HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-09-09, Page 88 The Zurich Herald, New atelier hNr, p. I wish to inform the Public that I have purchased the Butcher- ing business of John Sahafor and �vil1 continue the business nt The Old Stand. I will carry in stock all kinds of Meats and -will give my Caste - niers the Best Value obtainable. Terms Cash. arry Yangbli.A7 Zurich = = Ontario. J. - . WISMER Horse Shoer and CE BA BLACK -SMITH Verity Plow Rapairs al= ways on hand. All work promptly otteo ot1 to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. fleisch's MILLS. CREDITON Special to Talc I-DritALD. Mrs. (Dr.) Haist, her sister, Miss Walker and niece, Miss, Thompson attended the exhibition. at Toronto. The Ladies' Aid of the Evangeli- cal church gave an .entertainment in the Town Hall last Friday even- ing; Mr. 11. K. Eilher has returned from. his trip up the lakes. . Rev. Henderson, pastor of the Methodist -church: here, has return- ed after a two Weeks' stay at Sara- toga Springs. Miss Sohneidor, of Detroit, is the guest of her friend, Miss Emma Tres:;. Tho Evangelical parsonago has received a fresh coat of paint, which greatly improves its appear- ance.. Tlie Misses McBee, of London, were the guests or Miss Olivia Iioltzmnin for a few days last week. Miss Laura Ran is visiting her parents for a few weeks. Te newest in Waist goods. Those are worthy of your attention. D. fitcinbat'ii, Zurich. COUNTY NEWS. Seaforth will likely have a bra new skating rink. Efforts aro in; nestle to form a company built ono and it is proposed make it a most modern structu The Waverly hotel, Clinton, li a narrow escape from destruCti by lire the other morning. T soot from a chimney backed up t smoke which caused consifcrab (lamaee t:) newly papered a painter] rooms. A brakeman named John 1'IeDe toott,ef Stratford was killed at illi ton t: sot i en Wednesday afternoo He was one cif the crew of the eas 1)011711] freight, which was shuntin in the yard, azul while drawing;; coupling• lain the engine back down upon him crushing hint death. The body was awful mangled and the poor fellow dieinstantly. He was 34 years of a; The death took place, on Sunda 'S.ug. •th, of an aged and ?nueexpected lady in the person lIrs. Mary McDonald, relief of tl ate Jame, McDonald, of this tow hip, at the advanced age of ea_•s, 10 months and 20 days. Tl mmediate cause Of death wt ]Part failure. She has bee ltroughout her life favored wit emurkably good health, and it my since old. age overtook. he ]at she has been at all unwel p to a few hours previous to he oath sale was in her usual goo ealtli. She, with her husband who predeceased her some years, had been for many years residents of Hay township. She leaves a gown up family. The funeral took place of Tuesday from. the residence of her daughter, Mrs. John Gould, to the Exeter cemetery and was largely attended, Mrs. John Gould, 4th eon., had the misfortune to fall off a chair, while cleaning windows the other day, breaking the 1)0110 of her right arm] below the elbow. The bone has been set, but she suffers con- siderable pain therefrom. The Metropolitan Hotel Property, Exeter, Was sold under mortgage on Saturday, Aug. 27th, to Mr, James Campbell, of Hibbert, the price paid being $2550. The ad- joining lot at the West side of the hotel was sold to Mr. Win. Bag- shaw, for $50. nd be - to to re. ad on he ho le 1d r- n- t - g iL ea to ly _ d Council met as a Court of Revis- e. ion on Monday re Zurich Drain. y, J. H. Wiswer and 0. Greb had ap- h pealed against their assessment. of The following changes were made ie in their assessment : n- E% 14, 15, K. �., raised from 75 $7.00 to f,,12 50; E?/ 15, from $12.00 ie to *20 00 ; NE?.k 14, froth. $1.80 to is ,;3.130 ; Sn X 14, K. S., from $1 l!0 to n *3.80 ; SE?.< 13 K. S., from $1.80 to h $3.30 ; NE,S} 13 K. S., from $1.60 to is 3.50 ; W, 10 K. S., from $12.00 to ✓ $17.00 ; E pt M res. R, $2.00 ; M res. 1. B, from $6,00 to $10.00 ; pt 21, 3. ac, ✓ from $8,00 to $10. ; .E pt 21, from. d $5. to $1.0.: lot 5 and 0, V. S., re- , luted from *1.0.75 to $5.75 ; lot 4, V. S., from 56.50 to $4. ; lot 1, V. S., from $22. to *17. ; pt lot 21, % acro, from +12- to $10. ; M res. G, from $4.50 to $3.50 ; M res, F, from *4.50 to 3 50, and that the roads be as- ses•ed $70.00 instead of *05.00, The Council decided to extend the covered drain to the "Zurich Drain South" and ordered the as- ses meat against the roads to he charged to the Police Village of Zurich. A iter passing a number of ac- counts to the amount of $227.255 the Council adjourned to° meet again on Saturday,, Out. 3rd, at 2 3?. M. curred about two miles west of Schreiber. A search party Sent out front that town failed to find any twice of the unfortunate until. Id. J. Rutland, Manager of the Winkler Manitoba branch of the Bank etf fcupilton, has been placed under Br ost pending an investiga- tion of his books. There is said to be a shortage of several thousand dollars, Rutland bears a splendid reputation in Winkler district,, 'where ho has lived for fifteen years, elf, K, Cowan, M. P., for South Essex declines to be a, candidate for the Liberals at the next elee- tion. A convention will be called on. the 12th Inst, to elect a succes- sor to Mr, Cowan. The fair board of London is Mak- ing preparations for the reception of Premier Ross next • Tnesday, when the new dairy building will be opened by the Premier. Already the list of those who will be invit- ed to the luncheon in the Premier's honor has been mudo up.It is not improbable that the Labrador boundary difficulty be- tween Newfoundland on the one hand and Can:(ala and the Province of Quebec on the other may be re- ferrred to the Imperial Privy Coun- eil for settlement. There is at old statute providing for the reference to that tribunal when a dispute arises between two colonies in re gar(' to a' mat ter of Imperial con cern. The dspartncent of jnstie e favors such a reference as prefer able to a long and costly arbitra tion. A Wabash Ilailaoad passenger train,south-hanicl from Des Moines to St. Louis, was wrecked near Pendleton, Mo.. on Tuesday, killing seven passengers and injuring. 25 others. The cause of the wreck has not been determined, but it is thought that a broken wheel de- railed a passenger coach, which jumped the track and dragged the dining, car with it. HAY COL`NC[L MEETING. Planingand a FO, I i. -All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates 1 given for all kinds of buildings. s A full stock of F. C. Red Cedar r Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. t Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills la and Water Troughs. Mills Lith Con., Lot 25. 3. C. Kallofieisch Zurich P. CERTAINLY. You need a nice pair of CUFF LINKS OR BUTTONS fifty cents and np • buys the "genuine" article. I now show a fine line of Watches, Clocks and Jewel l ryo Also Musical Instruments Fine repairing my hobby, let me have your "PLTZZLER5." Prices right. F. W. HESS T H E JEWELER. We make a specialty of Repairing. Mr. Thos. Dearing narrowly escaped serious injury while get- ting off a moving train the other morning. He had gotten on the train to bid his daughter good bye, a practice too often indulged in by people, and as the train was 131.0V- ing out, and had gained consider- able speed he attempted to get off with the result that he was thrown to the ground and sustained a rather bad shaking up. GE NERAL NEWS. A mountain of hard coal has been rchased by P. Burns & Co., of rento, for $320,000. The Proper - is in the Misty Range, 46 • males st of Okotoks, Alta.., and. corn- ises 16,000 acres It was cliscov- ed by an explorer, Julius Rickart, old time prospector. Lord Minto will ride to Saska- n, not to Prince Albert, from dmolttcl, leaving tate last iuen- taned place on Sept. 10, He ex- )eet, to reach Saskatoon about Het 22, but in order to make the rip in that time he will have to ear yin tztile1 a day. '4Tr hile his dship is travelling across the Lirie, tidy is into and her tighter will comp out at the C'n'- pit To ty wo pri an too Your Bueisy needs a new Top,. E new Cushion or perhaps re -paint- t ing. We guarantee you a neat and p e.•- t ....ffectjob co' for We have a number of l)z` da Appelle Lakes. • She rejoin NEW BUGGIESIber del left, also two handsome Mikados, pia hnst:)and tit Ito 'ins, and their )artare from there will take ce about Sept. 23. fter having handed his money A Call and see them, to a wotnain for safe -keeping, a harvest hand jumped through a window of a, toad] attached to the Imperial Limited on Monday. The man, who is supposed to be James Wacker, of Nova Scotia, has' not OiltaruoY been seen since,, The inoide.at oc» F. Hess & Son. Zurich Change in business. Great clear- ing sale till 20th Sept. at 0. Hart- le] b's. D. S. Faust has a prize of three fancy bowls given with every pound of Baking Powder. Lord Minto has officially notified the Government of the selection of Earl Grey as Governor-General. It is expected that the new Viceroy will arrive about Oct. 25111. Lord Minto will leave on Oct. 21st. Barn. Burnt. On Tuesday evening about 6 o'clock the fine bank bean belong- ing to Mr. John Mousseau of the 4th Concession Hay, was destroyed by fire, together with the season's crop. The loss to Mr. Mousseau will be very heavy althougl.both barn and contents were insured. The fire is supposed to have been caused by the heating of damp grain. Toady Made Snits at low prices. D. B. Faust. Oar full stock of Trunks and Valises at cost till 10th Sept. Clubbing rates. We htt.ve made arrangements tiro following low clubbing rates with Tim Hr:InALU : Daily Globe $ 4.25 Mail 8s Empire 4.25 2_, eekly Globe 1.75 „ 8e Empire 1.75 :Berliner Journal (Gorman) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Free Press '3.25 Weekly Free Press 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.40 Weekly Advertiser _ 1.50 Weekly Sum 5.75 l'armer's Ad-Vocato 2.25 1 have a few new setts of LE I -172i k. go Which I Will self(at cost for next ten d ys. Now is your time to get HARDWARE, �j���,% [�� IN. Il BARD V't� ARE, STO ES AND D TIN= WARE. he before taking stock on the 19th inst. at C. 61 E 95 iiAR ZURICH, RAE ONTARIO. We have large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER G OD that we will sell to your advantage. We have this season, the A shoe worth living in. We solicit your patron- age because we know we can satisify you and give you value for ........your BENDER & Co. Zurich. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. But we are still here at the old Stand and strongly fortified in our "KOPJE" and will sell all lines of Stoves, Hardware etc., At FOR CASH, UNTIL Ne? girl st THE EXPERIENCED HARDWARE MAN, ZURICH Mi 1 For tile next Thirty days we Will ' offer , t special prices the balance of our Summer Go ds. There will be lots of hot We,. Cher yet. 5 you will be able to make ;se of hese goods. C, H and get vices. r ZURICH 9 TARIOE