HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-08-26, Page 5The Zurich Herald. By=Law No. A By -Lay to provide for drainage work in the Village of Zurich, Townshipof Ha 'County of�Iiuron, and for proviing the sum of three hundred and fifty-six dollars and ten cents, the amount required for completing the same. Provisionally adopted the first day of August, 1904. Finally passed the ' day of A. D. 1904. Whereas the majority in number of the resident and non-resident owners, (exclus- ive of farmer's sons, not actual owners,) as shown by the last revised Assessment roll .of the property set forth to be benefitted by the said drainage work, have petitioned the Council of the said Township of Hay, praying for drainage of certain lands in- cluded in Vauthier's Survey, Village of Zurich, park lots Si 21, S. W. part 21, and village lots 1 to 9 inclusive, Knell's survey; village lots 9 to 16 inclusive, also village lots 65 to 70 inclusive, and mill re- serve block in the same survey. Brown's survey, lots 1 to 4 inclusive, and mill re- serve in the same survey all in the village .of Zurich. And, whereas thereupon the said council Sias procured an examination to be made by F. W. Farncomb, being a person com- petent for such purpose, of the said area proposed to be drained and the means suggested for the drainage thereof, and other lands and roads liable to assessment -under the "Municipal Drainage Act,' 'and Las also procured plans, specifications and •esti mates of the drainage work to be made, by the said F. W. Farncomb,ancl an assess- ment to be made by him of the lands and roads to be benefitted by such drainage work, and other lands and roads liable for contribution thereto, stating as nearly as lie can the proportion of benefit, outlet liability and injuring liability, which in his opinion will be derived or incurred in -consequence of such drainage work by every road and lot or portion of lot, the said assessment so made being the assess- ment hereinafter by this By -Law enacted to be assessed and levied upon the roads :and lots or parts of lots hereinafter in that behalf specially set 'forth and described :and the report of the said F• W. Farncomb .in respect thereof and of the said drainage works being as follows: - London, Ont., July 26th, 1904. To the Reeve and Council, Township of Hay, xentlemen, In accordance with your instructions gi have made and give herewith the neces sary surveys, levels, estimates, specifica- tions and assessments, with plan and pro- file in order to ascertain and show the N E+ SEj W. N SE N W 14 s W 14 F, x 15 W 5 F 1 16 Wa 1(i 36 60 67 .4 \ 21 EV 21 13 4, 31 I3 1) E is i tj H 1904 extent of the repairs and improvements required to present drain along the north side of Main Street in the Village of Zurich (being part of the Road Allowance between lots 20 and 21 in the 12th and 13th Con- cessions of the Township of Hay) persuant to the petitions signed by F. Hess and others. • I recommend the work hereafter spoor- fied and further seG forth in the plan and profile and which has been measured and marked upon the ground and assessed therefore the lands and roads according to schedule of assessment herewith, under their respective headings for various pur- poses mentioned in the Statute as shown in my schedule of assessment and accord- ing to the circumstances applicable to each parcel of land assessed. DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK. The proposed work will consist of a new the drain on the north side of Main St. replacing present box drain which has become decayed and stopped up, from a point distant one chain and seventy links easterly from the easterly limit of Fred- erick Street and the covering of present open ditch, a total distance of 13 chains and the deepening and widening of the remainder of the open ditch to the Munici- pal Drain known as the Zurich Drain South, all as shown on the accompanying plan and profile. The tile to be best quality thoroughly seasoned concrete (or field) bile to be ap- proved properly laid and bedded and cover- ed to depths and grades shown and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer or Com- missioner in charge of the work. Junc- tions or Y's properly plugged to be placed at intervals where required and as direct- ed by the Engineer or Commissioner throughout. All crossings, culverts, walks, etc., or otherwise (as well as the road bed) necessarily removed or affected in the per- formance of the work to bo replaced or repaired to former position and usefulness by the contractor. The whole of the work to be done in the best possible manner and to the satisfaction of the Engineer in charge of the work. ' The portion of open ditch to be made two feet wide in bottom sides siopened one to one and the earth placed at least three feet clear of edges on either side as may be directed. I estimate the cost of the work as fol- lows. -Concrete cement tile to lengths and dimensions shown, $171.60: Excavating, laying and covering and repairs to open ditch, $125.40; Survey and report, $30.00; Preparing and publishing by-law, Clerk's fees, letting superintending. etc., and other expenses incidental to the work, $29.10; Total, $356.10. SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENT. LOT. SrleVEY. ACRES. BENEFIT. OrTLET. TOTAL. Vauthiers E. of Goshen line (see plan) 1-5 $ 22.00 5 • a a ., n a „ 1-5 8.00 I, ,I I, I, I, I, 1-10 3.75 II a „ If It „ 1-10 3.50 a n n If a a 1-5 6.50 a a a a „ a a 5.75 „ ,t I, „ n If ,I 5.00 It It I, It I, ,, „ ' 4.25 „ „ a a „ I, „ 3.50 a a „ „ If II I, 2.75 I, II II ,I „ ,I a 2.00 W. of ES -ashen line II 2,75 1 3 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 13 13 33 34 34 a „ a a ,, 3.50 O a a a a 4.23 ,, a a If It 5.00 „ „ „ „ 1•20 1.60 a a a ,T n 1.00 a a a a 1-10 3.20 a a a a 1.30 1.80 a I, a I, I, 1.80 It a „ It a 1.80 I, ,I a a „ 1.80 I, ,I a n 1-10 4.00 „ ,, a II 4,30 a a a a a 12.00 a a If a a a 12.00 a S. of Main St. 1-5 12.00 II W. of Frederick St. I, tt tr /, „ „ Brown's S. of Main St Vauthier's N. of Main St 14 tc tt t, tt tt 00 C. if 41 N. of Main St. see plats W. of Victoria St. see plan tt t, tt tt tt CC „ 11 tt 44 it tt tt it CC tt CZ 14 1. E. of Frederick St. 11 1t it tt t, ttr tt (4 /t tt tt 3-2 1-9 1-2 2-5 ' 30.00 1-10 1.5 1.8 1-5 1-5 7-10 1.5 2.00 2.50 10.00 19.00 8.00 5.00 4.00 6.00 6.50 3.50 4.50 2.50 14.50 4.50 5.00 $ 22.00 8.00 3.75 3.50 6.50 5.75 5.00 4.25 3.50 2.75 2.00 2.75 3.50 4.25 5.00 1.60 1.00 3.20 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 4.00 4.50 12.00 12.00 12.00 2.00 2.50 10.00 12.00 8.00 5.00 34.00 6.00 6.50 3.50 4.50 2.50 14.50 4.50 5.00 Total on Roads $88.00 $173.10 „;261,10 ASSESSMENT OF ROADS. Main St. (side road 20.21) 03.00 Goshen line 15,00 10.00 Frederick St. 5.00 Total on .Roads ' 80.00 15.00 93.00 Total on Lands and Roads 5168.00 $188.10 x;356.10 The work when fully completed to be inaintained at the joint expense of the lands ;and roads affected in the same relative proportion as herein assessed. All of which is respectfully submitted, I have the honor to be, G entlemen, Your obedient servant, (Signed) F. W. FARNCOMB. And, whereas the said Council aro of SOHEtt L1>: OF ASSESSMENT. the opinion that, the drainage of the area described is desirable. Bone- Out- Sp'c'l Therefore the said municipal Council of Lot Survey. Acres. fit. let rate. the said Township of Hay, pursuant to the 1 Vauthier 1-5 ,~".22.00 522.00 provisions of the Municipal Drainage 2 " 1-5 8.00 8,00 Act" enacts as follows:-- 4 3 't 1.10 3.75 3.75 lst. That said. report, plans, specifi- nl, 3 tt x-10 3.50 3.50 'cations, assessments and estimates are 4 't 1-5 6.50 6.50 hereby adopted, and the drainage work as 5 1-5 5.75 5.75 therein indicated and set forth shall bo 0 " 1-5 5.00 5.00 made and constructed in accordance there- 7 tt 1-5 4.25 4.25 with. at 2nd. For paying the suns of 588.00, 9 t° 1-5 2.75 2.75 the amount charged against the said lands 10 " 1 2.00 2.00 for benefit, and the suni of 5173.10, the 9 Knell 1.5 2.75 2.75 amount charged against the said lands for 10 1° 1.5 3.50 3.50 outlet liability, apart from roads belonging 11 " 1.5 4.25 4.25 to or controlled by the Municipality, the 12 ti 1.5 5.00 5.00 following special rates, over'Wancl above all ne113 't 1-20 1.60 1.60 other rates, 911811 bo assessed, levied and se} 13 " 1-20 1.60 1.60 collected in the same manner and at the wi 13 1. 1-10 3.20 3.20 same time as other rates are levied and nei14 't 1.20 1.80 1.80 oolleeted upon and from the underinen- sef 14 't 1-20 1.80 1.80 tioned lots and parts of lots and roads and nwi14 't 1.20 1.80 1.80 and the amount of the total special rates sw}14 " 1.20 1.80 1.80 against each lot or part of lot respectively el 15 .t 1-10 4.00 4.00 shall be assessed, levied and collected as w•i 15 " 1.10 4.50 4.50 aforesaid in any one year after the final o..• 16 t' 1.10 12.00 12,00 passing of this By -Law. wi 16 " 1-10 12.00 12,00 36 " 1.5 6(1 of 175 67 441.5 1 Brown1.5 w 21 Vauthier 1.2 pt 21,.t 1.2 ei 21 it 1-2 • 5.00 A Nof Mst 2-530,00,4;00 B .W of V st 1-.10 6.00 D tt at ,t it 1,566.50 .D it IC 44 {t 1.8 3.50 or i. IF It CC 1.54 4;50 t. CI '' i, 1.5 2.50 'C E of F st 7.10 14,50 4-4 Id '' tt 1-5 4.50 H I. (4 ,t IC 3.5 5.00 Total on Roads. 88.00 173.10 261.10 ASSESSNEt{T or ROADS. M St. (side road 20, 21) 65.00 Goshen line 15.00 10.00 Frederick St 5.00 Total on roads 80.00 15.00 95.00 Total l'ds and roads $168,00 188.10 355,10 3rd. For paying the sum of $95.00, the' amount assessed against the roads of the municipality, shall, over and above all other rates, be levied and collected in the swine manner and at the same time as other rates are levied and collected upon and from the whole ratable property in the said Township of Hay, in any one year, after the final passiug of this By -Law. 4th. This By -Law shall be published in the Zurich HERALD in accordance with Sec. 21 of the "Municipal Drainage Act.' Finally passed this day of A. D. 1904. 12 C0 2,00 2.50 10.00 12.00 8.00 12.00 2.00 2,50 10.00 12.00 8.00 5.00 34.00 6.00 6.50 3.50 4.50 2.50 14.50 4.50 5,00 NOTICE. NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN that a Court of Revision will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, the 5th day of Sept- ember, 1904, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of hearing and trying complaints and appeals against the above assessment or any part thereof and the ratable proportionate assessment for future maintainance of said drain and in the manner provided by the Assessment and Municipal Act and amendments there- to, and all notices of appeal shall be served upon the Clerk of Hay, at least 10 days prior to such Court of Revision. AND FIIRT1i*tt NOTICE is hereby given that any person intending to apply to have the above By -Law or any part thereof quashed must not later than 10 days after the final passing thereof serve a notice in writing upon the Reeve or other head officer. and upon the Clerk of said Town- ship of Hay, of his intention to make ap- plication for that purpose to the High Court of Justice at Toronto during the six weeks next ensuing the final passing of the said By -Law. Dated this 1st day of August, 3904. FRED. HESS, Sr., Clerk of Hay Farm for Sale. 210 acres on the Sauble line, Hay Tp., about 30 acres of good bush, good dwell- ing and large bank barn. Plenty of good water. For further particulars apply on the premises, Lot 13, L. R. West, or to Daniel Smith, St. Joseph P. O. Ont. 50tf CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE: --We have a large number of First Class Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will be sold at reasonable prices. For particu- lars apply to 48-tf MAGEL & BENDER, Zurich. Ho ! Everybody. --� FI4RMERS =-- E T have in a fine line of FLOUR of the noted Star Brands, such as Star Family Flour, THREE STAR AND FIVE STAR PATENTS, made of :-- Pure Manitoba Wheat vatchless Feed, Shorts ar :c -'10511111"---- Rock --- Rock and Dairy Salt, Stock and Poultry Foods, Dream Equivalent, Oil Cake and Linseed Meal always on hand. Your Patronage Solicited. C. SC1HRAG, Zurich. Farming Lands in Huron County are always in demand. At present I have, among others, the following to offer : 100 Acres choice land near Blake; convenient to church, school and post -office; good buildings, A very desirable home. Price $5,100. 100 Acres good land near Zurich; wood enough to last a life-titne; this is a bargain at the price:.. $4,000. 50 Acres about a mile from Zurich. A suitable place for a small farmer and worth the money $2.40®. 25 Acres near saw and flax mills where buyer could get work in slack time, Frame house and barn; small orchard. Small payment down and balance n easy terms. Price 5950. CONVEXA.NCER &C ZURICH, - - - ONTARIO Local Agent Western Real Estate Exchange GENERAL NEWS. - A severe storm swept over South- western Manitoba last Thursday. Five stores at Lytleton were struck by lightning and destroyed. Ed. Kilgour, who cut his throat with a zazor at his home in Water- loo on Wednesday morning last, died. on Thursday morning - at the Berlin and Waterloo Hospital. R. T. Swages, who was tempora ilp acting as nigkt constable at St. Marys, was found dead on Monday morning in the basement of the town hall. When found he was in a sitting posture, with an electric wire cord attached to a lamp he was attempting to reach, between his fingers. Evidently the shock had killed bins. the hall, and what will make it the more interesting is the fact that daily butter making competitions will be held. While the dairy hall will be new, a niuliber of the other buildings have been improved to meet the wishes of the exhibitors. • In no respect is the management of the fair allowing the expenditure of money to deter them from making ar- I the exhibition of 1904a "hummer." Gustave Middelstadt, a prosper - Why not get tires res set cold? ous farmer living near Egansville, It does away withlr burnt rims and while under the influence of liquor blistered paint. killed Ernest Eggert, ti blacksmith, We Have The HEN tERSON Tire Setter which does the work in a few min- utes time. One trial will convince 1 you. of that place with a pickaxe. Micl- dlestadt has been arrested. Prof. Zavitz of Guelph, who has charge of the reforestry worn. at the Ontario Agricultural College, had an interview yesterday with the Minister of Agriculture respecting, his plans for the future. Prof. Zavitz has just completed a tour of the Province, with a view to finding out. what are the farm for- estry conditions, and the needs and capabilities of the different sections. He found the Lake Simcoe and Georgian Bay districts well adapted for experiments in i'arui forestry. Prof Zavitz will immediately set out on a seed collecting expedition. A heavy crop of white pine seed is )rolnised this year, and he will en- deavor to obtain a large supply. We do good Horse -shoeing and neat repairing �- W..1 S®L,�,.,J owl O OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. 511515117.021121 .ioffm4 Jubilee Laundry .. We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION ' . N. HOFFMAN iIp Tmfri H311RALD to the end of the year for 266 cts, to new subscribers, London Exhibition. •The Western Fah is now less than one month distant, and as the time for the greatest of Canadian exhibitions draws near, it is be- coming more and more discussed. There is not a farmer throughout the west who is not interested in the fair, and of the people in the villages, towns and cities, there are few who do not take a keen interest in the exhibition and wish it a continuation of the success that has met it in the past. The management have much in store for the visitors this year. There is every indication that the number of exhibits will be far in advance of former years, and that while an increase in numbers will be ex- perienced, there will also be an improvement in quality. Reports from all parts of the west regard- ing the crops have been favorable and this means much for the fair. The work on the new 510,000 dairy hall has been going ahead at a rapid rate and the building will be ready in ample time for the opening of the fair. It will be one of the chief sources of interest to visitors, and particularly to the farming community, who, are so closely allied to the dairy interests. There will be nothing lacking in 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE' TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica. tion, strictly contidinitial. iIltndbnok on Patent, sort free. Oldest a eney for securing patents. Patents taken through num et'. Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the • [[jjoti/I AGgA�� ,g1 J. A handsomely illustrated weekly. J.nreest cur. eaiation of any sclontltio journal. Terms. $3 a year; four months, $1. Sold byull newedealers. MONN & Ca 36113roadway, Newyork Branch Unice.,,'r :' 8t.. Washia, ton. D. C. Sold by All Newsdealers PEPPER Furnishes (Wong/11y to all ]overs of Song and Music a vast volume of New, Choice Co pyrlgh t Compositions by the most pop- ular authors. 64 Pages of Piano Music, half Vocal, half Instrumental-st Complete Pieces for Piano -Once a Month for ms Cents. Yearly Subscription, $zt.00. If you will send us the name and address of Viva performers on the Piano or Organ, we will send you a copy of the Magazine Free. W. PEPPER, Eighth J. ocu tSt ., hilhadelnbla, Pa. Voters' Lists, 1904. Municipality of the Township of Hay, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the parsons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 - of the On- tario Voter's List Act, the copies required 'by said sections to be so. transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at Eleetions for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Muni- eipal Elections; and the said list was first posted up at any oHiee, at Zurich, on the Third day of August, A. D., 1904, and re- mains there for inspection. Electors aro called upon to examine the said list, and, if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the' said errors tor- rested according to law. - Datect at Zurich, Ang, 3rd, 1004. 1`. Hiss. Sa., Township Clerk. Subscribe for THE HORAx,D,