HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-09-09, Page 4The Zurich Herald., IS PUBLISHED • `ly TH BSDAT VEXING, BT 1>i. zELLI:it T.'ER)[S OF $UBSCI1:113TION:—$1.00 per year paid stt,stly in advance. 'When the paper is not ordered to be discontinued it will be sent until such order is given a :d at rearages paid. $1,50 to be charged • when not paid in advance. ADVERTISING I ATES.—Trar. s lent eavertisements, 10 Dents per Bitevier line f )r first insertion and 5 cents per line for Each subsequent insertion. Small Advs.. saeh as"Lost" "Estray" or "Stolen will toe charged 50 cents first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Copy for eltange of-ulvertisement mast handed in not later Ilan Tuesday night of each week to insurb change in follow- ing issue. Looal notices in ordinary reading type 5 eents per line, notices for Church en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for column, half -column and quarter -column rates for specified periods will be cheerfully kiven. Address al] communications to E, ZELLER EDITOR, ZL RTcu, P.O FRIDAY, S PTEMUL1;; 9, 1904. $Vital the unseating of John Brown, 1. P. 19., fur North Perth, •the Ross (it.t:•t:•1•:Iln1t'::t 11..;jt)rity 15 -reduced to t'.vo. It almost looks ui if Ross r: i'1i 1 h.: Crt1`1 elle d to step t1O w Il and ')lit aril give ve the ot'2eI .i0710v.• 1 chance. T lie r art) 5L'Vt.,..,1 pending' :Bed the taut- ', o.t t laefortu party is not cue( ,._ la :::as c:aric:.ted • 'i-..... ... a :2.1 will 1:.• "'F Y i 1) 31.1 .+i again. There,e' C. "'t `•i "ir 1'n'!1r'r.� 1 `.:.t A. 13. :r'•....t _. K. (1. \will;:_:„ a ..T 1I) .:1f ti, .,4 L.,, 1.,1. ',1 i.1 ; _ '‘v•,:-.-..1731 • "3• r ..iGt ..,.1. `.n „r:ie21 CIO t: - •Ji:,l a.. 'lit .r -.t tial t,1' t t i Nil .1,i,1 1. of illy. the ( • ss7 1: B, Coghlan, Raleigh, $5,854 61 ; Commander Asa Was Walker, Con- cord, $3,834 01; Commander E. P. Woods, Petrel, $2,849 00 ; Cant. .0, D. Hodgson; McCulloch, $1,754: 20, The amount tiwarded to each of the sailors averages three months' pay• A Winnipeg letter, under date Aug. 30, -says :—It is impossible at present to get a disinterested esti- mate of the extent of the wheat damage. 0, N. Boll, secretary of the Winnipeg Board of Trade, and probably the most reliable statis- tical authority in the West, refuses to give any figures until the wheat has been actually threshed. Like- wise, the Manitoba, Department of. Agriculture refuses to say more than that in the districts inspected i by its officials there has been prac- tically little damage done. How- ! ever, the inspector of Farmers' Institutes for the Territories, who has recently boon over all the wheat districts of his jurisdiction! 'reports the Territorial crop the best in years, anti estimates its probable total at 18,000,000 bushels. Your correspondent has just re- turned from a tour of investigation in northelin Manitoba, where no rust has, appeared, and where the yield is running from 17 to 25 bushels to the aere. It is rather significant that respective reports of the grain dealers and bankers, 'Wilk') have t ogc`tht. r made an c'::eni- sit)il over the wait 11 area, show: a. enneiderahle disparity, ity, al though i). •t 1 agree that the damage has been greatly t xag•e)Itted. In cannot be said that the CM), nit,lis of the English papers cu the itutont of I.-mt1 (grey are very t•'2':''iltr;:nice', T1',' ;'1t'1v'; says that 1t, .. a ajl:'?'o ('!,...,,x . r,a;hitt' and toischittrinaltel.. 1i +'alt' flit' Tl•1 tS )ls 1111 It ala. , 1 c „ t th It '. r t, flans w i t,1 r;tt' t- .l a':.1 i"t . it'>; •", •t)i•a' ;it 11•t' Th ANA 'rlih] 'WEEKLY MONT C1,d RAL We have nlaclo arrangements with The ilernld Publishing Company, of Montreal, whereby ivo are enabled to give The T!EALfJ 1.1 E., The "Magazine -Newspaper," To CL,C/u,^acr'hers to This sr" aper who pay their sub •rii:tious in advance for °bet year. If you are in arr''.r.% send in the amount now clue, with ,$1,s'' :u pay :f year's :,ubacr1P (ton in titivatea, al:.) 't.: mill sora! you abso- lutely free The t1'• ,:Iy \1 ,n::•c.1 Herald for tin .year. If your sUbscrtl: i '.'n not expired, you tray i•rtnit *Lou. :ni.: wo \vial ext:'ad yoq1• ,claierlpilon of:e z regi , h suu t'i rokly Montreal 1. ..i' 4••••'•:, If you are not 11 d'• t. r, ar.nd •a Sow, and tl , i'+i a 7 1 t:t t :i Hxz11i t: act: Glen,, 11!111 17 L for 91(1'lib is • !.'4. Llo. y ...ii 7 l• ,, :our t s„ ('•it'.•e l _ 71 r-1,1. (L .• •.at ,l.o 1„"7. ,. vt of •, ... [EAT;j':.a 16 (.t.:llitlit.t.Nl 4:t. ',771 rs1124 ji.:'Jt 4 • .f, xtjt P ,. Ytt),, s:e. .... e • . ii.. . .. .> w1 1 f (,' I {) ,;:t•1 1.1 1 i Lt J Filly 1. ,. trier. s t'ri(I t,7'1)(' 1 ti"11 l:nOri llt)'.x TO 1 .., .:.i. t.•tit •,�( t!. it ( n\.v.•.l:t2t)t' '1.! 1r.,t yk ru Ln © . 4 t X17. 1 -1 1 '1 l ,. , . `.3+v. I 7 • ,t •• 1(1. 1 e:'� _ 'T','1 rut 11 ..,eta tt 931.- :+ i (. it• •1: -1,11, 1 k': ':t" w ' '.,. � t� . 1 13 i' • �, l )'e lir l 1 o 0 The good, old Surnn er Time is'witli cls once more. You will enjoy out -door life this summer if you have one of our RE13 D AND RATTAN CHAIRS, and Reclining Chairs, which are ideal for porch ancL lawn use, the coolest chair macre. Wo have just stock. ed. a full line ofFurniture Novelties, complete line of Organs and Fiances always on hand. • A. full Assortment of Dusters, Fly—nets, Rubber Rugs, Plush Rugs for cool nights, Trunks, Valise, Harness, 1I'r ('' \ '•1 1' 1 , t w sera , :. � .. L , t i / ., I. ra t• 1 t 7•'1 t1.: 10.",f, r''.-1';:i,"i L t;Ttl tt t (It ( (' r•1 r: 1 ).t tlx` t •-,..:a•••:•- .•:'...o old . l i.,1 1. , (.'t.•.• -s-,1-!-:,17,,,,•1,.. t I. i 1)..:, 1)11 "e 11 1lr- .'•1'131t,. t . -.ret_-1+ 1i.f 11 Yr .. °71=-r'.. ...,,.•.,.,...., .".,"4.e«-"'—'S.:-_.,xSt...-..,...•--e:...T»...... • 1• ,( i at t.::. ::;it,:t'•.)-,•'•:•:1 ( • t) `.-t.nt t1. 1 t t ,1 ( til, ++n5 m.c t:, it 1 ) . i it t, t ; , it 1'71 ni i i"ci9 p.`•`in; - { (y. i ( )r 0,:1,i-- (. titin :) ' . ' )i t I' I rt l.' it -;1 �td?h to p lvy;1' . ) }t.l. tl ! )'. ti tt.:]' 1, ' .' t'1 f3:'''P'''."',3•11 ' ,t •,Si tl 7?:' ,p T. , T ttr)7 1.:, tl Y 1 �,: };C:� .,..... i, t'l:,a> .tilt , • 1 t t1 . 1 t,:rh,r 112 w' i.,)w1 . 1u be? I ( :)i 1 :)13,.,,- T e eople's Store :.- :rj: t;1;;3:1):7v• ) *************tit*********************,. �FIN a very short time the feminine 'mind * * , .,jl will be very intent upon what will be *- most fashionable, most serviceable and n'iost suitable for • fall. arab'Minter wear :; 7,79 s ''Ve have made it a special point to pill t'11.tlse carefully and what will suit the ladies of alis • Section. 51;iccial values given 111 all lines or t nn er 'Tatar. o' .'1 Yw , No trouble ehowoods.--44;;,,77 ',.,-.-- ;f : •.,�, ,i?'il1.W �i PRt)DZ: (_". j J?t.X t i W$ YT?:il.) ;s' JR: it^ F et 1� .. p /� i :' © sJl3f.I9 y• ,..,.N: �c1�4 r1. !1 �+A.•• tc c y077.1%7;1. '*'J�',.74:.Jr'.'r•+. e.(� (Y.I ,,J.••1O ♦�A; ,}^ '��I i`J ♦'.)4.J ♦nI .°✓.. (,� '1 1 1• 1.3(1, 11t :ti w:10 11n o Ir 'rill t)J .lett`%11';113., 731533( .e. 111 i1„t ('.ii:",- i'la'. If tho harmer. .,1G (] l't'at'wr t;'1g 13 tt ''.' price for t..tsir V.v.tit•' S i itol will t'onti').' it.1 e!,701fi t,1 il(.I•'4trtlti(Il r;i', \' "2'i711+'n- t:li w,..rir even les,,, thin :'.)!I 131/41-1.`� Ili)>:.,' who are e'1rIyin'; 'Ori 11i(' '•.)1'li t1:; cilia 221 •:f'i1 t w'; 1"1 t,(' r: r.' i•1,`31 d lc t rivals L':t (cleans, :1:' .It '•''i;i elf (.iftred. 3ts..,;:,t:z..i:' where N aai h11'. ii it'nti0n 15 1:t -it'' 7,411 to • rvv;u 71 ill(• right slut I t 111"(I for rttr , i.t instance. tilt) blocky t f 1'1 rich. Rook I lit \\r• etl- li•.)r3't ret'1. _ortiled a5 suitable €,re 11,0 1),1'11.+;;t'. The opera t('rs are roquircri t0 5-,-,11(1 215 2121tt'11 of their tltllt ":s 111:1': 111' required. its a:, .:'r ihose ••1-(1•) are engaged ill o2' 1'lltt,21.1I: tilt' 1, 31(3 l)w' givI l%r irh t2 n(•ttons ill baying the proper tyle for fattening, in killing and p1t)t•l:ani, p:teltin t, shipping, et, . , ,7i1 tl.t• l;l;l(14 of recent 1 ;Ilg lilt' ii`>rllrttl'r ate+ll while .3 ;Lt's c :rres- ,•. t ',e:,1 t ill, is a _, ,...'•.l Millie t li azptr, i'.'fure t].o t3'. •.• t 1T, \Petr, was i4t '1 . f 4t1,(Jrfl t )'l,l' ; i^ >. a .... 11.1171 ,. , r, .L ..illi i sae 1- 1 t't. .f. 11 ..."•.•eet iii 41.0(lll-t 011++ ,' :t'r';iw"i' t: i I:ilait'atl 1_'.:'1. Wit at t t t t' '111!1 any et, craw hop,—, (:1 t t.., „l?.)}1t filo new i t Ir'7r.ge,c(1':71, ,1't' linty as;:il')f. 1i2:% ,11' i:. a 3•.)}Iii. lf'vul-:leaderd dealt lm:.. iii it `d roe limits 111' 1 1,:r•, . ead w .1t':3 t'.1+)Oa 13'1itt L)3( '•:. :or to promote tilt' \1':+l i, 't' 1)i' 1?), 1, lif1. Tat1-'1t'.nence 10 he I 'elded'by ., Y ovt Alar-trt 1)(1'1:1 111 e )11t1tI'y is 11.)t fo 1.0 ascertained 013 "y i)? 21. study/1l 1i , i`:'l ()31 the '+•I1stli.lti:)21. It. is. 1, 3111x11.1 l''ttli( 1 '')1'1 7. log tl 1)(1`,y('r. 1±. tile rrt)vt'r- les•�e>:cs put: '(•l1 wisdom i,1,.1' :i tTi,enee thoseo qualities wv111 show i,e'niselV(5 in 1115 itlte>1.•(?om's0 with is mllltlist('rs ; he will work most; Usefully by working along the line. 1 if least resistance.—Toronto W oche Only birth; (if the' pr',l:er type 1)11x11 . 1'.. gats i22 (Intario. an • .i,t1=. 'i r. it the 1;,1)x2 TIONS, POULTRY F.f9TTEN:i4G STA - d n) t, farms being; TIONS, j t.l' i {3 ' 1' t,c1 l (' out of , What They Are Doing, Where Sit I (co • .;,t;11, l:l people would' tlat.ed, h 1 f r .< t toil 11 :der similar, `— evc`ntcen illustration poultry I ( 1h.:.:: t, iIt i:2IC. tittle ttlttY'tlln., stations are being. <11,e'ri t- i i. •' 3 ..... if -,s .1,: :.3 ere i5 v..Ii ea this year by the Dominion Do- I • 3 :(V 1 -' •- ...,,,,...„..i. mere . ore w( ' pltrtme11t of Ag.rie.•ulture under 11101 ,,,, 1n'. 1I) in the supervision ision of Mr. P. C. Elfo1 tl 1 1'.''t 'i•.i:.+11. 3llel'e at least ' ;, �, it'>, 1r.L 111::i province. 1 t t,. (t ],l1 ,;1 Was Ia,t11 e t1 ('1+t 111 •. t•1 1tlt) ' .,1 Dewey a•• his $1,810 of 11'e 1'..0 money for t'(le e.. ;)ttlrc ()f it+pttll:r+11 ships and oti3i' p:,,,perty il). :uituli18 Bay on May .• 1 , 1..:33. y ars. Chas 3. (ir'dle* , wbosc ]iris - band eotnnlalldccl i.be • Olympia, 9 dmi :al I)owvey's flagship, will re- . ceivo 1.i9, 1 i3 15. The other commanders of the .An.3clr'cau we rshius 'which took part in the battle will receive the following snails : Oant. Bon;jltln11.1 P. Lamberton, 13,7703 :A; Capt, N. M. Dyer, Balti- more, $0,011 83 ; Capt, Frank Wildos, Boston, $5,317 15; Capt. 3. Acting Chief of the Poultry D vi- .ichl. The following is a list of those sttt, , .with the names-s t !le (,)actors in cel Lrge : Ontario : Bowlll:lnvilie, A. W. Foley; I3olmesvilie, T.. P. Foster. Quebec: : Bond -rill°, A. P. Mil- hotlso ; (:1licoutnni,T. O. LaChant e LaTrappe, Rev, Father Edward ; Stanfold, Frank ;Hurley ; L':lslet, Auguste Pafard.. Now Brunswick Andover, George E. Baxter ; Rog- ersville, F. Richard. Nova Scotia: East Amherst, Alex Clegg; Nortel East Margaret, Mariner Smith. Prince Edward Island: Vernon River Bridge. Robert Furness ; Al- berton, H. 3•. Matthews ; Robert Longard, Glenfinnau, David Macdonald ; Montague Bridgo,WIn. Campbell; Mount Stewart, Mon- tague Pigott. A great deal of the operator's time is given to showing farmers how the work of fattening is clone, therefore the salary of the operator and the cost of installing the plant \;its 1st 1,() lti t this year 3:1111 seven vents per 1lotlnd ' will 1,0 paid for these at the stations. An extra. good t:51)() n:i:d)t well Ila worth slight cents, while another type of tilt' same 10'3(11 tvolll i be too dear at iiw'!) cents a 1)Ounil. Each apertitt'1 is considered re. slnnhsible for tete work and success of his owls .'ration. The Depart molt will, however, endeavor to 11rt1vit=e a market for any surplus stock above local reguirem:'nts. Each station he conducted , s much liac tt l :iVtty3 enterprise. possible, til' Department tt'siuting the operator 11.1 natrketintr, ete. 21; it would :t private firm initiating a now business. ss. Tho demand for chickens fatten- ed at the (overnment stations is very brisk this season, and from the offers already received it is expected that the ruling price will 11 to 1.3 cents per pound. Parties fattening chickens according to the methods recommended by the Poultry Division, who may Wish assista,nco in Inariteting can obtain, on application to Mr. Elford, a list of dealers who will be glad to pur- chase their birds. The Ontario Government has for- bidden the killing of quail rental, November, 1905, Deer can not be killedein Bruce Peninsula for three yars, a.� Lo: 9•..'con9 Sept.�ho I Qta. C.T:'i CEPTv:4:n'M.I. n ; -`'S c� •fcyI .1 ;xtr rr5/;�J t-g��q) j`��tWi I, � q� 6 :t1 Y VI 1 , :7,tt'j'a:,�• DAIK Ct ij h, G2:.�7.W G. L9Y Y ,A ll11pr0\'emputs al! along the 11n'3. Exhibits lu.3 nrik: 1+.1. :�.Tr.1.GAcr:l ; 'EM'. 3-!,' YET.—Kitainura's C3iebra`•e ;Tap Tronpe eL 10 \ 1':! , F1' ` g DrsavaadS, and the sat c.-yiElliattS, Acrci;a:L's, and c`i er sItecialtics t hab money can procx.:al, hive Evenings of Fn'ewa 17rkk1, xmciading each evening with a re ,liatic represencatioo't.ie 3T011.1BARDVE r OF PORT ARTHyR „ A policed, t)tltillb; 110110 5;3)13111 IM155. Spoc ial eX:otlt:sio115 'Iver all line;; of travel. For all information, prize lists, etc., address LT. -COL, W,, GAI1TSiIORE, President. -..V1' '71 ":-I l' 1'9a . (4 J. A,1ifELLES, Secretary. a). o Y a r•d '2 1t1 � F I b ' `�ili,�.,.p� /ti.L,rr+'` r /�;i..'.lui�rlki•1'UIY� of .4 u•r, w Y ) l 'ti Y .f. t • 1f✓ �1' v ) � 'p 1 EIE IN T Harvesting is made a pleasure It is just wliat the tag says. Deering Agency ZURICH