HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-09-09, Page 5The Zurich Herald - An Interesting :Boot, Inventors and manufacturers are frequently puzzled to know just how to proceed to protect their inventions and much valuable time is lost in • acquiring. information [required. There is probably no profession in which technical ques- tions are' of • such frequent occur- rence as in patent soliciting, and 'there is no field of speculation in ~which greater care should be. exer- -cisod before deciding upon a course • of action. A valuable invention, when prop- erly protected by Letters Patent, procured by qualified technical 'experts, means a fortune to its lucky owner, but the same inven- •tion patented by unskillful persons may be practically of no value. The reason for patent monopoly ; 'possibility of secret use of an in- vention ; nature and polio, of patents ; tine required to procure •a patent and the course and treat- ment of an application in the •patent office are interestingly dis- cussed in a recent publication issu- ed by Messrs. Marion & Marion, Patent Solicitors of Montreal and called ['The Inventor's Adviser." In addition to giving a summary of the law and practice relating to patent matters, the book contains a large number of court decisions relating to patent lav both in. Can- ada, the United States and other 'countries. null. much interesting matter not to be found elsewhere. The book is issued to :answer plea - lions of frequent "occur re nee relat- ing to patents and inventions, and will be of great servie.' to lnann- fautturers and inventors. The price of the book is One Dollar, but the have nude arrange- ments so that olrr t7bscriber+ will be supplied with col;iei alt 2-i ('cuts (t111)1'tn•illecl they name this 1r.:1)cr when v ritIng to Marlon & ,<iar 'n of aTOntrral, for copies.. FARM FOR SALE.—In the Township of Hay, being lot 28, con, 15, 100 acres, clear, well fenced and in a good , state of cultivotion, plenty of wager, an overflowing well at the back end of the farm, there is also a good brick ilonse and barn with stables underneath, a large driving shell and other outbuildings, a good orchard, also eonvenient to schools, Churches and post office, 2 miles from Lake Huron, 413 miles from Zurich. For • par- tienlars apply on the premises or to Blake P. 0. kiss. MARY S'rinoic. 7 -1m -pd W, T, What One. Glass of Rum Did. Ho ! Everybody. Why not get your tires set cold? It does away with burnt rims and blistered paint. We liave The,...... A local salesman for Zurich, Ont., and surrounding territory to Represent 4AEANABAS GREATEST NURSERIES" Newest Varieties, and Specialties in Hardy fruits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Ornamentals and Roses. A permanent situation, and territo; y reserved for the right man. Pay weekly, handsome outfit free. Write for particu- lars, and send 25 cents for .our pocket microscope, just the-thingto use in exam- ining trees and plants for insects. Stone re. Wellington, FONT1'11LL NURteERIES, ovra 800 ACRES. Toronto, Ont Low Rates io the West via GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. -- Effective (daily) September 13th to October nth inclusive 1904. (']leap ono Way sacolll class Colon- ist tickets \\'ill be on Sole from all stations in Ontario to all points on the line of the Great Northern 13viltway in i+'Inntana, Idaho, Ore- gon, Washington, also to Victoria Vancouver, W stmninster.Ii.osslan(1, Nelson, ::11+1 other points in B' itish Uililliilhj:t. For frill infornw ton ns to rate's, time o'1' tr 3.'n`,,, also bt'rtll rates in rL`otl:'ist S i(?e : r, also litem tore on application to (.".has. W. Graves, Dietrict• .1'e.eq.ruAer Agent, 10' Bing St, I+net, Ttl'un to, Ont. i-Otq..) A sailor olive :1)c,1 :1 lit)`.tr; tr, C...[1. X1:57:; ;o o% .A,p_1`.es. 0large arelien t_y .Il 11F15. T • don't lino w howt , ..r i t a ;;t'e'll , rl'ttt' (" laitions um ler which Ors /mt 1\Calif tt) toil ):1 "t,'Y,tt t',i:• lass of roni dill t 1:e. .F 1. tt1 ct :!al)aal V1 T5l 1 at11 •-11t? co !:-.‘t.1.13 br..'tt.'r 'C.,.5 t' no!to 11't' wore i ;C,) 5::i, '!.. � 1'.1t1 11)'1' v.i:, oil two ( r+',l''t: on i)1 ,1, cloo ait:itt it v•;;;,•; 1'.• l:F.•t ee 10.104ii, l t') 'twat:•i, it .'t 11' 1 lt. Pull tl 1) ,,.a',.1 1,• ll :1') t;;l+o 011.:, ;.fl:.. t,° rl'Ot t0 In 111 hill; [•111•,)1'[•"'1 •.. 110 was 1) •t . need ttolitt'ar1r, .i ')ve'1', le• n ,, andand5.111i1. in 1c, a 1','aw, ..;['ell. '.i. .1 ni'rl-r Iht!.at- ;Ih~ t<., 'alt 1;1 vi ; t'i•1 1 1't't''.. i 10.11c, tee. +)r t. 1'ttie 1' :1rlp' )tih 1nY't tin (,t'3:•,•, fill• 11'•' r»: z;;. 1r0ttletl with t'!..! e .i'l wovon. A,; t.•1.' tt lr=)l stro t',wave-;. ono.: t t t tt? little onia,nn .'i.: .,,ve. irr r. lime. toe otl;i't• ';tttbt +-uc. ;,:;•, swept i:'ton the :arm; o1' tit',' a)tttl of"r cls rli- •t:-t'r; 1') t i?t\'u .-t f).'(' -re:. A'+"t) h:IV:I:O.. (01 witi)t'. st'trni wed _ the iw 1 e rt' a took.. ell 't n; J 11,fo and +fat :Y,t1d. in death. sir t'rt;•le:d o)1 antl lnutlt, Int' way 10 the h1t'r: tl. rt'11t.'+h inlull. that 'ray -wile, n1'^rilttre'.il and all t lent ill the y, n' 1, .;".tl ~wore SIVItitlie:l away front 1110 by one gas of run." 1'i ::,e pt. 11.11 are welcome, oyster, and we la la.6'1 see you well, and we 12[11)[.! 1`'tn won't be glen -why, but will open np your tiik'i1, for yttl'.ee had a long vac LC1011 and ' 1)1 n,•e 1 t e. t *:t of a r)le5 tiir• carried o.lt lt'ts been 1 it .1 .ler:tlr;' the past tvrt) ye,: '5 the i l,`•n;rtal.'llt of A,2'rintllt' .'tl, .t( C.10 lt';. • .1.n , tihi:i fr,iitay til11 1 1- ll; 1: ...Allele year r.)+Intl. „r.t•_ .:i 11`t:, ',ry l different vtt) .t ties in. (.'ler 1') nlu1:r' It aap;oe1,. that t1i re is lei 1 ;;.;111 t' t.,.. +ver in s:or'nt, a'n- 700,4 i'1 1 ho antnnin c11,1 l; epim l:All late tiro following ,eng. All. ;lett L'i a1ptittroi t'w 15 to hoop an (vra.1.`lie ; jn,5t about i'lt a ..,ht )1,)'ll. i:itht' mcist satisfzL('tul'r. M011 5 S t'll C'uatw of the very '1 t at al 1c'ltt.('oulablo 1n100. 1). e`,^i. Faust. e'+toZet fi,00 ;'or w2s.00 till Sept. 2.0tii at 1Iarticib s. The neeessity 101 1'tin111nt,, L wire I into tin) E1. Ill) earth at every five or ::ll; posts in building wire fences e v 41..,nt. The young loan who it \ '('ciwtt:l an eleciric Shcek from . let;n'o'.i' with ono hand on a wire reeve during the stor'.11 last week, ' ! herr 1 IL. rtey nconsvious ft'1' as Ltl<i:aLeS. (1Litie', Wad tither .•,:'11,1R, Ts l; ng l: slat[ 0 wire• fence t have le.; n killed by hientning in the some way' n5 he was shoi'la'ed. ° Sinking, 0 wire into the earth 's good protection. $'1.0m this danger. ~we've missed you (ltlite a spell, - Subscribe for Tux HERALD. yup 'WCti1Ct10 oa S2pno 1P SSa2ppy stos/nts• ,Lialz>,avy IsAtv7N sssrPPY 'o'. 81![511" 'i•06x t2artoaa0 !pun Ped aq Mina gstto os (ga at{nt 2ago ttttnadS 4no.0 )nogv uoiu.oi •ao3ui11e glrnt as glaSatt,tolugnaul Aim a(11Io an otuatl;I ant) 44.11.1:40p moo pups ovual,l . 001 •[fir a '3L1J(1 .va V1$,Lvii•1n 1)a3!u41`I °00 "1 I11'T •111 FaN DE•RSON Tire Setter which does the work in a few min- utes time. One trial will convince you. We do good 1-lorse-shoeing and neat repairing....... OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry . t) We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Wolk. TAILORING IN CONNECTION w1.1. ld. 11 A ?`•Cz�b�''�':�.,:'E� tt�"°,alt•�yT'A`JW: ."a a:..3•.�' a ti Truieot igToirris !•nr"ir.c qt1 Jit\ n nt.is; '„1 >au,n etnt at.nd)r,e,e1:cr%il,ul.'tiru tIt31 -❑tl 4)1,.'1.1 7% 1? i. t'y• t-1 t' ,441,4441O4.44. !7•ault.•,ok Ln) t t..ntN Ewa' In,. f;I .4+t t. s t f•4.• 4.4-044414-.41g p444 1't144; t ..1 Thr nte': t ltd Ut ., .•Ct ,t .1.3 ii°b:1' ya A F,anesomeic ilFt\+t. nt - )r. S;nr +' pui Atop. of any ootelln., • •••44.-t4,41, '1'rr 41, .4 C„nr: tour numtll.•, yl. +8''11 til n0\1 I t1 ll tt. .091,1 . Haw Veit Tow" e. ..,Linkt loft. a 4. 0. ERS- Iha've in a, fine line of FLOUR of the noted Stan Brands, such as Star Fa fly loor9 THREE STAR AND FIVE STAR PATENTS. --: made of :-- Pure Ilan tuba Moat atchicss`'ecc� Sh.crts a: ..c. Rock and Dairy Salt, Stock and Poultry Foods Cream Equivalent, Oil Cake and Linseed Meal always on hand. Your Patronage Solicited. C. SC I AG, Z rich. 6 f1 If so, how are you going to sell it? IRST you must make public the fact that it is for sale, If you are old-fashioned in your methods [or in other words, behind the times] you will prob- ably tell your friends about it, or put a board up on the property with the ,words "For Sale" on it. After yon II:Lve waited along time you finally come to the conclusion that Real E tate is nut In demand, although lit that very tnTne there are hundreds of people in ilifferent parts of the eountr;' who \-)u1(1 be glact. to 1i1Lv ydnl' property at ;1. ;ttir price if they only know about it. 171.; l•L7I3,1nethod. of doing b inoss has( 1 ,1 -e;l 1L complete revolution in i Vol! the Real Estate business, FIRST, l`ea:se it is entirely differ- ent from the met'x1od:4 heretofore e.:i tin . SECONDLY, because it is reasonable, thoroughly nre ticeble and up -to -'late. incl THIRD. ]•1'L, bOOanSti it 4,14 \,0'ti'r'EaiiII .rile;.t.-.., .111. By ot11' n)otho(l of advertis- ing full particulars c)- your prop i',- ;'an be brongiht to the attention of more than hall a niil:itltl peep' -e. 7."4 1-1 ?1T 1 L'itrtr n s ,t rs I1 u..d #.,•ggFn rgra17, bpp7 �a•Ivpg4f ..•t ._.i.: 1=.d•i:tAl`idc�:t�9.:7A E. Z..a Li LE lililti'(l. CiAia tr='11r13 1)1 .i ' ' e ± {' x" 4 Ontario Solt,'. y All l il''.t VY s eaIetl',.tl I r: "-"itr G,R'F.-••}?,4'.:'[T.°'"•?'"^,lCi'L'e.n.:^'"-'� 'r '.u. Yf a:+.r ;..., yytr.,i,)' ,,, �:J ..i�.. .i, •:Z w:.-:u��l - � PC -'PER.^ wsi jf LAND O POR "UNITY e.•LAVA ' • =t.rnCah, s Monthly to .Il lovers of Song - '.0d Music a vast volume t:f New, Choice Copyright Compositions by the most pop- ular autttors, 64 Pages of i'iarto Itluaac, half Vocal, half Instrumettni1--2t Complete Places for Piano—Ong•• a Month for a5 Coots. Yearly Subscripti :n, $2.00. If you will send us the name aril address of Frau performers on the Piano or Organ, Ire will send num copy of the Magazine Free. J. til. PEPPCR, Publisher, Eiehth & Loca4st5t3., Philadeiuhlr. Pa. ;vr r 1 , • 10T 'smut %allot~;; 100 11113 ,nntttgt 0 1 )q 0t:.m14at)n::t:)4 ""IV °.q•(t t'lt1l 'nN( ,i 1144,414441144,414441.n .1¢ln1: sacn'),lt.5'11'a+41ll,t34 ,ttVt un.mt. \ o1:111 iu:t) Pont) .atnug10 !0 'siopoo.43 pay saott,enaal uttarrut,I Io 8t1t1'Ioltne1.Iu rLNO'iWVHI.tiHO 0451 ',I6I30 'sadrod l),Ont111 i! 0) TUN DIVINT N3!i111adI1V3 14!3 (70tln.'11 •drop -0310 NT ',num ono Jo ri.1iJ tt0r3aud 11313 x[1,1 an o1 'a1 gum pun plea 1ro1serl v 00 swappr pse eurauan.•.( a4la.ttso'p1 sii13 Jn ,rauaco OM tit uodne0 aR1 loo ani •sao3rg -T10111 30 aanlau,inu•t)ur oq1 u;rtatoei :MOM D.tOarl1Ctil1taxS.13.10 Spogttta.kieg7, 1104xas;og9o+ ,Bann our nATsl pu,t avast 3o pulsl ;soptug 0ql 5131138 03 •311130 caro £0(13 'ally CIO tI ru t 0151311 patl4013 NOM 81) pull 0liru2 .tl;tttoa3s we 0413 s1.11.d 110111t11i 011,E 'ylt bq:I Coe ut po)n118 3,110nvq 0$t •(a0g3 °Hunt woo ;;;4s pm: &MOUT sv po03 sz3 3t111f o513t0I 0.113 Atoyeq non= tuu(13 8(J luso ono ono lou eau no.t qt .to; (130)[0 On\ 10 1013 4t 1op3gn,ir num -313110 043 41 '3301 1111133 11113 oouopguoo sun oto.1d 4111:1130 -.10113 0.1001 p;no:?1. pap 01 )ui pinoo GAL .10,330 on;0 81011310� P061 "PO Clan) noS won qse3 go;uao auo;no1.g;1m• urewpaq -5-50 £(1 lsludaJd;412,iaag—Eto1i d[qs !HA aM 4 prize/To acne 4(aSe 1to.1n3013Jnn1311r too q p .1i 3 Petoq;; 350ta elm uo 41 1104 0.0 5(111 .101303131; poo21T oq o3I; oolu1tx11tl2 St0t13tsod oto aaopoo.1a ptr1 •103'etgnonl 13(11(131)(17 13 6110 not flows, /quo sun opt= nor i80o5 paoo [meg cup sopun :loom plata 1104 Tn,iv snot ;o quoor3l icIop tt1 31na; s143 3-0 quo Woad. al t•s31301d-J0)g mumin we OM 00.1 &n1300) -J111R '413A13ti5T.1 e1 13t r� o233no. al d stn d 2alsres 03 ggoad SIeL a; 0x0q,y •sf•',Io.0' RI •W3rt"r vie tbYC'f' .,40r4tl1100t13 y a1 uilog\-c:52 I lrr, ti: T d u e GREAT G R E A ~l R U E R ,zAIx LC LOW rANNOUNCES tN N O U NC ES LO i1 gygl ' ONE V Y COLONIST 3.R Sept. Ll5 to Oct. 15, I9o4n TO Fron S . Poul h.411QV..1 Hinsdale, 1'Ient Chinook, (Treat Falls, Helena, lintte,', :1nar•endn, Kalispell, Mont and inter - 1012 irate stations .... , :Libby (,melt, Ment•„ Spokane, \t`cnttc- Cltee, Walla \1'x111, Wash.; Pendleton and Umatilla, Ore., The Kootenai,,. Scottie, Tacoma, 'Pontoon, Z nvcovet', 1,'It,tot la, Puget Soma 1 points; A .1t - land, Orogen owl intermt diste. points I MAX BASS, (;,metal Immigration Agoilt, 210 50. CLARK ST„ CHICAGO, ILL, ttt lid° h"ts."+wx MENS4 °ttrdo'•.' a's2r a"Lia'0' ,•.,a Za 20.00 22.50 2:i 00 FALL FAIRS, ZURICK '... September 21-22 London • . • • t' 0-17. Exeter .... It 10-20. Seaforth .......... 4 1 22-23. Goderich . • tt 27-28. Parkhill ..... tt 27-28. Ailsa Craig t t N7-28. Bayfield „.• . • '' 29-'30. 131yth ... Oetober.1].--12. T1=IIi1 to the end of the year for 25 ots. to new subscribers. From Chicago e a$4 840 X 19, 0 00 030.50 o. 39 00 1F. 1. WHITNEY. oim, hes. ;11;.1 f l o ret Agent, ST. PAUL, MINN, Farms for Sale. 210 (teres on the Saublo line, Hay Tp., about 30 acre, of good bttsll, good dwell- ing and large bank barn. Plenty of good water. For further particulars apply on the premises, Lot 13, L. R, West, or to Daniel Smith, St, Joseph P. 0, Ont. 50t£ � EDAR POSTS FOR SALE;—We have a large number of First Class Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will be sold at reasonable prices. For particu- lays apply to 48•tf MA(31IL & (3r,11,ua•;it, ZuriglL