HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-09-30, Page 1TIS The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. *Vol. V., No. 10. ZURICH, •ONT., FRIDAY, SEP. 30, 1904.. rk $1. Per Year. LEGAL CARDS. a J. D.COOKE, (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris - er, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensall, Ontario. J. G. STANBURY, B. A. F. w. GLADDJAR. Gladman & Stanbury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of 'interest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. —AT HENSALL-- every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. —O1+FICES— Iiensall--Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, &C. Goderich, - - Canada. w. PRGUDFocn, R. o I R. 0. )RAYS. {.. F. BTAIR. BUSINESS CARDS. R. J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases of domesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines of all kinds agways on hand. Day and might calls promptly attend- ed to. OFFICE— In Wm. Bender's Old Stand, Main St., Zurich, Oat. ANDREW F. HESS. Fire Insurance effected in all leading companies. Accident policies issued. ZURICH - - - ONTARIO. DR. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate Of Department of Dentistry', Toronto 'ET iversity. Painless extraction of teens.. Plate work a speciality.. Alt iDavatnion House, Zurich, every Monday. 1-26 £•BOSSENBERAY, licensed Auctioneer fdt Hur- on Couss!ty., respectfully solicits the pat- ronage Of lilrose who intend lfav ,4 sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. " p.IiLL'IP SIPPLE' Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Hurons. I would request those having sales to call on. me. "Te its moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed. Your patronage solicited.' HOTELS. • *✓*l't:**b}0ti:tY'*3:tik?: :*1SS"V'' �s.'L%*****, ls'e e G THE @: Es 4 f3 C.UM.MERC! 11 HOTEL 6; & •Ji ZURICH e 0 Strietly imp -to -date in modern int 111) provemsuts. Dining rooms is su plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ *' Bar contains choice liquors and. 8 cigars. ¶ ¶ ¶ . ¶ ¶ el: Nt • Exeedleut Sample Roorree for Commercial Men. • MOW smioniovamonesmor ,:;o. J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. a THE ominion Ij°use. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and; best con- ducted Houses in the Province. o wetter Viable in the pominien. R. R. Johnston & Son, PRO rRIF. TO R S. IVTL4LRKE .l. S Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat (old) 'i$1.00 to 1.00 Wheat (new) 96 to 1„04 Oats 29 80 Barley ......... , .. 37 38 Peas .. . 55 62 o Flour ....,.....2 50 2 75 Butter ,,..... 12 13 Pggs 17 18 Chickens . lb 4 5 Potatoes .......... , 30 35 'Hogs hive (per cwt) 5 fO $5.50 LOCAL NEWS Bayfield fair to -day, Rock and dairy salt at Schrag's. Some of our residents attended the Seaforth fair last Friday. Mr. Henry Eilber, M. L. A., was in to'vn Wednesday, on business. Are you in need of a -fall suit? Our lines will suit. D. Steinbach. Mr. Rudolph Heideman is visit- ing relatives in Detroit at present. New ads,—D. Steinbach Chas. Hartleib, Geo. Trott, Fred Du- charine. Mr. H. .T. D. Cooke, of Hensall, was here on business, Tuesday and Wednesday.. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Walper, of London, visited relatives here for a few days last week. Mrs. (Rev.) Whitesides, of, Que- bec, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mss.. 3. LWilliams. Mr. James Hagan, Sr., has dis- posed of his 25 -acres in the Big Swamp Mr, Casper Walper. • Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman at- tended the wedding of Miss Sophia Clark at Sarepta, on Tuesday even- ing. • Mr. 'Geo. Trott, photographer, will' be in town every Monday. Yon can incl him next to Dr. Campbell's office. MT. F. W. Gladman, of Exeter, attended the Court of Revision of the voters' list held here on Wed- nesday. • Miss Emma Yungblut and Mrs. Geo. Beadle, of Auburn, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Yung- glut last week. Messrs. D. S. Faust, J. D. Merrier, and. 3. Preeter, general merchants, ,' azs'e installed the Briggs Ledger System of book-keeping. For International Stock and Poultry Foods and preparations, Heave Cure, Colic Cure and Mena Chloro call at, Schrag's, Zurich. s'i! r. Andrew F. Hess has been ap- •pointed Division Court clerk in place of Mr. E. Zeller, who resigned lifter holding the for about sevenyears. Mr. Milton Buchanan left for Ci,icago on Friday last, where he 'wfT,1 begin his duties as professor of 'modern languages in the Uni- versity in that city. A meeting ofthe Bible Society wag 'held in the Evangelical church -on Tuesday evening of last week. 'Rev. Mr. Owen was • the principal speaker. The old officers were all re-elected. Mr. J. Preeter's exhibit of furs •at the fair last Thursday is deserv- ing of special mention. The ex- hibit attracted a good deal of atten- tion and the class of goods display- ed certainly merited it, and shows that Mr. Preeter handles nothing but the best in this line. Mr. and Mrs John Hey Sr., of the, Babylon line, met with a very un- ppleasant.experience while returning, home from the fair on Thursday last. In turning the corner off the 'Zurich road onto the Babylon line, t as rapid pace, the horse, rig and occupant's were hurled into the ditch.• Mrs. Hey received some very painful injuries and the bug- gy was badly wrecked. Tho ball and supper given in con- nection with the Commercial hotel on Fair night was a splendid suc- cess. The hall was crowded to the doors and everything was managed in first class shape. The Excelsior Orchestra furnished high-class mu- sic for the oeeasion. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Williams on Monday even- ing, Oct. 3rd. All the members are requested to attend as the delegate will give the report of the County W. C. T. U. Convention, which was held last week in Goderich. The concert under the auspices of the W. 0, T. U. last Thursday evening was a decided success. The program was up-to-date and varied. Miss M. Godwin, of Exeter, eleeu tionist, recited some beautiful se- lections, whidh were very much appreciated by the audience. The piano duetts were well executed and well received. Miss A. Johns, poptiar,soloist'of Exeter,' rendered her solos in a very pleasing mannan. Miss Johns has a 'voiceof fine eul- ture and, delighted her hearers with singing, The finale quartette of Hensall sang in a most pleasing style, and won the applause of . the audience, The net proceeds amount-, ecl to $25, Mr. Louis' Prang attended the Goderioh fair on Wednesday. Try our Star lour. Once used always used: C. Schrag, Zurich, Mr. and Mri. 3, P. Rau visited friends in Hensall last Sunday. Get your photos taken'. Mr. Geo. Trott will be in town every Mon- day. • M.andlttrt. R. Richardson, of Exeter",visitea relatives in town on Sunday. ' . . Mr. and Mrs.4. D 1Vlerner visited relatives in Goderichfor a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mercer, of Goderich, visited relatives here for a few days last'weelk. Mrs. Mary Hill is visiting her nephew, Mr. Frecl 'Benedict, in Cleveland, Ohio, at present. D, Steinbaeh's stook of Dress Goods is the best yet shown. You want to call and see for yourself. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton attend- ed the Goderich fair which was held on Tuesday and Wednesday. Misses Alma Hill and Martha Wenzel, of Crediton, are visiting friends and relatives in town this week. - . The August Masse farm near St. .Toseph is 'to be sold. on. Saturday next, Oct. 8th, at the T,Dominion Hotel. Mr. John Prang and wife of God- erich, were the guests of the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Prang, on. Sunday. ' Mr. Harry Zapfe, of the Town line; recently purchased a fine young Yorkshire pig for the im- provement of stock. Mr. H. H. Little has severed his connection with Mr. H. Magel and is taow engaged with Mr. McCaugh- ey, Hensall as bartender. Mrs. Heyrock, Mrs, Sam Merner, ;Misses Ethel Williams and Lydia Rennie, attended the county W. (3. T. U. convention held in 'Goderich last week. Mr. and Mrs Ferdinand Hess; and Mrs. Gertrude Hess, • left last Thursday for a few weeks' visit with relatives in South Bend, Ind., and Pontiac, Mich. Court of Revision of the Voters' List was held in the town hall on Wednesday. Juage Doyle presided. The usnal number of names were .added and struck off. Sheriff Motz and daughter, Mrs. Zinger, of Berlin, attended the funeral of the late kir. d Wild,eofa THE HO A Bayfield, last week, aacT spent a � , few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell, Stanley. Mr. Casper Walper bad a narrow ,escape from being crushed to death on Tuesday. He was standing be- neath the straw -shed, which had been filled up that day with cut straw by the threshers, when the weight of the straw caused the sepport in the center to give way. Mr. Walper was knocked down, but escaped serious injury. Mr. and Mrs. James Spackman, who live two and a half miles south of Bayfield, celebrated their silver wedding on Friday last- A large number of relatives and friends had been invited and a very enjoy- able time 'Was spent by ell present. A sumptuous feast had been pre- pared by the hostess to which all did ample justice. Mr, and Mrs. Spackman were made the recip- ients of a number of valuable presents. As a result of reports received from all parts of the Province, the Canadian Horticulturist will an- nounce in its October issue that the apple ,crop of the Province this year is not nearly so large as bust, and that the ;iiazue is true throughout the United States generally. While there is a large amount of poor fruit throughout Ontario, the gen- eral quality is good, and growers should realize better prices than are being offered. D. S Pau is g ALL ST CK 1 1 Our Fall Stock is expected to be complete next week with new designs such as Dress Goods, Waistings, Ladies Jackets, Ladies Rain Coats, Infant Coats and a complete line of Gent's Furnishings' D. S. FPEUST, General Merchant, ZURICH, ONTARIO. . ...........My new stock o! Fall Footwear is now ready for inspection. I have BETTER GOODS and LOWER PRICES than ever. In the line of • Waterproofs my stock is very complete. Colne and see for your- self. Produce taken in exchange for goods, CHAS FRITZ, Some of our citizens are agitat- ing a change in the location of. the fair grounds. The present grounds are too small,:, and being right in the town aparcel three times the size or more could be purchased for what the old grounds would bring, The change is certainly needed as it is an acknowledged fact the pre- sent day visitors to fairs want to see trials of horse speed in eonnec- tion with all fairs. If the change can be made there is no doubt it would greatly. increase receipts in future, and its the almighty . dollar that makes the fair go. It is likely a special meeting of the directors will be called in the near future to discuss the project. (Locals continued on page 8.) ZURICH, New Irmer Setts E ARE OFFERING A FINE LINE of Dinner and Tea Setts, just to hand, direct from Ellgland,and can save pro- spective buyers money. We also carry a full line of dishes of all kin.ds. drs.iii Setts WE HAVE A LINE OF BED-ROO Setts, which are of the newest • designs and colors on the market, at rock - bottom prices. Be sure and see these goods before purchasing elsewhere. Highest prices paid for all kinds of produce. J. PREETER, ZURICH - - - ONTARIONYWYWNWMVIWWWMTVMPAMMMI - YES! We do Printing. • We do neat and quick work. Let us know your wants. THE U IC•11 111CRALD.