HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-10-21, Page 57 R;I 1:3 tss
white stripe on face and a little
white on left kind leg For full particu-
lars apply to Parol. 1)utneut 119, Lot 8,
Lake Roacl East, mile north of St.
localsalesmmn for Zurich, Ont., (anal
sairrouncling territory to Represent
Newest Varieties, and Specialtiet in
Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits,
Shrubs, Ornamentals and. Roses,
.A permanent situation, and territory
reserved for the right marl. Pay ireekly,
handsome outfit frog Write fur particu-
lars, and seed 25 cents for our pocket
'microscope, just the thing to use in exam -
lining trees and plants for insects.
Stone Wellington,
alvl•: t 800 senors. Toronto, Ont
.)HOTOS.--I will 11 iu , ni•iclt oi-ery
Monday, til day, and tial prepared. to
take photos at the old stand next to De.
Campbell's office.
(lei cat Taman%•
'Why not got your tiles set cold'
It does away with burnt rifles unci
blistered paint.
We Have The
11 U d
'rhf Z uirN ^b
.i'O13. SALE OR TO RENT.—I offer my
170 -acre farm for sale at ca reasonable
Price and easy terms or will rent to a good
man for a term of years. Apply to
8•tf J, 0, KALIDYL)1ISCHr, Zurich P. 0.
v number of Thorough Brett Collie. Paps
for sale. Call or write to ltobt. Alliin, Jr„
Blake, Ont.
CEDA1.ti, POSTS FOR SALE: ---We have
a largo tnunber of Pivot Class. Posts
at the Lake Front, SI. Joseph, which will
he sold at reasouablo prices. For particu-
lars apply to
484f 1AZAUTO, & RFnxnrtn, Zuriela.
TRE HERALD to the end of the
year for 15 et:s. to new subscriber:.
More Real Estate Sales,
Nearly )::195,000 worth of property
sold. or exchanged during the • pact.
tw() 'Weeks, and nearly $300,000
worth of property sold and ex-
Q11urlged sine() July 1st, 1004.
; lir. James barrows, the, Manager
of The Western Real Estate 1+3x-
: cllaanre, Limited, report-. that Curr-
i ing the past two weeks the follow-
ing properties, have been Sold off
the Exchange's list
No ! Every od
102. -acro farm in the township of Middle.
ton, county of Norfolk owned •by .F, H.
Salith.---I'ianlr house and market garden
in the town of Shnceo, being part of the
H. 1V.Mabee o•;ate.---50-acre farm in t
township of 1).(wn, it: the county of Lamb.
t in, owned by `.Phos. Lewis. --lionise num-
ber G:) Lruee tree(,, in the oily of 1401,1un4
j owned by John Thonitet. ---53-cure farm in •
the township of Enniskillen, owned by
Joseph ph Atl io 2011 t. rr, farm, township
•t d D t 'f Chatham, county of Kent, owned IT N.
ra ^i• '„',..::�# # :;q`t - t 1 1 cal taili„`?-.-1'(t t of lot 17, call ,,,sti:ll
iu su:slap of Harwich, c0ut:ty of Kent,
if owned by John Wiitlgeo.— 1tonse and lot
on \MIfiberastreet : in the tau a t•eLean:-
! , l •ton, county of Es?—:ex, owned by 11:
1t n t 1;- it--1ti0 telt farm, tow-.. io,1 of
'ol.tinn, count of Lunttt,:n, owne,1 by N.
1' .11ornu ilt a , f'u t , tOWItship of
tic rials is t (lith( (f .Nlid.1;esex, owned
t, .T rotes I.. t ..atbl.aitil. .-,-acre farm,
;i �g- N D E RS , •Is � t t, It 11411 of West Williams, e(mtl t• of
r s»
.1 �f 'tl ..iia
twilii'lt cities the work in. a rev, 10111-
ntes time. One trial will. C"..uvinee
We clo good horse-siln;;ing and relit
repairing •
(.)Pi.1()S1TE TOWN
'VAR' 11 FOR SALE.- -In the 'C •:Nil iii},
c.? 11t11, 1e .1;;' lo. .a, Qom 1:1 1(x1
acre., clear, weli fn>nee 1 alt 1 in a gool
-0110 cif e iltiv,.t ion, ,.lout;v of w:,1.. , an
oveefl1:Wing v01 nt the 1111tH: end of the
farm, thdre is also :1 };;incl i:('ie.t: 1t:.niso 11(1 1
barn. 0ith st01,tcs narl.'rnct011, :a largo
•driving,shol :tad 0(1(01• out. latii,litt:t
go,, [ orchard, also (1011 eniellt t., s, a 1uls.
churches and pest: olliee, 2 miles 1110 lake
Imran, 4!, miles from ....r:.b V;Vor par.
ti,::ni:ti', apply .'11 th1 jnuolst tc, l;lai:e
1'. O. \]Ir,. \la:zv w'rta, ac, i-ln1•pd
Farm m for Sale.
?lt) :teres on lite Saublu line, Hay Tp.,
about 30 acres of good bush, ;.;nail duell-
ing and large bank burn. Plenty of oor.l
water. For further particulars rs 11 ply on
the prmises, Lot 13, 1. R. West, or to
Daniel Smith, St. :loser 1'. 0. Ont. 1O( f
It l 11( IX. owned l) 12 u:1 I'zal,( t. -3:1
:i, township. f l:kfridi county of \1itl-
tl +�':,
coxoctl by 1..'i:ry I1 h(. 75 -arra
farm, township of 1','e41.. Nissollti, county
of \Iidd1eQez, owned l,v•.r ;.lot (j1, :,n. ...•
i loafs. ;nal let: 111ttlli,rr: dila ( nt 1'1O st:�•f•t.
1. itldan,,.:wnecl
farm, test 1 1 0 . • r t ke, coal at'. of 1.'t:nit-
ton. .,w'Iti..l 1, .lar.-, 11 .�a .trill et'6,- +l1•. .1,
11'. "nut's t‘; , , k in surge z,4
Si:(ticln, :; ,1 to sl:s. 11': t I[o.lder.
Out,- 3.1, arae., towus'llp of
county .;f i . ori, : ,.:v trill. chop-
ping mill end lank' nn d tor in t ill0d'r of
(.'rot (11, nw'ne 1 by Tlit-,111,trt 11. Cragg.
7:1 -acre farm. town—lip of \'i iudham. emin-
t,v of Norfolk, owned 1n• I;.. S. Milligan.-.
tl;( tteres, township :-.f (,;u ! .t 10 von illy of
K(_Ilt owned, by :Vzttha.u(•I t t. i.__ 1110 u,'ra
farm, township of 1):.Wn, c .1 ity of 1.amb-
tu t, owned I v .lir..1. 7r, youth .. 1O11 -acre,
f.11.111, towahktill of 8,,mdtra. ,'.aunty of
LArel tan,aw'ne(1 i.v I1. 1'ns.' nr(it. 50-;10
farm, township of 111:1(1(1..0r i, nutillty Uf
Oxford, uw'lted IT 31. Taylor.-• ilii -n ere
farut, tnwuship of 1)ul:aw-.t,'v, owned b'.
Frank ani \ (lits.- (i:; lure farm, ;o:yu fou of
11ow 1 .1, county of Kent, owned by \V.. S. •
i , .•tr, 1/r tt'a t, 11 ri1. TT Ile (('t.l Zeit en
lit.il,t stre(t, in town of Siul,.ir, owned by
Mrs. A. F.. Nelles..—Jfrtaute house and 71
Lore,: of land in London township, o:vne(t
t,harlcs Den, ate.
'There are other r(nup:uties in the 'Real
Estate business in Ontario, but the \Ce.st-
ern is dein'; the selling es the fotc,niug
show's. 1f you want t., buy or sell a. Tartu
o1' other .proner'ty. see E. Zni,ml:, Zurich,
!geoc'rtl ttgont of this (?(111paity.
that. a tnee.t)1,•., of members of t he
I. lay lirttnch Agricultural Society will he
field in the Town lJttll, in the Village of
:enrich, n i Satur.bly evening, October
`?Ind; 1004, at 7 o'nbock. Iu.;iareas:--•Tito
selling of the old s110w ground and pur-
chasing a now one. Only persons that
have been members for the current year
and two years previous will he elogible to
vote on any motion brought before tho
13•?t. D. S. P.tisr, Secretary.
Auction. Sales.
XX. Implement, and. Household Effects,
en Lot 1.1, Con. 13, .Bronson line, Hay, on
Monday, Oct. 31s1,1004, at 1 o'clock p. m ,
.:harp. Positively no reserve. Jos. Sana,
Proprietor; E. Bosco. )Stud, Auctioneer.
A tit_"•'TIOMI Se11.[: 01? }1OUSEFIOI,l)
.C- :Furniture, Etc., in Zurich, on Satnr-
day, Oct. 22nd, at :3 o'clock p. 10. No
reserve. JOHN l ; Tlit. and E. Z10.i.T:n,
Executors; E. 13t1ssI:N avow, , Auctioneer.
Laundry .
We use no chemicals
to destroy or injure
your Clothing, and we
Guarantee our Work,
t' ,tyt Jrt for
Special to Ttrta Hr:11:�i.I1.
Late 'Monday night, a terrible
accident happened about a utile and
at half east of this place. People
were driving home from tIle Pres-
byterian tea meeting held in 1%ip-
pen on that evening and among
thecal, were, Dir. and Mrs. Frank
Coleman and daughter, who live
north of this village. They had
reached about half way between
happen and Hillsgreen and were 10
the act of passing another 1'i:;
ahead of them. Just at this time
another rig caste up from behind
at at furious pace told dashed be-
tween the two rigs passing and up-
set the one rig, belonging to Mr.
.1. Forrest into one side of the ditch
and lir. Coleman's 1'in into the
other side, The occupants of Mr,
1+ o r eis rig saved themselves by
jumping, bt'it 11r. Coleman and
wife fared badly, 1'ir, Coolmatn had
his one shoulder dislocated and
;1rr: (Coleman had her left arsll,
broken, The daughter seems to
have escaped injury. Medical aid
'MIS immediately summoned from
Zurich and the necessary attention
given. The two rigs were badly
dalnaged. The party, who caused
the accident, drove straight 00, and
if it can bo found out Who lie is, it
will no doubt be made interesting
for hirer.
Ig oru.
Wm:ntAxn,—At the 14th con., Hay,
00 Oct. 14th; to Mr, incl Mrs. Hy.
Wiegand, a son.
HARTM &i ,•—At the i4th con., Ha,,
on Oct, 19th, to Mr, and Mrs.
John Hartman, a son. ,
B1+'.a1Ti,i4111,—A.t the Bt iylon line,
Hay, on Oct. 19, 1904, to Mr. and
Mrs. Joel Bechler, a daughter.
Subscribe for '3.')m1 HLR11,LP,
Her -41,4
tot •- 1
iA'k :
(IY./4 101
) ,
Acknowledges at to he the Brightest and Newsiest Daily in Canada
You can have it agad the paper' you are reading for only SL75 a year
In the Star to -nicht you find to -day's prices on all the principal markets --the closing
market reports in fact from London, New York, Chicago, Buffalo, Montreal, and
Toronto. You will find also, to -night, all to -day's important doings through-
out the whole world, written in a catchy, interesting style ; the latest political news
from an independent standpoint ; complete and accurate commercial news ; to -day's
social gossip ; a special .department for women ; and strong, s n'e, far' editorials.
i'loN Er, 1''7.'tllt a°l i7' Ho:ile:7 r.'.t .ti.
:A ru)v(t 11 elles1 of 1111Vol'ti--i(1
the Pvovina'ial l i'nit, 1'I. -11v, , an.
Honey 1' Il,lty. ♦vltich will be It'd 111
Toronto, NOVallOarr 15..1il,.h l!: Lt.'(.
<lt. ist.l.
The l+rtlii (•ir(mc1.-: M:r.dl
Florists. inter'. iv'(1 -nave (leci:te l, t,t
vivo apples and. 11 men; free 1,1
every 1)Qrs,lf1 who 0 ten(1` 1' le
hlbiti')n on the (lays dn: the show.
It is e prr'tetl this 'Will greatly in-
crease the uttt'ncltr„ unit n;id
greatly to tIOl ilrt('r•er: taken in t'
e:;l)ihi tion.
iL'he Fruit Cil'ower-i, v:ith the 1.1
11f 'rea>Min, th;' (delua.:cal `for firtrit.
atrraligin:.,' til )1istribui" t'rc•e if
neatly gotten u1) 1(41v.t,-ts eent ai.'-
1ng itlllllerotls 1'0Ci((c'S l'J'1' t'he ec:u'.e,-
i71l, preserving et(' of 11.11 vari''ti('s
of fruit, such (18 11111108, peals.,
peaches plums and .:te•s. tit;t•'i
the StIno'. lino (1f t. :Ylc. is being
followed by the f ,+ Keel:t-rs.
Everything possible is being done
to hake tlu' show of :1 great edu-
cational value ars pet,<.•il'l1e. Sr is
expected it will be e, strong rival.
in its way, to the big, Winter Fair
at (4tlelph.
A Campaign Complaint.
tt iin t like it used to be. Why twenty
;:ears ado
My eye, would have boon jeli ran' as I rose
to lnrct tie) foe.
My fists would. have been :.Makin' all' my
arms would have hcen lerodl
:All' souse one on the other sidle would. have
idem badly soared.
But now 1'nt 001in and (careful ail' my
Mind is not upset -
It's two weeks to election an' I'm not ex-
cited yet.
I used to start disputin' 4(1,.0 the big con-
ventions closet. ---
I'd argue :aril I'tl wrangle wii'lt each fellow
so disposed.
Why I wool'. be so angry IT the last (lay.
of .lily
That I'd start in a ligllt•10' never waited '
to reply ---
I'd Mart tri•,tht in to 11 0114' with cacti
00001y I met;
But now Ws most election, an' l'm 11ot
excited yet. • 1
It used to be I'd listen f',r ' soh thing the
others said,
An' mebbe sit disputht' till I'd ought to bo i
.n bed,
An' ivhcn,we had 0 rally il..•y could. count
on me, of course
To lead a big procession an' to yell till 1 f
was hoar:Se.
=Cato know the tariff':1011 the nation's
great big debt
An' all the facts al1' figures • •bub Pin not
excited yet.
I haven't hissed Inv supper tan' I haven't
heard a speech,
I haven't felt like hittl0 everyone within
m37 reach,
I haven't thrilled at hoarfn' how the old
flag still was waved;haven t even shouted that the country
must be saved; 0
I'm just a plajn spectator; an' I haven'
made a hot—
It' two weeks to election, an' Pin not ox.
cited yet.
.:>_=c,...,.,.a- _.y_,t:.-..sem=.1,1,..Sz...;..t.:...u._,..... i'T s .. liov," art• , 1:1 ;:.oil,;: to
1 sell. it?
' 'd" ?3 ! I ' cIi»'"L' put nirts1 ltlatice p it li(1
8 ' .1 1
°b' A� § I'� w ti :l 1110 feet that 11 is f'.21' sale.
you finally eon.(' to the conclusion
that Real Estate ; -' : . 1 1 'that very ti"1(' there aro
.h Dot 1'. a i'F.IaL(.. 't tailr.t:,1 l t .....--.
hundreds of ne(lpin ill dil1'orellt (.•lri:t d.1 tin-(v)tnitl'y.vlt(i 14-.1111,1 110 glad.
to bnv 7i no' 11ro11c'rty ;1t 0 fair 111'iee if they- only knew about it.
l' R method. of (1clin'g business ess ;tats caused a ('uinplett) revolution in
the Ideal Estate br sine s , MUST. Localise t'.tirse it is entirely differ-
ent from the methods heretofore exi»ling. SEt.!ONDr , because
it is reasonable, thoroughly pranlieal)le iut.1 up -to -(lata'. And THIRD-
LY, 1)0000sc it is Witntltlrtttlly successful. By our method of ativertit;-
ing full particulars of your Prop:1 t w can be brought to the attention of
siege than half a million people.
„z , 1.
L.- i. It :i II
If yen ere ol'i-.,1'~Ilieited 111
your .,'t 1, lr: Lind i71 co. her words,
behind t13„ times! y(,1 will prob-
ably tell ye Air 'ri('t0t$ abtrut it. or
1%1:1' at b.1tii d '.rt) 0:1 121 ' property
with tho words -For Sale' 4171 1t.
After yiln have Waited 11hint, time
The 'Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited.
E. ZELLER, General Agent
Zurich, Ontario
W, C. T. U.
The 0-0031 Samaritan.
In the Watchward. L ' . A. J.
Gordon, of Boston, writes 014 fol-
lows :
"And it ('aloe t'' 11'1<!: a`: as 00rtni0
man jotlrned 111 )1 til:' cradle to the
grave hoe fell 11111 ng sale:)]t-keepera
who 1 ohbed.hiiir (11 his 1i11)11ey,1'ran-
ea his good name, destroyed his
reason. and then kicked bila out
worse than (lead.
"A. modern ht drinker calve that
.vtty ural when he saw him, lie
said 1 'lie is but a (log : they serv-
ed. him ritrrht, Let him (lie; he is a
curse to his family.'
''Also a license voter carne that
Way, and when he (411W hila he said :
Ile brute ! Put a bull and Chain
upon 1)1:; log and work him on the
'•And a fanatic. teetotarler 010(1e
that way, and when 11e saw him he
had compassion on him, and raised,
11101. up, assisted hint to his horse,
and ministered to his wants and
the wants of his family; got 111(11
to sign the pledge and started him
on his journey in comfort and 11a1)-
• "Who, think you,was the gt'eater
friend of humanity --the saloon'i
beepers, tlic' moderate drinker, the
license voter, or the fanatic tee-
Ifo You Take a Daily Paper?
If you 111' (10.4011t4 of keeling, in touch
wit -la things—of knowing the essential facts
of aboet practically eventide.' that is
Icapponing the weal over ---then read The
Toronto Star. Perhaps you are in 111)51.
:less: then read Tile Star for its full and
aetra•ate market incl stock reports. You
are interested, maybe, in polities, The
Star's record of political happenings 13
fall, Mand free f1'011l partizan Kitts. •What-
ever you look for with most eagerness in a
daily paper you will find in The Star,
whether commercial, political, sporting; or
general news. Its woman's page makes
it a favorite in the home; its cartoons in
point of artistic merit are perhaps the best.
in Canada. Editorially it is not blindly
-partizan, but sane and fair.
By subscribing now, you can have The.
Stat', together with this paper; until De-
eoneber 31st, 1005, for $1.75. Don't wait
until the and of the year, for in'so cloiog
yen miss all the good campaign reading,
1)o it now.