HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-09-16, Page 5Ir•.' -tom'• 4n2R;!:SMiShr.14%. `'Alhti PtfUtk"'. s% +'" CS M' ..rig s+ 1 srvt�dlirW:“,:,i.s'r,,ti5irYi;':, 'ris rr.'• ",425.1:,' b' p. r Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. . HOFF >; i..4; ton.; a'ti +P a; . •: 9'x:.`6,7.,. The Zurich Herald„ Water carts are not always a convenience, as was demonstrated most completely the other day, re- marks the London Free Press. A couple of ladies, who were probab- ly farmers' wives, and did not know the tricky ways of the water - lug carts, were walking up Rich- mond street from the south. In .company with hundreds they had come to see the big Fair, and were taking in the shops and other sights of London on the side. At the corner of Dundas and Talbot ::streets the two ladies in question -started to cross the street, but, un- fortunately, a watering cart began to do the same at the same time. 'The cart was not "running." That is, it had soaked the stretch behind it completely, and was now pro- -deeding to new ground. The ladies did net notice that the crossing in `front of them had not yet been sprinkled, and they waited only for the hind wheels of the cart to pass over before they crossed in its wake. One will never see a resi- dent of London do the same thing. . 'They are wary. But the country ladies stepped confidently in the roar of the watering machine, and the next moment they were water- ed so completely as any street ever was. They retired in much con fusion. Dodged the Blow, Bishop Henry C. Potter tells a story of a clergyman out west who 4.tddressos a Sunday school class. After a short discourse he. wound up by saying in a very paternal and condescending way : "And now is there a -a -n -y little 'boy or a -a -n -y little girl who would like to ask a question?" Getting no response; the repeated his query, and then a shrill, piping, little voice in the rear of the room, called out : "Please, sir, why did the angels walk. up and down Jacob's ladder when they had wings?" "Ah —yes—I see," said the non- plussed preacher, and now is there a -a -n -y little boy or girl who would like to answer little Mary's ques- tion?" W. C_ T. U. Drink and Crime, Rev. George Warren, chaplain of the Missouri penitentiary,says that ont of 2,279 convicts in the prison •eft the time he made an investiga- tion, 85 per cent of the entire num- ber came there directly through the influence of liquor, and that 5 per cent of the remainder came there indirectly from the salve cause. That is, 2,000 of the con- victs in Missouri penitentiary is the result of the licensed liquor traffic in, that State. A Dowieite Indicted. Whitby, Sept. 12.—Marshall Har- mon, a Dowieite farmer, of .Brock township, appeared before Judge McIntyre to answer a charge of criminal neglect in refusing; to call in a doctor to attend his wife, and, instead, invoking the prayers of "Rev." Eugene Brooks, a Dowieite preacher. The woman died, and Harmon was arrested. He was found gu'lty and is awaiting sen- tence. Rev. Eugene Brooks had a preliminary hearing before the police magistrate, and was com- mitted for trial. Born. O'B1uJ N.—In Zurich, on Wecines- Sept. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien, a son. ARM FOR SALE.—In tbo Township of Hay, being lot 28, eon. 15, 100 acres, clear, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation, plenty of water, an overflowing well at the back end of the farm, there is also a good brick house and barn with stables- underneath, a large driving shed and other outbuildings, a good orchard, also convenient to schools, churches and post office, 2 utiles from Lake Huron, 4 miles from Zurich. For par• tieulars apply on the promises or to Blake 1?, 0. MRS. MARY STELeaC. 7 -1m -pd A local salesman for Zurich, Ont., and surrounding territory to Represent "CANADAS GREATEST NURSERIES" Newest Varieties, and Specialties in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Ornamentals and Roses. A permanent situation, and territory reserved for the right man. Pay weekly, handsome outfit free. Write for particu- lars, and send 25 cents for our pocket microscope, just the thing to use in exam- ining trees and plants for insects. Stone 8. Wellington, FONTHfLL NURSERIES. OVER 800 AcuEs. Toronto, Ont Low Rates to the West via GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. Effective (daily) September 15th to October 15th inclusive 1904. Cheap one way second class Colon- ist tickets will be on sale from all stations in Ontario to all points on the line of the Great Northern Railway in Montana, Idaho, Ore- gon, Washington, also to Victoria Vancouver, Westminster,Rossland, Nelson, and other points in British Ooluinbia. For full information as to rates, time of trains, also berth rates in Tourist Sleeper, also literature on application to Chas. W. Graves, Diotrict Passenger Agent, 10 ging St. East, Toronto, Ont. 7-oc15 Township of Hay Court of Revision NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a Court will be hold, pursuant to win O'N1•Ahtro VOTER'S LISTS AOT, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court . of the County of Huron, at the Town Hall, Zurich, on Wednesday, the Twenty-eighth day of September, A. D.,1904, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to hear and determine the several ,complaints of errors and ommis- sions in the Voter's List of the Municipali- ty of the Township of Hay for 1904. All persons having business at the Court are require.' to attend at the said time and place. Dated at Zurich, this 10th day of Sep- tember, 1904, Finn HESS SR., Tp. Clerk. FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—I offer my 170 -acre farm for sale at a r.asonable price and easy terms or will rent to a good man for a term of years. Apply to S-tf J. C. KALBFLEISCII, Zurich 1'. 0. FIFTY-EIGHT MILLION. Montrral, Sept. 12.—The Ogilvie Flour Mills Company confirms its previous estimates of the Manitoba wheat crop, 58,000,000 bushels. Harvesting is about completed un- der favorable conditions. There has been practically no frost dam- age. Estimates of total crop for the Dominion, including all pro- vinces of Canada, 72,000,000 bush- els.. Estimated requirements of home . consumption and seed, 36,000,000 bushels. The balance will be available for export. 25 cents pays for THE HERALD to the end of the year. Iia ! Iveryody. Why not get your tires set cold? It does away with burnt rings and blistered paint, , • We Have The HENDER.SON Tire Setter which does the work in a few min- utes time. One tritfl will convince you. We do good Horse -shoeing and neat repairing OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. 50 YEARS' ♦ EXPERIENCE es” TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. • Anyone sending a sketc.n and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Ilandbookon Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn do Co. recelvo epectal notice, without ahargo, In the Scientific 31i eats A handsomely illostratcd weekly. Largest etr- ciliation of any scientific journal. Terms. 0 a year; four months, $L Sold byall newsdealors. MDNN & Co.361Droadway, New cork 'Branch Office. a'•- ' 4t.. W,� shineton. L, C. Sold by All Newsdealers vittm Furnishes Monthly to all lovers of Song and Music a vast volume of New, Choice Copyright Compositions by the most pop- ular authors. 64 Pages of Piano Music, half Vocal, half Instrumental -21 Complete Pieces for Piano—Once a Month for 25 Cents. Yearly Subscription, $s.00. If you will send us the name and address of Frvn performers on the Piano or 0gran Ave will send you a copy of the Magazine Free. J. W. PEPPER, Publisher, Eighth ! LoctistSts., Philadelphia. Pm. Inrean 1Plon7 fzh'In 0 ,.p 1 v 4 vf:,: 444 There is big profit i n raising poultry if you go about it to the right way. Half - measures mean only half•profits. If you would get the full profit out of this fruitful department of your farm you must work under the best conditions: You can do this only when Brooder. We positively you use a Chatham Incubator and and we sell it on the mot liberal it to ev eooffered by any manufacturer. We will ship you—freight prepaid by us—a We know Of no offer wecould Chatham incubator make that would more thor- ou hey prove our confidence and faith init. If the Chat- without one cent of cash from you until Oct., 1904 ham Incubator is not all we claim for it you aro not out one cent. Chatham Incubators are made Just as good as money and skill can make them, We haven't stinted in anything. The hidden parts are as strongly made and as well finished as the parts you see. They are built to stand the hardest kind of wear and give the very' best of Service. The embody every real improvement known in the manufacture of Incu- bators. Cut out the coupon in the corner of this Cd.,orwrite your name and address on a postal card and mail it to us for full particulars of our offer. Do it to -day. pap. tion this M. CAMPBELL FANNING MILL CO., Limited DEPT. IMO CHATHAM, ONT. Manufacturers of Chatham Incubators and Brooders. nlstributing Warehouses at . Montreal, Quo.; Brandon, Man.; Calgary, Alta; Vancourer,ll.o.; Halifax, N.B. Factories at Cltatham, Ont., and Detroit, Mich. Also Manufactniers of the tamotts Campbell Fanning Mills. 101 a. ', 0 k Ci •'e M. CAMPBELL PANNIN&i MILL CO. Limited CHATHAM, ON'l, DieVr. au) Please send your descrip- tive Catalogue of the Chatham Incubator,together with allinfor• motion about your special offer, Whereby no cash will be paid until October, rgo4. Retme • P.O. Address .....•....,.wx.dF swn.4.r.71. w, direareae. al7euay Station, ...,..•.,.,µ„rel, volts& Address all tattoo to Clutdtam; OM. •.M F7-1RMERS �= - T have in a fine lino of FLOUR of the noted Star Brands, such as Star Family Flour, THREE STAR AND FIVE STAR PATENTS. —: made of :-- Pure "Ylanitoba Wheat aZatch less a''esa, Sla.crts a c Rock and Dairy Salt, Stock and Poultry Foods Cream Equivalent, Oil Cake and Linseed Meal always on hand. Your Patronage Solicited. C. SCF AIG9 m ,., Z rich If so, how are yori going to sell it? IRST you must make public the fact that it is for sale. If you are old-fashioned iu your methods [or in other words, behind the tines] you will prob- ably tell your friends about it, or put a board up on the property with the words "For Sale” on. it. After you have waited a long time you finally come to the conclusion that Real Estate is not In demand, although at that very time there are hundreds of people in different parts of the country who would be glad to buy your property at a fair price if they only knew about it. UR method of doing business has caused a complete revolution in the Real Estate business, FIRST, because it is entirely differ- ent from the methods heretofore existing. SECONDLY, because it is reasonable, thoroughly practicable and up-to-date. And THIRD- LY, because it is wonderfully successful. By our method of advertis- ing full particulars of your property can be brought to the attention of more than half a million people. The Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. E. ZELLER, General Agent Zurich, Ontario :4itlife ..ti ,1. MONS' t' Tw"1:49;a 5fi srsl.9t,:!i?gtr'b k,4 sx;F,p:,' r iV/'AV-4,410 SYl *i',X" 'r iii! zi r• ElffaMlitt IN THE LAN OF O'''PORTUNITY Pir The G REA NIRT RAILWAY E N ANNOUNCES LOW ONE WRY COLONIST IRTES Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, 19®4. Fron St. Paul TO /t. From Chicago Hinsdale, Mont 18.00 i}7 8.00 Chinook, Great Falls, Helena, Butte, ) Anaconda, Kalispell, Mont and inter -1-20.00 30.00 mediate stations .. Libby Creek, Mont., Spokane, Wenat-1 (� chee, Walla Walla,, Wash.; Pendleton J} 22 50 30.50 and Umatilla, Ore., The Kootenai. , , Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Vanvcover, 1 90l Victoria, Puget Sound points; Ash -5.00 33.0 III land, Oregon and intermediate points MAX BASS, General Immigration Agent, Sao 60. CLARK ST„ CHICAGO, ILL. F. i. WHITNEY, Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agent, ST, PAUL, MINN. PALL FAIRS, ZURICH ... September 21-22 London ... , ...... " 0-17. Exeter .... " 19-20. Seaforth... " 22-23. Goderioh 27-28. Parkhill " 27-28. .Ailsa Craig " 27-28, Bayfield st 29-30. Blytb. ........October,11.-12. Tali H111Ra.LI to the end. of the year for 25 ots, to new subscribers, raririn for Sale. 210 acres on the Sanble line, Hay Tp., about 30 acres of good bush, good dwell- ing and large brink;barn. Plenty of good water. For further particulars apply on the premises, Lob 13, L; R. West, or to Daniel Smith, St. Josep t% 0. Ont. 506f CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE: ---Wo have v a large number of First Class Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph,which will be sold at reasonable prices. For particu- lars apply to 48-tf Mager, & Bzanera, Zurich. •