HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-09-09, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay. Township. Vo•i, V. No. 7. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, SEP. 9,, 1904. Per Year. LEGAL. CARDS. J. O. OOOKE, (Late with Garrow +& Proudfoot) Barris- er, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensall, Ontario. 7, (f..ST.1.N13UrY, D. A. N. W. GLADMAI . Gladrlaan. & Stanbury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. --AT IIENSALL-- every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. --OFFICES ' Honsall—Over Stoneman's Jewellery Storo Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. WINK ', HAYS & BLAIR BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, &O. Goderielh, -- - - Canada. w. rRorDroWT, l:, r., I It. C. 1I:1114. 0. F. STnlr. BUSINESS, CARDS. 1 R.J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases of domesticated Animals. Veterivaryr medicines of u11 kinds always on hand. Day and night calls promptly attend- ed to. OFFICE--- In Wm. Bender's Oil Stand, Main St., Zurich, Ont. ANDREW E. L-IESS. ,fire Insurance effected in all leading companies. Accident policies issued. ZURICII - - ONTARIO. DIR. E. A. SELLER', Dentist, graduate off the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. also honor :graduate of Department of Dentistry, . Toronto University. Painless extraetion; ,f teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Monday.. I 6; EBOSSENBERRY, • Licensed Auctioneer for 1:Iur- ien County, respectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. HILIP SIPPLE Lieenaed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. I would request' those having sales to gal] on nte. Tesrns moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed. Your patronage solicit. 0. H O TEL.S . * * * E * er THE 0 t"v El: Eli +i.* . COMMEtiGIIL H TEI is * G * vi ZURICH El,( E$ 63 F,0 tis, C e8 Strictly up-to-date in modern im 6 rovements. Dining rooms is sup- re, Cr plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ o 0 Bar contains choice liquors and j, eigars. 1f '¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ 0, 0 Excellent Sample Rooms 0 Mss Cor Commercial Men. LOCAL N,EWu^ The Western Fair will be. in full swing next week. For a fine til) to date Hat and Cap call at D. S. Faust. Single Farness $10 for $8 at Hartleib's till Sept. 20th. The new shade in ties this fall is Brown. D. Steinbach has them. Mr. Samuel Holtrmann returned to Cllesley on Tuesday Morning. Mr. Ed. Siem is holidaying at his home in New Hamburg. for a few weeks. New Ads,—The Great Northern Railway, C. Greb, D. S. Faust, C. Hartleib. Be who fights and runs away will live to run another day, if he is a Russian. Are you wanting a new suit this fall. See D. Steinbach's.new lines. They will suit you. Messrs. Harold Johnson and Fred. Hill, of Olinton,spent Sunday - and Monday in town. Miss Freda, Iles left on Monday for Seaforth, where she will attend the Collegiate Instituto. Miss Mary Foster, of Fairgrove, Mich., spent Saturday with her cousin, Mrs. F. W. Hess. Mr. Chas. Oreo returned from. Detroit on Tuesday after spending a few days with Uncle Sal.. Be sure and attend the excellent entertainment which will be given here, Fair night, Sept. 22nd. 111r, Thomas J ohnson took a trip to Hamilton and is also taking in Toronto exhibition this week.. it's prudent to have two vices, so that if you swear off one you can do the other twice as hand. Mr. Jolin Voelker and niece, Miss Annie Hess, visited relatives in Tavistock for a few days this week. ]Hiss Diana Rickbeil and friend. Miss Flossie Kibler, visited friends in Exeter for a few days this week. Preeter's new Dress Goods are .in and as usual he has some spec- ially good lines at attractive prices. A combination Smock and Over- alls for 45.2.5 at D. S. Faust. Every workingman ,should have one, Mr. and Mrs. Menne �Schwartzen- :truber, of the Bronson line, visited friends near Tavistock, on Labor Day. Quite a number of our local sports were in Bayfield on Labor Day atltt report having hacl a good time. Messrs. Alf. and E+ d. Peine, of 1.0nclen, were renewing acquain- tances in town last SUndny and Monday. .Anybody can learn !row to steer :. bout or an automobile, but no- t>ody has yet found ont how to ontrol a weltlsll. J, Preeter has a lot of ladies' blouses ancl. shirt -waists in white ancicolorecl, worth from r5cts. to on sale at 25cts. The marriage of John McArthur, hardware merchant, of Hensall, to Mrs.lScott, of the sante place, took place in•Hensall, on Tuesday. 1VMir . Ea. Appel was called to Bat:: Axe, Mich., in connection with a will probate of the late Jacob Ruby, who died there some time ago. Mr. Geo. Trott, the popular photographer, of Hensall,will hove bis portable gallery to town short- ly and will remain'over the fair. fr J. F'. RAU, PROPRIETOR. THE omini011 if®use. This House has recently ohangecl hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province I cttcr Table, in the'oaninicn. R. Johnston &Son PR Or1IT !ro115. MARKETS .Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat (old) x;1.00 to 1.00 Wheat (new) ... , , 05 to 1.00 Oats , .... 30 30 Barley • .. 3i 38 Peas 60 62 Flour ... . , 2 5ff 2 75 Butter 12 13 Eggs... .... 16 17 Chickens ib 4 5 Potatoes . i-. , ..... 50 50 Hog.live (per.ewt).$5.00 $5.50 There is more activity in actual building operations here than in Toronto at the present time. All work is at a ,complete stand -still there owing to the strike. For the guidance of local sports - mon the following items are quoted from the Ontario game laws : Ducks —September lst to December 15th ; geese and swans—September 15th to May 1st in the following year ; grouse and hares—September 14 1). to December 15th ; pheasants and plover—September 15th to Decem- ber lith; prairie fowl—September Lith to Decornber 15th ; quail—No- vember lst to November 30th. ; wild turkeys—October ll tl1 to December 1.55th ; snipe and wvooclenek. Septem- ber 15t11 to Deeei,nber 15th; Sfltlis- rels, black and grey—September 1511 to December- 15. These dates indicate when the game mentioned may be flouted or killed ; both' the, opening and closing dates are in- cluded in each season. No person not resident and domiciled in . On- tario may hunt or kill any :game, animal or bird in Ontario • without having proeurod s non-resident license.. - - Small Combinatiou,Sul'e for sale. Apply at this offioe... Everything at post for cash till the 20th Sept. at Har•.tleib's. Mr. Norman Book is visiting friends, east, fora few weeks, • Miss Joanna .. Eill,ert visited friends in Hensall over Sunray. Rev. and Mrs. Schuelke are en a visit to friends at Tavistock, this week. New sets of Single Harness at Dost at C. Greb's Hardware, for the next ten days. miss Nettie Well attended the millinery openings in Lindon and Toronto last week. , Mr. J. D. Merner has freshened tip the interior of his- store by an applieacion of paint. - Mr. .Horn, of Exeter, recently purchased -a bean.tifnl buggy from Messrs, F. Hess & Sete Miss Nora • Schnell i� quite ill from the effects of poison ivy. She is under the doctor's care. Come one, Dome all to the town hall on fair night, for a good enter- tainment has been provided. Mr. and Mrs. E. Zeller spent a few days recently at the Toronto exhibition and Niagara Falls, Mrs. John Fuss and Mrs. P. Sipple spent uday this week with Mrs. Wni. Klopp, Zurich Load. Bills are ont for a ball and sup- per to be held at the Commercial on the second day of the Fall Fair Mr. and Mrs. Philip Randall, of Listowel spent a few days recently with the former's parents in town. Mr. C. Sebrag improved his pro- perty by putting down it cement cistern. Mr. Harry 'Weber had the job. Mr Edgar Magel returned home on Monday after a week's vacation with relatived and frit+nd, in ilJieh- i;n u. D. Steinbach is siv,wug ,t new stock of Dress Goods, which are the hest yet for quality, style and price. Mr. and Mrs. Carden. of Detroit, spent Friday hast in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hamacher. Mrs. George fanlibell of the Bronson Line, ;^taanley, spent the past three weeks with. her daught- er, at Berlin. Mr. and Mrs. George Scheellig left this 1Fridayl morning for a week's visit to Bright, Woodstock and J3lenheiin Township. Messrs. Andrew Hess, Dan. Koeh- ler and ]Dike Meidinger are taking in the sights at that Toronto exhibi- tion, Buffalo and ,Niagara Falls. Mr. Sam. Fanst retnrnecl last Friday from his trip. He visited nurnerous point:: in Michigan and, is looking none the worse for it. All business places will close on second Fair Day, from 2 to 4 in the afternoon. This will give all bands an opportunity to see the Big Show. The following will take part in the entertainment to be given in the town hall here on Sept. 22nd: Miss Amy Johns, sololist, Exeter ; Miss Mildred Godwin, elocutionist, Exeter, both of these ladies are graduates of Alma College and are well worth bearing and the Honsall hale quartette considered the best this side of London. Don't fail to hear them. Quite a number of subscribers to Trxa HERALD send their copies of the paper to friends far and near. Every time a paper is !nailed it costs ono cent for postage,?and then there is the nuisance of Wrapping and posting. Tho news is stale before the paper is sent away and, taking everything into considera- tion, it IS very unsatisfactory. Now, in order to relieve you of the nuisance we decided to offer Tian HERALD for the remainder of the ;year for only 25e. We will send it to any place on earth for that amount. Send in your address at once. The regular' meeting of the W. C. T. U. wire held at the home of Mrs. C. Fritz, on Monday evening, Sept. i'ith. Miss Litho 'tannic) led no devotional part, Owing to the n -mount of business to transa.ot the educational part was -dispensed. 'evil!. 14Uss Etin'1 Williams was appointed delegate to the County convention to bo held, Goderioll Sept. 20th and 21st. The election of officers was as follows : Pres., MA'S. Hsyrock ; 'Vico Pres., Mrs. Sala Mc rn.er ; Cor, Secy, .13oatrieo Stoinbaeh; Rec. See'y, Lydia Ran- nie; Treaanrer, Mrs, Mngol ; Audi- tor, Mas. E. Zeller. rnOMmrxewrerv=i 2C Dm S. Faust's It PALL TOCK 1 Our Fath Stock is expected to be complete next week with new designs such as Dress Goods, Waisttngs, Ladies Jackets, Ladies Rain Coats, infant Coats and a compete line of Gent's Furnishings. �r4 D. S. FUST, General Merchant, ZURICH, ONTARIO. High Class -go My spring Stock of has arrived and I have a large range of the best foot -wear made in Canada. Do not fail to sez th they will suit you in STM -7.1.1= ..A.1\72= inXC =., Eggs and butter taken in. exchange. OHAS. FRIT,, THE E S H O .;. E FIa A N, e- ,v ZURICH. \OMMNANNAVAWMMAMWEIMPEWMahydi Ne - mile k'n'etts TE ARE OFFERING A FINE LINE of Dinner and Tea Setts, just to . hand, direct from. England,and can save pro- spective buyers honey-. We also carry a full line of dishes of all kinds. ro , m Setts E HAVE A LINE OF BE.D-R00 Setts, which are of the newest designs and colors on the market, at bottom prices. Be sure:and see; these before purchasing elsewhere. Highest prices paid for an kinds of produce. rock - goods J. PREF ER, ZURICH - - ONTARIO. , YEE , We dt Printing. We do neat and quick work. Let us Ino ,r your Wants. `► -UGHt 'r L