HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-08-12, Page 88
The Zurich Herald.
New &teller
I wish to inform the Public
that 1 have purchased the Butcher-
ing business of John Schafer and
will continue the business
Tit The 011e. Stand.
I will carry in stock all kinds
of Meats and will give my Custo-
mers the Best Value obtainable.
Terms Cash._
Harry Yungblut,
Zurich = - Ontario.
j, 11.WISMER
Horse Shoer and
Verity Plow Rapairs al-
ways on hand.
All work promptly attended to.
Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs-
day and Friday evenings of each
week, at six o'clock sharp.
(Locals continued from page 1.)
Messrs. John Eidt and Daviel
Pfaff, of Dashwood, were Zurich
visitors on Tuesday.
Miss A. Siebert and Miss Brown,
of Crediton, spent a few days this
weok with Mrs. J. Preeter,
Mr. W. G. Hess put in the front
in his new bicycle shop this week.
He is now painting the inside.
Mr. Dan. McKenzie, at one time
a noted athlete and now a shoe
traveller, called on friends in town
last week.
Mr. Wm. Calfas has been busy
this week overhauling his engine
preparatory to begin threshing
Mr. J. P. Rau is having his large
scales moved to the side of the
street opposite Mr, Phil. Sipple's
pinup shop.
The nia,sons completed the brick
work on Mr. P. Bender's house on
Tuesday. Mr. Jacob Howald had
the contract.
The regular meeting of the W. C.
T. U. will be held at the home of
Mrs. F. Witwer, on Monday even-
ing, Aug. 15th. All are invited to
The dance given in Johnston's
hall on Tuesday evening by Mr.
and Mrs. H. A. Franzmathes was a
decided success. A large crowd
was present, especially of the fairer
sex, and all enjoyed themselves
The past month or six weeks,
throughout the country and town
was a busy season for the parents
of young hopefuls released from
the narrow confines of a school-
room. What with picking them
out of fishing ponds, repairing frac-
tures caused by high dives from
apple trees, dosing for the cucum-
ber colic,and patching rents caused
by looping the loop on the wood-
shed roof, the merry vacation days
have passu swiftly by, and the
tinkle of the old school bell will be
sweet music in the ears of a long
suffering community.
Planing and Saw Mill
---A,11 kinds of woodwork and sav-
ing ' done to order. Estimates
given for all kinds of buildings.
A hull stock of B. C. Red Cedar
Shingles. All kinds of lumber al-
ways on hand.
Field Gates, Water -
Tanks for Wind -mills
and Water Troughs.
Mills 14th Con„ Lot M.
3. O. Kalbfleisch
Zurich P. O.
You need a nice pair of
fifty cents and up buys the
"genuine" article. I now show
a fine line of
Clocks and
Jewell ry.
Also Musical Instruments
Fine repairing my hobby, let
nae have your "PUZZLERS."
Prices right.
.4 . W. HESS,
The Fess Buggies
are noted for their
Neat and up-to-date in appearance.
Made of the very best material.
As cheap as any similar grade
of buggies.
See therm before you. buy.
We are now prepared to put
on any kind of vehicle, new
and old. First class work
F. Hess iSe on.
Here's a small boy's essay on the
fiy : "The fly is a little animal that
gets in the butter in the good ole
summer time. It has eight legs ; 4
to walk on ; two to shuffle together
an' two to tickle with. Flies is
found all over Amerky, but most.
ly on bald heds. He are the cause
of much cussin' by folks what he
pesters with his tickling legs. The
fli can not be snuck up fer he has
eyes to his back rite behind the
shoulder blades. The fit loves to
get on a baby's nose and shuffle his
feet. It is fun to leave him bee on
the baby of your mother ain't eroun'
to land on you fer it. The fli is
commonly called a fit, but he has
another name. Pop calls him a
harvest fields.
At the regular monthly meeting
of Carmel church W. F. M. S. last
Thursday,'a special feature was an -
address by Mrs. Buchanan, wife
of Rev. David Buchanan, mission-
ary, in Argentine Republic. .The
speaker described the nature of the
work carried on and the difficulties
they had' to content. with. The
large gathering present took a deep
interest in the speakers address.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wren. Miss
Wren, Miss Maud Horton and Mrs.
James Taylor spent the past week
at the Grand Bend.
Miss Laniinie left last week for
Aylmer, Que., where she will spend
some time visiting an aunt.
Mr. rj., Berry has sent two horses
to Brandon Fair, Man. He leaves
tor the same point shortly.
Melvin Stoneman has secured a
position in Toronto and has left for
that city.
Speoial to TAE HERALD.
Mr. and- Mrs. Ed. Kestle and
family, of London, are visiting
friends and relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Bluett are spending
a few days at the Bend.
Miss Thompson, of Toronto, is
the guest of her friend Miss Lucy
Miss Carrie Faist is visiting
friends in Pigeon and Elkton,Mich.
A large number of Indians are
engaged in .pulling flax in this
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lewis, off
South River, are visiting the tat-
ter's parents here for a few weeks.
Croquet is a very popular . game
in our burg this season. Some of
the older residents have become
so enthusiastic over the game that
they can scarcely take time to eat
their meals, .
Mr. August Hill is erecting a
building -in which he will place his
gas machine.
Miss Myrtle Clark is visiting
friends in Dutton.
The masons are pushing the
brick work on Mr. Michael Hirtzel's
new dwelling.
Hardware, Tinware, Granite,
Silver and Glassware.
Curtain and Carpet Stretchers, Carpet Sweepers.
MiollywocciI frits.
Oils and Portland Cement.
7 Gold Medal, Green Sheaf and Special Binder Twine
Agent for the London Fence Machines.
Photos enlarged and framed all complete for $1.25.
ehas. G
Zurich = = = Ontario.
We have large stock of
that we will sell to your advantage. We have
this season, the
VIOL •414
Special to THE HERALD.
The junior Y. P. A. have pur-
chased a handsome clock for the
Sunday school room.
Mr. Chas. Eidt has left for Brant-
ford where he has secured a good
position in a large grist mill.
The painters are working on E.
P. Paulin's new house.
Mr. Ed. Weltin left' the other
day for St. Agatha, where he has
secured a situation in a blacksmith
Mr. Moser has had the glass re-
placed in his hotel, which was
damaged by fire last spring.
Russel Bastard is spending a few
weeks at his home prior to leaving
for the Northwest.
Miss Flossie Snell and Miss Flos-
sie Gilbert spent last week at the
The subject for the Y. P. A. last
Thursday evening was "The
World's Gain Through Universal
Peace." This subject was handled
in amasterly way by Mr. E. P.
Paulin and his discourse made a
deep impression on those present.
Special to THE HERALD.
Mr. Coxworth is making a great
improvement on the Queen's hotel,
which when completed, will be
second to none in the County. A
cement foundation is being built
under it and the whole building
will be veneered with brick.
Mr. James Bonthron, Jr., has
been appointed assistant agent at
this station.
The little son of Mr. John Mod-
son, of Hibbert, fell off an apple
tree on Wednesday last and broke
his arin.
Miss Ethel Murdock, of London,
is spending her holidays at her
home here
Miss Annie Beek, of St, Marys,
has been visiting her home here.
Ike Buchanan has returned to,
town and has 'accepted a position
in Mr. McBrine's harnes shop.
Miss M. Sturgeon, visited friends
and relatives in Pigeon, Michigan.
A shoe worth living in. We solicit your patron-
age because we know we can satisify
you and give you value for
your money......
P. BEJIDER. 8G Co. Zurich.
Eggs taken in exchange for Goods.
-+ Binder Twine +
Public confidence is the surest foundation of success
Our reputation on selling has been established
years ago and we have held the reign ever since.
We pledge you full value if you buy from us.
When thisaad. went to press no competitor was
able to toe the mark in prices.. We offer you
nothing but
guaranteed or your money back.
Gilt Edge 650 feet to lb 13 3-4 cts.
Blue Ribbon 650 feet to lb 13 3-4 cts.
Gold Leaf..... 600 feet to 1b 12 3-4 cts.
Silver ,Leaf 550 feet to lb..... 11 3-4 cts.
Maple Leaf 500 feet to lb .....10 3-4 cts.
(Spot cash.)
25cts extra till Oct 1st.
ZUH . : kSeptember. —.
LondonRIC..'.. s s " 21 9-2217.
Exeter 19-20.
Mr. W. R. Hodgins and wife Sea£orth ......,.... ." 22-23•
spout two weeks with his brother Godorioh 27-28.
in McGillivray and greatly cii.s- Parkhill :. , .. " 27-28.
tinguished himself in the hay and Blyth .11--12.
Mid = summer Sale.
For the next Thirty days we
will offer at special prices
the balance of our Summer
Goods. There will be lots of
hot weather yet. 50 you
will be able to make use of
these goods.. Call and get
D. Steinbach,