HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-11-11, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township.. Vol. V., No. 16. ZURICH ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 11, 1904. $1. Per Year. LEGAL. CARDS. �• J. 0. COOKE, (Late with clarrow &Proudfoot) Barris - dr, Solicitor, Notary Public. 'Henson, Ontario. a. G. &TANSGRY, •!. A. F. W. GLADj.1AX. Gladman 8r Stanbur y. - on BARRISTELS, SOLICITORS, NOTA ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan Village, and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. --AT HENSALL-- every Tuesday, Thursday and.Saturday. ---OFFICES-- Hensall—Ower Stoneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. PROUBFOOT3 HAYS & BLAIR :BARRISTERS, SOLICITOR'S, ' NOTARIES PUBLIC. &C. Goderich, - - - Canada. W. Ft{torn ooT, x. e I lt. C. ii.nvs. G. F. STAIR. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases of domesticated Annuals. Veteridary medicines of all kinds always on hand. Day and night calls promptly attend- ed to. OFFICE— In Win. Bender's Old Stand, Main St., Zurich, Ont, ANDREW F. HESS. 3)IVISION COURT CLERK. Vil- , loge and Farm Property insured. All the leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and Sickness Insurance. ZURICH - - - ,ONTARIO. R. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor 1 graduate of Department of Dentistry, • Toronto University. Painless extraction • of teeth. Plate work a speein1ity. At Ilb.oininlon House, Zurich, every Monday. 1-26 . EBOSSENBERRY, ° Licensed Auetioneer for Hur- on County, respectfully soiiei1s the pat- i rona a of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. i H'ILIP SIPPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the 1 County of Huron. I wound request ` those having sales to call on me. Terms moderate; satisfactiaa g'uaran- 1 teed. Your patronage ROB cit.4. i i HOTELS. 0. W e* 6v O T H E CO t;: 6x3 0 e FI CC.•ERGi IL [TEL G9 0 3 .13 '"r.3 ZURICH cia c} a ct i; 2 ' F3 1' t s a Z 3 o 1 d G e 2 t a Strictly up-to-date in modern lin e a. provelnents. • Dining rooms is /81.1p- op 49 plied with only the very best. ¶ 'f is) * Bar contains choice liquors ;and (a cigars, if if . 1f 1f if el Excel eaat Sample Rooms 410 * for Commercial Men. �"®' is fa J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. p(f3tS+voeo 1;33i Q34."•a+`i�I,'aV,t:,,Li3cr3EA� 00(04.00: -.---®^-- THE , Don -in -non cl S Ot tt lk spe w m n( SC cr House. This House has recently changed hands, and is now ono of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. Ma getter tillable in the c:minion. R. R. Johnston & Son,` PROPRT1 TORS. MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat (new) 96 to 1.04, Oats .... 29 30 Barley 37 28 Peas 55 62 Flour .........250 2 75 Butter .. 13 14 Eggs... ....... 17 18 Chickens lb; ....... 4 5 Potatoes.. 30 35 Hogs 'per owt).$5,00 X45.50 LOCAL NEWS Next Thursday will be Thanks- giving Day. . Lawyer Dickson, of Exeter, was in the village on Tuesday.. Miss Mina Doan, spent Saturday and Sunday at her house here. Mr. Louis ,Prang . and mother visited relatives in Exeter on Sun- day. Mrs. Julius Bloch, who has been seriously 111, is, we are glad to say, convalescing. Messrs. John Weseloh and Jac. Deichert were in Brucefield on Tuesday on business. G. Trott has a nice line of photo mounts for 'Christmas. In Zurich every Monday. Call and see him. Collector Troyer will be in Zurich to collect taxes on Wednesday the 16tH inst. You will find hint at the Dominion House. The sale of -the bronohos at the Dominion House last Saturday was fairly well attended. About eleven of the animals were sold. - Mr. Henry Wolper, Sr., and wife, of the Bronson line., moved into the house iso recently purchased from Mr. A. Heideman this week. Mr. D. Steinbach and daughter, Miss Beatrice, attended the funeral of a relative -in the person of the late Mr. fisher, of Usborne, last unday. Mr. Rcpt. 'Williams, of the Sever- ign Bank, Clinton. is helping at his hiranoh .at present, owing to he illness of Mr. Wiltsie, who has teen ordered Thome by the doctor. Mr. William Baker returned bine from the West last weak. He Vas roaming a thresher engine in he vicinity of Portage la Prairie be past season. -Billie" is look - ng hale and hearty'. The three Hurons have elected Jonservative representatives to the :louse of Commons. In the last arliarn•ent all three were repre- ented by Liberals. South Hnron or the first time- in thirty-seven ears or since Confederation re- turns a •Conservative. When you write a letter to the sews paper be sure you spell out. everything. Don't abbreviate lames of the week, or the navies of nonths, 'Write the names of per - ons and places extra plain. It nay be perfectly plain to you, be- en.e you know who you are talk - ng anent, but the printer will not lave th,e knowledge and will have lothing to guide him but your -riting. Mr. F. W. Hes,, the jeweler, has eceived an import shipment of vetches direct from Belgium, which are very unique and also 4eeni to be a substantial article. • He has 'one line on the face of which t'he day of the week, t11e nonth and clay of the month, and he phases of the moon, can be eeu at a glance. The other lines re just :its interesting and well worth ire vestigating. • The W. C. T. U. held a very nterestilmg meeting at the home of tiers. E. Zeller, Monday afternoon, ov. 7th. This meeting was open- cl by the President, after which Nlrs. (Rev:) Whitesides of Hudson, �luebec, was 'called on to address he meeting, her topic being "The Need of Temperance Reform." Tho llurements sand enticements to rag the young people into parts of in and shame are becoming aaorse, ut what a grand thing it is to all, heh gifted men as Dr. Gerry the neat Evangelist with his time and Llents for the Boor friendless and n:tcast of Old London, conducting nidnight meetings, searching for lens in the highways and hedges. ITs. Whitesides is a very able aker. A movement is on foot to see hat inducement could be offered Mr..1.C. Kalbfleisch to have slim eve his saw mill from the 14th ncession to Zurich. The swill has it been running very regular for me time past, owing to the diffi- elty of obtaining sufficient men to e sun it, and its is thought that if the mill would be located in Zurich; sufficient help could be oil.; tained and their would be enot'igii work to keep it running nearly the whole year. This would certainly be a benefit and a boons for our vil- lage, If a, bonus, say enough to cover the expense' of moving the mill to town, could be made up, and we have no doubt that it can be made up, and a sttitable site can be secured by Mr. Kalbfleiseh, we think that the matter could be, sat= isfaelorily arranged. •'King Edward .celebrated his 63rd birthday on Wednesday. And novo the daily papers are explaining how it all happened. Mrs. Diersteiri visited friends in Hensall for ate* clays this week. Mr. Robert Williams, of Clinton, spent last Sunday at his home here. Call and see our air tight heaters, They are beauties. A, Charlesworth & Son.- Miss onaMiss Lizzie Ronnie is visiting re- latives in Dashwood for a few weeks. Mr. M, Y. McLean, of the Sea - forth Expositor, was in the village on Tuesday. Mrs. Wurtz, of Michigan. is visit- ing her parents. Mr. anis Mrs. J . S. Melick, in town. Messrs. J. Stacey and Cl. SinalliL- combe, painters, of Ilensall, are doing some work in,town. Mr. Levi Stelok, of Hillsgreen, has returnees from the West, where he spent the• past few months. Mrs. G. M. Baldwin and son visited at her home here hist week. She has left for a visit with Toronto friends. Mr. Moore, of Guelph, organizer of the A. O. U. VT., was in the vil- lage this week, looking after the local lodge. Mr. Peter Ltunont shipped a car- load of cattle to Toronto on Satur- day. Mr. Lamont returned on Monday evening. Mr. Henry.Walper Jr., has pur- chased from his father, Mr. Henry Wolper Sr., the homestead on the Bronson line, Hay. Mr. Amos Capling, and the Miss- es Capling, of Shakespeare. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 3. Preeter . on Saturday and Sunday. Mr, Fraser, the defeated Reform - canclidate for this riding, was in the village on Tuesday. Mr. Fraser. takes his defeat quite cheerfully. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler at- tended the funeral of . Mrs. Koeh- ler's mother down east last Friday. • They returned home again Tuesday. SIG BARGAINS FAVI. All Dress Goods, old and new, cut �--��- down at cost price. --, Such as: Black Lustres, worth 60 ets. for - 35 35 cts. 54 inch. heavy wool Dress Goods worth $1.25 for 9 8 cts. 54 inch. heavy wool Dress Goods worth $1.00 for .75 cts. 42 inch all wool Fancy Goods, 60 cts. for 45 cts. Some 6 yds. Dress Ends, 65 cents a yd., piece for $2.50 Girls' Reefers all at very low prices, $3.75 coat for $2,98 $2.75 coat for $1.98 33.00 for $2,00 $4.25 coat for $2,98; $2.00 coat for $1.49 Men's caps worth 500, and 75e for 25 cts, Boys' Caps worth $1.15, $1.00, 75 cts. and 50 ets. for 15 cts., Ladies Jackets worth $5.00, $6.50 $7.50 and $9.00. A bargain at $1.00 Many others which space will not allow us to mention. Come and Examine these Goods. Dutch Setts, Large Onions, Dried Apples, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. D. S. FAUST, ZURICH. - - - ONTARIO. Next Thursday Leis,'_ a holiday, wo would kindly ask our corres- pondents to send in their corres- pondence a. day earlier than usual. Mr. W. Charlesworth, of Egmond. ville, and Mr. Eci. Charlesworth, of Detroit. spent 11/onday 1'n the village, and on Tuesday left for the pinery for a few days' shooting. An auction sale of the olcl show grounds will l.ie held on the pre- mise.~ on Saturday, Nov. 12th, eom- uleneing at 2 o'clock, p. n. .roar building lots will be sold off the front and the balance in one par- cel. Mr. Harold Wiltsie of the Sover- eign Bank "sill lie transferred this week to . the branch at Zurich. Harold's courtesy and close atten- tion to his duties will ensure his eontieiued promotion in, the service of the Sovereign.—Clinton News Record. Mrs, John Schilbe, of the 14th' eon., met with 11 painful mishap one day last week. She was in the Tact of going down the cellar steps when she was overcome by a faint;; ing spell, and fell to the bottom, causing a, painful fracture of the arm. We hope to hear of a full re- covery. Mr. Orville H. Elines, who has been on the staff of the Sovereign Bank here for about seven months, has been transferred to the Arkona branch and left for that place Monday morning. Orville has prov- ed himself to be an efficient and pains -taking junior. Mr. Wiltsie, of the Clinton branch, takes his place here. Do not fail to oil the , wringer every time you wash. If oiled often there is'less wear on the machin- ery, and less strength is expended by theoperator. To clean the rol- lers, rub them first with a cloth saturated with kerosene oil, and follow with soap and water. .A1 - ways loosen the rollers before putt- ing the wringer away. The election last Thursday passed off very quietly. A good vote was polled at this poll, nearly every available voter exercising his frau. ehise. In the evening things be- came more lively. The Conserva- tives received the returns in Ran's hall and the Liberals in the Town Hall. The boys had a bontire,at a late .hour, but whether celebrating Mr. Gunn's victory or Sir Wilfred Laiuier's, we don't know, but , the way things got mixed up for a while it looked as though both sides were celebrating. Locals continued on page 8, lor c d - Boots and . l oes from now until ast Nov. for call. We are not going to sell goods at cost. No man would sell his good goods at cost, therefore, do not be deceived. When you spend a dollar in our shop you get good value for your money. We mean what we say: Produce taken in exchange for goods. Chas,, Fritz, The People's Boot a.rld She mouse, eddy. t a Overcoats1, E have a new stock of the latest styles of ready-to-wear Overcoats. They are lna(le from good goods. all the popular colors and all prices --according to quality. We still lead in Our stock is more complete and we have better values than ever before. Come and see them. Produce taken i s exchange for goods ZURICH, J. REEFER, = = = ONTARIO. YES! We do Printing. =delta= eaao., iii 9 ea� � S'ti to sits.. We do neat and quick work. Let us know your wants. TtlE ' U GIT F1 p E o