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The Herald, 1904-09-02, Page 1
TIDE • The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. V., No. 5, ZURICH, ONTO, FRIDAY, SEP. 2, 1904.. 1. Per Year* LEGAL CARDS. HJ.D.COOKE, (Late with Glnrrow & Proudfoot) Barris- er, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensel', Ontario. y. U. STAN•BUTtY, B. A. F. W. MADMAN. G1adman & Stanbaxry. BARRISTERS, SOLICITOR'S, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village :and Fartn Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original GermtuL read and advised upon. --AT HENSALL-- every'Tuesday, Thursday :wad Saturday. --OFFICES--- Hensall—Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. PT1OUDFOOT RATS & BLAIR BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC. LIC. &C. Goderich, - - - Canada. W. PROUDFOOT, K. C ! R. C. HAYS. G. F. EcTiLTR. BUSINESS 'CARDS. R. J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats LOCAL NEWS The Township Council will meet next Monday. A 1 For choice timothy seed, call at Feed Store, Zurich. Lawyer J. G. Stanbury, of Exe- ter, was in town, Wednesday. Miss Vercy Witwer spent last week with friends in Dashwood. Miss H:elma Koehler left for De- troit last Saturday to visit friends. Mr. Peter Lamont shipped two carloads of cattle to Toronto last Saturday. Mrs. (Dr.) Steinbach returned to her home in Richville, Mich., on Wednesday. Messrs. Edgar Magel and Robert Williams visited friends in Detroit thetflast week. Try International Heave Cure for + that heaving horse. .For sale at Feed Store, Zurich. Mr. Charles Hartleib and wife, visited relatives in Sebringvi<lle for a drew days this week. ,Mrs. Frank Crassweller, sof Du - bath, called on her friend, Ikea (Dr) 'Buchanan, on Wednesday. Miss Aggie Kaercher left for 'Detroit last Saturday w ere she will visit relatives fora Chine. all diseases of domesticated Mr. Sam. Holtzman, of 'Chesley, Animals. Vetesnmary medicines of add! its visiting his parents., Mr. and kinds always oea !hand. f "Mrs. G. Holtzman, for & dew weeks. Day and night,cdlls promptly attend -i ed to. OFFICE— In Win. Bender'sf Old Stand, Ma ..n :St., Zurich, Ont. ANDREW F. HESS. Fire Insuramee•effected in all leadia g companies. Accident policies issaeed.1 ZURICH - ONTARIO.. DEI. F.A.SELLEIZY Dentist, gra,.da:atle of the Royal Coisege of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also !tenor graduate of Department of Denting, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Piste *work a speciality. At Dominion louse, Zurich, evveay Mae -day. 1=26 • BOSSEN'BERRY, Licensed -Auctioneer for I$a ir- on County, respectfully solicits the poLrt- ronage of those wiho intend having saxes. Satisfaetion g•"taaranteed. PHILIP SIPPLE Licensed Auctioneer for d1he County of .il[nron. I would request those having •sstles to call on rile. Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed. Your patronage solicit -d. HOTELS. ✓ m * v £THE © ra es 0 Cy O 0 ift! 0i E 0 0 0a z.URicH *® 0 a •*1 , O --- .a! iki * Strictly up-to-date in modern im 41, , d, provements. Dining rooms is sup- * .0 plied with only tthe very best. If 11 e; Bar contains choice liquors andcA1 * cigars. ¶ 'Q If if 1r 0I saExcellent Sample Rooms 19 for Cor al Men. E3 &3' : J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. 2 *o•S+c>aQ,*44 rdeee02ceaeoe 5«135c3061er: COMMUNAL HOTEL THZ Momfnlon Douse. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. Yo Vetter N,°able in the Dominion. R. R. Johnston & Son, PEOPRIETORS, MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat (old) $1.00 to 1.00 Wheat (new) , 95 to 1.00 Oats .... 30 30 Barley , ... 37 38 Peas 50 52 Flour .........2 50 2 75 Butter 12 13 Eggs. . 10 Chickens lb .. 4 5 Potatoes . :'. , . 50 50 Hogs lino (per owt),$5,00 $5,50 Mr. Chester Steinbach. 'returned to Waterloo on Mont a,y, after a few weeks holidays at his home here. Mr. Kitty, bursar of the Mimico. Industrial School, and Miss Case, of Toronto, were guesths df Dr. and Mrs. Campbell last week. Miss Laura Kraus, who has been visiting here for .ro''ne weeks, re- turned to her home in. Howard City, Mich., last Saatiaetciny. Mrs. Jacob Webber, :and Miss Elisa Weber, of Rochester, N. Y., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Loais Weber en Sazaaelaylast. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. !Rau, of the Commercial, visited inelatives and friends in Courtrightt .and other southerly points for .a few days this weer. Mr. Dalt. Wisrner, of the Babylon line, left on Wednaay for Pres- ton, where he has seemed a good situation as polisher en -Clare Bros. stove works. No services will be held in the Luthertan church next Sunday ow- ing to the pastor, Rev. Mir. Schuelke taking part in a missionary ser- vice in Sebastobol. Mr. T. Pfeffer, action 9 .lntant at the Sovereign Bank here, deft for his home in Milverton en Tuesday on his holidays. Mr, Horn, .of Exeter, is taking his work at present. Owing to the large amount of work on hand, Mr. John Deicheit, Jr., the tailor, has been :compelled to secure the services .orf a coat - maker in the person of P.ra:. Walter .Lindefeldt, of Berlin. Mr. Fred Hess has torn down the 5lorch in front of his carnage shop, eased for lowering vehicles, as it was considered unsafe. He intends erecting an elevator which will answer the purpose as well. The regular meeting ;off, the W. C. T. U. will be held at the Home of Mns. C. Fritz, on Monday evening, Sept. 5th, at 8 o'clock. All the members are requested to attend as special business of importance is to be transacted. The Western Real Estate Ex- change should not be put in the class of "fake" companies of the past. Their deals are honorable and fair, and the chances for sel- ling your property are 100 to 1 in their favor. See E. Zeller, general agent, Zurich, for full particulars. An order has been issued by the Grand Trunk to the effect that on and after September 15th a charge of two cents per hundred pounds per week or portion thereof, will be made against all freightremain- ing in G. T. R. sheds after two hours, except bonded freight which. will be allowed six days minimum Charge for 'any ono consignment five oents. A bad accident happened near Kippen last Saturday, when a pian named McGregor, in some way got his leg in the cylinder of a thresh- ing machine, with the result that it was so badly cut that it had to to be amputated below the knee. It seems that he was in the act of stepping across the cylinder while the machine was in motion and in some way slipped, Highest cash prise for eggs at Schrag's, Zurich. Mr. John Deichort was in Exeter, Thursday, on business. Mrs. Cann, of ]Exeter, visited friends here last Sunday. Miss Susie Johiit on is visiting friends in Clinton this week. Mr. Louis Prang is visiting relatives in Michigan this week. 'Mrs. Abel Waiper,' of Berlin, is visiting at Mr. J. Deiohert's, at present. Mr. August Elines, visited rela- tives in Port Huron ot Sunday and Monday last. Miss Clara Koehler left Wednes- day for Goderich. 'tn attend the Model school. Mr. John Zarn, of Elmwood, was the guest of Mr. J...Preeter for a few days this week. Messrs. Hess ss Deichert shipped four carloads of lumber fr`&m Kip - pen station last week. Dr. and Mors. Campbell left yes- terday for 'Toronto, to visit the exhibition for a few days. Miss Ethel Williams spent last week in Exeter, the guest of her friend, Miss Mabel Hardy. irtr. William L. Keys, of Stanley, has leased Mr. Nathan Peck' s 250 - acre farm for a term of five years. Found..A roller curtain, be- longing to a top buggy. Owner can have same by calling at this office. Messrs. Norman and Nelson Holtzman. visited friends and re- latives Mildmay and other points the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brenner and niece., .and Mrs. Ezra Brenner, of Grand Bend, visited friends in town on Tuesday. Mr.. Ab. Shetler left yesterday for a short visit to his brother in Buffalo. He will view the sights of the Toronto exhibition on his way home. I want a local agent in -every towin nand village in the county to repeeoent the Western Real Estate Exchange. E. Zeller, general agent, Zurich. Me. Menno Oesch, Jr.., of the Bronson line, Hay, who has been seriously ill for some time., is able to be out and called on friends in Zuraeh on Tuesday. Mr. George Zimmerman and mother, and Mr. George Schmidt, of Tavistock, and Mr. and Mrs. Maridk, of Chicago, were the guests of Mrs. Gertrude Hess on Monday . Don't forget the W. C. T. U. entertainment in the town hall here on the evening of Sept. 22nd. A good program, consisting mainly of outside talent will be provided.. rarticulars later. A movement is on foot to have the business inen of the town lock up th,e:stores and shops, say from two to four or half -past four o'clock on fair day afternoon, so as to give everybody a chance to see the big show. Mr. Charles Greb has sold his hardware stock to Mr. A. Charles- worth, of Egmondville, who gets possession about September 20th. Mr. Greg has conducted the busi- ness very successfully for a num- ber of years, and, we understand, intends taking a much needed rest. Mr, -John Decher, of the Babylon, delivered a 2 -year-old heavy filly to Mr. John Torrance, Clinton, on Tuesday, for which he received the snug sum of $150. At the same time Mr. Decher delivered a 2 -year- old heavy gelding for Mr. Dan, Haug to Mr. Torrance, for which Mr. Hang received $131. Mr. Milton Buchanan arrived home last Saturday evening for a short visit to his parents, Dr, and Mrs. Buchanan. Mr. Buchanan has spent the past two years in France and Spain studying the languages of those countries. He leaves in a few weeks for Chicago, where he has accepted a professorship in the University in that city. A most disastrous fire oecured in Bayfield last Thursday night when the saw mill and a large quantity of lumber, owned by Mr. William Mustard, was destroyed. A high wind at time fanned the flames and nothing could be saved. A barn near the mill, owned by Mr. Mustard was also destroyed. His loss will be very heavy as no in- surance was carried at the time of the fire. He had intended to move the mill nearer to the lake front in the near future to make it more convenient for shipping lumber by boat. FAUST �- I5 STILL TO THE FRONT with all newest designs such as UNDERSKIRTS—white and black with lovely Frills; Prices $1.25, $1.40, $1.50' $2.25 each. READY-MADE WAISTS—in Linen, White and Black Lustres at $2.00 and $2.25 WHITE MUSLIN WAISTS—Regular$2.00, now for $L50. FANCY WAISTING—Of the very latest from 50 cts. to 75 cts. per yard. Call and., see these Waistings. LADIES' VESTS—From 8 cts, upwards. A special on. LADIES' HOSE -15 cts. a pair or two far 25 cts. FANCY LACES—Of all different patterns and prices. READY-MADE WHITE APRONS—Small sizes 25 cts., long sizes 50 cts, A new range of WAIST SETTS for 25 cts. a sett. Cream Basket Wove DRESS GOODS for 60 ets. a yard. Black Frill DRESS GOODS for 40 cts. a yard. I1EN'S CELLULOID COLLARS 20 ets. each. MEN'S TIES the very latest for 25 cts. and 50 cts. LINEN COLLARS the newest kind for 15 cts, all other collars in Linen 15-cts each,., MEN'S HATS—In Fedora and stiff at different prices. We invite everyone to call and look at these goods. Also ...... invite you to see our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT' ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. D. 5a FAUST. High Class POOTWEAR. My •spring Stock of .tee 1V SHOE'S has arrived and I have a large range of the 'best foot -wear made in Canada. Do not fail to see them they will suit you in Eggs and butter taken in exchange. CHAS. FRIT Z THE SHOEMAN, v ZURICH'. rwamiwataiwimmaiiv New Dinner Setts E ARE OFFERING A rr�,r, r..... FINE LINE of Dinner and Tea Setts, just to hand, direct from England,and can save pro- spective buyers money. We also carry a full line of dishes of all kinds. Bedroom Setts WE HAVE A LINE OF BED -R00 Setts, which are of the newest designs and colors on the market, at bottom prices. Be sure• and see these before purchasing elsewhere. Highest prices paid for all kinds of produce. rock - goods J. PREETER, ZURICH - - - ONTARIO. YES We do '''rioting. We do neat and quick work, Let us know your wants. ameassieviessomnee