HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-08-26, Page 1I1.............—............................--....... R. Johnston & Son, __.. PROPRIETORS. MERAL The Official Organ. of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. V., No. 5. ZURICH ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1904. LEGAL. CARDS. oJ.D.COOKE, (Late wittlt Carrow & Proudfoot) Barris- er, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensall, Ontario. 7. G. s'rANT.Uit$, E. U,. F. W. GLALMAN. Gladinan & Stanbury. BARRISTERS, 'SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at Iowest rates of interest. Documents in original German read.and advised upon. —AT UENSALL-- every Tuesday, -Thursday and Saturday. --OFFICES-- Hensail—Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. Pi OTIU ', HAYS & BLAIIR BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, &O. aderich, - - - Canada. W.'1ROUDFOOT, K. C I R. C. HAYS. G. F. "STAIR. SUSYNE'SS CARDS. 11R. J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all .diseases of domesticated; Animals. Veterinary medicines of .a,?1• 4kinds always on hand. • Day and night calls promptly atteand- ed to. OFFICE— In Wm. Bender's Old -Stand, Main' St., Zurich, Ont. ANDREW F. IiESS. e, Fire Insurance effected in all leadim,&r ,companies. Aacidont policies issued. `;3 :ZURICH - - ONTARIO.1 It R. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College, .orf Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor. graduate of Department of Dentistry,1 Torouto'University. Painless extraction; ,df'teeth. Plate work a speciality. it Dominion House, Zurich, everr' Monday. 1_4;1 1 LOCAL NEWS The Bayfield fall fair will be held on Sept. 29th and 30th. Good cow for sale. Apply at once to E. Zeiler, Zurich. Mrs. ,Richardson, of Exeter, is visiting friends here at present. Get ,your Floor Oil at C. Greb's hardware. One dollar per gallon. Miss Maggie•Pibbs, of Wnnghau , is 'the guest of the Misses Rannie at present. M. Ed Box, of Seaforth, called on rfre:ends in town on sWednesday. Mr, W. H. Sanders, of Denver, Col., renewed old acgiaintances here last week. Miss Addie Johnston has return- ed home after a pleasanrt visit with friends in Clinton. Miss Maggie Scheenhaker, of Pterkhili, visited friends here for a few clays this week. Mrs. W. Finkbeiner .after a plea - sent visit with friends ylere, return- ed to her home in Milterton. Mr. J. Preeter and family, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. gown, Crediton, on' k nday last. The Misses Schoemaker. of Ber- lin, who have been visiting the :Misses Rannie, returaied to their home on Tuesday: Mr. Joe Rau brought It sturgeon ;to town on Tuesday which weighed 105 pounds. It was a big one. Mr, Rau shipped it to Berlin. Mrs. Henry Deidhert, and son, of New Haven, Mich., is visiting her husband's parents, Mr. and rIrs. J. Deichert, at present. Mrs. M. Bean, of Toronto Juno - ion. and Miss Castle Bean, of Toronto, were visiting at Mr. and Mrs. George Schoellig's, on the Goshen line last week. Mr. Peter Lamont has purchased . handsome driver rfrom Mr. Jos. with, of the Bronson, for a good onsideration. The :animal is dapple rey in color and cavies itself very tylishly. Mr. Andrew i%Zittelholtz started is gang of apple pa.;^.kers, Messrs. a cob Schwartzentruber, Arthur W ober and Morris Hamacher, on onday. He expects to ship a car - ad today. The typhoid fever epidemic at ondon, Ont., is estimated to in. ude over 110 cases. A number of eaths have taken plaice. Ten new aces developed last:Satnrciav ong people who hard attended' t avelers' picnic at Port Stanl E BOSSENT�BERBY7 ! •p Licensed Auctioneer for flur-i on County, respectkully solicits the pati monage of those who'intend having sales_. Satisfaction guaranteed. FJ !LIP SIE PLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. I would request. those having sales•to call on me. Te+•me moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed, it 'Your patronage solicit. -d. II sr HOTELS. :a :A ,e g :5 ih 2 :lo el �cl 40.*'6.'FS000.0..'.v0*.s.J*******6:r::t::cSf4 e .Av .'3 F.+ THEE: G3 Cot a 0 Ci •COMMERCI �L .HOTEL £? .0 I1 . z .0 ZUFiic.d . i 63 @3 p *.a Fatnietl1y,u,p-to-date in modern im peooements. Dining rooms is sup- e ,plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ ei Bar contains choice lry0uors and S cigar -s.•¶ IT IT r Excebkent Sample Rooms go for Commercial Men. der -- J. P. RAU,,, PROPRIETOR. g THE Nonni n.i®n House. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most .=r^: rey and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. o letter r ','able izi t1nz pominion. MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat (old) ...... $1.00 to 1.00 Wheat (new) 95 to 1.00 ..•. 80 30 37 38 60 62 2 50 2 75 12 13. 15 16 ,. 4 5 Oats Barley Peas Flour Butter Eggs... Chickens . lb Potatoes,. 50 50 Hogs live (per c`vt),•$5,00 $5,50 cy three weeks a - he ago. Mr. Joseph Smith, of the Bron- eondine, has disposed ,of his farm to Mr. Mousseau, from near Grand • Bend. The farm consists of 80 acres grid was sold for $2050.010. Consider- uag:the buildings on the ;Earns, the prince:is very low. Mr..Smith and family will likely go to the West. A 'mixture that wii1 remove grease from the finest fabrics with- out irtj.uring them may be made from ene quart of ram garter, two ounees•of ammonia, one teaspoon. ful orf -saltpetre and one ,ounce of shavingsoap cut up fins. Put a pad of absorbent cotton or >t lotting paper minder the spot in the gannet when rubbing it. Among those who left for the West from this section on the Har- vest excursion on Tuesday aesere Messrs. Albert Schwalm, Albert Zettel, Oscar Koehler, Sol Se]aroed- er, Dan Oswald, Albert Smith, Toe Foster ; and Mrs. S. Bossenbearry and son, Eddie. Fifteen tickets were sold at Hensall station, and between Hensall and Olandeboy,e stations 116 excursionists left for the west to help to harvest the crops.;; A BAD SMA.st .--On Monday morn- ing of last week, as Chester Stein- bach, of Zurich, was driving into t3eaforth with a, horse and buggy, belonging to Mr. G. M. Baldwin, he met with quite a serious mishap. Just at Mr. Stewart's, on the top of the hill, south of Egmondvi.11e, on the Kippen road, he met an automobile, driven by Mr. F. Mit- chell, of London. Tho horse be - carne frightened at this, and jump- ed into the ditch, upsetting the rig and throwing out the dr.i'ver. Here it got free of the rig and ran as far as Sproat's brick yard before it was stopped. Tho buggy, a new one, was badly smashed, and the horse was badly cut by corning in contact with a wire fence, and it will be some time before it will be fit for the road again. Fortunately, the 3roung man was not injured further than a slight shaking up. --- Expositor, Mr. Ed. Brokenshire of Dashwood was•in town en Tuesday, Miss Motz, of Crediton, is guest of Mrs. J. Preeter this w Miss Dora Eilber visited Erie in Crediton for a few days week. Miss Beatrice Steinbach is v ing friends in. London for a weeks. Miss Mina Doan visited at home of Mr. J. Duran, near B1 this week. Mr. C. Eilber and family sp Sunday with relati�*e s and frie in Crediton. Mr. Chas. Fritz and family the guests of Crediton friends Sunday last. Mr. 0. Braithwaite, of Lond was the guest of Miss Mina D over Sunday. Miss Flossie Kibler, of Brampt is visiting relatives and frie here at present. Mr, G. Strobl -conducted the vices in the Evangelical church 1 Sunday evening. the eek. nds this isit- few the ttke, ent nds 'ere on on, oan on, nds ser- ast ily rey is D, or - he er ts. ob to the who er ie ed re he It t. at w r, Mr. Albert Zettel and fam have moven into the second sto of the old unship. Miss Morningstar,' of Detroit, the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Merner, at present. Mr. Conrad Fuss, had the raid tune to loge a valuable steer t other .day by inflaination. THE HIIaJS•LD, the best local pap to the end of the year for 25 een Tell your friends about it. Messrs. F. Hess, Sr. and Jac Deichert stook a business trip Welland County this week, Mr. Edward Caldwell of Zurich road was among those left for the West on Tuesday. The Misses Rannie, and a numb of friends, held an enjoyable pion at the Grand Bend last Saturday. The Flax Company have start operations in the flax mill and a now engaged threshing out t seed. Take a look at ';your label. should read 1904, and if it does no now is the time to arrange so th it will read thus. Mrs. Jenson and Miss Mabel Je son, of Detroit, are spending a fe weeks with the former's siste Mrs. Henry Greb. Rev. Mr.. Yaeger attended the Children's clay services in Crediton. Sunday, and delivered a number of interesting. addresses. Mr. William Braun, of Kincard- ine, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Braun, of the Goshen, for a few days this week. An exciting runaway took place on the brick yards the other day One of the art horses "Shade a dash for the stable and wasn't stopped until he got there. The Western Real Estate Ex- change, of London, sold and ex- changed nearly $100,000 worth of property, mostly farms, in the first two weeks of August. A woman by the name of Mrs. Holland committed suicide in Eg- mondville the ,other day. Her body was found on Sunday last. She was about 40 years old and a widow. It is said the Hay Township Fair will be short some forty or fifty dollars, Government grant as a result of some of the directors not sending in their lists to the secre- tary Within the required time. Mr. Chris. Beehler came very near losing a valuable horse the other day, by the animal breaking through the floor of a 30 -foot deep well. It was rescued from its un- comfortable position after a great deal of hard. labor. Mr. William Calfas has exchang- ed his old engine for a new 18- horse power Bell traction engine. He can now test the culverts and bridges in the township. Ivlr. Calfas has a very complete and modern threshing outfit, and one that is equal to any of them. The estimates of the Ontario crops on Aug. lst, compiled by the Ontario Departnhen t of Agriculture, show a falling off in the total yield of wheat of 7,899,975 bushels, com- pared with last year. There is a decrease of over 500,000 bushels in oats, and a decrease of 870,814 bushels in rye, The yield of barley shows an increase 7157,818 bushels. There is an immense increase in hay and clover, the total yield being estimated at 5,259,189 tons, as compared with 336,562 tons in 1903, Locals continued on page 8, $1. Per Year. FAUST X----* 15 STILI, TO THE FRONT with all newest design.s such as UND$3.E25RSeach.KIRTS—white and black with lovely Frills; Prices $1.25, $1.40, $L60 READY-MADE WAISTS -in Linen, White and Black Lustre at $2.00 and $2.25. WHITE MUSLIN WAISTS—Regular $2.00, now for $1.50. FANCY WAISTING—Of the very latest from 50 cts. to 75 cts. per yard. Call and see these Waistings. LADIES' VESTS—From 8 cts. npwards. A special on LADIES' HOSE -15 eta. a pair or two for 25 cts. FANCY LACES—Of all different patterns and prices. READY-MADE WHITE APRONS—Small sizes 25 cts., long sizes 50 cis. A new range of WAIST SETTS for 25 cts. a sett. Cream Basket Wove DRESS GOODS for 60 cts. a yard. Black Frill DRESS GOODS for 40 ets. a yard. 19EN'S CELLULOID COLLARS 20 its. each. MEN'S TIES the very Iatest for 25 cts. and 50 cts. LINEN COLLARS the newest kind for 15 cts, all other collars in Linen 15 cts each. MEN'S HATS --In Fedora and stiff at different prices. We invite everyone to call and look at these goods, Also invite you to see our .. , , MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EKCHA\TGE. D. 5. FAUST. ST. High Class i X T '1EAR. My spring Stock of has arrived and 1 have a large range of the best foot -wear made in Canada. • Do not fail to see them they will -1�suit you ill ..�..a.v I i251:ZiC. .. Eggs and butter taken in exchange. CHA • FRITZ THE SHOEMAN, '. .. ZURICH. New Dinner Setts E ARE OFFERING A FINE LINE of Dinner and Tea Setts, just to hand, direct from EDgland,and can save pro- spective buyers money. We also carry a full line of dishes of all kinds. edroom Setts WE HAVE A LINE OF BED-ROO Setts, which are of the newest designs and colors on the market, at rock - bottom prices. Be sure and see these goods before purchasing elsewhere. Highest prices paid for all kinds of produce. J. PREETER, ZURICH - - -- - ONTARIO. 1WMWWWMM v UIMMA 1wMMMR YES! We do `'rinti g We do neat and quick work. Let us know your wants. T fl Z U !GUI tiERAL/D.