The Herald, 1904-09-23, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol., V., No. 9, LEGAL. CARDS. H. J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow &Proudfoot) Barris - or, Solicitor, Notary Public. lienseill, Ontario. J. 0. STANBURY, B. A. Y. W. GLADMAX. Gladman & Stanbury: BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original German read ind advised upon. --AT 'HENSALL-- every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. —OFFICES— Hensall—Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. PROUDFOOT, RAYS & BLAIR BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC. •&C. • Goderielt, - Canada. W. 14ROUDFOOT, Et. (0 I R. C. RAYS. 11TAIR. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases of domesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines of all kinds always on hand. Day and night calls promptly attend- ed to. OFFICE— In Wm. Bender's Old Stand, Main St.., .Zurich, Ont. ANDREW F. ['ESS. Fire Insurance effected in all leading 'companies. Accident policies issued. ZURICH - - - ONTARIO. Ir. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also qa07101" 'graduate of Departm'eirt of Dentistry, Toronto UnIversity. Painless extraction o'f teeth. Plate 'work a speciality. At Dominion tiouse, Zurich, eacry Monday.. 1-26 EBOSSENBERRY, o Lieensed Auctioneer for Hur- on County., respectfully solicits tee pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaetion guaranteed. pITILIP SIPPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. I would request those having sales to call on we. Terms moderate; satisfaction graairen- teed Your patronage solicit,d. HOTELS - 0 0 INTEL 0 • eigars. 'If 11 Excellent Sample ROOMS 0 for Commercial Men. • MINI•11.11•121.4•1•111=1......111M11•1•011.010.91110•1041NOMMASIM el* di • • J. P. RAU, FROPRiETOR. .00ea*0?0000t,voecte4s0et440004 * * THE* te le re ZUElC,H 0 0 2 Strictly up-to-date in modern TT provements. Dining000ras is sup- ,10 plied with only the very best. I if :0) Bar contains ehoiee liquors and THE Motninion House. This House has -recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. petter /gable in the Dominion. VIII.e8:06.1•01111KORIESSIMIMPVISIM10190/11MOINIMMONO '11110:01MBROMMINO1 R. R. Johnston & Son, PROPRIETORS. Alltlgel..01S.111.41MIIIPMENAMIVIIIIMMITIMENPIIPM MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat (old) ...... $1.00 to 1.00 Wheat (new) ...... 97 to 1.05 Oats .... 29 30 Barley 87 38 Peas 55 62 Flour , ..... 2 50 2 75 Butter 12 13. Eggs ... . 16 17 Chickens lb ........ 4 5 Potatoes 50 50 s "ct cot ,(5.00 $55 ZURICH, ONT., FRIQAY, SEP. 23, 1904. . • LOCAL NEWS A rich man saves the cents and his heirs blow in the dollars.,' Miss Phoebe Rickbeil visited friends in Exeter over Sunday. New ads.—A. "Charlesworth Son, C. Sohrag, 1, Ireland, .0. Fritz. Mr. N. M. Cantin was at his home in St. Joseph for a few • days this week. The concert on Thursday even- ing was a success, the net proceeds being over $25, International and Dr. Scott's stock foods, also Heave and Colic Cure. C. Schrag. • Miss Dora Eilber returned on Monday from a week's visit with friends in London. • Mrs. Wickens of Ingersoll, spent the week with her parents, •Mr. and Ivelrs Hey, Babylon Line. Mr. lt'red Hesst Sr., acted. as a judge of inrolents and. poultry at the Exeter.fain Tuesday. We now have the cushioned -sole shoe in stock. It gives great ease and comfort to the foot. C. Fritz. Having been appointed agent for Rival and .Native Herbs,. you can get same by calling at Feed Store, Zurich. The new dwellings being erected in our village • are rapidly nearing completion They are a. very cred- itable addition to our neat little town. Mr. John Schnell, of the 14th concession, recently sold a horse of the heavy draught class to Mr, J. Mason ol Brucefield, for which he received the sum of $145. It certainly pays to raise good horses. It is reported from many parts of the country that the potato crop would be a failure owing to the rot. By what we have heard. from different parties in thie section, an unusually good crop is being gath- ered. and the potatoes are of a generous size. A despatch from Ottawa says : At a meeting of the cabinet an order -in -council was passed fixing Thanksgiving Day Nit Thursday, November 17th. Strong represen- tations had been made in favor of selecting a Monday for the cele- bration, but the Ministers decided to stick to Thursday. The South Heron Society held their am Exeter on Tuesday. weather was, somewh able. the attendance w. the exhibits were exce competition was partic in the horse ring. Mr ner succeeded in carryi honors in the roadsters ring of thirteen. .ricultural a fair at lough the disagree- irge and t. The •ly keen D. Mer - off 1st ss in u Rev. E. Schnelke met with rather a serious accident last Friday. He was returning home by way of the Goshen and in attempting to pass a man unloading gravel on •the road, the Reverend gentleman and the horse and rig were upset into the ditch. A number of men were soon at hand to right matters. Fortunately Mr. Schuelke escaped serious injury, but the buggy was badly damaged and the horse re- ceived a number of scratches. Mr, Justus Melick met with a serious loss on Friday morning last He drove to the Bronson line and wanting to see a party at McCor- mick's where they were threshing, tied his horse to the fence some distance from the barn as the ani- mal was afraid . of the engine. While Mr. Melia: was gone, some bees attacked the horse and in a very few minutes the horse was going down the road at a terrific rate. The baggy was soon left be- hind, badly wrecked. and the horse was captured some distance down the road. • The harness as broken in a number of places and the animal received several bad cuts. Mr. David Spencer, the veteran mail carrier between St. Joseph and Zurich, had a very •disagree- able experience on Wednesday morning. • He was making his us-. ual trip to Zurich on that morning and had a girl passenger with him. He was passing the farm of Mr, James Overholt, and when near the culvert on the east side of the honse, the horse,frightened at, some moving object on the side of the road, plunged into the ditch. Both occupants of the rig were thrown violently to the ground Mr. Spen- cer was severely bruised on the arni and hip, but wasableto get around soon after. The girl fared Worse, as she landel on her head and was stunned by thelaIl, Rock and dairy stilt at the Feed Store, Zurich. No intim wants a return ticket on the road to suesesS, L. G. Rorithier and wife left for Ottawa on Tuesday, • Miss Annie Hess •is visiting re- latives in Detroit at present. People who borrow trouble some- tinios forget toipay their debts, The Plax Company have finished • threshing and the seed hits all been s.hipped. • . Mr. Harry Weber, the tailor, is visiting his home in Net, Dundee at present. Rev. Henry Leibold of Plattse vine, called on relatives and friends here, this week - Mr. Charles Fritz has disposed of his Boer rifle to Mr. "Bob".Wil- son for a good figure. When in town, get some of our noted Star flour, the best on the market.. 0, Schrag, Zurich, Mr. Wes, Merner, who leis been up with an attack of 'typhoid fever, is able to be around again. Try Pheno Chloro for disinfect- ing cess -pools, poultry hones and closets. For sale at Peed Store, Zurich. Mr. H. C. Hocken, of the Toronto News, visited Zurich and St. Joseph on Friday and made a short call at our office. • Messrs. James Howard, Joseph Gelineau and Peter Durand, of near Drysdale, left for the North- west last week, The Sovereign Bank of Canada have opened a branch at Linwood, Ont. Mr. L. P. Snyder, inspector, being temporarily in charge. Mr, George Trott has moved his photograph gallery to town from the Grand Bend and can be found at his old stand, beside Dr. Camp- bell's office. Mr. Trott will remain here fur some weeks. Miss Lydia Faust left Tuesday morning to attend a Young People's Alliance Con.ventionbeing hefd nt Campcleu. She will also take a trolley trip through the famous fruit belt of the Niagara peninsula. Mr. ELL Ziminerma.n mot with a painful accident one day last week. He was working at ono of the brakes in the flax mill and had the misfortune to have part of his finger taken off in the machine, The injured member was given the necessary attention and is healing rapidly. Professor George Vair, of Toron- to, declares that the effect of Bos- ton ivy, or any like plant which olings to walls. is not to make the exterior of buildings damp, but to render them drier than they would otherwise be. He argues that the strong affinity of ivy for water in- sures the constant drawing out of moisture from the bricks to which it clings. Monday and Tuesday were busy days at Mr, H. Yungbiut's butcher shop. Mr. Yungblut had a number of men at work killing, cleaning and cutting up hogs and making good wholesome sausages for fair day. This is an annual event in the butcher business and a. large amount of meat and sansage is re- quired to satisfy the appetites of the many visitors to the,fair. We have made favorable clubbing arrangements with the Weekly Mail and Empire, and all 'onr sub- scribers who pay in advance for next year can secure the. 'Weekly Mali and Empire to the end of 1905, including a new Atlas avorth 50 cents, for only 70 cents.' Subscribe now and get full benefit of this offer. We will accept trial sub- scriptions to the Mail and Empire at 15 cents for the balance of this year, Mr. Alex. Charlesworth has pur- chased the hardware business of Mr, Charles Greb, Zurich, and will take possession on the 10th. We are pleased to learn that although Mr. Charlesworth has joined the ranks of Zurich.'s enterprising busi- ness aten, he will not move from our hustling suburb of Egrnond trifle, Zurich business will be looked after principally by Mr. Leo Charlesworth. We can reemn- mend• this new Arm to the good. people of Zurich.—Expositor. • Born. Wooroatioam.--In Hay, on August 31st, to Mr, and Mrs. Woodbridge, a son. .13uTorMisT.—in ttashwood, to Mr. and Mrs. Da-vid Betehen, a son, ARD,—In I -lay, on Sept. Sth, to •Mr, and Mrs, John 'erd, asoxi, D. S.'Faust L FALL ST Our Fall Stock is expected to be complete next week with new designs such as Dress Goods, Waistings, Ladies Jackets, Ladies Rain Coats, Infant Coats and a complete line of Gent's Furnishings. D. S. FAUST, General Merchant, ZURICH, ONTARIO. My new stock of Fall Footwear ONINIr is now ready for inspection. I have BETTER GOODS and LOWER PRICES than ever. In the line of 11Waterprooffs my stock is very complete. Come and see for your- self. Produce taken in exchange for goods.. OHAS. FRITZ THE SHOEMAN, ZURICH'. WVIAMMAAMAMMMAMAAMMIVVAiii evti ner Setts E ARE OFFERING A FINE LINE of Dinner and Tea Setts, just to hand, direct from England,and can save pro- spective buyers money. We also carry a full line of dishes of all kinds. edroont Setts livrE HAVE A LINE OF BED -R00 Setts, which are of the newest designs and colors on the market, at bottom. prices. Be sure and., see these before purchasing elsewhere., rock - goods Highest prices paid for all kinds of produce. J. PREETER, ZURICH - - - ONTARIO. AWAPWWWWWMANYMMWMANWWMA YES! We do Printing. We do neat and quick work. Let us know your wants.. # • . , Ininiii;siimmill'ilarleiliiiiiiiosiiieenietfitresetwratoecireepOrrearseetowneeninc, • r . ThIC ZU1121011