Hrillett township electors will
vote on a Local Option by-law tit
the coming munieipal elections.
Mr. John MeCaughoy, of tho
.Commercial IIotl, Clinton, is .115
poem,: 00amount, of burglars ran.
sacking his hotel the other night.
Mr. George Cralmore, of Exeter,
received an unpleasant phitking up
the other day by bring pitched out
0113. wagon heed toremost, as the
result Of the plunging of his horse
While mired in Hay swamp. Mr.
Ctulmore has fully ro.2ororod.
Two of Stanley townships highly
rospected (1U11' 1' 001.1
in marriage 1....4:
"Maplehnrst, o':!
and Mrs. tiekiro whon
10011' . .
cumo, the lirid.• of Aplin
0 prosl.:erous
er Ow sof..orria 4.1
(..)n 1.„
:in interesting event t;-,..;11-. pltlee at
tale W. T. 'lox,
1 Cortlt, the l'oing
riage 4'q 1 n,1dirogater,
lincla May, to Elgin Li. Chose. .11
t• I. a w)t. The 01'1.01.tlt1rt:t."
f.:rilit,t1 h'i' RON".
Wn,-; wittwssod by only 1-1..e.
ode rt..tatives the bt"1,1e n71(1
?Jr. and Mrs. 2 \ 10.X31,111101.'
of Enloe:fied, 0104: with 0
accident the other day untie
turning te-
tm from Bruceileld. The
horse took fright at solne ,dogs
running ont and. jnniped into the
ditch. , upsetting the buggy and
throwing the occupants out. Fort:
Miately no further injury resulted
than a few bruises. and a severa
shaking up,
,,,,, 6 " ,CI, Airpek 't".' 4:^ 41
s?. 4
ron TI rtisciutss oa A FTHEA1211elaborately
111uhtrated,p) 1nage STIniliNS 31110g. :1'his manual of
ready roforonee4lescrihes the most ecmplete and varied
Hite of single shot •
Rifles Pistols Shotguns
etc., the output a one manufacturer.
Thom the Writv(N4.Mlyntr€1 3 rl Ile °Nu: tiny silent -
or, to the hea,y, Olney Ste% ott5 target tilleA of thee,e1,1s
bane,len shots El, e teentien thigh standard ofezeellence
is rigidly maintained,
are sold by n11 sporting gAo414 and Ilardwato dealers.
Ask them for eur trtake-1lis61 on gutting it. Don% be
pet 4)1(551111 something "Jtet an 1.1.00,1, The fact that
Stevens Arms are OCY A e A NT eel) 51012 QtrAttrY
should tempt re to bo sum to spongy this time.
honored brand.
Send two as. stamps foretevens Book and MC Puzzle.
P. O. )13os 409-1
Chicopee rails, Masa., U. 5. A.
i.. -
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Acknowledges it to be the Brightest and Newsiest Daily in Canada
You can have it and the paper you are reading for only 51.75 a year
In the Star to -night you find to -day's prices on all the principal markets—the closing
market reports in fact from London, New York, Chicago, Buffalo, Montreal, and !
Toronto. You will find also, to -night, all to -day's important doings through-
out the whole world, written in a catchy, interesting style ; the latest political news
from an independent standpoint ; complete and accurate commercial news ; to -day's
social gossip ; a special department for women ; and strong, sane, fair editorials.
LE' US, ii.,4%.,..: E YIP U iif SUBSCREPTION ,
— i
Special to TEN HERALD. 1 '
Mr. Geo. Finkbeiner has left f.ir I
13e11 River. where lie has secured a 1 '
A number of the side streets
have been gravelled and now the
main street is being improved.
Messrs. D. 'Urquhart, D. Burns,
A. Youngblut and. W. Kemp left on
Tuesday ovening to attend the
Liberal Convention in Toronto.
On. Thursday evening delegates
will bo selected to attend. the ;-:4orith
Huron Convention, which will bileld in e
t• pe
Friday afternoon of this week.
Reeve Llitilont and Mr. Stttnbury
of 1{17:eter :Ire mentioned as possible
Mrs. Dr. Sellery reriqved on
Itionday and Tuesday of this week.
Mrs. T. MacArthur, Ring St..
entertained 3 number of friends
last week to moot her visitors.
For soine time past the talk of
the village has been the china wed-
ding of Mr. and 'Mrs. I.ballierd of
this village which was celebrated
on Tuesday. Over 200 invitations
were sent not. Dinner was .served
from 5 t() 8 p, In, tit the residence
at the east part of the town and
then the. gnosts adjourned to Mil-
lers Opera House where 1)11151 (1 an.d.
da 11 cilia, were indulged. in until the
wee Small honrs. Mr, and .)iIrs.
BuIlierd. received 0 range from
Seeforth, and. china dinner and 3.3
china tea set from friends in
rho village), the Bell family gave
them a china cabinet and her rolativo, the Horton's, 0 range. The
people counted on having one of
the best times of their lifo. The
dinner surpassed all eXpeetations.
S. T. Hopper, druggist, reports a
good sale of itis Imperial Stock
Speeitt1, to TIN H)11Lfl
The Drysdale Catholic church
Vas the scene 01 33 happy event 0)1
l'nesday last, when Mr. Louis
I Durand was united in marriage to
Miss "Zfary &dour, daughter of
Simon Badour, Jr. The groom was
stipportod by Messrs. :fos. Bodoni
and Dennis 13adour, and the brido
by 'Misses Emma Durand and Mar-
celline Denomie. The ceremony
took place in the church at precise-
ly 1.1 1110 0'01001; 1.11 the presence of a
great many invited guests, and was
performed by the Rev, Father
Loiselle. After the ceremony the
guests repaired to tho home of the
bride where a sumptuous repast.
had been mepared and to which all
did ample justice. They will reside
on the Bauble lino, Stanley. We
extend congratulations to Mr. and
'Airs. Durand and wish them lunch.
Ito': and happiness.
RON", (lemens, of alshwood,
assisted in the revival meeting'
Mr. James Ltunpwrt has returned
from Manitoba where he visited
Mr. Eilber, "Al. P. P., retrirneri
from his hunting expedition 13 4t
Saturday. He brought t wo fon, j
(1,-,,/..\.vith him. Alr.• Ezra, Ereaner
nt •..;rand Bond, who aceompairiod 4
him on tho trip, also returned with you thiany come to the conclusion
two (leer. that Eeal Estate is not in demandaltlinuA at that 1:01'7 tlp..ro aro
held last week,
ave you
1-4 z-174.111,11
If so, lam are you going to
sell it:
FUST you must make publi11c
the fact that it is for sale.
11 V(,11 are old-fashioncd
your ittthi,i r in ,311111r WoraS,
ti)(1l.'S r0l will
uh1r tell your friends about it, or
pot a board it on the Irc,)perty
•Nrith the wcrels "For Sale- on it.
After yon have waitel a long timo
Mr. B. Brown has repaired. the
damage done to his shop by the
recent fir:
A meeting of Literary Society
was held at the inane Of 'Airs.
Zwicker last Monday ovemug
A SUCcessfnl social was held iti
conneetiCin ivith the Epworth .Len-
gue of the Methodist ehareh on
Wedne:41.ny EtVellintr.
.1 neeple in different parts t)f. the eountr:,.- who would be glad
to buy you,' irr,Iporty at a lair priee it they only laoyw itholit
. _
'method of doing bushiest; lins V411.1S011. 41. 001111)100 revointion in
14 ••,
f74%;1 the Real Estate 1m:di-Loss, Flit'.3T, because It is entirely differ-
ent rrem the methods, herot•oforc existing,. :-.111CONDL'i', hocaup,e
it is r..itsoitable, thoroughly practicable and up-to-(itt.'ie. ,,N.nil
boeauso it is wonderfully successfal. liy oar method <.1 ittivortis,
CO U N TY N EINS ing fun particularti of your property ean be brought to Via; attoition of;
more than half tt, million peoplo,
he 'stern Real k.,,state
• "I1,7.0, W.,
1_412/ R„, hi .4 •t.4.,;:s ,r44,1
W. F. :Wyk and. Jriseph Salkeld,
Goderich township, lia.vo. been ap-
pointed justices of the Peace.
The Huron and Brneo Loan an,1
Investment Company, with head
offiees at (40i11 :h, tuts besn al, -
sorbed by the Standard Loan Co.,
Ti 11)11 to.
'West Hrtron Conservatives will
meet in Auburn on Monday, Nov.
28th, to 501(4: 11. candidate to repre-
sent them in the Provincial House.
Mr. Neeb has disposed of his fine
hundred acre farm in the township
of Stephen, being lot 1 7, con, 12, to
his son, .A.lexundor, for $5200, Mr.
Neob inttnuls retiring from farm
At a 1.41)0cial session of the ,i-luron
District T.,1go of the Ancient Or-
der of United Workman held in
Clinton recently, it Wart decidetl in
nilopt what is (losiglinied as the
"limiter liateA," means a
substantial raise to the present
1 ,
Mr. S. A. Moffatt, of London,
will return to Varna to live, and
will reside on his tine farm 21O1
Hrillett township electors will
vote on a Local Option by-law tit
the coming munieipal elections.
Mr. John MeCaughoy, of tho
.Commercial IIotl, Clinton, is .115
poem,: 00amount, of burglars ran.
sacking his hotel the other night.
Mr. George Cralmore, of Exeter,
received an unpleasant phitking up
the other day by bring pitched out
0113. wagon heed toremost, as the
result Of the plunging of his horse
While mired in Hay swamp. Mr.
Ctulmore has fully ro.2ororod.
Two of Stanley townships highly
rospected (1U11' 1' 001.1
in marriage 1....4:
"Maplehnrst, o':!
and Mrs. tiekiro whon
10011' . .
cumo, the lirid.• of Aplin
0 prosl.:erous
er Ow sof..orria 4.1
(..)n 1.„
:in interesting event t;-,..;11-. pltlee at
tale W. T. 'lox,
1 Cortlt, the l'oing
riage 4'q 1 n,1dirogater,
lincla May, to Elgin Li. Chose. .11
t• I. a w)t. The 01'1.01.tlt1rt:t."
f.:rilit,t1 h'i' RON".
Wn,-; wittwssod by only 1-1..e.
ode rt..tatives the bt"1,1e n71(1
?Jr. and Mrs. 2 \ 10.X31,111101.'
of Enloe:fied, 0104: with 0
accident the other day untie
turning te-
tm from Bruceileld. The
horse took fright at solne ,dogs
running ont and. jnniped into the
ditch. , upsetting the buggy and
throwing the occupants out. Fort:
Miately no further injury resulted
than a few bruises. and a severa
shaking up,
,,,,, 6 " ,CI, Airpek 't".' 4:^ 41
s?. 4
ron TI rtisciutss oa A FTHEA1211elaborately
111uhtrated,p) 1nage STIniliNS 31110g. :1'his manual of
ready roforonee4lescrihes the most ecmplete and varied
Hite of single shot •
Rifles Pistols Shotguns
etc., the output a one manufacturer.
Thom the Writv(N4.Mlyntr€1 3 rl Ile °Nu: tiny silent -
or, to the hea,y, Olney Ste% ott5 target tilleA of thee,e1,1s
bane,len shots El, e teentien thigh standard ofezeellence
is rigidly maintained,
are sold by n11 sporting gAo414 and Ilardwato dealers.
Ask them for eur trtake-1lis61 on gutting it. Don% be
pet 4)1(551111 something "Jtet an 1.1.00,1, The fact that
Stevens Arms are OCY A e A NT eel) 51012 QtrAttrY
should tempt re to bo sum to spongy this time.
honored brand.
Send two as. stamps foretevens Book and MC Puzzle.
P. O. )13os 409-1
Chicopee rails, Masa., U. 5. A.