The Herald, 1904-07-29, Page 5IZ
a large number of First Class Posts
at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will
be sold at reasonable prices, For particu-
lars apply to
43-tf MAGEL & BENDER, Zurich,
Farm for Sale.
Containing 1
good hardwood b
barn and other ou
Price $40
acres; about 20 acres
sh, frame ho -. bank
ikl' •god, water.
ce to
E. ZELLEit, uz•ieh.
Farms for Sale;
I have a number of farm for sale as
follows: -100 acres, 24- m' s from Zurich,
price $4000; 50 acr , 1 miles from
$2,4001 25 Cres, 3i miles from
Zurich, pri . 41=1ses@, farms are in
good neighborho.tis and are worth the
money. Appl to
E. ZELLER, Zurich.
100 acres, choice land,
Lot 22, N.. B., Hay, 3}
clos: o school, churc
this fa 's nob so
be rented oz
For particnl
50 tf
ing coneposed
es from Zurich,
nd post office. If
first Sept. it will
apply 1 omptly to
E. ZELLER, Zurich.
Farm for Sale.
210 acres on the Sauble line, Hay Tp.,
about 30 acres of good bush, good dwell-
ing and Large bank barn. Plenty of good
water. For further particulars apply on
the premises, Lot 13, L. R. West, or to
Daniel Smith, St. Joseph P. 0. Ont. 50tf
Strayed. •
From Lo. • Con. 9, Hay nship,
about two we . a ' in -o d heifer, A
-dark red Dolor. Gi . end any informa-
tion regarding' ' o
JOHN PFAFF, Zurich, Ont.
wife will give a dancing party in
-Johnson's Hall, on Tuesday night, Aug.
9th. Also a lesson on the Two-step,
Waltz and Three-step will be given. All
invited and invite your friends.
Clubbing rates.
IgrWe have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with THE H':RALD :
Daily Globe . $ 4.25
„ Mail & Empire 4.25
Weekly Globe . . 1.75
„ Mail & Empire 1.75 '
Berliner Journal (German) 2.50
Family Herald & Star 1.75
Daily Free Press 3.25
Weekly Free Press 1.75
Daily Advertiser 2.40
Weekly Advertiser 1.50
Weekly Sun 1.75
Farmer's Advocate 2.25
Sold by All Newsdealers
Furnishes Monthly to all lovers of Song
.and Music a vast volume of New, Choice
Copyright Compositions by the most pop-
ular authors. 64 Pages of Piano Music,
half Vocal, half Instrumental -21 Complete
Pieces for Piano—Once a Month for as
Cents. Yearly Subscription, $2.00. If you
will send us the name and address of Frvu
'performers on the Piano or Organ, we will send
Sou a copy of the Magazine Free.
J. W. PEPPER, Publisher,
3Eighth a LoeustSta.. PhiIadelpahla. Pa.
Anyone sending a sketcn and description may
*quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communtoa-
time strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn 3: Co. receive
special notice, without Charge, in the
Scientific Yimerican,
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest Din
culation of any scientific journal. 'Perms, $3 n
year; four months, $1. Sold Ivan newsdealers.
MOON & Co.36lBroadway, New York
Branch Office. frz: P' St Washington. D. C.
Laundry. .
We use no chemicals
to destroy or injure
your Clothing, and we
Guarantee our Work,
The Zurich Herald.
The contract for the outside
breakwater at Goderich has . been
awarded to Battles & Conlon, of
Thorold, who were the lowest tend-
erers, The work will be an impor-
tant one and when completed will
add greatly to the advantages of
Goderioh harbor.
'On Tuesday of last week Richard
Brock, nn the farm of Fred Heist,
north of Crediton, when. complet-
ing a hay stack 30 feet high, in
some way fell from the top to the
ground, dislocating his hip joint
and was otherwise shaken up. He
was carried to the house, aid sent
for and the joint reduced. It is a
rare and very painful accident.
In the list of pupils who sticceecl-
ed in passing the entrance examin-
ation, the naive of Edna Beatty in
S. S. No. 6, Stanley, was inadver-
tently omitted in the list for publi-
cation. Miss Beatty passed with
550 marks. Also the number of
successful candidates in West Hur-
on is 307 instead of 305.
The other evening while George
Heaman and his employees were
taking a drink at a farm house
south of Crediton on their way
home from their weeks work at
masonry, the horse which had been
left standing at the gate, ran away
with the rig and ran about two
miles before stopped. The men had
to walk the two miles.
Wm. Mitchell, town clerk of
Goderich for twenty years, and sec-
retary of the public school board
for massy years, expired suddenly
while on duty in his office on Mon-
day of last week. He was a native
of Goderich and was 57 years old.
At one time he was a member of
the council and school board, and
some years ago was one of the
town's merchants. His wife pre-
deceased him.
The following is taken from the
voter's list of Stephen Township
for the year 1904. Number of voters
in township, 1270, of which 532 can
serve as jurors, 1008 are entitled to
vote at both municipal elections
and elections to the Legislative As-
sembly ; 161 to vote at municipal
elections only and 101 to vote at
elections for the Legislative Assem-
bly only. The number of divisions
has been changed from eight to
The following are the pupils of
W. Glenn Campbell, who were suc-
cessful in passing the piano exam-
inations held in connnection with
Toronto Conservatory of Music.
Junior Piano—Lillian Coats, Har-
riet McCaughey, Clinton ; Verna
Hiles, Londesboro ; Ida Rathwell,
Varna ; Etta Wanless, Blyth. Pri-
mary Piano—,Annabel Foster, Var-
na ; Ella Jacobs, Blyth ; Maud Jack-
son, Brussels; Ella 'Kopp, Zurich.
This makes for Mr. Campbell twen-
ty-two successful students out of
twenty-four, who tried this year.
A goose belonging to A. E. Erwin
which had reached the venerable
age of thirty years, died recently
in Bayfield. It was bought by the
family twenty-eight years ago,
when it was two years old, and
ever since reared a brood of
goslings. This year it had six, but
it gradually grew weak and col-
lapsed from sheer old age. Twenty
years ago her head was accidently
cut off, the neck being completely
severed with the exception of the
windpipe. Mrs. Erwin applied
splints and bandaged up the neck
which grew together and the goose
lived for a score of years longer.
Work on the residence which Dr.
Metcalfe of Detroit is building in
Bayfield on the old , rectory site
overlooking the lake has been some
what interrupted of late owing to
the difficulty of getting the stone
on the around. It is cut stone and
is being brought up the lakes and
tetimed from Goderich. The house'
will be modern in every respect. A
pond is also being built which the
doctor purposes stocking with rare
fish. He is spending several thous-
and dollars on the property and the
result will be that he will probably
have the finest sunirner resort on
the east shore of lake Huron,
Maurice, the youngest son of
Mr. Richard Quance, Exeter, while
playing at the station,. ascended a
long ladder placed against the
storehouse, and when near the top,
fell, the ladder failing with him.
When picked up it was found that
both bones in the right arm be-
tween the wrist and elbow, were
broken. The little fellow sustained
other severe bruises, on the face
and head. We are pleased to
know that the little fellow is now
progressing favorably.
Eddie, the three-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Eaton, of
Exeter, while playing too near the
stove on Monday; met with a very
painful accident. His mother was
removing clothes from the boiler
and the little lad coming too near,
some of the clothes fell upon him,
and before it could bo averted he
was severely scalded on his right
breast and shoulder. The little lad
seems to have suffered no very
serious results save the severe pain
which followed such a hard burn.
Special to THE HERALD,
Mr. E. P. Paulin's new house is
now in the hands of the carpenters.
Mr. 3, E. Hoffman has returned
from Guelph. He will go into the
house -painting business here. He
has painted Mr. H. Guenther's
livery barn, which has greatly im-
proved its appearance.
Mr, and Mrs. Tait, of Neustadt,
are the guests of Mr. C,Steinhagen.
Mr. Louis Kraft, Sr., continues
in a very low state of •health.
Mr. Fred Preeter's mother fell
out of a cart recently and dislocat-
ed her shoulder.
T. E. Turnbull,of the Sauble line,
is having a metal roof put on his
new barns. Mr. E. P. Paulin has
the contract.
One of Mr. Jonas Hartleib's
horses cut itself badly while out in
the pasture field the other day.
A business change has taken
place in our town during the past
week. Mr. M. Fenn, who has con-
ducted a harness shop here for
about eighteen years, has sold out
to Mr. E. Nadiger. Mr. Fenn has
bought out the harness business of
Mr. Watson, of Parkhill and took
possession on Monday. While we
are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs, Fenn
we wish them success in their new
Subscribe for THE HERALD, it
gives you all the local news. To
now subscribers till the end of the
year for 35 cents.
.moA.11 rim =r
A man to represent "CANADA'S G
NURSERIES" in town of Zurich
round' lg Country, and take ord
In Fruit
Stock true to
Jose Scale A p
right man on e'
ardy Spe
s, Small
d sur -
s for
ruits, Orna-
oses, Vines,
es, Etc.
o ,
er salary
d free from San
osition to the
it We111n • . on
ACRES. Toronto, Ont.
o ! Everybody.
Why not get your tires set cold?
It does away with ,btu nt rims and
blistered paint.
We Have The.'.,...
Tire Setter
which does the work in a few min-
utes time. One trial will convince
We do good horse -shoeing and neat
Harvesting is made a pleasure
It is just what the tag says.
J. F. Rickbeil,
Deering Agency
Farming Lands
in Huron County are always in demand. At present I have,
among others, the following to offer :
100 Acres choice land near Blake; convenient to church, school and post -office;
good buildings. A very desirable home. Price $5,100.,
a00 Acres good land near Zurich; wood enough to last a life -time; this is a
bargain at the price $4,000.
50 Acres about a mile from Zurich. A suitable place for a small farmer and
worth the money $2,40g1,
25 Acres near saw and flax mills where buyer could get work in slack time,
Frame house and barn; small orchard. Small payment down and balance
on easy terms. Price $950*
Local. Agent Western' Real Estate Exchange
a° (eN 'op 11 oz,
1R1 a
There is big
profit in raising
poultry if you go
about it in the
right way. Half -
measures moan
only half -profits. If you
would get the full profit
out of this fruitful department of your
farm you must work under the besb
conditions: You can do this only when
Brooder. We positive] you use a Chatham Incubator and
y guarantee it to bo a good hatcher
and we sell it on the most liberal terms ever offered by
any manufacturer.
We will ship you—freight prepaid by us—a
We know of no offer we could C hatham Incubator
make that would more thor-
oughly prove our confidence
and faith in it. If the Chat- . without one cent of cash from you until Oct., 1904
ham Incubator fs not all we
claim for it you are not out ono cent. Chatham Incu bators are made just as good as money and skill
can make them. We haven't stinted in anything. The hidden parts are as strongly made and as well
finished as the parts you no. They are built to stand the hardest kind of wear and give the very
beat of Service. They embody every real improvement known in the manufacture of Incu-
bators. Gut out the coupon in the corner of this ad.,or write your name and address
"on a ]postal card and mail it to us for full particulars of our offer. Do it to -day.
Mention this M. CAMPBELL FANNING MILL CO., Limited
Manufacturers of Chatham Incubators and Brooders.
DlatributInR warehouses at Montreal, Quo.;
Envuton, M n.; Calgary. Alia.; Vaueouvor.13.0.;
Halifax, N.S. Factories at Chatham, Ont., and
Detroit. finch. Also Mannfactur erg of the
famous Campbell Fanuing nitre. 101
<C M.
w CAhiPBEi,
GHATHAh1, LimONTited]
�1 Please send your desalt).do, tive Catalogue of the Chatbara
0 Incubator,together with all infor-
0 nation about your special offer,
whereby no cash will be paid until
October, I0o4,
P.O.:l adrerr
Address all letters to Cbatham. Ole{,
r -..a
••-..--- FARNIERS ----'
I have just received a
Car Load of Shorts
PRICES RIGHT. Also have the noted
Stas F'a=.31 r Z'llour,
Linseed Meal and Oil Cake a1=
ways on hand.
e. Schrag,
Zurich = = = Ontario.
o' p®�u111
Harvesting is made a pleasure
It is just what the tag says.
J. F. Rickbeil,
Deering Agency
Farming Lands
in Huron County are always in demand. At present I have,
among others, the following to offer :
100 Acres choice land near Blake; convenient to church, school and post -office;
good buildings. A very desirable home. Price $5,100.,
a00 Acres good land near Zurich; wood enough to last a life -time; this is a
bargain at the price $4,000.
50 Acres about a mile from Zurich. A suitable place for a small farmer and
worth the money $2,40g1,
25 Acres near saw and flax mills where buyer could get work in slack time,
Frame house and barn; small orchard. Small payment down and balance
on easy terms. Price $950*
Local. Agent Western' Real Estate Exchange
a° (eN 'op 11 oz,
1R1 a
There is big
profit in raising
poultry if you go
about it in the
right way. Half -
measures moan
only half -profits. If you
would get the full profit
out of this fruitful department of your
farm you must work under the besb
conditions: You can do this only when
Brooder. We positive] you use a Chatham Incubator and
y guarantee it to bo a good hatcher
and we sell it on the most liberal terms ever offered by
any manufacturer.
We will ship you—freight prepaid by us—a
We know of no offer we could C hatham Incubator
make that would more thor-
oughly prove our confidence
and faith in it. If the Chat- . without one cent of cash from you until Oct., 1904
ham Incubator fs not all we
claim for it you are not out ono cent. Chatham Incu bators are made just as good as money and skill
can make them. We haven't stinted in anything. The hidden parts are as strongly made and as well
finished as the parts you no. They are built to stand the hardest kind of wear and give the very
beat of Service. They embody every real improvement known in the manufacture of Incu-
bators. Gut out the coupon in the corner of this ad.,or write your name and address
"on a ]postal card and mail it to us for full particulars of our offer. Do it to -day.
Mention this M. CAMPBELL FANNING MILL CO., Limited
Manufacturers of Chatham Incubators and Brooders.
DlatributInR warehouses at Montreal, Quo.;
Envuton, M n.; Calgary. Alia.; Vaueouvor.13.0.;
Halifax, N.S. Factories at Chatham, Ont., and
Detroit. finch. Also Mannfactur erg of the
famous Campbell Fanuing nitre. 101
<C M.
w CAhiPBEi,
GHATHAh1, LimONTited]
�1 Please send your desalt).do, tive Catalogue of the Chatbara
0 Incubator,together with all infor-
0 nation about your special offer,
whereby no cash will be paid until
October, I0o4,
P.O.:l adrerr
Address all letters to Cbatham. Ole{,
r -..a