HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-08-26, Page 8New Butcher Shop. I wish to inform the Public that I have purchased the Butcher- ing business of John Schafer and will continue the business At The Old Stand. 1 -will carry in stock all kinds of. Meats and will give my Custo- mers the Best Value obtainable. Terms Cash. Harry Yungblut, Zurich 6 - Ontario J. 11. WISMER Horse Shaer and GENRE BLACK -SMITH Verity Plow Rapairs ways on hand. The Zurich Herald. (Locals continued from page 1') &horuses of the children a llwerenvery interesting. A g ws 'rhe race track at the fair grounds taken up, have been .gat into first-class shape Mr. B. Bertrand, of Detroit, is and the farmerswho have any' visiting his mother, Mrs. Bertrand, thing fast in thhe horse line may Mr. C. Kahn and daughters spent make free use of it. the past few weeks at the Bend. Prof.thet ain g forecasts and to for Miss Kate Zwicker•, of London, is ginning days of Augur the be- visiting her brother, Mr, Chas. of September says : A g secondary storm period, beginning Zwicker. of Detroit, is to the last two days in August, will Mrs. O. Hodgins,, last inthe lst and 2nd days of visiting her husbands parents, Mr. moved and Mrs. J, Hodgins. September, central to Baste havingMrs. Wni. Snyder rand - into central to eastern parts by the der and g 1st and 2nd. Higher barometer, children, of Kincardine, are spend - westerly galea and change to much ing a few weeks visiting friends in cooler -will follow behind these dis- the village. b l tui .noes. • Bayfield on Tuesday evening and HENSALL The football team journeyed to played the return game with the Special to THEHkaa.an. a cite boys of that town. Orar boys were Rev. MeL Smith is making q badly handicapped, as four or five an improvement nronn„' he e manse of the beat players were unable to by trees take part. The game was played and fixing up the lawn. with only nine area on a side, and Mr. Sam. Latta, of London, was the score, 3 to 1, in favor of Bay- at his homeear t h selhurhe t for s of field, shows that our boys were few days, g at a disadvantage, although they his mother. put up a strong defence. Mr. John Buchanan, of the A report is in circulation in Strat- Guelph Agricultural staff, spent ford that the projected electric road last week with his parents her has from Stratford to St. Joseph has Mr, James Bonthron, sho been bought up by the 0, P. R., been in Detroit for some time, has and will be run to Grand Bend in- returned and taken his old position stead of St. Joseph. Canadian in McDonell's Hardware. Pacific Railway surveyors have al- Mr. Arnold McArthur, of the ready been working in the Grand Sovereign Bank staff, Thedford, is Bend neighborhood. The Canadian holidaying at his home hero. Pacific is contemplating a steam The other day as Mr. here. Palmer road from Hawkesville to Stratford wasTdelivering bread,as he took his and the electric road will give the ttle son, Earl, with him. The company another branch through lilittle lad remained i the . whileTh present LakeHuron.'SGfavoritead Bend isa- his father went into the house, mer resort,otalthough hdifficult sum- when the horse started off. The mer urthough disficult ridee cries of the boy for help and the acc from a fourteen -mile to be stage efforts of the people to stop the from Parkhill has to reckoned horse made it go all the faster and with• when past the post office, the bread HILLSGREEN, box to -which the seat was attached __ was thrown out carrying the boy Special to Tian HtRALD. with it. The horse was captured Miss M. Kilty, of Delhi, visited up the street. The boy sustained at the home of Mr. Thos. Farquhar. nothing good more oan a few scratches Mr. Latimer and family have .Miss Lily Yungblut visited friends in Auburn. last week. RIGHT GOODS at RIGHT' PRICES Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silver and Glassware. Curtain and Carpet Stretchers, Carpet Sweepers.. l.er'i. -.Liam. anal. :" oilrv�"oc�c. 'ai a.tz, Oils and Portland Cement. GENUINE PLYMOUTH_ Gold Medal, Green Sheat and Special Binder Twine ,? Mi work promptly attended to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- Uv and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. Kalbfleisch'S MILLS. planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Bed. Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al - band. ways Oil ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE. ' Agent for the London Fence Machines. Photos enlarged and framed all complete for $1.25. Chas. Greb, Zurich - - Ontario. ,SPIZINQ . IESARGAINS. moved into the village. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14t Con., Lot 25. Miss L. rorrest, of London, is visiting in this vicinity at present. Miss Annie Consett of Hillsgreen was a passenger on board the train en_route for the St, Louis fair which was held up on the other side of Chicago by a gang of four train robbers, Miss Consett and a companion were in a Pullman berth and when one of the gang stuck his head behind the curtain and demanded their money they informed him that they had none. He apparently accepted their state- ment as he passed on to the h enext eext berth. Some of the p g who resisted were struck on the head with revolvers. S. C. lialbfleisch Zurich P. 0. CERTAINLY. You need a nice pair of CUFF LINKS OR BUTTONS fifty cents and up buys the "genuine" article. I now show ra fine line of DASI-IWOOD Borg.—At Hensall, on Aug. 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cook, a son. During a recent severe storm a hundred candle power transformer, on a pole in front of J. McArthur's, was burnt out. causing a loss to Mr. Welsh of ik85.00. On Friday evening last the an- nual meeting of the Lord's Day Alliance was held in the lecture room of the Presbyterian church, President, Rev. Mr. Doherty in the chair. The speaker of the evening was Rev. Mr. Cranston, of Colling- wood. The meeting was not as largely attended at usual on ac- count of the rain and celebration in the opera house, The officers were re-elected. We have large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS We have Special to Trus HERALD. During a severe thunderstorm one day last week, Mr, Wm. Pfaff, of the town line, had a steer struck by lightning, and killed. Master Percy Paulin spent bis holidays with Wingham and Brus- sel friends. Mr. Louis Mosser, of the Com- mercial, wears a, broad smile these days. It's a daughter. Mr. Dave Lippert recently pur- chased a new Red Bird bicycle, cushion frame and fitted Mor- row coaster brake fromMr. E. P. Paulin. Watches, Clocks and Jewellry. Also Musical Instruments Fine repairing my hobby, lot Yue have your "PUZZLERS. 7 Prices right. F. . W■ HESS THE JEWELER. On the west side of his oatmeal mill, Mr. Urquhart has had a cement foundation and walls eight feet high, wade for a large store- room and on Tuesday afternoon he had a raising and about fifty men worked with a will and soon bad things in their proper place. in a Mr. Hopper has just put large stock of Wainpole's perfumes and Forrolid Cream, this is the best tooth paste on the market. A sample is given away to each pur- chaser of a tooth brush. -On Thursday evening of this week the Lncan football team will play the return match here. Miss Dulmadgo and Miss Marjorie Hopper have returned from a six week's trip to Lake Ontario ports. that we will sell to your advantage. this season, the !?UR',SI143 A. shoe worth living in. We solicit your patron- age because we know we cau satisify you and give you value for your money...... P. BENDER & Co. Zurich. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. Bin!iwine *— Public -Public confidence is the surest foundation of success An enjoyable dancing party was held at the home of Mr. P. McIsaac last Friday evening. ACCIDENTS.— Mr. Hy. Guenther met with rather a serious accident the other day in his livery barn. While he was lifting a horse's leg to find out the cause of lameness the animal fell and Mr. Guenther had the misfortune to cut a deep gash in the muscles of his forearm. A. number of stitches were required to sew up the wound and he will be laid up for some time,—While wasthert e team of Mr. Henry standing in the barnyard the other daythedown the lane, over k frigthen dashedd gat and onto the road, after a short run they got into the ditoh where one horse fell, and in that position were caught. No damage was done. CREDIrON Special to THE HERALD. We make a specialty of Repairing. Your BuGG'v needs a new Top, new Cushion or perhaps re -paint- ing. We guarantee you a neat and per. ,, ....fectjob..... .... We have a number of Toronto Fair begins next Mon- day. Summer is about over. NEW BUGGIES On Friday evening last was cele- brated the silver wedding of two r. and Mrs. Chesney. About hundred guests from near and far were invited. Miller's opera house WKS secured and music and supper provided and it was nearly day- break before they returned to their homes, having enjoyed themselves immensely. A' number of their village friends clubbed together and presented then with a hand- some silver tea service and salver. The presents were numerous and costly, The rain as was ntot s able o keep them away tion. a number On morning, mornin of young men went to Manitoba on the harvest excursion. Mr.. Thos. Ritchie, who has been employed with Mr. Alonzo Hodgins as blacksmith for some time, has left town. The heavy rain last Friday night and Saturday slid considerable dam- age in our brtr.g. The cellars of some of the business places were nearly full of water which spoilt a lot of goods. The rain was a heavy one.. The Children's Day services held IN ANY BMJ I ESS. Our reputation on selling has been established years ago and we have held the reign ever since. We pledge you full value if you buy from us. When to toe the mark in pe icess s. competitor ableoffer you nothing but A 1 GOODS; guaranteed or your money back. Gilt Edge 650 feet to 1b 13 3-4' cts. Blue Ribbon 650 feet to lb.... ..... ,..13 3-4 cts. Gold Leaf.... ...... 600 feet to lb ............ .12 3-4 cts. Silver Leaf 550 feet to ib 113-4 cts. Maple Leaf 500 feet to lb 10 3-4 cts. (Spot cash.) 25cts extra till Oct lst. MACHINE 'OIL, HARVEST MITTS AND TOOLS OF ALL KINDS, left, also two handsome Mikados. last The Susv.rrau dingwere ar:gvilc pity nand ""�-' neighboring towns were well repre- Call and see thein. sented. In the afternoon and even- ._ .- ing addresses were delivered by tiro various ministers -p esent. The F. Hess on. Zurich Ontario, address of Rev. E. Kelhotez war very impressive .and was attentive- ly listened to. The songs and Ilk/, C, T, U, Desired. Give me an eye to see The That I mSbrought,rm wluch rum bas may help that slave to Who by its wiles was caught. Give me an ear to bear The sad and piteous moan Of those whose woos and griefs severe Have from their habits grown. Give me a heart to feel My neighbors' sleep distress TlWl to heal o at moureir n throughhain lrunkenness. Give me a hand to aid The tempted and the weal., To dash the cup from bus who strayed, Yet -nobler life would seek. --The `,penperaice Cause. G. LIARTLEIB, THE PEOPLE'S HARDWARE AND HARNESS HOUSE. MkI: summer Sae.. For the next Thirty days We will offer at special prices the balance of our Summer Goods. There will be Tots of hot weather yet. So you will be able to make use of these goods. Call and get prices. ZURICH, 9 ONTARIO.