HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-09-30, Page 4'49 la LIALB;
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TERMS OF 3t1BSCRIPTION;—$1,.05 per
year pai1 sti..ctly in advance. "When the
paper is not ordered to be discontiimed
it will be sent until such order is given
arrearages paid. $1,50 to be charged
:Alen not paid in advance.
dvertisemouts, 10 cents per Brevier line
)r first insertion :laid 5 cents per line for
The Zurich Herald.
contaminating Matter may be car-
ried far into the earth below the
true purifying layer, and. thus soak
unchanged into the wells. An old
pit which has been °lased and cov-
ered witli earth is almost equally
dangerous, as the decomposition of
the large mass 'of excreta contained
therein is a matter of years, unless
by the proximity of trees whose
roots reacth the pit. The contents.
should be removed and sproad upon
a field, and the pit left open long
enough to permit the decomposition
of any organic remaining.
If farmers once took time to
think of these matters, there would
each subset-oent insertion. in . . .
Bach as"Last' "Bstrav" or "Stolen will undoubtedly be a great improve-
be charged 50 cents first insertion and :15 I merit. Windmills are now both
eents for each subsequent insertion. common and :cheap, and there is no
Copy fax change of -tdvertisement must reason why well-to-do farmers
'.)e handed in not later 'hail Tuesday night ! not have a water system in their
of each week to insure thange in follow- .. houses, .s.,,
ith. all the conveniences
tag issue. and advantages which residents in
Local notices in ordinary reading type tbc cities .enjoy from .the water
5 cents per lino. Notices fax Chureh en- works systems there established
m .
tertainents or other benevolent instita- , • • '
Though not quite so convenient,
tion at special rates. the dry earth closet is so cheap and
Contracts fax column, half -column and so satisfactory from a sanitary
quarter -column rates fax specified periods .
point of view that no farmer can
will be cheerfully' given. Address all
communications to discover a reasonable excuse for
refusing to adopt it. A well laid
Tan.E.,' :2--iera1d.
eement concrete' floor will be found
E. ZELLER EDITOR, Z URIC IL P.O by fax the easiest to keep in a clean
and -wholesome condition. A stout
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1904. runners and with a strong h.00k at
- one end to which a horse may be
In every paper we pick up we're attached, makes a receptacle that
can be conveniently drawn to the
sure to fincl a lot of silly gush about , field or barnyard to be emptied.
the man who is behind. There is This can be made wholly or in part
the man behind the counter, and of sheet iron, and if the bottom be ever ofiered by any Canadian newspaper
the man. behind the gun, the man ; semi -circular in form a kettle of hot i The, 1,\;e'll,I, .1‘.1,°1:.,ea.qiguer alailt.haf. 1"1118gaa"
behind. the buzz saw, and the man Izaduae.-INONftsittiiein't in fosilln, Umely,1 intenrestinag-
water will be found sufficient to
loosen the frozen contents in win- and iustruetive es to contents, it is the "ideal
new%pap.v." Combining the best features ol
The Herald
4 '
i.' 'i.i'
.hsve ande arrangements with The
Herald Publishi mg Co upany, of Montreal,
winwebY we are enabled to give The
Tha "Magazine,Newspaper,"
Cr: To Subscribers
to Thio PapOr
tti.heo subseriptions in advanee for
H you are In arrears, send in the amount
gym, due, with 41. nO to pay a year's subserip-
aun In advanee. and we will send you abeo-
unely free The Weekly Montreal Herald for
one year.
if your subscription has not expired, you
troy reo6i6 $1.90, and we will extend your
subscript:es :me year, and send you The
Weekly Alentreal kierald for one year.
If you are not now a subscriber, send in
1.0t) now, and this paper and The Weekly
Montreal Herald, two dollar newspapers, will I
'be sent ter $1.00. This
behind his son, the man behind en ter. Galvanized iron buckets, lar -
rent, the man behind the time, the. ger at the top than at the bottom,
man behind the plow shares, and are also easy :to empty in winter,
the man behind the fence, and the I The nature of the receptacle is ler-
man behind the whistle, and the, eely a matter of convenience; the
essential features of the system are
Mi° • an behind the bars, and the man . the storing and the use of a plenti-
behind the kodak, and the man be- f 1 u ) ly of dry earth and the
hind the cars, and the man behind
his fists, and everything behini
nothing is entered on this list. But
they've skipped another fellow, of
-whom nothing bas been little way
ahead: who always pays fax what
he gets, whose bill is always signed
he's a blamed sight more import-
ant than the man who is behind.
All we editors and merchants and
the whole commereil clan, are in -
emptying of the receptacle regular-
ly. If the contents be spread. thin-
ly over the surfa.ce of a field, they
will be decomposed in a, very few
days with no danger to the pulgie
Ashes should not be used. as a
substitute for earth, and road. dust
is very little better. The surface
soil of a field or garden that has
been frequently cutivated. will be
found just the thing,. If a little
coarse or lumpy it may be rim
through a gravel screen.. It is al-
ways advisable to keep a good sup-
debted for existence to this honestiply on hand, as et .becomes
noble man. He keeps us all in and better with age when stored
business and his town is never in a bin.
dead and so I take my hat off to If the man who has hitherto been
careless in this particular will a-
dopt and maintain a proper sanitary
system in this connection. with his
the man who is ahead.
Ole pointlar magazines, The
Gerald is a weekly magazine and 'newspaper
combined, at the price a the ordinary news-
make The Weekly Montreal Herald a "maga-
zine -newspaper that appeals to readers of
every class. Never a dull number throughout
the year.
and get The Weekly Montreal Herald free, or
subscribe now it you are not already a sub-
scriber, and get this paper and The Weekly
Montreal Herald for $1.00. Address:
The good old Summer Time
is with us once more. :You will enjoy out -door life
this summer if you have one of our
and Reclining, Chairs, Which are ideal for porch and
lawn use, the coolest ohair made. We.have just stock-
ed a full line of Furniture Novelties.
complete line of Organs and
Pianos always on laand,
A full Assortment of
Dusters, Hy -nets, Rubber Rugs, Plush
Rugs for cool nights, Trunks,
'Valise, Harness.
Herald, Zurich,
most probably, into the regular
storm period following. The Mer-
cury brace -shows that a 1Vercury
eauinoctial disturbance is central
on the 28th, reaching from the 18th
to the close of October. This fact
will tend to a prolongedspell of
unsettled, disturbed weather. .
closet, he will find himself gaining
During the regular Vulcan per -
largely, not only in. self-respeete
iod, central on the 22nd,the already
SANITARY CLOSETS. DRY but in the respect of his family and
'insetted elements will return to
SYsrma. the strangers within his gates.
very decided' storm condition.
Attention was recently called. to Furthermore, he may thereby es -
From about the 2Ist to the 24th
the fact that out of some 100 to 200 cape the ravages of such diseases general and active autumnal storms
samples of water from farm wells as typhoid. fever. which are so fre- may be expected. A very depres-
analysed annually by Prot. Shutt, quently traced to the use of con -
sod barometer -will advance from
Chemist of the Dominion Experi- taminated water, the west; attended by storms first
of rain and probable thunder, fol-
lowed by early spurts of snow and
the greater number have to be ut- sleet in northern extremes.. Heavy
terly condemned, and it seems very BY IRL R. HicEs. northwesterly gales will visit the
evident that a great improvement. As indicated by the storm diagrane great lakes and. the north Atlantic
in our water supplyn
is ecessary.. illustrating these forecasts. the coasts at this time,: and a general
farm wells is undoubtedly due to effects of the Earths autumnal and decided change to colder will
This dangerous condition of many ,
pollution by unsanitary closets. , equinox last up to the middle of ,pread over most parts of the corm -
'There is no reason why WO should October. Of course its disturbing try with the anti -storm area that .
influences will be in diminishing follows this period. The culminat- .
semi-barbarie condition in which so . degrees, fading away entirely "°Y n g crisis of this period. will fall
have our farmhouses to -day in the :
the middle of the mouth. on and touching Monday the 24th,
many of them are, with their clos-
rho storm period. in. progress at On about this date will also. be, an-
ets and privies a menace to pablic the close of September will be felt ether period when earthquake
heelth. We may talk about bac.
the first two days .of this month in shivers will be reported from dif-
teriology, sanitation, and so on, but the eastern parts of the country fe: ent quarters of the globe. Look
eluded in whet we understand by . well to the southward,
all that and a great deal more is inw
. hile the high barometer and
for frost
change to fair and colder weather with some freezing to the north at
have- -cleanoss is primarily a matter of ignor-the end of and for some days fel-
nliness." The lack of cleanli- will e.advanced o
'w:tee-m.(1 be -
Yowl. the central valley of the Mi- lowing this period.
anee, and. secondarily a matter of sissitypi: Thtilast period of disturbance in
laziness. On and touehing, the 4th and 5th October, blending, with. Mercury
An Ontario editor, who is a mem- • look for return of higher tempera- equinox, is central on the 2"th and
ter of the beard of health in his ture, failing barometer and more 2M.h. At this time look for a retie-
-town and familiar with the sanitary felling weather. All these October tion to warmer, with falling baro -
conditions in his section, says in disturbances will wind up with meter and return of rain and thick
effect : Perhaps the farmers of this .rising barometer, change of winds cloudiness and Mist, amounting • to
-district are worse than elsewhere, to northwesterly, and much cooler sleet in many sections northward.
but of all the farms I have visited. weather. The inontb will go out with anti -
'during the past few years, I have The first regular storm period storm areas spreading eastward
yet to learn of one closet kept With proper for October is central on the from the west-northwest causing
mental Farm, not one-fifth are
found safe and wholesome. By far
Forecasts for October.
The People's Store
UN a very short tine the feminine mind
I will be very intent upon what will be
most fashionable, most serviceable and most
suitable for
fall an Winter wear.
We have made it a special point to purchase
carefully and what will suit the ladies of this
section. .
Special values given in all lines of *
%winner lear. :
'-.."0100--No trouble to show goods.—
J. D. Merner, Zurich.
a regard to COMM0n decency, not to
•speak of hygenie laws. This state
'of affairs is utterly inexcusable. In
the towns the closets are inspected
by order of the board of health, and
the people are gradually being per-
snacled to adopt the dry earth sys-
tem. Very few pits are left and no
new ones are being dug. Inspection
by county and township boards of
health inay be impracticable, but
the self-respect of farmers and their
families ought to mean something
in this respect, if regard to haalth
means nothing,
Ordinary shallow 'wells in the
vicinity of the old-fashioned privy
pits are almost certain to become
contaminated by seepage. The soil
is an excellant filtering and cleans-
ing agent, oxidizing organic matter
rapidly, and tending to check the
development of many of the coin -
mon putrefactive bacteria. But
the soil is only able to dispose of a
ertain amount of contaminating
xnaterial, and such disposal takes
time, so that by heavy reins the
llth, and extends from the 8th to
the 12th. Tho moon being on peri-
geen on the 7th and on the celestial
equator and new on the 8th, expect
very prompt developments, in the
form of falling barometer, change
to quite warm, and followed by
rain,wind and even thunder storms
as early in the period as 8th to Oth.
Later in the period these storms
will spread to the east, and along
with the rising barometer behind
the storrns,an early touch of boreal
-weather will come out of the north-
west, attended by high, autumnal
gales over the lake regions. It is
possible also that delayed equinoc-
tial storms may reach the southern
coasts at this period. -Within
forty-eight hours of nooon the
8th, seismic disturbances in many
parts of the Earth need not cause
The next storm period will be
central on the ltith, 17th and 18th.
This is a 'mime reactionary period
and. it will bring on 'a disturbed
weather °audition that willl run,
general change to much cooler.
We have thus outlined the perio-
dic storm movements for October.
But these who have followed our
forecasts for any length. of time
know that these forecasts imply
that much pleasant and open
weather will be between the per-
turbed periods. Even m the open -
int, stages of storm periods, much
oft'our finest autumn weather will
occur, and immediately behind the
actual area of cloudiness and pre-
cipitation, cooler but fine weather
conditions set in. So that instead
of "storms all the time," fair to
pleasant weather is to bo expected
in large measure.
of course!
None better. A.. trial will con-
vince you„
Breakfast Foods,
Stock Foods
and other preperations.
Your patronage solicited.
In the fair prize list printed in
our last issue, Geo. Schoellig should
be credited for first prize on Em.
pire potatoes instead of George
Schroeder, and G. Holtzmann
first for mammoth pumpkin instead
of .Itteob Sararas,
Subscribe for Tull BERALb,
Is in a plass by itself. The very best that can
be bought.
The Deering Disc
and Shoe Drills
can not be excelled.
is the best on the market. It has many Mi.-
provements which other spreaders have not.
are all well known in this sectio,n.
A ency