HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-11-11, Page 8I gg ;t mt Ec qt Pt vr~ $F he ere can cera @Gre tRir A age grey coal spiv, Fad ereo IF.fii4 )118.01 year tin; Mel] then i4tris eLnt a cal to f t a otue ,t sgot Z 8) PrOV Lesi �H! Ors 4fizs tteeu tura tend end mf tl rexe ses neet 'seri `ever heir t(4 o sue Th. ar get eligi RV nOti CCS Leas s: d- ether maid z&rce o rel Cum ave tete to za i Fre( Eu14D seat Erne. Cat ares ms e, ust M the a d ids OA Of. err t, full de :era res' ani 8 i tIs ln� i? ed.' all :thi vi AC 1 Utz t 'lye 'nt {ail The Zurich Herald. Meat Market T am in the market to buy all kinds for which 1 will pay the • highest market price. A supply of Fresh and Salt Meats, Bolognas and Sausages, always on hand. Terms Cash. Harry Yungblut, Zurich = = Ontario. J. H. WISMER Horse Shoer and GENERAL BLACK -BATH. Verity Plow Rapairs al= ways on hand. Ail work promptly attended to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. Kai fkkisch's MILLS. Planing and Saw Mi19 —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind• mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. J. C. Kalbfleiscb. Zurich P. 0.. Rings Galore. October is the month to bay Gold Rings. I now show a first class line, Ladle's and Gents', SOLID GOLD r NLY (Locals continued from page 1) For a good lantern call on A, Charlesworth .¢ on, they carry the hest. Miss Dolly Hagan, of the Parr line, has returned from Detroit, where she spent a few weeks with friends. We would like to call the atten- tion of the girls, (in a disinterested way,) that the year 1904 is rapidly drawing to a close. Now that the cold weather is coming on you should get in your window glass. We .carry a full line, also putty. A. Charlesworth & Son. Op. Tctesday the elections through- out'the United States were held. The Republican party has been re- turned to power with an increased majority. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Sohilbe, of the 14th, attended the funeral of Mrs. Schilbe's father, Mr. August Hemmie, Logan on Wednesday of last week. A grand ball and fowl supper will be held in connection ;with Ran's Hotel on the evening of Thanksgiving Day, A good time is expected. The regular meeting of the Chosen Friends will bo held on Friday evening, Nov. loth, at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is re- quested. Business of importance on hand. HIL8LSGREEN, Special to THE HERALD. Mr. E. MeGavin, teacher of S. S. . No. 10, Goderich, visited Mr. W. E. Jarrett over Sunday. Birds of a feather .flock together. A number from here attended the tea -meeting at Sex -smith last Monday evening. There will be no service in the Methodist church next • Sunday owing to anniversary services at Kippen. Master John Love had the mis- fortune to have his arm broken while playing, recently, Mr. Frank Latimer is having success in trapping and hunting ?muskrats. rand right prices. — Make your choice now A Full Stock in all Lines. Fine Watch and Clock Repairing my Specialty. F. W. HESS, THE JEWELER.' We make a specialty of Repairing. Your Bneov needs a new Top, new Cushion or perhaps re -paint- ing. We guarantee you a neat and per- .... .... feet job .... We have a number of NEW BUGGIES left, also two handsome Mikados. Call and see them. F. Hess & Son. Zurich - Ontario, DRYSDALE Special to Tnn HERALD. Word has been received here of a serious accident, which befell Mr. Janes Howard, who left for the West some time ago. Mr. Howard bad engaged with a Telephone Ce. as a linesman and was in the act of climbing a pole when in some way, he lost his hold and fell heavily to the ground and unfortunately broke one of his legs. He is being cared for at a hospital out there. Mr. Henry Howard left last week for the West and will bring•' "Jim" back with Min. He has the sym- pathy of Itis many'friends here. A had fire occured about a mile and a quarter north of this place last Friday morning. The barn on the farm recently purchased by Mr. Jos. Jeffry in some way took fire, and with the contents, was totally destroyed. The contents, compris- ing about 400 bushels of oats and about 25 tons of hay, belonged to Mr. Chas. Screenan, who had the farm rented the past season. Mr. Screenan had the contents insured in the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Co., for $500. HENSALL moved to Zurich. The shooting ' match under the, atispices of the Royal Hotel last lveelt, was well attended. .,The shooting was not nn to the average end many of the birds got "off to the woods," A report tivas received at the Pro- vincial Board of Health Depart- ment Saturday of an outbreak of scarlet fever in Stephen township.., F•Iuron, county. There aro now eighteen or twenty cases Mr. Henry Eilber, Secretary of the lo9a1 Board of Health, who made the report, says that the public schools in the township have been closed. and every precaution taken , to check the spread of the disease. : • Fishy•—A'serions fire visited this place on Sunday night last. •It seems to have originated in Mr. Jac. Holtzman's tailor shop and at one time fears were entertained that the buildings on that side of the street were:all doomed. How- ever by hard work it %vas confined to two or three buildings. The principal losers are : Mr. Jacob Holtzrnann, tailor aad men's fur- nishings totally destroyed ; Mr. B. Brown's shoe store, which is next door, was badly damaged. The frame work shop at the rear being destroyed and the stock suffered heavily; the 'building lately vacat- ed by the Sovereign bank was also badly scorched. Special to THE HERALD. Mr. I. S. Crookshank,of Wiarton, has rented a shop from Mr. W. R. Hodgins and will start a merchant tailoring business. Mr. Win, Miller, of Toledo, Ohio, ie the guest of his sister, Mrs. A. McB:-ine. Miss Williams runt Miss Alma Yeo, of Mitchell, visited Mrs. G. Trott for a few days hest week. Miss Tessie Shepherd has return- ed from a lengthy visit with Lon- don. relatives. More business changes have taken place in our town: Mr. J. Schafer has purchased the meat market and butchering business from Mr J. Sheppard. Mr R. Jar - rot has disposed of his livery busi- ness to Mr. Nesbitt Hamilton, of Atwood. Mr.. F. Snallacomb will ship about sixty-five tons of dutch setts from Hensal1 station this season. This means about $5000 in the pockets of residents of Hensel. and vicinity. Mr. Walter Lancaster left last week for Ailsa Craig, where he has secured a position with Mr. Bare - fort, photographer. CREDI TON Special to 'ACE HERALD, Mr. John Dietz left for Germany last week,where he intends making hiS future home. Mr. Jos. Hoist, who has been down south has decided to move there before the cold weather sets in and will make his future home in Durant, Miss. Mr. Win. Fritz and family have COUNTY NEWS. THE, • The Bell Foundry Co., Seaforth, have received the contract for the machinery for the new saw mill to be erected by Ross R Taylor at Exeter. Messrs. Farmers Bros., Exeter, have retired • from the wholesale liquor business. The abode of the Clinton Chinese laundrymen was entered recently and twenty dollars stolen. Mr. Geo. Irwin, of Tuekersmith, the well-known poultry fancier, carried off 90 first prizes and 00 seconds, at six fall fairs this sea- son. This will net him $00 in prize money. Mr. Augnstliemmie, of McKillop died suddenly on Saturday morn- ing, Oct. 29th. Mr. Henimie suf- fered from heart trouble for some years and it eventually caused his (Leath. He was a native of Ger- many. He uppearad to be •in his usual good health up to the time of his death. He was 73 years of age, and leaves a wife and family. H. Smith, Hay. recently solei a very handsome Shorthorn bull to Thos. Livingstone, of near Alma. This bull, 'Royal Salute," is of red color, and is one year old. He is by import -A •`Royal'Prince."and was a prizewinner this year at the London and Exeter shows. Last month's business at the ens. toms office, Goderich, was an ex- ceptionally .arse one, no less than $8,I1G8,48 being' collected there and at its oetposts. This large amount is .tartly made up of the duties! Paid by Contractor Pigott on his machinery and equipment. The blacksmiths of Exeter and surrounding /district came into line with those of most of the towns and villages of Western Ontario, on Tuesday, November 1st, when they raised the prices of horse= shoeing. Instead of the old rates, 10 cents fr.r setting a shoe and 25 cents for a new shoe, the prices in future are to be 12X cents for sett- ing and 30 cents for a new shoe. A brakesman on Conductor Strat- ton's train from Stratford walked off the train between Mitchell and Dublin the other ni.glit and was not missed. till the train :arrived at Seaforth. Remarkable to relate he came through the experience with but a badly bruised face, Henry Little recently sold his farm on the 4th con., Tuckersmith, to Robert Brownlee: The farm contains 50 acres and has on it a good barn. Mr. Little will remove. to Seaforth, Herbert Lamprey, aged about 22 years, took a dose of formaldehyde the other day which nearly cost him his life. This happened at a threshing at Mr. A. Tebbutt's of the Huron road, Goderich town- ship. Ono of the men found a bottle of formaldehyde and as a joke passed it among those present with the invitation to "have some- thing." Tho bottle• passed from one to another without any of thein touching it until it came to Lam- prey, who supposing it was only water, took a "swig" before ho could be stopped. -He dropped at Once and it was only after emetics had been used that he came to. Ile has about recovered from the effect of the doze, An excellent plan to have cab- bages good and fresh in the winter, is to open a double furrow with a plow and put the cabbages in a single row with the heads clown and outside leaves drawn in under the heads. Then plow two furrows to them. The first covers the cab- bages, the other draws up over the roots. Smooth along on top with a shovel so it will shed water, • apPY-Thouoht Iange J- eacts 'Thein At' T.is noted for its great fuel 'saving quarts. ',It is the only stove with transparent :veli; -, tllating oven doors; also corrougated oye,p, ` that will not burn. It will pay you' to 'call 'apcl" ex- . arnine this stove. We also carry CROWN HURON, and several other noted `Manufacturers' make of Stoves, also the Celebrated Clare Bros., Preston, Peninsular Range and stoves that have become famous for their good cooking qualities. A. Charlesworth & S n, Zurich, 4 -**- We are going to sell our Fall 1oots and Shoes at cost for cash u ;til Nov. ist. We east sell to make room for our WINTER STOCK . o .. P. BENDER & Go. s s . . ZurieI2. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. This cut represents the , sander a Range THE STOVE That People talk so much about. THE Stove where the fire circulates twice around the oven . before it strikes the pipe, no other Stove has this improve- ment. No other Stove is just as good. It also has an indicator.. on the oven to re•ister the heat, •no guess work in baking and - a dozen other improvements over other Stoves. Call and see this great Stove. A big stock of Harness, Robes, Blankets, Fur Coats cla. eap at C. HARI LEIB, The People's Hardware and Harness House SPEOIAL S For the Month of November we will offer special prices o'n dif- ferent lines, such as Dress Goods, Tweeds, Wrapper- ettes, Fancy Chinaware, Etc. It will be to your interest to get prices 1 , is alway Quality ours .�.i otto and the above are sure to be ex8 ceptional values. * :r. * * D. Steinb c hviett.