HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-10-21, Page 8The Zurich
Meat Market
I am in the market to buy all kinds
for which I will pay the highest
market price.
A supply of.._........,
Fresh and Salt Meats,
Bolognas and ausages,
always on Mind.
Terms Cash.
(Locals continued from, page 19
Rock and doily •salt. .0, Sohrag.
1vlr. Chun Fritz ond. family • visitod
Crediton relatives •vin Tuesday. •
Mr. E. Zeller has been appointed
a Notary Public for .the Province
of -Ontario.
A. Oharlesw,or'th .& .Son have a
fine range of curay ,.eombs and
whips on hand. which ,they are sell-
ing cheap,
We were pleased to :sole the genial
countenance of Mr, I ury
of Shipka, in our village on Wed-
nesday evening.
In our report of the lir.izes of the
Zurich show we wish to cor'xect the
following : In the egrioulttu.al class
of horses, Henry Kraft should be
credited with 2nd prize for foal,
and in the general pnrpoae ,class he
should be credited] with .3rd prize
atL YungblU for 2 year old filly or gelding.
Zurich = = Ontario.
Horse Shoer and
The following valuable pointers
to poultry handlers should he read
With. interest, and if acted on may
mean considerably more to be ,add -
a cd to your bank account from this
source of revenue :--Exporters at
this, season of the year endearor• to
contract for the whole product of
turkeys, chicken]:; and other pool -
try, at prices which are no doubt
fait' value for export., glut which
are usually lower than the prices
prevailing in the local markets af-
ter the c?s:l)ort shipments have gone
''erity Plow Rapairs al= forward, The producers thus lose
ways on hand.
AU work promptly atter .th
Shop closes every Tnt>stl,a;; , Thurs-
day and P ridgy e v enings of each
week, at six o'clock sharp.
the benefit of the higher prices,
What WO a•41vocaate is that produc-
ers reserve at least a portion of
their poultry for the home market,
:and by regular shipments secure
the advantage of the higher aver-
age price usually prevailing here,
in this way building up a home
market that will take their poultry
throughout the season.
Engin, the a¶-yeer old son of Mr.
Fred. Hess, Sr., ]net with a distress-
ing :incident on Tuesday for.iioon.
—^ \Lr. Hess was a'1lgugeo in hauling
1 rL se 1 9 1i t-(, from te < rehaI'(1 to the
P✓ ei y• ltt,;l e and et the time was loading -
seine bag, on the wagon at the
orchard. The seat had been topped]
against the dash and the ear of a
• i bag being this:nen on •the wagon
caused it to Pall over and. unto
,Planing a n d Saw NE
(1 ; the horse. The ]gorse, frightened
—.A.11 kinds of woodwork and saw., `: at the sualden jolt., made a mad
ing clone: to order. Estimates t Clash out of the orchard, h;a2'd, anti Elgin,
igen for all kinds of buildings.
!.'v1 was stau.d,n , beside the wagon
A full stock. of 1) C. Reel Cedar ` lraieholdi2«ctthc7't horse taus tangled
Shingles. All kinds of luniber al- G lines and was dragged a consider -
ways on band. able i.ir:touee before they becatee
loose. He came out of it with his
left arm broken nous the wrist and
a badly bruised heed, '4Ve ere glad
.Field Gates, Water-, to say that thelittle follow is -7.tt:
Tanks teip Wind trills i ing along favorably, ztltllo•tl alt 1a C.,
will not be able to get atrouna gas
horse was caught in Ran'S b
.pd y'��TatE T3usual for some time to wine. {l11°. Thc
stag le.
Mills I4th Con., Lot 25,
J. C. Kalb
21/Hob tk
�a '�,� Spe.'iu.l. to .are Ili ;;.>+.i,ie
f°e•e s•;'e 1 Ititi§e tl+! ]dor le has returned hoagie
tato tai t x.ivndwcl visit to Berlin.
iiin tf. Ball and family returned
Satarday after a weeks visit in Lon.
in this style.
AT COST, • owing Inaehine, A
new drop head New Williams sew-
ing naac:]aien for $24,00, regular
price $35,00, Wo offer this snap to
clean out:as we do not intend . to
stock sewing machines, E,.P.• Pen -
lin; literdwatre., tnves, and Tin-
stnithing, '
Mr, A.ibert Shetler, of Zurich,
°ailed in the village Monday eve,
• Mr. Ramie Ireland, thresher,
while chopping for Mr. • Harry
r•ran iton., Tliursclay last, met with
a painful teeeident by having his
Linger caught in the °hopper. One
finger ; had to have the end am
tatedtated - in order that it could be
properly dressed.
Special to Tnn HERALD.
A Literary Club is being organ-
ized for the winter, This i:; a gond
more and Kbauld be well supported
by the young people•
The brick and tile yards in this
neighborhooel have closed down for
the season, avhiol1 has been a very
ancceessfal one. Most of the boys
who were employed thereon during
the simmer months intend leaving
for Detroit.
A shooting match. will be held in
connection with the Royal Hotel
on'Oct 31st. A good days sport is
pis isedl,
y ThouAlit ante
Leads The1r'r Pat
T is.notOd for its great fuel saving qualities,
It is the only stove with transparent ven-
tilating oven doors; also corrougated oven that
will not burn. It will pay you to call and ex-
amine this stove.
We also carry
and several other noted Manufacturers' make of
Stoves, also the
Celebrated Clare Bros., Preston, Peninsular Range
and stoves that have become fatuous for their
good cooking qualities.
A. Charlesworth & Son,
t?.r Fred Jones has secured a po- ,
' ition tt•itll ti,u Verity Plow Co,,
Brantford, and left for that city
laatA weak.
Lloyd, the little son of Rev. Mr.
Damm, is very ill with the typhoid. -
The band beret intend giving a
e lncert some tiillc' next winter and
are aarleady preparing ]aring for it. They
Have secured a new lot of Music
and are practi••in!; c?ili'ently.
Inspector `I'.nx paid our sehonl a
visit last week and roporieiL ever;r- i
thing satise:le:,rv.
,1 severe t.,raulerstnrni pa„cal
over the sontl:"rn part of S,tc'phon l
township the ether day, which was'
remarkable f,=r its heavy tht'dnder
and tierce lightning. The horse of
Mr. Wesley ,l„r1es was struck by ,
lightning aril destroyed. Mrs.
,runes ani a cleanghter, "'ho were in
the hunse at t:re time were stunned
liy the Shock. while the daughter
was injured. la' scene hot substance
:striking her en the face, and burn-
iinr, it Racily. Both, however, es-
caped from the building which was
tonally destroyed. The building
at:d contents were insured] in the •
Hay `1't;.. Fire Insurance Co, for
to '11li i3kFt;.l,i�,
Itl'tiiiililat; itftl'r1]oon a number
Of (.?dlfelloWS went to Exeter to at-
tend. the funeral of Mr, Dignan.
The young than has an uncle and
a cousin living between Hensel]. and
On Thursday of last week the nen Con -
P in convention
. -. - don + serve e t t e s met het
] gild vicinity.
l T3 y Hamilton, Zai Grand. }3enct I in Miller s Hall and unanimously
itis8�ov �i�.�G.sal'�'as em erecting ane�4 r�'•lrirncr+
at that i • are• nominated Mr. Gunn, of Seaforth.
y is ere :,, a I'1`he_ attendance was not as lar• e as
:+r _.�. . (( t?lace this fall, ltemeilt+,n and Ire- { at the Reform convention.
f land are getting net, 'the wood -war L.'. On Refou� morning about 200
October is the month to buy a at their planini )hili here.
• Gold' Rings. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Iciighoifer Sunday- ilcoolewnt to the station as it was
• eel with ttheir1remits at Blake.
that hatt Sir Wilfred Laurier
I now show a first elass line, j Mr. Stewart, °neral lalatnttger of 1 would] be going north on the J :44
Ladle's and Gents', `the S°vereign Baa rtk, Band Mr. R arc, train. Unfortunetely they were
l disappointed :is he did not know
manager of Exeter branch were in so many were there to do hint
the village, Monday. honor.
• . Mr. Jacob,Schroeder left Tuesday Mr. Robinson has been very
morning for Pembroke on the Otta- ious1y ill, but is some better.
1 wa river to visit his father-in-law.
and right prices. —Make your ar is in hts 86th year.
now Mr. Schroeder intends doing some ]]outing; while away. The weather has been so fine
1 John Holtz, tailor, has moved in- lately that the fanners are busy at
1 Full Stock in all Lines.' tb Jonas Hartleib's house, next to home and consequently enough
oats have not been delivered to
4M S'
ser -
i r. nitons. keep the mill going.
Mr. C. E. Heston Spent Sunday
Fine Watch and Clock ItepatranMr. Geo. Me wen showed Mr,
g with friends at Exeter, Fraser over his establishment and
Dr. 1V7cLbusines was Cut of the introduced hint. to his workmen a
village on business the past weak. few days ago,
Dr. Seaghon attended to the prat- The main toad west is being
lice during; his absence• gravelled; live teams are kept busy.
Mr. I3cnry Pfaff and wife have Mr, Hopper will cheerfully return
Moved to Higate, where they will the price of his Linseed, Licorice
reside with their daughter.and Aniseed Cough Syrup, extra
Mr, George 1Vlerner intends mov- large bottle for 25 cents, and of his
ing into the hoose recently vacated Laxative Cold Cure, price 25 cents,
by Mr: Henry Pfaff, to any one that thinks he did . not
Mr, Sienon Thon, of Michigan, get 25 cents Worth. Mr. Hopper is
who was over attending his moth- sole agent for Babcock's Kidney
er's funeral, returned home Wed- Pills.
nesday. M
Some four weeks ago, a elan from niture and, undertaking business in
London, representing himself as Brantford and returned here on
some insurance agent, hired a. horse Saturday evening. He will live
end rig from Mr. Barry Guenther's over the store he owns. Welcomelivery, for two weeks. Some days back.
Mi. James
my Specialty.
We make a specialty of
'?our BUGGY needs a new Top,
new Cashion or perhaps repaint-
We guarantee you a neat and per-
We have a number of
left, also two handsome 1Iikados.
Call and see them,
F. Hess Son.
urzG1i - "° Ontario
We are going to sell
our Fall Boots a d
Shoes at cost for e sh
until Nov. 1st. We must
�.roJ make roomjfor our
P Y” 1 w 1i +L+..1 STOCK ,Y i o OA o e u
Eggs taken in exchange for Goods.
Beverly sold his fur.
ed their
after the expiration of the two Very few farmers spray
weeks Mr. Gluenther received an orchards with the result that there
undated letter, telling him that he is an extra; amount of cull apples,
would find his horse and rig at a and our evaporator is kept very
certain sale stable in London, stat- busy.
ing, also, that he had got into Mr, Andy YYxngbltlt for some
trouble and had to skip out. Mr, weeks past l as been able to be
Guenther went to London, Satur- around but not able to work.
day, and after considerable trouble
secured his horse and rig by pay-
ing costs of feed for two weeks. It
seems a pity that a character of RAI,—At the Souble line, Stanley,
this sort could not be caught and on Wednesday*, bot. loth, the in -
male le to pay the penalty of the Fant child of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
court for imposing upon the public Rate,
This cut represents the
Pandora mange
That People talk
50 11111011 about.
THEStove where the fire circulates twice around the oven
before it strikes the pipe, no other Stove bus this improve-
ment. No other Stove is just as good. It also has an indicator
on the oven, to register the heat, no guess work in baking and
a dozen other improvements over other Stoves. ('all and see
this great Stove.
A big stock of
Harness, Robes, Blankets, Fur Coats
c .eap t
C. H A RI LEIB, The People's Hardware
and Harness House
EVER before has our stock of the above
q xY� been so complete as this Fall, especially
in "I'Weee s which consists of the new
patterns and at prices to suit any one.
We also show the very newest in
Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Ete. Etc.
Our lines of
Ready=made Trousers
are just the thing.
You want to see our Tjp Seely for
working men. A leader at 50 cts.
D. S T EINBACH, • Zurich.