HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-06-24, Page 5rhe Zurich Herald. PREDICTS END OP WORLD. miamwwawotimmil Mr. Geo, Trott, of }tensall,, is per- manently located in his gallery again for the winter and will be open for business 'every day Tuesdays excepted. 13.tf GEo• Thom, Photographer. i('tEDAR POSTS FOR SALE: --We have v a large number of First Class Posts .at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will 'be sold ab reasonable prices. For particu- lars apply to 48-tf Mann, & BENDER, Zurich. Farm for Sale. Containing 100 acres; about 20 acres :good hardwood bush, frame house, bank barn and other outbuildings. Good water. Price $4000.00. Apply at once to E. ZELLER, Zurich. Farms for Sale. I have a number of farms for sale as follows: -100 acres, 24 miles from Zurich, price $4000; 50 acres, 1+ miles from Zurich for $3,400; 25 acres, 3i miles from .Zurich, price $950. These farms are in good neighborhoods and are worth the money. Apply to E. ZELLEP, Zurich. Notice. 'HE HENSALL BRASS BAND, COM - posed of about 20 pieces, are now open for engagement. Applications for this purpose should bo addressed to Mr. 'CHAS. LrND.ER, leader, or Mr. A. i11oKAY, Secy., Hensall, Ont. A man to represent "CANADA'S GREATEST NuusERIES" in town of Zurich and sur- rounding Country, and take orders for Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, —Seed Potatoes, Etc.— Stock true to name and free from San ,Jose Scale A permanent position to the right man on either salary or commission. Stone es. Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES, OVER 800 Acmes. Toronto, Ont. Clubbing rates. 'We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with Tan Iitima.Ln : Daily Globe . $ 4.25 Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . 1.75 „ iVIai1 & Empire 1.75 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Free Press 3.25 Weekly Free Press 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.40 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 `Weekly Sun 1.75 ' Farmer's Advocate 2.25 Sold by All Newsdealers Furnishes Monthly to all lovers of Song and Music a vast volume of new, Choice -elan authors. Compositionsht 6Pages ofbPianothe most Music, half Vocal, half Instrumental -21 Complete Pieces for Piano—Once a Month for as Cents. Yearly Subscription, $2.eo. If you will send us the name and address of Fres performers on the Piano or Organ, we will send zou a copy of the Magazine Free. W. lghth i ocustSts.. Philadelphia. P. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communion- a tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn de Co. receive Special notice, without charge, in the Scientific Americans A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest olr. eulatlon of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers, MUNN & Co.BB,Broadway, New York Branch Orrice. t t:'_' St.. Washington. D. C. ovasossmarmininsmusugh Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. H. HOFFMAN HENSALL. Special to Tnm H11:leALD. Mrs. Rev. Smith, who has been visiting•her brother, Dr. Cawthorpe for several days, returned to her home at St. Catharines on Monday. Rev. Mr. Doherty, and wife, went to London on Monday to attend the meeting of the Synod. Mr. George Petty wont on Wednesday. The district, meeting of the I. O. O. F. will be held in Brucefield on Friday, and -will bo attended by Deputy Grand Master Geo. Petty, John McArthur and S. T. hopper. .About 25 members are going up to put on the second degree. On Friday evening the married men gave the Junior football team a practice and defeated them, by 1 to 0. A large crowd saw the game and thoroughly enjoyed it. On Sunday evening the members of the I. O. F. and visiting brethen attended the Methodist church and heard a 'very suitable sermon preached by the pastor, Dr. Medd. Remember that our optician, S. T. Hopper, will bo at the Dominion House on Saturday next, June 25th. Eyesight tested free ; satisfaction guaranteed, On Friday evening we were fav- ored by a visit from a street preach- er. Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell visited her parents for a week while the Dr. was in Goderich. The finale quartette assissted at the Garden party at Chiselhurst on Wednesday evening. The Garden Party in aid of the Kippen Presbyterian church will be held. this Friday evening and the town will be out in force. COUNTY NEWS. Seaforth's rate of assessment for this year is 24% mills. Private Roy Horn, of Exeter, who was attending camp at London, had the misfortune to receive a bayonet thrust in his foot while there. He was in the hospital for a few clays. Mrs, Tracy, of Winghanl, has completed a quilt, known by the name of "The Emblem of the Weep - Ing Willow," which has 2,420 pieces in it, Forty-five of the business men and merchants of Seaforth have agreed to close their respecti-re places of business on 'Wednesday afternoon of each week. during the months of July and August. This -will give the employees a half holi- day on those days. The many friends of Mr. and 1V1rs. Kestle, who recently moved to ondon will be sorry to hear of the nth of their little daughter, who ed of diphtheria. Mrs. Kestle d other members of the family e seriously ill with the same sease. On the request of Robert Holmes, . P., the Postal Department has cided to open a new post office on e 12th Can., Ashfield, to be known Lothian, with Kenneth McKen- as postrn aster. It will be served om Lucknowwith a tri -weekly ail and will be a great conven- nce to other people of that local - . E L le di an ar di DI de th as zie fr m ie ity be ex Ag Mi Di Bi ye ye sh ac th be gla c0 ow sal ag tur ho for Ar he the rec ext J. B by pie Mr. ion wer Kip fine gag she cow by. and thre 'bra Mc to t late d is u doin and Huron's representatives have en successful in passing their anrinations recently held at the ricultural College, Guelph. F. ddleton, Clinton, lst year ; J. R. ckson, Seaforth, IL. R. Sloan, yth, W. Smillie, Bluevale, 2nd ar ; and J. Deachman, Gerrie, 3rd rtr. Dick Horn, who works in the car ops, London, met with a painful eident recently. Re was painting e top of a car when in some way cut his hand severely on some ss. He is at his house in Exeter. 14 fr. J. F. Berry, who at one time nducted the drug business now necl by Mr. S. T. Hopper, Hen - 1, died at Port Arthur two weeks o. On leaving Hensall he re- nal to Lucknow, his former me, where he went into business a time and then went to Port thur. He had been in failing het for some years. William Penhale, of Stephen, had framework of his barn raised ently. Tho raising went off well, ept for a slight accident to W. issett, who had his foot injured having it squeezed between two ces of timber. Fire destroyed Penhale's large and eommod- s barn last fall while the men e engaged threshing his grain. Mrs. Thomas McKay, of near ppen, met with a painful acci- nt the other day, which has Gon- d her to her bed. • She was en - ed in milking the cows, when was attacked by a newly calved. which had been standing near The animal knocked her down trainpled on her, breaking e of her ribs and otherwise ising her. Fortunately Mr. Kay was near at hand and came he rescue and drove the infur- .animal away. Mrs. McKay nder the doctor's care and is g as well as can be expected er the circumstances. Lee Spangler, a merchant' of York, Pa., who for 12 years has been predicting the end of the world in June, 1908, made some sltarting proheoies today. Three months before their occur- rence, Spangler prophesied the Baltimore tire, the death of Mark Hanna and the breaking out of the war in the east. Last April he predicted a cool summer. He hag sold out his large store in York, and will Shortly. go to Now York to preach 'Lis prophe- cies. Spangler said today : "The Lord has directed me tp go to New York to sound a cry of ' warning to the people there. If I can carry right- eousness into New York, then the mission that God has intrusted to me will be accomplished. New York is the model city of the United States: Not a model of virtue, but of sin. If I can convert New York, the conversion of the nation will follow." "Tile war in the east, will be brought to a close before the mid- dle of autumn, when Japan will have conquered Russia. "War will shake this nation. Civil war. It will begin in the households. Divisions in a house- hold of five, two against three, and three against two, and there will be many traitors. "A great calamity in the shape of a fire will visit Philadelphia during the present summer. 'While the property loss, which will reach millions, will not equal that of the Baltimore fire, the loss of life will be extensive. This fire will come at night. "Before the dawn . of the year 1907 a great drought is to prevail in this nation, in Northern Europe, in part of Asia and in islands of the Pacific Ocean. "My prediction of a cool summer is being fulfilled. There will be many hailstorms. and more cool days than hot days. Before the destruction of the world some bles- sings are yet to be visited upon man. • "The thiligs which I prophesy are revelations from God. Ho has admonished me to go to New York, and I must go, even though they' may hoot at me, and gibe at me there, and cast me into prison." Hoo Everybody. Why not get your tires set cold? It does away -with burnt rims and blistered paint. We Have The •_' SF,EDS In Swede Turnip Seeds Wehave ..,. Halls . Westbury, Hartley's Bronze, East Lothian, Elephant or Monarch, also Grey- stoles, at 20 cents per ib. In Seed Corn We have the following varieties :.... . Comptons Early, Angel of Midnight, Abun- dance, Early Butler, Bailey's Favorite and Mammoth Southern Sweet. Call and see before pu.rohasing elsewhere. PRICES RIGHT. INT r) Zurich = Ontario. ERNE o. NAP' •-ice • te Farmers' Favorite the world over. They are equipped with roller and ball bearing,s and containing every modern improvement, these mowers are Light Draught Ideal Machines. Drills, Cultivators, Discs, Magnet Crean -i Separator, Woodstock Windmills. Gasoline Engines, Portable and, Stationary. HENDERSON Tire Setter which does the work in a few min- utes time. One trial will convince you. We do good Horse -shoeing and neat repairing OPPOSITE TOWN HALL Deering Agency Z ICH Just Listen, my Farmer Friends ! If you want a good Plough Shoe, We have thein—just what you want. We have, also, just the shoe for the Ladies in. the garden and don't think we haven't got them for Sundays too Did you ever give the war a thought how it will effect the Price of Te • 40 et. tea for 331 Give us a call w'a, per lb. Greatest the old prices Iast, value ever offered. if you try it you will e delighted with its flavor. Ns. WE ARE ALWAYS WITH S:OTJ IN HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE. BLAKE, G. NIC OL, iPmeIfiq )° unlloy. Lohrn ONTARIO. There isi profit i n raisingbig poultry if you go about it In the right way. Half- moasuz'os moan only half -profits. If out of thigfr! ;. ,,- ..• farm sou mu conditions:a Brooder. We positively guard use and wo sell it on the most liberaln any manufacturer. We will ship you—freight 1 and faith Chatham if We know of no offer we could make that would more thor- oughly prove o ur confidence one cent of cash of ham Incubator is not all we claim for it you aro not ont one cent. Chatham Incubators are mr b can make them. We haven't stinted in anything. The hidden parnti finished as the parts you see. They are built to stand tho harda' P best of service. They embody every real improvement known incl e bators. Out out the coupon in the corner of this ad.t]he on a postal card and mail it to us for full particular paper. M. CAMPBELL.FA`NNING Milmt ter - Mention this DEPT. 810 OHATI and Manufacturers of Chatham Incu' it Distributing Warehouses rills Brandon, Man,: Calgary, Ar NniSfax, N.B. Factories s Who Detroit, bfluh. Also 2. famous Campbell Nannie or g Pill give is Will gi\ these pills Cine or by .ms' lal;odicine 50 cent„ a ' 2.50. See that i9lllirt:;ls' P:nk Pi ..is on the wralrpe f1