HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-09-23, Page 8I wish to informthe Public
int 1 have purchased the Butcher -
g business of' John Schafer and
ill eoftinue the business
;2t The Old Stand.
I will carry in stock all kinds
f Meats and will give my Custo-
ers the Best Value obtainable.
Terms Cash.
Harry Yungblut,
uric,p - Ontario.
Horse Shoer and
Verity Plow Rapairs al-
ways on hand.
All work promptly attended to.
Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs-
day and Friday evenings of each
week, at six o'clock sharp.
Kai fleisch's
Planing and Saw Mil
—All kinds of woodwork and saw
ing done to , order. Estimate
given for all kinds of buildings
A full stock of B. C. Red Cada
Shingles. All kinds of lumber al
ways on hand.
Field Gates, Water
Tanks for Wind -mills
and Water Troughs
Mills 14th Con., Lot 25.
3. C. Kalbfleisch
Zurich P. 0.
You need a nice pair of
fifty cents and up buys the
"genuine" article. I now show
a fine line of
Clocks and
Jewellry. t
Also Musical Instruments
The Zurich Heiralcd.
Special to Tor) HARALD.
The other morning our citizens'
were aroused from their slumbers
by the ringing of the fire bell. It
was found that the small house
owned by Robt. Gower was in
flames. It was totally destroyed.
As the house was vacant, it is sus-
pected that the fire was the work
of a bug.
Mr. and Mrs.. Sam Either and
family, have moved to Ubly, Mich,,
where Mr. Eilber will enter into
Mrs. Mathew Weiner, Sr., Mrs.
Mat. Weiner, jr., and Mrs, Wes,
Winer, have returned from Mar-
lette, Mich.; where they attended
the funeral of four members of
their relations.
Mr, Tiehi, of California, former-
ly of this place, is renewing old ac-
quaintances in town,
Rev. G. D. Datum attended the
funeral of his late uncle, John
Damm, of Ayton, last week.
Miss Dowsell, of Dutton, has
taken charge of Mr. C. Zwicker's
millinery department.
Quarterly services were held in
the German Evangelical church
here last Sunday. Rev. R. S.
Knechtel preached at both services.
Special to Tau HERALD.
The by-law voted on by the elec-
tors of this village on Monday was
carried by a good majority. Only
sixteen votes were cast against it.
Mr. Kelehon has an option on the
Bell foundry property in this town
and it will likely be purchased for
the purpose. Mr. Kelehon agrees
to employ twenty hands as soon as
everything is in running order.
Messrs. Robert McLaren and T.
J. Berry left last week for the old
country where Mr. Berry intends
purchasing a number of entire
'dos Saturday afternoon:
I Uses Lizzie and Jennie Betchen
are dome on a visit.
Mrs, II, Birk. aformer resident
of the village, is renewing old ac-
quaintances here„
Mr. Wm. Snider, a farmer just
east of the village, is cementing his
barn floor. He has completed rais-
ing his barn wall and erecting e.,
windmill, with these improvements
Mr. Snider has has as neat and up.
to -date farm as you wish to see.
One day last week as. Mr. Chas.
Guenther and his five year olcl son
were driving north on the .Bronson
line, the colt became frightened
and made for the fence, up -setting
the cart and throwing the occu-
pants to the ground. Fortunately
no serious damage resulted,' al-
though Charlie felt stiff for a few
days after the up -set.
The Misses Taylor have• opened
up a dress making shop in the
building formerly occupied as a
jewelry shop.
Mrs. ;Paulin, County President of
the W. C. T. U., assisted by a num-
ber of Goderich ladies, met in Bay-
field and organized a W. C. T. U.
at that place.
Mr. Sam Beaver's new dwelling
on the Goshen is nearly co-mpleted.
It is very handsome in appearance.
Mr. Mike Fenn, of Parkhill, was
in town for a few days last week
Mr. Arthur Kellerman has left
for the Northwestern College, Na-
perville, to resume his studies.
Mr. Aaron Musser has had a
metal roof placed on his barn.
Miss Ida Goetz visited friends. in
Berlin last week.
Quarterly services were held in
the Evangelical church here last
Sunday. Rev. Mr. Datum, of
Crediton, assisted.
Mr. Reed is visiting bis brother-
in-law, Mr. John Hall, at present.
Fine repairing my hobby, let
me have your "PUZZLERS."
Prices right.
We make a specialty of
Your BUGGY needs a new Top,
new Cushion or perhaps re -paint-
ing. ..
We guarantee you a neat and per-
We have a number 0f
N E 9! d
left, also two
Special to THE HERALD.
Corning events cast their shadows
before, if so, we should have an
early election, judging by the a-
mount of campaign literature that
is arriving here at present.
Owing to the fact that an iron
bridge is in course of erection at
Sodom, our mail as to leave a half
hour earlier ; 6.30 a. m instead of
7 a. m.
Henry Kraft has his cider mill
in full swing.
Miss Gibson, milliner of Blyth,
is again in charge of Mr. Jacob
Kellerman's rnillineay department,
Miss Gibson is a good milliner and
no doubt her olcl customers' will he
pleased to welcome her back again.
Rev'. Geo. Damm, of Crediton,
gave two excellent sermons in Eng-
lish last Sunday in the Ev. church.
Mrs. (Rev.) Clemens is the Y. P.
A. delegate to the Y. P, A. Con-
vention now being held at Campden.
BUG IESi.v rs. Paulin is attending the coun-
ty W. C. T. •TJ. convention now in
handsome Nikados. Progress at Goderich.
Mr. Geo, Snider will leave for
Columbus, O:iio, where he will re-
sume his studies in the Dental Col-
lege there.
Misses Taylor spent Sunday un-
der the parental roof on the Sauble,.
P,ro• ra..car,virlaq were held in tenth
Call and see them,
Hess & Sod:.
The Seaforth electric light by-
law was carried by a majority of 3.
The Stapleton salt works have
shut down indefinitely. The rea-
son given is over production.
The sitting of the High Court of
Justice for Huron will be held at
Goderich, for jury cases on Monday
October 31st, and for non -jury on
December 19th.
Mr. Thos. Lindsay, of the Base
line, near Clinton, narrowly es-
caped being gored to death the ot-
her day by a. bull. He was tying
the animal in the stable and while
in a stooping position it made a
drive at him and knocked him into
the crib, which saved him from
further injury. Mr. Lindsay re-
ceived a bad bruise on the breast.
Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Kippen, was
kicked in the face by a horse re-
cently and rendered unconscious..
Fortunately the injury was not ar
serious one and the reverend gen-
tleman is recovering rapidly.
Mr. Jonathan Miller, of the Grip
House, Seaforth, has sold his inter-
est in that hotel to Mr. W. Her-
gott, of Glamis. Mr. Miller intends
moving back to Goderich where he
will engage in the livery business.
John Taylor, of Exeter North,
et with is serious misfortune the
other day. 'While driving on the
town line near Smith's bridge his
tetuu of horses ran away throwing
him out of• the wagon. The heavy
rig passed over his body inflicting
severe internal injuries. It it
thought that some of the bones
were broken.. Re is suffering great
pain and his recovery is doubtful.
The township of Ashfield is tak-
ing action against the county of
Huron as a result of the flood at
Port .Albert last spring, in which a
large portion of the roadway was
washed away. The township claims
that the bridge at Port Albert,
which is a county bridge, is not
large enough. to allow of the proper
flow of the water at the time of the
freshet, and it seeks• a mandatory
order for the construction of a
bridge of sufficient capacity, and
damages for the injury to the high-
way by the flood last spring and a
previous flood. The writ has been
issued by Messrs. Proudfoot, Hays
& Blair, acting for the township of
Mr. George Atkinson, of Exeter
met with a painful accident recent-
ly while assisting to build a house in
McGillivray. In some way one or
more bricks fell from the second
storey scaffold and one of them
struck him on the head, inflicting
a nasty cut. He was stunned by
the blow but soon recovered.
While at Toronto the other week
Mr. W. Glenn, Stanley, :bought
from Mr. A. Eaton, of Appleby, a
very fine yearling Leiceister Ram
and two Shearley Ewes. Mr. Glenn
is a prominent sheep breeder and
handles only choice stock.
Mrs. Linder, of Toledo, Ohio,
who has been `visiting her grand-
father, Mr, John Herbert, Exeter
North, on Sundaay week. was sadly
bereaved, by the death of her .two
months' daughter. The remains
wit intArrecl in the 1 titer ceiney
T0 the people of Zurich and Surrounding
Country. We are now ready to do
business and would be pleased to have you
come and see our stock of Hardware of
which. we can supply you with anything you
are in need of. No trouble to show goods.
Square dealing is our motto. Your patron-
age solicited.
CHVIRLES ORTH, Successor to
.� 4s; \•.:..d`,v�tt•r?e'b i^d. �:. 'st' •:..?,t'r +..•,z.5't 1<t. ixi�.r:!'": F- M:4+^(1�...ti M
We have large stock of
that we will sell to your advantage. We have
/ this season, the
A. shoe worth living in. We solicit your patron-
age because we know we can satisify
you and give you value .for
your money......
P. BENDER & Co. Zurich_
Eggs taken in exchange for Goods.
r Cha
� ess!
But we are still here at the old Stand and strongly fortified
in our "KOPJE" and will sell all lines of Stoves, Hardware ete.,
Sept. 2tth
Fall and Winter
Our stock of Dress. Goods this season is
the most handsome and newest yet shown by
us, both for quality and style.
N!Y wAisT
The very newest that could be bought.
These are worthy of your attention.