HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-10-21, Page 44 1\:141E. 1413. 41.. IS TIBIASITED 1.4.74TRY. TEITTISDAt' EVENING. BY 11. ZBLLIcR TBR.US OF 3UBSOR1PTI0N :—$1.:00 per year paid st.,.•.etly in tmlvturee, When the paper is not ordered to be discontinued it will be sent until Fiueli order is given und aerearages NAO. $1.50 to be elltlrguli when not paid in talvanee. ADVERTISING RATES.—Tvart s e zilvertisentents, 10 emits per Brevier line lirst ins.ntion. and 5 vents per line ler each sabse.i.lent insertion. Sinall Advs. zach ii 'Lot "Est rte." or "Stolen wi,1 ioe eharged 30 (Lents :first insert innmid 25 teats for each subsequent insertion. Copy for eluoirxe of •••..lvertl,,eweni hauied in not later 'Ilan Tuttoy cf etteli week to insure thange in. follow- 'qg issue. Local note s in or,linary retalirg type 5 eents per tine. S”ti...::s f:It• etz- tctrtaintnents. or 01.11....1 i Vi ut t.t11ll- don at ipecial rates. -Contracts for eohltan. hal am!' quarter-eolanin. cs. for sp.:, will be ellti,erfar.y- given. Atitapcss all eointannietttlons to ri"9 :CI 9 :EEC E. ZETZ.Eil EinTott. ZiP11.. 9.(-) car service to the cold storage ware houses at the chief points of export and the mechanical cold storage chambers on ocean-going steam. ships. This matter was neglected under Conservative rule, although Australia, New Zealand and. the United States had similiar services before 189(3. The Government has secured. the . removal of the cattle quarantine of ninety days in the United States. This embargo put Canadian cattle; raisers at it serious disadvantage, and its removal after negotiations by 2,12'. Fisher at Washiltten, re - suited in a large increase in (iana- Iiti of cattle to the United 'States. The (41verninent adoptea :practical nie1 b., in the (listribu- ' t.011 of wrriL•altural hi -formation so F1.1:1DAY, )YT ▪ t, ;t0.1, • 711;7r11.;•'r - .v!^,7 •! 0- •'!" 71;1 -•••• • a go: oo. 11t.: -t. :rott,.;1: flutt ev..try farta.or can pront tnediately by the 1,-.:tow1e11;to gained throne:11 eostir experiments'. Ctvottotit•rtt is net. tnit I.) rt;•L•11, het it prott•otA ti.e fruit from insoot po.;ts, go infornet_ti..n as to •do best. grades i1or loettlif1e.4, .tragt-• and traltsportatioli tilethods v.111o1 nsure 11.. hitt:host priees, .:;:•ns f.tt• t:11 lines of farm ei 1', 11 nts' o to. 1-17t tit" :,• rnters att (I.: :tot i; 1"4. :1 it..1-1:1, I.1i4 t ,t C I" -•1' e T111,? R11 INv t1-114-1, k's Co.s. •.• ...tat • • •.1 .,• hit .• y.o11,2•,•1 i•b• .4 The Zurich Herald. The Herald AND TME liEEKLY 1 liONTiR R,F • .....,,,,.., IV lin ve :t r11111TC.111P111 ti The 41 ptibughin,k Coniiinwf,, Of ),:outreal, Wo 11113 14,41 to giVe The 1, V: 777:2 Lhref 4 '14 t, 4. . fl..; 't u 'Alva t:, ji P17-1 r7.4 s' 1111-.4s' •• Th.'s F,L.1.por ery tle•ir in advance for t 0. 1r 1,1 ,, • 11 • 1,110 Eirn.oinn. • a y.,:;,•%; 0441 you nbso• rico 1.1erabl for yor. 1: • 4::111t your s„,4,1 you, your. 1,:•,, no• :•,011(1 /I.' 4', li 1141 i., • weoltty; •••1.'••• • • r" h"..• : n t1717: . • /,';:11i. 1,r.. 1. t"i7,' !!.1.--5•'llti 14 ;.• , Ltt. • t 110 •11, ':7'1:.•t.S:1":11ti or o. • to. t• ' to• . . '?"7.10 ree-ge.":•:o '• :„1 i.;..t. "••.; ••. : • ..01 tl,.• tin.4 naN. .i, , • 7: (`. n, • -; n..• than over lte.:" .f., .•;, n1f rlir.11 ("tta • : • -▪ - ..; • , - ns. ;!..; .2, , •>144 4ar • . . • • t '';' • •",..-V,t. 1,7 1.7i 4:',11 ,%1T, l•et tot. 4 .•.1t antl SEED $1.00 YOUR FiEiE.WAL NOW :•• 4 1 4 1 hut nud Tlic ;.lontrur1 10 frac, or -ott.s...rt.,,e now it nt. an. nr,, o-•-itly a sub- -" ;71 4,-.1mtni. on the faint i-•riber, ana r 4 f' WeA.-1y• rL •t*nt.ai. . • ;,-. •-• '.," :•• b7,0 .1C ... • •'., ••••• „ 7 t. 17,1 1101' 1:10 farnit`t . Fierci.-jA "41r 111 g k - s ";;;.• r, Cona;la v,;:e for „La•,,,A.:-,er .t is • ' FEATF: i'CRVILD DEF. PE -FARM:: PACE 101Zil FASE11iTNELY riZia ','"le •,1 11.4110,1 41 • `"...1 • 41011 4,lU4L iitree hmalr ; 1,01:1 ,1,•n•,..; -v.1111,: .:- y •••0:.„.11 i, -,f i4,. C,i0 Li IV TY Pli 14.1.3 . M2'. TIVIS. 'jnrIkin, of 1htnnie -111•tio. it t....tp... NV le•t,t.. li'r.t ,•02'21, '',..1 —....._ 1 0,,,v;k:.:I•ci1 1.1e4 with ;I. scrio:as it 1" do -.v.,.:1:0:-..st 7:at:, t...1 10.-e to' IA.-% : ,- -1 .. , ,, r 11.11110 t/- ,..-,- (LIT.. Ili, ''.-ai.1 011- ( .., ,,,-0,, " , ' . . .'.; . ' • I - • • -i f f • • the bat•p 4414 stahle, and whou desonttlint..: the ettzbanInnent 111s loft f,•,14 (•ausing him to throv; his un the right 'leg. (., wing to 1.1A position at the time . and ti•t• he v,..a:t walk:alg on the 107,:.! !1,1011Wara tit the L.11(10, I bi.011.1.1 1 110 knee 1.•;111. He is 210W 011Whik'd ro!,112. 11.21(1 1'c' ro.ei't."(i 1,, 2: 1"1aill there for sornc- tinitt. The ot 1! morn -111g Thornas ('111111, I of ushoro,.y;:lot v.-1th a sm]. acciaexit. .1•112 . ;•.000 :el ,.- •"- • •.‘11 the 11'): very 11r:ze- 144.-; :1,311,4y tn. aft. -1' t%C* • 4t.:0:41 1. 'o'o 1144'4- 1 and 1111 ii-Opi',111i0,1 inentl)er t.f. 1'1.l l'OViS1011 O1: 1:10 .141111.1.tcS. ' t'tnlztb.ro it Sons. the hay ••. 4., .1.1rell'11, 11,0 14 tiew hay Itre,.s witieh is to la' v...It:It:ed. 1:y siva:nth thi.•••• !haling -1Vay 130041,1 21-111. , number of fern:ors in the \Icily' IT Exeter v.sh::..; r•kilgar 11402S tHs year. are now bu.s1;- engaged taking them out of tlas ground and shinpuig them t') the sugar -beet factory at 1.V1tllata.sbu1'g. 1;Iss. 11 ,vt,rly, a former rest - and business man of Hens:411, but who has had .tt01 inti in a 'ats,ilits•-. 111 Brantford. has sold mit 1:1.; sie,ro t,tiLl. intends mo -L ing bterk t•t vc-te '01 the bylaw in Buy;leh1 the other day to loan .Ale:s: Mustard t110 514111 4,1' 1.7z1:it 11111 SaW 111111 NV>4,1 carriod, the veto being Nti and 1 I. against. The council has finally passed the bylaw. Joseph Davis lost a valuable steer rece14tly. by the animal getting arowned in a creek, which runs through his pasture land en the 211.(1 coicessitni, Stephen. The anniversary services held In C:kiSe7l711.1nit last Sunday week were soecess. ReT. .A. K.13irk44, B. A,. of Seaforth, pr.m.clie(l two sp,undm. Se1:111011S, The collection az;tonnted S1.,irit,h. general merchants, (taw -Twit. have assigmtl. to Henry illarber. of Toronto. No statement ha., yet been prepared, but the amount invol•ved is estimated at atnnit t••1 0,000. A 4' 1'1441 club has been organNed .Blyth, with thci object of provid- ing a suitable lilac° tor the yonlig mell o1 the village to spend their (•,-ening.s,a pl:o'o where they eau. 1-:ijoy innocent galtios and peruse daily and -weekly newspapers.. rtfi.),. movement 45 in the right direc- t ;In ng of Tito well as Of tit' r:try 11.1).1; can •11447:1••.‘ • eta . ittetnLr- shottld kL.op it clean •••••1 , L. ...a 1 kt to 1tte 13reeders' t44' t..'. says that v,.11::lk • imprc-ssioli that Pit;eds 14it4.44U 1:0 removed. l'rs,m Lt.t.ding them to te:td that these have a t oritititey i1eeren:,:e the f....-e,••tf not appear to 1,e 1,..4111 1,,••1in0113.(0.1 ft ettirlation Cue •'A t 4141'1'.054.1'1 L1 3. says. "'fe'd. 311144..:1- 0.: :vitlen-tt romoving the '04'44.- 4,4141 1 4,10 11. 1:".110W Of 1111:r easo %,oilere a test 7411.: 110(411 inado that 1111:4 144.!44ef that ]1111!1i1.. i(11:ici.ds lt,tve: terideLtty to 1:1.` 1.1“1, In" 1t1.41•,704,witlt; etruntry. ilk 1.147A ct.hnitry feed • The, (••_tws A2314'1.1 tilO 1111. .1 'V ('11. 00 41414 Lai part or their rat-ix:1s. 1411,1 1heroi is • 44 4111•.titiet 414411tio1i 4 1 1•'.11.3 of the color of the bat tor lin dratn 11 by the practicti followed. Critics think it smart to declare that tho Government does not ea124:4 the sun to shine, the rain to fall or the fruit to ripen. That is true, but we need not conccrn onrscqvos abou1 what tho Government does net do. The C:overnmcnt has established cold M=410 transportation from the farms in Canada to the British - markets, making a complete .chain :from the refrigerator chambers in rho -creameries and the refrigerator ..zimilx,r of suits halm been -is- sued by the provisional directors tif the Huron Packing and Cold St;Jragc Co., of Clinton, against stock subscribers who have not 1)441(1 141) their six per cent assess- inturt: Others are to follow. During a recent thunder storm a valuable team of heavy draught horses belonging to Wm. White, of the Loudon road., Usborno, were killed .by lightning. The horses were in the field arwere standing together- when the bolt struck thorn' 0144 they fell one on top of the. other, Thoy were valued at ovor 11 11 le.r 41.lt i) S 1 He apph•s from 1121 tops of a. long ;tattler, pineing them 421 a half -1111iNi hn, Ml1C11 110 had. W01111d around his body, when the ladder slipped awl threw him off. ID fall- ing Ito gro•itod n, limb but it wive way and 14.1 fell to the ground, alighting on one shoulder and frac- taring his spine. He was Mimed- I lately taken to the house but it was 1 found that he WaS in 0 critical con- I dition. Som. hopes are untertamod for his recovery. Mrs. Harry Silk,of 143 E111t- W000 t1Ve11110, passed away, some- what suddenly about 9 o'clock 11.Eqn- day morning at Victoria Hospital. Loinion. Lao Mrs. Bilk, whoC "tA, v.ts in her : nth year, was -formerly o oSC 6G .:\liss L. (lertrude Hicks of Exeter, 11 :at WaS 0 tlaughter of Robert • Melts, jeweler, of that la(..43. Iler 0 Dr. Silk 0 'but seventeen months ago. uring, Silk's residence m LondDon sho had STEEL SECTIONAL CULTIVATOR iloome ,xtremely popular amongst a very 1;trge circle of Ltemiaint 11100', 1.8 111 1 class by itself. The Ver y best that eau and her dooatlt will he heard with I FALL AND WINTER STOCK has taken its place again and of which we have • complete" line. • IN ROPES we havo the Saskatchewan, Goat Skin, Bishop ,, -, and the Northwest Black: Galloway Robe. 14 We also have the Bishop COATS . a the Northwest Galleway These articles aro the finest 0)1 the market. } ill Also a compketo line in ' I, ri Horse=01ankets, ail sizes; Rubber I and Wool rugs, Mitts, etc. )• 1 .Suit Cases. Double and Single Harness, our;own make and. " j, hand stitched. Our stock ofFurnitare is couplet° as usual. , -.; Combination Couch can be quickly changed into a bed. 11 al:MANS AND PIANOS. )) . • ; -Ma: W..M—.Z.-%,)-7....1 Zuicb • tr!:): • Fr • • '1'.• e . • ••• eIN Ti et. gV 9 e ore ,:,;......,..;:.4414t144.t44144.1:::14.4::,i4.44:14:it.i.........so..,14.1-: . ...,,,,,,,,!:-.,-...:•4,1.41.:14,,,,-.:4=4,11.,, , a; 'Ffrill.‘i .1 very- shoyt time the feminine 111111(1 '',.• M kr ' .',..i.1::. al2 Will 14(4 -very .intent upon what will be -. most fashionable, int.)st serviceable and most ::4. snitable •for .44 tail anbtrainter wcar. • hilVe intiao it a spe(.,ini point tO 413141 What Win Snit tilC ladies .0f. thiS 8011:ion. 11341:tvalnos givon iu 4111 114103 oi! ct: laza No 'troll ble to siT,,a-w rA1;1 pRODIICI!'; A11.4L b:".1NDS W.ANTED FOP. wni; 14 PAY pap -1414, :4•7.4 1 . 1: t't 44* "I- ` Ju 0 • v, a'1ifk E 11 11,:' tr:Avo I t 0. u rich. t 9 AT • 4,1• )1,P 44„ r•-10--tia)- . • .• • F;41.4 • WHAT FEU9 •'tz YOU NIB? rif ori) ',11{ • 1,1 Go None better. A trial will con- vince you. Breakfast Foods, Stock Foods and other preperations. ROCK AND IAi Y SALT. Your patronage solicited. ae EF r . Zurich. NG GIANT be bought. gretit rogroot. Besides lter 'parents i'i1k is (61.ils)tyeic..ni4 broth - 11\ The Deeiciiiy ID is , • bdehr, both of Los Angeles, — (.1(11. T11.• remains were interred in 1:110 Woodland. cemetery, on Wed- and >>,4__4oe Drills Clubbing rates,. --THE WILKINSON MANURE— „ have made arrangements E to offer the following low clubbing SPREAD rates 'with Hvit ?it ' is the best on the market. It has many 1311- I1ttil & Empire, 4.25 provements which other spreaders have not. Weekly (Hobe . 1.75 7, Mai1 & Empire 470 Family Herald. & Star 1.715 Berliner .10411.71a1 (German):205 a.nd COCKSHUTT PLOWS TI -TP FLEURY, WILKINSON, PERCIVAL% Daily Free PrOSS Weekly Proo Press 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.40 are all well. known in this section, Weakly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 7 .75 Parinst's Advocate 2.25 can not be excelled. Daily (ollohe Now ads.—D, S. Faust, D. Stein. back), C. liartleib, 11. V:tingblut, LI 16 fCM0.11.141023141011:60111.1•11111tC. Deering, A envy ZURII H