HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-09-16, Page 8The Zurich Herald.
cyst Butches'
I wish to inform the Public
that X have purchased the Butcher-
ing business of. John Schafer and
will, continue the business
St The Old Stand.
I will carry in stock all kinds
of Meats and will give my Custo-
mers the Best Value obtainable.
Terms Cash.
Harry Yungblut,
Zurich ¢ - Ontario.
J. I- . WI.SMER.
[Horse Shoer and.
Verity Plow Rapairs a1,'
ways on hand.
All work promptly attended to.
Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs-
aay and Friday evenings of each
week, at six o'clock sharp.
Planing and Saw Mill
—All kinds of woodwork and saw-
ing done to order. Estimates
given for all kinds of buildings.
A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar
Shingles. All kinds of lumber al-
ways on hand,
Field Gates, Water -
Tanks for Wind -mills
and Water Troughs.
Mills 14th Con., Lot 25.
J. C. Kalbfleisch
Zurich P. O.
You need a nice pair of
fifty cents 'and up buys the
"genuine" article. I now show
afine lire of
Clocks and
Also Musical Instruments
Eine repairing my hobby, Iet
me have your "PUZZLERS."
Prices right.
We make a specialty of
Your BUGGY needs a new Top,
new Cushion or perhaps re -paint-
We guarantee you a, neat and pet-
- We have.a number of
left;: also two Handsome 1 ikados.
Call and see them,
F. Hess & Son.
Zurich ,. Otitario.
(Locals continued from page 19.
Goes without saying—a wagonts
Never dig potatoes when the
ground is wet. It may try your
patience to wait, but it is best to.
do it.
The hunting season .for rabbits
opened yesterday. The sportsmen
of town have long looked forward.
to this day, when they can again
enjoy the freedom and excitement
of "running a rabbit."
Teach the children that birds and
toads are valuable friends, and
show them why they should . have
our protection and care. A bird's
nest should be something only to
be looked at and admired by youth-
ful eyes, and never to be regarded
as a trophy to be carried off or
The annual meeting of the Upper
Canada Bible Society of the Zurich
branch will be held on Tuesday
evening, Sept. 20th„ in the Evan-
gelical Church, Zurich, at 8 o'clock
p. m. Addresses will be delivered
by Rev. Chas. H. P. Owen, agent
of the Society, in the English lan-
guage. All are invited to attend.
It is a waste of time and an in-
jury to a plant or vine to sprinkle
slightly every day with the water-
ing pot. Surface, watering, if not
thoroughly done, brings the roots
to the top of the ground, and they
are soon burnt or parched by the
hot summer's sun. Give a thor-
ough soaking, or do. not water at
The milliners have arrived and
are preparing for the fall opening.
Miss Ross will again manage the
department for Mr. J. D. Merner,
Miss Gibson, that of Mr. D. S.
Faust, Miss Walper will cater to
the wants of Mr. J. Preeter's cus-
tomers and Miss Beatrice Stein-
bach will again conduct the depart-
ment in Mr. D. Steinbach's store.
Hick's weather forecasts for the
next few days is as follows : The
nest regular storm period extends
from the 16th to the 21st. This
period is covered, as was also the
previous periods, by the Mercury
equinox, and by the Earth's ar
tunnel equinox, near its centre
date and ; influence. Whatev
character of storms are in progress
during the period, 16th. to 21st,
Sunday the 18th, to Wednesday the
else, will bring the culminating
crisis of the period.
Train robbers held up the C. P.
R. Imperial Limited near Mission
Junction, British Columbia. They
compelled the engineer and fireman
to cut the express and mail car
from the train and run these off
for some miles, then they plunder-
ed the two cars at their leisure.
They got away with about $5,000
or $6,000 from the express safe
besides what they got in the regis-
tered mail. This is the first time
that a 0. P. R. train has been held
up for twenty years.
Those at breakfast in the Do-
minion House on Tuesday morning
were rudely disturbed by hearing
wild •cries of distress sounding
down the street. All rushed out
and the cause of the noise was soon
apparent. There in the middle of
the street stood a cow with a rope
around its neck, and on the other
enol of the rope a boy was securely
attached It seems that the cow
had become stubborn and the lad
fastened a rope to her, thinking to
lead her more easily thus. They
had managed to get down the road
quite a distance, when the cow
suddenly turned and made a dash
for home, the boy during this time
having managed to get his feet
tangled in the rope. At every
bound the cow made the boy let
a yell out of him, and the slide did
not end until the Dominion House
was reached. Luckily the boy was
unhurt. «
Special to Teta HERALD.
Mr. Leslie Clemens is attending
the Central Business College, at
Stratford. '
Mr. and Mrs, John Hall and Miss
Jane Hall have returned from their
trip to the West.
Miss Joy Norsworthy was the
guest of Mrs. Joseph Snell, last
Messrs. Oliver Graybiel and Geo
Wambold and Miss Theo Hartleib
are attending the Exeter f High.
Quite a number from this vicini-
ty attended the London fair this
Miss Ethel Kellerman is attend-
ing the London Collegiate Institute.
On Tuesday morning of last week
our citizens were aroused 'from
their slumbers by the cry of fire.
It was soon found out that the
house, owned by Mr. Alf, Tiede -
man, who is now living at the
Bend, was the scene of the confla-
gration. Many willing hands were
soon on the spot, but the fire had
gained too much.' headway, Incen-
diarism is thought to have been
the oatuse of the fire. Mr. Tiede -
man 's
iede-man'sfactory was 'burned last fall,
Special to Trn. HERALD.
Mr. Erb attonded the funeral of
his mother at Brantford last week,
Mrs. Crompton, of Carlisle, is the
guest of her daughtex, Mrs. R. E.
Mrs. W. S. Chisholm spent a
week with friends in London . and
Mr, II. Eilber, M. P. P., spent a
few days in ;Toronto recently on
Mr. IIy. Beaver has purchased
the house and lot lately occupied
by Mr, Sam. Silber,
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Beaver and
Mr. C. W. Gilmour, attended the
Toronto exhibition last week.
Mr. Robt. Margerson, of Detroit,
renewed acquaintances in town
last .week.
Miss Simpson, of Seaforth, has
been engaged to teach the lower
room of our school.
Messrs. Ira Brown and Moses
Feist attended the Toronto exhibi-
tion for a few days last week.
Twenty.nine students are attend-
ing the Goderich Model School.
The farmers in Huron County
who subscribed stock for the Huron
Packing and Cold Storage Co, wore
surprised to receive a call for six
per cent. as many of them had been
made to believe if the company did
not float a call would not be made,
nor did they see the copy of the
agreement. The farmers will keep
out of stock taking and ge more
in for live stock in future. A. little
"cold storage" will be needed be-
fore some subscribers will pay the
Mrs. Stinson, of Bayfield, who
had been visiting friends in Gode-
rich, and had been suffering from
an attack of appendicitis, died on
Wednesday morning last.
D. McDonald, agent for Adam
Beck, recently purchased large
timber limits containing large
quantities of soft elm from 'August
Warren and August Heist, of the
wnship of Stephen. Mr. Beek
es this timber in the making of
Mrs. John Gould, of the 4th con.,
Hay, had the misfortune to fall off
a chair, while cleaning windows
the- other day, breaking the bone
of her right arm below the elbow.
The fracture has been set but she
has suffered considerable pain
The staamer Abereorn was near-
ly totally destroyed by fire in the
Goderich harbor on Monday of last
week. The fire is supposed to have
been caused by the explosion of a
lantern. The loss will be about
$4000, which is covered by insur-
Mr. F. E Darn, manager of the
Sovereign Bank. Exeter, had tiie
misfortune to have his automobile
burned on a recent Sunday during
his absence in Toronto. Messrs.
Connor Bros. hau the machine out
in the country near Chiselhurst,
when by senile means it caught fire
from the fire box and was burned
in a short time, there being no
means at hand with which to ex-
tinguish the blaze. It was totally
destroyed, but was partially cover-
ed by insurance.
If the dairy suffers from lack of
labor and low prices, the. poultry
yard is helping to make up for it.
Eggs are dear enough and any old
hen brings a good return. A great
many chickens are being raised—
far more than ever before. It. is
stated upon good authority that
'one Canadian firm sold no less than
ten thousand incubators during
the present season. The poultry
industry is a growing one, and
worthy of the attention of every
farmer in the land.
While engaged in threshing grain
on the farm of Alexander Badour,
m Goderich township„ Fletcher
McCartney was burned to death.
Fire was noticed in an old stack
near the barn, and soon spread
rapidly. McCartney was the owner
of the machine, and was trying to
haul it out of the barn, 'when the
flames rushed in, enveloping him.
He died about three hours after
from the effects of the revere burns
he received. The barn • was com-
pletely destroyed. Mr. McCartney
was married and leaves a large
'An event of more than ordinary
significance took place in Hensall;'
on the afternoon of Tuesday, Sept.
6th, it being the occasion of the
marriage of Mrs. Ella Scott, of
Hensall, sister of Mrs. (Rev.) Shaw,
to Mr. John McArthur, the well
known hardware merchant of
Hensall, Mrs. McArthur is. the
eldest daughter of Mr. Geo. Gregg,
of Clifford. The marriage cere-
mony was performed by the Rev,
E. A. Shaw, of the Kippen circuit,
assisted 'by Revs. Dr. Medd and
VOL. Sniith, of Hensel'. The bride
and groom spent their honeymoon
in Toronto and other points.
Stu, scribe for Tin HERALD,
1 have a few new setts of
which 1 will sell at cost for the
next ten days.
Now is your time to get
before taking stock on the igth inst. at
We have• large stock of
that we will sell to your advantage. We have
this season, the
PU12111NA slob
A. shoe worth living in. We solicit your patron-
age because we know we can satisify
you and give you value for
........your money......
L N D E R, & Co.
Eggs taken in exchange for Goods.
But we are still here at the old Stand and strongly fortified
in our "KOPJE" and will sell all lines of Stoves, Hardwares etc.,
At - ost
Septa ') th
Fall and Winter
Our stock of Dress Goods this season is
the most handsome and newest yet shown by
us, both for quality and style.
The very newest that could be bought.
These are worthy of your attention.