HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-11-11, Page 6DIAMONDS OF THE WORLD.
Though the Output is Increasing, the
Prices Are, Going Up.
As the result of last month', advances
clef G per cent., diamonds are now dearer
by 20 per cent. than at any time since
the consolidation of the De Beers mines
in South Africa. The United States
last year imported diamonds to thea
value of $8,403,222,
The output of the De Beers companies,
whielt control 93 per cent. of the world's
supply, was for the year ending in
November, 1903, $26,205,000, on which
was realized a profit of $11,511,000. It
is estimated that the South African
mines have added $400,000,000 worth of
diamonds to the world's stock. Sur -
trise will be excited by the statement
hat not 5 per cent. of the diamonds in
the world have been lost in a hundred
Amsterdam is still the centre of the
"diamond industry. There 8,956 persons
are engaged in splitting, polishing and
cutting these precious stones in sixty-
four "factories." Considering the ex-
pertness demanded for this work their
weekly wages of from $10.05 to $20.10
appear disproportionate to the skill re-
The United States has become the
chief importer of diamonds, with Russia
next, and France and England in the
order named. No doubt their increased
popularity with us is in part due to
the recognition of their desirability as
an investment not liable to great finan-
eial fluctuation in value.—New York
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
A young minister was called a few years
ago to a church in a thriving eastern city.
His predecessor had been a well known
preacher whose sermons had attracted large
congregations, but whose• expressed belief
was that the clergyman's single duty was the
spiritual welfare of his people. 'rue church
had failed to meet current expenses for sev-
eral years, and its considerable debt was in-
eeeasing with mechanical regularity. The
newcomer was not a wonderful orator, but he
had a firm mouth and jaw. 'Within two
Years he was at the head of a smoothly run -
rang business organization whose depart-
ments were handled by men who understood
their work and did it, which discounted its
hills and reduced its old lndebtednesss. The
church had became a working church.
""rho church," he said one day, is a tma-
poral organization doing an entirely practi-
cal work. Business integrity is as necessary
to its continuance and definite achievement
is as necessary to its advance as in any
other tempora !organization."
"Your predecessor was right, however,"
skup ne Ia�leLos'olmile; "he always said the members,
provide; the Lord did provide you."—From
Leslie's Monthly Magazine for November.
' 71,lie `rte1:hie is that ta,o5l' will) Etre meet
tet ect abaut 'this -gee:el:a l cit; un.; ee-
alizel that: thus: ;tre dealing with ani evil
peculiar to urban life rather than to the
rural regions of the south that men at-
tend church as much as they ever did
and probably more, and the same is true
of the villages and small towns. Here an
Texas, •before the crops have been ]aid
;y. the Sumner revivals and protracted
-steetings have begun and thousands of
nen are attending religious meetings
`every day'." as well as Sunday, when
heir material welfare would, no doubt,
ie enhanced by devoting their workday
nue to their crops.
• There can be no doubt that men in the
urger cities are not so faithful to their
eligious obligations. If there is a prob•
:m presented by these conditions it is
holier city problem, for we are sure it
ces not apply to the great agricultural
reas of the country. --Fort Worth Re-
ard. -
De Sirs, -•d was for seven years a
titterer from bronchial trouble, and
rould b'e so hoarse at times that I could
atrcely speak above a whisper. I got
o relief from anything till I tried your
inard's honey Balsam. Two bottles
ave helief and six bottles made a com-
lete cure. I would heartily recommend
to any one suffering from throat or
tag trouble. J. F. VA.NBL'SKIRP.
eitada Contributes Her Share To-
warurs Increasing .k;nglish
Important factors in the development
Canadian industries have been pro-
ses brought from England. Now, it
ms that Canada is about to reeipro-
e, for Niagara falls is sending an
ustry of considerable magnitude to
Mother Country. This is the result
'the eighth trip of Mr. Thomas My -
of the Myers' Royal Spice Food
many. Mr. Myers was born in OL -
England. As a boy he was inter-
cl in animals and early conceived
idea of preparing a tonic that would
on live stock as the various formu-
of the physicians act on the human
eel. He opened a shop in the Pave -
t, York, soon moved to larger quar-
and as the business grew, leased the
Linen Mills" on Navigation Road,
c. Later, another mill was erected
Cull. A business of considerable mag -
de developed, .and Mr. Myers, for a
tering consideration, disposed of his
rests. It was then he came to Can -
and. located in Niagara Falls. Some
•s after, Mr. Myers was forced to
the manufacture of the Royal Spice
:;ngiand because the company which
purchased the rights did not keep
c agreement. Recently Mr. Myers
.ed London and was approached by
,;;alists, who induced him to re-estab-
the business. Thus it is that Can -
will lend a helping hand to the up -
'ling of Industrial England.
ate Myers Royal Spice Company have
;fitly published a veterinary stock
treating of the various diseases of
eve stock and the cures. This book
'nt free to any one writing them at
'era Falls. Ont.. or N. Y.
This quaint old-style tea-
pot is one whose popular-
ity sage doth not stale
With fine Sterling silver
mountings and any mono.
grant, we sell it for $fo.00.
It has a white, glazed re-
movable; "steeper...
Ordering by mail means
prompt and satisfactory
purchasing. Send for i fe
1 1 8 to I 24
Monte Street
The Newspapers Exclusively.
The "Realty Trust" of New York,
which advertises extensively, has author-
ized this statement: "The advertising
mediums used by Realty Trust' are the
daily newspapers. Other mediums have
been tried and abandoned, and now all
of the company's advertisements go to
the dailies."
Invention Has Been Perfected for Pho-
tographing the Cavity.
The dlfliculties opticians have experi-
enced in arriving at an accurate diag-
nosis of the complaints from which their
patients are suffering have . led to ex.
petrineents in epi otographing %he eye.
For this purpose an instrument has re-
cently been invented, affecting optical
vesciencelopment in' generalo£the, 'and the further de -
specialist's pro-
fession in treating eye diseases and
faculty vision in particular. According
to a German exchange the assistant of
the university clinic of the Royal ebar-
ity hospital, Dr. Walter -Thorner, has
succeeded in solving a problem which
had received Hauch attention from many
others before him, but with little or no
success. He has managed to photograph
the background of the eyo and obtain
good pictures 'of it; too. His invention re-
presents a material movement on the
ophthalmoscope invented by Helmholtz
1850. The latter, however, only ad-
mitted .of viewing the background of the
The fact that all attempts to photo-
graph the interior or the background of
the eye had remained fruitless so far
was due to the' peculiar construction of
the eye. It is difficult to light up the
interior to such an extent es to enable
one to take a photograph of it, and
even in the use of strong sources of
light the exposure would require so
much time that the 'eye wiuld have to
be fixed, which would mean •great in-
convenience to the patient. Now Dr.
Tlic>•rner has constructed an apparatus
with which he first succeeded in pho-
tographing the eyes of animals,' especi-
ally cats.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Dogs have been found of great as-
sistance to the police force of Brussels.
They are particularly useful in the sub-
Who Knows Anythinx About
g 6
Ali buyers, sellers and users of
are interested in this question
? ?
Will every render of this enquiry
please drop a line on the subject to
The Politeness of the Malays.
"In all my jaunts in eastern lands I
have found no country as interesting
as the Malay States, that long strip of
peninsula which is encompassed on the
east by the China Sea and on the west
by the Strait of Malacca," said Mr. Mar-
cus Luning, of San Francisco. "I lived.
over there for more than a year, and got
pretty well acquainted with the people
and their institutions.
"The Malays are in many ways a fine
race.With them personal cleanliness is
held in high esteem, and the common
custom is to take two baths a day. They
are likewise the politest folk I 'ever met.
I had a whole retinue of servants, and
yet I could never get used to thinking
of them or treating them as servants
because of their superlative courtesy:
So polite were they that it seemed as
though they were doing me a favor when
they asked for an advance on their
wages, and they were continually in my
debt, because of the impossibility of
denying requests made in such an orn-
ately deferential way."—Washington
Minard's Liniment Cures target in Cows
During a meeting of the Louisville
Presbytery last week, Delegate Haw-
thorne, of Princeton, told this story
of pioneer days, and vouched for its
accuracy: One of the circuit riders in
my part of the State was extremely
fond of pepper sauce, and as he could
seldom find any stroii enough at places
where he stopped, he always carried
a bottle with ham. He happened to be
at a hotel one night, though he usually
stopped at the home of a friend. A
man sat across the table from him,
and, seeing the sauce, asked if the min-
ister would share it with him. The
request was granted, and the stranger
poured out a liberal allowance of the
sauce into his soup. At the first swal-
low he made a wry face and blurted
out: "Minister, do you preach hell?"
"Yes, brother." was the reply. "Why
do you ask?" "Because you are the
first preacher I ever saw who carried
samples," was the answer.—New York
Utilizing the Sun's Rays.
At Los Angeles, Cal., the experiment
has been tried of using the heat of the
sun to create power and to heat water
for domestic purposes. At an ostrich
farm near the city a solor motor is in
operation every sunny day,, or about
three hundred in a year, and pumps 1,-
400 gallons in a minute. Solar heaters
are placed on the roofs of houses and
connected with water pipes. One heater
will supply water for domestic purposes
for an ordinary family.
The wish is sometimes father to the
thought, and sometimes it's even far-
A Cause of Success.
It is a strong testimonial to the ef-
ficiancy of newspaper advertising that
the manager of a food concern credits
to his campaign of newspaper publicity
his success in introducing into every sec-
tion of the country three or four entire-
ly new forms of food, for which a de-
mand had to be created. "It, cost a lot of
money," he says, "but the results have
warranted the expenditure of every dol -
Folding Seat.
This seat is the
'only oae of its
kind on the mar-
ket, and should
be seen and used
to be appreciated.
'The advantage-
ous feature is in
the fact that the seat drops. There is no
spring and it cannot get out of order. Made
of malleable iron with a piano stool finish
top. Largely used in depratmental stores and
any place where space Is an object. Pelee
per seat, $1.25. If a larger number is re-
quired write for special terms. Novelty Mfg.
Co., 219 Queen street east, Toronto, Ont.
He (passionately) -0h, BedeIia, wilt
thou share my love in a tiny thatched
cottage, where de honeysuckle—
She (disdainfully)—Aw, cut it out!
Whatjer tink dis is de middle ages? A
steam -heated fiat er I don't listen• ter
yer, see?
tiow podd's Kidney Pills Banish
Pain .in the Batik.
Cured Mrs. Jas. Murpb y and Everyone
Else she R000t.amendcd Them To.
River Gagnon, Que., Oct. 31. -(Special)
—No complaint is so common among we -
men as Pain -in -the -Back. It is a safe es-
timate that fully half the women in Oen
ada are afflicted 'with it, For that rea-
son every evidence that there is a sure
and complete cure in existence is thank-
fully received. And there is abundant
evidence that Dodd's Kidney Pills is just
such a cure. This district could furnish
a dozen cures, but one is enough for
an example. The one is that of Mrs.
James Murphy. She says :
"I suffered for . thirty-eight months
with a pain in my back, i took just one
box of Dodd's Kidney Pills and. • I have
never been troubled with the pain since.
I also reeomm'ended Dodd's kidney .fills
to 'other people, who complained ate I did
and in every ease the Pins did their duty
and brought relief."
What shrunk your woolens ?
Why did -holes wear so soon ?
You used common soap.
Asir for the Oetssert Bur. 512f
Smoke Means Wasted Fuel.
Smoke means waste. The science of
smoke prevention and the science of per-
fect combustion are equivalent terms,
Once make a factory owner realize this
and he is won over ,to the cause, for if
he has intelligence enough to manage a
business he must know that perfect com-
bustion of fuel means no waste. Consider
'the analogy of a coal oil lamp. Turn up
the wick and the lamp smokes. You are
using too much oil, and getting less
light. The same is precisely true of a
furnace. A smoking chimney -stack means
too much fuel—and less heat. Once get
the factory owner to understand this—
to know that those belclneeg clouds of
black smoke means wasted money gone
up the chimney and less power for his
machinery—and you have converted him.
Lever's Y -Z (Vise Head) Disinfectan*
Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens.
the water and disinfects. est
A Good Dog Story.
One can • almost always find a good
story about animals, in the London Spec-
tator. The following is reproduced from
a book called Wild Sports of the High-
lands. The author writes that the most
curious example of,a dog's understanding
of conversation was shown him by a
shepherd. Like the dogs of modern
Greece, which keep watch along the little
banks that enclose their master's bar-
ley fields, the sheep dogs watch their
master's small crop of oats with great
fidelity and keenness, keeping off all in-
truders in the shape of cattle, sheep and
horses. A shepherd once, to prove the
value of his dog, which was lying before
the fire in the house, said in the middle
Of a sentence concerning something el -e,
`I'm thinking, sir, the cow is in the pota-
toes: The dog, which appeared to bo
asleep, immediately jumped up, and
leaping through the open window,
scrambled up the turf -roof of the house,
where he could see the potato field. He
then, not seeing the cow, ran and looked
into the stall where she was standing,
and finding that all was right came back
to the house. The shepherd said the same
thing again, when the dog once more
made its patrol. But on the doubt being
uttered a third time, it got up, looked at
its master, and when he laughed, growl-
ed and curled up again by the fire.
Even a neighorhood store can adver.
tise in a newspaper with profit. A
small Apace in which a single article is
exploited at a time, and with some white
margin in order to make the letters
conspicuous, does not cost much. A. small
grocer in New York says he has found
such advertising profitable.
ser and Skirt
Hanger, holds i
garments„ stool,
heavily nickel-
plated, will last
a lifetime. Send
it '60c and secure
one. Endorsed by
all leading tailors. Novelty Mfg. Co., 219
Queen street east, Toronto, Ont.
I rushed by a fellow who was down; his
left leg was shot away. He was bleeding cop-
iously. Through the din of rifle fire and
machine guns which gave us a mantle of
smoke and dust, I shouted to him: "To the
rear, to the ,yield Hopsital, and be quick
about it." The fellow looked up at me, and
upon his face was a marked sign of surprise.
His tips quivered in a half -smile. The ex-
pression of his face was at once an ientrroga-
tion point and a mild rebuke. Then he be-
gan to wiggle himself .forward through the
bodies of his falen comrades. I repeated my
order, whichl, seeing that he could not walk
very wolf with one leg, was a rather foolish
one—I was somewhat exasperated at the evi-
dent indifference on bis part to the order of
his superior officer. He raised his face in
my direction with the same old half -smile
and said to me: Lieutenant, I have list one
of my lege, but don't you see I have two
hands? They ought to be enough to strike
at the Russian."—From the Account of a
Japanese Officer, in Leslie's Monthly Maga-
zine for November, of the Battle of Kinchau,
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
War on the Ticket Scalpers.
Judge Grosscup, of the United States
Circuit, has just issued an order res-
training ninteen Chicago ticket scalpers
from dealing in any railroad tickets or
the unused portions thereof which are
not transferable. If this .order is made
permanent it will practically put the
ticket dealers out of business. The City
Council of Nashville, Tenn., has also re-
cently adopted an ordinance defining the
business known as that of ticket broker
or dealer. In that city 'Moses Henlin, who -
conducted a ticket brokerage office, was
indicted a short time ago by the 'Grand
Jury of Davidson County for uttering
forged or altered tickets or passes. He
pleaded guilty and was sentenced to fif-
teen days in the workhouse, and pay a
fine of $500.—Brooklyn Standard Union.
Value of the Sunday School.
It is obvious that the Sunday school, with
its definite moral purpose and its grip upon
practically the entire juvenile population, is
a mighty factor in the building of the na-
tional character, and so worthy of the ser-
ious attention of all thoughtful persons.
within its walls are fixed ideals which later
are wrought out in the events of commerce,
polities, science and the fine arts. Therefore
the. development of the Sunday school is a'
matter which concerns not merely the thou-
sands who are actively., engaged in its ser-
vice, but also the wide public of informed
men and. women who are interested in all
&rat muita5 for it'ama+h nroaress,
ISSt7 :, NO. 46 J904
Mrs. Winelow's Soothing Syrup ehe•uid
always be used for .Children Teething. SV
seethe the child softens the gums cures win'?colic and is the best remedy for Diarrheas,.
•• I family of three; new house, every kit,
then convenience, a particularly attractiv
situation, and well worth looking into. Call
on or write Geo. Milligan; 7 Wellington east,
Toronto, Ont.
Agents wanted for our specialties. Com-
plete outfit does not exceed $2,00. All good
sellers. Write 237 King street east, Toronto.
A. Chinese Viceroy's Proclamation
Against Reformers.
The Peking and Tien-Tsin Times con-
tains the following prbelamation issued
by Yuan Shi-Kai, the powerful Viceroy
of Pechili:
1. Anyone creating wild rumors calcu-
lated to alarm or produce doubt in the
people's minds, will be beheaded.
2. Anyone teaching or learning mystic
practices, like Boxer measures and red -
lantern doctrines, will be beheaded.
3. All persons gathering to gether for
purposes of plunder or forcible disorder
will be beheaded.
4. Anyone in the Government service
military or civil, found connecting him-
self in any way with people spreading
strange doctrines or connected with dis-
orders will be beheaded.
5. For the harboring of those who
spread wild doctrines and mischievous
beliefs the heads of the family will be
imprisoned. for five years and all the
property confiscated.
We otter One Hundred Dollars' Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY d; CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known 1'. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him
perfectly honorable In all business trans-
actions and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by this firm.
W u.nuee, Kime ue h Maa'txe, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, 0,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken tnternally,ae
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur,
faces of the system. Testimonials sent free.
Price -75c per bottle.. Sold by an druggists.
Take Hall's FamilyPills for constipation
A writer in the World's Work relates
the following incident:
An American wished to move from
the Hotel Europe, the principal hotel in
St. Petersburg, to a smaller hotel
around the corner. He came down with
his bag packed and ready to go. "Sorry,"
said the mandger,"but you canot leave
this hotel. or register at another hotel
until we get your passport from the po-
lice, and that will take a day and a
night. You must go through exactly the
same procedure as if you were leaving
the country."
"Regular Practioneer—leo
ir3esu it."—Mrs. Annie C. Chestnut, 05
Whitby, was for months a rheumatic vic-
tim, but South American Rheumatic Cure
changed the song from "despair" to "joy.'
She says: 'I suffered untold misery front
rhemuatism—doctors' medicine did me no
Cure cured of
the first dose." -50
In the Fortnightly Review, Mrs. John
Lane writes:
At evening parties a man's shyness it,
mitigated by music. In my own ex-
perience when some stray man and I
have stood together speechless, no sooner
did the piano break into our appalling
silence than ideas seemed to inundate us.
The dumb man spoke as if by magic,
and I, who had hitherto nothing to say,
couldn't talk fast enough.
La grippe, pneumonia, and influ-
enza often. leave a nasty cough
when they're gone.
It is a dangerous thing to neglect.
Cure it with
Still h.'s
Cu,ti, The !sung
The cure that is guaranteed by
your druggist.
Prices: 8. C. Wszr.s & Co. 509
25c. 50c $1, LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto. Can.
A Treat in Prospect. .
Broncho Bill—Just before Roarin` Dan was
lynched he said •he hoped he would meet all
do boys in heaven,
Grizzly Pete—Did, eh?
Broncho 101111—Yes, an' de boys said dey
hoped 80 too, so dey could have de fun of
lynchin' him over again.
Removes all hard, soft or calloused temps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains; cures sore and sweeten throat,
coughs, etc. Save $50 by the use of one Bot-
tle. Waranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure ever known.
Business Methods in a Story.
(Town Topics.)
The Artist—What are you at now, old man?
The Author A football story.
The Artist—And the here wins the game
with a ninety -yard run, of course?
The Author—Not this hero; he simply cor-
nets the ticket market and lives easy ever
"My Fle,Irt was Thumping
my Life Out," be the way Mrs. 1L,
H. Wright, of Brockville, Qat., describes her
sufferings..from smothering, flutteringand
palpitation. After trying many remedies with-
out benefit, six bottles of br. Agnew's Caro
tor the heart restored her to portent health.
The first dose gave almost Instant relief, and
to Si Maar muttering ceased alW,ivititer,--ii