HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-11-25, Page 4114E.. - �5
za 'R
VERMS OF $11'B SCr 1PTION :-$1.00 per
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paper i, not ordered to be discontinued
•4.t will be sent until such order is given
and z 1 e Lraget, paid. $1.50 to be charged
when lit paid in advance.
advertisements, 10 cents per r3revier line :
';fear first insertion and 5 cents per line for
each sul,seqaent Insertion :want] Advs.
such a, Los(" ' i ,trot\ ' or "Stolen Ivi,1•
ae charge.' 50 cents first insertion and 25
zents for eat']t subsequent insertion.
Copy for change of -advertisement must ,
e handed in not burr ',han Tuesday night
f each ,,-eek to aa.,..rt thanes in follow -
'mg issue.
Lo.' 1 )tot!?rs in ordinary reacting type
cents per line. Notices for Church en-
lermiulII,gt'•-z or other bene:'G'.t?I1t institu•
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Conn.:tots for column, half--c.oltuull and,
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+.:.,.`w1nn31:t'ariolls tel
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 111(:1.
Seven thousand children. be-
tween n two and three :ears of age,
are to be sent from (Teat Britain
Canada. They are to go to farm,
:a Nova Sci Iia and us they grow
will be drafted to the N irtl.=.-
?els is thestanding of the parties
-i:, the Ontario regi nature whish i
likely to be . ,,;ei dissolved :-North
. ,rk, Liberal. t-ta nnt, unseated ;
North P'rtll. Lfb;aai, vacant, un-
<sit*a : d : North _Corft?ll_. Liberal,
,.Ilsc'aie.! ' Sault Ste. Marie.
vacant, nIlseate(1 ; 1'u t
cos aro :-
on. W. A. Charlton, Commis-
si ter of Pubiio Works.
on. Cleo. 1Y. Graham, Provincial
Boli; A. (.:eBay, Commissioner
of Crown Lands.
Hon. F. E. A. Evanturel, Minis-
ter without portfolio.
The new ministers assume their
duties at once); their respective of-
fices in the Parliament Building
having been turned over to then)
on Tuesday evening.
Spring is ahvtl'S tale best trete for
cleaning out the furnaet:, but if it
was not attended to then it must
be done now. In the city a regular
furnace lean can always be found
to do this work. It is, however,
wise to inspect his work before he
leaves because la' is likely to neg-
lect the smoke pipe, the most im-
portant part of the furnace. Strike
the pipe with a poker to test its
eorulition, and. tate hollow sound or
dull thud grill toll y ,n whether or
not it is choked with soot. Always
The Zurich Herald.
tossed the silver coin upon the
counter to :see if it would ring,
Just then a little girl ran in front
the street . calling out to hien,
"Father, please give nee fifty cents
for a new • shade hat. • Mother is
going with me to buy it," and he
tossed- over to her the half -dollar
which Mr. I'3edrvig hacl given to
hien a moment before-yes,the very
half dollar that he hacl refused to
his own little girl.
The men could not understand
wily Mr. Hedwig suddenly looked
so sorrowful, Ho turned away
without a --sord to any one and
drove to market as fast as he could.
It was later than usual and he
feared that his coral would not sell ;
but an old customer soon slapped
hitn on the shnitlder saying, '`Snell
good hick to find you here, Hedwig.
Your corn is so tender and tooth-
some my (wife said I mustn't buy
of any one else. I want the whole
lot and will pay well for it, too."
"That's big money," Mr. Hedwig
said to hifliseli as he drove away
from market, "and I know what
I'll do with solno of it."
(To be continued.)
BA NNISTERMA:11._-In Stanley township
has taken its ',place again and of which we have a complete
we have the Saskateliewan, Goat Skin, Bishop
and the Northwest Black Galloway. Robe.
We also have the Bishop COA'�"
and the Northwest Galloway o
These articles aro 'tile finest on the market.
Also a complete line in 31;
Horse=Blankets, email sizes; FRu aher f
and Wool rug s9 Mitts, etic. . l�,
Suit Cases. Doable and Single Harness, our own make and
hand stitched. Our stock of Furniture is complete as usual.
Combination Couch can be quickly changed into a bed.
examine the eO1l1-air box before 011October 2iith, Mr. Andrew- , . _ -,
Bannerman, aged 82 years and G
Martins; the winter flee, for at stray months.
rat or 111011se is sometimes fount.
here, enol meet; it' death. In the
country sometimes 0 chicken -will
get caught in the L'Ohl-air lax.
The folly of having the cold -alis
• 1';)s open into the t•e]lal', basement
or any part of tel'' ]1');lse cannot be
to) strong), dwelt . ion. Only the
l) crest t.f out(',:,r air should be
utili::L'(1, and th.' cold -air box should
leant as far as possible from anti
(isatin or t'essp:)i )l.
Onee in about eight years the
a hfmn('y with which the heater is
t'frineoted ought to be cleaned out.
if the 81011e Chimney is used for
t'ie kitchen range-, it ought to be
.Ar'ther, Liberal, vacant. resigned; cleaned every live, years. It is not
•''<''•th Renfrew, t-',uiservative, wa- possible to give any extol-, time,
-.ant, resigned ; 1)ulferin, Const'rva- • however, because there is a great
'"1 ;'e?,vtaean`• resigned ; (J,)nSer valtave lfii ere'21e l 1n chimneys. If it does
:'Members, .1,3; Liberal members, '= not (il'a\v well 1)01 has not been
s'Iteaker, 1. ' cleaned recently, it is well to in
just as st'1 33 as Lord Minto leaves I',yltt.'et•It
ara(1a1 for the motherland, Sirs THE t'Iu:.T.s a:t:1)l•:1.1\I v'-'1 it. -Thti
" Wilfred Laurier will t';o to t'' C'(Lli-' ('('elnl)t-r Delineator, with its tiles-
'1a)rnia to have a rest after his stage of gut (_ cheer and helpfulness,
nous campaign. The Premier de- ,will be 'welcomed in every home.
,:res to wait at Ottawa to bid the .I
:lovenor (i;'ncrasl goad. -by'' and take
ort in. the leave-taking. Lord (Grey
;ho is Lord Minto'• successor, will
not arrive for some time afterwerd
1,1:1 it will not be necessary for the
P.,to , t „
Premier 1 ( Un i1a212�1 t') 1'et t \
bun. The ;Secretary of State 01111
to this. L')1d and Lady Hint.) left
for Toronto last week and will
spend some {hays there saying i21g ftaro-
dll t T+)r'1 Lt ti la,
consolidated .rural Se heel has
()pe'..'d at the Agrieult21r aal
(it:elph with 13)
..!,.prtsr.lt:n;-: four school se:t ons til
i'c \ i. ,ntr . This i., an exp, ri-
a r'tnt ale:« is as development UL t':ltt-
aatl()na°..1 i)le :t•.Itis that has pr. lye.
• lttilaLr in the rural distrieis t .
he rt'tit('d i., t:ates. it admits of
racing," and develops a stroll'.'','-
?irit or emulation t11.11i.U1g
Il(>:,(t'a who have larger ('la... .
•.:c` 1 \VIii.'h to 4,)22f1>ete. Another •
.)tart'(: of strength is the added in-
uorest in the work given to tli(i
tea -hers "lry doily tts`o.'iatien
('11 '(111011' and exchange of ex.
4 rieneeh tan 1 ul P.. L°°. T11.9 S(...110 ,4
'hat turf' ii; t'11 ':Formed. at (-1uelp1). has I
• ;very fa(itity. '1'11e children (.'a.L)0.
by vans. . tJ im vans are very
+:alft'rtai•i,'. .0• wilding is t.-.
;a i.l:".alk'i'I: 111 tilt 1'rovin(°e. i'.,t'
111are lar_....„ uir: Wk' -!1, 12 r.:t�alli
,n.t :t'nt...:1:. 1. t_Ln:l IIaa'.•(1 l'\'('1'
1.11 ,.11 )11 112.,1
al ! s e t t:d.11 tt tan
. ater antLstt-,LI31, t -a(. -21 -1,1le' Of
.. 11:11 L 04 t'e
�)rl '. ..'';:3 has at l t -i till -
t,12, l'ai
t be r t or. ;I(Z::atlun of his
and the no,v tninist,rs
• sworn by S tent, flov. Clarke
the (' )ver21inent 11011se 011 'rues -
nesHon. ;1, R. 1ifrutt;,n and Holl. E. .
J. Davis go out.
}:.eon. :I. M. Gibson resigns the
..\ttornc'y-Gencro"iship, but remains
:ll the cabinet without portfolio.
.Hon, 7w. Harcourt remains Minis -
ler of Eclllcat:ion.
Iron. 3?, , R. Latchford, Conunis-
-ioner of Public Works, becomes a
Attorney -General.
The new ministers with their of -1
The fashion pages are 1112118P.11y (It-
traetive, illustrating (n(.1 describ-
ing the very latest modes in a \v y
t:> MOW their construction Burin;
tl.e busy festive season a pleasure
instead. t'1 1. taa.I:, and. the literary
and pictorial ioatnres are. Of rare
excellence. ,t selection of Love
Songs from the tie a rtit'r• Operas,
render. . t:( into English by Richard
t '
(4ailliene and bountifully illus-
trated 11 Colors by J. C. ix ,rendeck-
, tl,'('i''.I>a'5 a 1it'o)11inen+' place, and
a chapter ill the Composers' tzkoles,
relit tine; the Run(Ronutee of Wagner and
(. )8i211a, I'( an interesting sup pl,:'-
all.')Lt to the iv2'1t 8. 1 very clever
a per entitled -The Court Circles
t;:o IIep;il:ac ' (lr'scribcs sums
.i1100 p11118(( of \ o a llingto21 social
is fro>n an t11121:aO)t'(l eotltt'i1311t-
+ , w; I1.1 is said to Writh froth the
. ,:'1.'t 11\ 1l'& orsociety. Phhere aro
,turit'.; f2'a(11t filo roil of 1?'.
i •3,11c i)'1l t•>nait]t, Robert Grant,
Aliee Brown, ±