HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-10-28, Page 1rl The Oficial Organ of Zurich and Hay Township, Vol, V. No. 13. ZURICH, ONT. FRIDAY, OCT. 28, 1904. LEGAL CARDS. H. J. D. COOKE, (Late with Gar row ea Proudfoot) Barris- er,'Solieitor., Notary Public. Hensall, Ontario. 4. 'GF. STANBUlIV, B. A. F. W. GLADMAN. tnrl.adrman & Stanbury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - cies, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest mates of ieterest. Documehts in original 'German read.and advised upon. - —AT HENSALL-- every Tuesday, Thursday and,Stutwrday. --OFFICES-- Hensall—Over Stoneman's jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over 'O'Neil's Bank. PThWBFOOT, HAYS t •BLAIN BARRISTERS, SOLICITOR'S, NOTARIES PUBLIC..&C. Goderich, - - Canada. W. 4'.ROUDFOOT, R. C ; da..C. 'FEATS. (3..F..Brk1R. BUSINESS CARDS. DR., .3. HAMILTON, ,Vet. Surgeon and al9entist Treats all diseases of domesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines of all •kinds .always on hand. Bay.and night calls. promptly attend- ed to. 'OFFICE— In Wm. Bender's Old #Stand, Main St., Zurich, Ont. ANDREW F. HESS. 27u'•VISIGN•COUPT CLERK.. 191-: loge and Farm Property insured. All the, leadingg Companies represented. Agent: for Accident and Sickness Insurance. ZURICH - - ONTARIO.' DP" F. A. S ELL EMI', Dentist, .graduate•of the i;.oyal.College: .of Dual •Surgeons, Toronto, also honer,• /graduate of Department .of Dentistry., 'Toronto University. Painless extraction. io'f teeth. Plate work a speeial'rty. .'t'Doarainlon 1.1•oarse, Zurich, every Monday. 1-20. E BOSSEN.BERRI.T ' J ieensed Auctioneer for ITlur-: len County,, respectfully solicits 'the .pat - Do -nage of hhose who intend ]raving salter, Satisfaction euaranteed. HILIP SIPPLE Licensed Anctioneer for the; County of Kuron. I world req'aest these ihaving sales to call on me. T'e'rns moderate: satisfaction guaran- teed, `four patronage solicited. HOTELS. *4s?e€aceet'eteerasera a**ctee***** • * ee re ,e THE8 � t e;� ave COMMEHeilit HOTEL • A .4h ZJJR,ICH 4 8 t9 E3 4t dc, fit • Strictly up -:to -date in modern im de 1 prov,enaents., Daa.ng rooms is sax .& plied with, enaiay ,the very best, ¶ f 0 Bar soula as choi,%.,e liquors and cigars. 1l Ir ¶ ¶ ¶ e la Excellent :ample Rooms to 0 for Commercial Men. 0 sta d3 0 6 J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. 2. .0040,011 la 44400.0***,6414)+9**196 THE I1011• inion House. This House has recently changed hands, and is mow one of the most orderly and bestcon- ductedHouses in the Province. o :getter Mable in the ap,,eminion. R. R. Johnston & Son, PROPRIETORS. .'MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat (new) • 96 to 1.04 Oats. - ... 29 30 Barley . . . .. , .. 37 38 Peas. 55 62 Flour ,. ,2 50 2 75 'Butte'': 12 13 Eggs..'17 18 Chicken, lb ..... , . , 4 . ii ` Potatoes . . „ 30 35 Fogs 'per cwt),�$5,00 $5.50 $1. Per Year. LOCAL NEWS Next Thursday is election day. Sheriff Cameron, of Goderich, was in the village, Tuesday. . Mr. William Steinbach left for Detroit on Friday, where ho in- tends learning the plumbing. You will need some new stove pipes and elbows this fall. Try Charleswoirth's make. They all fit. Mr. B. B. Gunn, the Conservative candidate, spent Friday evening, and Saturday forenoon in the vil- lage. Messrs. Bender and Magel have taken the contract of laying the drain and filling in on the new fair grounds. Mr- Chas. Fritz has been served with papers 'to act on the Grand Jury at the Court to be held in Goderich in December. Mr. John Hey Jr., brought to our office several Fallawater apples one of which measures 13g inches in •circumference. Who can beat it. Messrs. Fred W. Hess, ,Tohn Schnettler and W. G. Hess spent a few days at the pinery, below Grand Bend, this week looking, for dame. Some of the "faithful" drove over to Dashwood on Tuesday even- ing Ito attend Mr. Fraser's meeting held there. They report a good meeting. Mr. C. Schrag has on exhibition •att his feed store some monster roots which evere grown from seed •he sold last spring. One marigold weighs 25 pounds. Mrs. Hy. Wnrm and family-, Mr. and Mrs.eJohn Fuss and ler. and Mrs. Jelin Brenner attended the Brenner -Zeller nuptials in Stephen township on Tuesday. Everybody wants the Peniiisulaar stoves and ranges, as they are a right, and Charlesworth & �+e guarantee every one of them give perfect satisfaction. Mr. Joseph Corrivean and Ia 1- ri On account of the scarcity of to wood, the rooms nf.,. our pnblic f school will be heated With coal this i� winter. Three coal heaters have been purchased, one for each room, and it is thought these will bo snit- .s ficient to supply the required heat n. Place some thin pieces of raw t beef close to the inside of your r fern -pots (between the pot and the soil), and you will be delighted at ti the wonderful growth • they will s make. Other conditions for fern Don't forget the Meeting in the Town Hall• (to -night Friday), A large number from the village attended the nomination in Hens - all yesterday. Mr. 3. Graybiel, of Dashwood, helped to take • stock in Merner's store this week. Charlesworth 8c Son have a good line of horse blankets and robes which they are selling right. At the last regular meeting of W the . C. T. U., it Was decided to have the meetings in the after- noons. The many friends of Mrs. Maggi .will be pleased to hear that she has recovered from her recent severe illness. Mr. Titus Weber, of Dundee and a Mr. Weberof Waterloo, visited Mr. Harry Weber for a few days last week. Mrs. Elizabeth Truemner has greatly improved the looks of her dwelling by having a cement 'walkbuilt in front of it. Messrs. John and William Magel. of Jackson County, Mich., were the guests of their brother, Mr. Hy. Magel, for a few days last week. D. S. Faust's Red Mark Sale is in full swing. If the goods keep on roving out as fast as they have the past week it will be a huge suc ease. Mr. Cbas. Fritz shot four wild ducks on Tuesday. This is con- sidered remarkable, as its about the first thing Charlie has hit this season. The first real fall of snow occured here on Wednesday evening, The ground was covered to the depth of about an inch. It did not last long, however. The trout and white fish season in Ontario, which closes on Oct. 31, has been extended to Nov. kith, be- cause of the late spring which materially ly shortened • tete season. 'gang of men have finished th drain in the village Tile ha been laid past Mr. H. G. Doan •eesidence and the ditch has bee filled in. This has made a grea improvement to that part of ou village. Mr. J. D. Merner has sold hi retook pf Merchandise and grocerie to his brother, Mr. Jonathan Mer- ner, who will conduct the business ian'future. We welcome J. .1. hack to our town. 'We have not hear what Mr. J. D. Merner intends t fcxllow. ' Mr. J. C. Kalbfleisch has lease(l his 1 r0,ai cre farm on the 14th con o esion•to Mi. ldenry Lebeau for a Period of five years. He bus also seed his stock and implements to Mr. Lebeetu. Mr. Lebeau gets pox •sesfion at once but will not move onto the property until Mr. Kalb fleisch"s anew dwelling in Zurich is completed. The Department of Agriculture has just issued a report of the first annual convention of the National Association of Canadian Stock Breeders, which should be interest- ing to every farmer. Any one wishing t ,eopy can secure same free by applying to F. W. Hodson, Live Stoek Commissioner, Ottawa, or may be obtained at this office. BIG BARGAINS AT F IJ;T All Dress Goods, old and new, cut. down at cost price. Such as: Black Lnstres, worth 00 ets. for..3 5 eta. 54 inch. heavy wool Dress Goods worth $1.25 for .... , . 98 cts, 54 inch. heavy wool Dress (foods worth $1.00 for 75 cts. 42 inch 'all wool Fancy Goods, 60 cts. for 45 cts. Some 6 yds. DressEnds, 65 cents a yd., piece for $2.50 Girls' Reefers all at very low prices, $3.75 coat for $2,98 $2.75 coat for $1.98 $3.00 for.... $2.00 $4.25 coat for $2.98 $2.00 coat for $x.49 Men's caps worth 50e. and 75e for 25 cts.. Boys' Caps worth $1.15, $1.00, 75 ets, and 50 cts. for 15 ccs.. Ladies Jackets worth $5.00, $6.50 $7.50 and $9.00. .A bargain at $1.00 Many others which space will nob allow us to mention. Come and Examine these Goods. Dutch Setts, Large Onions, Dried Apples, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. D. S. FAUST, ZURICH. - - ONTARIO.. Lell for tg 0 Boots and Shoes from now until 1st Nov. for cash. We are not going to sell goods at cost. No man would sell his good goods at cost, therefore, do net be deceived, When you. spend a dollar in our shop you get good value for your money - We mean what we say. Produce taken in exchange for goods. as. Peitz, growing niva;t of conr;;e, be el...,. Th People's Boot and Sho House;, served. Messrs. John Fried and Walter d' E. I. Wright, who for many years o have conducted the wholesale busi- ness under the firm name of Fried, Wright & Co., have dissolved part- nership. Mr. Fried retiring. The bnsiness will be conducted ogle here- tofore by Mr. VV>r•ight.— London Free Press. The best and most convenient way to store away potatoes in the cellar is to get a number of good strong boxes made, which would hold about two bushels of potatoes and which could be easily handled. They do not require to be made close .and if cracks are left between the sides it is better as they are not so apt to rot. These boxes are then fined with potatoes and can be placed in a corner or along the well, one above the other, and when empty can be taken out of the ,cellar altogether. .At the meeting of the members of the .Hay Branch Agricultural Society in the Town Hall here on Saturday evening, the matter `of the new fair grounds was. dealt with, and on a ballot being taken, was carried by a good majority, only four voting against it. That the matter has been brought thus far is largely due to the efforts of Mr. Chris. ,Silber and a few others. Over two hundred and fifty dollars has already been subscribed by the business men and residents of Zurich. towards the new grounds. Ten acres of land has been pur- chased from Mr, Sam. Ronnie, east of the village. The position of the new 'fair grounds should prove a great benefit to the Society, as it is much larger and in a much more prominent place than the old one. A half mile track will be built and work has already been started on it. A big open ditch at•,the south end will have to be fixed before leach headway can bo neede. Wo congratulate those taking`atp, active interest in the matter on the sue - cess of their efforts. The old fair grounds will be sold by public auction in the near future, and the show -house will likely be moved onto the new grounds, (Locals continued on page 8,) On Friday last the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stecklo, Stanley, was again cast into deep gloom, the cause of which was the death of their ten months old boy. The little one bad an attack of the measles which carried it off. This is the second death in Mr. Steckle's family within a few weeks, and much sympathy is felt for the stricken family. The funeral was held last Sunday. Mr. .Toseph Oesch, of the Bron- son line. while returning from Hensall on Thursday last where he had delivered some hogs, and while near Mr. Gus. Luker's farm, was met by an automobile, and the horses getting frightened,ran over a deep ditch, upsetting the wagon and throwing Mr. Oesch off. He was slightly injured about the arms and head. The horses ran some distance, but luckily ran straddle of a telegraph pole which stopped them. Mr. Oesch had driven to the side of the road and expected the parties in the automobile to stop the machine, but it shot past him in a twinkling, and the occu- pants did not trouble themselves to stop and see whether any serious injury had been Sustained by Mr, Gersch, ti�`l8'liC�4t6 '6ithi61bNairw4 rSthmKH'RQ mmmi New ler Setts E ARE OFFERING A FINE LINE of Dinner and Tea Setts, just to hand, direct from England,and can save pro- spective buyers money. We also carry a full line of dishes of all kinds. edroom Setts WE HAVE A LINE OF BED -ROO Setts, which are of the newest designs and colors on . the market, at rock - bottom prices. Be sure and see these goods .before purchasing elsewhere. Highest prices paid for all kinds of produce,. ZURICH Jo PRIE]ETER, TAR s �y� OYNNM YES We do Printing. We do neat and quick work. Let us know your wants. T U111 A AE .