HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-11-04, Page 8Met Market sus ui the zuarket to buy all kinds for which x 1"li11 patty the highest uiarl�et price,. .... supply cif.•..... -bili and Salt Meats, floiognas and Sausages, always on hand. —_ Terms Cash. Harry Yungblut, Zurich" - Ontario. J. J I. WISHER Horse Shaer and GENERAL BLACK -SMITH Verity Plow Rapairs a1. ways on hand. All work promptly attended to. • Shap closes every Tuesday, Thurs. day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. KaJbfJejs,'s MILLS. Planing and Saw Mill --AlI kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Bed Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand, Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind. mills and Water Troughs. Mihls 14th Con., Lot 25. S. C. ICalbfleisch. Zurich P. O. Rins Galoresasaseaasassassasassaasssasassaes. October is the month to buy Gold Rings I novo show a I+adie's and Gents ;firm class line, SOLID 60L0ONLY and right prices..-_ Make your ... choice now.... . A Pall Stock in all Lines. S+'iire Watch and Clack Repairing my Specialty. `. HESS/ THE JEWELER. We make a specialty of Repairing, Your BnnesaY needs a new Top, new Cushion or perhaps re -paint. ing. We guarantee you a neat and per. ..•..•..feetjoh.... • We have a, number of NEW BUGGIES left, also two handsome Mikados. Call and see theta, F.'less ) _ Son. uric Ontario. Special t10 Tem Hr:nat,n, It is our sad duty., this week to relate the death of Mr. John Max. well, which ocoured on Thursday evening last. Mr, Maxwell hats been in poor her•'" year but of Iate better. Oil the evening mentioned Mr. Maaxwell was sitting in his chair when he suddenly fell back dead. He leaves a widow and four children to mourn his loss. The funeraltook place on Saturday last nd was largely attended. The orrowing friends have the sym- pathy of the community. Mr, .Harris, of near Lake Erie is :siting Mr. Latimer. A number of our sports are en. hying duck shooting. Hallowe'en passed off quietly, a w little tricks being played. ..mss a+l»,uricn Ke Noy. lath, Rev. S. Salters tbs tern cpeoted to preach; oat all Mrs; 17llia visited , her daughter, Matt ), a R aY•row, for' a few days last for nearly it. Work is being rushed seemed. somewhat : owula3'8 new residenoen d on Mr, o• p edrkesdtay afternoon at 2 Miran Moirr. Sellery was married to parents, at the home of the bride's and parents. friends number of relatives here for from a distance the happy event. They went away on the five o'clock train for about a weeks honeymoon. optician, 8• T. Hopper, druggist and pticiain, htas been appointed agent for the celebrated R. B. Williams and Sons' pianos. ThMete Bide Society meeting in the church, on Monday ing, was not very well attended.en M Onedd Sunday evening Rev Dr. preached on "Some of the Moral Issues of the Campaign" and was listened to by a ver attentive congregation. Y large and On Monday evening some of the children had a good time but then we were young once ourselves. The conservatives wi}I hear the results of the election in Beaver_ ley's empty store,while the reform- ers will be in Miller's Opera house. A carload cif grapes for St.Joseph arrived on Wednesday and some of the village people and storekeepers were fortunate enough to get some. AaroWN Special to Tai -HERALD. Mr. Henry Neeb has been at homeathe past week taking up his roots and hauling home his corn. Mr. Louis Walper and wife of Rogerville visited at John Decher's and other friends last Sunday. Mr. Louis Kraft and wife and Mr. John Williams and wife of Stephen also visited at Mr. John Deeher's. Mir. Charles Guenther and family spent Sunday at Mr. Sol, s. Mr. Leo, Foster s Morns y near St. Joseph, pent Sunday Mr. Joseph Poster has been busy for some time past, hauling his sugar beets to Exeter. Mr. Henry Neeb and wife spent Sunday at Mr. Louis Rader's. Miss L. Blatchford, teacher of this place, spent Saturday and Sun- day at her home in Tuckersznith. a G v je Sp w nio Ess mo sad on O nse day E. 13 Th held day Chis smith CREOI TON ecial to 'PIE HERALD. rein,of the o recently held a sale, intends ring to Crediton. uch sympathy is ry through the ther, Mrs. Geo. event 000ured in et. 13th. well attended and enthusiastic ting was held here last Satur- evening in the interests of Mr. . Gunn. felt for Mrs. -heath of her Evans, which West Nissouri e Crediton Literary its second meeting Society evenine last Mon_ holm. The subject was ofhome Mrs. , His Life and Works. O°ld- Mr. August Sweitzer, while cut- ting wood in the bush the other day, gave his foot a severe with an axe, severing gash He lost a o an artery.o the wound great is eatto nded dbefore will be laid up for some time Re Edith, the Iittle daughter of Mr. Wilson Anderson, of Credi ton East, while playing at school misfortune to fall a he sharp had the end of a desk, cutting her r severelylip so required that a few stitches were We hope to soon seclose e the wound. again. around DASHWOOD Special to TSR HERALD. The residents ou the south side of front street, between Mrs. Mot - ter and Jacob Kellerman's store, are putting in an 8 inch tile drain, which will greatly improve the outlet for surplus water in that vicinity. Mr. J. H. Beanier,C. P. of Winghare, called on E. Friday of last week. Miss Edighoffer, of El visiting her brother, Mr. R. agent, P.Paulin, ake, is George ohrader father's became down to the drain omplete spurt as no ses or onday takes Cores. hope photo' after. the o re. bldg. Ston lage time of an - fore be civ - Ern ish THE pp, ThUh.t►• o Leads ThemTihi Rme HPis rioted for its a is is the only great fuel saving ven- tilating ly stove with transparent qualities. bu n doors; also corrougateoen that will not It will amine this stove. Pay you to call and ex, • We also carry............ CROWN .iIJR and several other noted Manufacturers' Stoves, also the rets' make of Celebrated Clare Bros,, Preston, Penins and stoves that have become famous fo lar Range good cooking qualities. r their A. Charlesvvort Zurich, � ll , �C Son, C?ntaric�. all Bargains **** Beare • our Fall going to sell Shoes at Boots and cost for cash until Nov. 1st. sell to make We must WINTER room for our R STOCK :. .:. : Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. This cut represents the Pandora Range On Monday last Harry S tied his team in front of his house, in some way the loose and made a swift (las h the street, one horse got in soft earth of a newly filled and in so doing turned a. e sammersault, this ended the and strange to say there w damage done to either hor rig. Archie R, morning for a position i Arehie,is a b to hear good Mr. Jacob of his store noon. ntledge left M Exeter where he n one of the s right boy and we accounts of him. Kellerman had a taken Tuesday e Sovveereiga�l3ank has ret to edecided arn a t move Mr. C. E. Huston, their o ing assistant here. Mr. Ru has been a resident of the vii for about one year. and in that has wolf the respect and esteem our citizens by his courteous m ner, both in the bank and be the public. 1115 ,friends wiII pleased to learn that he has rec ed a good position in the Sovere Bank at Thedford and also w him COD fialued success, HENSAL.LL Special to Tan Risaaa i have ve moved to Seaforth, family Mr. Peter McMartin is s a few weeks in Muskoka,. pending Miss Eva Stoneman has secured £p position n the music department ronto, and has left for that ion ty.To. .Ab8ennelevated runwerected between thetraok olhasy track and Mr. Urquhart sidly This does away with hauling mill. menta to the station. ship - Mr. Walter Hobkiik has returned home from the West spent the summer. where he Mrs..Tohn Wilson and Miss Gertie Gregg 'visited relatives here last week. Mrs. ,Lang left on Monday for Brookdale, Man., where she will reside with her daughter, Mrs. Simon Bunter. seIticpe8 wien ll Mebe heldAnniversary onBinaday, Mr. Joe. floggart and The distribution of the family Herald and Weekly Star's new picture entitled "Tilt: PRINCESS AT Water" has begun and diose who have received their copy nonuse it the E Y' "pro- nounce torethey most beautiful plc. a have ever seen offered with paper. It is far and Y ahead of the Family Herald pictures in years gone b and Hthat is saying a great deal, y'"Tros eraldss aa and the FamilWORE" d Weekly Star all for one dollar should make a busy season for the publishers. Wheat a, dollt a bushel or there- 4 abouts has cased very many farmers in this district to sow wheat this fall. The freezing out last winter of a very large acerage and the rust in the Summer does not seem to discourage' the local farmers and they will try it again. Died, bEtvAR.— Stan- ley, on Oct. t22ndhe , Charleshuble �Dewar, at the age of 64 years. PIoxARD.--In Exeter, on Oct. 23rd, James Pickard, aged 83 ;years, S months. .BRowzt,..-.In London, on Oo t. 24th Percy W. Brown, second son of. Mr. Hy' Brown, of Winchelsea, aged 28 years, 5 months and days. ttorr . Kura. --In Exeter, on Oct. 22nd, to Mir. and d Mrs. Wm.Runs, a Nionotsox --On the Zurich Road, R oh'arrd N oleojto Mson,a daughter. THE STOVE That People talk so much about. THE Stove where the fire circulates twice around the before it strikes the pipe, no other Stove has this improve- ment. No other Stove is ' justoven on thnt. oven to register thets good. It also has a dozen other register the out, no guess workan indicator this great Stove. in baking and other Stoves. Call and see ar ......,....A big Stook of............ mess, Robes, Blankets Fur U t'" boats C. ISA, r C1ieap at T L.3IB, The People's Hardware and Harness House For the Month of November we will ferent lines, ser uchlas prices on dif- Dress Goods, Tweeds ettes, Fancy' Chinaware, Etc. s etc. It will be to your interest to ........prices..,........ get Quality la altrtac,ya au*• .IlCltto and the above are sure to be ex- ceptional values. De L!te2nbLchL b Cho ,Aggkt