HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-08-19, Page 1` 1 wet � Of IsK Eck taIr tat eau' etc r.a IPAK ritiC as OIC r. a itur ave fat sit Zeso gataare TIDE ISE The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. V., No. 4. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY,, AUGUST 19, 1904. $1. Per Year. LEGAL CARDS. 11. J. D. COOKE, (Late with Cxarrow & Proudfoot) Barris- er, Solicitor, Notary Public. 'Hensall, Ontario. a. G. STAN/IMY, B. A. F. W. GLAD110.14. . GrlaaLmaii & Stanbury, BARRSTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Coaeaeyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original German Bread and advised upon. —AT HENSALL— every'Tuesday, Thursday and Satuay. --OFFICES— Hensalf—Over Stoneman's Jewellery `Store Exeter Offices --Over O'Neil's Bank. PR4IUDF00T, RAYS & BLAIR BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, &C. Gederich, - - - Can asda. Wi. PROUDFOOT, K. C I It. C. ZEAWS. G. P. BTAIR. (BUSINESS CARDS. . J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases of dereaesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines of all kinds always on hand. Day and night calls promptly attend. ed to. OFFICE— In Wm. tBender's (Old Stand, Main St., Zurrii,dh, Ont. ANDREW F. HESS. Fire Insurance effected in:811 leading companies. Accident po 'ivies issued. ZURICH - - ONTARIO. DR. F. A. SELLEgV, Dentist, graduate of the Revel College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, 'also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Tomato University. Painless ,extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciagiity. I4 a&ominlon Henna, ZurIeh, every Monday. x• 1-26 EBOSSENBERRY, • Licensed Auetioneex for Hur- on 'County, respectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. l`radiiefaetion guaranteed. pI-l<.ILIP SIPPLE Licensed Auctionsrarifor the County of Huron. I would request those having sales to eall on ane. Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed. Your patronage solicited. HOTELS. .$aft?x.4.1' : 3*"..i• Q'J• so.'.$s*�s+'J;i:��*.f3*,1, * * THE i r1 ICS Set +0 tit g CCNI.MERCI kL HOTEL *., 6,i e * * ZURICH g Ot * ,� .*. `A' * Strictly up-to-date in modern ie .s provelnents. Diningrooms is sup- rv1 * plied with.only the very best. ¶ 1 .0 0 Bar eoutt ins choice liquors and ''U cigars. If ¶ ¶ ¶ I 0 * Excelle it Sample Rooms 0 13 for Commercial Men. w"'; 0 0 J. P. RAU,, PROPRIETOR a THE House. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. R. � � iJohnston 5`3 �r blc in the poniinion, & Son, PROPRfl TORS, MARKETS .Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat Oats Barley Peas Flour Butter Eggs Chickens , ib . , , ... 4 5 Ducks 6 6 Potatoes . ..... , .... 30 50 Hogs live (per ewt).$4.35 $5,35 88 to 90 30 32 40 45 60 62 2 25 2 50 12 13 13 14 LOCAL NEWS Dr. Cawthorne, of Hensall, visit- ed friends in town last Sunday. Muslins worth from. 10c to 15c a ya.rcl, to clear out at 5 cents a yard at Preeter's. Mr. Harry Weber, tailor, was in London on Monday, consulting an eye specialist. I1r. and Mrs. .i J. P. Rau, of the Commercial, spent Sunday with Hensall friends: The Excelsior Orchestra .furnish- ed the music ter a dance at Grand Bend, on Tuesday night. Mrs. Fred.. Witwer is under the doctor's cave the past week. We wish her a speedy recovery. 1M4r. C. Hairtleib has had a cement sidewalkbmxiet in front of his house, 'which adds ;greatly to its appear- ance. Mr. Henry Randall is working in Bayfield :art present, where he has the contract of painting a number of houses. F. Hess •& Son have two hand- some mikados in their show rooms at present, they are nicely finished and stylish in appearance. Miss: ,ose and Mr. Harry Wet- laufer, .and Mr. John Brown, of Blyth, acre guests at the home of Mr. J. F. Rickbeil this week. Som genuine bargains in mus- lins. Preeter is offering muskets worth from 20c to 25c a yard for 10 cents a yard, while they last. The store, occupied by Mr. 'C.. Harticib, has had a fresh coat et paint gtpplied to its front and sides, which improves its looks greatly. Leaeve your orders for stove ,coal at Ha tleib's, price, x+6.50 per 'bon until 'Aug, 25th. Prices for Sep- tember, 56.75, at Hensall station. Order -now. Terms cash. On :MondaS night, the bares of John + proat, Tuckersmith, three miles from Seaforth, was struck by listlatning and totally destroyed, together with a quantity of hay. CAien OF THANES. Mr. Daniel Steinbach and family desire to thank the many friends for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and subsequent death of Mrs. ,‘Steinbach. Dr.a. Steinbach, and wife, .of RichFti'lle, Mich., attended the funerdl of the former's mother. The Dr. returned to his home .grin on Fri ey, but his wife will visit friends here for a few weeks. AnotiL er operation was performed on the ":little son of Mr. Andrew Mittel;heltz on Monday, by Dr's. Buchanan and Campbell. Nearly another pint of hatter was taken from the lining of the little laere lungs. The'freeeral services of the late Mrs. Steinbach were held in the Evangeheel church last Sunday, evening. 'The attendance was very large. Insuring the services Mr, G. Strehl, .of Grand Rapids, Mich., sang an appropriate solo. Messrs. 'FGladman & Stanbury, solicitors for John Bartner in his claim for damages against the coun- ty of Huron for the loss of his horse by the breaking of a bridge on the town line between, Hay and Steph- en, have secusiecl a settlement, Mr. Bartner receiving $275. School re -opened on Monday with the full staff of teachers present : Mr. R. F. Stelck, principal, Miss Katherine Hart and Miss Pearl Nicholson, assistants. The attend- ance is not so large as usual, but will likely increase when harvest- ing and flax -pulling days are over. Mr. Alex. McBeath has completed his contract of cutting up the tim- ber on the farm of Mr. Wm. La- mont, Stanley, for Messrs. Hess & Deichert. This was a big con- tract, as about two hundred and fifty thousand feet of lumber has been ent, but it did not take Mr. Mc.Beath's men long to saw up the logs, Tem POPULAR Exoursiov. The old reliable popular excursion from Kincardine to Detroit, under the auspices of Wingham L• O. L., will time place on Saturday, Aug, 27th. Passengers will take the early morning train fronh, Kincardine to Hyde Park, where a special will be in waiting to convey them to Sarnia From Sarnia the steamer Tashmoo will take the passengers to Detroit, arriving there about 4 p.m. Return- ing, a special train will leave Sarnia about 10 p. m,, on Monday, August 20th. The usual very low rates will be in force, See bills for particulars and wait for this popular extorsion, New ads.—J D. • Merner, John Preeter, F. Hese & Son. .Miss Roxie Eilbei spent last week in Clinton, visiting friends. Miss Aggie Kaercher is spending a few weeks with, friends in Hen- sall. Mr. John Duma t 'spent a few clays this week an. London and Parkhill, Are you going to the West? Get your trunks, travelling bags, etc. at H. Well's. • Mrs. G. Holtzman. 16 visiting her daughter, Mrs..'. Dennis, at Galt, for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. ,Sim In Mittelholtz, of Stephen, visited relatives in town for .a few days this Week, Mr. and Mrs. Harts, of Detroit, are visiting at the :home of Mr. David Sararas, Saubie line. THE HERALD to the -end of the year for 25 cents—to new siibscrib- e2s. Tell your frieids about it, Mr. and Mrs. H. Yungblut have started housekeeping in the house formerly occupied by Mr. J. Shafer. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Merner re- turned Thurspay evening from a trip to Montreal and other eastern •cities. Messrs. William, Bender and Nich. Foster started to complete their work on the Schwalm Dram this week. Messrs. Joe. Rau,. Hy. Rau and Arthur Sereenan, of the Sauble line, were in London, on Monday, on business. Miss Dora Wentzel` returned to her home in Crediton> on Wednes- clay, after a pleasant visit with friends here. Miss R. Zimmerman and her friend, Mr. G. Strehl, are visiting the former's home on the Goshen line south at present. Mrs. Magel and daughter, Gertie. returned on Monday evening from a few weeks' visit with friends and relatives in Michigan. Dr. E. J. Hagan,of Oakville, while on bushiess'i