HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-10-28, Page 8The Zurich Herald. eat arket I am in the market to buy all kinds ".- IC 7,7\7® for which I will pay tiie highest Market price. A supply of Fresh and Salt Meats, Bolognas and Sausages, always on hand. ° Terms Cash. Harry Yuaagblut, Zurich _ = Ontario. j. . H. W1SMER Horse Shoer and GENERAL BLACK -SETH. Verity Plow Rapairs al- ways on hand. All work promptly attended to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. Kalbfleisch s MILLS. Planing anti Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind. mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. J. Ca Kalbfleisch Zurich P. 0. Rings Galore. October is the montli to buy Gold Rings. I now show a first class line, Ladie's and Gents', sjoNLY and right prices. -- Make your choice now...... A. Full Stock in all Lines. rine Watch and Clock Repairing my Specialty. F. W. HESS THE JEWELER. We make a specialty of Repairing. Your BUGGY needs a new Top, new Cushion or perhaps re -paint- ing. We guarantee you a neat and per - feet job erifeetjob We have a number of NEW BUGGIES left, also two handsome Mikados Oail'and see theta. H.s 6 Son. Zurich +w. Ontario. (Locals continued from page 1.) Conte and see our Silver King range, It is a beauty and a perfect baker arieheater. A. Charlesworth & Son. Mrs, ;Denomy returned to her home in Brickford, Ont., after a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. John Rau, here, Last week one day, two wily sportsmen boldly wended their way to the forest to see what they could see. Long they tramped about, eagerly scanning the trees, fences, and so forth, for some live game. But the game was scarce that clay, it seemed to know that it was a dangerous thing to be abroad. At last a four -footed quadruped, com- monly !mown as a black squirrel, hove into sight. Both hunters were instantly on the alert. Both guns were instantly put into posi- tion—and the game was followed up. Suddenly there was a terrific noise as both guns belched forth their tongues of flame .and death dealing shot. Twelve times they made a target of that squirrel and twelve times that squirrel they missed. Oh, well, they may do better next time. Tho following are the majorities in South. Huron as near as they can be obtained in the last Dominion election : McMillan McEwen Seaforth ........76 Tuckersmith ....93 McKillop 21 Hulrett 103 Hay 297 Hensall .... ...... 13S Stanley ...... .... 81. Bayfield 28 293 544 Majorityfor McEwen, 251. HILLSGREEN, Special to THE HERALD. Mr. Edmund Troyer disposed of a valuable horse last week to Mr. McMann, of Seaforth, for the hand- some sum Of $300. Mr. Young and grand -children, of Smith's Hill, are visiting friepds here. Mr, and Mrs. Francis Coleman, we are pleased to say are recover- ing nicely from their recent mis- hap. Mr. Alvin Workman who has been in the employment., of Mr. John Consit for the past season, has completed work and is enjoy- ing ii few holidays. Mr, W. E. Jarrott, who has suc- cessfnlly taught S. S. No. 9, Gocle- rich, for the past two years has resigned ancl has accepted a school near Zurich at a good increase in salary. Rev. McNa.b, of Walton, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church Sabbath. HENSALL Special to TEE HERALD. Our engine works and repair shops are now in running order. A 2 -horse power engine, manufactur- ed by them, will run for 13/t cents an hour. Every farmer should be interested. W. J. Miller has started to build his second brick house. Mr. Howald has commenced the build- ing of a house on the lot east' of Rev. Mr. Doherty's. In the spring more houses will be built. Politics have been very quiet here but we epeet a crowd and a time of it on Thursday, nomination day. A Bible Society meeting will be held in the Methodist church 'on Monday evening, to be addressed by Rev. J. Philips, of Kincardine and by the resident ministers. Mr. Archer and family, of Varna, have moved to town and are living on Brook St. Mr. James Beverley, wife and child, formerly of Brantford, are housed for the winter •over his store. Mrs. Simpson has rented Mr. J. Stewart's house for a year and is back to town again. Our village is certainly progressing. Our main street has just been gravelled from western extremity to the eastern limit, Mr. and Mrs. • Ellis were away over Sunday and on their return found that their dog had been poisoned. Mr. Thomas Dowson, who conducted livery business in part- nership with Mr. Davis at Clinton, has purchased the interest of • Mr. F. McCaughney in the Commercial Hotel here, and will get possession as soon as the license can be trans- ferred. Mr. Hopper reports that his Itis. perial Stock Food has already had a, very good sale. ... a— OREbIYON Special to Tun HERALD, Mrs. Tobias Fahner suffered a paralytic stroke sone days ago and is in a critical condition. She is over 82 years of age and doubts are ,entertained as to her recovery, The building formerly occupied by Mr. Ed. Nestle, has been leased by the Merchants Bank for a period. of ten years and it is now being fitted up in` a most modern and complete Way. Mr. H, K, Eilbor had an unplea- sant .experience the other day. He was exercising their horse and the animal suddenly reared and in some way struck Mr: Eilber' in the face, cutting it severely and knock- out a tooth, He is able to attend to his usilal office work. Messrs. Dan. Wein and Ben. Bertrand left for Detroit litst week, where they intend to put in the winter. Miss Vercia Short visited friends in Hensel' last week. Mrs. John Taylor has returned from an extended visit with rela- tives in Detroit, At a meeting of the Literary So- ciety held the other evening the following ufficc-rs were elected : Hon. Pres. Rev J, D. Henderson, Rev. G. D. Damm ; Pres., ,Mr. C. Bluett ; lst. Vice Pres.,Mrs. Kerr ; 2nd Vice President, Mr. Chisholm ; Secy. Treas , Miss Simpson ; Lib- rarian, Mr. E.ilber. Mr. Joseph Heist has left for Durant, Miss., if the locality suits him ho will likely move there be- fore spring. DASHWOOD Special to THE Hunn.Ln. On Tuesday evening a..meeting in the interest of Mr. Fraser, the Liberal Candidate, was held in Moser's Hall. A goodly number of electors were present,the hall being' comfortably filled. The candidate, Mr. M. G. Cameron and Mr. M. Y. McLean were the speakers and all were attentively listened too. .An event of more than usual interest took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jac. Zeller, of the 19th con., Stephen, on Tuesday, when their daughter, Miss Lovina, was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Mr. John Brenner, son of Mr. Alois Brenner, of Dashwood. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. Eifert, at precisely three o'clock in tho afternoon, in the presence of a Iarge number of rela- tives and friends. The happy couple were made the recipients of many valuable and useful presents. We extend congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Brenner. Miss Ethel Plumer returned on Tuesday from London. Mrs. M. Fenn, of Parkhill, is visiting at Mr. Jacob Itellertnan's. Mrs, Wit«'er, of Zurich. was •the guest of Mrs. Geo. Ruby for a few days last week. Mrs. Harry Guenther ha.s return- ed home from Hensall, where she paid a visit to friends. Miss Emma Rotharmel left Thurs- day morning for Howard City, Mich., wh re she intends residing with her uncle, Mr. Simon Thon. It is reported that the entire staff of the Dashwood Public School have tendered their resignation. The election is moving along very quietly here. M. G. Cameron, of Goderich, adtlressed a full house in the interests of M. Fraser. Mr. Fraser made an able speech on. the live political questions and handled them in a way which convinces you that he is the right man in the right place. There Will .be a Conservative meeting in Moser's hall, Thursday eve. —�_ GENERAL NEWS. The town council of Rat Portage has decided to change the name of that town, It will be known as Kenora as soon as the approbation of the Lieutenant -Governor is re- oeived. During the month of September, 202 homesteads were taken up in Manitoba, the Northwest Terri- tories and British Columbia. This is equal to 323,000 acres. The report of the Provincial Health,Officer for September shows a large decrease in the number of cases of deaths from diptheria,there being a decrease of 32 per cent. Deaths reported from all causes totalled, 1,967 in a population of 2,120,144 or 11.6 per 1000. Typhoid fever, however, is on the increase. .A by-law to loan the Metallic Shingle and Siding Co., of Preston, the sum of $15000 to erect a new building, was carried by the town on Monday by a large majority. Tho concern was burnt out recently The John Bowman Hardware and Coal Co., of London, have assigned. Liabilities $112,001.43 and the assets are estimated at $96,234.23. Married. BRENNER—ZELLER-•.-In Stephen Tp., on Tuesday, Oct. 25th, at the home of the bridd's parents„ Mrs. and Mrs. Jae. Zeller, Miss Le- vine, to Mr, John Brenner, of Dashwood, • . Subscribe for Two HERALD, THE happy. Thought lame Leads Then" R11. T is noted for its great fuel saving qualities. — aTt ,is the only stove with transparent ven- tilating oven doors; also eorrQugated (Wen that will not burn. It will pay, you to call and ex- amine this stove. ••• .......We also carry CROWN HURON, and several other noted :Manufacturers' make of Stoves, also the Celebrated Clare Bros., Preston, Peninsular Range and stoves that have become famous for their good cooking qualities. A. Charlesworth & Son, Zurich, _ _ _ Orntari©. all Bar ai s **** We are going.to sell our Fall Boots and Shoes at cost for cash until Nov. 1st. We must sell to make room for our WINTER STOCK ••°°••• P. BENDER. & Co. Zurich Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. This cut represents the Pandora Ranges imassusmasusxamaaaarrsomasmommorralutssantasnnammaaureameamMINOMMNIMP THE STOVE That People talk so much about. THE Stove where the fire circulates twice around the oven 1 before it strikes the pipe, no other Stove has this improve- ment. No other Stove is just as good. It also has an indicator 011 the oven to register the heat, no guess work in baking and a dozen other improvements over other Stoves. Call and see this great Stove. A big stock of Harness, Robes, Blankets, Fur Coats cheap at C. HARI LEIB, The People's Hardware and Harness House Gents iNIsI1IN6 MEVER before has k,, our stock of the above been so complete as this Fall, especially in T' -eed.s which consists of the new patterns and at prices to suit any one. We 'also show the very newest in T1ES,CO1.4142TRS, CUFFS, GLOVES, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Etc. ]Etc. Our lines of Ready.=made Trousers are just the thing- • • Yon want to see our Tom E i zt3 . • for. .wording n3.en. ' A leader at,50 cts. D1. STEINBACH, r • 411.