HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-11-25, Page 1The Ofacial Organ. of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol, V., No. 18 ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 26, 1904. $1. Per Year.. LEGAL CARDS. H. J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow 8o Proudfoot) Bari'is- er, Solicitor, Notary Public. 13ensa.11, Ontario. .). G. STANRORY, 73. A. F. \\•. e7LADMAN. Gladrsaa.n & Sata.nbu.rfir. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original Uerman read and advised upon. ---AT HENSALI,-- every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. --OFFICES---- Tlensall—Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, SC. Goderiela, - - - Canada. w. raoruFooT, IC. (' 1 'iL. C. 11:1YS. G. F. 11TAIR. BUSINESS CARDS. `e BOSS. { Licensed NBERRY0, Hur- on County, respectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. ANDREW F, 1;1ESS. 1)IVISIO\ COURT CLERK. Vil- lage and Fuse Property insured. All the leading Companies represented. Agent Aoe>dent and.Sickness Insurance. ZURICH - - ONTARIO. DR. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College or Dental Surgeons, Toronto also honor graduate of Department of 1)eaaistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a spoviality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Monriay, l -2e1 ZELLE R LOCAL NEWS Sharp tools make light work. Get thele at Charlesworth & Son. Mrs. Gies visited her sister, Mrs. Geo. Baeker, Brussels, for a few days last week. A fresh supply of Stock footL,just arrived. Now is the time to bury at C. tichrag's. - Four thousand liberals attended the Provincial Convention at To- ronto this week. Messrs. A. McKay- and M. Thorn, of .Beechwood, visited at Mr. Hy. Randall's on Drionclay. Mr. J. A. Williams, is attending the Conservative convention being held in Torontt at present. Miss Carrie Dyer, of Exeter,spent a. few Clays last week at the, home of her eousin, Miss B. Steinbach. Mr. C. Fitzgerald, of London, was the guest of Miss Beatrice Steinbach, for a few days last week. Misses Maggie and Elllinat. Wese- loh left for Waterloo on Monday, where they Have secured good situations. Mrs. Dan Sipple and Miss Mary Weseloh, of Waterloo, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Weseloh for a few days last week. Mrs. Dyer and Mrs. Vance, of Brantford, and Mrs. Davis, of Exeter, were guests at the home of Ml D. Steinbach on Sunday last. Rte srs. Chas. iIartleib and Sam- uel Rannie left Tuesday for Toron- to, where they attended tho Liberal 'convention held there on Wednes- day. The sgtlea.1 of the porker is again hoard throughout the land. The day of killing the, hogs and making them into sausages and I1aLll.la is Linseed and Oilcake meal. Prices right. C. Schra;. Mr. G. Gower, of London, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. C. Either. • Mrs. Brophy, of Godericll, was the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell for a few days last week. A sum of $2500.00 to loon at h% per cent. oh good farm security. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich. Mr. Frank N. Bassow, who has been in the West for seine months, returned home last Sattirtlay, Mrs. R. H. Whiteside, Misses Ethel and Eva Williams'spent Wednesday of last week in London. Mr. Chas. Stolek, of the Parr lino, visited at the home of Mrs. C. Miller, Berlin, last Thursday and Friday. Miss Freda Hess, who is attend- ing the Beafortlt Collegiate Insti- tute,. spent 'the holidays at her home here.. LOST.—A purse, containing tt suni of money, between Zurieh and a anile south on the Bronson line. Finder leave at this off ee. Messrs. Norman Kibler and J. Hart, of Brampton, were renewing acquaintances hero last week They returned home on Monday. Jolla R. Clark, the great enter- tainer, will bo in Zurich on Thurs- day and Friday eventing, Dec. 8t11 and 0th. Don't miss hearing hint. Mr. Nelson Holtzman left for his home in Mildmay on Thursday last. He was con1pe11ec1 to give up his position here on account of i11 health. Messrs. G. Schnticlt ai•d E. East- ner., of Sebringsville, spent a. few days last week at the home of Mr. O. .iIaL1 ted ib, They returned t', their hones on Tuesday. indeed a busy- one.. A checker dub has been Osl.;ame- It is said that a door was seen on ed. m Seatforth. Why cannot a the .;auble line; the other (lay. This similar club be organised in this is likely the same one that was so village? There are plenty eheeker budly frightened recently by those enthusiasts here to make it an in - crack Seaforth nlaLrli8111e::.Ia, teresting plo,tilne, and it would help "Iwouldnot 112` 'hearinghim • to pass the: long win a e evt"l1lag0, p.O(i L s 'if it cost ;+;7.00.,' This is the re- -Mr. l'a'ter Douglas has disposed CONVEYANCERNO"IARYMLR mark from heard froa party recently. of his iainl, theold. Douglas l�,ne- I) 7 ,r steel, (t21 the lY O11Son line, S t elect Yon can hear john it. Clarkin Ztarie;ll on Dec. 8th and ;)til for 15 to has soil, William, am, \v110 recently returned from Michigan. \Vo aro j glad to stet men of the 1)()t1';1al5l stamp returning to their native • (te' 11 , Presiding land. 1 at 'Cla y and t `tan dal\ n 1 1)EE1)i, MOIITtlAtiES, WILLS and other i. ,Ll Documents carefully awl 17romp.1 pt c l,areti. OFFICE; E, ZcIler hunk Zurich, - - Ontario Royal Glyeera.tted. .31-- L'S A7, Nit A. p iZ . /a te�l1,, [[;I'I o) 'oest of TTal l COtTGXA .,I ()XIS 1's tit is.\l.,E .E x 1,1•._\ t.l,l.: . HOTEL.S. k;vM sr a:4 c3 11) ata .. Tl -1 C ail 's * * s' s:* tial . t>,„c 113 at: ta i'.:URio H titi es /4; sswesamotaxamszawat.....zureay.smeTarvaarr.m...a/salanter.A.easola. :i; Strictly np-to-date 131 nla(ln1'n 11(1 ,i: t•? prove (1) oil;(. 1.).111i ! ' rr,n*„W 1s sup -L. i3 plied with only tli+ very best. 1i a} ,55 r;liar emit:ibis aha1(.�e 1i(tlor5 and ea. cigars. °i 1i 111 1 11 di til xt•r.Ilelat '"insipid Rooms 31; for Cor.,u,e rc:i:a1 117411. }= IIIrR.,,-A -.aur.,«o.•:a�,V. . „1, ,cam:. -.,R....,: rreet..,1r,,,.•.,.+r. ; 31; r: 13.73,..,.-1L313133 , `;;•p l;tt..:• t,• :t» 11 ,,, J. P. 4AU, PrIOPRIETC13. TE-rE b,00111i111f011 axsm-.rsaa,-aacm¢m3ea ouse. °.r: A..,,,5,,.,e.tie,��rr�.�_•,�.r�..�„_,�._�,..»c.,..,..,.a�«..,r.�. This House has recently changed hands, and is no\v one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Helves in the Province. cpetted. ".C," -able In the A"Jominicn. (R. R. Johnston & Son 1'nO1'1217BTO S. it's got to be done sometime. Why not now? There is nothing to be gained by not ordering those needed stove pipes now. Our stove pipes are made from carefully se- lected stock by Mr. Kelly, an up -to- date workman in all departments. A, Charlesworth & Son. cents, reserved. seats 2e cents, •Quarterly services were held in the hivatnl eliral church hero last ' Eldc K 1 1 assisted t t oi'l's . 111 i rat t (' dr; 7:re '' ileo ; • ! r IleC it e tomtit 'et the 1111 1C71', i a )L t Rea. Ma'. yemeat Revival ser vises having its effect ell the welts int are Helie ; heal i11 the 14t11 t`un. this vicinity. `:tany of t,* soft' church 1 week. water wcils 111 111 \ 11118 * h cc .Mr. Peter Lamont shipped some l 1\'('n (>11t ales on the leak e tt1 Toronto 1 ; etne4' of t11311 ;tetter..t hz;V{' mitt lo l urealtO on �,1o11t a;c . I:e . remained. there to attend, the leg I theirwater some distance for water. Liberal ('i7i1\t'iltlt211hold on 13't•cl I ing their tits (•.i„ ('t(` .L gr(u,dl show- � 1. _ - I (`r 1)f r'ah' ,, e?llai _�retl 1 {; *et4" ale e ,. � Wonder it hit tile! batt. tern n e1' those note. te. kind of belief ('a1 114 1. lt”;\( ., they a hate L.1Ct1 to itse 111 \w-1 -t I Tile P.',t1'l: ; 13. flat •arae', and tilt' 13ostin4`. i yard n '1i'. ' dt: ry1"..1-tel' \roti CU1i1- Man:, Ittriet the TlIisl'aken ideideali -,' i.tst \1 1111 \". The past one' tllatt lrriltt341 matter pestt'(1 all) 11111).. I "Its 1>ea'l1 ono eat t, !' t Owl ''.,1r 11 `,l•tLl tic'ly has no iene.(•ttee bt' 1:Lw, bat I seast:ras, .n the hise ,- of the yard. seeiii1114)t 1:1e erase'. Aerlordin, tOi .:11 in111x:ese 013) 313)11 of Brit;,: taiga, fY ark Sa wig soon V.o over. If anyone wa is some great bargains, come before the /oth December. e invite one and . ' esu ei .,_J as ZURICH. GU6 V u' .>� ��•' •47 opt=-•lJ...<�:Atf7: c' -� ritte . • • v • OA • - We have in stock a fine lino of a.0, `4)P FELT Sti0E5 ar nIP Men and omen .6u''. `U� (f0l. qfpnotllin ; lnrn'e comfortable. They are -.yam v j wi, and it is L (•unhi 'rt to wear tutee. p/Vn Vi)Our line of ..... ............. 0‘.) '43 P 1 ONTARIO. 11IOv ■,..n v. oewia.� rrsen,n °ra,xr, 1 ai 6 15 :novo Glia ilete than IVO-. \,•g%� Butter and Etarnu taken in Ee Conge for ^.sds , eft. r:,(in_.tet 4. eAc o �, -5 .w '.:.,•'�:���`�•` ., •tee` w r `z. . l L✓+9 a T O'OflrfltS 74, YE )1f1 ITO lil\'la 1(>(-3Vt ;Thi;-!; of the ' V 1 Ov t11,'t7t:.1,.7. c%1'e 11111<10. r1'0111 good. :.;'o,,dti flit ii101-01 ,'.(0,161'x. .: the VC;:I't, 111 11a':11•1411(d tLiol tt '' o ar bees (11S 11.1CS IVO aro tem )t- 11 �t1`.i("(,.`+... ':d<'t'Idl'(tll".'Y tit fd1"• 7 ` �•• a. 7 , 1 ()ti1pllt 11:1.:; b4<,31 ]radii ::Lily 1111 s(3M. and it. _a _.all..l , eel to molt/ t to these hills, but their It i. estilnat•eec til to Lbuut a, million is a 1 ea v tt pcnay that Cali ho in- , ) , , Meted 3 i 7 b1 4..;, be i(le:, L 1 ,<, gUOntity Of Met d b\ law, ,lonld (Inc rause to r tile, were turned out (Burma'; the e' SU i 11 11'ao, ill eettson. 0 L push the uil-ender. M() 4, E)>. Mr. Peter Bonder now oCenpies his fi111' now re'Aidenee. Mr. eatnder has a. home of winch he can be 1>Lo11(1 Mr. '} W. ('. ('13113!', tel• (111:1rte1's, lt' al1' 1)iil cti' Parc+ will occupy the house vacated by \\'oared not, 'he> i, i l,), t:Lste, rl'ho itis. Ben(icr. ,Mr. Philip Hanel 1),„ average.*. (•-r,,,t per dit.m of m<aintlain- also 211()\'ec'L Into ins new dwelling, which Ila had erected through tht3 sttnnlller. 71115 house 1R another worthy additie11 to cut village. Mr. .1. 7. :ic rner nerupie s the Mouse The average 133,1)1) will not li.lcoly eletese Walk/ ':1 ;111 fol' his win - mg tiw inmates t7t' till high-class boarding house is a. fraction over five cents. Ph ink of trying; to satis- fy tho Mange (>i a robuet tramp fm0 Alt throe times 0 day for a, total of )iV0 cents ; .why it would not keep p 11i1>I vacated oy Mr. e tueh stuffed fell of beled ;tt,y. MI l0 21( \vspaLprr luau 1'11 our issue or bast week. \\e lnllda1 01)1' stol'i: t:, illO1.i'. ('(1tiS:>ia;'te t111(.d Ivo tilt -t? itc'•}ti el' vaihos 111111) e',\"el.' 1)`11°o1'(..'. Como e111d s1'(' L'h',.''lll. Every ft 11 tl counts 1111 gllttilhg 111 pay for a Large mention of the death of n, Mr. number of aiunserlptions. .aurin e the busy hot season this matter is frequently forgotten, and as winter { 15 coming on many subscribers have not recollected than thoy ere owing for their paper. This would matter little to us if the number of those who let the time Slip by wore small. but when it runs up into the hundreds, none mine loss than 0. dollar, it is a matter of greater importance. If you have let this matter escape your atten- tion yen would confer a favor by attending to it at once. SILVER WEDDING. On Monday last, Mr. and Mrs. George Sparks, of the Bronson line, Stanley, celebrated their silver wedding. About fifty guests were present and the day was happily spent. Mr, tinct. Mrs. Sparks received many valuable gifts, showing the high esteem in which they are hold, The guests departed at a seasonable hour, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Sparks many mere years of married life. Bala win in 3t hotel fife in Elgin, Man. `flit; sad truth has since been 'learned that the cirec'ascd tiv3.8 the father o1' Mr. G. M. Baldwin, of Sc a orth„ son-in-law of Mr. D. Steinbach, of this village. Mr. Baldwin hate intenc&oci to leave for his home in Seatorth tho next morning,' being in poor health. The remains were brought to Sea - forth and interred there yesterday. BLAo1in11T1i CON VI TION.—A COn- veiiti On of the blacksmiths of Zurich and surrounding towns was 11e1c1 hero at the Dominion House on Thanksgiving Day. Crediton, Grand Bede, Corbett, Dasbwoocl and a number of other places were represented. The aim of the con- vention was to arrange a more satisfactory scale of prices to be charged for horse -shoeing, So far all have agreed to the scale but two or three and thus the matter rests. Locals continued on page R.. ZUR c i, takenin FFl(ryr[[� 1 �4n Yr!'.'1 (Ing°':1 f exc l.as'.$.hii 4y %J' YES! We ^t w .a 3 y •p -1 J R ,'19 0 ranting® ONTARIO„ ,o�...+w1 Erre W^� �.✓ d+r �. y +±ser a dM f W.J y {,...+, .q�q ,q,. ' .m , G'GNt.l,s, ._'? 1„a e=ei.t,.,6rt w V'Te do neat and quick work. Last us know your wantsa THI ZUI IGM 1lE L.