HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-10-21, Page 1a...•e.,a•r.�..ar Vol. V. No. 13. The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. ZURICH, OBIT., LEGAL CARDS. DS. H. J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garroq'• Proudfoot) Barris- er, Solicitor, Notary Public, Hensel', Ontario. ). G. STA;\a3I11tY, E. 'A. P. W, 0LAnfIAN. Giadmian err Stanbury. BARRISTER'S, SOLICITORS, N0'1A- ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and 11iirm I rope'rty at lowest rates of interogt. Docninonts in original German react and advised upon. -AT HHENSALL-- every Tuesday, Thursday and Satelay. -OFFICES- Hensall-0•vt;r Stoneman's Jeweliery'Store Exeter Offices --Over O'Neil's Bank. PROUDFOUT, HAYS & FLAIR BARRISTERS, SOLICITO'fS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, Goderatch, - - - Canada. w. ratur1Feor, ti. r I It. 0. F. T,T:1I7t. I USJNESS CARDS. R. J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and .Dentist Treats all diseases of domesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines of an 'kinds always on halal. Day a'ol night calls promptly attend- ed to. OFFICE- .14.1 \ t a. Beruler's Old Stand, 3 -lain 5t .nrich, Ont, NDREW F. HESS. Fire Insurancesil'eoted in all leading companies. Accident .policies issuer. JURIO1i •- ONTARIO. A. ELL Eelse 'Dr. 5c'ott'as Dien.;' stock food. Thr;:, are the best. CeSchrag. ¶ he Peninsular Maws and Sto- vea,.aare guaranteed i)y A. Charles - ;e & Son to Niko Y rt; ter and use 1. -es fuel than any otht r range or 04073 011 the mar . rPcople should sw,Teep, t3an T.6fa-r -eines" I ... • •r(ne von planks FRIDAY, OCT. -21, 1904,. 1. Per Year LOCAL NEWS Mr. J. Snyder, .ei Brucefield, was 'in town, Wednesday, on business. Mr. J. J. Mercier, of Goderich, spent a few days in town this week, The voters' list of 1903 will be used in the coming Dominion elec- tions, Mr, John 'eseloh and Master Theador°, were in Exeter, Monday, on business. Mr. Morent.s;,of Benniiller,was the guest of Mr. :Henry Ortwein for ,t few days last week. Try- our Mar -Not Varnish for linoleum arid. oil cloth ; will dry in eight hours. A. Charleswoth aC Sen. We wattle(. be obliged if one of our subscribers could send us a c23rd. v, opy of T HERALD of September Dr. arai. Mrs. ,Campbell visited the latter(:) parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos Mutidock, Hensall, on 'Sun- day last. Misses Maggie and Eml.nt 'Wese- loh wenn: visiting witJi Mr. a od firs. Loris Ii-Vaaft, Stephen, for ea few days last week. 111r. and Mrs. Jacob Haberer and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kraft were the guests -of Mr. and Mrs. Jehei W ese- loll or Sunday last. Call and see Charleswer'tic's Star Oak st(l e. It will burn .ei•t'ilen• coal or wood and i; a perfect 1zott ter. No trouble to show goods, l'•.,31iit forget to attend the meet- ing in the Town I --hal to -morrow eroning in the interests ,t,f the new face.grounds and race track. is the time to Pluy- Interne, t alnal stock food toed 1 actpara.tions, Dentist, grader M;:+t e Royal College • of Dental t 11rg(e ne, Pe,^ento, also honor -graduate of 1)epar aar:tt of Dentistry, 'Toronto i er ity. 1^• rules extraction, •lif teeth. Plate wv11. a•Jalteciality. '.tt Dominion 13•eauov%,'Zuricil, every .� BOSSr'4aaERR s Licensed /.•lieu„uieer for Iiror- on County, respoet1u1)y•colicits the pat- ^onage of those win) lin-end having sales. -Satisfaction a naraauted. HILIP SI i.' SLE } Lieensatl 1`aaaetioneer for the -County of Hume a would request •those having sake to'e,all on sue. ''TT•e'•tns Moderate: satisfaction gnaran- •teed, Your pat, @•ra1U e .solicit. -d. HOTELS,. `�? .'...d'iat'•`.i.l:%:I**Clt*1:wi.,G%•'+',t %:::1:{l *e*0 ir 4r * EM THE t:'• Cy te. C 3 Eo DaM ERGIIL MEL •4' 7 (12 ZURICH t c$ ft Ei+ Btt,ictly,., ,p -to -elate in snaiesaa im. proxeme,r.ts. .Dining rooms ,is,tsup- plied with only the very best. Bar oontzins choice liquane :and ,eagars. i( 1( 5' 1( If 111141t Sample Roorose for Coronkereial Mesa. J. P. R A U, P R O P R I ETO e4..:r 0 1/74'111 11.02113134111/1411 r1,25.2.11117 4:611720.now House. This House has-lseoetatly changed hands, and is now, one of the most orderly anc. est con- ducted Houses isz+a. the Province. o pater Xa.ble in the j'gominion. R. R. Johnston & Son PROPRIETORS. MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat (old)..,,,. $1,00 to 1.00 Wheat (new) 96 to 1,04 Oats 29 30 Barley ..., , .........37 38 Peas 55 62 Flour.......,......:2 50 2 75 Butter ... , . 12 13 Egs .. Chiekens itla . , . , .. , 17 8 4 15 Potat00s,.30 35 Hogs rpgr ;OWt),+$5,00 $5.50 =.c'sad..Cet leaves ins/lize at n ost dangeQ::- .ens tt;)lnbinatica. :1''o.ono needs to: beweemd to get -a Kali t-.liese ever ..11neeting in the I11t'et ests of the.. Reform candidate, Mr. Fraser, wall Abe held in. the 'Town Hall,: Znactic,1i, on Friday ec,.au1ng, Oc.t. 28.' Nr.'1ii. G. Cameron, M. ,1'. P., M. Y.'iJoLean, and othersaddress the •ine:'ting. Mr.. Albert Heidemax.Fnas sold his d w:Llitlg to Mr. Henry'Wainer, Sr.,: of the tJ3ronson line, dor $1200.00. Mr. W.ajper gets posse k;i()n on Nov.: 1st Mr,,Heidelnun evil' 1.k ly 1110' e into Mrs. D. Stelck's ;teens% which is vat.1b1Th at present. Is tt,:isl nclian Suminer, r is it a slice of slimmer weather ,delayed. It has certainly been a week of fine weather ,and. farmers Ibatue taken due advantage of it in getting their fall ploughing done and „getting other things s in shape for the com- ing wintry:. Mr. WtUiasm Fritz has .sold dais in- terest in the Royal hotel at ,Credi- ton to Mr., Zahn Mcisaac, of Step- hen township. Mr, .L ritz diid not own the pr,oal)erty, but had it ,leased for a nuatber of years. We nander- stand that Mr. Fritz and faru,iJy- in- tend moving to Zurich. An exchange speaks of a rnan who always paid his local paper a year in advance,. • As a reward he has never had corns on his toes., or .toothaches, his potatoes never got, nor the frost kill the pears, his babies never cry ,at night, his wife never scolds, and he has succeeded ia:serving three terms on the school hoard without being criticized. Mr. D. M. Stewart, general manan,- gcr ,of the Sovereign. Bank of Cana- ; ria, paid the Zurich branch an official visit on Monday. We un- derstand that an effort will be made to secure larger and more modern quarters for the hank, as the busi- ness done at this branch has in- creased wonderfully. Mr. F. E. Karn, manager of the Sovereign bank at Exeter, accompanied him. In our last weeks issue we made 1nention of the fact that Mr. A. Lehman had sold his 100 -acre farm on the Bronson to Mr. Jos. Smith. Mr. Smith had already done some ploughing on the land but no writ- ings had been drawn up. Some disagreement occured and the Ileal was declared off, We understand that it is Mr. Lehman's intention to rent the house he recently pur- ehased: in the village. Mr. Smith purposes moving to our village in the near future. D. S Faust has received a supply of salt for farm use. Leave,your order for oileake, rye and buckwheat flour at Sehrag's. Mr, D. Steinbach and daughter, Miss Beatrice,visited Exeter friends on Sunday. • Messrs. Ben. Bertrand and Geo. Eilber, of Crediton, were guests of Mr. 0. Eilber, Sunday. Miss Eatlierino Tre\uilner left for Detroit last Saturday, where she expects to spend the. winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. Weber, of near Dashwood, were visitors at the hone of Mr. Thos. Johnson on Sun- day last. Try Native or Rival Herbs,. the great kidney and liver regulator, also Rival Ointment and Native Oil. C. Schrag. Mr. Wes. Schoellig is studying dentistry in Detroit, aanal is one of the "freshmen" in the Dental Col- lege in that city. LosT.-Between Bronson line and Ka1bfiei5ch':s mills of the 1tth con., an oil cloth fol' use in buggy, Pind- er leave at this office, The W. C. T. U. meeting, which was held at the home of Mrs. John Geiger on Monday evening, Oct. 17; was -very largely attended. Mr. Harry Weber; returnecl. on Friday evening from a fret N‘(,(.les visit at kis home in Dundee. He also visited other northerly poleits. Parties wanting to take out deer hunting licenses earn get the same by apl$Ying to Major ,Anderson, deputy game warders of Huron County. Mr. J. D. Merner has had a ce- ment .1 ep built in front of his store by Mr. John Selmetticr, which adds g;re a.tly to its appearance and should ;;